PSCI 1001 Intro to Political Science. Study the foundations of political life: What is
Justice? How does power work? How do we ... G. Morris Tu 5:00-‐7:50 pm.
CU Denver Department of Political Science Course Offerings: Spring 2014
PSCI 1001 Intro to Political Science Study the foundations of political life: What is Justice? How does power work? How do we seek the common good? H. Bishop TuTh 9:30-‐10:45 am PSCI 1101 American Political System Is America Exceptional? What accounts for change and continuity in America? What divides and unites Americans? T. Tecza TuTh 11:00-‐12:15 pm
PSCI 1001 Intro to Political Science Study the foundations of political life: What is Justice? How does power work? How do we seek the common good? S. Polk MW 11:00-‐12:15 pm PSCI 1101 American Political System Is America Exceptional? What accounts for change and continuity in America? What divides and unites Americans? H. Bishop TuTh 3:30-‐4:45 pm
PSCI 3022 Intro to Comparative Pol. What can we learn from others? How do political systems differ? Which systems best improve the common good? C. Stefes MW 12:30-‐1:45 pm
PSCI 3035 Pol. Movemnts: Race/Gender Explore how race & gender oppression drives movement politics, and explore the values emerging in these movements J. Walsh TuTh 9:30-‐10:45 am PSCI 3022 Intro to Comparative Pol. What can we learn from others? How do political systems differ? Which systems best improve the common good? C. Stefes MW 9:30-‐10:45 pm
PSCI 3042 Intro to Intl Relations How does the world system work? Which nations have more power & why? What explains war and peace? T. Spehn TuTh 11:00-‐12:15 pm PSCI 3064 Power & Empowerment: US How does the American power structure work? How do people build individual & community empowerment in America? J. Walsh TuTh 2:00-‐3:15 pm PSCI 4002 001 Special Topics Course! Internatl Law and Indigenous People Explore how indigenous people are affected by internatl law, and how indigenous movements shape that law G. Morris Tu 5:00-‐7:50 pm
PSCI 3042 Intro to Intl Relations How does the world system work? Which nations have more power & why? What explains war and peace? T. Spehn TuTh 2:00-‐3:15 pm PSCI 3914 The Urban Citizen Get out of the classroom and into the community! Join classmates in civic engagement projects in low-‐income areas H. Bishop Wed 2:00-‐4:50 pm PSCI 4002 002 Special Topics Course! Islamophobia Is America Islamophobic? What accounts for dread of Muslims in “The West”? What are the political consequences? B. Hassan MW 2:00-‐3:15 pm
PSCI 3011 Research Methods How do scholars explore truth and meaning? Study the science of politics and learn to interpret facts and stats. S. Bridle TuTh 11:00-‐12:15 pm
PSCI 4002 003 Special Topics Course! Community Organizing & Development Learn organizing skills to engage community challenges. Network and intern with local non-‐profits! L. Hammel MW 2:00-‐3:15 pm PSCI 4025 Local Govt & Globalization How are global dynamics affecting local life and governance? Can people shape the global future through local actions? S. Polk MW 9:30-‐10:45 am
PSCI 4014 Media and Politics Explore the intersection of political life and the media, ranging from newspapers to TV to the internet. How do new social media technologies affect politics? H. Bishop TuTh 12:30-‐1:45 pm PSCI 4044 The Presidency Study the powers and vulnerabilities of the American presidency over time, and the style and strategies of Pres. Obama. M. Berry MW 11:00-‐12:15 pm
PSCI 4126 Internatl Political Economy What is the relationship between political and economic power? How do political choices affect economic outcomes? A. Kolovos TuTh 8:00-‐9:15 am
PSCI 4156 Arab-‐Israeli Peace Process Explore efforts to build peace in the Middle-‐East. What are sources of conflict and possible solutions in this region? B. Hassan Th 5:00-‐7:50 pm
PSCI 4206 Social Movements, Democracy and Globalization How are social movements across the world responding to global challenges? L. Mcguffey M 2:00-‐4:50 pm
PSCI 4207 Theories of Social and Political Change Why do things change? Study foundations of socio-‐political transformation. Hassan Th 5:00-‐7:50 pm
PSCI 4226 UN in World Affairs How does the UN shape world developments? Explore internatl. law, peace-‐building, and humanitarian aid. B. Jose TuTh 3:30-‐4:45 pm
PSCI 4237 American National Security What are America’s security challenges? What strategies are being pursued in balancing security and liberty in the U.S.? L. Abeyta TuTh 3:30-‐4:45 pm
PSCI 4401 Early Political Thought Explore the theoretical roots of modern political science and study the classic foundations of political thought. M. Cummings W 5:30-‐8:20 pm
PSCI 4457 American Political Thought What is the American contribution to political theory? How do the Americans think about the big political questions? T. Tecza Tu 5:30-‐8:20 pm
PSCI 4487 Constitutional Law II Explore how the Supreme Court has decided the fundamental constitutional questions throughout American history. C. Norton Th 5:00-‐7:50 pm
PSCI 4545 Immigration Politics What accounts for global immigration patterns? How has America responded to the most recent wave of immigrants? J. Walsh TuTh 11:00-‐12:15 pm
PSCI 4736 Middle East in World Affairs Come to a better understanding of this vital region. How do Middle-‐East affairs shape modern global developments? B. Hassan MW 11:00-‐12:15 pm
PSCI 4827 Women and the Law Explore the ways in which the American legal system has shaped and responded to “Women’s” issues. K. B reslin MW 2:00-‐3:15 pm
Intern as a Legislative Aide with the Colorado General Assembly! PSCI 4934: CU in the Capitol To enroll, contact professor T. Robinson