Jun 1, 1995 - Office of Naval Research. Chemistry Program. 800 N. Quincy St. ... Scientific Officer: Dr. John Pazik. Technical Report No. 23. "Crystal Structure ...
Ueq is defined as one third of the trace of the orthogonalized Utj tensor.
Table 3. Interatomic distances (Ä) in the structure of Ce8Pd24Sb. All distances less than 4.5Ä are shown. Standard deviations are typically 0.001Ä or less. Cel:
3Pdl 6Pd3 3Pd2 1 Sbl 3 Cel 3 Cel
2.975 2.994 3.050 3.684 4.207 4.254
6Pd2 2.633 8 Cel 3.684
4 Pdl 4Pd3 4 Cel 1 Pdl 4Pd3
2.925 2.927 2.975 4.137 4.232
1 Sbl 4Pd3 4 Cel 1 Pd2 4 Pd2 4Pd3
2.633 2.765 3.050 3.195 3.724 4.247
2 Pd2 2Pd3 2 Pdl 4 Cel 2 Pd3 1 Pd3 2 Pdl
2.765 2.791 2.927 2.994 3.192 3.947 4.232
Table 4. Comparison of observed and calculated powder diffraction intensities for Ce8Pd24Sb. hkl
Fig. 1. Crystal structure of Ce8Pd24Sb [19]. Palladium to palladium connections are shown to emphasize distortions in the structure. In order of decreasing size, circles represent: Ce (white), Sb (black) and Pd (gray).
Fig. 2. Distorted (a) and undistorted (b) sub-cells of Ce8Pd24Sb. Atom designations are as indicated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3. Inverse magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature from 3K to 320K for Ce8Pd24Sb. Data from 3K to 50K is shown inset.
Table 2. Anisotropie displacement parameters (in pm2) for Ce8Pd24Sb. ATOM
Ce(l) Pd(l) Pd(2) Pd(3) Sb(l)
82(2) 115(2) 211(5) 104(3) 194(4)
82(2) 82(3) 87(2) 87(2) 194(4)
82(2) 106(2) 87(2) 87(2) 194(4)
2(1) 0 0 0 0
2(1) 0 0 0 0
2(1) 0 0 0 0
*******«*»****************endpage6******************************** Technical Report Distribution List Dr. John C. Pazik (1)" Physical S&T Division - ONR 331 Office of Naval Research
Chemistry Division, Code 385 NAWCVVD - China Lake China Lake. CA 93555-6001
Defense Technical Information Ctr (2) Building 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314
Dr. James S. Murday (1) Chemistry Division, NRL 6100 Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC 20375-5660 Dr. John Fischer
800 N. Quincy St Arlington, VA 22217-5660
Dr. Peter Seligman NCCOSC - NRAD San Diego. CA 92152-5000
Dr. Bernard E. Douda Crane Division NAWC Crane, Indiana 47522-5000
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