curriculum vitae - English Department - Mississippi State University

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Sexed Texts: Language, Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Language. Fogle, L. W. (2010). To start from the beginning: Conversations with a one year old.
LYN WRIGHT FOGLE P. O. Box E! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Department of English! ! ! ! ! ! Mississippi State University! ! ! ! ! ! Email: [email protected] Mississippi State, MS 39762! ! ! ! ! ! Telephone: 662-325-2363 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT Assistant Professor

(TESOL Director)! !


Linguistics/TESOL (2011- present) Mississippi State University

Visiting Assistant Professor! ! ! ! ! ! !

Linguistics/TESOL (2010-2011) Mississippi State University!


TESOL/Applied Linguistics (2009-2010) Teachers College, Columbia University






Georgetown University, Applied Concentration (2009)

Dissertation title: ! Committee: ! !



Language socialization in the internationally adoptive family: Identities, second languages, and learning Kendall A. King (Chair), Anna De Fina, Alison Mackey




American University (2002)

BA:! ! Thesis title: !

! !

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Emory University with highest honors in English (1995) ‘To reenact chaos’: Rewriting Nightwood in Lover

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GRANTS AND AWARDS § § § § §

Five Year Doctoral Scholarship Assistantship, (tuition and stipend), Georgetown University Linguistics (2003-2009) U.S. Fulbright Full Grant, 9-month stipend, St. Petersburg, Russia (2002-2003) Merit-based Graduate Assistantship, monthly stipend, American University TESOL (2000-2002) Master’s Scholar Award, full tuition, American University TESOL (2000-2002) John Gordon Stipe Society of Creative Scholars, $1,000 award, Emory University (1993-1995)

TEFL AND OVERSEAS EXPERIENCE U.S. Fulbright Fellows Program, Russia (2002-2003) § Awarded a 9-month stipend to study Russian and conduct independent research § Surveyed Russian teachers about working with native English-speaking teachers § Taught English part-time to secondary school students at Humanitarian Gymnasium § Provided teacher training workshops and talks on American culture and language

Teaching English as a Foreign Language Volunteer, Peace Corps, Ukraine (1995-1997) § Taught 11th and 12th grade English for two years at Humanitarian Gymnasium § Provided teacher training sessions and teaching demonstrations § Helped write and edit a textbook for secondary school English courses PUBLICATIONS Books Fogle, L. W. (2012). Second language socialization and learner agency: Talk in three adoptive families. Multilingual Matters. King, K. A., Schilling-Estes, N., Fogle, L., Lou, J. & Soukup, B. (Eds.) (2008). Endangered and minority languages and language varieties: Defining, documenting, and developing, GURT 2006. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Chapters in edited volumes King, K. A. & Fogle, L. W. (in progress). Gender, sexuality and multilingualism in the language classroom. In Spolsky, B., Inbar, O. & Tannenbaum, M. (Eds.) Recognizing the individual in applied linguistics. Fogle, L. W. (in progress). Young adults’ perceptions of growing up bilingual in the American South. To appear in Ludmila Schwartz and Anna Verschik (Eds.) Successful family language policy:

parents, children and educators in interaction. Dordrecht: Springer. Fogle, L. W. (2008). Home-school connections for international adoptees: Repetition in parent-child interactions. In Philp, J., Oliver, R. & Mackey, A. (Eds.). Child’s play? Second language acquisition and the younger learner. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Refereed journal articles King, K. A. & Fogle, L. W. (in press). Bilingual parenting. Language Teaching. Fogle, L. W. (in press). Parental ethnotheories and family language policy in transnational adoptive families. Language Policy.

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Fogle, L. W. & King, K. A. (in press). Child agency and language policy in transnational families. Issues in Applied Linguistics. King, K. A., Fogle, L. & Logan-Terry, A. (2008). Family language policy. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2. King, K. A. & Fogle, L. (2006). Bilingual parenting as good parenting: Parents’ perspectives on family language policy for additive bilingualism. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9(6), 695-712. Reviews Fogle, L.W. (in press). Review of P. Baker (2008). Sexed Texts: Language, Gender and Sexuality.

Gender and Language. Fogle, L. W. (2010). To start from the beginning: Conversations with a one year old. Review of R. Scollon (1976). Conversations with a one year old: A case study of the developmental foundation of syntax. Special issue of eVox: Georgetown Working Papers in Language, Discourse, & Society. Fogle, L. W. (2010). Review of A. Lin (2008). Problematizing identity: Everyday struggles in language, culture, and education. Language and Education, 24(3). Fogle, L. W. (2007). Review of M. Cruz-Ferreira (2006). Three is a crowd? Acquiring Portuguese in a multilingual environment. Language and Education, 21(2). Other publications Fogle, L. W. (2007). Raising a bilingual child: Parents’ concerns and successes. Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption (FRUA) – DC Times, III(11), 14-15. King, K. A. & Fogle, L. (2006). Raising bilingual children: Common parental concerns and current research. CAL Digest. Center for Applied Linguistics. (Reprinted in 2009 as La crianza de niños bilingües: Preocupaciones comunes de los padres y las investigaciones actuales [Raising bilingual children: Common parental concerns and current research]). Refereed conference presentations Fogle, L.W. (2012, November). Constructing belongings through family storytelling: Transnational adoptive family talk. Paper accepted for presentation at the 111th meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, CA. Fogle, L.W. (2012, September). Constructing agency online: The case of Ukrainian women. Paper presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) conference. Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. Fogle, L.W. (2012, March). English-only policy in a Russian EFL classroom: A nexus approach. Paper Fogle 3/10

presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics 2012 Conference. Boston. Fogle, L.W. (2011, October). ‘Can I have pass the salad please’: Second language requests at mealtime. Paper presented at the 1st Meeting of the Language and Social Interaction Working Group, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Fogle, L.W., King, K.A. & Mackey, A. (2011, June). Child agency and language policy in transnational families. Paper presentation in the session, Multilingual development, child agency and language policy. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB8). Oslo, Norway. Fogle, L. W. (2011, March). Narrative socialization in the transnational family. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics. Chicago, Illinois. Fogle, L. W. & Grishenkova, I. (2010, March). Language negotiation, student-led code-switching, and language policy in the EFL classroom. Paper presented at the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Annual Convention. Boston, MA. Fogle, L. W. & Jacobsen, N. (2010, March). English language learners’ self-construction of a “good learner” identity: The role of prior socialization. Paper presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Atlanta, GA. (Invited to be presented at the inaugural “AAAL at TESOL” panel at TESOL 2010, Boston, MA.) Fogle, L. W. (2009, December). Language negotiation in the internationally adoptive family. Paper presentation in the session, Intergenerational language negotiations. American Association of Anthropology. Philadelphia, PA. Fogle, L. W. (2009, July). Code mixing in adoptive family talk. Paper presentation, International Symposium on Bilingualism 7 (ISB7). Utrecht, Netherlands. Fogle, L. W. (2009, March). Language and identity in the internationally adoptive family. Paper presentation, American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Denver, Colorado. Fogle, L. W. (2008, October). Metalanguage in second language interactions. Paper presentation, Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Fogle, L. W. (2008, March). Questions, beliefs, and interaction in the internationally adoptive family. Paper presentation. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Washington, DC. Fogle, L. (2006, July). ‘These are not kids with ESL’: Examining adoptive parents’ talk about second language learning and their internationally adopted children. Paper presentation, Sociolinguistics Symposium 16 (SS16), Limerick, Ireland. King, K.A. & Fogle, L. (2005, March). Raising bilingual children: Parent ideologies and strategies. Paper Presentation, Fifth International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB5), Barcelona, Spain.

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Fogle, L. (2004, March). The role of native English-speaking teachers in Russia. Paper Presentation, The Graduate Student Forum at the Annual TESOL Convention, Long Beach, CA. Blaisdell, D. & Fogle, L. (2002, March). Lexical overextensions in child language acquisition. Paper Presentation, American University Graduate Student Research Forum, Washington, DC. Invited presentations Fogle, L. & Jacobsen, N. (2010, March). English language learners’ self-construction of a ‘good learner’ identity. AAAL presentation invited to be presented as part of the inaugral “AAAL at TESOL” session. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Boston, MA. Fogle, L. (2009, October). The learner’s role in second language socialization. Teachers College TESOL/ Applied Linguistics Web Journal Brownbag Lunch series. ESL/EFL teacher training workshops Fogle, L. (2006). English only in the EFL classroom? A look at classroom language policies. AU TESOL alumni workshop. Fogle, L. (2004, June). Conducting field research to improve teaching practices. Invited orientation session to winners of United States – Eurasia Excellence in Teaching Awards. American Councils for International Education (ACIE), Washington, DC. Fogle, L. (2002, October). Integrating native English-speaking teachers in Russia. Invited Plenary Address, St. Petersburg English Language Teachers Association (SPELTA), St. Petersburg, Russia. UNIVERSITY TEACHING Graduate and undergraduate instructor positions EN6/4623: Language and Culture: Bilingualism and Bilingual Societies, cross-listed as Anthropology ! ! 6/4623 and Sociology 4423 (Mississippi State University, Spring 2012) EN6443/4443: English Syntax (Mississippi State University, Spring 2011) EN6403/4403: Introduction to Linguistics (Mississippi State University, Spring 2011) EN6433/4433: Approaches to TESOL (Mississippi State University, Spring 2011) EN6463/4463: Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Mississippi State University, Fall 2010, 2011) EN6453/4453: Methods in TESOL (Mississippi State University, Fall 2010, 2011) A&HL 4001: Sociolinguistics and Education (Teachers College, Fall 2009)

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A&HL 4087: Introduction to Second Language Acquisition (Teachers College, Fall 2009 & ! Spring 2010) A&HL 4041: Discourse Analysis (Teachers College, Spring 2010) A&HT 5376: Specialized Practicum: Listening (Teachers College, Spring 2010) TESOL 596: Preparing Responsive Native Speakers to Teach Abroad (American University, Spring 2007, 2005). LING 396-20/25: Bilingualism and Language Contact (Georgetown University, Summer 2005). Teaching assistant positions (Georgetown University) LING 251: Language Acquisition, Spring 2009 (Alison Mackey), Spring 2008 and 2007 (Kendall King). LING 553: Introduction to SLA and Bilingualism, Fall 2006 (Kendall King). LING 101: Introduction to Language, Fall 2003 (Jeff Connor-Linton). Guest lectures Careers in TESOL, EN 1111: English Studies Bringing a publication to fruition, LING 755: Qualitative Methods for SLA Transcription for second language research, LING 681: Research Methods Biliteracy, LING 553: SLA and Bilingualism Discourse systems, TESL 527: Cultural Issues in the Classroom! Sociocultural theory and SLA, TESL 523: Second Language Acquisition Raising bilingual children, LING 356: Language in the USA! Code-switching; Gender and SLA; Critical period hypothesis, LING 251: Language Acquisition! Childhood bilingualism, LING 251: Language Acquisition TESOL PROGRAM COORDINATION TESOL Director, Department of English, Mississippi State University (2011-present) • Develop curriculum and courses for the TESOL Certificate program • Recruit students and advertise the TESOL Certificate program • Assess Certificate student portfolios • Facilitate professional development and student job searches • Work with local schools and organizations (e.g., Armstrong Middle School; Mississippi Migrant Education Program) to establish practicum opportunities for teachers-in-training • Work with School of Education to develop courses for Foreign Language majors • Collaborate with MSU ESL Center to provide observation and practice for teachers-in-training TESOL Program Assistant, American University (2000-2002)

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§ § § § § §

Provided administrative support for the program director and coordinator as well as faculty Helped organize and publicize monthly workshops for local teachers and information sessions for students Communicated with Registrar’s office and other administrative units about scheduling, technology services, book orders, etc. Wrote the monthly AU TESOL newsletter Maintained databases Responded to inquiries about the program on a daily basis

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CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics (GURT) Assistant (2005-2007) Provided logistical support and planning for all aspects of annual conference including: § Catering and travel arrangements § Publicity § Accepting abstracts and managing review process § Coordinating technology services § Overseeing registration and revenues § Served as co-editor for 2006 conference proceedings American University TESOL Summer Institute, Program Assistant (2001 and 2002) § Involved in all aspects of planning including registration, catering, and technology. § Provided on-sight support for the weekend event for two summers. .

RESEARCH ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE Grant writing and editing JISC/NEH Transatlantic Digitization Collaboration Grants, Digitized collection for instruments into second languages (IRIS), Emma Marsden and Alison Mackey § Provided proofreading and editing support for application materials § Helped determine budget with PIs and Office of Sponsored Programs § Coordinated research assistants Spencer Foundation, Kendall King and Alison Mackey § Proofread and edited application materials § Provided research assistance in drafting materials Publications preparation §

Provided research assistance, proofreading and editing, and/or assisted in responding to reviewers’ comments for ten or more journal articles, book chapters, and books including Mackey and Polio (2009), Multiple perspectives on interaction: Second language research in honor of Susan M. Gass and King and Hornberger (2008), The Encyclopedia of language and education, Volume 10: Research methods in language and education.


The bilingual edge: Why, when, and how to teach your child a second language by Kendall King and Alison Mackey, Research Assistant (Summer, 2006). Wrote reviews of research articles, assisted with tips for parents, and provided proofreading and editing support.


Spanish-English bilingual parenting project, Research Assistant for Kendall King (2005-2006). Conducted interviews with 24 parents raising bilingual children, prepared conference presentation (King & Fogle, 2006).

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Quantitative approaches to discourse analysis, Research Assistant for Jeff Connor-Linton (Spring, 2004). Reviewed past ten years of linguistics journals related to discourse analysis and language learning for studies employing quantitative discourse analysis methods.

! COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS EXPERIENCE MITRE, PLATO Assessor Team (Summer, 2004) Served on defense contractor assessment team for machine translation software. McLean, VA LANGUAGE TEACHING EXPERIENCE ESL Instructor, Montgomery Community College, Rockville, MD (Spring, 2002) Taught advanced level conversation course to adult students that focused on reading and understanding U.S. journalism. Latin and English Teacher, Atlanta Country Day School, Atlanta, GA (1998-2000) Taught all levels of Latin, eighth grade English, and provided individualized instruction following Georgia state standards for two students with language disabilities in 12th grade English. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Raising bilingual children (with Sachs, R.). Presentation to Spanish-English bilingual parents’ group Amigas Vecinas. (Fairfax, VA; February, 2009). Television interview about raising bilingual children for multimedia news broadcasting service Voice of America, Indonesia. (Washington, DC; November, 2008). Developed a parent education series on second language acquisition and bilingualism at the Russian Children’s Center Saturday Russian language program. (Washington, DC; January - May, 2005). Served as an invited panelist on second language acquisition for prospective adoptive parents at Kidsave International. (Washington, DC; June, 2004) Gave a series of talks on American culture and language to Russian alumni of U.S. exchange programs. (Mayakovskiy Library; St. Petersburg, Russia; January – May, 2003). PROFESSIONAL SERVICE

Editorial board membership 2011-present ! International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS) Review activities for professional journals 2012 ! !


Language and intercultural communication (ad hoc)

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2006-present! ! 2009 ! ! ! 2008 ! ! !

Language Policy (ad hoc) Teachers College TESOL/AL Working Papers in Applied Linguistics (ad hoc) eVox: Georgetown Working Papers in Language, Discourse, and Society (ad hoc)

Review activities for academic conferences 2012; 2010!


American Association of Applied Linguistics (ad hoc reviewer)

Membership 2007 - present! !

American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)

2003 - present! !

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

2009 - present! !

American Anthropological Association (AAA)

2002 - 2003!

St. Petersburg English Language Teachers Association (SPELTA)


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