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Jun 4, 2013 - Brand Voice in Social Media: A Strategic Guideline for Development and Maintenance .... of the “20 crisis counselors CEOs should have in their speed-dialer. ..... Insight, with over 537,000 downloads in the past three years.

CONFERENCE ON CORPORATE COMMUNICATION 2013 June 4 – 7, 2013 Baruch College/CUNY  New York, New York Sponsored by …

Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY Offered in association with …

Corporate Communications: An International Journal Michael B. Goodman, Ph.D., Director CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, USA Regional Editor - North America Corporate Communications: An International Journal, UK Christina M. Genest, M.A., Associate Director CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, USA Wim J.L. Elving, Ph.D., Editor Corporate Communications: An International Journal, UK in partnership with… CCI – The Baruch Chapter, MA in Corporate Communication, Department of Communication Studies, Baruch College/CUNY, USA CCI – The Hong Kong Chapter, Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Australian Journal of Communication & The Writing, Editing & Publishing Program, Faculty of English, Media Studies & Art History, The University of Queensland, Australia Centre for Corporate Communication, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark International Business Communication, Department of Communication, Aalto University School of Economics, Finland IULM University Milan, Italy Master in Corporate Communication, IICS — Instituto Internacional de Ciências Sociais, Brazil School of Mass Communications, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Published June 2013 by CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY.

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013

Welcome to Corporate Communication International CONFERENCE ON CORPORATE COMMUNICATION 2013 CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication, with its global focus on the theory, practice, roles, processes, and issues of concern to corporate communication scholars and practitioners; annually gathers industry and university speakers from across the globe in a collegial environment to exchange ideas and information on relevant issues facing the corporate communication profession. CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication is intended to: 

Illuminate the interest in corporate communication as a strategic function in organizational success.

Continue as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among industry and university representatives.

Indicate trends and provide analysis for communication professionals, university faculty, and others interested in corporate communication.

Disseminate the conference discussions through the publication of a conference Proceedings. Papers will also be considered for publication in Corporate Communications: An International Journal.

The Conference on Corporate Communication is sponsored by Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, U.S.A., in association with Corporate Communications: An International Journal, published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, U.K. This year’s conference venue is Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY), within easy reach of Wall Street, Midtown, and the global headquarters of major companies and non-profit organizations. Abstracts are peer reviewed for conference acceptance. Papers are published in the conference Proceedings. Best and Highly Commended Paper awards, sponsored by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, publisher of Corporate Communications: An International Journal, are presented at the conference to the authors of the best papers overall. Papers are also considered for publication in Corporate Communications: An International Journal, and in 2013 for the first time, in the Journal of Business Strategy. Uhmms is the sponsor of the ACORN™ speaker commendations to be presented at the close of the Conference on Corporate Communication 2013.

Enjoy your visit to Baruch College/CUNY and New York! Baruch College of the City University of New York remains dedicated to being a catalyst for the social, cultural, and financial mobility of a diverse student body, reflective of its historical mission. It offers rigorous baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral programs to qualified students who seek careers in business, public affairs, and the arts and sciences. The College’s more than 17,000 students, who speak 110 languages and trace their heritage to more than 160 countries, have been repeatedly named one of the most ethnically diverse student bodies in the United States. This, coupled with the attributes of New York City, make Baruch an attractive venue for an international conference on corporate communication and home for CCI – Corporate Communication International, the conference sponsor. We encourage you to participate in the entirety of the conference. When the conference is not in session, explore the many restaurants and attractions New York City has to offer. For those of you staying at the Park South Hotel, start your day with their European style breakfast buffet offered at the Black Duck Restaurant, adjacent to the hotel. Have a productive conference and a memorable stay. Page 2

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA

Program Agenda TUESDAY, JUNE 4 Tuesday, June 4, 2013 / 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Baruch College’s Newman Vertical Campus 55 Lexington Avenue (Entrances at 24th and 25th Streets), 8th Floor, Room 210, New York, NY 10010 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP Create Engaging Slide Presentations Patricia Scott, Ph.D., President and CEO of Uhmms & Lecturer, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Uhmms is the sponsor of the ACORN™ commendations to be presented to Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 speakers whose presentations engage, lead and inspire.

William & Anita Newman Library Conference Center Baruch College/City University of New York 151 East 25th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10010 Conference phone: 201-274-4051 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM / Conference Center Atrium WELCOME RECEPTION & REGISTRATION 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM / Room 750 & Faculty Lounge WELCOME REMARKS & DINNER BUFFET Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair CONFERENCE RECOGNITION AWARDS Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair Christina M. Genest, Conference Coordinator Conference Sponsor CCI – The Hong Kong Chapter, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Daniel W. C. So Conference Awards Sponsors Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Emerald Group Publishing Limited Wim Elving, Editor & Chris Hart, Publisher Uhmms Patricia Scott, President & CEO Conference Supporters ABC - Association of Business Communication: Debbie Dufrene, Rusche College of Business, Stephen F. Austin University, USA Sam H. DeKay, BNY Mellon Corporation, USA Geraldine E. Hynes, Department of General Business & Finance, Sam Houston State University, USA Page 3

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Journal of Business Strategy Nanci Healy, Editor Conference Proceedings Editorial Assistants Writing, Editing & Publishing Program, The University of Queensland Roslyn Petelin, Bill Burmester, Maureen Butler, Sarah Cole, Rebecca Frances Harris, Deanne Sheldon-Collins & Marisa Trigger MA in Corporate Communication, Baruch College/CUNY Carley Avena-Tableman, Cori Carl, Kelley Bertoli, Susanne Hoelzlwimmer, Melissa Logan, Kelly Ann Phillips & Lauren Wolman

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 Please note: All paper authors are listed. Conference presenters are in bold type. Abstracts of Conference Proceedings are available at Proceedings of Corporate Communication International’s Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 are provided to conference participants and are made available to CCI Members.

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM / Faculty Lounge REFRESHMENTS 8:45 AM – 9:30 AM / Room 750 PLENARY SESSION SPEAKER & DISCUSSION The Sixty Minute Challenge: Managing Crisis in Real Time Christopher Atkins, Managing Director, US Public Relations and Internal Communications, USA Moderator: Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair & CCI Director

Wednesday, June 5 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #1 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #1A: MANAGEMENT ISSUES The Designing of Decision Support Systems for Corporate Communication: Increasing Professionalization by Linking Theory and Practice Caroline Wehrmann, Dept. of Science Communication, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology & Betteke van Ruler, Amsterdam School of Communications Research, Dept. of Communications Science, University of Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS How Does It Work in Italian Companies? The Communication Planning Process Annamaria Esposito, IULM University of Milan, ITALY Strategic Media Communication: The Development of Media Relations and News Management Jesper Falkheimer, Dept. of Strategic Communication, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, SWEDEN

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #1B: STRATEGIES FOR DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (1) Communication with Stakeholders through Corporate Websites: A Study on the CEO Messages of Major Listed Corporations in Greater China Sing-bik Cindy Ngai, Dept. of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Rita Gill Singh, The Language Center, Hong Kong Baptist University, HONG KONG The Ideal of Neutrality in Wikipedia: Discursive Struggle over Promotion and Critique in Corporate Entries Merja Porttikivi, Dept. of Communications, Aalto University School of Business & Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Helsinki University, FINLAND Social Media and the World of Work: A Strategic Approach to Employees' Participation in the Social Web Sonja Dreher, MA in Corporate Communication, Dept. of Communication Studies, Baruch College/CUNY, USA 10:45 AM – 11:15 AM / Faculty Lounge MORNING BREAK & REFRESHMENTS

Wednesday June 5 – CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #2 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #2A: ASSOCIATION FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (ABC) Promoting Employee Relations in Challenging Times Panelists: Debbie Dufrene, Rusche College of Business, Stephen F. Austin University, USA Sam H. DeKay, BNY Mellon Corporation, USA Geraldine E. Hynes, Department of General Business & Finance, Sam Houston State University, USA 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM / Served in Faculty Lounge / Enjoyed in Room 750 BUFFET LUNCH

Wednesday, June 5 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #3 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #3A: CRISIS COMMUNICATION (1) Crisis Communication During Hurricane Sandy at NYU Langone Medical Center Evacuation: A Case Study Allison Clair, Office of Communications and Public Affairs, NYU Langone Medical Center, USA The “Cushion Factor”: Explicating Media Reputation as a Key Influencer of Crisis Preparedness and Recovery Ernest Martin, Jr. & Yan Jin, School of Mass Communications, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Exploring the Effectiveness of Creating Regulatory Fit in Crisis Communication Daniel Laufer, School of Marketing and International Business, Victoria University of Wellington, NEW ZEALAND & Tamar Avnet, Yeshiva University, USA 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #3B: CORPORATE IDENTITY Mergers in Higher Learning Institutes: The Challenge of Identity and Identification Adeline Nkwimba Mpuya, Dept. of Public Relations & Advertising, St. Augustine University of Tanzania, TANZANIA Motivating Public Participation without Sharing Decision Making Authority: Collaborative Policy Making in the U.S. National Forest Service Leila Trapp, Institute of Business Communication, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, DENMARK 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM / 765 PANEL SESSION #3C: COMMUNICATING CHANGE (1) Communicating Strategic Changes to Stakeholders Roger Hutt, Arizona State University, USA “It's a Great Example that Must-Win Battles Drive a Cultural Change”: Strategic Text as Constitutive of a New Culture Minna Mars Logemann, International Business Communication, Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM / Faculty Lounge AFTERNOON BREAK & REFRESHMENTS

Wednesday, June 5 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #4 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #4A: STRATEGIES FOR DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (2) Baby Boomers and Social Media Joseph Basso & Marilena Olguta Vilceanu, Dept. of Public Relations & Advertising, Rowan University, USA Communicating Corporate Responsibility with Sustainability Reporting and Social Media Tools: Analysis of Global Pulp and Paper Industry Anne Toppinen & Vasylisa Hänninen, Dept. of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, FINLAND Enhancing the Quality of Corporate Writing: The Efficacy of Editing Software? Roslyn Petelin, School of English, Media Studies, & Art History, The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #4B: GLOBAL ETHICAL ISSUES Ethics, Culture and Consequences of Naming Suspects in Global Media Wil McCarthy, College of Communication and Media Sciences, Zayed University, UAE Political Communication in Ghana: A Case of Secret Tapes, Serial Callers and Foul Language and How Ghana Avoided a Post-Election Civil War in December 2012 Kwame A.S. Bedu-Andor, Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications, GHANA Placement of Interracial Friendship and Intimate Relationships in TV Advertisements: Products and Audiences Thomas Clark & Rebecca Engle, Xavier University & Julie Stewart, University of Cincinnati, USA 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM / 765 PANEL SESSION #4C: CORPORATE COMMUNICATION IN ASIA (1) Beyond Culture: Further Dimensions of Difference in Corporate Communication Operating Environments in South East Asia Graeme Domm, Deakin University & RMIT University, RMIT University, AUSTRALIA Public Relations in Vietnam: Examining How Actvists Won and a Corporation Lost in a Complex Media Environment Tham T. Nguyen & Owen Kulemeka, University of Oklahoma, USA When Thai Corporations Use LINE Application as a Corporate Communication Tool Wonghatai Tunshevavong, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications, Thammasat University, THAILAND

THURSDAY, JUNE 6 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM / Faculty Lounge REFRESHMENTS

8:45 AM – 9:30 AM / Room 750 PLENARY SESSION SPEAKER & DISCUSSION 3013 Edelman Trust Barometer Amy Treanor, President, SVP and Director of Operations, Edelman Square, Edelman Moderator: Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair & CCI Director

Thursday, June 6 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #5 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #5A: CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY The Case for CSR as a Vehicle for Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution Rachel Kovacs, Department of Media Culture, College of Staten Island & John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, USA

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Notions of Meaning in the Corporate Communication of the Dutch Government and/or NGO's Regarding Nature Peter Jansen, Academy for Journalism and Communication, Ede Christian University of Applied Science, & Dept. of Applied Philosophy, Wageningen University, THE NETHERLANDS Standardized Pharmaceutical Advertising? An International Comparison of Non-Prescription Drug Advertising with Regard to Ad Appeal in General and CSR Appeal in Particular Isabell Koinig & Sandra Diehl, Dept. for Media and Communication, Alpen-Adria University, AUSTRIA 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #5B: REPUTATION MANAGEMENT ISSUES Reputation Counts: Development and Measurement Properties of the Automated Reputation Quotient Ernest F. Martin, Jr. & Will Sims, School of Mass Communications, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Three Sectors of ‘The Most Admired Companies in Turkey’: Automotive, Pharmaceutical and Banking What is the Role of Corporate Communication in Them? An Analysis of Five Years, 2008-2012 Serra Görpe, Faculty of Communication, Istanbul University & Burcu Oksuz, Faculty of Communication, Ismir University of Economics, TURKEY Blogging for Legitimacy: The Discursive Construction of the American Beverage Industry in the Face of Delegitimation Threat Kirsti Iivonen, Dept. of Communication, Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM / Room 765 PANEL SESSION #5C: BRANDING AND ADVERTISING ISSUES Effects of the Use of English in non-English Advertising Contexts: An Eye-Tracking Approach Dieter Thoma, University of Mannheim, GERMANY Dilemmas of Co-creation Åsa Thelander, Dept. of Strategic Communication, Lund University & Filippa Säwe, Dept. of Service Management, Lund University, SWEDEN 10:45 AM – 11:15 AM / Faculty Lounge MORNING BREAK & REFRESHMENTS

Thursday, June 6 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #6 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #6A: CRISIS COMMUNICATION (2) Errors in Organizatons: Opportunities for Crisis Management Mats Heide & Charlotte Simonsson, Dept. of Strategic Communication, Lund University, SWEDEN Crisis Communication Agencies and the Communication Department: Interaction and Relations During a Crisis Situation Winni Johansen, Center for Corporate Communication, Aarhus University, DENMARK

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Crisis Communication and Social Media: A Chick-fil-A - A Case Study Michele Sack, MA in Corporate Communication, Dept. of Communication Studies, Baruch College/CUNY, USA 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #6B: INTERNAL COMMUNICATION (1) Strategic Communication in a Knowledge-Intensive Network: An Ethnographic Study – The Netherlands Nick W. Verouden & Maarten C.A. van der Sanden, Dept. of Science Education and Communication (SEC), Delft University of Technology, THE NETHERLANDS Forging Community in the Workplace: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Sabena’s In-house Journal (19522001) Mark Verheyden, Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BELGIUM Trust, Transparency and Appreciation: The Contribution of Internal Communication to Innovation Engagement Miriam Meckel, Christian Fieseler, Christian P. Hoffman & Milena Mend, Institute for Media and Communications Managament, Univesity of St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM / Room 765 CONFERENCE PROGRAM REVIEWERS MEETING 12:30 PM – 1:45PM / Served in Faculty Lounge & Enjoyed in Room 750 LUNCH & FEATURED DISCUSSION Strategies of Influence Stephen K. Dishart, Principal, COGITO & Adjunct Faculty, Baruch College/CUNY Nicholas Dungan, Principal, COGITO

Thursday, June 6 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #7 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #7A: COMMUNICATION THEORY Communicating Across Boundaries: Shifting Paradigms, Perspectives and Practice Sonja Verwey, Dept. of Strategic Communication, School of Communication, University of Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA From the Size of a Clipping Book to Sophisticated ROI - Measuring Corporate Communication Strategic Management Sam Blili & Lukasz M. Bochenek, Enterprise Institute, University of Neuchatel, SWITZERLAND Strategies for Composing the Communications Function of Large Companies Caroline Wehrmann, Dept. of Science Education and Communication, Delft University of Technology, THE NETHERLANDS

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #7B: CASE STUDIES Brand Voice in Social Media: A Strategic Guideline for Development and Maintenance Katharina Volkmer, MA Program in Corporate Communication, Dept. of Communication Studies, Baruch College/CUNY & Namely, Inc., USA A Cold Case and a Warm Conversation: A Discourse Analysis of Civil Fora on Large-scale DNA Familial Searching Annette Klarenbeek & Reint Jan Renes, Research Group - Crossmedial Commuication in the Public Domain, University of Applied Science Utrecht, THE NETHERLANDS 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM / Room 765 PANEL SESSION #7C: COMMUNICATING CHANGE (2) Communicating Through the ‘Love Lens’: Using Communication to Progress Stakeholders Through Relationship-based Phases Mark Badham, Dept. of Communication, Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND There is No Textbook Approach: Overcoming the Culture Shock Process through the Eyes of Australian Expatriates Working in Jakarta, Indonesia Fitri Arfiani & Rino Febri, Graduate School of Communication, The London School of Public Relations, INDONESIA 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM / Faculty Lounge AFTERNOON BREAK & REFRESHMENTS

Thursday, June 6 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #8 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #8A: CORPORATE COMMUNICATION IN ASIA (2) Corporate Communication Practices and Trends in Hong Kong 2012 & 2013 Daniel W. C. So, Cindy Ngai, Doreen Wu & Patrick Ng, Dept. of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG A Study of Intercultural Communication in Offshore Outsourcing Yan Wang, School of International Studies, University of International Business & Economics, PRC Bridging the Dialogue Between Stakeholders: Establishing the Role of Indonesian Civil Society Organizations (CSO) within Multi-stakeholder Approach of the 8th Internet Governance Forum Hersinta & Sherly Haristya, STIKOM The London School of Public Relations Jakarta, INDONESIA 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #8B: INTERNAL COMMUNICATION (2) Employee Engagement Communications: Employee Engagement Correlates with Communicaiton Topics in Small to Medium-Sized Canadian Companies Karen Humphreys Blake, Master of Communication Management, McMaster University & 8020Info Inc., CANADA

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Peering Through What Social Media Can Tell Us About Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Sam H. DeKay, BNY Mellon Corporation, USA Effective Project Communication: A Case Study in a French-Russsian Joint Venture Alexandra Serbinovskaya, South Russia State Technical University & Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant, RUSSIA

5:00 PM / Room 750 GROUP PICTURE 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM / Black Duck Restaurant at the Park South Hotel, 122 East 28th Street DINNER: ANNOUNCEMENT OF BEST PAPERS Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair & Regional Editor, Corporate Communications: An International Journal (UK)

FRIDAY, JUNE 7 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM / Faculty Lounge REFRESHMENTS 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM / Room 750 CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL - NEWS & DEVELOPMENTS Wim J.L. Elving, Editor, Corporate Communications: An International Journal Michael B. Goodman, Regional Editor, Corporate Communications: An International Journal JOURNAL OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION - AN INTRODUCTION Nanci Healy, Editor, Journal of Business Strategy

Friday, June 7 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS - #9 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM / Room 750 PANEL SESSION #9A: SOCIAL MEDIA ISSUES How Companies Handle Complaints on Social Media Sabine Einwiller & Sarah Steilen, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GERMANY You're Not That Special: How Misuse of Social Media Among Job Seekers Has Changed the Recruitment Landscape Joseph Basso, Dept. of Public Relations & Advertising, Rowan University, USA Corporate Communication and Complexity on Social Media: Kopenhagen Fur on Facebook Gry Høngsmark Knudsen & Jeanette Lemmergaarad, Dept. of Marketing & Management, University of Southern Denmark, DENMARK

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM / Room 763 PANEL SESSION #9B: INVESTOR RELATIONS AND CORPORATE REPORTING Exploring the Effects of Plausibility and Stability of the Cause in External Explanations of Poor Financial Results: A Study among Dutch Professionals Elizabeth de Groot & Wendy van Duijunhoven, Business Communication Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, THE NETHERLANDS “Sell the Sizzle”: Communicating Environmental, Social, and Governance Issues to Investors Säde Rytkönen, Miltton Oy & Leena Louhiala-Salminen, Dept. of Communication, Aalto University School of Business, FINLAND 9:15 am – 10:30 am / Room 765 PANEL SESSION #9C: CRISIS COMMUNICATION (3) Image Transformation: Drivers, Factors, Outcomes and Implications Victor Yew-Cho Yen, Augustine Pang & May Lwin, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE When Friends Become Enemies: Emotional Stakeholders and Crisis Communication on Facebook – The Case of the Telenor Facebook Site Britt F. Johansen, Nina M. Weckesser & Winni Johansen, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, DENMARK 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM MORNING BREAK & REFRESHMENTS 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM/Room 750 CLOSING ACTIVITIES Acorn™ Speaker Commendations Patricia Scott, Uhmms & Conference Program Committee Announcement: Corporate Communication International’s Conference on Corporate Communication 2014 Daniel So, CCI – The Hong Kong Chapter, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Conference Program Committee Farewell Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair Christina M. Genest, Conference Coordinator 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM / Room 765 CONFERENCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM / Room 763 ADVISORS LUNCHEON

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA

Presenters & Authors Fitri Arfiani [email protected] Fitri attended and graduated from the public schools of Jakarta and is a 2011 graduate of the London School of Public Relations in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has received recognition for skills in numerous competitions for communication skills in English. Additionally, she served as the secretary for the monthly college magazine, Inspirath. Fitri was employed as the personal assistant to the President Director of Geoff Forrester Indonesia. She volunteers as an English language instructor at an orphanage in Jakarta. Chris Atkins [email protected] Chris joined PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) in May 2011 as its Managing Director of US Public Relations and Internal Communication. Previous to PwC, he was Vice President, Communications at Standard & Poor’s, joining it in June 2006 after 26 years in PR on the agency side. At S&P, he was responsible for external communications for credit ratings and indices such as the S&P 500. He was in the forefront of S&P’s crisis response regarding the role of ratings in the financial meltdown. Before joining S&P, he was Managing Director of the global corporate practices at Ogilvy PR and Ketchum, serving as senior counselor to, among others, FedEx, the New York Stock Exchange and GE. While at Ketchum, Chris founded the Ketchum Reputation Lab, which used the 20+ year data set from Fortune Magazine’s “America’s Most Admired Corporations” survey to develop an analytical tool to inform communications strategy. Chris also served as Chief Operating Officer of the New York office of Burson-Marsteller, and spent several years in the Corporate Group at Hill & Knowlton. A frequent speaker and guest lecturer at NYU and Columbia on the topic of crisis preparedness and response, Chris was named by PR Week as one of the “20 crisis counselors CEOs should have in their speed-dialer.” Chris is a member of the Arthur W. Page Society and a trustee of the Institute for Public Relations. He is the co-author of a book on corporate reputation called Image Wars: Protecting Your Company When There’s No Place to Hide, (1989, John Wiley & Sons). He serves on the Master in Corporate Communication at Baruch College/CUNY Advisory Board. Mark Badham [email protected] Mark is an Australian undertaking a full-time doctoral studies program at Aalto University¹s School of Business in Helsinki, Finland. He has more than 17 years of professional corporate communications experience in government, politics, consultancy and not-for-profits. For over 10 years, he has been a lecturer of numerous corporate communications/public relations/media relations courses at Bond University (Australia) and continues to teach similar courses at universities in Finland. Mark's current research interests include social media communications, media management and the symbiotic mediacorporate communications relationship, content co-creation context in media discourse analysis, and the use of communication variables to progress stakeholders through relationship-based consumer lifecycle phases. Joseph Basso, PhD [email protected], [email protected] Joe has been a Professor of Public Relations for 18 years. Currently he is an Associate Professor of Public Relations at Rowan University. He holds a Juris Doctorate from Widener University School of Law, and is a 1984 graduate of Glassboro State College (now Rowan University), where he earned a degree in Radio/TV/Film Broadcasting. After graduation he accepted a position at the Playboy Casino Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey as its Public Relations Coordinator. Joseph worked for several years in the gaming industry with his last position as the Public Relations Manager for the Casino Association of New Jersey. He is an accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America and co-author of The Writer’s Toolbox: A Comprehensive Guide for PR and Business Communication. His publications also include conference papers, refereed journal articles and trade publications. He is licensed to practice law in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He also serves as a consultant to regional and national companies. Page 13

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Kwame A.S. Bedu-Andor [email protected], [email protected] Kwame is Communications Manager at the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications in Ghana. Kelley Bertoli [email protected] Kelley is Communications Assistant for Corporate Communications International and the Corporate Communication Master's Program at Baruch College, City University of New York. Currently, she manages internal communications as well as develops content strategy on various social media platforms. Kelley is also a public relations intern at Spector & Associates. Entering her final semester in the graduate program, Kelley's academic focus is on crisis management and public relations. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Corporate Communications from Baruch College. She serves as President for the Baruch Corporate Communication Graduate Student Association. Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni, PhD [email protected] Jana is Professor, Chair and Director of Undergraduate Programs, Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College, City University of New York. She worked in advertising at J. Walter Thompson and Doyle Dane Bernbach before pursuing an academic career. Jana's research publications and presentations focus on communication practice and pedagogy as well as modern theatre, particularly Italian theatre and the works of Luigi Pirandello. She is co-President of the Pirandello Society of America and Editor Emeritus of the Society’s journal, PSA. She is also a member of the Modern Language Association and a Pirandello Society liaison to that organization. She is a long-time member of the Association of Business Communication and serves on their Web Board. Karen Humphreys Blake, APR, MCM [email protected], [email protected] Karen is a public relations, internal communications and employee engagement consultant. She enjoys using the skills she has developed over a career spanning more than 25 years to help organizations improve their reputations, increase productivity, innovation and strategic alignment, and build on the energies and abilities of existing employees. A key interest is helping enterprises adapt and change, becoming 'next generation' workplaces. As a public relations and fundraising executive, Karen developed a deep understanding of organizations, individuals and the importance of relationship building. In 2012 she completed a master's degree in the Master of Communications Management Program at Canada's McMaster University, offered in partnership with the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. This program offered her the opportunity to conduct research into many areas of public relations and communications including communications in support of employee engagement, organizational/university relationship and reputation management and social media use in community mental health programs. Sam Blili [email protected] Sam is Director of the Enterprise Institute, University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland, and is Professor in International Management and Enterprise Strategy. He had been Head of the Human Resources Development Section for the UN (ITC/WTO/UNCTAD) in Geneva, Switzerland. He acted as an international expert and collaborated with numerous governments and international organizations including the World Bank, European Commission, UNIDO, UNDP, GTZ Germany, CIDA Canada and the European Union, etc. Norman Booth, D. Litt. [email protected] Norm is a Vice President at Coyne PR responsible for the company’s Technology practice. He focuses primarily on consumer technology, information technology, knowledge and business process management, Page 14

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA higher education and professional services market sectors. Prior to Coyne, Norm was at Keating Public Relations, overseeing the science and technology division. He managed strategic account direction and tactical program implementation for bioscience and industrial research markets, communications technology firms, nanotechnology developers, and statistical arbitrage hedge funds. Before Keating, Norm was a director of Global Public Relations for Telcordia Technologies, a company specializing in the development of next-generation communications technology. He also worked for AT&T Corporation providing media relations and industry analyst relations support to AT&T’s data services business unit, and provided support and counsel to AT&T’s financial analyst relations program at the corporate level. Norm was also PR counsel for AT&T Solutions, the company’s business process management and professional services organization. He has written several opinion pieces and academic papers for professional journals in the Communications, Health Care and Information Technology sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from West Virginia University; a Masters of Business Administration degree with a specialization in Decision Support Systems from Southern New Hampshire University; a Master of Arts degree with a specialization in Corporate and Organization Communication from Fairleigh Dickinson University; and, a Doctor of Letters degree with a specialization in Science, Technology and Philosophy from Drew University. He has served as an adjunct instructor at Fairleigh Dickinson University and currently serves on the Board of Advisors of Corporate Communication International (CCI) at Baruch College/CUNY and on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Allison Clair [email protected] Allison is a senior public relations specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center, working primarily to support clinical areas in pediatrics, cardiac and vascular including surgery, women’s health and plastic surgery. She has over seven years of experience in media and public relations, starting her career in healthcare agency PR at Edelman and Hill & Knowlton, before switching to the hospital side. In her career, she has helped plan media programs and strategic communications for Amgen, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson as well as assisted with initiatives for numerous nonprofit groups, including event planning and fundraising activities. In her current role, she participated in planning hospital communications around the evacuation of NYU Langone Medical Center during Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, and supported strategic media initiatives around the re-opening of the medical center two months later. Thomas Clark, PhD [email protected] Tom, who received his PhD from Indiana University, is Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship at Xavier University. The research he is presenting at the conference is supported by a Downing grant. Elizabeth de Groot, PhD [email protected] Elizabeth is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Communication Studies at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her research interests involve investor relations discourse, the cultural factors that may influence the effectiveness of English-language, and multimodal communication in international business texts. Both her dissertation and her applied research have been recognized for innovation in the field of business communication. Her research has been published in international journals such as IEEE-Transactions on Professional Communication and Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Sam H. DeKay [email protected], [email protected] Sam is a Vice President for Corporate Communications at BNY Mellon Corporation, which is headquartered in New York City. He also serves as Chair of the Business Practices Committee of the Association for Business Communication (ABC). This committee is responsible for informing members concerning current workplace trends and for publishing the “Focus on Business Practices” column in Business Communication Quarterly. His research interests include the influence of technology upon

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 business and professional communications and also the history of workplace communication. Sam is a CCI Member. Krishna S. Dhir, PhD [email protected] Krishna is the Henry Gund Professor of Management and former Dean of the Campbell School of Business at Berry College in Mount Berry, Georgia. Dhir served as visiting professor at the Coventry University, U.K.; Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia and Kuching, Malaysia; RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia; and the King George Medical College in Bombay, India. Krishna has also taught at The Citadel, the Medical University of South Carolina, University of Colorado in Boulder, and University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has over 13 years of cumulative corporate experience, as a Vice President at BioStar Medical Products, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado; an executive of CIBA-GEIGY AG in Basel, Switzerland; and a pilot plant manager with Borg-Warner Chemicals' International Division in Parkersburg, West Virginia. He was the President of the Decision Sciences Institute and a Fellow of the Operational Research Society (FORS) in the U.K. He holds a Ph.D. in Management Science and Administrative Policy from the University of Colorado in Boulder, an M.B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Hawaii; an M.S. in Chemical Engineering and Physiology from Michigan State University, and a B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. Krishna is a member of CCI’s Board of Advisors and serves on the Conference Program Committee. Sandra Diehl, PhD [email protected] Sandra is Associate Professor at the Department for Media and Communication at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria. She received her PhD and her habilitation in Business Administration from the Saarland University in Germany. Her research interests include media and convergence management, international and intercultural advertising, CSR and health communication. Sandra has published in numerous journals, such as the International Journal of Advertising, Advances in International Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, International Marketing Review and European Advances in Consumer Research. She has authored and edited several books, among them Advances in Advertising Research. She is board member of the European Advertising Academy. Stephen K. Dishart [email protected], Steve is Principal of Cogito Partners, Inc. and the President of Dishart Communications and Crisis Management Consultants in New York. He is also a member of the Adjunct Faculty of Baruch College, CUNY, and is a frequent speaker on communications issues. Dishart CCMC, LLC, directs and executes strategic reputation management, marketing, media and crisis communications consulting to its clients. Previously, Steve was Executive Director of Blue Ocean Institute, and from 2000-2009, he was a managing director of Communications and Human Resources for Zurich-based Swiss Re, a leading and diversified reinsurer with offices in 25 countries. Before joining Swiss Re in 2000, he was the director of Corporate Communications for Pittsburgh-based Mellon Bank, now BNY Mellon. Steve began his career as a broadcast journalist. He has served as President of the Board of Trustees of Arts Westchester and currently serves on the board of Green Chimneys Children’s Services. He is active in the New York League of Conservation Voters and is a board member of Bridges to Community, which builds homes in the poorest regions of Nicaragua. An accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America, Steve is also a trustee of the Institute for Public Relations, a member of the Board of Advisors of CCI-Corporate Communication International and a member of the Arthur W. Page Society. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Steve is a graduate of the International Executive Programme at INSEAD in Fountainebleau, France. He holds a master’s degree from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and a bachelor’s from West Virginia University. He also earned certificates through additional studies with Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Graeme Domm [email protected], [email protected] Graeme is a senior communication manager at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He recently returned to Australia after four years serving as director of communications for RMIT University Vietnam. Beginning in journalism, he has since worked in corporate, government, consultancy and academic management roles, and has taught in several countries. He holds a Master of Arts in Technology and Social Change (Hons) from the University of Wollongong; a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from RMIT University; and has just completed work toward a Doctorate in Communication from Deakin University. Graeme has been an active member of the International Association of Business Communicators, serving on its Asia Pacific regional council; the International Public Relations Association; and the Public Relations Institute of Australia, which will be awarding him the status of Fellow. Sonja Dreher [email protected] Sonja is a Fulbright sponsored communications professional from Germany. Sonja holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Communication from Baruch College in New York City and a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from the University of Applied Sciences in Hannover, Germany. Throughout her career, Sonja specialized in social media and strategic communication. However, having worked for different agencies in New York City as well as for the German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce in Jakarta, her experience is broad and ranges from classic to social, from earned to owned, and from global to hyper-local. Debbie D. DuFrene, PhD [email protected] Debbie is professor of business communication and associate dean of the Rusche College of Business at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. She has also authored or coauthored more than 90 published academic articles as well as multiple editions of three business communication textbooks and a recent trade book on virtual teams. Debbie is vice president of the southwest U.S. region for the Association for Business Communication and serves on their international board of directors. A frequent conference presenter, she has been recognized with numerous distinguished paper and research awards. Her recent articles have appeared in publications including Business Communication Quarterly, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Business Education Digest, and Freiberger Beitrage. Her consulting experience includes work with a variety of businesses, government agencies, and educational entities. Nicholas Dungan [email protected] Nicholas is Principal of Cogito Partners, Inc., a Senior Fellow (nonresident) in the Transatlantic Relations Program of the Atlantic Council in Washington DC, a Senior Advisor to the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) in Paris, a writer, speaker and commentator on international relations, politics and business and author of the biography Gallatin: America’s Swiss Founding Father, published by New York University Press in autumn 2010. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Chatham House Foundation, the US arm of the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House in London; a member of the Boards of Directors of Sciences Po Alumni USA and of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce New York Chapter; and an Honorary Fellow of the Foreign Policy Association in New York. Nicholas was president and chief executive of the New York-based French-American Foundation from 2005 to 2008. The French-American Foundation is the principal non-governmental organization linking France and the United States at leadership levels and across the full range of the French-American relationship. He previously spent more than twenty years as an international investment banker in New York, London and Paris, notably with Merrill Lynch and Société Générale, serving clients in Europe and the United States in private and public debt, equity and hybrid financings as well as mergers and acquisitions. Nicholas has published and /or been quoted in the International Herald Tribune, the Financial Times and the daily and weekly printed press in France, in addition to significant radio and television experience. As a speaker, he has addressed multiple trans-Atlantic audiences and participated in numerous conferences. He is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris, Stanford University and St. Paul’s School.

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Sabine Einwiller, PhD [email protected] Sabine is a professor of corporate communication at the Department for Communication, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany, where she is also responsible for a master’s program in corporate communication. She holds a degree in psychology from the University of Mannheim, Germany and received her PhD and post-doctoral degree from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. From April to August 2013 she is a visiting scholar at Columbia Business School. Her current research interests focus on the effects of negative publicity, consumer complaint behavior, CSR reporting, and integrated communication management. Her research has been published in various international journals such as Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Public Relations Review. Wim J.L. Elving, PhD [email protected] Wim has a M.A. degree in social and organizational psychology (RU Groningen; 1993) and finished his Ph.D. in communication in health care at the Twente University (1999). He is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and the Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR) of the University of Amsterdam. His research interests include change communication, corporate communication, branding, internal branding and communication management. Wim has co-authored two books, and has published in several organizational and corporate communication journals. Since 2006 he has been editor of Corporate Communications: An International Journal. He is Co-Chair of CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication and serves as a CCI Academic Partner and on CCI’s Conference Program Committee. Annamaria Esposito [email protected] Annamaria is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at IULM University. She is currently the faculty member teaching the Corporate Communication course in the Master Degree in Consumer and Trade Marketing at IULM University. She is the Academic Coordinator of the Faculty of the Master in Health Service Management and she is a member of the research team of the Internal Communication Laboratory. Her main research interests and teaching areas are: marketing and marketing-communication of goods, luxury goods, cultural heritage, services and issues related to strategy, planning and evaluation of the communication plan. Jesper Falkheimer, PhD [email protected] Jesper is Professor in Strategic Communication at Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, Sweden. He is also Rector of Campus Helsingborg, a part of Lund University with 4,200 students in engineering, social work, strategic communication, educational science, fashion studies and service management. Jesper has published research in international journals and books in areas such as crisis communication, place branding, media relations and strategic communication. He has also worked as a consultant and is an executive board member at Gullers AB, a leading public relations agency in Sweden, and at the Swedish Public Relations Association. Finn Frandsen, MagArt [email protected] Finn is Professor of Corporate Communication and Director of the Centre for Corporate Communication at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University in Denmark. His primary research interests are crisis communication and crisis management, environmental communication, public relations, marketing communication, organizational communication, organization and management theories, rhetoric and discourse analysis. His work has appeared in International Journal of Strategic Communication, Corporate Communication: An International Journal, Rhetorica Scandinavica, LSP and Professional Communication, Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies, The Handbook of Crisis Communication, Handbook of Public Relations and Handbook of Pragmatics. He is the co-editor or coauthor of Medierne og sproget (1996), International markedskommunikation i en postmoderne verden Page 18

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA (1997), Krisekommunikation (2007) and Intern kommunikation under forandring (2009). Finn represents the Centre for Corporate Communication, a CCI Academic Partner, on CCI’s Board of Advisors and serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Christina M. Genest [email protected], [email protected] Tina has served as Associate Director of CCI-Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY since its founding in 1999. She has enjoyed an extensive career in community nonprofit organizations. She was the Executive Director of The Forum for US-Soviet Dialogue (Washington, DC) with whom she coordinated annual citizen conferences in the US or the USSR. She also managed Digital Equipment Corporation’s New Hampshire community relations activities and corporate contributions program. Tina’s professional responsibilities have included executive leadership, in some positions reporting directly to boards of directors; organizational administration and finance, corporate communication, fund development or grant making, and cross-cultural engagement and dialogue. Tina has taught undergraduate courses in public relations, administration and management, and Russian history. She has served on voluntary boards of directors and committees of numerous social, civic, healthcare, and professional organizations and was elected to her local school board where she served as president and led a successful bond referendum campaign. She holds a B.A. in History with a concentration in Russian History and Language from Emmanuel College, a Master in International Administration from The Experiment in International Living’s School for International Training (SIT), a Master in Human Services Administration from Antioch University New England, and an M.A. in Corporate and Organizational Communication from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Tina is also a certified professional coach. Her work, “Cultures, Organizations, and Philanthropy,” was published in Corporate Communications: An International Journal, (Vol. 10, No. 4, 2005). Tina is CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Coordinator and chairs the Conference Program Committee. Michael B. Goodman, PhD Michael. [email protected] Michael is Professor at Baruch College/City University of New York, where he is also Director of the MA Program in Corporate Communication and Founder and Director of CCI - Corporate Communication International. He is Adjunct Professor of Corporate Communication at Fairleigh Dickinson University where he was Professor and Director of the MA Program in Corporate and Organizational Communication. He is Visiting Professor of Corporate Communication at Aarhus School of Business (Denmark), University of Johannesburg (South Africa), Bangkok University, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has published widely, including: Corporate Communication: Strategic Adaptation for Global Practice and Corporate Communication: Tactical Guidelines for Strategic Practice with Peter B. Hirsch and Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business and Corporate Communication for Executives. Goodman is on the Editorial Advisory Board and Associate Editor for North America of Corporate Communication: An International Journal (UK). He is a member of the Arthur W. Page Society; a Fellow of the RSA (The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce), London; a Fellow of The Society for Technical Communication; and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Business Communication. He has been a consultant to more than 40 corporations and institutions on corporate communication, managerial communication, problem-solving, new business proposals, change, and corporate culture. Michael is General Chair of CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication. Serra Görpe, PhD [email protected] Serra is a professor of communications at Istanbul University, Faculty of Communication in the Public Relations and Advertising Department. Since 2012 she is also a part-time-lecturer at Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Communication. Prior to joining academia, she was a public relations professional (1988-1999). She graduated from the Psychology Department at Bogazici University (Istanbul- Turkey). She holds a postgraduate degree in Social Psychology (MA) from Bogazici University/Turkey. She also has a postgraduate degree in Public Relations (MSc) from Boston University/USA- School of Communication. She received her PhD degree in Public Relations and Advertising from Istanbul University. Her current research includes public relations education, international public relations, crisis management/issues Page 19

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 management, and corporate responsibility. She has presented papers at a number of national/international conferences. She has published articles, has contributed to book chapters, and has translated, written and edited a number of books related to public relations. She is a former Board Member and is a member of the Turkish Public Relations Association (TUHID), a member of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) and former Council Member of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) for Turkey. She has been a part-time lecturer at Eastern Mediterranean University/TRNC, Istanbul Bilgi University, and the European University of Lefke/TRNC. Nanci Healy [email protected] Nanci is the editor of the Journal of Business Strategy, one of the top-performing journals of Emerald Insight, with over 537,000 downloads in the past three years. JBS, a practitioner-oriented journal, often includes articles on communication since it is an essential component of business strategy. Nanci, who has edited JBS for over 10 years, also heads her own consultancy in communications. Before assuming the editorship of JBS, she was a vice president of communications at Bankers Trust Company (now Deutsche Bank) and Chase (now JPMorgan Chase) for 13 years. Her client work as a consultant includes communications planning, media relations, bylined articles, speeches, publications and policy papers. She holds a BA from Barnard College and an MA from New York University. Mats Heide, PhD [email protected] Mats is Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic Communication, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University in Sweden. He is currently running a three-year research project on internal crisis communication together with Charlotte Simonsson. His main research interests are organizational communication, crisis communication, change communication, and ICT and organizational learning. Mats is the author and co-author of ten books (in Swedish), and his research has been published in Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, and the International Journal of Strategic Communication. Hersinta [email protected] Hersinta is a former journalist who graduated from the Communication Management Master Program at the University of Indonesia (UI). She is currently lecturing at the Graduate School of Communication, The London School of Public Relations (STIKOM LSPR) Jakarta, and is also deputy chief editor for Communicare, the campus’ academic journal of communication studies. In 1997 she began her career in research working as a part time field researcher for the newspaper, Kompas, and for the Laboratorium Sosiologi at the University of Indonesia. She continues to undertake research projects, including for ICTWatch Indonesia, a nonprofit institution that covers information and communication technology issues, primarily in the areas of online media and health communication. Susanne Hoelzlwimmer [email protected] Susanne is a MA Corporate Communication graduate student at Baruch College. She works as the Research Assistant for CCI Corporate Communication International and currently interns with the UN Global Compact’s Public Affairs & Media Relations department. Susanne received her BA/MA degree in International Business and Cultural Studies from the University of Passau, Germany. Prior to enrolling at Baruch, Susanne worked in multinational companies in Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America and volunteered for various non-profit organizations globally. She is fluent in English, German, and Spanish. Roger W. Hutt, PhD [email protected] Roger has served on the Arizona State University faculty since 1975 pursuing teaching and research interests in organizational management and leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, and strategic management. While studying issues related to stakeholder management, he developed an interest in corporate communication as a strategic management function and expects to continue researching in that Page 20

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA area. He has consulted with and advised business owners and managers, is the author and co-author of text-workbooks in entrepreneurship, and articles and papers in the management discipline. He serves on the board of directors and the loan committee of Southwestern Business Financing Corporation. He earned a B. S. in Business Administration and M.B.A. from The Ohio State University, and a Ph.D. from Michigan State University. He is a CCI Member and serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Geraldine E. Hynes, PhD [email protected] Geraldine is a Professor in the College of Business Administration at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. She is the author of Managerial Communication: Strategies & Applications (McGrawHill, 2011) and a Past President of the Association for Business Communication. Among her corporate consulting clients are the Federal Reserve Bank, Omron Oilfield & Marine, Enterprise Holdings, Express Scripts, Medtronic Bio-Medicus, Electrics and Space Corp., and Monsanto. Kirsti Iivonen [email protected] Kirsti is a PhD candidate at the Department of Communication in the Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki. Her PhD research deals with issue and stakeholder management, particularly in health-related issues within food and beverage industries. Her research interests also include crisis communication and organizational identity. She is interested in studying organizational phenomena from discursive, communicative and critical perspectives. Kirsti earned her MSc in Economics from the Helsinki School of Economics (currently Aalto University School of Business) and her M.A. in English from the University of Helsinki. She is a qualified teacher and has taught various courses in business communication at the Aalto University School of Business. Before her academic career, Kirsti worked for over ten years in international business and banking, for example, in fund management, risk management and as equity analyst. Peter Jansen [email protected], [email protected] Peter earned a Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Landscape Management at HAS Den Bosch University for Applied Sciences and a Master Degree (MSc) in Forest- and Nature Policy and Education in combination with Christian Philosophy at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Currently, he is a PhD student in Applied Philosophy at Wageningen University. For his dissertation research, he studies the religious elements or notions of meaning in the communication about Dutch nature. He is also a Research Fellow in the research group, Media, Religion and Culture, at Ede Christian University of Applied Sciences and is a lecturer in research methodology at the Academy of Journalism and Communication of this university. Yan Jin, PhD [email protected] Yan is an Associate Professor of Public Relations at the School of Mass Communications, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), where she teaches public relations courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Her research interest is in the area of crisis communication and strategic conflict management, as well as how emotions influence strategic communication decision making and publics’ responses. As the Executive Director of the Center for Media+Health, Yan and her team at VCU apply these research frameworks to strategic health communication. Yan has authored numerous book chapters and refereed journal articles. Her work was published in The Handbook of Crisis Communication, Communication Research, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Corporate Communication: An International Journal, Journal of Contingency and Crisis Management, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of International Communication, Journal of Interactive Advertising, and Newspaper Research Journal, etc. Yan's research activities on public relations leadership, crisis management, and strategic health communication have been funded by external agencies such as the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, the National Institutes of Health, and the C. R. Anderson Research Foundation. She has received seven Top Paper Awards at national and international research conferences, as well as the Excellence in Research Award Page 21

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 from the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences. Yan serves on the national Research Committee as well as the Work, Life and Gender Committee of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). She also serves on the national Research Committee of the Association for Business Communication (ABC). Britt Foget Johansen [email protected] Britt holds a MA in Corporate Communication from the School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. She works with marketing communication at the Danish eyewear company LINDBERG A/S in Aarhus, Denmark. Her research interests include corporate communication, crisis communication, stakeholder management, digital communication and social media. Winni Johansen, PhD [email protected] Winni is Professor and Director of the Executive Master's Program in Corporate Communication at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University in Denmark. Her research interests include crisis management and crisis communication, change communication, environmental communication, public relations, marketing communication, rhetoric and visual communication. Her work has appeared in International Journal of Strategic Communication, Corporate Communication: An International Journal, Rhetorica Scandinavica, LSP and Professional Communication, Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies, The Handbook of Crisis Communication, Handbook of Public Relations and Handbook of Pragmatics. She is the author or co-author of International markedskommunikation i en postmoderne verden (1997), Kultursignaler i tekst og billede (1999), Krisekommunikation (2007) and Intern kommunikation under forandring (2009). Annette Klarenbeek, PhD [email protected] Annette studies communication processes, with a special interest in how people handle risk issues in their everyday lives. Her main resources for analysis are crisis communication and discursive psychology. Klarenbeek started her career at Business School Spyros Graduates and worked then and afterwards as a communication professional for government organisations and as a lecturer for the University of Applied Science Utrecht in the Netherlands. Her dissertation, entitled “Crisis is on its way: An interactional perspective on crisis communication,” was supervised by Cees van Woerkum and Hedwig te Molder. Since then her work has been concerned with topics as DNA research in crime investigation and the construction of risks in public debates. She studies these phenomena in naturalistic settings such as focus groups, online forums and public dialogue. Gry Høngsmark Knudsen, PhD [email protected] Gry is Assistant Professor of Marketing and Management at the University of Southern Denmark. He received a Mag. art in Art History and Gender, Communication, and Culture and a PhD in Marketing and wrote his dissertation on “Digital Insights: Consumer-Response to Advertising on YouTube.” His research interests include advertising communication, social media, media users, gender, popular culture, and online methods. Isabell Koinig [email protected] Isabell is a Research and Teaching Associate as well as a PhD Candidate at the Department for Media and Communication Studies at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria. She is currently writing her dissertation on pharmaceutical advertising in a cross-cultural context and investigates how consumer responses are influenced by lifestyle factors, together with attitude towards advertising. Her research interests predominantly concern the fields of health communication, media and convergence management, and media economics.

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Rachel Kovacs, PhD [email protected], [email protected] Rachel has taught since 2006 at the City University of New York (CUNY). She is currently a full-time Adjunct Associate Professor at the College of Staten Island and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. She has taught Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Media Writing, History of Print Media, Media Analysis, Media Industries, Introduction to Media, and Introduction to Communication at CSI, as well as Criminal Justice and the Media and Public Speaking at John Jay. She has also been an adjunct professor at several private New York and public New Jersey colleges and universities, where she has taught writing, women's studies, and communication courses. Rachel formerly taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University, the University of Hartford, and Bradley University. At Hartford and Bradley, she was advisor to the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapters; she headed Hartford's public relations emphasis and directed its 2001, award-winning PRSSA entry in the national Bateman Competition. She received two Interdisciplinary Top Paper Awards (PRSA Educators Academy, 1999; Institute for Public Relations [IPR], 2001) for her studies in British broadcasting activism. Since the mid1990s, Rachel has lectured, presented, and published, in the U.S. and abroad, on international broadcasting, NGO activism, and cultural integrity in the U.K. She was awarded a 2001 Yale Visiting Faculty Fellowship, during which time she conducted research on international broadcasting regulation and activism at the Law and other Yale Libraries, nations and regions. Her most current research projects have focused on CSR and ethics. Formerly Assistant Editor of the Journal of Communication and Assistant Director of the University of Maryland Writing Center, Rachel has lived, studied, and traveled extensively in the U.K. and Europe. Owen Kulemeka, PhD [email protected] Owen is an assistant professor of strategic communication/public relations in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Oklahoma. His research interests include public relations, disaster preparedness communication, disaster recovery communication, and social media. In 2011, Owen received his PhD in Communications from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Dan Laufer, PhD [email protected] Dan is Associate Professor of Marketing at Victoria University of Wellington, one of the top universities in New Zealand. He also has experience teaching at leading universities in the USA, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Mexico and Israel. Dan's area of expertise is Crisis Management, and his articles have appeared in both academic and managerial journals, including the top journals in the fields of Public Relations and Marketing. His main focus over the past few years has been on topics relating to the psychology of blame and crisis communications, and his published research involves data collected from consumers around the world. In addition, Dan teaches executive courses on the topic of Crisis Management at leading universities worldwide, and his article about the importance of Crisis Management courses in business schools ("Charting a Course Through Crisis") was published in the AACSB's magazine BizEd in 2010. John S. Leizig, PhD [email protected] John enjoyed a successful academic career at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), where he was awarded the titles of Professor of Communication, Emeritus and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and Emeritus at UAF 's commencement ceremonies in 2003. He was one of the founders of the UAF Faculty Senate and served as the Senate's second president. As a Department Head, he helped to create and taught in the M.A. in Professional Communication program. John is a life member as well as a Past President of the Northwest Communication Association and currently serves on the Board of Advisors of Corporate Communication International (CCI) at Baruch College/CUNY. From 2002-2005, he served as the Chancellor of the St. Thomas Campus of the University of the Virgin Islands, where he also held a tenured appointment as Professor of Communication. From January through March of 2006, he served as a Visiting Scholar in Corporate Communication at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, lecturing there as well as serving as a guest speaker on leadership communication at the University of Pretoria and NorthWest University. He continues to serve on the editorial board of COMMUNICARE: Journal for the Page 23

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Communication Sciences in Southern Africa. From June 2006 through December 2009, John was the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation Leadership Chair and Director, Center for Responsible Leadership at Alma College in Michigan. In October of 2009, he served as an External Assessor in Corporate Communication at the University of Putra Malaysia. While in Asia, he provided a series of lectures in Malaysia as well as at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in early November of 2009. Earlier in his career, John spent a year in Australia as the International Visiting Fellow in Communication Studies at Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education (now part of the University of Technology, Sydney). In 2007 he was invited to speak on leadership communication in England, Turkey and Canada. In semi-retirement since January of 2009, he lives in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area and continues to consult on communication program development and assessment as well as to provide guest lectures on leadership communication and communication ethics to interested audiences around the globe. He is a CCI Member and Advisor and serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Minna Logemann [email protected] Minna has worked on her doctoral dissertation on strategy narratives at the Department of Communication of the Aalto University, School of Business, formerly known as Helsinki School of Economics since 2007, and has submitted her work to reviewers in April, 2013. Her research interests are the constitutive role of communication in geographically dispersed organizations, in strategy work, change management and corporate responsibility; language centered approaches, linguistically oriented methods in management research. Prior to her PhD studies, Minna has had a career of 20 years in communications within industrial companies – as an executive and as a consultant, last deeply involved in strategy communication of a multinational organization. Her PhD is an interdisciplinary study situated at the crossroads of strategy, international business and organizational communications, with a particular focus on the language of strategy. She is a CCI Member. Ernest Martin, Jr., PhD [email protected] Ernest is an associate professor in the School of Mass Communications at Virginia Commonwealth University, teaching public relations. He is also a Founding Fellow in the Center for Media + Health and Director for the Center's Meditrina Laboratory. His PhD is from the University of Missouri. Previously Ernest was assistant dean, College of Communication and Media Sciences, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates), department chair, Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, and a faculty member at City University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic Institute, Fudan University, Campbell University, Syracuse University, University of Kansas and Iowa State University. Ernest worked professionally for more than 10 years with Cox Broadcasting, Koplar Communications and Frank Magid Associates. Recent research has focused on reputation and crisis management, organizational communication and media relations. The Center for Media + Health's Meditrina Laboratory includes a psychophysiological suite for experimental media studies. He has articles published in International Journal of Strategic Communication, International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Administration, Media Asia: An Asian Communication Quarterly, World Communication, Gazette: The International Journal of Mass Communication Research, Asian Journal of Communication, Australian Journalism Review, Xinwen Yanjiu Ziliao (Journalism and Communication), Journal of Communication and Media Arts, Journal of Broadcasting and others. In addition, he has written twelve books and book chapters. Alessandra Mazzei, MagArt [email protected] Alessandra is Associate Professor of Corporate Communication and Public Relations at IULM University, Milan, Italy. She is the Co-Director at IULM University of the Master in Intercultural Communication organized by the Geert Hofstede Consortium and a member of the Faculty of the Doctoral School in Economics, Management and Communication for Creativity at IULM University, and teaches several master level courses. She has been a Visiting Researcher at the Department of Communication Studies, Baruch College/City University of New York and a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Corporate Communication, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. She serves as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the academic journal Corporate Communications: An Page 24

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA International Journal and Vice-Chair of the Temporary Working Group on “Crisis Communication” at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). She is associated with CCI (Corporate Communication International), ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), ICA (International Communication Association), SIM (Società Italiana di Marketing). Alessandra's primary research interests and publications focus on internal communication, internal crisis communication, corporate communication, reputation management, communication for credence goods, communication planning and evaluation. Her works has appeared in Corporate Communications: An International Journal, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Journal of Communication Management, The Total Quality Management Journal. Her article “Manager-Employee Communication During a Crisis: The Missing Link” in Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2011, pp 243-254 (co-authored with S. Ravazzani) was chosen as an Highly Commended Award Winner for the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012. She has worked as a business consultant and management education trainer. She represents CCI’s Academic Partner, IULM University of Milan, on CCI’s Board of Advisors and serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Wil McCarthy, PhD [email protected] Wil is an Assistant Professor in the College of Communication and Media Sciences at Zayed University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He teaches courses in New Media, Media Law & Ethics, Media Criticism, and Cross-Cultural Communication. He has lived in Japan while doing his MA in International Relations, and in Taiwan, where he co-wrote a language textbook on Chinese Television News. Wil also wrote a weekly column for the Chinese language Central Daily News and has worked for Reuters Financial Television in New York City. He is currently working on a book about the domains of digital surveillance. Miriam Meckel, PhD [email protected] Miriam studied media and communication sciences, Sinology, political science and law at the University of Münster (Germany) and the University of Taipei (Taiwan). Following her studies, she worked as an on-air presenter, reporter and editor for news and news magazines at both public and private German broadcasters (ARD, VOX and RTL). In 1999, she joined the faculty at the University of Münster as a professor of communication sciences. In 2001, Miriam was appointed as the state secretary serving the office of the premier of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, initially as a government spokesperson, and subsequently as the state secretary for Europe, international affairs and media. Since 2005, she has served as a professor of corporate communications and as the director of the Institute for Media and Communications Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and as a faculty associate at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University in the USA. Adeline Mpuya [email protected] Adeline is Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at St. Augustine University of Tanzania. Her major research interests are in corporate communication and advertising. Adeline is also a member of the East Africa Communication Association. Cindy Sing-Bik Ngai, PhD [email protected] Cindy is the Research Assistant Professor in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has published papers and books in the areas of Chinese theatre, theatre translation, corporate communication and Chinese communication. Her newly published books on New Trends in Corporate Communication- Language, Strategies and Practices and Introductory Studies to Chinese Theatre Translation shed light on the development of corporate communication in Hong Kong and critical issues related to translation of Chinese classical theatre. She is currently conducting research on corporate communication in Greater China context.

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Tham Nguyen [email protected] Tham Nguyen is a master student in strategic communication/public relations at Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma. Her research interests include crisis communication, issue management, social media, and international public relations in transitional economies. Augustine Pang, PhD [email protected] Gus is Assistant Professor, Division of Public and Promotional Communication, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interests include crisis management and communication, image management and repair, media management, public relations, and journalism. Besides contributing book chapters to leading communication textbooks like the Handbook of Crisis Communication (2010, Wiley-Blackwell) and Handbook of Public Relations (2010, Sage), his works have appeared in peer-reviewed journals like Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Public Relations Review, Public Relations Journal, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of International Communication, Asia Pacific Media Educator, amongst others. Gus is thankful for the top paper awards won at leading international conferences including the Conference on Corporate Communication (2009 & 2008); the Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (2010 & 2007), and the International Public Relations Research Conference (2009, 2005, & 2004). He is the regional editor for Corporate Communications: An International Journal and has guest-edited a special issue in “Media Asia on Public Relations in Asia,” published November 2009. He represents CCI’s Academic Partner, Nanyang Technological University, on CCI’s Board of Advisors and serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Roslyn Petelin, PhD [email protected] Ros is Associate Professor who teaches in and convenes the Writing, Editing, and Publishing Program at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. She has also taught corporate writing at the Queensland University of Technology and at Cornell University, USA. Ros edits the Australian Journal of Communication and is a consultant on corporate writing and editing to many government and private organizations. She has co-authored two writing texts, The Professional Writing Guide: Writing Well and Knowing Why and Professional Communication: Principles and Applications. Ros is a CCI Member. She represents CCI’s Academic Partner, the Australian Journal of Communication and the Writing, Editing & Publishing Program at the University of Queensland, on CCI’s Board of Advisors and serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Merja Porttikivi [email protected] Merja (MSc. Econ) is a doctoral candidate at Department of the Communication in Aalto University School of Business. She is currently finalizing her PhD thesis on "Civic engagement in online public sphere." Her doctoral dissertation focuses on the potential agonist online public sphere, and illustrates how the special features and practices of online interaction disclose different multiple and counter-hegemonic voices. Merja's research interests include discourse theory and critical perspectives on CSR, the role of business in society, and online media in participatory democracy. Säde Rytkönen [email protected] Säde is specialist in sustainability communications at Miltton Oy in Helsinki, Finland. Miltton is a communications and public relations consultancy that operates in the grey area between communications and advertising.

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Michèle Sack [email protected] Michèle is currently a Communications and Thought Leadership Intern at the Arthur W. Page Society. Among her responsibilities are the development and implementation of the Society’s social media strategy and providing support for the Society’s thought leadership events and member communications/ engagement efforts. She is also working as the web editor for Baruch College’s Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and as a freelance editor. She recently completed an internship with the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies where she created a strategic communication plan for the organization’s spenddown initiative. Prior to moving to New York, Michèle worked as an editor in the Canadian insurance industry and has worked for global brands such as Barclays Capital (London) and British American Tobacco (London). Michèle received her MA in Corporate Communication from Baruch College in 2013 and her BA in North American Studies from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Filippa Säwe, PhD [email protected] Filippa is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Department of Service Management, Lund University. Her PhD was on how two parties as parents of deaf and hearing-impaired children and representatives of the school were collaborating in formally arranged meetings. Here she examines how problems are produced, dissembled and fought over as they are constructed in the world of deaf education. Filippa is currently involved in an ongoing multi-disciplinary project about small-scale coastal fisheries. The social construction of markets and sustainability is here of special interest. She is also involved in a project about city renewal communication strategies. Patricia Scott, PhD [email protected] Pat is President and CEO of Uhmms, which she founded as a communication consulting company specializing in teaching clients how to speak, lead and inspire. Her specialty is teaching the tools and strategies to break through audience distraction. With more than 15 years of corporate leadership experience coupled with a Ph.D. in communication, her role as lecturer in the Communication Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and her national best-selling book Getting a Squirrel to Focus: Engage and Persuade Today’s Listeners, Pat has established herself as a leader in the field of communication and provides her clients a unique blend of time-tested strategies and real-world application. Pat also serves on the advisory board of the MA in Corporate Communication at Baruch College/CUNY. A CCI Member, Pat serves on the Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Alexandra Serbinovskaya, PhD [email protected] Alexandra is Associate Professor at South-Russia State Technical University (NPI) and a Communications Officer at Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive plant (NEVZ), Novocherkassk, Russia. She started her career as a scholar and lecturer with B.A./M.A in Linguistics and Practical Psychology and proceeded to PhD in Social Sciences in 2004 at South-Russia State Technical University. Since that time Alexandra has been participating in various business projects parallel to her university work. She enjoys both theory and practice, and has gained wide experience in cross-cultural management; teaching & training, project management, team-working, as well as thorough knowledge of Russian business organizations peculiarities. Alexandra’s research interests include corporate communication, cross-cultural communication, project management, corporate culture, globalization and social change, comparative and cognitive linguistics. She has more than 70 publications including 4 monographs, 52 scientific-research articles, 14 textbooks, manuals and tutorials. Alexandra speaks Russian, English and French. Charlotte Simonsson, PhD [email protected] Charlotte has been teaching in the field of organizational communication and strategic communication since 1995. She earned her PhD from Lund University in 2002, with a dissertation on leadership communication in increasingly complex organizations. After finishing her PhD, she worked as a senior consultant – specializing in internal communication – for several years. Currently, she is an Assistant Page 27

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Professor in Strategic Communication, and also head of the Department of Strategic Communication at Lund University. Since January 2011, she has worked on a research project about internal crisis communication – funded by The Swedish Agency for Contingency Management. Her main research interests include leadership communication, co-workership, internal communication, change and crisis communication. Will Sims [email protected] Will is Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the VCU School of Mass Communications. He is one of the key architects of the school’s cutting edge advertising curriculum, and has been instrumental in its growing success since coming to VCU in 2000. He teaches courses with a studio emphasis on creating for contemporary media, branding, and forward thinking strategic communication. First published at age 14, Wil’s professional vita includes extensive work as a publisher, designer, writer and photographer. His scholarship centers on collaboration and experimentation in a variety of forms, including: advertising, branding, social media, media art, and digital exchange. He received his B.A. in philosophy from the University of Richmond (‘86), and M.S. from the VCU Adcenter (‘98). He studied media philosophy as a member of the European Graduate School (’08). Daniel W.C. So, EdD [email protected] Daniel is Professor in the Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies (CBS), Acting Head of the Department of Chinese Culture and the leader of the program B.A. (Hons) in Language & Communication at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He has been appointed by the CE of the Hong Kong SAR to committees including the Language Fund Advisory Committee and the Standing Committee on Language Education & Research. At PolyU, he is a member of the President’s consultative group, which advises the President on policy issues including those involving corporate governance and identity. His specialties are bilingual communication, bilingual education, and language policy & planning. Daniel has published many works in refereed journals and publications on topics about Hong Kong vis-à-vis bilingualism in education, and language and society. In recent years, in connection with CBS’s development of a minors degree program in Bilingual Corporate Communication, he has initiated several funded research projects with his colleagues to conduct studies on language-mediated communication in corporate context within Greater China. One of the foci of the investigation is to look within-culture and explore cross-culture variation of norms in corporate communication in various mediums (including the web) across different polities of Greater China. Daniel was born in Hong Kong, where he received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hong Kong University. Between 1979 and 1984, he was a grantee at the East West Center and received his EdD degree from The University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1984. Daniel is a CCI Member and as a CCI Academic Partner representing the CCI Hong Kong Chapter, which he founded, and the Bilingual Corporate Communication Program Committee of the Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also serves on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Don R. Swanson, EdD, CLP [email protected] Don is Professor of Communication in the Department of Communication at Monmouth University. He has a career long commitment to dispute resolution and conflict management as an educator, trainer, coach, consultant and administrator. An experienced mediator and certified listening professional, CLP, he has extensive experience as an executive coach and conflict coach. In 1995 he became the Chair of the Department of Communication at Monmouth University where in 1997 he founded the Corporate Communication MA program. In that program he teaches conflict management and negotiation, executive communication, organizational communication, intercultural communication and diversity management, colloquium on current developments in the field, and training and consulting courses. He is a frequent conference presenter and author of numerous articles. In the early 90's, Don spent four years in Micronesia and the Asia Pacific region where he consulted with an array of American based multinational corporations. Dealing with the collision of western management expectations and Asian and island worldviews fostered his interest in teaching and working with intercultural communication and diversity Page 28

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA management. Swanson was Associate Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Guam. Prior to that he taught at Willamette University in Oregon, Colorado State University – Pueblo, and also enjoyed stints as a one year Visiting Professor at Cal Poly State University, and Western Washington University. He holds an interdisciplinary doctorate in Training and Development: Conflict Management from the University of Northern Colorado. His recent consulting clients have included several major Wall Street firms, utility companies, the U.S. Postal Service, Fort Monmouth, Royal Caribbean International, colleges, and professional associations. Don has served as a senior consultant with Communication Research Associates (CRA), and is the founder and Principal Communication Counsel with Communication Success Associates. Don has served on CCI’s Board of Advisors since its inception and is on CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication Program Committee. Åsa Thelander, PhD [email protected] Åsa is Associate Professor and senior lecturer in Strategic Communication at The Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University. She holds a PhD in media and communication studies from Lund University. Her PhD was on how nature is represented in travel advertisements, how the representations are used, and how the representations are integrated in travelers’ private photographs. Åsa has been involved in an international research project about the image of an international retailer, IKEA, which has resulted in several published articles and the anthology “Consuming IKEA." She has also published an article about strategic communication in the cultural sector and is currently involved in a project about city renewal communication strategies. Dieter Thoma, PhD [email protected] Dieter is Assistant Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Mannheim, Germany, and Visiting Lecturer of Corporate Communication at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. He holds a doctoral degree in Applied Psycholinguistics from Mannheim and earned an MSc in Business Education and English at the Universities of Mannheim and Swansea, UK. His current work focuses on experimental research on interfaces between language and cognition in the context of marketing communication. Dieter is also founder and scientific advisor of MAZEM, a research center and consultancy specializing in child language intervention programs and in corporate training. Anne Toppinen, PhD [email protected] Anne is Professor in the Department of Forest Sciences at the University of Helsinki, Finland. N. Leila Trapp, PhD [email protected] Leila is an Associate Professor at Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences, Denmark, where she is a member of the Centre for Corporate Communication. Her research interests include strategic and global communication about corporate social and environmental responsibility and business ethics; stakeholder engagement and public participation in public and private organization policy making; and political communication in the media. She teaches courses that examine the fields of corporate communication and public relations. She has a PhD degree from Aalborg University in corporate communication and culture. Amy Baker Treanor [email protected] Amy is Executive Vice President and Director of Operations for Edelman Square, the center for intellectual capital at Edelman. Edelman Square produces the annual Edelman Trust Barometer, a leading piece of intellectual property in the communications field, as well as the Edelman Health Barometer and good purpose. In her role as Director of Edelman Square, Amy ensures Edelman maintains its status as a thought leader in public relations and beyond. Prior to re-joining Edelman in 2011, Amy was a Senior Vice President at LCG. While at LCG, she advised on and managed projects covering a variety of industries including technology and telecommunications, healthcare, consumer products and packaged goods, and Page 29

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 government. Amy designed and implemented projects that informed corporate image, reputation and responsibility, brand equity, message and communication development, service and product launches, as well as advertising and public relations campaign development. She managed numerous international projects for Fortune 100 companies. In addition to strategic research, Amy consulted on image and issue advertising campaigns for a variety of clients, including the biotechnology industry and Telstra. She also served as a senior corporate communications and image consultant for several firms. Amy was the Director of Strategic Planning for StrategyOne, the market and public opinion research division of Edelman Public Relations, where she directed quantitative and qualitative research programs for clients such as Pfizer, Huggies, Telstra, and Raytheon. Additionally, Amy was an account executive at BSMG Worldwide, working at Bozell|Eskew Advertising on developing advertising strategies that integrated market and public opinion research and as a project manager for KRC Research. She received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. She double majored in Broadcast Journalism and English with a concentration in creative writing. Wonghatai Tunshevavong, PhD [email protected] Wonghatai is Associate Professor of advertising and corporate communication in the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at Thammasat University, Thailand. She is also an Associate Dean of Research and Planning of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. She published two books, Brand Portfolio: Managing Thai Brands with Brand Portfolio Strategy and Cross - Cultural Advertising. Her research focuses on branding, advertising, corporate communication, and digital media. Mark Verheyden [email protected] Mark is a Teaching Assistant and PhD Candidate Communication Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). As an affiliated researcher at SMIT (Research Center on Studies in Media, Information and Telecommunication), he is an active member of the user research cluster. In his PhD-research, Mark examines the role of the internal communication professional within the organization. Nick W. Verouden [email protected] Nick is a PhD candidate in the Department of Science Communication, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology. His interest is in strategic communication in higher educational settings. In the past he has worked in the area of health communication, where he has combined research and practice to develop support services for care provisions of the University of Amsterdam. His current research concerns how universities are engaging with today's major social issues, and the role of strategic communication in this process. Using ethnographic methods, Nick focuses on collaboration, internal communication, identity formation, and strategic behaviour from the 'everyday' perspectives of those involved. Sonja Vervey, PhD [email protected] Sonja is Professor and Head of the Department of Strategic Communication in the School of Communication at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She specializes in the field of organizational communication/ communication management and she obtained both her masters and doctorate in this field. She is an experienced scholar and researcher, whose career highlights include a 12 year term as Head of the Department of Communication at the Rand Afrikaans University, prior to successfully managing the merger communication and re-branding process that led to the establishment of the University of Johannesburg in 2005. In 2005 she was seconded to the position of Chief Director: Human Resources where her responsibilities included professionalizing the Human Resources function and acting as key change navigator through the renewal and re-design of the University of Johannesburg. In 2009, Sonja returned to the School of Communication where she was appointed as Head of the newly established Department of Strategic Communication. She has published numerous academic articles and is the editor/author of several chapters/ academic textbooks. She has taught across a broad range of communication disciplines at both local and overseas universities. Sonja consults on a part time basis in several private sector companies, mainly within the field of communication management. Page 30

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Marilena Olguta Vilceanu, PhD [email protected] Olga is Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at Rowan University's College of Communication and Arts. Her professional experience includes communication and management in the private sector, political organizations, and higher education. Her research interests include semantic network analysis of advertising and media coverage of major issues in science and technology, and communication campaigns using fragmented media, as well as framing, international, and interpersonal communication. Recent research includes explorations of data-driven decision making in course design and student learning strategies; comparative analyses of international media coverage of internet issues and policy; and perceptions of genetically modified foods in cross-cultural media and publics. Katharina Volkmer [email protected] Katharina is currently the Digital Marketing Strategist at Namely, a people management platform, and at Home Helpers, a senior care company. Katharina has a background in advertising, marketing and social media, and is a contributor at The Makegood, a professional blog covering the business of Media and Advertising Technology. In the leading European Advertising Agency Jung von Matt, Katharina worked for clients including Mercedes, Maerklin and Henkel. She studied Advertising and Market Communications in Stuttgart, Germany, and Public Communications in Sydney, Australia. In December 2012, Katharina graduated with a Masters in Corporate Communication at Baruch College and wrote her Masters Thesis on brand voice in social media. Yan Wang, PhD [email protected] Yan is Associate Professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China. She has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Business English, Business Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, etc. Her research interests include pragmatics, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis and professional communication. Yan's current research focus is on the intercultural communication in offshore outsourcing. She used to work as a visiting research associate at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the project of call-center communication in offshore destinations. She is now on the Fulbright Visiting Research Scholars Program at Baruch College, the City University of New York. This program provides her with the opportunity to investigate the communication issues from the outsourcing clients’ perspective. Nina Weckesser [email protected] Nina holds an MA in Corporate Communication from the School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University in Denmark. She works in marketing communication for the Danish furniture company, FurnX A/S, in Aarhus. Her research interests include corporate communication, crisis communication, stakeholder management, digital communication and social media. Caroline Wehrmann, PhD [email protected] Caroline is Assistant Professor of Science Communications in the Department of Science Education & Communication at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Lauren Wolman [email protected] Lauren is a third-semester graduate student in the Corporate Communication Master’s Program at Baruch College. She received her Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Quinnipiac University. Past positions have included weekend editor at and press assistant at The Publicity Office representing Broadway shows like Phantom of the Opera, Chicago and Cirque du Soleil. Currently, Lauren is a press assistant at John Capo Public Relations, a small off-Broadway press company and works as Editorial Page 31

CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Assistant for the Corporate Communication Master’s Program and CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College, City University of New York. Doreen Wu, PhD [email protected] Doreen is Associate Professor in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her recent research interests include glocalisation and corporate communications, multilingual media communication in Cultural China, and branding cultural products in China. Her previous publications have been primarily related to media communication in the Greater China region and the discourses of Cultural China in the globalizing age. She was editor of The Discourses on Cultural China in the Globalization Age (Hong Kong University Press) and was the co-editor for the book series Studying Multicultural Discourses (Hong Kong University Press). She serves on the editorial board of Journal of Multicultural Discourses (Multilingual-Matters Ltd, England, UK), Contemporary Linguistics (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, PRC), and Modern Foreign Languages (PRC). Wu holds a Ph.D. from University of Florida, USA. Victor Yen [email protected] Victor is a corporate communications practitioner at Singapore's Institute of Technical Education (ITE), a government statutory board. Apart from media management and overseeing the organization's social media interests, Victor's portfolio at ITE includes being Editor of the bi-monthly corporate newsletter. He has a Pedagogical Certificate in Technical Education from ITE, a B.A. in Theatre Studies and English Language from the National University of Singapore, as well as a Master of Mass Communication from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University.

Attendees (as of the printing of this program) Israel Akinsanya II [email protected] Vice President, Public Affairs National Oil Company of Liberia, Liberia Bander Mohammed Alburedi [email protected], [email protected] MA Student Eastern Michigan University, USA Carley Avena-Tableman [email protected] Senior Group Manager Ready to Wear, Bloomingdales & MA in Corporate Communication Department of Communications Studies Baruch College/CUNY, USA Zeynep Bilgic [email protected], [email protected] Communications Manager LBT Asset Management, Turkey

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA Kailach S. Bisessar [email protected] PR Coordinator Staatsolie Maatschapplij Suriname N.V., Suriname Cori Carl [email protected] Corporate Communications Strategist Cosentini Associates (Brooklyn, NY) & MA in Corporate Communication Department of Communications Studies Baruch College/CUNY, USA Ali Ferguson [email protected] Corporate Communications Manager NCI, Inc., USA Nilufer Fisek [email protected] Marketing Communications & Corporate Communication Unit Manager Turkcell Global, Turkey Peggy Kincaid [email protected] Practicum Coordinator Disability and Community Inclusion Finders University, South Australia Melissa Logan [email protected] MA Corporate Communication Department of Communication Studies Baruch College/CUNY, USA Jennifer Matarangas-King [email protected] Vice President of Public Relations and Governmental Affairs Innovative Companies, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands David H. Mrisho [email protected] Assistant Lecturer St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Tanzania Anne Katherine Overgaard [email protected] Head of Development University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

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CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Kelley Ann Phillips [email protected] Strategic Communications & Marketing MSL New York, USA Sherry Roberts [email protected] Assistant Professor Dept. of BCEN Middle Tennessee State University, USA Lauren Stewart [email protected] Assistant Director of Development School of Mass Communications Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Imam Soelistijo Wahjoeadji Senior Manager, Internal Audit PT Badak Rngl, Indonesia Hasmadi Sobirin Yasin Manager, Network Technology PT Badak Rngl, Indonesia

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA We are grateful to our Conference Sponsor CCI – The Hong Kong Chapter and Conference Awards Sponsors Best Papers Corporate Communications: An International Journal Emerald Group Publishing Limited ACORN™ Presenter Commendations Uhmms We congratulate our Conference Partners Wim J.L. Elving, Editor, Megan Beech, Immediate Past Publisher & Chris Hart, Publisher Corporate Communication: An International Journal Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK Finn Frandsen, Director, Centre for Corporate Communication School of Business and Social Sciences Aarhus University, Denmark Michael B. Goodman, Founder, CCI – The Baruch Chapter Director, CCI at Baruch College/CUNY Professor & Director, MA in Corporate Communication, Department of Communication Studies Baruch College/CUNY, USA Yan Jin, Associate Professor, School of Mass Communications Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Anne Kankaaranta, Senior Lecturer & Researcher, International Business Communication Department of Communication Aalto University School of Business, Finland Alessandra Mazzei, Associate Professor, IULM University of Milan, Italy Augustine Pang, Assistant Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Roslyn Petelin, Editor, Australian Journal of Communication & Convenor &Associate Professor, Writing, Editing & Publishing Program School of English, Media Studies, & Art History The University of Queensland, Australia Daniel W.C. So, Founder, CCI – The Hong Kong Chapter Professor, Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong And we thank our Corporate Sponsors for their belief and investment in CCI’s mission and work AIG Property Casualty Amgen Inc. Honeywell The J.M. Smucker Company Johnson & Johnson Pfizer Inc Prudential Financial, Inc. Siemens Corporation

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Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 Program Committee We are grateful to the members of the Conference Program Committee for their efforts in making this conference a success. They are: Norman Booth, DLitt, Coyne Public Relations, USA* Krishna Dhir, PhD, Berry College, USA* Wim J.L. Elving, PhD, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands* Finn Frandsen, MagArt, Aarhus University, Denmark Christina M. Genest, MA, CCI at Baruch College/CUNY, USA* Michael B. Goodman, PhD, Baruch College/City University of New York, USA* Roger Hutt, PhD, Arizona State University, USA* Yan Jin, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA* Anne Kankaanranta, PhD, Aalto University School of Economics, Finland John Leipzig, PhD, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA* Alessandra Mazzei, PhD, IULM University of Milan, Italy* Augustine Pang, PhD, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Roslyn Petelin, PhD, Conference Proceedings Co-Editor, University of Queensland, Australia* Jo-Ann Straat, MA, Daiichi Sankyo, USA* Pat Scott, PhD, University of Pennsylvania & Uhmms Corp., USA* Daniel W.C. So, EdD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong* Don Swanson, EdD, Monmouth University, USA* *Abstract & Paper Reviewers

Michael B. Goodman, PhD, CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, USA Conference General Chair Wim J. L. Elving, PhD, Editor, Corporate Communications: An International Journal Conference Co-Chair Christina M. Genest, MA, CCI – Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, USA Conference Coordinator

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June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA


Corporate Communications: An International Journal addresses theory and practice arising from the awareness that corporate communication, as the name implies, lies at the heart of effective strategic management, planning and control. The journal recognizes the impact that new digital media technologies are having on news management and the monitoring and evaluation of corporate identity, organizational reputation and overall performance. Successful internal and external integration of corporate communication programmes involves all stakeholder groups and interested parties. Corporate advertising, public and media relations go beyond the gatekeeping functions of personnel development and marketing to embrace the interdisciplinary, strategic framework of corporate communication.

EDITOR Wim J. L. Elving, Editor Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands [email protected]

REGIONAL EDITORS NORTH AMERICA Michael B. Goodman CCI – Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY & Baruch College, City University of New York [email protected] AUSTRALASIA Shaun Powell & Shirley Leitch University of Wollongong, Australia EUROPE Finn Frandsen Aarhus University, Denmark Joep Cornelissen Leeds University Business School, UK ASIA Augustine Pang Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

PUBLISHER Chris Hart Emerald Group Publishing Limited Howard House, Wagon Lane Bigley BD 16 1West Yorkshire, UK [email protected] /

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MISSION The mission of CCI - Corporate Communication International is to enhance the performance of corporate communication as a strategic management function; and to be the number one choice of both practicing professionals and scholars for information on corporate communication.

OBJECTIVES To serve as:  a bridge between theory and practice, by bringing students, practicing professionals and scholars together to share information and ideas.  a resource center for the continuing education of professional through briefings, symposia, publications, forums, conferences, publications, and white papers.  a clearinghouse and integrator of knowledge from a variety of academic disciplines relevant to the theory and practice of corporate communication.  an incubator for primary research in corporate communication, making a contribution to the enhancement of organizational performance.  a partner for corporations and other organizations wishing to conduct applied research.  an advocate for professionalism in the corporate communication, by conducting research and/or offering forums relevant to the field.  a leader and catalyst, helping to define the research agenda for the field of corporate communication COMING EVENTS September 16, 6:30 – 8:00 PM, A CCI Executive Briefing presenting Jonathan Spector, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Conference Board, Inc. to speak on the questions US business needs to ask to move the country forward. Event is offered in cooperation with The Conference Board, Inc. and in association with the Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity at Baruch College/CUNY November 8, 2013 / Sixth Annual Symposium on Sustainability offered in partnership with the Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity at Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY. Fall 2013 & Spring 2014 / Executive Briefings on topics of interest to corporate communication practitioners, scholars and graduate students. January 7 - 11, 2014 / Corporate Communication Leaders Forum is an intensive professional and academic experience in the current theory and practice of corporate communication, combining presentations, case studies, panel discussions, site visits and interactions with leading professionals and scholars. March 2014 / Twelfth Annual Symposium on Reputation at Pfizer hosted by Pfizer Inc and held in association with The Communication Leadership Exchange. June 3 - 6, 2014 / Corporate Communication International’s Conference on Corporate Communication, with its global focus on the theory, practice, roles, processes, and issues of concern to corporate communication scholars and practitioners, annually gathers industry and university speakers from from across the globe in a collegial environment to exchange ideas and information on relevant issues facing the corporate communication profession. August 19 – 22, 2014 / Forum on Strategic Communication is an intensive professional and academic seminar which focuses on corporate communication’s strategic adaptation to the current business and communication environment by examining the issues of leadership, context, culture, and models of practice and performance. Page 38

June 4 - 7, 2013, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY, USA

CCI Member Offerings CCI offers you the best thinking in the current theory and practice of corporate communication. ENJOY MEMBER RATES FOR:  Executive Briefings on emerging corporate communication issues  Symposia on strategic trends in corporate communication  The four-day Corporate Communication Leaders Forum, an intensive professional development opportunity exploring corporate communication best thinking and practices,  The three-day Forum on Strategic Communication Leadership, an intensive professional and academic seminar focusing on corporate communication’s strategic adaptation to the current business and communication environment.  The three-day global Conference on Corporate Communication, a gathering of practitioners and scholars, matching rigorous academics with real world corporate communication ADDITIONALLY, YOUR MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES:  Electronic access to three prestigious communication journals: Corporate Communications: An International Journal, endorsed by CCI, Journal of Business Strategy, Journal of Communication Management  Electronic access to Emerald Management First, an online management library offered by Emerald Group Publishing Limited  First availability to findings of CCI’s Corporate Communication Practices and Trends Studies

Membership/Sponsorship Opportunities CCI invites Conference on Corporate Communication participants interested in its mission and work to become a member at the… SPECIAL RATE FOR CONFERENCE ON CORPORATE COMMUNICATION ATTENDEES! Conference on Corporate Communication 2013 attendees are invited to join CCI - Corporate Communication International at the special Conference Member rate of $295.00 U.S.D - - as compared to $500 for Corporate Members and $350 for Academic Members. Your CCI annual membership is effective from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014. Enjoy discounts on CCI programs; have access to journal offerings: Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Journal of Business Strategy and Journal of Communication Management; and take advantage of the resources provided by Emerald Management First. To become a CCI member download and complete: CCI’s Membership Invitation

CCI receives no institutional financial support. Its mission is made viable by its corporate sponsors and individual members…professionals and scholars like you who believe in the power of corporate communication to enhance organizational performance for the public good.

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