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Process maintenance of 5 MT Biomethanation Plant at Melvishram ... K. Vijayaraghavan and D.V.S.Murthy (1997) Effect of toxic substances in anaerobic.



Date of Birth





[email protected] [email protected]

Passport Number


B 3078446 (Indian)

Permanent Address for communication


157, 14th East Cross Street M.K.B. Nagar Chennai - 600 039 Tamil Nadu, India Ph 00-91-44-26732087

Present Address for communication


Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Malaysia Ph 00-60-3-8946 6416 Mobile 00-60-133256877


Institution / University



Ph. D. Environmental Engg.

Chemical Engineering, I.I.T., Chennai, India.



MS Environmental Engg.

Chemical Engineering, I.I.T., Chennai, India.



M. Phil. Environmental Sci.

Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai, India.



M. Sc. Environmental Chem.

Dept. Polymer Science, University of Madras, Chennai, India



B. Sc. Chemistry.

University of Madras, Chennai, India



Work Experience Universiti Putra Malaysia – (May 2003 to till date) Lecturer Involved in teaching and research activities Subjects taught: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Chemical engineering principles Waste management Biological & agricultural system Safety and health Unit operation for processing biomaterial System modeling

Research: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Bio-hydrogen generation from industrial waste Bio-methanation of agricultural waste Coagulation Aerobic treatment of grey water. In-suit hypochlorous acid generation for the treatment of industrial wastewater Organic farming (Production of organic compost)

ALPAC Malaysia Sdn. Bhd (April 2002-Nov 2002) Sr. Process and Commissioning Engineer. Design of treatment plant. Commissioning of Effluent Treatment Plant for KMM, Melaka, Malaysia. Commissioning of Effluent Treatment Plant for Penfiber, Prai, Malaysia.

Enkem Engineering Pvt Ltd (Mar 2000– Mar 2002 ) – Sr. Environment Engineer • Process designing of Effluent Treatment Plant (Tender Preparation). • Designing of Solid Waste Treatment Plant for Energy Recovery. • Commissioning of Effluent Treatment Plant for Melvisharam • Involved in determining Oxygen Transfer Efficiency of Aerator in BHEL Trichy. • Commissioning and Start-up of Aeration Tank in BHEL Trichy. • Process maintenance of 5 MT Biomethanation Plant at Melvishram • Trouble Shooting of ETP for Chinnakarai Common Effluent Treatment Plant at Tirupur.

IIT-Madras, (July'94 - Feb'96) and (Jan'97 - Dec'99) – Half Time Teaching Assistant While pursuing Ph.D. and MS involved in Teaching, Lab Work and Invigilation

Shriram Engineering Construction Company (Mar'96 - Dec'96) – Process Engineer •

Proposal preparation for Effluent Treatment Plant - Tender Preparation.

Preparation of Project report for Clearance from Pollution Control Board.

Process Design & EIA

Plant Commissioned 1. Site Process 2. Site Process 3. Site Process 4. Site Process

: : : : -

Dharani Sugars, Polur - Tamil Nadu Activated Sludge Process Himatsinga Siede, Bangalore Rotating Biological Contactor Astra IDL, Bangalore Anaerobic Lagoon & Activated Sludge Process (II Stage) Taj Mahal (Taj Hotel), Mumbai Rotating Biological Contactor

Visiting Faculty M.N.M Jain Engineering College Thoraipakkam During the following years 1997 and 1998. Professional Qualification Diploma in Programming Languages - NCCT, Chennai. P.G. Diploma in Industrial Pollution Control - NIE, Lucknow. P.G. Diploma in Ecology and Environment - IEE, New Delhi. Area of Research •

Wastewater Treatment : Electrochemical, Aerobic and Anaerobic (Bio-hydrogen & Methane)

Water Treatment - Coagulation

Air and Water Quality Modeling

Research Projects Awarded Fundamental Project : “Biohydrogen generation from palm oil mill effluent” Project Number 02-03-03-057J / 55180. Project Cost RM 35,000

Publication 1. P.Selvapathy and K.Vijayaraghavan (1994) Turbidity removal using alum and polyaluminium silicate sulphate. Indian J. Envir. Prot., 14. 2. K.Vijayaraghavan and D.V.S.Murthy (1997) Effect of toxic substances in anaerobic treatment of tannery wastewater. Bioprocess Engrg., 16,151-155. 3. K.Vijayaraghavan., T.K.Ramanujam and N.Balasubramanian (1998) In situ hypochlorous acid generation for the treatment of tannery wastewater. ASCE of Envir. Engrg., 124,887891. 4. K.Vijayaraghavan., T.K.Ramanujam and N.Balasubramanian (1999) In situ hypochlorous acid generation for the treatment of distillery spentwash. Industrial Engrg. Chem. Res., 38,2264-2267. 5. K.Vijayaraghavan., T.K.Ramanujam and N.Balasubramanian (1999) In situ hypochlorous acid generation for the treatment of syntan wastewater. Waste Management, 19,319-323. 6. K.Vijayaraghavan and T.K.Ramanujam (1999) Effect of chloride and condensable tannin in anaerobic degradation of tannery wastewater. Bioprocess Engrg., 20,499-503. 7. K.Vijayaraghavan and T.K.Ramanujam (2000) Performance of anaerobic contact filter in series for treating distillery spentwash. Bioprocess Engrg., 22, 109-114.

8. K.Vijayaraghavan., T.K.Ramanujam and N.Balasubramanian (2001) In situ hypochlorous acid generation for the treatment of textile wastewater. Coloration Technology, (formerly JSDC), 117, 49-53. 9. K.Vijayaraghavan., Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff and Mohd. Amin Mohd. Soom (2003) Conversion of urban waste to energy by anaerobic digestion, RUAF, No 10, pp 34-35 10. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad and Mohd Khairil Bin Ibrahim (2006) Biohydrogen generation from jackfruit peel using anaerobic contact filter. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 31(5), 569-579. 11. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad., Mohd Khairil Bin Ibrahim and Haryati Naemmah Binti Herman (2006). Isolation of hydrogen generating microflora from cowdung for seeding anaerobic digester. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 31(6), 708-720. 12. K.Vijayaraghavan and Desa Ahmad (2006) Biohydrogen generation from palm oil mill effluent using anaerobic contact filter. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 31(10), 1284-1291. 13. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad and Era Mayuza Endut (2006) Effect of coagulation on palm oil mill effluent and subsequent treatment of coagulated sludge by anaerobic digestion. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 81, 1652-1660. 14. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad and Marylynn Samson. Biohydrogen generation from beer brewery wastewater. American Society of Brewing Chemists. (Accepted 2006). 15. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad and Renny Lisa (2006) Electrolytic treatment of beer brewery wastewater. Industrial Engrg. Chem. Res. 45, 6854-6859. 16. Vijayaraghavan, K. and Soom, M.S.M. (2006). Trends in bio-hydrogen generation – A review. Environmental Sciences. 3(4), 255-271. 17. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad and Mohd Ezani Bin Abdul Aziz. (2007) Aerobic Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent. Journal of Environmental Management. 82(1), 24-31. 18. K.Vijayaraghavan., Desa Ahmad and Ahmad Yus. Electrolytic treatment of latex wastewater. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. (Article in review). 19. K.Vijayaraghavan., and Desa Ahmad and Kaya. Electrolytic treatment of palm oil mill effluent. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. (Article in review). 20. K.Vijayaraghavan., and Desa Ahmad and Sha. Aerobic treatment of grey water using sequencing batch reactor. Ecological Engineering. (Article in review).

Reference Prof. Ir Dr.Desa Ahmad Head of Department & Biosystem Lab Dept of Biological & Agricultural Engg. Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor Malaysia [email protected] Ph: 00-60-3-89466426 Fax: 00-60-3-89466425 Prof. Dr. Mohd. Amin Mohd. Soom Dept of Biological & Agricultural Engg. Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor Malaysia [email protected] Ph: 00-60-3-89466427 Fax: 00-60-3-89466425 Associate Prof Dr. Abdul Rashid Md. Shariff (Former Head of Department) Dept of Biological & Agricultural Engg. Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor Malaysia [email protected] Ph: 00-60-3-89466414 Fax: 00-60-3-89466425

All the above said are true to the best of my knowledge.