© The American Society of Gene Therapy
Current Status of Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Tuomas T Rissanen1 and Seppo Ylä-Herttuala1,2,3 Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine, A. I. Virtanen Institute, Kuopio University, Kuopio, Finland; 2Department of Medicine, Kuopio University, Kuopio, Finland; 3Gene Therapy Unit, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland 1
Gene transfer for the therapeutic modulation of cardiovascular diseases is an expanding area of gene therapy. During the last decade several approaches have been designed for the treatment of hyperlipidemias, postangioplasty restenosis, hypertension, and heart failure, and for protection of vascular by-pass grafts and promotion of therapeutic angiogenesis. Adenoviruses (Ads) and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are currently the most efficient vectors for delivering therapeutic genes into the cardiovascular system. Gene transfer using local gene delivery techniques have been shown to be superior to less-targeted intra-arterial or intra-venous applications. To date, no gene therapy drugs have been approved for clinical use in cardiovascular applications. In preclinical studies of therapeutic angiogenesis, various growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), have shown positive results. Gene therapy also appears to have potential clinical applications in improving the patency of vascular grafts and in treating heart failure. Post-angioplasty restenosis, hypertension, and hyperlipidemias (excluding homozygotic familial hypercholesterolemia) can usually be managed satisfactorily by conventional approaches, and are therefore less favored areas for gene therapy. The development of technologies that can ensure long-term, targeted, and regulated gene transfer, and a careful selection of target patient populations, will be very important for the progress of cardiovascular gene therapy in clinical applications. Received 4 January 2007; accepted 11 March 2007; published online 8 May 2007. doi:10.1038/
Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death in the Western world in spite of significantly improved management of risk factors, the availability of conventional medical therapies including invasive treatments for coronary artery disease (CAD) and peripheral arterial disease, and also improved prognosis of heart failure. This is why cardiovascular gene therapy has been under intensive research in recent years.1 The history of therapeutic angiogenesis reflects the slow but progressive developments in this field. Thirty years ago it was proposed that an angiogenic factor from tumors could be used for inducing therapeutic vascular growth in the ischemic myocardium.2 However, it took 15 years before sufficient amounts of growth factors could to be tested in preclinical experiments.3 In spite of the promising results in animal experiments, randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trials of recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) in CAD and peripheral arterial disease yielded disappointing results.4–6 Because growth factors have a short half-life7 it became obvious that the gene transfer approach could be useful for sustaining the effects of angiogenic and other therapeutic factors. Currently, gene therapy for therapeutic angiogenesis is the most advanced application in clinical testing,8 whereas the other areas of cardiovascular gene therapy, such as the prevention of atherogenesis through the management of severe hyperlipidemias, and treatment of heart failure, hypertension,
post-angioplasty restenosis, and occlusion of vascular by-pass grafts have progressed more slowly.1 In this review we summarize the current status of cardiovascular gene therapy including the most promising treatment genes and gene transfer vectors as well as recent advances in preclinical and clinical trials.
Gene transfer vectors in the cardiovascular system Early experimental and clinical studies of cardiovascular gene therapy predominantly utilized plasmid DNA because of its easy production and safety. However, though the initial results of using plasmid DNA encoding VEGF and other angiogenic factors in animal models and in small open-label uncontrolled clinical trials were promising,9–13 larger randomized controlled trials have not supported the use of plasmid DNA, because of the low gene transfer efficacy.14–18 Liposome complexes and cationic polymers do not significantly improve the gene transfer efficacy of plasmid DNA in vivo.19,20 Quantitative methods, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, show that plasmid DNA-mediated gene transfer does not easily generate measurable quantities of protein in target tissues of large mammals.21 In the rabbit heart, naked plasmid DNA-mediated gene transfer resulted in transfection of only a few cells.20 Furthermore, in contrast to the results obtained with adenovirus (Ad), there is often a lack of a dose response effect with plasmid DNA.21,22 Physical methods such as electroporation or ultrasound may improve the efficacy of plasmid DNA
Correspondence: Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine, A. I. Virtanen Institute, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland. E-mail:
[email protected] Molecular Therapy vol. 15 no. 7, 1233–1247 july 2007
Cardiovascular Gene Therapy
© The American Society of Gene Therapy
Table 1 Vectors used for cardiovascular gene transfer Vector
Naked plasmid DNA
Easy to produce safe
Very low transduction efficiency Transient expression
High transduction efficiency Relatively high transgene capacity Easy to produce in high titers Transduces quiescent cells Tropism for multiple cells
Inflammation with high doses Transient expression
Adeno-associated virus (AAV-1, -2, 5, 6, 8, 9)
Long-term gene expression Moderate immune response Transduces quiescent cells High tropism for skeletal muscle (AAV-1, -6) and myocardium (AAV-8 and -9) Wild type does not cause disease in humans
Limited transgene capacity Difficult to produce in large quantities
Long-term gene expression Transduces quiescent cells Relatively high transgene capacity Low immune response
Non-specific integration Low transduction efficiency Limited tropism Difficult to produce in large quantities
Long-term gene expression Relatively easy to produce Low immune response
Non-specific integration Transduces only dividing cells Low transfection efficiency Limited tropism Difficult to produce in large quantities
Herpes simplex-virus (HSV-1)
High transduction efficiency High transgene capacity Tropism for neuronal cells
Transduces only dividing cells Cytotoxicity Limited tropism
High transduction efficiency High transgene capacity Extrachromosomal replication
Transduces only dividing cells Difficult to produce in large quantities
High transgene capacity Easy to produce in high titers Rapid construction of recombinant baculoviruses Wild type does not cause disease in humans
Transient expression Inflammation with high doses Limited tropism
Antisense oligonucleotides
Easy to produce
Limited efficacy High gene transfer efficiency required
More potent than antisense approach
High gene transfer efficiency required
Abbreviation: siRNA, small interfering RNA.
by helping it to penetrate cell membranes,23,24 but it is uncertain whether clinically relevant gene transfer efficacy can be achieved with these methods. Although considered safe, plasmid DNA can cause transient fever, inflammation and even infarction in skeletal muscle and myocardium.15,25,26 It therefore appears that viral gene transfer vectors will be preferred for efficient cardiovascular gene therapy (Table 1). Ad and adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have shown high transduction efficacy in blood vessel wall, skeletal muscle, heart and liver, which are frequent targets of cardiovascular gene therapy. In the myocardium, they are several orders of magnitude more efficient than naked plasmid DNA.20 Retroviruses were among the first vectors to be used for in vivo cardiovascular gene transfer19 but safety problems have reduced the interest in these vectors. Lentiviruses have been recently used in cardiovascular gene therapy e.g., for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia.27 Lentiviruses have been shown to transduce vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) also28–30 but further vector engineering is needed to improve their efficacy. Sendaiviruses31 and herpesviruses32 have also been utilized in some cardiovascular 1234
gene therapy applications. Baculoviruses transduce blood vessels transiently with a moderate efficiency.33 Currently, more potent baculovirus vectors are being developed that would yield higher and more long-term gene expression with less inflammation. Antisense oligonucleotides came into the picture more than 10 years ago but their efficacy appears to be insufficient for efficient clinical use.34,35 In contrast, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have shown more potential, and are replacing antisense oligonucleotides in inhibition studies.36 However, siRNAs too are fundamentally limited by the intracellular mechanism of action which requires very high transfection efficiency. Therefore, gene transfer of secreted decoy receptors, antibodies or aptamers may be more feasible for blocking the functions of harmful factors in the cardiovascular system. First generation Ads produce a very high initial level of gene expression with biological effects peaking a few days after the gene transfer but, unfortunately, diminishing thereafter in 2 weeks.21,37,38 Thus, adenoviral gene transfer offers a gene expression boost which may be enough in certain situations such as therapeutic angiogenesis in skin wounds. Unfortunately, repeated administration of Ads vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
© The American Society of Gene Therapy
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of the same serotype is not effective in large mammals, because of the generation of neutralizing antibodies.39 Although considered quite immunogenic, optimal low doses of Ads produced according to good manufacturing practice protocols induce very little inflammation in skeletal muscle and myocardium.21,38,40 Second and, especially, third generation Ads may be even less immunogenic and promote longer-lasting gene expression, but their potential in gene therapy in humans remains unknown.41 Ads have better natural tropism towards myocardium and regenerating skeletal myocytes than towards mature quiescent skeletal muscle.42 In skeletal muscle, other cells, e.g., interstitial fibroblasts, are more effectively transduced.43 Vascular SMCs and endothelial cells display high adenoviral transduction in vivo.19,44 There seems to be a significant interspecies variation in the efficacy of adenoviral vector. Mouse, rat and pig tissues are much less prone to adenoviral gene transfer than human and rabbit tissues.21,45–47 Even though theoretically having very promising potential,48 targeted adenoviral vectors have so far been used only rarely in cardiovascular applications in vivo, probably because of a lower efficiency when compared with the wild-type vectors. The overall safety profile of Ads has been very good in clinical trials, transient fever being the most important side-effect.14,15 The death caused by adenoviral gene transfer some years ago was due to a vast over-dosing in a patient with a defective immune defense.49 AAV has many characteristics that are potentially useful for gene therapy. It has a natural tropism towards vascular SMCs, cardiac myocytes and skeletal muscle, it transduces quiescent cells, and drives a long-term gene expression lasting several months. It is also thought to generate only a restricted inflammatory reaction, and the wild-type virus is not known to cause any diseases in humans. The long-lasting gene expression pattern of AAV with lower maximal gene expression levels than those induced by Ads, is very attractive.50 Importantly, the peak expression of AAVs does not necessarily take weeks but can be achieved in just a few days after the transduction.51 The wild-type AAV incorporates in the human genome, but recombinant AAV vectors do not seem to integrate, and this is important for safety.52 The new AAV serotypes 1, 6, and 8, 9 have been reported to be even more effective in skeletal muscle and myocardium, respectively, than the most commonly used serotype 2.53–55 Targeting of AAVs may be important in order to avoid ectopic gene transfer.56 This is because gene expression lasting at least 3.7 years has been reported to occur with AAV-2 in human skeletal muscle.57 AAVs can also be transcriptionally targeted to the myocardium through regulatory sequences of genes encoding e.g., α-myosin heavy chain, myosin light chain-2v, or β-actin promoters. However, this is at the cost of gene transfer efficiency when compared with the cytomegalovirus promoter.54,58,59
needle catheters have been developed, to improve the penetration of vectors through the intimal layer.45,60 Despite these improvements in catheter technology, an advanced lesion with a thick neointima, calcification, cholesterol deposits, and infiltrates of inflammatory cells is a very challenging target for effective gene transfer. A recently introduced method of intravascular gene transfer is a gene-eluting stent,61,62 which is a very timely approach considering the extensive use of drug-eluting stents. Gene transfer in vascular grafts can be done either by incubating gene transfer solution inside the graft in situ or by immersion (ex vivo) gene transfer.50,63 Both these methods lead to high gene transfer efficiency because viruses are able to transduce the target segment in the absence of blood flow, components of the innate immune system, and neutralizing antibodies. Administration of viral vectors through intramuscular (IM) or intramyocardial injections is currently by far the most efficient way to produce efficient gene expression in the target tissue. Many experimental studies have shown that the intraarterial route of Ad administration is ineffective unless the permeability properties of the endothelium are modulated, or a high pressure gradient is utilized.46,64,65 Furthermore, more extensive biodistribution and ectopic gene expression in distant tissues can be expected after administration of Ads into circulation than with direct injections into tissues. Pericardial delivery does not result in effective transmural transduction of the myocardium without concomitant treatment with proteases.7 An intravenously injected targeted vector is an intriguing idea but the amounts of viruses needed in large mammals for this approach would be probably too large, considering the safety aspects and limitations in vector production. In the skeletal muscles of the lower limbs, IM injections are theoretically easy to perform. However, as most of the effects of angiogenic growth factors are local,38,46 injections must be carefully directed inside the target muscles, and this might be best accomplished e.g., with ultrasound guidance. A misdirected injection between muscles will cause angiogenesis mostly in muscle fascias and not in the muscle itself. Intramyocardial injections are much more challenging to carry out than injections into skeletal muscles. Thoracotomy performed only for intramyocardial gene transfer might be too risky, unless it is needed for other therapeutic purposes such as bypass surgery. Percutaneous catheter-mediated intramyocardial injections guided with a 3D mapping system have recently proven safe and feasible.12,16,21 IM injection of cells transduced ex vivo to constitutively express therapeutic factors has also been used but this approach appears to be hampered by the suboptimal spreading of cells inside the target tissue, which may lead to severe side-effects.66,67 In the liver, the intravascular gene transfer route appears to be effective and yields high hepatic gene transfer efficiency.27,68
Gene transfer routes in the cardiovascular system
Applications of cardiovascular gene transfer Therapeutic vascular growth
The main target organs for cardiovascular gene therapy, in addition to arteries and veins, are the myocardium, skeletal muscles of the lower limbs, and liver. Cardiovascular gene transfer can be performed at least by intravascular gene transfer, ex vivo gene transfer, and direct intraorgan injection. For intravascular gene transfer many different catheter systems such as infusion-perfusion and Molecular Therapy vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
Currently, gene transfer for therapeutic blood vessel growth i.e., therapeutic angiogenesis is the most explored area of cardiovascular gene therapy, with several clinical trials having been completed.8 Several laboratories have shown that therapeutic vascular growth in vivo can be achieved e.g., by gene transfer of the members of the 1235
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Table 2 Factors with therapeutic potential in cardiovascular gene therapy Therapeutic [target] application
Inhibition of function
Promotion of growth of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
Stimulation of capillary growth (angiogenesis), collateral artery growth (arteriogenesis) and lymphatic vessel growth (lymphangiogenesis)
VEGF (VEGF-A), PlGF, VEGF-B, -C, -D and –E, EG-VEGF, FGF-1, -2, -4 and -5, Ang-1 and -2, HGF, PDGF-A, -B, C- and –D, IGF-1 and -2, HIF-1α, MCP-1, GM-CSF, eNOS, kallikrein, EGR-1, Ets-1, Del-1, PR39, Id1, stromal cell-derived factor-1α, platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor/thymidine phosphorylase, adrenomedullin, sonic hedgehog, secretoneurin, thrombopoietin, netrin-1 and -4
Vascular protection, and prevention of restenosis, in-stent restenosis, and graft failure
Enhanced endothelial function (vasodilatation and anti-thrombosis), endothelial regrowth/repair, reduced SMC proliferation and migration, anti-inflammation, inhibition of excess matrix production, induction of apoptosis
VEGFs, eNOS, iNOS, prostacyclin, ecSOD, hemeoxygenase-1, catalase, TIMPs, HGF, p53, p21, p27-p16 Chimera, RB2/p130, Ras, Fas ligand, thymidine kinase, β-interferon, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, C-type natriuretic peptide, PPARγ, Forkhead, β-adrenergic receptor kinase, CGRP, RAD50, TGF-β3, soluble TGF-β type II receptor, kallikrein, homeobox gene Gax
PDGF-B, PDGFR-β, FGF-2, E2F, COX, ICAM, VCAM, midkine, activator protein-1, PAI-1, Rho kinase, Gβγ, CDC2 kinase, cyclin B1, cyclin G1, MCP-1, TNFα
Management of vulnerable plaques and aneurysms
Inhibition of cholesterol accumulation in lesions, inhibition of inflammation and matrix degradation, increased fibrosis within lesions
LDL receptor in liver, TGF-β, Ets-1, TIMPs and soluble scavenger-receptor decoy, PDGFs
COX, MCP-1, TNFα and other chemokines
Control of hyperlipidemias (homozygous familial hyperlipidemia)
Inhibition of cholesterol accumulation in lesions
LDL or VLDL receptor, apoE, apoA-1, soluble scavenger-receptor decoy
Inhibition of blood clotting
Inhibition of platelet aggregation and formation of fibrin, and inhibition of synthesis of blood coagulation factors
tPA, COX, thrombomodulin, C-type natriuretic peptide, ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase
Tissue factor
Management of hypertension
Inhibition of renin–angiotensin system and β-adrenergic receptor, promotion of vasodilatation
eNOS, kallikrein, adrenomedullin, atrial natriuretic peptide
Angiotensinogen, ACE, ATII R1, β-adrenergic receptor
Management of heart failure
Improvement of cardiomyocyte contraction, inhibition of hypertrophy and fibrosis
VEGFs, p38 kinase, p35, β2-adrenergic receptor, cyclin A2, SERCA1, SERCA2a, S100A1, Ang-1, HGF, ecSOD, adenylyl cyclase VI, sorcin, kallikrein, inhibitor-2, hemeoxygenase-1, Bcl-2, norepinephrine transporter uptake-1, phosphoinositide kinase domain, leukemia inhibitory factor, TIMP-1, parvalbumin, V(2) vasopressin receptors
PKCα, phospholamban, β-adrenergic receptor kinase, SEK-1, TGF-β, MCP-1
Biological pacemaker
Promotion of spontaneous rhythmic electrical activity in certain cardiomyocytes of the heart
β2-adrenergic receptor, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) genes 1-4, hyperpolarization-activated nonselective channel
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; Ang, angiopoietin; COX, cyclo-oxygenase; ecSOD, extracellular superoxide dismutase; EGR-1, early growth response factor-1; EG-VEGF, endocrine gland-derived VEGF; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor; HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; ICAM, intercellular adhesion molecule; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; LDL, low density lipoprotein; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PDGFR, platelet-derived growth factor receptor; PKC, protein kinase C; PlGF, placenta growth factor; PPARγ, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; SEK-1, stress-signaling kinase; SERCA2a, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase; SMC, smooth muscle cell; TGF, transforming growth factor; TIMP-1, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1; TNFα, tumor necrosis factor; tpa, tissue plasminogen activator; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VLDL, very-low-density-lipoprotein.
VEGF family, FGF family, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α). There are also several other angiogenic molecules currently under investigation (Table 2). There is accumulating evidence that VEGF (VEGF-A) is the master switch of physiological and pathological angiogenesis, and therefore also a prototype angiogenic growth factor in gene therapy.69 The absolute requirement for the presence of both VEGF alleles for embryonic vasculogenesis, hypoxia-inducible expression, efficient induction of angiogenesis and vascular permeability make VEGF an extraordinary growth factor. Of the four main VEGF isoforms, 121, 165, 189, and 206, VEGF165 is the most promising for therapeutic promotion of vascular growth, because it is approximately 1236
100-fold more potent biologically than VEGF121, and is able to create growth factor gradients in the tissues that are necessary for proper patterning of new vessels.69 In addition to myocardial and peripheral ischemia, new areas of application of VEGF gene transfer could be strokes, non-healing diabetic ulcers, osteoporotic and avascular bone fractures, and skin-flaps.70–72 Overexpression of VEGF via viral vectors has been shown to stimulate excellent angiogenesis, and supraphysiological perfusion increases both in ischemic and healthy skeletal muscle and myocardium because of sprouting angiogenesis and capillary enlargement i.e., arterialization.21,40,73–78 This kind of histological data showing active proliferation of both endothelial cells and SMCs vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
© The American Society of Gene Therapy
and remodeling of the capillary network have not been documented in the case of naked plasmid VEGF gene transfer.9,22 With adenoviral gene transfer, most of these changes are transient, with the exception of enlarged collaterals (arteriogenesis), which may persist.40,43,46,79 VEGF-induced arteriogenesis resembles that promoted by a model of a surgical arteriovenous fistula, wherein very high rates of blood flow via collaterals cause extraordinarily powerful arteriogenesis.80 Endothelial progenitor cells do not appear to contribute significantly to the therapeutic vascular growth after VEGF gene transfer.81 Recently, constructs expressing genomic VEGF with an emphasis on the long isoforms or VEGF-inducing transcription factors have been reported to be effective in hindlimb ischemia models.82–84 The most important side effect of adenoviral gene transfers of VEGFs and FGF-4 is transient edema and accumulation of free fluid between skeletal muscles and in the pericardial sac.21,38,46,75 The edema is dose-dependent, and coincides with the peak perfusion 5–6 days after the adenoviral gene transfer.69 In transgenic animals, a chimeric VEGF-E/PlGF construct has been reported to cause less edema than VEGF overexpression does.85 Strong corticosteroids such as dexamethasone can be used for counteracting increased vascular permeability, but unfortunately they also inhibit therapeutic vascular growth (P. Korpisalo, unpublished results). It is also possible that the stimulation of lymphatic vessel growth by simultaneous gene transfer of VEGF receptor 3 (VEGFR-3) ligands may prevent the formation of excess edema. However, the strongest body of evidence suggests that angiogenesis-related edema can be best prevented by using only moderate but long-lasting expression of VEGFs, resulting in the stabilization of growing vessels.86 However, even in this situation it appears that it will be difficult to completely avoid tissue edema, and it can be considered as a surrogate marker of successful therapeutic vascular growth. Other members of the VEGF family also have interesting potential as vascular therapeutic agents.69 Gene transfer of the long forms of VEGF-C and VEGF-D binding to VEGFR-3 could be used for stimulating lymphangiogenesis and thus alleviate congenital or acquired tissue edema.87,88 A mutant form of VEGF-C, VEGF-C156S, binds only to VEGFR-3 and exclusively promotes lymphangiogenesis.38 In contrast, proteolytically processed forms of VEGF-C and -D∆N∆C activate both VEGFR-2 and VEGFR3, and this makes them growth factors that are both angiogenic and lymphangiogenic.21,38 When compared with VEGF165, VEGFD∆N∆C is not sequestered by extracellular matrix, and therefore it induces more diffuse angiogenesis in target tissues and leaks into the circulation.21,38 The viral VEGFs, collectively called VEGF-E, bind only to VEGFR-2, and thus have clear angiogenic potential.89 Recently, VEGF members binding to VEGFR-1, VEGF-B and placenta growth factor have quite unexpectedly also turned out to be angiogenic in non-ischemic tissues, likely via indirect signals.90–92 Our recent observations also suggest tissue-specific patterns of VEGF-B-induced angiogenesis (J. Markkanen, unpublished results). The FGF-family of growth factors consists of 23 members which bind to four tyrosine kinase receptors. The theoretical ability of FGFs to directly stimulate mesenchymal cells in addition to endothelial cells could be useful. However, the biology of FGFs is Molecular Therapy vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
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not very well understood and the benefits of these properties for therapeutic angiogenesis are still largely unknown. FGF-1 (aFGF) and FGF-2 (bFGF) are the prototypic members of the family and, although not crucial for the formation of blood vasculature in the embryo,93 they were the first that were shown to induce blood vessel growth by viral gene transfer.94,95 FGF-4 and FGF-5 are efficiently secreted, which may offer an advantage to them over intracellular FGFs (FGF-1 and FGF-2) in therapeutic angiogenesis.46,96 Adenoviral IM FGF-4 gene transfer induces angiogenesis with marked increases in perfusion, vascular permeability and collateral growth in a rabbit hindlimb ischemia model, at least partially via endogenous VEGF upregulation.46 The role of platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs), especially PDGF-B, in the recruitment of pericytes to growing vessels97 makes PDGFs attractive candidates for combined use with VEGFs. Substantiating this hypothesis, recombinant PDGF-B protein given in combination with VEGF has been reported to result in more mature and stable blood vessels than monotherapy with either of the factors alone.98 Furthermore, the administration of PDGF-B protein together with FGF-2 has been shown to produce vessel networks that remain stable in rat cornea for more than a year after the withdrawal of the growth factors.99 Recombinant PDGFC protein was reported to mobilize endothelial progenitor cells in ischemic conditions.100 PDGF-C also induced differentiation of bone marrow cells into endothelial cells and SMCs, and enhanced revascularization of ischemic heart and limbs in mice.100 However, these results have to be confirmed in other models because there are known limitations in recombinant protein therapy, and because PDGF-C and -D overexpression was shown to lead to cardiac fibrosis and heart failure.101 Another growth factor with potential pleiotropic and angiogenic properties is HGF which is a ligand for a receptor encoded by the c-met protooncogene.102 There is growing evidence that many growth factors such as HGF, insulin-like growth factor 1, PDGF-B, placenta growth factor and FGFs upregulate VEGF, which may at least partially explain their angiogenic actions and provide further evidence that VEGF is the master regulator of angiogenesis.69 Angiopoietin-1 and -2 (Ang-1 and Ang-2) form an agonist– antagonist pair of molecules that modulate the maturation of blood vessels via binding to Tie-2 receptor. Ang-1 has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, to stabilize vessels, and counteract VEGF-induced vascular permeability.77,103 However, the antipermeability effect of Ang-1 is currently poorly understood and the results seem to be model-dependent. Theoretically, it would not be enough for Ang-1 merely to normalize the permeability properties of the endothelium; it would also need to make the endothelium hyperresistant to plasma protein leakage to counterbalance biophysical forces such as elevated capillary pressure, that drive plasma proteins into the extravascular space. COMP-Ang is a soluble and stable tetrameric variant of Ang-1, and is suggested to be more potent than monomeric Ang-1.104 Ang-2 behaves as a natural antagonist of Ang-1 by binding to but not activating the Tie-2 receptor, thereby resulting in the disruption of angiogenesis in the absence of VEGF.105 The gene transfer of transcription factors, such as the constitutively active form of HIF-1α or zinc finger transcription factors, could induce simultaneous expression of many growth factors 1237
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and cytokines, leading to a more natural angiogenic response.83,106 However, the angiogenic potency of e.g., adenoviral HIF-1α appears to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that of adenoviral VEGF (H. Karvinen, unpublished results). Gene transfer of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (endothelial NOS) has been reported to promote angiogenesis in a rat hindlimb ischemia model,107 whereas angiogenesis has not been observed in hindlimbs of rabbits after gene transfer of adenoviral endothelial NOS, thereby indicating that NO is necessary but not sufficient for angiogenesis (T.T. Rissanen, unpublished results). Cytokines, such as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, are indirect vascular growth factors thought to act via circulating monocytes and endothelial progenitor cells.108 Other factors reported to be angiogenic in ischemic tissues of experimental animals include early growth response-1, Ets-1, Del-1, PR39, insulinlike growth factors-1 and -2, endocrine-gland-derived-VEGF, Id1, stromal cell-derived factor-1α, adrenomedullin and Sonic hedgehog109–114 (Table 2). However, these findings are mostly based on experiments in single laboratories and further studies are needed to confirm their potency in therapeutic angiogenesis in large animal models and in humans.
Current status of clinical trials of gene therapy for therapeutic angiogenesis Among cardiovascular gene therapy trials, the vast majority have been designed to study therapeutic blood vessel growth (Tables 3 and 4). Recombinant protein (VEGF, FGF-2 and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor) therapies have been investigated in randomized controlled studies in peripheral and myocardial ischemia, but there were no convincing improvements in clinical outcomes.4–6,115 Proangiogenic VEGF gene therapy was initially tested with naked plasmid DNA delivery and was reported to result in the resolution of rest pain, increased collateral vasculature, and an increase in ankle brachial pressure index.10,11,116 Naked VEGF165 plasmid DNA as intramyocardial injections via throracotomy in small cohorts of “no-option” patients was reported to significantly improve the clinical status, myocardial perfusion, collateral growth and myocardial contractile function.117–119 However, naked plasmid VEGF165 administered together with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor did not lead to improved myocardial performance.120 In other trials naked VEGF-C (also called VEGF-2) plasmid DNA injected percutaneously into ischemic myocardium with the NOGA catheter or via thoracotomy alleviated angina and reduced the area of ischemic myocardium.12,121 In phase I trials, intra-arterial and IM delivery of AdVEGF165 and AdVEGF121 to human peripheral arteries and skeletal muscles, respectively, was safe and well tolerated.45,122 In a phase I trial of 34 no-option patients with critical limb ischemia AdHIF-1α treatment was shown to be safe and well tolerated.123 Only a few randomized, placebo-controlled angiogenic gene therapy trials have been reported on patients with intermittent claudication or critical limb ischemia (Table 3). In a randomized controlled phase II trial (n = 54) of catheter-mediated VEGF165 gene delivery using plasmid-liposomes or Ads, VEGF treatment improved the vascularity on digital subtraction 1238
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angiography at 3 months without differences in clinical outcomes.14 In the RAVE trial using 2 doses (4 × 109 particle units or 4 × 1010 particle units) of AdVEGF121 no significant differences were found between the groups in the change in peak walking time at 3 months or in ankle brachial pressure index and quality of life measures.124 No severe side effects were noted, although transient edema was associated with IM AdVEGF121 gene transfer. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of naked plasmid VEGF in 54 adult diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia, there was no difference in the primary endpoint, namely, the amputation rate at 100 days but significant improvements were achieved in secondary endpoints (ankle brachial index and clinical condition).17 There are a few published phase II/III trials using adenoviral gene therapy in patients with CAD (Table 4). The study of Laitinen et al. demonstrated the safety and feasibility of VEGF165 gene transfer in patients with stable CAD undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (n = 15).125 This study was followed by the phase II Kuopio Angiogenesis Trial (n = 103) aimed at investigating the effect of VEGF165 gene therapy on restenosis rate and on myocardial perfusion given during the angioplasty and stenting procedure with an infusion-perfusion catheter.15 There was no difference in the restenosis rate (6%) between the study groups (plasmid/liposome VEGF165, AdVEGF165 or placebo) but myocardial perfusion showed a significant improvement in the AdVEGF165 group at 6 months. Although intracoronary AdFGF4 tended to improve exercise time at 4 weeks in 79 stable angina pectoris patients (Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) class II/III) in the phase I/II AGENT-1 trial and resulted in a significant reduction of ischemic defect size in the phase II AGENT-2 trial,126,127 a larger multinational, multicenter double blind phase III AGENT-4 trial conducted in Europe documented no significant effect on exercise tolerance at 12 weeks in 116 patients.128 Also, the recruitment of patients was prematurely terminated in the AGENT-3 trial conducted in the United States, because of the failure to achieve the primary endpoint.129 In a subsequent posthoc analysis, however, significant efficacy was noted in patients over 55 years of age who had more severe angina symptoms.129 An ongoing phase III AWARE trial (n = 300) is testing the efficacy of intracoronary AdFGF-4 in women patients.130 Percutaneous intramyocardial NOGA-delivery of VEGF-C naked plasmid in no-option patients (n = 19) was reported to result in a significant reduction in CCS angina class after a 12-week follow-up.131 In the Euroinject One study a total of 80 no-option CCS angina class III–IV patients were assigned to intramyocardial injections of naked plasmid VEGF165 or placebo with the NOGA catheter.16 After a 3-month follow-up no significant differences were found between the groups in the CCS class, or in the size of perfusion defect at rest or during exercise. However, local wall motion as assessed by ventriculography or local linear shortening mapping with NOGA were better in the plasmid VEGF165 treated group than in the placebo group. In a phase II trial, no-option CAD patients (n = 67) with CCS class II–IV angina were randomized to either continue optimal medical therapy or to receive AdVEGF121 (4 × 1010 particle units) into the myocardium via thoracotomy.132 Time to 1 mm ST-depression during exercise test was significantly improved at 26 weeks, though not at 12 weeks, in patients who received AdVEGF121, as compared to vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
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Table 3 Clinical phase II/III randomized controlled gene therapy trials in PAD
Therapeutic [target] application
VEGF peripheral vascular disease trial
Control treatment
Primary endpoint
Increased vascularity in angiography at 3 months
PWT at 12 weeks
PWT at 6 months
133 (Unpublished)
Intramuscular injections
PWT at 3 months
135 (Unpublished)
Naked VEGF165 Plasmid
Intramuscular injections
Decrease in amputation rate
Negative 17 (secondary endpoints positive)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (CLI)
Naked HGF plasmid
Intramuscular injections
48 (planned)
Wound healing, amputation rate, rest pain, ABI
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (CLI)
Naked FGF-1 plasmid
Intramuscular injections
Ulcer healing at 6 months
Negative 136 (secondary (Unpublished) endpoints positive)
PM 202
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (CLI)
Naked FGF-1 plasmid
Intramuscular injections
Change in transcutaneous pO2
Prevent III
Vein graft failure in PAD (CLI)
Edifoligide (an E2F transcription factor decoy)
Ex vivo Buffered pressure-mediated saline delivery
Time to graft reintervention or major amputation due to graft failure
Negative 35 (secondary endpoint positive)
Therapeutic agent
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (claudication)
AdVEGF165 or Plasmid/liposome VEGF165
Intraarterial injection at the angioplasty site
Ringer’s lactate
RAVE trial
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (claudication)
Intramuscular injections
Vehicle (no virus)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (claudication)
Intramuscular injections
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (claudication)
Plasmid-expressing Del-1 formulated with poloxamer 188
Groningen trial
Therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD (CLI)
134 (Unpublished)
137 (Unpublished)
Abbreviations: ABI, ankle brachial index; Ad, adenovirus; CLI, critical limb ischemic; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; HIF-1α, hypoxia inducible factor-1α; HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; PWT, peak walking time; vascular endothelial growth factor. a A measure of the efficacy in relation to the study protocol-defined primary or secondary endpoint.
controls. Secondary endpoints, CCS class, and total exercise tolerance were improved at both time points. However, the significant contribution that thoracotomy could have made to the placebo effect should not be excluded from consideration. In addition to AGENT-3 and AGENT-4 trials, there are some other yet unpublished trials of gene transfer for therapeutic angiogenesis (Tables 3 and 4). Currently, a phase II randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled WALK trial is under way to assess the positive impact of AdHIF-1α on peak walking time at 6 months in approximately 300 peripheral arterial disease patients.133 An ongoing HGF-STAT trial seeks to assess the efficacy of naked plasmid-mediated HGF gene transfer on tissue perfusion in patients with unreconstructable critical ischemia.134 The phase II study addressing the effect of IM administered Del-1 plasmid formulated with poloxamer 188 on the change in the peak walking time at 3 months in 100 patients with claudication showed no efficacy.135 The phase II trials using IM FGF-1 naked plasmid gene transfer in critical limb ischemic patients failed to achieve the primary endpoints, namely, ulcer healing and increased transcutaneous pO2, but the TALISMAN trial resulted in a significant reduction in amputation rate.136,137 The phase Molecular Therapy vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
II GENASIS trial, originally designed to enroll 404 no-option CAD patients with CCS III–IV angina to study the efficacy of percutaneous, intramyocardial Stiletto catheter-mediated naked VEGF-C (VEGF-2) plasmid gene transfer on exercise tolerance time at 3 months, was recently prematurely stopped after only 295 patients, because of complications related to the catheter and a high likehood of the lack of positive impact on the primary endpoint.18 The ongoing phase II/III NORTHERN trial (planned n = 120) is testing the efficacy of intramyocardial NOGAmediated delivery of AdVEGF121 in no-option CAD patients.138 The NOVA trial with a very similar design was recently stopped.139
Vascular protection and prevention of restenosis and graft failures Vascular gene therapy to alleviate post-angioplasty restenosis has experienced a significant change in the past few years. From being one of the most popular, it has now become a less attractive area of gene therapy because sirolimus and paclitaxel-eluting stents have offered a significant relief to this clinical problem. Therefore, future studies should aim at investigating how gene therapy can be combined with drug-eluting stents to further improve the 1239
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Table 4 Clinical phase II/III randomized controlled gene therapy trials in CAD Therapeutic [target] application
Therapeutic agent
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS class II–III)
AdVEGF165 or plasmid/ liposome VEGF165
Intracoronary injection at the angioplasty site
REVASC trial
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS II–IV)
Intramyocardial Best medical 67 injection via treatment mini-thoracotomy (no placebo treatment)
Time to 1 mm Positive ST-segment depression on ETT at 26 weeks
Euroinject one trial
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS III–IV)
Naked VEGF165 Plasmid
Percutaneous Intramyocardial injections
Placebo plasmid
Improved myocardial perfusion at 3 months
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS III–IV)
Naked VEGF-2 (VEGF-C) plasmid
Percutaneous Intramyocardial injections
295 (404 planned)
ETT at 3 months
Negative at interim analysis, stopped
18 (Unpublished)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS III–IV)
Percutaneous Intramyocardial injections
120 Change in (planned) myocardial perfusion in stress/rest at 12 weeks
138 (Unpublished)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS II–IV)
Percutaneous Intramyocardial injections
129 ETT at (planned) 26 weeks
139 (Unpublished)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS II–IV)
Intracoronary injection
SPECT at 8 weeks
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS II–IV)
Intracoronary injection
ETT at 12 weeks
Negative (subgroup of >55 yr with CCS III-IV positive)
129 (Unpublished)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS II–IV)
Intracoronary injection
ETT at 12 weeks
128 (Unpublished)
Therapeutic angiogenesis in CAD (CCS III–IV)
Intracoronary injection
300 (women)
ETT at 6 months
130 (Unpublished)
In-stent restenosis in CAD
Anti-sense Local delivery oligonucleotide after stent against c-myc implantation
% neointimal volume obstruction at 6 months
Prevent IV
Vein graft failure in CAD
edifoligide (an E2F transcription factor decoy)
Ex vivo Buffered pressure-mediated saline delivery
Death or vein graft stenosis of >75% at 12–18 months
Familial hypercholesterolemia
ISIS 301012 (antisense oligonucleotide inhibitor of apoB)
Intravenous followed by weekly subcutaneous injections for 4 weeks
Percent reduction in LDL-cholesterol from baseline to 12 weeks
Positive (35% 170 reduction of LDL-cholesterol at 39 days)
Control treatment
Ringer’s lactate
Primary endpoint
Improved myocardial perfusion at 6 months
Positive (adenovirus group only)
Abbreviations: Ad, adenovirus; apoB, apolipoprotein B; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCS, Canadian cardiovascular society; ETT, exercise tolerance testing; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; HIF-1α, hypoxia inducible factor-1α; LDL, low density lipoprotein; SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. a A measure of the efficacy in relation to the study protocol-defined primary or secondary endpoint α.
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results. One target for gene therapy could be the acceleration of re-endotheliazation impaired by these anti-proliferation drugs, although the animal data on re-endotheliazation by overexpression of VEGFs has been conflicting.44,140–143 Other therapeutic genes that could possibly further improve the effects of drugeluting stents include anti-oxidative genes such as extracellular superoxide dismutase, and vasoprotective and anti-thrombotic factors such as like NOS and prostacyclin synthase, that have been effective in animal models of restenosis.144–146 While there is no drug-gene combination stent yet, gene-eluting stents have already been introduced.61,62 A vast number of additional factors have been tested in preclinical models of balloon-angioplasty restenosis since the beginning of the 1990s (Table 2) but none has so far proven effective in clinical studies.15,147 Gene therapy may be more applicable in the treatment of vein graft stenosis than of post-angioplasty restenosis because there is currently no established pharmacological treatment aimed at inhibiting vein graft occlusions. Ex vivo gene transfer offers a feasible method for the transduction of the whole vein graft prior to implantation. This approach is eligible both for coronary artery and peripheral bypass vein grafts.63,148 Also, the failure of arteriovenous grafts in hemodialysis patients is a significant clinical problem and these grafts could be genetically modified.149,150 Gene transfer of NOS, or of other factors causing increased NO production within the grafts could be effective in achieving vasodilatation, anti-thrombotic effects, and diminished SMC proliferation.151,152 Normal physiological and moderately elevated levels of VEGF are likely beneficial for blood vascular homeostasis i.e., are vasculoprotective.153 This hypothesis is supported by the findings from clinical studies that when VEGF function is blocked by antibody treatment, cardiovascular complications occur.154 On the other hand, while many animal models of intimal thickening and arteriosclerosis have indicated that too much of VEGF may enhance atherogenesis,142,143,155 clinical studies using intra-arterial adenoviral VEGF gene transfer have not shown such effects so far.14,15 VEGF or NOS gene transfer could also improve erectile function caused by diabetes or hypercholesterolemia.156 Angs could also function as vasculoprotective factors e.g., in cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis157 but the current data on their therapeutic potential is controversial and even their basic biology is not yet very well understood.158 Other strategies for the prevention of intimal thickening include factors that inhibit SMC proliferation, oxidative stress, inflammation or the degradation of extracellular matrix.152,159–161 For example, Ad-mediated ex vivo gene transfer of extracellular superoxide dismutase, alone or in combination with tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 or vaccinia virus antiinflammatory protein 35K, prevented vein graft stenosis in a jugular vein graft model in normocholesterolemic rabbits.63 Although Ads are very effective during the first 2 weeks after gene transfer, the treatment for vein graft stenosis may require long-term gene expression, which is currently best achieved with AAVs.162 Despite early positive reports, an elongation factor 2 transcription factor decoy was ineffective in preventing vein graft failure in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft or peripheral bypass in the lower extremities, in randomized controlled trials Molecular Therapy vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
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involving 3,804 patients.34,35,163 These results may indicate that the antisense oligonucleotide strategy may not be efficient in human gene therapy. siRNA technology may be the next step to block expression of harmful factors in vein grafts, but currently there are very few published reports of experiments. In one study, siRNA targeting a heparin-binding growth factor midkine was reported to attenuate intimal hyperplasia up to 90% in jugular vein-tocarotid artery interposition vein grafts in rabbits.164 The experience in siRNA technology is limited as yet, and it remains to be seen whether this approach is any more effective than the antisense strategy. This is because siRNAs too must be delivered to a significant number of cells in the graft in order to be clinically effective.
Hyperlipidemias, hypertension, atherogenesis and anti-thrombosis Over the past decade, conventional pharmacological treatment of the major risk factors of atherosclerosis has improved significantly. For example, practically all cases of Western-typediet-related hypercholesterolemia and heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia can be managed with lipid-lowering drugs, especially by using the most potent statins combined with ezetimibe when necessary. There is also a diversity of treatment options available for patients with essential hypertension. Thus, considering the risk-to-benefit ratio of current gene therapy vectors and approaches, it appears likely that only a quite low number of patients with a very difficult lipid disorders, such as homozygotic familial hypercholesterolemia or drug-resistant hypertension, would be potential candidates for gene therapy. Current anti-thrombotic drug treatments are also very effective but may have significant shortcomings, such as those of warfarin. Only vectors capable of long-term gene expression can be considered for the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors. It would be useful if such a vector could have regulatory elements that detect changes in cholesterol or in blood pressure levels, and adjust gene expression to an appropriate level accordingly. Homozygotic familial hypercholesterolemia, with a prevalence of 1:1,000,000 persons, is a potential target for gene therapy because: (i) the current treatment options (low density lipoprotein (LDL) apheresis or liver transplantation) are very laborious, (ii) the disease leads to premature cardiovascular death in young adulthood, and (iii) functional LDL receptor (LDLR) expression in the liver can be reconstituted by gene transfer. The initial approach was an ex vivo strategy wherein autologous hepatocytes were retrovirally transduced in vitro and injected back via the portal vein. However, pilot clinical experiments showed that, although it is safe and feasible, the therapy resulted only in a modest LDL lowering effect because of the limited number of transduced hepatocytes.165 The first significant long-term effect on plasma cholesterol levels was achieved by an in vivo gene therapy approach using Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived retroviruses carrying LDLR into the livers of spontaneously hypercholesterolemic LDLR-deficient watanabe heriditary hyperlipidemic rabbits. The plasma total cholesterol in the animals was reduced by 35% 2–3 months after the gene transfer.68 However, the requirement for cell proliferation, and therefore for partial liver resection and/or treatment with a cytotoxic agent as well as insertional mutagenesis with retroviruses, likely preclude the clinical use of this approach. Recent 1241
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experiments have utilized lentiviruses and AAV. Gene transfer of human LDLR via AAV serotypes 7 and 8 injected into the portal veins of LDLR-deficient mice on a high-fat diet resulted in nearly complete normalization of serum lipids lasting at least 21 weeks, and also significantly alleviated atherosclerosis.166 Long-term liverspecific gene transfer using an intraportally injected third-generation lentiviral vector encoding LDLR in watanabe heriditary hyperlipidemic rabbits has been shown to decrease serum total cholesterol levels by 14% at 1 month, 44% at 1 year and 34% at 2 years as compared to the controls, with no major safety issues during the follow up.27 Gene transfer of a soluble macrophage scavenger receptor or apolipoprotein E has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and lesion development in mouse models.167,168 However, excessive adenoviral overexpression of LDLR may induce an imbalance between the speed of LDL uptake and metabolism, leading to pathological accumulation of lipids and cholesterol in hepatocytes,169 thereby suggesting that regulated gene expression might be useful for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. No clinical trials have yet been performed using the in vivo gene transfer strategy for homozygotic familial hypercholesterolemia. In a small phase II double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled, dose-escalation clinical trial 36 volunteers with mild dyslipidemia were treated with a 4-week multiple-dosing regimen of antisense oligonucleotide against apolipoprotein B administered intravenously followed by weekly subcutaneous injections.170 The treatment was found to be safe, though erythema was commonly observed at the injection site. The therapy resulted in up to 50% reduction in apolipoprotein B and a maximum 35% reduction in LDL cholesterol, both of which remained significantly below baseline up to 3 months after the last dose. However, there were only four patients in the placebo group and these results need to be confirmed in larger trials. Aspirin, clopidogrel, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors, and warfarin are effective anti-thrombotic drugs, but the use of warfarin, especially, has led to problems. Experimentally tested anti-thrombotic gene therapy approaches include the use of tissue plasminogen activator, thrombomodulin, cyclo-oxygenase-1, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, C-type natriuretic peptide and ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase.171–176 Also, increased production of NO by the use of endothelial NOS could be an option as a potent anti-thrombotic agent. There is yet no clinical experience in the area of anti-thrombotic gene transfer approaches. A potential therapeutic strategy for control of hypertension is the inhibition of genes that have been implicated in the elevation of blood pressure, particularly members of the renin–angiotensin system, such as angiotensinogen, angiotensin-converting enzyme, angiotensin II type-1 receptor and β-adrenergic receptor.177 Another way of decreasing blood pressure is to overexpress genes that induce vasodilation e.g., kallikrein, adrenomedullin, atrial natriuretic peptide and endothelial NOS.178 Because repeated administration of antisense oligonucleotides hardly offers any significant benefit over conventional drug therapy, gene expression should be longterm and optimally regulated by the blood pressure level. By the use of vectors capable of long-term gene expression, both of the above mentioned strategies have been shown to be effective in rodent models of hypertension.179–181 In addition to these approaches, one interesting possibility could be a permanent gene transfer of soluble 1242
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angiotensin II type-1 receptor or an antibody against angiotensin converting enzyme, which would circumvent problems related to the requirement of an intracellular mechanism of action of the antisense approach. Gene therapy of pulmonary hypertension has also been investigated, because there is a lack of an optimal conventional treatment and also a poor prognosis for the disease. Factors that inhibit SMC proliferation and induce SMC apoptosis as well as overexpression of vasodilatators like prostacyclin synthase and NOS have been utilized in experimental studies.182,183 Clinical experience is currently lacking in the use of gene therapy in both systemic and pulmonary hypertension.
Heart failure and modulation of the electrical activity in the myocardium Heart failure remains one of the most important causes of morbi dity and mortality in the Western world. Though there have been significant advances in treatment, and greater knowledge of the molecular pathophysiology of the failing myocardium is now available, there is a clear need to find ways to modify, and possibly even reverse, the underlying pathophysiology. The main focus areas of gene therapy for heart failure are: improvement of the contractile function of cardiomyocytes by improving perfusion, enhancing Ca2+ transients, inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy, remodeling and fibrosis, and prevention of arrhythmias (Table 2). Ischemic cardiovascular disease is the most important cause of congestive heart failure and therefore angiogenesis using gene therapy could be a novel treatment option in patients who are not suitable candidates for conventional revascularization. VEGF gene transfer has improved systolic function of the left ventricle in animal models of ischemic and pacing-induced heart failure.73,184 Perhaps one of the most promising approaches for improving the contractility of cardiac myocytes is to amend Ca2+ metabolism. This could be done by gene transfer of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase, calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin or S100A1, or inhibition of phospholamban, a regulator of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ cycling.185–188 Manipulation of the myocardial β-adrenergic receptor system, which is impaired in heart failure, is also an interesting target of myocardial gene therapy.189 Gene therapy studies that take advantage of the modification of the renin–angiotensin system are still to be explored in the treatment of heart failure. In addition to all these, which are also important areas of conventional drug treatment for heart failure, there are also some completely new potential areas of focus for gene therapy, such as many protein kinases. For example, the inhibition of protein kinase C-α by a dominant negative protein kinase C-α, or overexpression of p38 kinase, have both been shown to enhance myocardial contractility in rat models of postinfarction cardiomyopathy.190,191 Other ways to promote cardiac myocyte survival and mitosis in the failing heart may be overexpression of Bcl-2 and cyclin A2 or the inhibition of caspases.192–194 Intracoronary gene transfer of Ad encoding adenyl cyclase VI also improved left ventricular function in a pig model of congestive heart failure.195 AAV-mediated gene transfer of hemeoxygenase-1 into the rat myocardium conferred cardioprotective effects against myocardial ischemia.196 To date, there have been no published clinical studies specifically designed for treating heart failure using gene therapy. vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
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An exciting focus area for gene therapy in cardiology is the modulation of the electrical activity of the heart. This could poten tially be an alternative to implantable electronic pacemaker devices. Approaches that have been experimentally tested include β2adrenergic receptor overexpression, downregulation of the inward rectifier current, overexpression of the pacemaker current, and engineered stem cells.197 The most recent advances include overexpression of modulated ion channels, such as a bioengineered hyperpolarization-activated nonselective channel, or a hyper polarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated construct with the capability of tuning the frequency of oscillation.198,199 The identification of gene defects that cause congenital long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome might open the doors for a cure using long-term gene transfer of the functional ion channel in the myocardium.
Insights into cardiovascular gene therapy in the future In clinical cardiovascular gene therapy, the emphasis so far has been on developing proangiogenic therapy for patients who are not suitable candidates for conventional revascularization. Because of this, other areas of application are still lagging behind. A major characteristic of the field has been the disappointing fact that, whereas preclinical trials as well as all published proangiogenic gene and protein therapy trials without controls have yielded positive results, none of the randomized controlled trials have shown convincing and clinically relevant results. Firstly, this indicates that only randomized, placebo-controlled trials can properly judge the efficacy of angiogenic therapies.153 Secondly, there are a few key issues that need to be addressed in order to improve the design and outcome of future studies. The large number of publications and experiments done in laboratories around the world highlight the biological potency of overexpression of VEGFs and some other angiogenic growth factors such as FGFs. Thus, it is likely that technical and pharmacological shortcomings in the current treatment approaches have caused the failures.153 One obvious confounding factor is a strong placebo effect, and further complications are introduced by the use of quite subjective endpoints such as treadmill exercise tolerance test. More objective endpoints that address perfusion, collateral flow and, ultimately, survival should be used. Animal experiments have now shown that one likely explanation for the lack of efficacy and biological effects in clinical proangiogenic trials is that growth factor concentration in target tissues has not reached sufficient levels and/or has not persisted long enough to trigger relevant vascular growth. The short half-life of recombinant growth factors, low gene transfer with naked plasmid, low dose of Ad, and compromised delivery routes such as an intra-arterial injection, together with suboptimal time points in relation to the duration of gene expression, have likely contributed to the disappointing outcomes. For example, although both gene expression and perfusion peak at around 1 week and diminishes by 2 weeks after adenoviral gene transfer, the clinical studies have omitted this important time point and only focused on long-term time points of 2–6 months, which is likely post festum. Although gene expression kinetics of Ad and naked plasmid are not very well understood in humans, the preclinical data on gene expression kinetics should be taken into consideration when planning future clinical trials. Molecular Therapy vol. 15 no. 7 july 2007
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The optimal cardiovascular gene therapy application would fulfil most of the following requirements: the therapeutic protein is biologically very powerful, the product is secreted, gene transfer can be physically (i.e., by surgery or via a catheter) and possibly also genetically targeted, gene transfer vector is highly efficient, and gene expression time is long enough and can be regulated. There are several different factors reported to have therapeutic potential but often the findings have not been confirmed by observations in independent laboratories. It appears that in many cases the approaches that are being developed are too complicated. For instance, it is uncertain whether hypoxia-specific promoters have any benefit over unspecific promoters in therapeutic angiogenesis, because angiogenesis and especially arteriogenesis should also be induced in normoxic tissues. Targeting of vectors, which usually leads to diminished gene expression efficiency, may be unnecessary unless untargeted vectors cause adverse effects. Clinical trials with transcription factors and antisense oligonucleotides have so far been disappointing.34,35,147 Almost 100% gene transfer efficiency will be required in the absence of a bystander effect to make these approaches effective. Thus, despite the enthusiasm they have aroused, it is somewhat uncertain whether siRNA approaches will yield any better clinical results. The intra-arterial route is much less effective than IM injections, and the areas with a perfusion deficit, and therefore in the most urgent need for neovascularization, may not be effectively reached by the intra-arterial route. The efficacy of a gene transfer vector and the method of its administration are of crucial importance. Overall, the rules of conventional pharmaceutical development should also be applied for gene therapy trials.153 In experimental gene therapy studies this means that the levels of the therapeutic protein in the target tissue (not only in plasma) should be shown quantitatively. Moreover, the kinetics of the therapeutic protein expression and downstream biological effects should be demonstrated. Excluding some vaccination applications, naked plasmid DNA has failed in almost all randomized, controlled phase II/III clinical trials and the most likely reason isthat gene transfer efficacy is too low.21 Although it is very potent, Ad may not be an optimal vector for most clinical applications of cardiovascular gene therapy. Instead, it may serve as a tool to study the biology of therapeutic proteins while other vectors could be used for clinical gene therapy. However, e.g., an angiogenic boost with adenoviral VEGF gene transfer could still be useful as an adjuvant therapy in combination with bypass surgery or angioplasty rather than as a sole therapy.69 Similar boosts of therapeutic vascular growth could be beneficial in orthopedics and trauma surgery as well as in plastic surgery. For example, bone formation may be promoted by adenoviral VEGF gene transfer, and this suggests a novel treatment method for avascular and osteoporotic fractures.70 Furthermore, the surgical repair of soft tissue traumas, such as rupture of the degenerated rotator cuff or the Achilles tendon, might benefit from increased perfusion to the injured area. Diabetic wounds and surgical skin flaps are other possible areas of application of angiogenic gene transfer.71,88 It is likely that overinterpretations have been made in many preclinical studies, and this has prompted clinical testing of factors and approaches with minor biological relevance and effects. For example, a persistent belief that angiogenesis can be induced only in ischemic tissues has led to the routine use of small animal 1243
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models of severe ischemia, causing difficulties in the separation of endogenous and exogenous components of angiogenesis. According to the current knowledge it appears that potent angiogenic factors induce blood vessel growth both in non-ischemic and ischemic tissues.21,38,40,46,74,75 Thus, it is proposed that non-ischemic normal tissues should be preferred in the first proof-of-principle experiments in order to avoid misinterpretation caused by endogenous angiogenesis, necrosis, and inflammation in ischemic tissues. Only therafter should the potency of a given factor be evaluated in ischemia models. Large animal models should be used instead of mice and rats where e.g., the reliable measurement of systolic heart function using echocardiography is usually not technically feasible. The large differences in the transduction efficacy of Ads between species and tissues should be kept in mind. It should not be acceptable to just show “more black dots” in between myocytes in angiogenesis studies. Mechanistic data on how the number of capillaries was actually increased should also be provided. In conclusion, there are several viable indications for cardiovascular gene therapy, factors with biological potential have been identified, and efficient gene transfer vectors have been constructed. However, when compared against the achievements in other areas of gene therapy,200 there is no clear demonstration of a clinical benefit in the area of cardiovascular gene therapy. The first possible clinical applications are expected to be therapeutic vascular growth, prevention of vein graft stenosis and treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Acknowledgments
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18. 19.
20. 21.
22. 23. 24.
This study was supported by grants from the Academy of Finland, Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, Maud Kuistila Foundation, Sigrid Juselius Foundation, EU Vascular Genomics Network, EVGN (LSHM-CT-2003-503254) and EU CliniGene network (LSH-CT-2004-018933).
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