Imaging work-up. • Head CT: Negative: No bleed, no fracture. • C-spine CT: ....
Beverlee Turner for her support and PowerPoint expertise. • Larry Barbaras, our ...
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
CT Imaging of Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Gabriel Ledger, Harvard Medical School Year- IV Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
JG vs.Train • 55yo male crushed & pinned between 2 train cars • in the field: SBP 80, unconscious, intubated • in ER: HR 109 BP 131/70 suprapubic ecchymoses, soft abdomen unstable pelvis right LE shortened & internally rotated • Hematocrit 31.0 2
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Imaging work-up • Head CT: Negative: No bleed, no fracture • C-spine CT: Negative: No fracture • CXR: Negative: No pneumothorax, normal mediastinum
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
PELVIC PLAIN FILM • Pelvic film: – bilateral SI joint disruptions – R hip dislocation – pubic symphysis diastasis
Image courtesy of BIDMC Radiology Deparment
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Abdominal Ultrasound • Ultrasound: – small peri-splenic fluid collection in LUQ – No other solid organ lacerations noted
McKenney, KL:Radiology Clinics of NA37(5):888, 1999
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Abdominal CT
Image courtesy of BIDMC Radiology Deparment
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Splenic Laceration
Image courtesy of BIDMC Radiology Deparment
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Pelvic CT
Image courtesy of BIDMC Radiology Deparment
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Fluid Extravasation
Image courtesy of BIDMC Radiology Deparment
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman,
Our patient’s Radiologic Diagnosis • Bowel and mesenteric vessel injury – (Indicated by extravasated contrast in low-mid abdomen)
• Spleen laceration
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Our patient’s OR findings • IMA avulsion • Sigmoid colon ischemia – Serosa damage, hematoma – No perforation
• Large septated spleen 11
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
The patient underwent a Sigmoid Resection and ORIF of R Hip
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Hospital Course • • • •
Extubated & sent to floor on POD #1 Transfused 2 units pRBC on POD #3 Post-op ileus on POD #6 Discharged to rehab on POD #14
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Discussion: Mechanism of injury • Compression – Solid organ impact on spine or body wall • Spleen, liver, pancreas, duodenum
– Hollow organ rupture due to increased pressure • Bowel
• Deceleration – Shearing of vessels • Major arteries, mesenteric vessels
– Bowel damage • Fixation points 14
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Menu of tests • Plain films • Ultrasound – Focused Abdominal Sonogram for Trauma (FAST)
• CT – IV + oral contrast
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Let’s look at some CT scans of different patients S/P trauma
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Liver laceration
Novelline, et al: Radiologic Clinics of NA 37(3):591, 1999
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Gallbladder Avulsion Fluid in empty fossa
Novelline, et al: Radiologic Clinics of NA 37(3):591, 1999
Axial View
Novelline, et al: Radiologic Clinics of NA 37(3):591, 1999
Coronal reconstruction 18
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Pneumoretroperitoneum due to Duodenum rupture
Novelline, et al: Radiologic Clinics of NA 37(3):591, 1999
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
References McKenney, KL: Radiology Clinics of NA 37(5):888, 1999. Novelline, et al: Radiologic Clinics of NA 37(3):591, 1999. Novelline, et al: Radiology 213(2):321, 1999. Rosen: Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 4th ed., Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 1998. Shackford, S.R.: Journal of Trauma-Injury, Infection & Critical Care 46(4):553, 1999. Taylor, C.R., et al: Journal of Trauma-Injury, Infection & Critical Care 44(5):893, 1998.
Gabriel Ledger Gillian B. Lieberman, MD
Acknowledgements • • • • • •
Vassilios Raptopoulos, MD Gillian Lieberman, MD Joe Makris, MD Eric Chiang, MD Beverlee Turner for her support and PowerPoint expertise. Larry Barbaras, our WebMaster.