Curriculum Vitae Geert Bouckaert - IIAS-IISA

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CV Geert Bouckaert ..... IOS, Rotterdam/ IIAS, Brussels, 1995, 271p. ..... Bouckaert G., Aanpassingen in de Gemeentelijke Financiële Administratie: Het Verleden.
Curriculum Vitae Geert Bouckaert OCTOBER 2015

PERSONALIA Name: Surname: Professional address:

Tel: Fax: E-mail: Date of Birth: Citizenship: More info:

BOUCKAERT GEERT KU Leuven Instituut voor de Overheid – KU Leuven Public Governance Institute, Parkstraat 45 bus 3609 – BE-3000 Leuven, Belgium 0032 16 32 32 70 0032 16 32 32 67 [email protected] 28 September 1958, Veurne (Belgium) Belgian  ‐   

CAREER Current positions at the KU Leuven Professor (1994- ) at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute (Faculty of Social Sciences) of the KU Leuven, at Leuven, Belgium Member of the Board of the Faculty Club (2003- ) President of Leuven University Press (2006-.) Chair of the KU Leuven Contemporary Arts Commission (2011- ) Current scientific and official positions President of IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Sciences) (June 2013 – June 2016)

Vice Chair of COST Action LocRef (Local Government Reform) IS1207-1157 (20132017) President of the Scientific Committee of SPAN (Suisse Public Administration Network) (2008-.) Board member of EGPA (European Group for Public Administration) ex officio as immediate Past-President (2010- )

Associate Member of IDHEAP (Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique) (Université de Lausanne) (2014-.)

CV Geert Bouckaert KU LEUVEN PUBLIC GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES PARKSTRAAT 45 BUS 3609 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIE TEL: 0032 16 32 32 70 | FAX: 0032 16 32 32 67 | E-mail: [email protected] |


Member of the Corvinus Budapest University International Advisory Board (Budapest, Hungary) (2008-.) Member of the ‘Conseil Scientifique’ of Téléscope, « Revue de L’Observatoire de l’Administration Publique de l’ Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique, ENAP, Université de Québec », Canada (2005-.) Member of the Scientific Committee (Korrespondierenden Mitglieder) Forschungsinstitut für Verwaltungswissenschaften in Speyer, Germany (2002-.)



Member of the Board of the Belgisch Instituut voor Bestuurswetenschappen/ Institut Belge de Administration Publique (Belgian Institute of Public Administration) (2000-.) Member of the Board of the Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bestuur en Beleid (VVBB- Flemish Association of Administrative Sciences) (2010-.) Member of the international advisory board of the MPM programme at the Bocconi University, Milan, Italy (2012-.) Visiting Professor at the University of Potsdam (2001-2010; 2012-.) Member of the Steering Committee of the Department of Management, Organization and Human Resources of the SNA, the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (Presidenza Consiglio Dei Ministri), Rome, Italy (2015- ). Previous functions Director of the Public Management Institute at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the KU Leuven (1997-2012) Chair of COST Action IS0601 Comparative Research into Current Trends in Public Sector Organisations (CRIPO) (2007-2011) President of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) (2004-2007; re-elected for a second term till September 2010), EGPA is the regional academic organisation for public administration within the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) President of the Flemish Governmental Commission for the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Public Sector (2008-2009; 2010-2014) Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the KU Leuven (2007-2010); Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the KU Leuven (1995-2003) Member of the “Conseil scientifique de la Revue française d’administration publique” published by the Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique ENA à Strasbourg, France (2003-2014.) Member of the French Comité Scientifique of the ‘Direction Générale de l’Administration et du la Fonction Publique’ of the ‘Ministère du Budget, des Comptes Publics et de la Fonction Publique’ in Paris, France (2008-2012.)

CV prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert, Public Governance Institute, KU Leuven 2

Chair of PRAC (Programme and Research Advisory Committee) of IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Sciences) (2010- June 2013). President of the Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bestuur en Beleid (VVBB- Flemish Association of Administrative Sciences) (2000-2010) Chair of the Accreditation Committee of the European Association of Public Administration Accreditation, EAPAA (2000-2008 ) Board member (for EGPA) of the European Association of Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA) (2000-2013) Visiting Professor Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands (2001-2003), Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, Germany (2000), University of Antwerp, Belgium (1994-2006), the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (2007-2009), University of Bocconi, Italy (2004-2011) Member of the Research Council of KU Leuven (2000-2006) Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Public Administration Network (EPAN) (2002-2006) Member of the Strategic Council of the Belgian Federal Ministry of Personnel and Organisation, under the presidency of Minister Luc Van den Bossche (2001-2003) Chair of the Scientific Review Committee of the Dutch Association of Universities for Public Administration, Political Science and Communication Science (2001-2002) appointed by the Dutch Association of Universities and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Co-director of the Permanent Study Group of the European Group of Public Administration “Quality and Productivity in the Public Sector”, first with Professor Christopher Pollitt, Brunel University, UK and then with Dr Hilkka Summa, University of Helsinki and Ministry of Finance, and European Commission, then with Petri Uusikyla (Ministry of Finance, Finland), then with Professor Per Laegreid from Bergen, Norway (from 1990-2004 ) Elected member of the Board of the European Evaluation Society (EES) (1998-2001) Co-Chair of the Study Group of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences “Public Sector Productivity”, with Professor Arie Halachmi, Tennessee State University. (from 1991-1997) Professional antecedents Assistant Professor at the KU Leuven (1993-1994). Senior Researcher at the Public Management Centre of the KU Leuven: Projects on Financial Management and Public Productivity in the Public mostly local sector (19891993) ICM-Fellow: Intercollegiate Centre for Management (1986-1989). ICM-Doctoral Fellow. Project on Public Productivity at the Municipal Level.

CV prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert, Public Governance Institute, KU Leuven 3

Junior Researcher: Public Management Centre of the KU Leuven from 1984-1986. Scientific researcher. Projects on Financial Management and Public Productivity in the Public mostly Local sector. Military Service in 1983-1984 at the Cabinet of the Belgian Minister of Defence.

AWARDS 2014 Anneliese Maier Research Award (Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Germany) (April 2014- March 2019) Doctor Honoris Causa from the University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romenia (March 2014) Doctor Honoris Causa from the Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switserland (May 2014) 2013 ASPA International Public Administration Award (American Society for Public Administration) (at the March 2013 yearly conference in New Orleans) 2011 Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, NAPA (Washington D.C., USA) (November 2011-) NISPAcee Merit Award (Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe) granted at the yearly NISPAcee conference in Varna, Bulgaria (May 2011) Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, by Prime Ministerial Decree (Paris, France) (March 1st, 2011) Donald C. Stone Lecture Award and the Chester Newland Presidential Citation of Merit, by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) at the yearly conference in Baltimore MD (March 2011) 2010 Doctor Honoris Causa from the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucarest, Roumania (May 2010) Doctor Honoris Causa from Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary (formerly Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration) (January 2010)

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2008 Doctor Honoris Causa from the Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia (September 2008) Doctor Honoris Causa from the Aix-Marseille University, Marseille/Aix-en-Provence, France (June 2008) 2007 IRSPM 2007 Routledge Outstanding Achievement Award: The International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) granted this Award at its yearly conference, in Potsdam, for excellence in academic work, and major contribution to the field of public administration and public management. 2005 Messick Fellow at the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy, University of Delaware, USA 2003 Awarded the Maastricht based European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) Alexis de Tocqueville Prize in 2003 (together with EU Commission Vice President, Lord Kinnock) for his international academic authority in the field of public management. 2002 Winner of the Annual Award for the best article published in Public Management Review in Volume IV (2002): Bouckaert Geert, Wouter Van Dooren, Bram Verschuere, Joris Voets and Ellen Wayenberg (2002) Trajectories for Modernizing Local Governance, Revisiting the Flanders Case. In Public Management Review, an international journal of research and theory (Routledge) 4 (2002)3:309-342.


'Handelsingenieur’ (Master in Business Engineering) (1980, Department of Applied Economics, KU Leuven); 'Licentiaat' (Master) in Political Sciences (1983, Department of Political Sciences, KU Leuven); 'Licentiaat' (Master) in Philosophy (1984, Higher Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven); Doctor in Social Sciences (1990, Public Management Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven) (thesis: Productivity in the Public Sector; promotor: professor Roger Depré)

AT THE ROCKEFELLER COLLEGE OF SUNY-ALBANY, NY, USA One year as a researcher in the field of public sector productivity under the guidance of Professor Walter L. Balk (1987-88)

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PROMOTOR (or Co-, or Joint Promotor) of PhD at KU Leuven 2002 Van Reeth Wouter: The Bearable Lightness of Budgeting. The Uneven Implementation of Performance Oriented Budget Reform Across Agencies. 2002 Verhoest Koen: Resultaatgericht verzelfstandigen. Een analyse vanuit een verruimd principaal-agent perspectief. (Performance oriented agencification, An analysis from a broad principle-agent perspective) 2004 Maesschalck Jeroen : Towards a Public Administration Theory on Public Servants' Ethics. A Comparative Study. 2004 Vandewalle Steven: Perceptions of Administrative Performance: The Key to Trust in Government? 2005 Gelders David: Communicatie over nog niet aanvaard beleid: een uitdaging voor de overheid? (Communicating about not accepted policies, a challenge for government?) 2005 Put Vital: Normen in performance audits van rekenkamers. Een casestudie bij de Algemene Rekenkamer en het National Audit Office. (Standards in performance audits by Supreme Audit Institutions. A case study by the Dutch and British SAI) 2006 Van Dooren Wouter: Performance Measurement in the Flemish Public Sector: A Supply and Demand Approach. 2006 Verschuere Bram: Autonomy & Control in Exploring the Determinants of Policy Autonomy

Arm's Length Public Agencies:

2008 Beuselinck Eva: Shifting public sector coordination and the underlying drivers of change: a neo-institutional perspective 2008 Voets Joris: Intergovernmental relations in multi-level arrangements: Collaborative public management in Flanders. 2010 Iyaka Buntine (François-Xavier): Les Politiques des Réformes Administratives en République Démocratique du Congo (1990-2010) (Administrative reform politics in Congo) 2012 Demuzere Sara: Verklarende factoren van de implementatie van kwaliteitsmanagementtechnieken. Een studie binnen de Vlaamse overheid (Explanatory factors of implementing quality management. A study of the Flemish public sector) 2012 Troupin Steve: Professionalizing Public Administration(s)? Performance Audit in Canada and the Netherlands

The Cases of

2012 Weets Katrien: Van decreet tot praktijk? Een onderzoek naar de invoering van elementen van prestatiebegroting in Vlaamse gemeenten (A research of the implementation of elements of performance budgeting in Flemish municipalities) 2013 Vancauwenberghe Glenn: Coördinatie binnen de Geografische Data Infrastructuur: Een analyse van de uitwisseling en het gebruik van geografische informatie in Vlaanderen. (Coordination of Geo Data Infrastructure: an analysis of exchanging and using geo information in Flanders) 2014 Wynen Jan: Comparing and explaining the effects of organizational autonomy in the public sector

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2014 Ofek Yuval: The Missing Linkage: Building Effective Governance for Joint and Network Evaluation LANGUAGES Dutch : Native language; French : Fluent; English : Fluent; German : Reasonable

EDITORIAL BOARDS CURRENTLY: Member of Editorial Boards Advisory Board of Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (2015- ) Editorial Advisory Committee of Administration (IPA, Institute of Public Administration, Ireland) (2012- ) Co-associate International Editor of Public Administration Review (ASPA, 2012- ) Editorial Council of Administratio Publica (Journal of the Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM) (2011- ) Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) (2009-.) Advisory Group of the Palgrave series Key Texts in Public Management and Leadership (2009-.) NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Public Policy (2008- ) Der moderne Staat, Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management (2008-.) Series editors of the Palgrave book series on Public Sector Organisation (together with professor B. Guy Peters, Pittsburgh, USA) (2007-.) Public Management Review (2005-.) Founder of Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement (Flemish Journal for Public Management) (Editor-in-Chief: 1996-2010; Member of the Board: 2010-.) Public Voices (Public Performance Press, NY) (1995-.) Public Performance and Management Review (Sage) (1993-.)

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PREVIOUSLY Editorial Board of Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (Kluwer Academic Publishers) (2002-2009) Editorial Board of Bestuurskunde (Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde, The Nederlands) (1994-2005 ) Editorial Board of Administrative Theory & Praxis (Public Administration Theory Network, USA) (1996-1999) European Editor of Public Administration Review (American Society of Public Administration, USA) (1993-1996)

CV prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert, Public Governance Institute, KU Leuven 8

STRUCTURE OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY -Authored or co-authored international books (peer review) -Articles in international journals (peer review) -Edited international books and journal issues (peer review) -Chapters in international books (peer review) -Papers published -Articles in other journals -Chapters in other books -Authored and co-authored other books -Other books and journal issues edited

AUTHORED OR Co-AUTHORED INTERNATIONAL BOOKS (Peer review) 2015 Van Dooren Wouter, Geert Bouckaert, John Halligan (2015, 2d expanded ed.) Performance Management in the Public Sector. Routledge: London, pp. 230. 2011 Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert (2011, 3d expanded ed.) Public Management Reform, A Comparative Analysis - NPM, Governance and the Neo-Weberian State. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 367 p. 2010 Van Dooren Wouter, Geert Bouckaert, John Halligan (2010) Performance Management in the Public Sector. Routledge: London, pp. 198. Bouckaert Geert, B. Guy Peters, Koen Verhoest (2010) The Coordination of Public Sector Organizations: Shifting Patterns of Public Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 326. 2009 OECD (2009) Measuring Government Activity. OECD, Paris (Authored and Edited by Christopher Pollitt, Geert Bouckaert, and Wouter Van Dooren), pp. 130. Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert (2009) Continuity and Change in Public Policy and Management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 223. 2008 Bouckaert Geert, Halligan John (2008) Managing Performance, International Comparisons. Routledge, London, pp. 440. 2004

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Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert (2004, 2d expanded ed.) Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 345 (translated into Spanish, 2010). 2002 Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU) Geert Bouckaert (Chair), Peter Bogason, Robert Denhardt, Lieven De Winter, Hans-Dieter Klingemann, Keith Roe, Cees Van Woerkum, Stephan Van Galen (2002) Public Administration, Political Science and Communication Science, Assessment of Research Quality. VSNU, Utrecht, 2002, 130 p. 2000 Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert, Public Management Reform: An International Comparison. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000, 305p. (translated in Italian, 2002; in Estonian and Chinese, 2003; in Roumanian, 2004) Bouckaert Geert, Ormond Derry, Peters B. Guy, A potential Governance Agenda for Finland. Research Reports Nr 8 (2000) Ministry of Finance, Helsinki, 83 p.

ARTICLES IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS (Peer review) 2015 Brans Marleen, Pattyn Valérie, Bouckaert Geert (2015) Taking care of crisis: policy continuity and change under Belgium’s longest caretaker government. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, (2015, special issue), (in print)

2014 Oomsels Peter, Bouckaert Geert (2014) Studying Interorganizational Trust in Public Administration: A Conceptual Analytical Framework for ‘Administrational Trust’. Public Productivity and Management Review, 2014, 37(4): 577-604. Stroobants Jesse, Bouckaert Geert (2014). Benchmarking local public libraries using nonparametric frontier methods: A case study of Flanders. Library & Information Science Research, 36 (3): 211-224. 2013 Stroobants, J. & Bouckaert, G. (2013). Towards Measurable and Auditable Efficiency Gains in the Flemish Public Sector. Public Organization Review, 2013, (13): 245-260 (Published online: 16 October 2012) 2012 Bouckaert Geert (2012) Trust and Public Administration. Administration, 2012, 60(1): 91115. Bouckaert Geert (2012) Reforming for Performance and Trust: Some Reflections. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 2012, 5(1): 9-20. 2011 Loyens, K., Maesschalck, J., & Bouckaert, G. (2011). Delphi in criminal justice policy: A case study on judgmental forecasting. The Qualitative Report, 16(6): 1477-1495.

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2010 Bouckaert Geert (2010) Research in Public Administration for the Future. Society and Economy. 32(1): 3-15. 2009 Bouckaert Geert (2009). Public Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Halduskultuur - Administrative Culture. 10: 94-104 2008 Bouckaert Geert (2008) The Administrative and Academic Politics of Ranking Research: The Case of the 2004 “Public Sector Performance” Study in the Netherlands. International Public Management Journal, 11(3): 367-384. Van de Walle, S., Van Roosbroek, S. & Bouckaert, G. (2008). Trust in the public sector: Is there any evidence for a long-term decline? International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74 (1): 47-64. Wollmann Hellmut, Bouckaert Geert (2008) Réorganisation de l’Etat en France et en Allemagne: La France ‘mille-feuille’ versus l’Allemagne ‘enchevêtrée’. In Pouvoirs Locaux, nr.76 (1) : 113-120. 2007 Sterck Miekatrien & Bouckaert Geert (2007). The impact of performance budgeting on the role of the legislature : a four-country study. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 73(2):189-203. Gelders Dave, Bouckaert Geert & van Ruler Betteke (2007). Communication management in the public sector: Consequences for public communication about policy intentions. Government Information Quarterly. 24(2): 326-337. Van de Walle Steven, Bouckaert Geert (2007) Perceptions of Productivity and Performance in Europe and The United States. In International Journal of Public Administration, 2007, 30(11): 1-18. Verhoest Koen, Verschuere Bram, Bouckaert Geert (2007) Pressure, Legitimacy, and Innovative Behavior by Public Organizations. In Governance 20(3): 469-498. Verhoest Koen, Bouckaert Geert, and Peters, B. Guy (2007) Janus-faced reorganization: specialization and coordination in four OECD countries in the period 1980-2005. In International Review of Administrative Sciences, 73(3): 325-348. Verhoest Koen, Bouckaert Geert & Peters B. Guy (2007). Les deux faces de la réorganisation: La spécialisation et la coordination dans quatre pays de l’OCDE au cours de la période 1980-2005. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives. 73(3): 357-384. 2006 Kampen Jarl, Vandewalle Steven, Bouckaert Geert (2006) Assessing The Relationship Between Satisfaction With Public Service Delivery And Trust In Government The Impact Of The Predisposition Of Citizens Toward Government On Evaluations Of Its Performance. In Public Performance and Management Review, June 2006, vol 29 (4) 387-404.

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Coulfield Janice, Peters B. Guy, Bouckaert Geert (2006) Symposium on the Diffusion of the Agency Model, Guest Editor’s Preface. In Public Administration and Development, 26, 1-2. Bouckaert Geert (2006) The Public Sector in the XXI. Century: Renewing Public Sector Performance Measurement. In Public Economy (Köz-Gazdasàg), Budapest, Vol I, nr.1, p.63-79. 2005 Bouckaert, G., Van de Walle, S. & Kampen, J. K. (2005). Potential for comparative public opinion research in public administration. International Review of Administrative Sciences (Sage), 71 (2) 229-240. (traduction: Bouckaert Geert, Vandewalle Steven, Kampen Jarl (2005) Les possibilités d’étude comparative de l’opinion publique à l’égard de l’administration publique. Revue Internationale de Science Administrative, Vol 71(2) : 237-250. Vandewalle Steven, Kampen Jarl, Bouckaert Geert (2005) Deep Impact for High-Impact Agencies? Assessing the Role of Bureaucratic Encounters in Evaluations of Government. In Public Performance & Management Review (M.E.Sharpe), June 2005: 28(4): 532549. Vandewalle Steven, Thijs Nick, Bouckaert Geert (2005) A Tale of Two Charters: Political Crisis, Political Realignment and administrative reform in Belgium. In Public Management Review (Routledge), Vol 7, Nr 3, September 2005, 367-390. Bouckaert Geert (2005) Un nouvel examen de la mesure de la performance dans le secteur public. Téléscope (ENAP) Vol 12 Nr 3 Automne 2005, p.12-25. Scheers Bram, Sterck Miekatrien, Bouckaert Geert (2005) Lessons from Australian and British Reforms in Results-oriented Financial Management. In OECD Journal on Budgeting, Vol 5, nr. 2: 133-162. 2004 Koen Verhoest, B. Guy Peters, Geert Bouckaert and Bram Verschuere (2004) The study of organisational autonomy: a conceptual review. In Public Administration and Development. (Wiley) Vol 24(2), p.101-118. Miekatrien Sterck, Bram Scheers & Geert Bouckaert (2004) Réformes budgétaires dans le secteur public : Tendances et defis. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 2004, Vol.11(2), 241-269. Verhoest Koen, Verschuere Bram, Peters Guy, Bouckaert Geert (2004) Controlling Autonomous Public Agencies as an Indicator of New Public Management. In Management International, 2004, (9)1: 25-35. 2003 Bouckaert Geert (2003) La Réforme de la Gestion Publique change-t’elle les Systèmes Administratifs? Revue Française d’Administration Publique, N° 105/106, pp.39-54. Bouckaert Geert, Van de Walle Steven (2003) Comparing measures of citizen trust and user satisfaction as indicators of ‘good governance’: Difficulties in linking trust and satisfaction indicators. International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol.69, Nr.3, September 2003, p.329-344. Van de Walle Steven, Bouckaert Geert (2003) Comparer les niveaux de confiance des citoyens et de satisfaction des utilisateurs en tant qu’indicateurs de ‘bonne gouvernance’.

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Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, Vol 69, Nr 3, Septembre 2003, p.383-400. Van de Walle Steven, Bouckaert Geert (2003) Public service performance and trust in government: The problem of causality. In International Journal of Public Administration Vol 26 Nrs. 8-9: 891-913. 2002 Bouckaert Geert, B. Guy Peters (2002) Performance Measurement and Management: The Achilles’Heel in Administrative Modernization. In Public Performance & Management Review (Sage, London) 25(2002)4:359-362. Bouckaert Geert, Wouter Van Dooren, Bram Verschuere, Joris Voets and Ellen Wayenberg (2002) Trajectories for Modernizing Local Governance, Revisiting the Flanders Case. In Public Management Review, an international journal of research and theory (Routledge) 4 (2002)3:309-342. 2001 Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert (2001) Evaluating Public management Reforms: an International Perspective. In International Journal of Political Studies, Spring 2001, 167-192. Bouckaert Geert (2001) Pride and Performance in public service: some patterns of analysis. In International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol 67(2001) 9-20. Bouckaert Geert, Victor Leo (2001) Pride and Performance in the Civil Service: The Flemish Case. In International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol 67(2001) 55-66. 1998 Bouckaert G., Calidad y Cantidad en el analisis de las politicas publicas. In Gestion y Analisis de Politicas Publicas, August 1998, Nr 11-12, 5-11. 1996 Bouckaert G., Van Reeth W., Budgeting for Efficiency and Effectiveness: The Case of the Flemish Government. In Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, 1996, XVIII, 2, p.33-48 1994 OECD, Performance Management in Government: Performance Measurement and Result-Oriented Management. Occasional Papers, No. 3, OECD, PUMA, Paris, 1994 (Part one: with assistance of Geert Bouckaert). Bouckaert Geert (1994) ‘La Misurazione dell’Efficienza dal Punto di Vista del Management: L’Esempio degli Uffici di Stato Civile nelle Fiandre’. Problemi di Amministrazione Pubblica, XIX(4):653-677. Bouckaert Geert (1994) ‘New information technology (NIT) and productivity measurement : Changes and consequences’. International Journal of Public Administration, (Jossey Bass, San Fransisco). 17(1):59-82. Halachmi Arie & Bouckaert Geert (1994) ‘Performance Measurement, Organizational Technology and Organizational Design’. Work Study, (MCB University Press), 43(3):1925.

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1993 Bouckaert Geert (1993) ‘Efficiency measurement from a management perspective : a case of the Civil Registry Office in Flanders’. International Review of Administrative Sciences, (Sage, London), 59(1):11-27. Bouckaert Geert, ‘La mesure de l'Efficacité du point de vue de la gestion: le cas du service Etat Civil en Flandre’. Revue Internationale de Sciences Administratives, 1993(1):11-31. Bouckaert Geert (1933) ‘Measurement and Meaningful Productivity and Management Review, 17(1):31-43.



1992 Bouckaert G., ‘Productivity Analysis in the public sector : the case of the fire service’. International Review of Administrative Sciences, (Sage, London), Vol.58, 1992, 175200. Bouckaert G., ‘Analyse de la productivité dans le secteur public : le corps des sapeurspompiers’. Revue Internationale de Sciences Administratives, 1992(1), 205-234. Bouckaert Geert, ‘Un anàlisis de productividad del sector publico : el caso del servicio de incendios’. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Administrativas, 58(2):41-69. 1991 Balk W., Bouckaert G., Bronner K., ‘Annotazioni sulla teoria e la pratica del miglioramento della produttivita amministrativa’. Problemi di Amministrazione Pubblica, Marzo 1991, XVI(1):71-94. (Italian Journal of Public Administration) Bouckaert G., ‘Municipal Accounting in Belgium, Tradition and Changes’. Public Finance and Accountancy, April 1991, 10-13. Bouckaert G., ‘Mereni efektivnosti ve sfére statni spravy a nekteré jeho neduhy’. Spravni Pravo, XXIV(2):109-119. (Measurement in the Public Sector and its dysfunctional effects. In Czech Journal of Public Administration). Bouckaert G. & Balk W., ‘Public Productivity Measurement : Diseases and Cures’. Public Productivity and Management Review, 1991, Vol.XV (2), 229-235. 1990 Bouckaert G., ‘Public Productivity as a classical movement’. Public Productivity and Management Review, Fall 1990, XIV(1):33-34, 53-89. 1989 Bouckaert G., ‘Austerity and Productivity in Public Management’. Europe Productivity Ideas, 1989(1):9-12. Bouckaert G., ‘Austerity and Productivity in Europe’. International Productivity News, Winter 1989, p.1-4. Balk W., Bouckaert G., Bronner K., ‘Some Notes on the Theory and Practice of Improving Government Productivity’. Public Productivity and Management Review, Winter 198990, XII(1):117-133.

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1988 Bouckaert G., ‘The Efficiency Strategy in the U.K.’. International Productivity News, Sept.1988, p.2-4. Bouckaert G., ‘Productivity Improvement and the Management of Change in the Western Australian Public Sector’. International Productivity News, Winter 1988-89, p.2-3.

EDITED INTERNATIONAL BOOKS AND JOURNAL ISSUES (Peer review) 2013 Eymeri-Douzans Jean-Michel, Bouckaert Geert (Eds) La France administrations : Un Etat des Savoirs. Bruylant/IIAS : Bruxelles, 701 p.



De Vries Michiel S., Bouckaert Geert (Eds) Training for Leadership. Bruylant/IIAS: Brussels, 384 p. 2012 Verhoest Koen, Van Thiel Sandra, Bouckaert Geert, Laegreid Per (Eds) (2012) Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries. Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke, 474 p. 2010 Bouckaert Geert, van de Donk Wim (Eds) The European Group for Public Administration (1975-2010) Perspectives for the Future, Le Groupe Européen pour l’Administration Publique (1975-2010) Perspectives pour le Futur. Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2010, 342 p. 2009 Bouckaert Geert, Nemec Juraj, Nakrosis Vitalis, Hajnal Gyorgy, Tonnisson Kristiina (Eds) (2009) Public Management Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. NISPAcee Press, Bratislava, pp. 375. Bouckaert Geert, Pollitt Christopher, Randma Tiina & Drechsler Wolfgang (Guest Editors) (2009). Special Issue: A Distinctive European Model The Neo-Weberian State. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, I(2). 2005 Bouckaert Geert, Laegreid Per, Van de Walle Steven (2005) Trust, Quality Measurement Models, and Value Chain Monitoring. Symposium Introduction. Public Performance & Management Review, June 2005, 28(4). 1996 Banon i Martinez, R., Halachmi A., and Bouckaert G. (Eds.) La Productividad y la Calidad en la Gestion Publica. Escola Galega de Administracion Publica, Santiago de Compostella, 1996, 370p. Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G. (Eds.) Organizational Performance and Measurement in the Public Sector. Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, 1996, 344p.

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1995 Pollitt Chr. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) Quality Improvement in European Public Services, Concepts, Cases and Commentary. Sage, London, 1995, 190p. Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) The Enduring Challenges in Public Management, Surviving and Excelling in a Changing World. Jossey Bass, San Fransisco, 1995, 476p. Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) Public Productivity through Quality and Strategic Management. IOS, Rotterdam/ IIAS, Brussels, 1995, 271p. Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Réd. en chef invités), La Rationalisation dans le Secteur Public. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, LXI, 1995, N°3. 1994 Halachmi A. & Bouckaert G. (Guest Editors), New Information Technology and Public Productivity. International Journal of Public Administration, (Jossey Bass, San Fransisco). 17(1). 1993 Halachmi A. & Bouckaert G., (Guest editors), The Challenge of Productivity in a Changing World. Symposium on public-sector productivity. International Review of Administrative Sciences, (Sage:London), 1993, 59(1). Halachmi A. & Bouckaert G., (Réd. invités), Le Défi de la Productivité dans un monde en mutation. Numéro Spécial: la Productivité du Secteur Public. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, 1993, LIV(1).

CHAPTERS IN INTERNATIONAL BOOKS (Peer review) 2015 Bouckaert Geert (2015) Governance: A Typology and some Challenges. In Massey Andrew and Karen Johnston Miller (Eds) The International Handbook of Public Administration and Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, p.35-55. Bouckaert Geert, Van Dooren Wouter (2015) Performance measurement and management in public organizations. In Tony Bovaird and Elke Loeffler (Eds.) (2015, 3rd ed.), Public Management and Governance. Routledge: London. (in print) Bouckaert Geert (2015) The Future of the Field of Public Administration. In Marian Döhler, Jochen Franzke,and Kai Wegrich (Eds) 2015: Der gut organisierte Staat. Berlin: Edition Sigma, p.71-90. 2014 Bouckaert Geert (2014) Public Management: Culture of Reform and Reform of Culture. In Klaus König, Sabine Kropp, Sabine Kuhlmann, Christoph Reichard, Karl-Peter Sommermann, Jan Ziekow (Eds) Grundmunster der Verwaltungskultur. Interdisziplinäre

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Diskurse über kulturelle Grundformen der öffentlichen Verwaltung. BadenBaden: Nomo, p.193-219. 2013 Eymeri-Douzans Jean-Michel, Bouckaert Geert (2013) France and its public administrations: an introduction. In Eymeri-Douzans Jean-Michel, Bouckaert Geert (Eds) La France et ses administrations : Un Etat des Savoirs. Bruylant/IIAS : Bruxelles, p.15-43. Bouckaert Geert, de Vries Michiel (2013) The need for focused leadership training in turbulent times. In De Vries Michiel S., Bouckaert Geert (Eds) Training for Leadership. Bruylant/IIAS: Brussels, p.13-28. Bouckaert Geert (2013) Numbers in context: Applying Frege’s Principles to Public Administration. In Pollitt Christopher (Ed) Context in Public Policy and Management: The Missing Link?. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p.74-87. 2012 Bouckaert Geert (2012) Public Sector Performance: Managing Governments by the Numbers. In Tria Giovanni, and Valotti Giovanni (Eds) Reforming the Public Sector: How to Make the Difference?, The Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, p. 173-193. 2011 Put Vital, Bouckaert Geert (2011) Managing Performance and Auditing Performance. In Christensen Tom, Laegreid Per (Eds) The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management. Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey, England, p. 223-236. Bouckaert Geert, Halligan John (2011) Managing Performance across levels of government: lessons learned or reproducing disconnections? In Ongaro Edoardo, Massey Andrew, Holzer Marc, Wayenberg Ellen (Eds) Policy, Performance and Management in Governance and Intergovernmental Relations: Transatlantic Perspectives. Edgar Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 236-254. Crompvoets Joep, Vancauwenberghe Glenn, Bouckaert Geert, and Vandenbroucke Danny (2011) Practices to Develop Spatial Data Infrastructures: Exploring the Contribution to E-Government. In Assar Saïd, Boughzala Imed, Boydens Isabelle (Eds) Practical Studies in E-Government. Springer: New York, p. 229-248. 2010 Bouckaert Geert (2010) New public leadership for public service reform. In Pierre Jon and Ingraham Patricia (eds.) (2010) Comparative Administrative Change and Reform: Lessons Learned. Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, p. 51-67. 2009 Bouckaert Geert (2009) Public Sector Reform in CEE countries: An Introduction. In Bouckaert Geert, Nemec Juraj, Nakrosis Vitalis, Hajnal Gyorgy, Tonnisson Kristiina (Eds) (2009) Public Management Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. NISPAcee Press, Bratislava, p. 13-26.

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Halligan John and Geert Bouckaert (2009) Performance and Trust: Developmental paths and optional directions. In Paul G. Roness and Harald Sætren (eds.) Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations, Fagbokforlaget: Bergen, Norway, p.257-277. 2008 Bouckaert Geert, Halligan John (2008) Comparing Performance across Public Sectors. In Wouter Van Dooren & Steven Van de Walle (eds) Performance Information in the Public Sector: How it is Used. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, p. 72-93. 2007 Bouckaert Geert (2007) Cultural Characteristics from Public Management Reforms Worldwide. In Schedler Kuno, Pröller Isabella (eds.) Cultural Aspects of Public Management Reforms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 29-64. Beuselinck Eva, Verhoest Koen, Bouckaert Geert (2007) Reforms of central government coordination in OECD countries: culture as a counterforce for crossnational unifying processes? In Schedler Kuno, Pröller Isabella (eds.) Cultural Aspects of Public Management Reforms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p.77-115. Bouckaert Geert (2007). Public Management Reforms: the cultural context. In: König Klaus, Reichard Christoph (Hrsg.): Theoretische Aspekte einer Managerialistischen Verwaltungskultuur. Deutsche Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung Speyer: Speyer. p. 39-63. 2006 Bouckaert Geert (2006) Renewing Public Sector Performance Measurement. In Jann Werner, Röber Manfred, Wollmann Hellmut (Eds) Public Management, Grundlagen, Wirkung und Kritik. Modernisierung des Öffentlichen Sektors, Sonderband 26. Edition Sigma, Berlin, pp.119-131. Verhoest Koen, Verschuere Bram, Bouckaert Geert (2006) Innovative Public Sector Organisations. In Campbell Colin (Ed) Comparative Smart Practices for Innovation in Public Management. Canada School of Public Service: Ottawa, p.106-117. Bouckaert Geert, Halligan John (2006) Performance management. Pierre Jon, Peters Guy (Eds) Handbook of Public Policy, Sage: London, p. 443-459. Bouckaert Geert (2006) Auf dem Weg zu einer neo-weberianischen Verwaltung. New Public Management im internationalen Vergleich. In Bögumil Jörg, Jann Werner, and Nullmeier Frank (Hrsg.) Politik und Verwaltung. PVS Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Sonderheft 37/2006. Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, p. 354-372. Miekatrien Sterck, Veerle Conings, Geert Bouckaert (2006) Linking Budgeting and Accounting Innovation: An International Comparison. In Evelyne Lande & JeanClaude Scheid (Eds) Accounting Reform in the Public Sector: Mimicry, fad or Necessity. Experts Comptables Media (ECM), Paris, p. 75-88. Wollmann Hellmut, Bouckaert Geert (2006) State organisation in France and Germany: Between ‘territoriality’ and ‘functionality’. In Hoffmann-Martinot Vincent, Wollmann Hellmut (Eds) State and Local Government Reforms in France and Germany. Convergence and Divergence. VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 268 pages (volume 7 of the - English language - Urban and Regional Research International series), p. 11-37.

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Bouckaert Geert (2006) Who is learning what and from whom? The perspective of European countries. In Schiemancke Dieter, Fischer Andrea, Bucksteeg Mathias (Eds) Wie lernt die Politik? Waxmann, Münster U.a., 2006, p. 41-54. 2005 Verhoest Koen, Bouckaert Geert (2005) Machinery of Government and Policy Capacity: The Effects of Specialization and Coordination. In Painter Martin, Pierre Jon (Eds.) Challenges to State Policy Capacity, Global Trends and Comparative Perspectives. Palgrave Mac Millan: Basingstoke, p. 92-111. Pollitt, Christopher; Bouckaert, Geert and Löffler, Elke (2005), Quality Journeys in the European Public Sector: From there, to here to where? In: Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (ed.) (2005) 3QC for Public Administrations in the EU. Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, The Hague, pp. 15-42. 2004 Bouckaert Geert (2004) Die Dynamik von Verwaltungsreformen: Zusammenhänge und Kontexte von Reform und Wandel. Jann W. e.a. (Hrgbs) Status-Report Verwaltungsreform: Eine Zwischenbilanz nach zehn Jahren. Modernisierung des öffentlichen Sektors Nr 24, Edition Sigma, Berlin, p.22-35. van Dooren Wouter, Thijs Nick, Bouckaert Geert (2004) Quality Management and the Management of Quality in European Public Administrations. In Löffler Elke, Vintar Mirko (Eds) Improving the Quality of East and West European Public Services. Ashgate, Aldershot, p.91-106. Bouckaert Geert (2004) Institutionalising Monitoring and Measurement Systems in the Public Sector. In Benz Arthur, Siedentopf Heinrich, Sommermann Karl-Peter (Hrsgb) Institutionenwandel in Regierung und Verwaltung, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2004, pp.455-466. Van de Walle Steven, Sterck Miekatrien, van Dooren Wouter, Bouckaert Geert, and Pommer Evert (2004) Public Administration. In SCP (Social and Cultural Planning Office). Public Sector Performance. SCP, The Hague, p.234-270. (also in Dutch and French) 2003 Bouckaert Geert and Guy B Peters (2003) What is available and what is missing in the study of quangos? In Pollitt Christopher and Talbot Collin (Eds) Unbundled Government, Routledge, London, p.22-49. Bouckaert Geert (2003) New Information Technology (NIT) and Productivity Measurement: Changes and consequences. In Jack Rabin, Robert F. Munzenrider, Sherrie M. Bartell (Eds) Principles and Practices of Public Administration PART 6: Decision Making, Policy Studies, and Analysis. Dekker eBooks, New York, Published: 06/09/2003 E-ISBN:0824750276 ( Bouckaert Geert (2003) Renewing Public Leadership: The Context for Public Service Delivery Reform In Finlay Jane, Debicki Marek (Eds) Delivering Public Services in CEE Countries: Trends and Developments. NISPAcee, Bratislava, pp15-26. Bouckaert Geert, Van de Walle Steven (2003) Quality of Public Service Delivery and Trust in Government. In Salminen Ari (Ed) Governing Networks. International Institute of Administrative Sciences Monographs Vol 22, IOS/IIAS, Amsterdam/Brussels, p.299-318.

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Bouckaert Geert, van Dooren Wouter (2003) Performance Measurement and Management in Public Sector Organisations. In Bovaird Tony & Löffler Elke (Eds) Public Management and Governance. Routledge, London, p.127-136. Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert (2003) Evaluating Public Management Reforms: An International Perspective. In Wollman Hellmut (Ed) Evaluation in Public Sector Reform: Concepts and practices in international perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, p.12-35. 2002 Bouckaert Geert (2002) Administrative Convergence in the EU: Some Conclusions for CEEC’s. In Van den Berg Frits, Jenei György and LeLoup Lance T. (Eds) East-West CoOperation in Public Sector Reform: Cases and Results in Central and Eastern Europe. International Institute of Administrative Sciences Monographs (Vol 18), IOS Press, Amsterdam, p.59-68. Bouckaert Geert (2002) Modernising the Rechtsstaat: Paradoxes of the Management Agenda. In Sommermann Karl-Peter, Ziekow Jan (Eds.) Perspectiven der Verwaltungsforschung. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2002, p.71-83. Bouckaert Geert (2002) Reform of budgetary systems in the public sector. In Högye Mihàly (Ed) Local Government Budgeting.OSI/LGI, Open Society Institute (Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative), Budapest, 2002, p.17-42. 2000 Bouckaert Geert (2000) Techniques de modernisation et modernisation des techniques: Evaluer la modernisation de la gestion publique. In Rouban Luc (Réd) Le Service Public en Devenir, L’Harmattan, Paris, p.107-128. Bouckaert Geert (2000) Trajectories of Modernisation and Reform in Financial Management in the Public Sector. In Theron F., Van Rooyen Andries, Van Baalen Johan (Eds) Good Governance for People: Policy and Management. School of Public Management and Planning: University of Stellenbosch, South-Africa, p.123-136. 1999 Bouckaert Geert & Verhoest Koen (1999), A Comparative Perspective on Decentralisation as a Context for Contracting in the Public Sector, Practice and Theory. In Fortin Yvonne (Ed) La Contractualisation dans le Secteur Public dans des Pays Industrialisés depuis 1980. L’Harmattan, Paris, p. 199-239. 1998 Bouckaert Geert (1998) Public Sector Performance Measurement in a Principal Agent Context. In Halachmi A. & Boorsma P. (1998) Inter and Intra Government Arrangements for Productivity, An Agency Approach. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, p.137-145. Bouckaert Geert, Van Reeth Wouter (1998) Budget Modeling for Efficiency and Effectiveness: The Case of the Flemish Government. In De Graan George, Volmer Frans (Eds) Performance Budgeting: A Perspective on Modelling and Strategic Planning in the Public Sector in Holland. Eburon, Delft, p.43-53. Bouckaert Geert (1998) Sustainable Development of Networks in a Governance Context. In Theron F., Van Rooyen A., Uys F. (Eds) Spanning the Global Divide: Networking for Sustainable Delivery. School of Public Management, University of Stellenbosch Press, p.40-56.

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1997 Bouckaert G., Potucek M., Productivity and Quality in the Public Sector. In Jabes J. (Ed.) Professionalization of Public Servants in Central and Eastern Europe. NISPAcee, Bratislava, 1997, p.247-251. Bouckaert G., Managerialism. In Shafritz J., e.a. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration, Westview Press, New York, 1997,p.1354-1355. Bouckaert Geert, Overview and synthesis. In O.E.C.D., In search of results: Performance management practices in 10 O.E.C.D. Countries. OECD, PUMA, Paris, 1997, 7-33. Bouckaert Geert, Performance Governance and Management in the Public Sector: Comparative Experiences. In Hesse Joachim Hens and Toonen Theo (Eds.) The European Yearbook of Comparative Government and Public Administration, Vol. III/ 1996, Nomos Verlaggesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 1997, p. 469-483. 1996 Bouckaert G., La Medicion de la eficiencia desde una perspectiva de gestion: el caso de la oficina del registro civil en Flandes. In Banon i Martinez, R., Halachmi A., and Bouckaert G. (Eds.) La Productividad y la Calidad en la Gestion Publica. Escola Galega de Administracion Publica, Santiago de Compostella, 1996, 263-282. Halachmi A., Bouckaert G., Medicion del rendimiento, tecnologia de la organizacion y diseno organizativo. In Banon i Martinez, R., Halachmi A., and Bouckaert G. (Eds.) La Productividad y la Calidad en la Gestion Publica. Escola Galega de Administracion Publica, Santiago de Compostella, 1996, 187-203. Bouckaert G., Informer les Clients: Rôle des Déclarations sur les Normes Appliquées au Service Public. In O.C.D.E., L’Administration à l’écoute du public, Initiatives relatives à la qualité du service. O.C.D.E., PUMA, Paris, 1996, 121-131. Bouckaert G., Informing the Clients: The Role of Public Service Standards Statements. In O.E.C.D., Responsive Government, Service Quality Initiatives. O.E.C.D., PUMA, Paris, 1996, 109-116. Bouckaert G. and Halachmi A., The Range of Performance Indicators in the Public Sector: Theory vs Practice. In Halachmi A. and Grant D. (Eds.) Reengingeering and Performance Measurement in Criminal Justice and Social Programmes. IIAS, Ministry of Justice, Perth (Western Australia), 1996, 91-106. Bouckaert G. Measurement of Public Sector Performance: Some European Perspectives. In Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G. (Eds.) Organizational Performance and Measurement in the Public Sector. Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, 1996, 223-238. 1995 Bouckaert G., Charters as Frameworks for Awarding Quality: The Belgian, British and French Experience. In Hill H., and Klages, H., (Eds.) Trends in Public Sector Renewal, Recent Developments and Concepts of Awarding Excellence. Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft, Band 58, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 1995, p.185-200. Bouckaert G., Improving Performance Measurement. In Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) The Enduring Challenges in Public Management, Surviving and Excelling in a Changing World. Jossey Bass, San Fransisco, 1995, p.379-412.

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Bouckaert G., and Halachmi A., The Challenges of Management in a Changing World. In Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) The Enduring Challenges in Public Management, Surviving and Excelling in a Changing World. Jossey Bass, San Fransisco, 1995, p.1-24. Pollit Chr., Bouckaert G., Defining Quality (Ch. 1). In Pollitt Chr. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) Quality Improvement in European Public Services, Concepts, Cases and Commentary. Sage, London, 1995, p.3-19. Bouckaert G., Measuring Quality (Ch.2), Concluding reflections (Ch.12). In Pollitt Chr. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) Quality Improvement in European Public Services, Concepts, Cases and Commentary. Sage, London, 1995, p.20-32, p.162-173. Halachmi A., Bouckaert G., Introduction. In Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) Public Productivity through Quality and Strategic Management. IOS, Rotterdam/ IIAS, Brussels, 1995, p.3-17. Bouckaert G., Remodeling Quality and Quantity. In Halachmi A. and Bouckaert G., (Eds.) Public Productivity through Quality and Strategic Management. IOS, Rotterdam/ IIAS, Brussels, 1995, p.21-38. Bouckaert G., ‘The History of the Productivity Movement’. Holzer, M., Halachmi, A. (Eds.) Competent Government: Theory and Practice. The Best of Public Productivity & Management Review 1985-1993. Chatelaine Press, Burke, 1993, p. 361-397. 1994 Balk W., Bouckaert G., Bronner, K., Notes on the Theory and Practice of Government Productivity Improvement. Holzer, M., Halachmi, A. (Eds.) Competent Government: Theory and Practice. The Best of Public Productivity & Management Review 19851993. Chatelaine Press, Burke. 1993 Bouckaert Geert, Governance between legitimacy and efficiency : Citizen participation in the Belgian fire service. In Kooiman Jan, (Ed.), Modern Governance: New GovernmentSociety Interactions, Sage, London, p.145-157. Halachmi Arie & Bouckaert Geert, Public Sector Productivity. In IIAS, Public Administration in the nineties : Trends and innovations. IIAS, Brussels, (XXII International Congress of Administrative Sciences), p.69-81. 1991 Bouckaert G., Public Productivity in Retrospective. In Holzer M., (Ed.), Public Productivity Handbook, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, 15-46.

PAPERS PUBLISHED 2007 Pollitt Christopher, Bouckaert Geert, Löffler Elke (2007) Making Quality Sustainable: Co-design, co-decide, co-produce, co-evaluate. Report by the Scientific Rapporteurs of the 4th Quality Conference, Ministry of Finance, Finland, 2007, 28p.

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2000 Bouckaert G., Timsit G. (2000) Administrations and Globalisations. Brussels, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, 36p. Timsit G., Bouckaert G. (2000) Administrations et Globalisations. Bruxelles, Institut International des Sciences Administratives, 35p.

ARTICLES IN OTHER JOURNALS 2011 Stroobants Jesse, Bouckaert Geert (2011) Meetbare en auditeerbare efficiëntiewinsten in de overheid. Vlaams Tijdschrijft voor Overheidsmanagement, 16(2):46-56. 2010 Stroobants Jesse, Bouckaert Geert (2010) Sturende actoren bij publieke sector hervormingen: Casestudies van Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Vlaamse Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 15(4): 25-35. Weets Katrien, Bouckaert Geert (2010) Naar een lokale externe auditfunctie – resultaten van een survey onderzoek bij de ontvangers van de Vlaamse gemeenten en OCMW’s. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 15(2): 59-68. 2009 Weets Katrien, Bouckaert Geert (2009) De praktijk van prestatie-audit in Vlaanderen: uitdagingen en trends. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 14(2): 4-13. Van Roosbroek Steven, Demuzere Sara, Bouckaert Geert (2009) Langzaam maar zeker op weg. De verspreiding van kwaliteitsmanagementtechnieken bij de Vlaamse lokale besturen. Vlaamse Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 14(4): 6-15. 2006 Sterck Miekatrien, Conings Veerle, Bouckaert Geert (2006) Dilemma’s in de praktijk van performance audit. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 11(4): 45-48. 2005 Kampen Jarl, Van de Walle Steven, Maddens Bart, Bouckaert Geert (2005) Bronnen van ontevredenheid en wantrouwen in Vlaanderen: open vraag? In Burger Bestuur & Beleid, 2005 (2:1) 22-27. 2002 Depré Roger, Plessers Joris, Bouckaert Geert, Naar een draagvlak voor kwaliteitsmanagement binnen de Belgische justitie. In Panopticum (Tijdschrift voor strafrecht, criminologie en forensisch welzijnswerk) 2002, 24(6):p.473-494.

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Bouckaert Geert (2002) Lokale besturen in de toekomst: Bestuurskracht als voorwaarde voor een effectieve autonomie (L’avenir des pouvoirs locaux: une administration performante, garant d’une autonomie effective). In Koninklijke Federatie van de Gemeente-ontvangers en de Ontvangers van de O.C.M.W.. De Lokale Besturen in de Toekomst. Schaubroeck, Deinze, p.9-13. 1999 Bouckaert Geert & Vandeweyer Stijn, Kwaliteit in lokale besturen. In Newsletter Quality, mei 1999, Nr.55, p. 1-5. (Quality in local government) 1998 Bouckaert Geert, Audit, Evaluatie en Rekenhoven. In Documentatieblad, sept-okt.1998, 58ste jrg, nr.5, 17-27. (Evaluation and Courts of Audit) 1997 Van Reeth W. & Bouckaert G., Een Financieel systeem voor de overheid: over stekkers en stopcontacten. In Vlaamse Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 2(4):4-12. (Financial systems in government: plugging and unplugging) Bouckaert Geert, Proliferatie van lokale besturen: Nieuw beleidsinstrumentarium met implicaties op structuren en relaties. In Res Publica, 1997, 39(1): 109-123. (Proliferation of local government) 1996 Bouckaert G. Vlaamse Besturen in een OESO-context. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 1996(1), 2, 20-24. (Flemish governments in an OECD context) Bouckaert G. en Leroy J., Lokale Besturen in de eenentwintigste eeuw, Pleidooi voor een beheersbare afstemming. In De Gemeente, oktober 1996, nr. 10, p.552-563. 1994 Baakman, N., Maes, R., Bouckaert, G. ‘Besturen in Vlaanderen en Nederland’. Bestuurskunde, (VUGA), 3(6), 235-245. (Public administrationi in Flanders and the Netherlands) Bouckaert G., Aanpassingen in de Gemeentelijke Financiële Administratie: Het Verleden als Voorwaarde voor de Toekomst. Tijdschrift van de Ontvangers, Revue des Receveurs, 64(4), (Adapting the municipal financial administration: the past as a condition for the future) Bouckaert Geert, ‘Gemeentelijke beleidsplanning’. Cripta Manent, Bulletin van de Koninklijke Federatie der Gemeentesecretarissen van België, 4(3):7-11. (municipal policy planning)

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1992 Bouckaert Geert, ‘Beleid en produktiviteit’. Handboek Beleidsvoering voor de Overheid, (Samsom H.D. Tjeenk Willink, Alphen aan den Rijn), (M6170), 20 p. (Policy and Productivity) Bouckaert Geert, ‘Financiële mechanismen in lokale besturen: paarden van Troje en koekoekseieren’. De Gemeente, (Vereniging van Belgische Steden en Gemeenten, Brussel), 67(10):439-441. (Financial mechanism in local government: poisoned gifts) Bouckaert Geert, ‘Vorming voor financiën’. Oranjegids van de vorming, Instituut Administratie Universiteit, Vlaamse Afdeling der Lokale Besturen, Brussel, Oktober, p.464a-464b. (Training in Finance) Bouckaert Geert, ‘Hoe zal het financieel apparaat van de lokale besturen eruit zien in de 21e eeuw ? Een termijnvisie op de ontvangersfunctie’. De Gemeente, (Vereniging van Belgische Steden en Gemeenten, Brussel), 67(8-9):362-375. (Picture of the financial services at the local level in the 21st century) 1991 Bouckaert G., ‘Kengetallen in een organisatie-instrumentenbord’. Praktijkgids Management Lokale Besturen, Februari 1991, (24p.), (Organizational Measures and Indicators). Bouckaert G., ‘De nieuwe gemeentelijke boekhouding : Samenvattende beschouwingen’. De Gemeente, nr.8-9, 1991, 365-367. (The new municipal accounting system : concluding remarks). 1989 Bouckaert G. & Depré R., ‘Methoden en Technieken van Beleidsvoering in de Overheid’. Handboek Beleidsvoering voor de Overheid, Oct.1989, (21p.). (Policy : Methods and Techniques in Government) 1987 Depré R., Bouckaert G., ‘Verkenning van het beleidsvoeringsprobleem bij de overheid’. Handboek Beleidsvoering voor de Overheid, aug.1987, (21p.). (Exploration of the policy problems in government)

CHAPTERS IN OTHER BOOKS 2011 Bouckaert Geert, Oomsels Peter, Stroobants Jesse (2011) Overheid, Management en Omgeving. In Bouckaert Geert, Hondeghem Annie, Voets Joris, Op de Beeck Sophie, Cautaert Evelien (2011) Handboek Overheidsmanagement: Overheid in Beweging. Vanden Broele, Brugge, p.9-37.

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2007 Thijs Nick & Bouckaert Geert (2007). Kwaliteit in de Publieke Sector: over het bos en de bomen. In: Thijs Nick & Bouckaert Geert (Red.). Kwaliteit in beweging: ervaringen met kwaliteitsmanagement in lokale besturen. Brugge: Vanden Broele. pp. 5-54. 2004 Bouckaert Geert, Maddens Bart, Kampen Jarl, Van de Walle Steven (2004) Vertrouwen en overheid! Living apart together? In Reynaert H, Steyvers K, Verlet D. (Red) Vertrouwen en betrokkenheid op lokaal en provinciaal vlak. Vanden Broele, Brugge, 2004, p.1-16. 2003 Bouckaert Geert, van Dooren Wouter, Verschuere Bram, Voets Joris, Wayenberg Ellen (2003) De stedelijke organisatie in 2020: Het intern stedelijk management. In De Rynck Filip, e.a. (Red.) De eeuw van de stad: Over stadsrepublieken en rastersteden (Voorstudies). Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Brussel, p. 393-416. 2002 Bouckaert Geert (2002) Prestatiemeting en prestatiemanagement: Een nieuwe Sysiphusmythe? In Maesschalck Jeroen, Sven Biscop en Veerle Vynckt (Red) Naar een beter bestuur (Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr B. Van Hooland). Academia Press, Gent, p.215231. Bouckaert Geert (2002) Modernisering versus ombud: laagtij, hoogtij of springtij? In Andersen R. en Hubeau Bernard (Red) De Ombudsman in België na een Decennium. Die Keure, Brugge, 2002, p.165-179. (Modernising vs Ombud: low tide or high tide) 2000 Bouckaert Geert (2000) Internationale tendensen inzake financieel overheidsmanagement (Tendances internationales de la gestion financière publique). In Koninklijke Nationale Federatie van Gemeente-ontvangers en de ontvangers van de OCMW/ Fédération nationale des receveurs communaux et de CPAS de Belgique, De ontvanger en zijn snel evoluerende omgeving/ Le receveur et son environnement en mutation rapide. Vanden Broele, Brugge, p.35-50 (51-66). Bouckaert Geert (2000) Aspecten van Financieel Management. In De Rynck Filip, Bouckaert Geert (Red) Nieuw Handboek voor Gemeentebeleid. Die Keure, Brugge, 2000, p. 219-230. (Aspects of Financial Management in New Handbook of Local Government Policy) Bouckaert Geert (2000) Management van de Gemeentelijke Organisatie. In De Rynck Filip, Bouckaert Geert (Red) Nieuw Handboek voor Gemeentebeleid. Die Keure, Brugge, 2000, p. 231-246 (Management of Municipal Organisations in New Handbook of Local Government Policy) 1997 Bouckaert, Geert and Verhoest, Koen. Een conceptueel model voor programma-en projectenanalyse. In: Baert, H., ed. Concepten voor planning en sturing in het Sociaal Impulsfonds. Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting; 1997; pp. 9-13.

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Bouckaert, Geert and Verhoest, Koen. Evalueren van effectiviteit en efficiëntie. In: Baert, H., ed. Concepten voor planning en sturing in het Sociaal Impulfonds. Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting; 1997; pp. 59-86 1994 Bouckaert Geert, De Overheidsmanager: noodzakelijke of voldoende voorwaarde voor een goed bestuur en beleid ?. In Bouckaert Geert, Hondeghem Annie, Maes Rudolf, (Red.) De Overheidsmanager, Nieuwe Ontwikkelingen in het Overheidsmanagement. Vervolmakingscentrum voor Overheidsbeleid en Bestuur, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, p.43-64. (The public manager: necessary or sufficient condition for good administration and policy) Bouckaert Geert, ‘Theoretisch Kader: De minimalistische en Maximalistische Lezing van het Nieuwe Algemeen Reglement op de Gemeentelijke Comptabiliteit’. In Bouckaert Geert, e.a. (Red.) Gemeentelijke Financieel Management. Vanden Broele, Brugge, I.121. (Theoretical framework: the minimalist and maximalist reading of the new municipal accounting regulations) 1993 Bouckaert Geert & De Clercq B.J., Nieuwe zakelijkheid en behoefte aan 'nieuwe' waarden : openbaar bestuur in de toekomst. In Dumon et al., Vlaanderen : Scenario's voor de toekomst, Acco, Leuven, p.17-34. (The New Public Management and the need of 'new' values) 1992 Bouckaert G., Mounier en de beweging rond Esprit. In Bouckaert L. & Bouckaert G.,(Red.), Metafysiek en Engagement, Een Personalistische visie op gemeenschap en economie. Acco, Leuven, p.123-142. (Mounier and the movement around Esprit) Bouckaert G., Een personalistisch vademecum. In Bouckaert L. & Bouckaert G., (Red.), Metafysiek en Engagement, Een Personalistische visie op gemeenschap en economie. Acco, Leuven, p.313-323 (A personalistic vademecum) Bouckaert Geert, Janus in Wonderland : over produktiviteit in de overheid. In Beukhof G. & Deroos R., (Red.), Produktiviteitsverbetering : grenzeloos en grensverleggend. Vereniging voor Bedrijfskunde, Woerden, p.167-170. (Janus in Wonderland: on Productivity in the public sector)

AUTHORED OR Co-AUTHORED OTHER BOOKS 2009 Bouckaert Geert, Van Roosbroek Steven, Vervaet Caroline, Demuzere Caroline (2009) Een practische gids voor kwaliteitsmanagement in de publieke sector. Van den Broele: Brugge, pp. 278. 2003 Bouckaert Geert, Thijs Nick, m.m.v. Vandeweyer Stijn (2003) Kwaliteit in de Overheid. Reeks Modernisering van de Overheidsinstellingen, Academia Press, Gent, pp. 529.

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Bouckaert Geert, De Peuter Bart, van Dooren Wouter (2003) Meten en Vergelijken van Lokale Bestuurlijke Ontwikkeling: Een Monitoringsysteem voor het Lokale Bestuur in Vlaanderen. Reeks Overheidsmanagement, nr.16, Die Keure, Brugge, pp. 355. 2000 Bouckaert G., Gelders L., Pierlé W., Vits J. Integrale Kwaliteitszorg bij de Gemeentelijke Politiekorpsen. Kluwer, Brussel, 2000, 128p. (TQM in municipal police services) Bouckaert G., Gelders L. Pierlé W., Vits J. Qualité Intégrale au sein des Corps de Police. Kluwer, Bruxelles, 2000, 128 p. Bouckaert G., Vandooren W. Subsidiëring van Nederlands-Vlaamse Samenwerking: Hindernissen en oplossingen. Commissie Cultureel Verdrag Vlaanderen Nederland, Brussel, 2000, 88 p. Bouckaert Geert, Hoet Dieter, Ulens Wim, Prestatiemeetsystemen in de overheid: een internationale vergelijking. Overheidsmanagement nr. 9, Die Keure, Brugge, 2000, 313p. (Performance measurement systems in the public sector: an international comparison) Bouckaert Geert, Verhoest Koen en An Wauters. Van Effectiviteit van coördinatie naar Coördinatie van Effectiviteit. Die Keure, Brugge 2000, 133 p. (From Effectiveness of Co-ordination to Co-ordination of Effectiveness) Bouckaert Geert, Van Nuffel Lieve, Financieel overheidsmanagement: internationale tendensen van begroting, boekhouding en audit. Die Keure, Brugge, 2000, 270p. (Financial management in the public sector: an international comparison) 1999 Bouckaert Geert en Van Nuffel Lieve, Nieuw OCMW-beleid: scenario voor modernisering. Overheidsmanagement Nr 1, Die Keure, Brugge, 1999, 193p. (Administrative developments and scenarios of local government social services) Bouckaert Geert en Auwers Tom, De Modernisering van de Vlaamse Overheid. Overheidsmanagement Nr 2., Die Keure, Brugge, 1999, 60 p. (The modernisation of the Flemish Administration) Bouckaert Geert, De Corte Joke, Contractmanagement en Management van contracten. Overheidsmanagement Nr 3, Die Keure, Brugge, 1999, 211p. (Contract management and management of contracts) Bouckaert Geert, Vandeweyer Stijn, Kwaliteit in de Overheid. Overheidsmanagement Nr 4, Die Keure, Brugge, 1999, 327 p. (Quality in the public sector) Bouckaert Geert, Auwers Tom, Prestatiemeetsystemen in de Overheid. Overheidsmanagement Nr 5, Die Keure, Brugge, 1999, 205 p. (Performance Measurement Systems in the public sector) 1998 Bouckaert Geert, Ulens Wim. Prestatiemeting in de Overheid: Internationale lessen voor de Belgische overheid. VCOB, Leuven; DWTC, Brussel, 1998, 198p.

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1997 Bouckaert G., Van Reeth W., Auwers T., Verhoest K., Handboek Doelmatigheidsanalyse: Prestaties Begroten. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Brussel, 1997, 249p. (Budgeting performance) Bouckaert G., Van Reeth W., Auwers T., Verhoest K. Werkboek Doelmatigheidsanalyse: Prestaties Begroten. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Brussel, 1997, 164p. (Budgeting performance) 1995 Desmet F., Bouckaert G., De Intergemeentelijke Samenwerking bij de Politie. Politeia, Brussel, 1995, 76p. (Intermunicipal police collaboration) 1990 Bouckaert G., Productiviteit in de Overheid, VCOB, Leuven, 1990, 399p. (Productivity in Government) 1988 Depré R., Bouckaert G., et al. (co-authored), De Centrumfunctie van Regionale Steden in Vlaanderen, VCOB, Leuven, 1988, 70p. (Centre-functions of Middle-sized Cities in Flanders) 1986 Bouckaert G., Gemeentelijk Financieel Management, VCOB, Leuven, 1986, 200p. (Municipal Financial Management) 1984 Bouckaert G., Reynders L., Van Dyck F., Weyns P., & Depré R. (co-authored), Organisatie, Planning en Kostenbeheersing in de Gemeentelijke Dienst, VCOB, Leuven, 1984, 143p. (Organization, Planning and Cost Control in the Municipal Service)

OTHER BOOKS AND JOURNAL ISSUES EDITED 2011 Bouckaert Geert, Hondeghem Annie, Voets Joris, Op de Beeck Sophie, Cautaert Evelien (Eds.) Handboek Overheidsmanagement: Overheid in Beweging. Brugge: Vanden Broele, 2011, 430 p. 2009 Weets Katrien & Bouckaert Geert (Red) (2009). Van controleur tot controller. De ontvanger/financieel beheerder in een Public Governance omgeving. Brugge: Vanden Broele. 117 p. 2006 Bouckaert Geert, Depré Roger, Drumaux Anne (Red) (2006) Een instrument voor het verbeteren van de kwaliteit binnen het Openbaar Ministerie. Maklu, Antwerpen, 2006, 216p.

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Bouckaert Geert, Depré Roger, Drumaux Anne (Réd) (2006) Un instrument d’amélioration de la qualité au sein du ministère public. Maklu, Antwerpen, 2006, 216 p. 2000 De Rynck Filip, Bouckaert Geert (Red) Nieuw Handboek voor Gemeentebeleid. Die Keure, Brugge, 2000, 257p. (New Handbook of Local Government Policy) 1994 Bouckaert G, Hondeghem A., Maes R. (Eds.) De Overheidsmanager, Nieuwe Ontwikkelingen in het Overheidsmanagement. Vervolmakingscentrum voor Overheidsbeleid en Bestuur, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, 1994. (The public manager: New developments in public management) Soeters, J., Baakman, N., Bouckaert, G., Hondeghem, A., (Eds.) Overheid in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Bestuurskunde, (VUGA, ‘s Gravenhage), 1994, 3(6). (The public sector in Flanders and the Netherlands) Bouckaert Geert, (Red.), Gemeentelijk Financieel Management. Vanden Broele, Brugge, 1994. (Municipal Financial Management) 1992 Bouckaert L. & Bouckaert G., (Red.), Metafysiek en Engagement, Een personalistische visie op samenleving en economie, ACCO, Leuven, 1992, 384 p. (Metaphysics and Commitment: A Personalist view on society and economy).

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