Mrs Clare Dubber will be teaching the Music program focusing on beat and rhythm. Personal Development & Health. Unit
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Riverwood Inspiring Hearts, Opening Minds ACTIVE COLLABORATIVE CREATIVE
Year One Curriculum Overview Term One 2017 Religious Education Unit 1.1 Baptism: The unit introduces Baptism as the sacrament of initiation into the Church community. The emphasis here is on sharing in the new life of Christ. The unit presents the key symbols and actions used in the Rite of Baptism. Unit: 1.2 Lent and Holy Week: This unit focuses on the season of Lent as a time to grow in the life of God. It explores ways we can foster that growth by trying to be better people. The unit then looks at Jesus’ journey in Holy Week from the Last Supper to Holy Saturday.
English Writing and Representing: Students will experience a range of literature exploring the concept of friendship to produce a creative piece of writing. Phonics, spelling, grammar and punctuation are included in each literacy session. Reading and Viewing: Students will read a range of fiction and nonfiction books this term engaging in modelled, guided and independent reading activities. Speaking and Listening: Students are provided with opportunities to practice their oral and aural language skills in both formal and informal situations across all KLAs.
Mathematics The numeracy block includes daily counting and mental warm‐ups. Students will be involved in hands on activities to develop their concepts and skills in the Number strand. This includes whole number and addition and subtraction. Other topics this term are learning about the months and seasons of the year and three‐dimensional shapes.
Creative & Practical Arts This term students will be developing their painting skills as we focus on the techniques of Picasso. Mrs Clare Dubber will be teaching the Music program focusing on beat and rhythm.
Personal Development & Health Unit‐ Getting Along with Others: This term the students will be learning more strategies to help them develop positive relationships with their family, friends and with others.
Got Game‐PE Focus: Ball Skills Sport: Year 1 will have lessons on Thursdays.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Riverwood Inspiring Hearts, Opening Minds ACTIVE COLLABORATIVE CREATIVE
Science Unit‐ Up, down and all around: This unit provides opportunities for students to explore natural, made and managed features of the sky and landscape that undergo change. Through outdoor observations and photographic records, students will investigate the daily, weekly and seasonal changes in their local environment. Help your children to be aware of the changes occurring in the environment around them. Encourage them to view the moon and track its phases.
History Unit‐ Present and Past Family Life: In this unit students will look at the differences in family structures and roles today, and how these have changed or remained the same over time.
Homework Homework will be sent home on Mondays and will consist of Reading, Spelling and Mathematics. Set activities are to be completed during the week and returned to school on Friday.
Library Library Lesson: This term library lessons and borrowing will be on Mondays with Mrs Cripps.