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The great thing about Crystal Reports is that they are already out there and ... impressive tools we have been given in the creation of some of these reports.

CRYSTAL REPORTS AND WHAT THEY CAN DO TO HELP YOU The great thing about Crystal Reports is that they are already out there and ready to use. The problem is that most people just don‟t know what kind of information each report provides. Going through each of these reports has been an eye opener as I have come to realize what impressive tools we have been given in the creation of some of these reports. I have listed the folders as they appear in Crystal to give you an idea of where they are located and have copied the short blurb about them, often adding a condensed simplified phrase of what they do, followed by a screen shot which gives you an example of how the information is presented. Some of the information has been covered to protect the privacy of individuals. CRYSTAL REPORTS Public Folders Human Resources All Employees in Department Employee Download List Positions with Missing “Reports To” Student – Campus Access Address Labels – Address lists of various student groups


Address Labels Credit Enrolled in Term – Downloadable list of addresses of all students enrolled in a term that can be sent to mailroom. Can choose zip order (mailroom list) or name order (list sorted by name).

Address Label file - Freshman Major, Minor – Address Label file – Major, Minor – Address Labels – Majors, CRN – Address Labels FYE Degree Seeking – Applied Science and Technology Arts and Humanities Class Rolls


Class Role – Basic – Basic Class roll with e-mail address. Parameters of term code, college, dept, CRN, Instr ID, Instr Last name, Instr First name.

Class Role with Address – Class roll with e-mail and mail address. Parameters of term code, college, dept, CRN, Instr ID, Instr Last name, Instr First name. Class Role with Major – Owner: Registrar Parameter: term code, college, dept, CRN. Class roll with Major and Program. Class Role with Waitlisted Students - Class roll by term and CRN that includes waitlisted students.


Class Schedule Edit List - Owner: Candy Stevens Parms: Term Code, subj code, Dept code, College code. Displays CRN, subj, num, crs title, hrs, max, enrolled, and time, day, location, first part of comment. * Only first part of comment is printed. This is a very valuable Crystal Report for checking courses that are active on the class schedule to make sure the information is accurate.


Course Articulation History – Params: Transfer Institution, WSU Department, WSU Course. Returns Transfer Inst. Course# and Title with WSU equivalent and attributes based on historical data. This report would be useful if you wanted to see what transfer credit would be equivalent to here at Weber.


Course Enroll by Term with time, day, location – Course Enrollment by Term Owner: Mary Ellen Jones crse list for given term showing title, time, enrolled, max, hrs, campus and instructor name. This report is great for checking numbers on enrollment in different classes throughout the hours in a day and by instructor.


Course Enrollment by Subj Code – Owner: Kim Webb. Course list for given term showing title, begin and end time, enrolled, max, hrs, campus and instructor name.


Course Grades – Owne r: Georgene Ady Parms: Term and Subject code or CRN List of grades for students sorted by subj, crse number, CRN.


Course Lab Fees by Section – Owner: Anita Proul Parms: Term, Subj List of all courses in subject for a term, showing lab fees for each CRN section.


Course Pre-requisite Display –


Davis Campus Davis Campus Addresses -

Enrollment and Retention: Enrollment Report by Term Expanded – Ethnic Address Phone – Owner: Multicultural Center Params: term, ethnic code, classif code Data: ethnic code, name, address, phone, major, classif Sorted by ethnic code, name Ethnic Student Directory – Owner: Registrar Params: ethnic,report title Dept Directory for ethnic. FYE General Studies List – Instructor Workload – International Nation Error – International Quick List – International Student Directory – Master of Education Lists – MCJ Low Grades –


Missing Grade Course List II –


Missing Prerequisites for a Student –

Non-traditional Single Females – Overrides by Course – Permit Override on Classification – Prerec With Expired Math –


Prerequisite Course Display by CRN - This report shows the pre-requisites of a course that the student has taken. owner: Kat


Prerequisite Failure after Registration (found in Student-Campus Access folder) This is a brand new Crystal Report that we want everyone to be aware of so they can use this new tool and know the protocol that needs to be followed if used to remove ineligible students from classes.

Problem: Students that are currently taking a prerequisite course can register for the next course during the early part of registration. Because students register before grades are assigned, a student who does not pass the prerequisite course, may no longer be qualified to stay registered in the sequential course.

Solution: Run the crystal report „Prerequisite Failure after Registration‟ after grades have been posted (Thursday after finals). There is a list of each section with the names of those who have not passed the prerequisite courses. Caution: if you overrode any student without the prerequisite, they will also be listed.

Procedure: Each department needs to notify the student that they will be dropped from the course because they do not meet the prerequisites. After notification, please send the list to the registration office at [email protected]. Make it clear that these students will be dropped from the course as a „Department Request‟ which will ensure that they receive a full refund, if they have paid tuition. It is to the Department‟s benefit to do this as early as possible so that other qualified students can register in those spaces.


Screenshot of the report This report shows the section, name of student, W#, phone#, and email. **Name, W#, phone#, and email are the columns that have been concealed for this manual.

Sample email for Dept to notify student of removal: Subject: Failure to meet prereq(s); removal from class Dear Student, We have reviewed {Semester} course prerequisites for {Course}. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow you to remain in the course because you do not meet the prerequisites. For a complete list of course prerequisites, please refer to the WSU Catalog. It can be found at Prerequisites are determined by individual departments to help students be prepared for, and succeed, in class. You will be removed from this class by departmental request. This entitles you to a complete refund of the tuition/fees associated with this class, if any. Please be aware this withdrawal may affect your financial aid, scholarship, international student status, etc. Please contact the appropriate departments to understand the impact this may have on you. If you have any questions, please contact our offices or your advisor. Sincerely, {Academic Department} {Location/email/phone}


Sample email from Dept to [email protected] from email only:

Registration, We would like to request the following students be removed at “Departmental Request” for not meeting prerequisites. They have been notified via {email, phone, letter, F2F}. Semester: Class: CRN: Import student’s names and W#’s. Or attach spreadsheet. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. {Dept Sec/Academic Dept}

Returning to Crystal……….. Prerequisites by CRN – Registration Audit History – Remaining Capacity Heavy Demand Courses – Senior Citz Registered – Senior Student E-mail by Major – Student BioDemo – Students who have taken Phil 2200, by Major – Test Scores and Placement – Transfer with Weber Equivalence – Unofficial Transcript –


Goddard School of Business Logistics High GPA – Owner: Jason Grider Parms: Term code List of Logistics majors with GPA > 3.0, Earned hours > 30 enrolled in a given term. MBA Course Avg Grades – Parms: Begin term, end term, subj and crs number List of all MBA courses with avg grade for terms between 2 input terms, and input Subj and crs numbers. MBA Students Grades - Parms: Begin term List of all MBA, MACC, MHA courses taken for terms starting with input term.

Graduation Reports Health Professions Honors Majors Multi-Cultural Students Non-Traditional Students Social and Behavioral Science STAARS Student Affairs

You are welcome to explore other headings in the Crystal to see if there is some report that would be useful to you. We have included most of the reports that seem like they would be helpful. If you encounter problems with a particular report on Crystal or its parameters, look on the introductory blurb of the report to see who originated it or the history to see who uses the report regularly and give them a call for their help and suggestions.