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1.3 Associate Professor (May 1999-May 2002) and Assistant Professor ..... ''The Coronado Expedition," radio interview for Davis Rankin Show, KURV, April 1996 (10-11AM), ..... the New York Times and their wire service and websites.

August 2012

Office Address: Department of Political Science and Geography University of Texas at San Antonio One UTSA Circle San Antonio, Texas 78249-0648 (210) 458-5603 [email protected]

Residence: 8905 Bell Mountain Drive Austin, Texas 78730



University of Texas, Joint Ph.D. Degree Program (January, 1992) Geography and Planning (Department of Geography and Graduate Program in Community and Regional Planning, Graduate School of Architecture). Interdisciplinary studies in historical geography, American Studies, cultural geography, environmental perception, and cultural ecology. (GPA 3.95/4.00) Dissertation Chairman: Professor Robin Doughty.


University of Texas, School of Architecture (May, 1989) Graduate Program in Community and Regional Planning. Areas of concentration: regional development, preservation, urban history, natural resources, and land use. (GPA 3.91/4.00) Thesis Chairman: Professor Terry Jordan-Bychkov,

M.A. University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Program of Slavic Literature and Language (May, 1982) Areas of concentration: Russian language, history and geographic development, modern literary theory. (GPA 3,9214.00) Thesis Chairman: Professor Sidney Monas.


University of Texas at Austin (1971-72;1973-74) (May, 1974) Summa cum laude Major: Plan II (Honors Program). Areas of concentration: American history and politics, English, and modern languages. (GPA 3.96/4.00) Special Honors Thesis Chairman: Dr. Paul Francis Schmidt.

Diplom University of Vienna, Philosophical Faculty (1972-73) Institute of European Studies. Areas of concentration: European history, international law, Russian studies, and philosophy. (GPA 3.7514.0)

SUMMER PROGRAMS: Middlebury College (Middlebury, Vermont), Russian Summer Language School University of Sf. Petersburg and Pushkin Institute of Moscow (Russian Federation), Russian studies Universidad Veracruzana (Xalapa, Mexico), History of Mexico, Spanish language Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA), Math & Science (National Science Foundation Grant) FOREIGN LANGUAGES Russian, Spanish, French, and German. Former student of Arabic and Italian.

B. EDUCATIONAL EMPLOYMENT: 1. Professor (Tenured) Fall 2010 - to date.

University of Texas at San Antonio. Appointment as full professor in Department of Political Science and

Geography, College of Liberal and Fine Arts.

1.1 Associate Professor (Tenured), Fall 1999-Spring 2010.

University of Texas at San Antonio. Appointment in Department of Political Science and Geography,

College of Liberal and Fine Arts. Position included teaching of large undergraduate class sections and

upper-division courses in Geography of Europe, Cultural Geography, and Weather and Climate.

1.2 Associate Professor (Visiting), Fall Semester 2004

University of Texas at Austin. Appointment in Community and Regional Planning Program, Graduate

School of Architecture, College of Architecture. Taught CRP 980-X "Planning Theory and Practices" to

graduate students; introduction of urban planning theories and methodologies for first-year graduate


1.3 Associate Professor (May 1999-May 2002) and Assistant Professor (tenure-track January 1994-May

1999) University of Texas at San Antonio. Joint Appointment in both the Geography Program, Division of

Social and Policy Sciences, and the Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program, DISCI, College of


2. Member of the Faculty University of Texas at Austin (Fall 1996-Spring 2001), Lecturer in the Center for

Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.

3. Assistant Professor (ViSiting)

3.1 Pacific Lutheran University. Summer 1999, Visiting Assistant Professor. Created and taught upper­

division HIS 385 "Twentieth Century Russian History" during summer residency at PLU Department of

History, Tacoma, Washington.

3.2 University of Texas at San Antonio. Spring 1992-FaIl1993, Visiting Assistant Professor. AppOintments

in: a) Geography Program, Division of Social & Policy Sciences; and b) Interdisciplinary Studies Degree

Program, Division of Education. Created IDS and GRG curricula and taught five different undergraduate


3.3 Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Fall 1990, Visiting Assistant Professor. AppOintment in

Department of Geography, College of Social Sciences, Dr. Tom Martinson, Chairman. Classes in World

Geography and Human Geography.

4. UT-System Lecturer:

4.1 University of Texas at Austin. Spring 1993. AppOintment in Department of Geography, Dr. William

Doolittle, Chairman. Invited replacement for Professor Paul Ward English in teaching twelve sections of

GRG 305, introductory "World Regional Geography". Supervised four Teaching Assistants and lectured

to 312 students.

4.2 University of Texas at Austin. Spring 1993. Appointment in Center for Post-Soviet and East European

Studies, Dr. Michael Katz, Director. Taught GRG 327 "Geography of the Former Soviet Union." Funded

by U.S. Department of Education (National Resource Centers and Fellowships), this course focused on

contemporary issues in Russian history, demography, agriculture, resource use, environment,

nationalism, and economic geography.

4.3 University of Texas at San Antonio. Fall 1991. AppOintment in Geography Program, Division of SOCial

and Policy SCiences, Dr. Richard Jones, Discipline Coordinator. Classes in World Regional Geography

and Cultural Geography.

5. Teaching Assistant II:

5.1 University of Texas at Austin. 1987-1989. Appointment in Department of Geography, Dr. Paul English,

Chairman. Eight semesters classroom experience with large undergraduate classes; lectured to many

hundreds of students enrolled in lab discussion sections for Dr. Robin Doughty's "This Human World."


5.2 University of Texas at Austin. Spring 1984-Spring 1985. Appointment in Department of Petroleum Engineering. Developed the technical writing component for PEN 379; taught technical writing to three semesters of senior petroleum engineering students.

6. Research Employment Research Assistant II, UT-Austin, American Studies Deparrtment. (1991) -- assisted Dr. W. H. Goetzmann in studies of historical cartography and 19th century exploration of Texas, Alaska, and Canadian North. Research Assistant II, UT-Austin. Hogg Foundation (1986) -- assisted a team of architects and academics in a study of classic American suburban developments. Research Assistant II, UT-Austin. Community and Regional Planning (1985). Urban development studies. Research Assistant I, UT-Austin. Slavic Department (1976). Literary research. Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, Texas State Senate (1975); appointed by State Senator Max Sherman; legislative procedures and practices.

C. AWARDS AND HONORS 1. Book Awards Winner 2008 Robert A. Calvert Book Prize, "Best Book Manuscript on History of American South, West, or Southwest" Winner 1999 Rupert N. Richardson Award - West Texas History Association Winner 1998 San Antonio Conservation Society Citation -- :Outstanding Contribution" book award Winner 1998 Spur Award for EI Llano Estacado, "Best Western Nonfiction-Historical," Western Writers of America Winner 1998 Presidio La Bahia Award, Sons of the Republic of Texas Winner 1997 Kate Broocks Bates Award for Historical Research, Texas State Historical Association Winner 1997 T. R. Fehrenbach Award, Texas Historical Commission Winner 1997 Friends of the Dallas Public Ubrary Award, for "Book making most significant contribution to knowledge," Texas Institute of Letters. 2. Scholastic Honors Piper Professor Award (2012); Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation, San Antonio; statewide college teaching award ($5,000) Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars, charter member, University of Texas at San Antonio Regents Outstanding Teaching Award (2010); college teaching award ($30,000); University of Texas System Dean's Outstanding Teaching Award (1996-97), Undergraduate Level, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio Associate Member, Southwestern Center for Educational Renewal (1996-1997)

Faculty Research Award, University of Texas at San Antonio (1994)

Hogg Foundation Research Assistantship (1987)

University Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin Graduate School (1975-77)

Summa cum laude BA Degree., University of Texas at Austin (1974)

Special Honors in Plan II Program, University of Texas at Austin,

Phi Beta Kappa, University of Texas at Austin, Alpha Chapter (May 1974)

Phi Kappa Phi, University of Texas at Austin, Honors Society (December 1973)

Outstanding Humanities Scholar, University of Texas at Austin, College of Liberal Arts (1972)



A. PUBLICATIONS 1. BOOKS 1.1 Authorship. Published Books John Miller Morris, Taming the Land: The Lost Postcard Photographs of the Texas High Plains. (College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press, 2009; Clayton Wheat Williams Texas Life Series). Book-length study of the agrarian settlement of the Panhandle through the lenses of 1900-1920s regional photography. Numerous illustrations; 220 pages, index. Presentation of over a score of the "lost" artistic photographers of the region, including extensive primary research, biographical profiles, and historical research. Volume One in the six-volume Plains of Ught series on regional photography. Winner of the 2008 Calvert Prize for Best Book Manuscript on History of American South, West, or Southwest, Texas A&M University Press. John Miller Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, A T. Miller of Company B, Frontier Battalion. (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001; Number Three: Canseco-Keck History Series). First edition of 5,000 copies; 384 pp, 25 illustrations, 4 maps, index. Social and historical geography of the Texas Rangers of Company B, Frontier Battalion. Based on the diaries of A. T. Miller with additional interviews, field research, and archival research. Interdisciplinary study of frontier settlement and cultural geography, western lawmen, and criminal justice against backdrop of the Rolling Plains, Old Greer County, and the Texas Panhandle. John Miller Morris, EI Uano Estacado; Exploration and Imagination on the High Plains of Texas and New Mexico, 1536-1860. (Austin Texas State Historical Association, October 1997). First and second editions in hardback; third

edition in paperback; 414 pp., 25 illustrations, 4 maps, index, 25 chapters. Texas Historical Geography.

Western History. Environmental History. Interdisciplinary study of Spanish and Anglo environmental

perception of the Southern High Plains (Llano) bioregion from 1536-1860. Revisionist study of the

Coronado Expedition in Texas, Spanish exploration and semiotics of the Llano bioregion, Anglo literary

discovery of the Llano Estacado, and official U.S.-Texas exploration impulse from 1820-1860. With seven

book awards, EI Uano Estacado is the most award-winning publication in the publishing history of the

Texas State Historical Association, founded in 1897 and the oldest scholarly press in the state. Named

one of the "fifty best" modern books of Texas History.

John Miller Morris From Coronado to Escalante; the Explorers of the Spanish Southwest.

(New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992). [ISBN 0-7910-1300-6 cloth 0-7910-1523-8 paper. $12.95.

111 pp., illustrations. Index.] Traces early history and personalities of Spanish exploration in the

American Southwest and Mexico. Focuses on the Coronado Expedition of 1540-1542. Popular title in the

World Explorers series. Six editions by 2001.

1.2 Authorship. Edited Book John Miller Morris, editor, Narrative of the Coronado Expedition / Relacion de la Jornada de Clbola (Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons, 2002). English-Spanish bilingual edition of the classic 1560s narrative by Pedro de Castaneda of the travels of the Coronado Expedition of 1540-42. Special100th anniversary edition in the "Lakeside Classics" series (published as annual volume from 1902-date). Researched and prepared hundreds of modern annotations for bilingual text; wrote major new historical introduction; advised and consulted on translations, illustrations, new cartography, and index. 1.3 Authorship, Current Book(s)-in-Development


John Miller Morris, The Sweet Long-Ago: The Lost Photographers of the South Plains. (Volume Two in Plains of Ught series). Fall 2013 submission to TAMU Press. Cultural geography work on the turn-of-the­ century outdoor photographers of the South Plains region. Pioneer photographers of Lubbock, Midland, Big Spring, Tahoka, Plainview, etc. Visual documentation of settlement, ranching, agriculture, and environmental transformation. Presentation of almost a score of the "lost" artistic photographers of the region, including extensive primary research, biographical profiles, and historical research. John Miller Morris, The Old Home Place: The Lost Photographers of the Rolling Plains. (Volume Three in Plains of Ught series) Summer 2012 submission to TAMU Press. Photo-historical book on the 1900­ 1920s outdoor photographers of the Rolling Plains region of Texas, encompassing 26 counties, with cities such as Abilene, Wichita Falls, Post, Snyder, Sweetwater, Electra, Burkburnett, etc. Pioneer photographers and their visual documentation of main streets, oil booms, ranching, agriculture, technology, and environmental transformation. Presentation of almost forty of the "lost" artistic photographers of the region, including extensive primary research. 1.4 Authorship, Book Chapters Chapter One: John Miller Morris, "First Contact: Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and the Indians of Texas and Mexico," in Ty Cashion and Frank de la Teja, editors, The Human Tradition in Texas (New York: Scholarly Resources, 2001). Hardback and paperback editions. Chapter Thirteen: John Miller Morris, "First Arrivals: Coronado, Hank Smith, and the Old Springs of the Llano Estacado," in Richard and Shirley Flint, editors, The Coronado Expedition from the Distance of 460 Years (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, Spring 2003). Hardback. Chapter Two: John Miller Morris, 'When Corporations Rule the Llano Estacado; The Glorious Past and Uncertain Future of the High Plains Family Farm, " in Sherry L. Smith, editor, The Future of the Southern High Plains (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003). Hardback and paperback editions. 1.5 Authorship, Book Introductions: Lt. James William Abert, New Introduction by John Miller MorriS, Expedition to the Southwest: An 1845 Reconnaissance of Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma (Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, Bison Books, 1999 [ISBN 0-8032-5935-2]) 121 pp. Provided "New Introduction" for university press reprinting of Lt. James W. Abert's 1846 official government report on his exploration of the Southwest United States. W. John L. Sullivan, New Introduction by John Miller MorriS, Twelve Years in the Saddle with the Texas Rangers (Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, Bison Books, 2001 [ISBN 0-8032-9287-2) "American West" series). 316 pp. Initiated reprint request, researched, and wrote "New Introduction" for Sgt. John Sullivan's rare 1909 memoir of life in the Texas Rangers. 1.6 Book EssaylResearch Contribution Essay: John Miller Morris, "The Search for Cona: An Inquiry into Historical Geography" (Essay 4.1) for Marian L. Martinello, Gillian E. Cook, and Linda Woodson. Modes of Inquiry: Voices of Scholars Across the Fields of Study (Carrollton, Texas: Alliance Press, 1998), pp.107-12. Re-edited and new edition in 2005. Research Contribution: William H. Goetzmann and Glyndwr Williams. The Atlas of North American Exploration; From the Norse Voyages to the Race to the Pole (New York: Prentice Hall General Reference, 1992 [ISBN 0-13-297128-3)}. 224 pps. Contributor of research articles, map research, and


proof supervision for: a) "To Santa Fe from the East; the Explorations of Pierre and Paul Mallet, 1739-40"; b) "The Scouts of New Spain; Spanish Trailblazers in the Old Southwest, 1786-1808"; c) "Russia Meets America; The Russians in Alaska 1790-1863"; and d) "Seward's Icebox; U. S. Alaska and the Yukon Gold Rush, 1866-98." Co-authorship of articles and maps for: a) "The Bleak Canadian North; Searches for the Northwest Passage, 1818-45"; and b) "Cold and Tragic Shores; Searches for Franklin and the Northwest Passage, 1846-1905." 2. Published Articles: "The (Illustrated) Pecos River in Frontier History", in Mark Busby and Dick Heaberlin, eds., Southwestern American Literature, Volume 33, No.2 (Spring 2008), pages 23-38. "Exploration," in Ron Tyler, Douglas E. Barnett, and Roy Barkley, editors, The New Handbook of Texas, Volume Two (Austin: Texas State Historical AssOCiation, 1996), pages 917-928. Encyclopedic article on the history of exploration in Texas "Central Texas Street Photography, Snapshots on the Cultural Landscape of Public Ufe," in Donald Lyons and Paul Hudak, eds., Geographic Perspectives on the Texas Region (Denton: UniverSity of North Texas, 1998), 71-80. (ASSOCiation of American Geographers 93rd Conference.) 3. Book Reviews: Suzanne Starling, Land is the Cry! Warren Angus Ferris, Pioneer Texas Surveyor and Founder of Dallas County (Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1998). Published as the lead book review in Southwestern Historical Quarterly, VoI.CII. No.4 (April 1999), 525-26. Richard Flint and Shirley Cushing Flint, The Coronado Expedition to Tierra Nuevea: The 1540-1542 Route Across the Southwest (Niwot, Col.: University Press of Colorado, 1997). Published in Panhandle­ Plains Historical Review, Vol.LXXII (1999)

B. MAJOR PERFORMANCE I EXHIBIT I MEDIA 1. TelevisionNideo: liThe Texas Rangers" -- History Channel (Cable-TV Channel 28), North Hollywood, CA, one-hour program in "The Enforcers" series. Featured speaker on national television show about the history of the Texas Rangers. Worked with Bo Koster, Associate Producer of Greystone Communications, on this episode in the History Channel series "The Enforcers". Personal interviews filmed at my home, loaned historic photos, and did consulting from August-December 2000. Advised on draft scripts and draft video version during production. Provided research, checked facts and accuracy. (VHS and DVD available.) "Trailblazers: A Panhandle Perspective" -- PBS-KACV, Amarillo, Texas, one-hour program. Worked with Ellen Robertson Neal, Director of Public Relations for PBS affiliate in Amarillo, on 1999 television show about the explorers of the Texas Panhandle. Filmed interviews at Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum and KACV-TV studios. Loaned producers rare photographs and prints for this PBS special. The broadcast program and videotape, Trailblazers: A Panhandle Perspective (March 1999) has been used as a promotional incentive during membership drives. (Videotape available.)

2. Traveling Museum Exhibit: Plains of Light. Fields of Vision: Photographers of the Texas Panhandle-South Plains, 1905-1915.


(Seven large exhibit panels and heavy packing case.) Traveling photo-historical exhibit on the unsung regional photographers of the Texas Panhandle and South Plains after the turn of the century. Identified, researched, designed, and produced this Southwest exhibit on frontier photographers. Assembled by the Institute for Texas Cultures in San Antonio, this exhibit featured rare and enlarged period photographs, silk-screened text and captions, a color lithograph map, and Texas Quilt background accent designs. From 1996 through 1998 the Plains of Light, Fields of Vision exhibit toured the museums and public libraries within a fifty county area of Texas. Thousands of Northwest Texas residents enjoyed this traveling exhibit 3. Radio and Television: "The Future of the Southern Plains" 30-minute book interview, Glenn Mitchell Show, National Public Radio-Dallas KERA (Channel 13) November 2004 "Book Interview: 'A Private in the Texas Rangers' "30-minute TV show, produced by Polly Price, for Time Warner-Channel 19, San Antonio, August 2001, multiple airings. "Texas Place Names," 30 minute guest interview for San Antonio public TV show, Ordinary People (Paragon Cable TV 20), March 1997. (Videotape available.) "In Search of Cona," THN Network TV satellite broadcast for Judy Weill's "Spanish One/Espanol Uno" distance learning course, October 11, 1996, San Antonio, Texas. "The Meaning of Texas," radio interview for Davis Rankin Show, KURV, August 19,1996 (10-11AM), Brownsville, Texas. (Cassette tape) ''The Coronado Expedition," radio interview for Davis Rankin Show, KURV, April 1996 (10-11AM), Brownsville, Texas. (Cassette tape)

C. RESEARCH MATERIALS BOOK: Assembled 4,000+ volume research library with specialization in Southwestern historical geography. There are many rare items, maps, publications, documents, diaries, and manuscripts in the collection. Acquainted with leading book and map dealers; skills in historic document evaluation. PHOTOGRAPHY: Assembled 10,000+ historic photographs and real photo postcards of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. The Morris Real Photo Col/ection of Texas (1900-1930) is the finest period real photo collection for the state. Loans and/or permissions of visual materials to county museums, heritage associations, colleagues, and media.



A. INVITED SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS "From the Gulf to the Rockies: Cartography of the Fort Worth & Denver Railroad," July 27,2012, Joint Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Map Society and the Texas Map Society, invited one-hour digital media presentation, University of Denver, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Denver, Colorado. "Then and Now: Photography of the North Texas Prairies and Plains," October 22,2010. Invited 1.5 hour digital media presentation and speech, Friday evening, for the Friends of the UT-Arlington Library, Dr. Gerald Saxon, program chair.


"Home, Home on the Llano," February 26,2010. Invited conference keynote address and related media presentation for 150th Annual Meeting of the Historical Society of New Mexico, Western Heritage Museum Theater, Hobbs, New Mexico. "Central Texas Archaeology: From Bone & Stone to Flora & Fauna." February 19, 2010. Invited one-hour digital media presentation, Capital Area Master Naturalist Program, Westcave Nature Preserve, Travis County, Texas. "Colonial Cartography on the Far Frontier." April 5, 2009. Texas Map Society, Spring 2009 Meeting. Conference: Mapping the New World: Spanish Colonial Cartography & Map-Makers. Co-sponsored by the Political Science & Geography Department, University of Texas at San Antonio, Downtown Campus, San Antonio, Texas. "The Pecos River in Frontier History." March 9, 2007. Invited paper and CD-ROM digital presentation for statewide conference, The Pecos River: Past, Present, Future. Texas River Center, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. "Small Worlds of the Southern Great Plains." February 25,2005. Wildlife Society, Texas Chapter. Invited plenary presentation from 8AM-10AM, Amarillo Convention Center, Amarillo, Texas. CD-ROM presentation and written speech. '''Gone to Texas'; Case Studies in Cultural Geography." March 5, 2004. Texas State Historical Association, 108th Annual Meeting, Session 23, Dr. Jerry Thompson, Chair, Austin, Texas. CD-ROM presentation and written paper. "Changing Places" Photography Symposium, October 20, 2001. Invited presentation for the Shifting Landscapes Conference (October 18-20, 2001), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. Co-organized this symposium with the noted professional photographers Rob Amberg and Wayne Lambert. "Spanish Cartography of the High Plains." April 27, 2001. Invited presentation, Museum Interpretation of the Spanish Conquest and Colonial PeriodS 1492-1820 Symposium, Baylor University and Strecker­ Mayborn Museum Complex, Waco Convention Center (April 7-28, 2001). Waco, Texas. "When Corporations Rule the Llano Estacada." April 10, 2001. Invited presentation, The Future ofthe Southern High Plains Symposium, Dr. Sherry Smith presiding, Southern Methodist University, Clements Center, Dallas, Texas. "Commencing a New Century: History, Technology, and Visual Culture in the Texas Panhandle." April 27, 2000. Invited illustrated presentation, Friends of the Cornette Library, 25th Annual Dinner Meeting, at West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas. "First Arrivals: Coronado, Hank Smith, and the Old Springs of Blanco Canyon." Keynote address on April 17, 2000, 7-9PM. Invited illustrated presentation for the Contemporary Vantage on the Coronado Expedition, April 14-18, 2002. Conference sponsored by New Mexico Highlands University and the Floyd County Historical Museum, Plains Baptist Assembly Hall in Blanco Canyon [Floyd County] Texas. "The Search for Cona; Finding a Literary 'Sense of Place' for the Coronado Expedition in Texas." September 23, 1999. Invited presentation for "Our Hidden Hispanic Heritage," Second Annual Legends of the Southwest Symposium in Formby Room, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.


"Lo Llano: Europeans on the High Plains of 1541." March 1, 1998. Invited presentation for The Transition from Prehistory to History in the Southwest, Mogollon Conference (February 28-March1, 1998), Albuquerque, New Mexico.

"Springlands and Settlements; Mexico's Ojos de Aguas." April 15, 1989. Invited paper delivered at University of Texas Institute of Latin American Studies: First Annual Symposium; Cultural Adaptation at the Edge of the Spanish Empire: A Northern View, Sid Richardson Hall, Austin, Texas. "The Coronado Expedition in Texas. November 24, 1993. Invited presentation, Division of Education and Division of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at San AntoniO, San Antonio, Texas. It

"Navajo Agriculture and the Dinetah Frontier." April 20, 1992. Invited presentation, Division of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas. "Mysteries of the Llano Estacado." December 13, 1988. Invited presentation, Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, Colloquium Series, Austin, Texas. "The Iron Horse on the High Plains: Guidebooks and Environmental Imagery, 1872-1892." May 1, 1990. Paper and invited presentation delivered at New Mexico State University, Department of Earth Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

B. REFEREED PRESENTATIONS "Commentary - Postcards as Documentary Evidence on the Texas Past" (Session 5), March 1, 2012. Texas State Historical ASSOCiation, 116111 Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas. "Homesteading the Western Llano Estacado." April 1. 2011, digital media presentation for "Farming and Ranching on the Last Frontier" Session, West Texas Historical Association, 8lfh Annual Meeting, Lubbock, Texas. "Ethnic Photography and the Cultural Geography of African-Americans in Texas," April 16, 2010, digital media presentation, Panel One, for Third Annual African American Studies SympOsium, Denman Room, University Center, UT-San Antonio "A Field Guide to West Texas Postal History, 1850s-1890s", March 31, 2007. Session paper and CD­ ROM illustrated presentation delivered to West Texas History AssOCiation, 84th Annual Meeting, Abilene. Texas "Commentary - Business in the Borderlands" (Session 48). March 10, 2007. Texas State Historical Association, 111 th Annual Meeting. San AntoniO, Texas. "E-History, or Googling West Texas; A Visual Case Study in Web-based Research," April 3, 2004. West Texas Historical Association, Session Six, Abilene, Texas. (CD-ROM presentation and written remarks.) "First Arrivals: The Caprock Springs of the Eastern Llano Estacado," March 18, 2004. Association of American Geographers -1OOth Annual Meeting, Session 5450, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The Real Photo Artists of West Texas, 1907-1920,' April 11 ,2003. West Texas Historical Association, 80th Annual Meeting, Session Four, Lubbock, Texas.


"Texas Visual Historiography: The Regional Real Photo Artists, 1906-1919," October 10, 2000, Co­ organized session with Dr, Ty Cashion of "The Visual Texas," Western History Association, 40th Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, "Shadow Catchers of the Texas Panhandle," March 6, 1998, Texas State Historical Association, Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, Organized Session 21, "Studies in Texas Photo-history," "Landscape Artists of the Southern High Plains: Romance to Realism," March 28, 1998, Association of American Geographers, 94th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, "Plains of Light: Landscape Photographers of the Texas Panhandle-South Plains," April 4, 1997, Session chair and presentation for "Historical Geography -- Frontiers, Boundary Disputes, and Visualization." Association of American Geographers, 93rd Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas. "Whither Goest Thou Coronado?- Rediscovery of the Coronado Expedition in Texas." April 13, 1996. Paper presentation at Session: "Historical Aspects of the American West." 92nd Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, North Carolina

C. NON·REFEREED PRESENTATIONS "The Romance of Tom Green County," April 14,2012, Texas Philatelic Association Convention, invited digital media presentation for the Texas Postal History Society, San Antonio, Texas, "Home, Home on the Llano." August 12, 2011 Invited digital media presentation for the 1OOth Anniversary or Centennial Meeting of the Pathfinders Club, Burton Memorial Library, Clarendon, Texas (Donley County). "The First Hundred Years: The Lost Photographers of Austin and Central Texas." April 10, 2011. Invited digital media presentation. Austin History Association, Austin History Center, Austin, Texas. "Silver Falls and Blanco Canyon," June 22, 2004. Invited public presentation to dedicate the Silver Falls Rest Area, a $2.7 million public improvement project in Blanco Canyon by the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), Crosby County. Texas. "Old Margaret and the Texas Rangers: The Miller Diaries of Company B." Invited regional symposium, May 3-4. 2002, Quanah Parker Days Celebration, Crowell, Texas, Foard County "The Real Texas Rangers." Invited seminar presentation, January 14, 2002, Through Their Eyes Student Seminar, Education Service Center Region XV, San Angelo, Texas. (Fellow authors were noted writer Elmer Kelton and Dr. Andres Tijerina.) "Ten Reconceptions of the Famed Texas Rangers," June 17, 2000. Invited presentation for "Lone Stars: 177 Years of Ranger History," Mike Cox, moderator, Western Writers of America Convention, YO Ranch Hotel and Resort, Kerrville, Texas. "Russian Cities and Social Change," Morning session held June 16, 1999. Invited three-hour graduate seminar and training workshop for Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREEES), Summer Institute in Russian Studies for K-12 Teachers.


"Landscape Photography in the Colonization of the Texas Panhandle." November 21, 1997. Invited presentation to the University of Texas, at Austin, Department of Geography, Colloquium Series, Austin, Texas. "World War III: Russian Retribalization and Post-Soviet Geography." January 8, 1996, 9AM-12PM session. Fort Hood Lecture Series, sponsored by Center for Post-Soviet and East European Studies for the United States Army, Fort Hood, Texas. "The Odyssey of Post-Soviet Geography." 1996 through 2000. Invited annual presentations to graduate seminar SES 381 , "Introduction to Post-Soviet and East European Studies," University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

IV. TEACHING ACTIVITIES A. PRINCIPAL COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR FOR COURSES: "World Regional Geography," GRG 1023, UTSA, Dept. of Political Science & Geography, Fall 1991-present. "Cultural Geography," GRG 3213, UTSA, 1991; 2002-present. "Weather and Climate," GRG 3713, UTSA, upper-division, 1992-present. "Geography of Europe," GRG 3133, UTSA, upper-division, 1995-present. "Planning Theory and Practices [Graduate Course]", CRP 980-X, Graduate School of Architecture, UT­ Austin. Intro to Urban Planning for new graduate students, Fall 2004. "Society and Social Issues," IDS 2113, UTSA, College of Education, Interdisciplinary Studies Degree, Spring 1992- Spring 2001 "Individual, Family and Community," IDS 2103, UTSA, College of Education. Interdisciplinary Studies Degree, Fall 1992-May 2002. "Twentieth-Century Russian History," HIS 385, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington, 1999. "World Civilization to 15th Century," IDS 2203, UTSA, 1999 "Conservation and Resources," GRG 3613, UTSA, upper division, Spring 1993. "Geography of the Former Soviet Union," GRG 327, University of Texas at Austin, Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies, Spring 1993. "This Human World: Introduction to Geography," GRG 305, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geography, Spring 1993. "Cartography," GRG 3513, UTSA, upper-division, Fall 1992-95. "Geography of U.S. and Canada," GRG 3113, UTSA, upper-division, Spring 1992-Spring 1993 "Human Geography," GY 215, Auburn University, upper-division, Fall 1990. "World Geography," GY 102, Auburn University, Fall 1990. B. TEACHING ASSISTANT FOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES IN: "This Human World: An Introduction to Geography," GRG 305, University of Texas, Spring 1988-Spring, 1990, six semesters; with Dr. Paul English (1) and Dr. Robin Doughty (5 semesters). "Introduction to Landforms," GRG 301 L, University of Texas, 1989; with Dr. Franciso Perez. "Geography of Latin America," GRG 319, University of Texas, Summer, 1990; with Dr. Greg Knapp. "Problems in Petroleum Engineering," PEN 379, University of Texas; Spring, 1984 -- Spring, 1985, three semesters, with Dr. Podio. C. DISTANCE LEARNING & INSTRUCTION 1. Principal Extension Instructor for Undergraduate Courses in:


''The Introduction to Physical Geography," GRC 301C, University of Texas at Austin, Division of Continuing Education/EIMC, Fall 1988 -- Winter, 1990. "This Human World: Introduction to Geography," GRG 305, University of Texas at Austin, Division of Continuing Education/EIMC, Fall 1988 -- Winter, 1990. 2. Additional Instruction/Human Relations

Taught nine semesters of Texas Union Informal Classes, UT-Austin Student Union.

Substitute Teacher, Round Rock I.S.D., Williamson County, Texas.

Organized and led a Winter Tour to the former Soviet Union for Academic Travel Abroad, New York City.

Wrote and produced Public Service Announcements for KLBJ and other radio stations.

UTSA and LIT-Austin Dept. of Geography, Liaison, Summer Program at Oxford University (1995-2002)


Ms. Yumiko Kawa, Department of Political Science & Geography. Member of MA Thesis Committee; Dr.

Francisco Durand, chair (2009) Ms. Madison Partida, chair of her Special Honors Thesis, Honors College, UTSA (2009-10) Faculty Advisor, IDS Student Association (1998-2001) Faculty Lecturer, The Green Society RSO, UTSA (2008) V. SELECTED TEACHING, CURRICULUM, AND SERVICE ACTIVITIES A. EDUCATION & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1. College & University Service Stage Representative, Spring 2012, UTSA Commencement and graduation service University Marshall, Fall 2010, UTSA Commencement and graduation service EDU College Structure Task Force - (Spring 2000/Chair: Dr. Cardenas) College Restructuring Committee -(Spring 2001/Chair: Dr. Shoho) EXCET Coordinator - (Annually from 2001-2004) - Reviewed data and Social Studies pass rates, especially for IDS students seeking certification; in 2003 researched and itemized social science competencies and standards in IDS courses for secondary level (grades 8-12). University Standing Committee on Core Curriculum - (served two-year term from 1998-99/Chair: Dr. Gillian Cook) University Standing Committee on Teacher Education - (Fall 1999-Spring 2000) University Standing Committee on Probation & Reinstatement - (Fall 2002-Fall 2003) Plagiarism Delegate to University Committee on Plagiarism - (Fall 200S-Spring 2006; Fall 2006-Spring 2007)

2. Department Service Geography Search Committees, UTSA - chaired four tenure-track search committees Faculty Secretary, Dept. of Political Science & Geography (2009-12) PSG Non Tenure-Track Evaluation Committee (2011 ), chair, evaluations of adjunct teaching IDS Modes of Inquiry Classes - EDU (Fall 2000-Spring 2001) Administrative and oversight duties under Dr. Art Hernandez for all IDS sections of "Modes of Inquiry." Recruited Alycia Maurer. UTSA Geography Society - (1999-2009);... Two decades of active promotion of this Registered Student Organization. Delivered presentation, "Geography, Photography, Society: Texas at the Turn, 1900­ 1920," at September 28,2000 meeting. IDS Program - (1999-2001) - Operated on various levels and capacities to serve the IDS program during university and college restructuring (1999-2001).


B. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES 1. PEER REVIEW/SCHOLARLY ASSISTANCE 1.1 Book Manuscript Reviews/Scholarly Presses Reader Report for Steven Schroeder, Book Manuscript, The Eyes of Texas: An Essay in Politics, Place, and Perception. - Texas Tech University (Not Published) Reader Report for F. Todd Smith, Book Manuscript, From Dominance to Disappearance: The Indians of Texas and the Near Southwest, 1786-1859. - University of Nebraska (Book published in 2003) Reader Report for Jim Kimmel, Book Manuscript, The San Marcos: A River's Story. - Texas A&M University (Book published in 2005) Reader Report for Carol Dawson and Carol Johnston, Book Manuscript, House of Plenty: The Rise, Fall, and Revival of Luby's Cafeterias. - University of Texas (Book published in 2005) Reader Report for David Buisseret et a/. Book Manuscript, Historic Texas from the Air - University of Texas Press (Book published in 2009) Reader Report for Carson & Glasrud, et aI., Book Manuscript, The Giant Side of Texas. - Texas Tech University Press. (2010) Reader Report for Peter Rose, Book Manuscript, The Reckoning: Order and Law Come to the Forks of the Llano. Texas Tech University Press (2010) Reader Report for Lawrence T. Jones III, Book Manuscript, Ute on the Frontier: Early Texas Photography, 1843-1900. Texas A&M University Press. Reader Report for Dr. Daniel Arreola, Book Manuscript, Picturing the Place, Placing the Picture. University of Texas Press (2012). 12 Article Manuscript Reviews Peer Review / Reader Report for Dr. Daniel J. Gelo article submission, "Comanche Country and Ever Has Been: A Native Geography of the Nineteenth Century Comancheria," in Southwestern Historical Quarterly 103:273-308 (2000). Peer Review / Reader Report for manuscript article, "Perhaps the Most Incorrect Land Line."­ Southwestern Historical Quarterly (Published 2000?) Peer Review I Reader Report for liThe Irrigated Valley: A Case Study of Conservation in Northwest Texas, 1880-1930," currently in press with Southwestern Historical Quarterly. Peer Review / Reader Report for manuscript article, "Boots on the Ground: A History of Fort Bascom in the Canadian River Valley." (2010 for journal New Mexico Historica/ Review) 1.3 Book Endorsements/Published Jim Kimmel, The San Marcos: A River's Story (TAMU Press, 2006), back cover. Richard Francaviglia, The Cast-Iron Forest: A Natural and CulturalHistory of the North American Cross Timbers (University of Texas Press, 2001) back cover. David Buisseret, Richard Francaviglia, Gerald Saxon, and Jack Graves, Jr., Historic Texas from the Air (University of Texas Press, 2009), inside dust jacket. Norman F. Porter, Sr., Atascosa County History through 1912 (Galvan Creek, published 2007), back cover. Peter Rose, The Reckoning: Order and Law Come to the Forks of the Llano. Texas Tech University Press (2010) Daniel Arreola, Piefuring the Place, Placing the Picture. University of Texas Press (2012) 1.4 Loans of Historic Photographs for Publication/Other Authors Photo Loan to: Ana Castillo Crimm and Sarah Massey for Turn-of-the-Century Photographs from San Diego, Texas (University of Texas Press) Photo Loan to: Dr. T. Lindsay Baker, More Ghost Towns of Texas (University of Oklahoma Press)


Photo Loan and explanatory text to: Southwestern Historical Quarterly for "Tomb of Stephen F. Austin" Vol. CIX, No.1 (July 2005), 134-35. Photo Loan to: Dr. Ty Cashion, Pigskin Pulpit: A Social History of Texas High School Football Coaches (Texas State Historical Association Press, 2006) 2. Offices I Elections / Associations

Election to Vice-President, Texas Institute of Letters (2008-09)

Election to Council (equivalent to Board of Directors), Texas Institute of Letters (2004-06; 2008-10)

Election to Board of Directors, Texas Map Society (2008-2009 term)

Election to Vice-President, Long Canyon Homeowners Association, Phase 2/3 (2006-08; 2009-10; 2011­ 12)

Charter Member and Election to Board of Directors, Texas Map Society (1998-2000 term)

3. Major Panels/Public Service Presentations 2002 Texas Book Festival I Featured Moderator; panelist: "The Texas Rangers: Justice in the Lone Star State" Saturday, November 16, 2001, State Capitol, Austin, Texas. 2001 Texas Book Festival I Featured Author and panelist: "Fact-Finding Missions: Authors on Research," Sunday, November 18, 2001, State Capitol, Austin, Texas.

1998 Texas Book Festival I Featured Author and panelist for: "Raiders of the Lost Archives." Saturday, November 14, 1998, State Capitol, Austin, Texas. Laura Bush, Chairman and hostess. 4. Conference Program Committees 2012 Program Committee, Chair, Texas State Historical Association 2010 Program Committee, Member, Texas State Historical Association 2009-10 Program Committees, Chair, Texas Map Society 2005 Program Committee, Member, Texas State Historical Association 2000 Program Committee, Member, Texas State Historical Association 5. Organizer/A~demic Conference

Conference chair and principal organizer for Mapping the New World: Spanish Colonial Cartography &

Map-Makers, April 3-5, 2009; co-sponsored by the University of Texas at San Antonio and the Texas Map


6. Press ReleaseslAssistance

Press Release, photographs, and interviews to Chris Anderson, reporter, for two articles: "Expert disputes origins of the word 'Texas'" and "New Lead on Coronado Expedition" San Antonio Express­ News, April 30,1996, page 1A and 6A The front page article was picked up and published further by the New York Times and their wire service and websites. Press Release and interview to Vivian Salazar, Features Editor, for "Plains of Light," Amarillo Globe­ News, October 22, 1996. Press Release to Donna Brockman for "Photos of Early Hereford ..." Hereford Brand, September 17, 1996, page 1. UTSA Press Release to Association of American Geographers for "Landscape Photographers of Texas Panhandle-South Plains," Fort Worth Annual Meeting, April 3, 1997. "History is everywhere in Texas," Riding Line, Spring 2001, page 9. Wrote full-page profile and essay on history for newsletter of the Texas State Historical Association, Austin, Texas.


Sombrilla Vo1.5, No.2 (Winter 1999). Provided UTSA alumnus magazine with interview, color negatives, rare prints, and all illustrations for their (award-winning) article, "The Language of Discovery," concerning my research in the historical geography of Texas. 7. Interviews Interview to Vincent Davis and loans of historic photos for COLFA magazine article "Snapshots of Texas" in Ovations, Volume 5 (November 2010) Interview to Kent Biffle, "Texana" editor, "A Private in the Texas Rangers," Dallas Morning News, November 2001 Interview to Rebecca Luther for "Door Culture," Sombrilla Vo1.6, No.4, Winter 2001. Interview to Mary Lenz for "Golden-Cheeked songbird ... ," Houston Post, July 16, 1990 (p. A-12). Interview to Kelly Faro for "History Repeats Itself." Third Coast Magazine. Vol. 5, No.5, December, 1985. Interview to David Oliphant for "Nueces" chapter of Austin (Fort Worth: Prickly Pear Press, 1985). 8. Additional Public Service Board of Directors, Vice-President, Long Canyon Homeowners Association, Phase 2/3 (2006-08; 2008­ 10; 2011-12) Board of Directors, Vice-President, Long Canyon Homeowners Association, Phase 2 (1992-94; 1994-96) 9. Consulting Services Expert Reviewer, STARR Exam, Educational Testing Service, Inc.; reviewed all geography questions for new statewide high school exam in academic readiness (2011-12)