Crypt cells are involved in kin recognition in larval ...

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Effects of food odor, non-kin larvae odor and E3 medium stimulation on OSN activation. The total number of pERK+ activated cells (cOSNs, mOSNs, and crypt ...
Crypt cells are involved in kin recognition in larval zebrafish

Daniela Biechl1, Kristin Tietje2, Gabriele Gerlach2, Mario F. Wullimann1* Supplementary Information: Supplementary Figure 1: Effects of food odor, non-kin larvae odor and E3 medium stimulation on OSN activation. The total number of pERK+ activated cells (cOSNs, mOSNs, and crypt cells) was counted per larva (pooled data of figure 1) and statistically analyzed. Box plots show median, upper and lower quartile and whiskers (maximum interquartile range: 1.5). * indicates statistical significance p: **p