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Recipient of the “INDIRA GANDHI SADBHAVNA GOLD MEDAL AWARD 2014” for the Individual's Outstanding Achievement in Science & Service to the Nation, ...


Senior Principal Scientist & Professor, AcSIR (Academy for Scientific & Innovative Research) & Scientist-in-Charge, Offshore Platform & Marine Electrochemistry Centre, CECRI Unit, New Harbour Area, Tuticorin -628004. Phone: Off : 0461-2352546 Mobile: 9444063102 Telefax: Off: 0461-2352548 E-mail ID : [email protected]

02. Educational Qualification Degree M.Sc B.Ed Ph.D


Specialization Chemistry Chemistry/Psychology/Philosophy Marine corrosion & fouling

University Madras Annamalai Madurai Kamaraj

Year 1981 1982 1995

03. Professional Experience


a)Total Research Experience


33 years (including R&D & Personnel management for 25 years of managing independent centres)

b) Teaching


02 years

04. Specialization


Corrosion & Fouling and Evaluation of Coatings, components of electronic & electrical nature, building materials.

05. Countries Visited


Australia & Singapore

06. Publications


117 Nos. (peered reviewed journals & conference proceedings)

07. Patents


13 Indian & 02 US patent

08. Process commercialized


01 No. (M/s.Larsen & Toubro Limited)

09. Projects Completed


18 Nos.

10. Honours & awards


Received the First Smt. Annapurna Award for the best publication in the field of "Corrosion and its Prevention" for the paper titled “Marine fouling and corrosion studies in the Coastal waters of Mandapam, India” Bulletin of Electrochemistry 6 (8) 1990, 699 - 702. Had been elected for the “UN panel " for foreign assignment in the field of Marine Corrosion and Fouling, during the period 1994 - 1995. Served as an expert committee member in the field of “Corrosion Science and Ship Management " for the merit and normal assessment scheme of the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India, during October 24 - 29, 1995. Served as an expert committee member in the field of " Corrosion Science & Ship Management and Fouling " for the merit and normal assessment scheme of the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India, on 10th February 2000. The process "Eco-friendly technology for derusting of iron and steel components" has fetched the second prize of the best technology awards and received a cash award of ` 7500/- & a citation at the CSIR Foundation day celebration on 26.09.2000. Recognized as a Research Adviser by Bharathidhasan University in the field of Chemistry for guiding Ph.D students/candidates with effect from May 2008. Recognized as a Research Adviser by Alagappa University in the field of Chemistry for guiding Ph.D students/candidates with effect from January 2012. Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Corrosion Science Journal, since 2011. Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Bulletin of Materials Science journal, since 2012 . Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, since July 2013. Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Journal of Marine Science and Applications, since June 2014. Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, since January 2016. Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis, since April 2016. Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Journal of Applied Polymer Science since June 2016.

Serving as Reviewer for the original research articles in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering of Progress in Organic Coatings since August 2016. Served as Co-Chairman of a Technical Session on “Cathodic Protection & Biofouling” in the 17th National Congress on Corrosion Control, held at CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi between 21st - 23rd August 2014. Recipient of the “INDIRA GANDHI SADBHAVNA GOLD MEDAL AWARD 2014” for the Individual’s Outstanding Achievement in Science & Service to the Nation, at the National Unity Conference held at Hotel Citadel President, Bengaluru on 19th November 2014 organized by the Global Economic Progress & Research Association, New Delhi. Serving as the Editorial Board member & Associate Editor of the Journal of Marine Science and Application (JMSA) since January 2015.

11. Organizational capabilities


a) Organized a two days seminar on “Marine Corrosion & its Control” on June 7th - 8th ,

1996 at Mandapam under the aegis of Swedeshi Science Movement and CECRI in the capacity of Convener. b) Organized a one day "Industries Get-together" on 27th November, 1997 at

Mandapam on the eve of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of CECRI and a Souvenir is also released on this occasion, in the capacity of Chairman of the Souvenir Committee and Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

12. Ph.Ds guided / awarded


a) Served as Co-guide for the Doctoral degree (Ph.D) work of Mr.P.Mohamed Sirajudeen, Lecturer, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam for the thesis titled “Studies on the electrochemical behaviour of muntz metal in natural seawater” submitted during October 2001 and awarded in 2002 by Bharathidasan University. a) Served as Co-guide for the Doctoral degree (Ph.D) work of Dr.K.Muthukumar,

Project Assistant.III (former Research Scholar, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University) IntelCoat-CSC0114E, for the thesis titled "Intrinsic invivo studies on antifouling and toxicological effect by biogenic silver nanoparticles using Turbinaria ornata” submitted during February 2015 and awarded in October 2015 by Bharathidasan University. Date: 01.09.2016 Place: Tuticorin.
