2003 to 2005. • Graded bi-weekly assignments in undergraduate Mathematics (
MATH110, MATH111) and Computer Science (CSCI112, CSCI212) courses.
Kaloian S. Petkov Contact Information
Department of Computer Science Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY, 11794 USA
Mobile: +1-860-995-2428 Office: +1-631-632-5583 E-mail:
[email protected] WWW: www.cs.stonybrook.edu/∼kpetkov/
Research Interests
Computer graphics, scientific and medical visualization, GPGPU, natural phenomena modeling, virtual reality, distributed systems
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY USA Ph.D. in Computer Science, December 2013 • Thesis Topic: Lattice-based Immersive Visualization • Advisor: Professor Arie E. Kaufman • Area of Study: Computer Graphics and Visualization Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL USA B.A. in Computer Science and Mathematics, May 2006 • Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Honors Thesis in Computer Science • Thesis work on GPU-assisted raytracing • Significant coursework in theoretical physics
Computer Skills Languages: C/C++, C#, Matlab, Java, Pascal, familiarity with Fortran, Perl, Python, x86 assembler, ML, LISP, SQL Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, familiarity with Mac OS X, Android Graphics Packages: OpenGL, NVIDIA SceniX, NVIDIA OptiX, OpenSceneGraph, VTK, ParaView, Pixar Renderman, various 3D engines GPU Programming: OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, NVIDIA Cg, GPU clusters VR Packages: VRJuggler, Equalizer, CaveLib 3D Modeling: 3D Studio Max, Maya, misc. specialized modeling and rendering packages
Refereed Journal Publications
Petkov, K., Papadopoulos, C., Zhang, M., Kaufman, A., and Xianfeng, G. Interactive Visibility Retargeting in VR using Conformal Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(7):1027–1040. 2012. Petkov, K., Fan, Z., Qiu, F., Mueller, K., and Kaufman, A.E. Efficient LBM Flow Simulation on Face-Centered Cubic Lattices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(5):802–814. 2009. Kaufman, A., Fan, Z., and Petkov, K. Implementing the Lattice Boltzmann Model on Commodity Graphics Hardware. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2009(6):P06016. 2009.
Conference Publications
I. Gutenko, X. Zhao, J. H. Park, K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, A. Kaufman, R. Cha. Remote volume rendering pipeline for mHealth applications. In: SPIE Medical Imaging. 2014. K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, A. Kaufman. Visual Exploration of the Infinite Canvas. In: IEEE Virtual Reality, pp. 11–14, 2013. 1 of 4
K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, M. Zhang, A. Kaufman, X.D. Gu. Conformal Visualization for Partially-Immersive Platforms. In: IEEE Virtual Reality, pp. 143–150, 2011. K. Petkov, and A. Kaufman. Advanced Visualization and Interactive Applications in the Immersive Cabin. In: CEWIT International Conference. 2010. K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, and A. Kaufman. ”Immersive Virtual Colonoscopy. In: CEWIT International Conference. 2010. C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, A. Kaufman and K. Mueller. RealityDeck - Immersive GigaPixel Display. In: CEWIT International Conference. 2010. K. Petkov and A. Kaufman. Immersive Exploration of Large Datasets. In: Center for Dynamic Data Analytics (CDDA) Planning Workshop. 2010. Poster and abstract. K. Petkov and A. Kaufman. Advanced Visualization Applications in the Immersive Cabin. In: CEWIT International Conference. 2009. Poster and abstract. F. Qiu, B. Zhang, K. Petkov, L. Chong, A. Kaufman, K. Mueller, and X.D. Gu. Enclosed Five-Wall Immersive Cabin. In: ISVC ’08: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing, pp. 891-900. 2008. K. Petkov and W. Summers. Overcoming programming flaws: indexing of common software vulnerabilities. In: ACM Information Security Curriculum Development, pp. 127–134. 2005. Papers in Preparation
K. Petkov, and A. Kaufman. Lattice-based Frameless Volume Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2014. K. Petkov, and A. Kaufman. Hierarchical Volume Rendering on Mixed Lattices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2014. C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, K. Mueller, and A. Kaufman. The Reality Deck - Engineering and Research. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 2014.
Work Experience
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY USA Research Assistant
2007 to present
• Lattice-based Simulation and Visualization • Developed fine-grained adaptive volume rendering based on a hierarchy of lattices. • Developed fluid simulation code based on the lattice Boltzman method (LBM) for the GPU and GPU clusters. • Worked on efficient lattice-based light transport for complex scattering functions. • Immersive Cabin • Developed a Virtual Reality visualization framework based on NVIDIA SceniX for the 5-sided CAVE. Implemented high-quality volume rendering and novel visualization tools for the exploration of medical data. • Developed an affordable optical tracking system for head- and hand-tracking. • Completed multiple visualization projects in architecture and GIS, volume rendering with medical and Computed Microtomography data, and natural phenomena modeling. • RealityDeck • Worked on the design and the construction of the RealityDeck, the world’s first 1.5 billion pixel immersive display.
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• Developed a large-scale distributed visualization framework with support for large meshes, virtual texturing, volume rendering and anaglyph stereoscopic rendering. • Developed the Infinite Canvas, which is a novel interaction and visualization technique for exploring large data in head-tracked immersive displays. • Completed multiple visualization projects in gigapixel photography, architecture and GIS, and volume rendering with medical and Computed Microtomography data. The Hartford, Hartford, CT USA Software R&D Intern for the Architecture Team
June 2006 to August 2006
• Designed a code generation framework for rapidly prototyping large database applications in C#. • Generated, implemented and documented sample database applications. Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL USA Technology Services Assistant
2003 to 2006
• Assisted faculty and students with technology-related projects, specialized in audio and video engineering. • Designed and implemented network policies and network infrastructure for the student housing. • Provided technical support to faculty and students, primarily with data recovery, laptop repair and networking. Teaching Experience
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY USA Guest Lecturer
2008 to 2010
• Guest lecturer for the CSE564 Visualization (graduate-level course) • Spring 2008, Spring 2009 and Spring 2010 • Prepared and delivered lectures on various visualization topics. Teaching Assistant
2006 to 2007
• Lab Instructor for undergraduate Computer Science (CSE110, CSE114 and CSE214) • Fall 2006 (2 sections), Spring 2007 (2 sections) • Responsible for 2 lectures per week and supervision of the 2 hour lab exercises. • Developed supplementary course materials and homework sets. • Graded homework assignments, lab exercises and exams. Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL USA Grader
2003 to 2005
• Graded bi-weekly assignments in undergraduate Mathematics (MATH110, MATH111) and Computer Science (CSCI112, CSCI212) courses. • Hosted weekly help and review sessions. Referee Service
• • • • • •
IEEE Virtual Reality IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE SciVis IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications The Visual Computer Atmospheric Environment
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Stony Brook University • Best poster award at CEWIT Conference 2013 • Best Assistant Award for work on the 2008 Stony Brook Modeling Week • Best Teaching Assistant Award, 2007 • University Fellowship, 2006–2007
References Available to Contact
Prof. Arie E. Kaufman (e-mail:
[email protected]) • Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science Stony Brook University ⋄ Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400, USA ⋆ Prof. Kaufman is my graduate adviser. Prof. Klaus Mueller (e-mail:
[email protected]) • Professor, Department of Computer Science Stony Brook University ⋄ Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400, USA ⋆ Prof. Mueller is a member of my doctoral committee. Prof. Xianfeng David Gu (e-mail:
[email protected]) • Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Stony Brook University ⋄ Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400, USA ⋆ Prof. Gu is a member of my doctoral committee.
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