Apr 5, 2017 - Copper alloy bowl from North-west Palace, Nimrud. 9th-7th centuries ... (Berlin, Vorderasia sches Museum ASS2258). Ceramic storage jars ...
First Interna=onal Conference CNERU for Young Researches East-West Cultural transfer in the Mediterranean Basin 4th-5th APRIL 2017
Cultural transfer between Egypt and the Levant in the First Millennium B.C.
Luisa Bonadies (PhD student)
Egyp=an artefacts in the Levant
Egyp=anizing Pectoral with royal falcon, Middle Bronze Age (2000 - 1600 B.C.) Byblos, royal necropolis Louvre Museum, Paris, Department of Oriental An=qui=es (AO 9093)
Bust of the Egyp=an Pharaon Osorkon I, Louvre Museum, Paris, Department of Oriental An=qui=es (AO 9502)
Levan=ne Containers in Egypt : the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BC)
Jar from Inherkhâoui’s tomb, Deir el-Médîna, XX dynasty (a2er Padrò-Ramon 2001, fig. 4)
Levan=ne Containers in Egypt : the Iron Age I (12th-11th centuries BC)
Jar from Tell el-Amarna
(a2er Pedrazzi 2007, fig. 3:22 c)
Levan=ne Containers in Egypt : Phoenician jugs (9th-8th centuries BC)
Jugs from Herakleopolis Magna
(a2er Padrò 1998, fig. 4 c-d)
Egyp=an influences in Phoenician ar=s=c produc=on
Sarcophagus of King Ahiram from Byblos
Amehotep III seated on a palanquin
Egyp=an influences in Phoenician ar=s=c produc=on
Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Isis and Nephthys protec=ng the Djed pillar of Osiris 14th century B.C.
Ivory from Samaria (a2er Hölbl 1989, Abb. 8)
Egyp=an influences in Phoenician ar=s=c produc=on Tile with Nubian chef, Medinet Habu, Palace of Ramses III, XX Dynasty, 1184-1153 B.C. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 03.1570)
Nimrud ivory showing a female lion ea=ng a man 9th-7th centuries B.C.
Egyp=an influences in Phoenician ar=s=c produc=on Pectoral of Tutankhamun with winged scarab, 14th century B.C.
Copper alloy bowl from North-west Palace, Nimrud 9th-7th centuries B.C. (BriPsh Museum, n. 25)
Egyp=an influences in Phoenician ar=s=c produc=on Pectoral of Tutankhamun with winged scarab, 14th century B.C.
Ivory found in Room SW37 of Fort Shalmaneser 9th-7th centuries B.C. (Ashmolean Museum, 1962.50)
Levan=ne influences in Egyp=an ar=s=c produc=on Lo=form chalice from, Tuna el-Gebel XX Dynasty (a2er Tait 1963, pl. XIX)
Copper alloy bowl from Pontecagnano, Etruria 9th-7th centuries B.C. (a2er Boschloos 2009, fig. 6)
Levan=ne influences in Egyp=an ar=s=c produc=on
Ceramic storage jars from Beirut VIIth century B.C. (La Méditerranée de Phéniciens 2007)
Stone amphora from the Palace of Assurnasirpal II at Assur, XXII dynasty, 945-725 B.C. (Berlin, VorderasiaPsches Museum ASS2258)
Levan=ne influences in Egyp=an ar=s=c produc=on
Stone amphora from the tomb of Takelot II, Caire, Egyp=an Museum, 86962 (a2er Montet 1947, 82, pl. XLVI)
Stone amphora from the Palace of Assurnasirpal II at Assur, XXII dynasty, 945-725 B.C. [Berlin, VorderasiaPsches Museum ASS2258]
Levan=ne influences in Egyp=an ar=s=c produc=on
The Tomb of Petosiris (Touna el-Gebel, Middle Egypt) Egyp=an « Torpedo » and Cnidian Form (end 4th century B.C)