Current Trends in Social Studies Education

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CHAPTER 10. OPINIONS OF SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS TOWARDS ...... reports/120TR.pdf. ... Magna Carta: 800 years of law & liberty, Policy, 3 (2), 32±. 39.
Current Trends in Social Studies

We witness astounding developments in this age of information and communication. Technology has influenced all the aspects of our lives by causing inevitable changes and improvements in every field. Naturally, the world of science has greatly benefited from this change and development. In consequence, the rapid circulation of information and technology in the scientific world has increased the cooperation among scientists. This cooperation highly contributes to researches and studies in the fields of language, history, literature, education, economy, social and cultural life, politics, sports, tourism, and media and communication along with many other areas. Thus, this book contains current trends in Social Studies Education in parallel with the improvements in the world of science. It took about one year to prepare and print the book. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our friends who contributed to this process.

Prof. Dr. Turhan Çetin Assist. Prof. Dr. Almasa MULALIĆ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selahattin KAYMAKÇI Turhan Çetin was born in Afyonkarahisar.Currently he has beenworking in Gazi University, Ankara. Almasa Mulalić has been working in International University of Sarajevo Faculty of Education Department of English Language and Literature,Bosnia and Herzegovina. Selahattin Kaymakçı was born in Kastamonu.Currently he has been working in Kastamonu University, Turkey.



Current Trends in Social Studies Education

CURRENT TRENDS IN SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION EDITORS 3URI'U7XUKDQd(7ø1 Gazi University Faculty of Educaiton Ankara, Turkey. $VVLVW3URI'U$OPDVD08/$/,û International University of Sarajevo Faculty of Educaiton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assoc. Prof'U6HODKDWWLQ.$T- 0RADE STUDENTS ON T-E CONCEPT O" #"/$+&-ø67$128/468/7$12(HUVL& 9 RD12"&  03 @G21D&L0Q9 A01LD" A&2GLHV @G21D&L0Q9 = 9rof. 6r., Qazi University, Faculty of Education, Social Studies Education, 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 %& ! Social Studies Education

 ;-D/&HUN>C3 9orter, ()*?3 S$igel%an, ()*?-. Rit# 5agna ;#arta ML4HU&D&2.9 L& :DV DVVHU&HG &-D& LQGL>LG2D"VK VD3H&  03 "L3H DQG $ro$erty s#ould "e $reserved and t#ey 0ere $rotected against ar"itrary interference of t#e king. No0ever, an effective %ec#anis% 0as not esta"lis#ed to $ractically $rotect and $reserve t#ese rig#ts 'ZQD"9*ddk,5FLGG"H6THVLV04VHU>HG&04HD/HUL0GG0.LQD&HG4  ;#ristian teac#ings and t#e c#urc# 'Neater, ())/-. Nu%an rig#ts 4H1D.H DQ DV/H1& 03 UH"LTL0Q G2ULQT &-LV /HUL0G 'ZQD"9 *ddk,5 T#o%as AMuinas, an i%$ortant $#iloso$#er of t#is $eriod, stated t#at all $eo$le, including t#e e%$erors, are su"ject to divine la0s 0#ic# serve as t#e 0ill of god, and #e continues "y saying t#at god does not like ar"itrariness, co%%ands justice and t#at $eo$le are not o"ligated to o"ey to a ruler 0#o does not co%$ly 0it# divine la0s. 5oreover, #e e%$#asizes t#at $eo$le #ave t#e rig#t to resist '&a$ani, ()*=-. Rit# t#e 8efor%ation and 8enaissance, social a0areness 0#ic# raised to0ards t#e end of 5iddle Ages, 0as at its $eak and t#e efforts to o"tain rig#ts increased even %ore. As fort t#e 5odern Ages 0#ic# e%erged 0it# 8enaissance and 8efor%ation %ove%ents, one of t#e %ost i%$ortant develo$%ents 0as t#at su"ject of non:assigna"le #u%an rig#ts 0as "eing 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Social Studies Education ! %í

 ;-D/&HUNLG2D"V 'ZQD"9 *>>C-. All t#e rig#ts 0#ic# $eo$le need to #ave, including eMuality, :HUH UH/UHVHQ&HG &-U02T- &-H &HU. s-2.DQ ULT-&VK5 [-LV 10Q1H/& includes t#e 0#ole rig#ts of all $eo$le 0it#out e2ce$tion and 0it# t#e only criteria of "eing #u%an 'Soysal, *>HUQ.HQ&g&-D&sKH>HU 0QH-DV&-HULT-&&0"L3H9 "L4HU& DQGVH12UL& 03/HUV0QKK5[-LV/ULQ1L/"H-DV7H/&L&VLQ3"2HQ1H over %any years and it 0as included in %any constitutional te2ts 'Neater, ())/-. Dne of t#ese te2ts is Hirginia 6eclaration of 8ig#ts3 t#e essential rig#ts included in t#is declaration #ave reflected t#e A%erican 6eclaration of Inde$endence. Su"seMuently, t#e #u%an rig#ts 0ere $reserved in t#e ;onstitution of United States of A%erica 0#ic# 0as ratified in */>*. T#is constitution restrained slavery in *HUQ.HQ& 'ZQD"9 *ddk,5 [-H i%$rove%ents %ade in t#e field of #u%an rig#ts in Euro$e and A%erica #ad great i%$act around t#e 0orld and caused t#ese rig#ts to #ave an international significance. United Oations 0as founded in t#e ()t# century and t#e Euro$ean ;onvention of Nu%an 8ig#ts 0as ratified in *>?=. T#e 0orld 0ars and local conflicts occurred during t#is century "roug#t for0ard %any controversies a"out t#e #u%an rig#ts and eMuality of %en and 0o%en 0as one of t#e %ost $ro%inent to$ics. 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Social Studies Education ! %

 ;-D/&HUN>+)s and *>>)s e%$#asize different t#e%es "ased on eMuality3 t#us, leading t#e fe%inist %ove%ents to "e se$arated and e%erging of ne0 fe%inist %ove%ents. A%ong t#ese %ove%ents, li"eral fe%inis%, radical fe%inis%, 5ar2ist fe%inis%, and socialist fe%inis% are seen influential. @i"eral fe%inis% $oints out t#at ineMuality of %an and 0o%an is a s#ort:co%ing of li"eral de%ocracy and e%$#asizes t#at everyone %ust #ave eMual rig#ts. 8adical fe%inists focus on 0o%aQKV 40G  DQG VHt2D"L&  DQG DVVHU& &-D& &-HVH 3D1&0UV DUH effective in segregation of 0o%en. 5ar2ist fe%inists e%$#asize class differences "y stating t#at social class, et#nical #eritage, cultural differences are factors affecting t#e segregation of 0o%en. Social fe%inists advocate t#at gender roles affect segregation to0ards 0o%en as %uc# as class differences 'Berktay, ()*=-. T#e

777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 %% ! Social Studies Education

 ;-D/&HUN5&U,5 ]Q -LV GH3LQL&L0Q9 Jh7.HQ '()*8, V&D&HV &-D& sK]& LV D GH.0TUD/-L1D" 1D&HT0U  :-L1- LV GH&HU.LQHGGH/HQGHG0QDQLQGL>LG2D"KV4L0"0TL1D"VHt2D"L& 5KKDQG clai%s t#e a$$ro$riateness of #is definition "y $utting for0ard t#e e2a%$le of t#e indication of gender on identification cards. T#e se2uality conce$t 0#ic# is used 0it# its "asic %eaning in $ri%itive V01LH&LHV -DV TDLQHG QH: 30U.V5 ]Q &-LV 10Q&Ht&9 fVHtg LV 2Ved for VHt2D"L& :-L1-Ht/UHVVHV4L0"0TL1D"1-DUD1&HULV&L1VDQGfTHQGHULV used for se2uality 0#ic# 0as "elieved to "e generated "y society. As it can "e understood "y t#e given definitions and e2$lanations3 0it# its "asic %eaning, se2uality co%$rises t#e c#aracteristics necessary for re$roduction of %an and 0o%an in "iological ter%s. It can "e seen t#at individuals take on different roles in t#e society des$ite "eing "orn as %an or 0o%an. 5oreover, t#ese roles s#o0 differences fro% society to society and fro% ti%e to ti%e 'Eren, ())8rW7&HQ9())+9JH.LU4L"H79())\,5FHQDQG:0.HQ.D 4HLQ different $ositions in ter%s of t#e social structure, $o0er, roles and res$onsi"ilities '&a#ra%an, ()*)-. Dn t#e contrary to "iological se2uality 0#ic# is a genetic c#aracteristic, it can "e o"served t#at gender ca%e into "eing in conseMuence of t#ese different social constructs and it is decided culturally 'Torgri%son and 5inson, ())?3 Unger, *>/>-. Based on t#e "efore %entioned state%ents, it can "e understood t#at 0it#in t#e essence of t#e conce$t of se2uality, t#ere lies t#e roles, judg%ents, e2$ectations, values regarding #o0 t#e society vie0s, $erceives, t#inks and e2$ects t#e individuals to act DV.D"H0U3H.D"H'Jh7.HQ9())k,5;0Q1LVH" 9THQGHULV&-HU0"HV given to %en and 0o%en "y t#e society. Additionally, it can "e said 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Social Studies Education ! %(

 ;-D/&HUN>=-. Dne of t#e first t#ings t#at c#ildren attending at sc#ool learn is t#at %en and 0o%en take on different res$onsi"ilities just as in t#e fa%ily environ%ent. It is o"served t#at t#e vie0s and a$$roac#es "ased on gender t#at t#e c#ildren in $resc#ool $eriod learn in fa%ily environ%ent turn into a li%iting construct 'Esen, ()*=-. It is %ore $ossi"le t#at t#e students see t#at t#e %anagers consist of %en even in t#e sc#ools 0#ere 0o%en are $redo%inant '5cAdie, *>>-. It is noticea"ly difficult for 0o%en 0#o 0ork "ot# at 0ork and #o%e to lean to0ards trade union %ove%ents due to %ental and ti%e0ise factors. 8elations "et0een s$ouses %ay suffer 0#en 0o%en $artici$ate in V21-.0>H.HQ&V'[07Vh^I@UG0#G29()*N,5E0:H>HU9 for 0o%en to actively $artici$ate in t#e social life, t#ey are e2$ected 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Social Studies Education ! %$

 ;-D/&HUNt# $lace in $roviding gender eMuality in education3 and **=t# in giving $lace to 0o%en in $olitics. ;onsidering t#e re$ort, t#e reasons 0#y Turkey takes $lace in lo0er tiers need to "e investigated and necessary $recautions need to "e taken. R#en t#e socialization function of sc#ools is taken into consideration, it 0ill "e to t#e $oint t#at t#e first ste$s to0ards eli%inating gender ineMuality in society. 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 (& ! Social Studies Education

 ;-D/&HUN to **. Taken t#is age grou$ into consideration, it can "e understood t#at identifying t#e gender ineMuality stereoty$es of $ri%ary sc#ool students, es$ecially Ct# grade students, develo$ing and i%$le%enting activities 0#ic# ai% to eli%inate t#ese stereoty$es #ave crucial i%$ortance in raising individuals 0#o $reserve gender eMuality. Sc#ools "eing used as a tool of socialization and trans%itting culture is also effective in trans%itting t#e stereoty$es in t#e society. Rit# reference to 0#at individuals ac#ieve and $ut to use "y learning t#eir stereoty$es &0:DUGVTHQGHU'Jh7.HQ9()*8,9kt# grade course of Nu%an 8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 6e%ocracy and Social Studies is "elieved to contri"ute to esta"lis#ing an eMualitarian society structure and raise sensitivity a%ong students. 5oreover, eli%inating t#e negative attitudes and $rejudices of students to0ards gender eMuality, if t#ere is any, can "e a facilitating factor in increasing t#e re$resentation of 0o%en in every field 0it#in t#e future societies. 9rivate educational institutions $lay an i%$ortant $art in conveying t#e %entality and virtues of t#e teac#ers to0ards citizens#i$ and re"uilding t#e li"eral de%ocratic regi%e 'Arnot, ())+-. Rit# t#is $ur$ose, Ct# grade course of Nu%an 8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Social Studies Education ! (í

 ;-D/&HUN>t# $age de%onstrates t#e traditional roles of a fat#er and a %ot#er and t#e aut#ority of t#e fat#er are e%$#asized. Dn t#e *)?t# $age 0#ile t#e 0o%an o$ens t#e door 0earing an a$ron and t#e %an is $ro"a"ly arriving #o%e fro% 0ork. R#en t#e ot#er i%ages in t#e "ook are e2a%ined, it is seen t#at %en are %ore re$resented in science, $olitics, and s$orts t#an 0o%en. It can "e understood t#at t#e course "ook #as si%ilarities to t#e course "ooks $u"lis#ed "et0een *>C?:*>?) in t#is as$ect 'QP.PY0#"29())l,5 In t#e +t# grade course "ook 0#ic# 0as $re$ared "y a $rivate $u"lis#er, eMuality of %en and 0o%en is %ore e%$#asized 0#en co%$ared to t#e ot#er course "ooks. It is also o"served t#at t#e course "ook is t#e one 0#ic# refers %ost to gender eMuality. 5oreover, t#e first sentence 0#ic# includes t#e conce$t of sKHq2D"L& KKLV0Q/DTH\*rf]V"D.9:-L1-GLGQ0&GLV1UL.LQD&HD.0QT $eo$le and s#o0ed understanding to0ards eMuality, s$read around 6UD4LDQ`HQLQV2"DLQDV-0U&V/DQ03&L.H5g5[-H4007addresses t#e #istorical develo$%ent of funda%ental rig#ts and eMuality, 0o%en and t#eir value in old Turkis# societies, and t#e value 0#ic# Isla% 10Q&UL42&HG &0 :0.HQ LV H./-DVL^HG5 pLH:V 03 6&D&PU7 &0:DUGV Turkis# 0o%en, t#e $lace of 0o%en in t#e ne0 Turkis# society are e%$#asized, and t#e develo$%ents occurred 0it# t#e re$u"lic. In DGGL&L0Q9:L&-&-HV24bH1&&L&"HGsKwH@tLV&9[00KK9L&:DVH./-DVL^HG t#at today, re$resentation of 0o%en #as gro0n in %any fields, a great $rogress 0as %ade in gender eMuality, and ineMuality of %en and 0o%en does not #ave a $lace in de%ocratic understanding. 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Social Studies Education ! (

 ;-D/&HUNH"0/.HQ& $0D"V esta"lis#ed follo0ing t#e 5illenniu% Su%%it of t#e United Oations DQGf@V&D4"LV-LQTHq2D"L& 03.HQDQG:0%en and e%$o0ering t#e /0VL&L0Q03:0.HQ5g:HUH.HQ&L0QHG5[-LV&0/L1LVD//HD"LQTDVL&LV t#e only to$ic in 0#ic# eMuality of %en and 0o%en is e%$#asized in t#e course "ooks. A%ong t#e ai%s of t#e Nu%an 8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 6e%ocracy course in Ct# grade, raising individuals 0#o contri"ute to $reserving and e%$o0ering li"erties, and rig#ts, and regard eMuality and justice 0it# t#e $ur$ose of develo$ing t#e culture of de%ocracy and #u%an rig#ts are included. In t#e "asic skills of t#e $rogra%, t#e i%$ortance of students $aying attention to differences a%ong $eo$le is e%$#asized. A%ong t#e co%$etences t#at t#e $rogra% 0ill raise to t#e students, t#e i%$ortance of o"taining t#e eMuality 0#ic# is t#e core of de%ocracy and "eing res$ectful to0ards #u%an rig#ts in co%$etence related to citizens#i$ are indicated. 5oreover t#e value 03fHq2D"L& g:DVLQ1"2GHGD.0QT&-H>D"2HVLQ&-H/U0TUD.5]Q&-H education of values, it is e2$ected fro% t#e students t#at t#ey are individuals 0#o res$ect #u%an rig#ts and li"erties, treat eMually and just. T#e =rd unit of t#e Nu%an 8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 6e%ocracy course 4007 LV fC2V&L1H DQG @q2D"L& g5 ]& LV V24V&DQ&LD""  L./0U&DQ& &-D& eMuality is e2tensively given in one unit. It is t#oug#t to "e considera"ly i%$ortant in ter%s of re$resentation of eMuality t#at #andica$$ed individuals are s#o0n 0it#in everyday life. 6ue to Ct# grade "eing a critical age $eriod during 0#ic# t#e gender roles are $articularly ado$ted 'Eren, *>HU9()*k,9LQ/UH/DUD&L0Q03&-HE2.DQ8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 6e%ocracy course "ook, t#is attitude c#anged and an understanding 0#ic# $reserves gender eMuality $redo%inated. Nu%an 8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 6e%ocracy course "ooks and social studies course "ooks need to a$$roac# $ri%arily t#e conce$t of eMuality, as 0ell as gender Muality in accordance 0it# t#e level of students t#ey address. In addition, it is understood t#at 0#ile t#e contents of Ct# and ?t# grade Social Studies course "ooks are generally 0eak in ter%s of eMuality3 $articularly gender eMuality, Nu%an 8ig#ts, ;itizens#i$ and 6e%ocracy course #as a %ore a"undant content. It is considered t#at $ri%ary sc#ool level course "ooks need to "e $re$ared "y taking t#is as$ect into consideration. RE ERENCES! Arnot, 5. '())+-. Qender eMuality, $edagogy and citizens#i$ Affir%ative and transfor%ative a$$roac#es int#e U&. &heory!and!6esearch!in!$ducation.!!4 '(-. *=*j*?). 6VDQ9 E5 [5 '()*),5 JHUV =L&D/"DU?QGD ;LQVL H&%L"L7 >H W#UH&.HQ"HULQ ;LQVL H&%L"L76"T?"DU?Q?QAD/&DQ.DV?5*e!7er#i8!*e%inist!$lestiri, 5'(-4 +?: /C. Audi, 8. '*>>>-. &he! 9a%:rid#e! 7ictionary! o;! 0hilosophy. ;a%"ridge University 9ress4 Oe0 Vork. Audigier, F. '()))-. "asic!concepts!and!core!co%petencies!;or!education!;or! de%ocratic!citiH HYL&VL^"L#L5 8etrieved fro%4 #tt$411000.ankara""arosu1#gd%akale1())>: =1HUVL&HVL6%?7W#UH&L.RD7P"&HVLaD ?Q"DU?5 Bonnard, A. '()**-. >nti+! ?unan! @y#arl-÷-3A8! lyadaBdan! 0arthenonBa. '&. =2U&Th^P9[UDQV5,9XV&DQ42"_@>UHQVH"aD ?Q5 Brook%an, 5. A. '()**-. )ender! eCuity8! 0ractices! in! an! ur:an! career3 technical! education! pro#ra%. 8etrieved fro% #tt$411searc#.$"LQH7DUY? &2&2."DU?5Kacettepe!/niversitesi!$÷iti%!*a+Lltesi!7er#isi,!5M,!). @UG0#G29A5I[07Vh^9$5'()*N,5[-H>LVL4"H3D1H03:0.HQKVLQ>LVL4"e la"our4 6o%estic 0orkers in Turkey. Qeneva4 International @a"our Dffice. Eren, A. '*>n+ara! /niversitesi! $÷iti%! "ili%leri! *a+Lltesi!7er#isi, OH'*:(-. *C=:*?C. @VHQ9 a5 '()*N,5 EL^.H& hQ1HVL h#UH&.HQ H#L&L.LQGH &0/"2.VD" 1LQVL H& G2 DU"?"?#?Q?TH"LY&LU.HD.D%"?4LU%D"?Y.D5 $÷iti%!ve!"ili%, OP'*+>-. (?. @ceaJ];@'()*),5@#L&L.%?7&?"DU?QGD1LQVL H&3DU7"?"?7"DU?_6>U2/DKGDD"?QDQ ted"irler ve %evcut duru%. 8etrieved fro%4 #tt$$a.eu1Education1eurydice1 docu%ents1 t#e%atic7 re$orts1*()T8.$df. Faulks, &. '()))-. 9iti