Toke Thomas HÃYE (186). Fading indirect effects in a warming arctic tundra . ..... monkeys Sapajusnigritus to forest plantations ................................ Sandra Bos ...
CURRENT ZOOLOGY Vol. 60 (2014) Index No. 1 Editorial The Evolutionary Strategy of Deception .......................... Carita LINDSTEDT, Mikael MOKKONEN Evolutionary implications of deception in mimicry and masquerade .................................... Ximena J. NELSON
Antipredator deception in terrestrial vertebrates.................................................................................. Tim CARO Do animal eyespots really mimic eyes? .............................................. Martin STEVENS, Graeme D RUXTON
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Sexual conflict and deception in poison frogs ........................................................................... Kyle SUMMERS
Evolution of deceit by worthless donations in a nuptial gift-giving spider ........................................................... ...............................................Paolo Giovanni GHISLANDI, Maria J. ALBO, Cristina TUNI, Trine BILDE
Sexual deception: Coevolution or inescapable exploitation? ..... Jussi LEHTONEN, Michael R. WHITEHEAD Chemical deception among ant social parasites.....................................................................................................
................................................................... Rhian M. GUILLEM, Falko DRIJFHOUT, Stephen J. MARTIN
Does defensive posture increase mimetic fidelity of caterpillars with eyespots to their putative snake models? ............................................................................................ Thomas John HOSSIE, Thomas N. SHERRATT
Predatory pollinator deception: Does the orchid mantis resemble a model species? ........................................... .......................................................................... J.C. O’HANLON, G. I. HOLWELL, M.E. HERBERSTEIN
UV reflectance but no evidence for colour mimicry in a putative brood-deceptive orchid Corybas cheesemanii .................................................................................................................... M. M. KELLY, A. C. GASKETT
From deception to frankness: Benefits of ontogenetic shift in the anti-predator strategy of alder moth Acronicta alni larvae ............................................................................... Janne K VALKONEN, Ossi NOKELAINEN, Marianne JOKIMÄKI, Elviira KUUSINEN, Mirva PALORANTA, Maiju PEURA, Johanna MAPPES More than mimicry? Evaluating scope for flicker-fusion as a defensive strategy in coral snake mimics..............
............................................................... Georgia C. TITCOMB, David W. KIKUCHI, David W. PFENNIG
Recognition of nestmate eggs in the ant Formica fusca is based on queen derived cues ...................................... ........................................................Heikki HELANTERÄ, Stephen J. MARTIN, Francis L.W. RATNIEKS
Evolutionary consequences of deception: Complexity and informational content of colony signature are favored by social parasitism .................. Maria Cristina LORENZI, Laura AZZANI, Anne-Geneviève BAGNÈRES
No. 2 Species diversification and phylogeographical patterns of birds in response to the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Quaternary glaciations .................................................... Fumin LEI, Yanhua QU, Gang SONG
A critical evaluation of subjective ratings: Unacquainted observers can reliably assess certain personality traits ............................................................................................ Matthew B. PETELLE, Daniel T. BLUMSTEIN
Predicting wild boar damages to croplands in a mosaic of agricultural and natural areas......... Gentile Francesco FICETOLA, Anna BONARDI, Paola MAIROTA, Vincenzo LERONNI, Emilio PADOA-SCHIOPPA
Sex differences in anogenital distances and digit ratios in wild David’s rock squirrels Sciurotamias davidianus ................................................................................................. Dapeng ZHAO, Zhuoyue CHEN, Baoguo LI
Special Column Species’ Responses to Climate Change Guest Editor: Toke Thomas HØYE, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark Editorial Reducing uncertainty in species’ responses to climate change ............................. Toke Thomas HØYE
Fading indirect effects in a warming arctic tundra .............................................................................. Joël BÊTY, Maude GRAHAM-SAUVÉ, Pierre LEGAGNEUX, Marie-Christine CADIEUX, Gilles GAUTHIER The influence of terrain age and altitude on the arthropod communities found on recently deglaciated terrain ...
............................................................................................................... Markus FRANZÉN, Petra DIEKER
A trait-based approach to assess climate change sensitivity of freshwater invertebrates across Swedish ecoregions .......................................................................................................................................... Leonard SANDIN, Astrid SCHMIDT-KLOIBER, Jens-Christian SVENNING, Erik JEPPESEN, Nikolai FRIBERG
Climate change and contrasting plasticity in timing of a two-step migration episode of an Arctic-nesting avian herbivore........................................................................................................ Anthony David FOX, Mitch D. WEEGMAN, Stuart BEARHOP, Geoff M. HILTON, Larry GRIFFIN, David A. STROUD, Alyn WALSH Phenology of high-arctic butterflies and their floral resources: Species-specific responses to clim ate change....
................................................................................................................................................Toke T. HØYE, Anne ESKILDSEN, Rikke R. HANSEN, Joseph J. BOWDEN, Niels M. SCHMIDT, W. Daniel KISSLING
Special Column Ecogenotoxicology Guest Editors: Dario ANGELETTI, Claudio CARERE Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences, University of Tuscia, Italy Editorial Comparative ecogenotoxicology: Monitoring the DNA of wildlife ...................................................... .................................................................................. Dario ANGELETTI, Claudio CARERE, Guest Editors
Ecogenotoxicology in earthworms: A review .............................................. Paule VASSEUR, Marc BONNARD
Genotoxicity biomarkers in aquatic bioindicators .................................. Claudia BOLOGNESI, Silvia CIRILLO
Avian genetic ecotoxicology: The DNA of the canary in a coalmine ............................. Andrea Bonisoli-Alquati
Genotoxicity testing for radon exposure: Dolichopoda (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) as potential bioindicator of confined environments ............................................................................................ Bianca GUSTAVINO, Roberta MESCHINI, Giulia FRANZETTI, Paolo GRATTON, Giuliana ALLEGRUCCI, Valerio SBORDONI Interspecies variation in DNA damage induced by pollution ..... Claudia SEBBIO, Claudio CARERE, Giuseppe
No. 3 Compensatory foraging in Trinidadian guppies: Effects of acute and chronic predation threats........................... .......................................................................Chris K. ELVIDGE, Indar RAMNARINE, Grant E. BROWN
Bite me: Blue tails as a ‘risky-decoy’ defense tactic for lizards ............................................................................ ............................................................................................. P. W. BATEMAN, P. A. FLEMING, B. ROLEK
Metabolic enzymes in seasonally acclimatized and cold acclimated rufous-collared sparrow inhabiting a Chilean Mediterranean environment............................................................................................................................ ........... Isaac Peña-VILLALOBOS, Mónica NUÑEZ-VILLEGAS, Francisco BOZINOVIC, Pablo SABAT
Evaluating preservation medium for the storage of DNA in African lion Panthera leo faecal samples................ .......................................................Talatu TENDE, Bengt HANSSON, Ulf OTTOSSON, Staffan BENSCH
Special Column Animal Personality: Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution Guest Editor: Jonathan N. PRUITT, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, USA Editorial Animal Personality: Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution .......................................Jonathan N. PRUITT
Behaviors that predict personality components in adult free-ranging Tibetan macaques Macaca thibetana ........ Alexander J. PRITCHARD, Lori K. SHEERAN, Kara I. GABRIEL, Jin-Hua LI, Ronald S. WAGNER
Boldness is related to the development of the cephalic crest in the male of the river blenny Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801) ......................................... Noëlle FABRE, Eduardo GARCÍA-GALEA, Dolors VINYOLES
Animal personalities and their implications for complex signaling....... Nicholas DIRIENZO, Ann V HEDRICK
Individual differences in boldness positively correlate with heart rate in orb-weaving spiders of genus Larinioides ...................................................................................................Taylor A. SHEARER, Jonathan N. PRUITT
Age and ovarian development are related to worker personality and task allocation in the ant Leptothorax acervorum ................................. Stephan KÜHBANDNER, Andreas P. MODLMEIER, Susanne FOITZIK(392) Special Column Animal Personality and Invasion Biology Guest Editor: Elena Tricarico, Dip. Biologia, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Italia The role of aggression in range expansion and biological invasions ..................................................................... .................................................................................... Sandra HUDINA, Karlo HOCK, Krešimir ŽGANEC
Individual variation in dispersal associated behavioral traits of the invasive Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis, H. Milne Edwards, 1854) during initial invasion of Lake Vänern, Sweden .................................... ............................................................................................................. Tomas BRODIN, Marcus K. DROTZ
Animal personality and the ecological impacts of freshwater non-native species ................................................. ............................................................................ Tristan JUETTE, Julien CUCHEROUSSET, Julien COTE
No. 4 Woodland Mediterranean birds can resist a dry extreme cold wave...................................................................... ............................................................................................. Sara VILLÉN-PÉREZ, Luis M. CARRASCAL
Spring peepers Pseudacris crucifer modify their call structure in response to noise ............................................ ..................... Dalal E. L. HANNA, David R. WILSON, Gabriel BLOUIN-DEMERS, Daniel J. MENNILL
Hard to fly the nest: A study of body condition and plumage quality in house sparrow fledglings ...................... .................................................................. Charlène LELOUTRE, Alice GOUZERH, Frédéric ANGELIER
Genealogy and phylogeography of Cyprinid fish Labeorohita (Hamilton, 1822) inferred from ATPase 6 and 8 mitochondrial DNA gene analysis .................................................................................................................. .................................Rupesh K.LUHARIYA, Kuldeep K. LAL, Rajeev K.SINGH, Vindhya MOHINDRA, Arti GUPTA, Prachi MASIH, Arvind K. DWIVEDI, Rakhi DAS, U. K. CHAUHAN, J. K. JENA The impact of attractants on pocket gopher trapping.............................................................................................
..........................................................................Roger A. BALDWIN, Ryan MEINERZ, Steve B. ORLOFF
Special Column The Role of Behavior in Conservation Editor: Ximena J. NELSON, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8001, New Zealand Editorial Animal Behavior can inform conservation policy, we just need to get on with the job – or can it? ... ........................................................................................................................................ Ximena J. NELSON Conservation and behavior of Africa’s “Big Five” .................................................. Tim CARO, Jason RIGGIO The role of behavior in tern conservation .............................................................................. Brian G. PALESTIS
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Using the movement patterns of reintroduced animals to improve reintroduction success ................................... ............................................................................................................. Oded BERGER-TAL, David SALTZ
How territoriality affects the density of an egg predator: Habitat renovation and reintroduction as a method of conserving two endangered desert spring fish ................................................................................................ .................................................................. Timothy PACIOREK, Layla AL-SHAER, Murray ITZKOWITZ
What is the sound of fear? Behavioral responses of white-crowned sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys to synthesized nonlinear acoustic phenomena ...................................... Ellen K. BLESDOE, Daniel T. BLUMSTEIN
Changes in Philornis infestation behavior threaten Darwin’s finch survival .................. Sonia KLEINDORFER, Katharina J. PETERS, Georgina CUSTANCE, Rachael Y. DUDANIEC, Jody A. O’CONNOR Foraging site recursion by forest elephants Elephas maximus borneensis .............................. Megan ENGLISH,
No. 5 Habitat-dependent diversification and parallel molecular evolution: Water scavenger beetles as a case study..... ....................................................................................... Ke-Qing SONG, Huai-Jun XUE, Rolf G. BEUTEL, Ming BAI, Dong-Ju BIAN, Jie LIU, Yong-Ying RUAN, Wen-Zhu LI, Feng-Long JIA, Xing-Ke YANG
Time to feed: How diet, competition, and experience may influence feeding behaviour and cannibalism in wood frog tadpoles Lithobatessylvaticus......... Dale M. JEFFERSON, Keith A. HOBSON, Douglas P. CHIVERS
Assessment of food supplementation and surveillance as techniques to reduce damage caused by black capuchin monkeys Sapajusnigritus to forest plantations ................................ Sandra Bos MIKICH, Dieter LIEBSCH
Validation of a radioimmunoassay-based fecal corticosteroid assay for Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii and behavioural correlates of stress .................................................................................. ....................................................................................... James F. HARE, Calen P. RYAN, Chris ENRIGHT, Laura E. GARDINER, Lindsay J SKYNER, Charlene N. BERKVENS, W. Gary ANDERSON
Special Column Movement Ecology in Birds Guest Editors: Ugo MELLONE, Giuseppe BOGLIANI Editorial Birds on the move - Special column on bird movement.........Giuseppe BOGLIANI, Ugo MELLONE Gone with the wind: Seasonal trends in foraging movemeections for a central-place forager ..............................
............................................ Jesús HERNÁNDEZ-PLIEGO, Carlos RODRÍGUEZ, Javier BUSTAMANTE
Space use of wintering waterbirds in India: Influence of trophic ecology on home-range size............................. ...............................................................Tsewang NAMGAIL, John Y. TAKEKAWA, Sivananinthaperumal BALACHANDRAN, Ponnusamy SATHIYASELVAM, Taej MUNDKUR, Scott H. NEWMAN
Effects of environmental variability and offspring growth on the movement ecology of breeding Scopoli’s shearwater Calonectrisdiomedea .............................. Jacopo G. CECERE, Giorgia GAIBANI, Simona IMPERIO
Individual consistency and sex differences in migration strategies of Scopoli’s shearwaters Calonectrisdio medea despite year differences ....................................................................................................................... ................................. Martina S. MÜLLER, Bruno MASSA, Richard A. PHILLIPS, Giacomo DELL’OMO
Individual repeatability in timing and spatial flexibility of migration routes of trans-Saharan migratory raptors ........................................................ Pascual LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, Clara GARCÍA-RIPOLLÉS, Vicente URIOS
Trans-Gulf of Mexico loop migration of tree swallows revealed by solar geolocation ......................................... ................................... David W. BRADLEY, Robert G. CLARK, Peter O. DUNN, Andrew J. LAUGHLIN, Caz M. TAYLOR, Carol VLECK, Linda A. WHITTINGHAM, David W. WINKLER, D. Ryan NORRIS
Are flight paths of nocturnal songbird migrants influenced by local coastlines at a peninsula? ......................... ...................................................................... Cecilia NILSSON, Johan BÄCKMAN, Thomas ALERSTAM
Interspecific comparison of the flight performance between sparrowhawks and common buzzards migrating at the Falsterbo peninsula: A radar study ............................................................................................................ ...................................Gintaras MALMIGA, Cecilia NILSSON, Johan BÄCKMAN, Thomas ALERSTAM
Combining spatial modelling and radar to identify and protect avian migratory hot-spots ................................... ....................................................... Mark DESHOLM, Rashpal GILL, Thomas BØVITH, Anthony D. FOX
No. 6 Human activity affects the perception of risk by mule deer .................................................................................. ............................................................. Mary V. PRICE, Evelyn H. STROMBOM, Daniel T. BLUMSTEIN
Age of maturation and behavioral tactics in male yellow ground squirrel Spermophilusfulvus during mating season ............................................................................................................................................................. .......... Nina A. VASILIEVA, Ekaterina V. PAVLOVA, Sergey V. NAIDENKO, Andrey V. TCHABOVSKY
Living on the edge: Effects of body size, group density and microhabitat selection on escape behaviour of southern leopard frogs Lithobatessphenocephalus ................. Philip W. BATEMAN, Patricia A. FLEMING
To forage or hide? Threat-sensitive foraging behaviour in wild, non-reproductive passerine birds ...................... ............................................................................................................Shaun TURNEY, Jean-Guy J. GODIN
A survey for Batrachochytriumsalamandrivorans in Chinese amphibians .......................... Wei ZHU, Feng XU, Changming BAI, Xuan LIU, Supen WANG, Xu GAO, Shaofei YAN, Xianping LI, Zetian LIU, Yiming LI
Special Column Ecological and Evolutionary Connections between Morpology, Behavior and Physiology Guest Editors: Rebecca J. SAFRAN, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, USA Maren N. VITOUSEK, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, USA Editorial Ecological and evolutionary connections between morphology, behavior and physiology................... ................................................................................................. Rebecca J. SAFRAN, Maren N. VITOUSEK
An integrative view of the signaling phenotype: Dynamic links between signals, physiology, behavior and social context .................................................. Maren N. VITOUSEK, David M. ZONANA, Rebecca J. SAFRAN
An evolutionary perspective on conflict and compensation in physiological and functional traits ....................... ......................................................................................................... Jerry F. HUSAK, Simon P. LAILVAUX
The evolution of copulation frequency and the mechanisms of reproduction in male Anolis lizards .................... ........................................................................................... Michele A. JOHNSON, Maria Veribuca LOPEZ, Tara K. WHITTLE, Bonnie K. KIRCHER, Alisa K. DILL, Divina VARGHESE, Juli WADE Neurochemistry as a bridge between morphology and behavior: Perspectives on aggression in insects ..............
...... Andrew N. BUBAK, Jaime L. GRACE, Michael J. WATT, Kenneth J. RENNER, John G. SWALLOW
Behavioral effects of social challenges and genomic mechanisms of social priming: What's testosterone got to do with it? ........................................................................... Kimberly A. ROSVALL, Mark P. PETERSON
Endocrine correlates of mate choice and promiscuity in females of a socially monogamous avian mating system with alternative male reproductive phenotypes .............................................................................................. .......................... Hubert SCHWABL, Willow R. LINDSAY, Douglas G. BARRON, Michael S. WEBSTER
Vol. 60 Index..........................................................................................................................................................
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