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Ravi Pratap Barnwal Sri Bhanu Pratap Barnwal 08.06.1981 Indian Single Research Scholar D-230, Molecular Biophysics Group, Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba Mumbai-400005 (INDIA) s/o Sri Bhanu Pratap Barnwal Village – Mathiya Sahu Post – Gauri Bazar Dist – Deoria (U.P.) INDIA - 274202 +91-22-2278 2271 +91-22-2280 4610/4611 ZETESIS
[email protected]
Academic Qualification 10th in Science from UP Board in 1995 with 80%. 10+2 in Mathematics with Physics and Chemistry from UP Board in 1997 with 72.6%. B.Sc. in Chemistry & Physics with Mathematics from DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur in 2000 with 69.22%. M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur in 2002 with 76 %( 2nd rank in University). Presently I am Research Scholar at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai (about to finish my Ph.D. in June 2008).
Academic Achievement ¾ Received travel support from DST (India) and Organizers of ISMAR to attend 16th Triennial Conference for the ISMAR at Kenting, Taiwan during Oct 14-19, 2007.
¾ Received travel award from Department of BioTechnology (DBT) and ICMRBSorganizers to attend XXII ICMRBS conference at Gottingen, Germany during Aug 2025, 2006. ¾ Received Marie-Curie 2005 grant and 50% student travel award from the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India for attending the EUROMAR-EENC-05 at Veldhoven, The Netherlands during July 03-08, 2005. ¾ Received student travel award from the organizers to attend the 45th ENC experimental nuclear magnetic resonance conference at Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA during April 18-23, 2004. ¾ Received student travel award from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and Indian National Science Academy (INSA) for attending the 45th ENC experimental nuclear magnetic resonance conference at Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA during April 18-23, 2004. ¾ Selected for Scientific Officer-C in Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research, AMD (BARC-DAE unit), Hyderabad in 2002-03. ¾ Selected in TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) for pursuing PhD and receiving fellowship from Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India since Aug, 2002. ¾ Qualified Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-University Grant Commission (UGC) –JRF/NET of December 2001 and June 2002.
Publication: 1. Ravi P. Barnwal, Swati Girdhani and Sambasivarao Nanduri, “NMR Studies towards understanding the activation mechanism of dsRNA dependent Protein Kinase, PKR”, Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad, 70, A, No.4, July 2004, pp.597-604 2. Ravi P. Barnwal$, Tista R.Chaudhuri, S. Nanduri, Qin J and KVR Chary, “Methyl Dynamics for Understanding Hydrophobic Core Packing of Dynamically different motifs of dsRBD of PKR” , Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformaics , 62, 2006, pp.501-508. 3. Ravi P Barnwal, M Jobby, Y Sharma and KVR Chary, “1H,
N resonance
assignment of M-crystallin: a Novel Ca2+ binding protein of the βγ-crystallin superfamily” Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 36 (suppl 5)2006, pp.32 4. Ravi P Barnwal, A K Rout, KVR Chary and HS Atreya, “ Rapid measurement of J(HNHα) and 3J(NHβ) coupling constants in polypeptides” Journal of Biomolecular
NMR, 39 2007, pp.259-263 5. Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K. Rout, KVR Chary$ and HS Atreya$ , “Rapid Measurement of Pseudo-contact shifts in Metallo-protein using a suite of GFT-experiments” The Open Magnetic
6. Ravi P Barnwal and KVR Chary, “An Efficient Method for Secondary Structure Determination in Proteins.” (in press to Current Science) 7. Ashok K. Rout, Ravi P Barnwal, N Pradhan, A Bhattacharya and KVR Chary, “Sequence specific 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of a calmodulin-like calcium-binding protein from the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica (EhCaM)”. (in press to Biomolecular NMR Assignment) 8. Ravi P Barnwal$, S. Nanduri and KVR Chary, “ Dynamically tuned double-stranded RNA binding protein (dsRBD of PKR) in bacteriophage Pf1 giving more insight about the mechanism of the antiviral kinase PKR activation” (under revision in Chemical Biology & Drug Design) 9. Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K. Rout, HS Atreya and KVR Chary, “Identification of Cterminal neighbours of amino acid residues without an aliphatic 13Cγ as an aid to NMR assignments in proteins” (submitted to JBNMR) 10. Ravi P Barnwal, Ashok K. Rout, HS Atreya and KVR Chary, “Rapid stereospecific resonance assignments of Leu and Val methyl groups in fractionally 13C-labelled proteins using GFT NMR” (submitted to JBNMR) 11. Ravi P Barnwal, M Jobby, K M Devi, Y Sharma and KVR Chary$, “Lens βγ-Crystallins are Descendants of M-Crystallin, A Primordial βγ-Crystallin Domain from Archaea.” (Submitted) $- corresponding author
References Prof. G. Govil Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai-05 E-mail:
[email protected]
Dr. H. S. Atreya, NMR Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012 E-mail:
[email protected]
Prof. K.V.R. Chary Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai-05 E-mail:
[email protected]
Dr. Yogendra Sharma Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, CCMB, Hyderabad, India E-mail:
[email protected]
1. Life membership of Indian Biophysical Society, India 2. Life membership of National Magnetic Resonance Society, India 3. Life membership of India Science Congress Association, India. 4. Member of European Association for Cancer Research
Conference Attended: ¾ Solid State NMR workshop at TIFR, Mumbai during Dec 22-26, 2003. ¾ Poster presentation at National Symposium on Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, IBS Meeting 2004, NIMHANS, Bangalore, Jan 2004 ¾ Poster presentation at Symposium on NMR, Drug Design and Bioinformatics, NMRS Meeting 2004, Bose Institute and S.N.Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences, Kolkata, Feb 2004 ¾ Poster presentation at the 45th ENC experimental nuclear magnetic resonance conference, ENC 2004, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Apr 2004 ¾ Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at VII International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance (Spectroscopy, Tomography and Ecology), Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Sep 5-11, 2004. ¾ Abstract accepted for Poster Presentation at 15th ISMAR meeting, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA, Oct 2004. ¾ Poster presentation at XXI ICMRBS (International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems), Hyderabad, India, Jan 2005. ¾ Abstract accepted for Poster Presentation at GRC meeting “Magnetic Resonancewhere Physics meets Biology and Chemistry”, Connecticut College, New London, CT, USA, June 5-10, 2005. ¾ Oral Presentation “Insight into methyl-dynamics of dynamically different motifs of dsRBD of PKR to understand hydrophobic core packing” at EUROMAREENC-05, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, July 2005. ¾ Oral Presentation “Towards structural characterisation of M-crystallin, a Novel Ca2+ binding protein of the βγ-crystallin superfamily” at NMRS-2005/06, Jammu & Gulmarg, India, Oct 2005. ¾ Oral Presentation at Mithibai College, Mumbai on Feb 12, 2006.
¾ Poster Presentation “Structure and dynamics of M-Crystallin, Novel Ca
Binding Protein of the βγ-crystallin superfamily”at XXII ICMRBS (International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems), Gottingen, Germany, Aug 2006. ¾ Oral Presentation “Temperature Dependent Oligomerization in Crystallin: A Low Temperature Cataract.”at Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Mumbai on Sep 23, 2006. ¾ Oral Presentation “Temperature Dependent Oligomerization of a βγ-crystallin” at Royal Society of Chemistry- West India Section (RSC-WIS), The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara on 13th Oct 2006. ¾ Oral Presentation at Indian Council of Chemists (25th year of national conference of Indian Council of Chemists, Silver Jubilee meeting), Birla College of Science, Art and Commerce during Dec 27-29, 2006. ¾ Oral Presentation for Young Scientist Award Function of Indian Science Congress Association meeting at Vishakhapatnam on 13th Oct, 2007. ¾ Poster Presentation at ISMAR-2007 meeting, Kenting, Taiwan during Oct 14-19, 2007. ¾ Oral Presentation at Indian Biophysical Society meeting going to held at Chandigarh, India during Nov 15-17, 2007. ¾ Oral Presentation at NMRS meeting at INMAS, New Delhi, India during Jan 1922, 2008.