JOS VAN DIJK. Candidate for the EGP Conciliation Panel. GroenLinks, The
Netherlands. CV. Born in 1947. Study: sociology. Professional Career: teacher at
JOS VAN DIJK Candidate for the EGP Conciliation Panel GroenLinks, The Netherlands
CV Born in 1947 Study: sociology Professional Career: teacher at Library School The Hague, since 1996 The Hague University of Applied Sciences, department of ICT & Media Retired: 1 January 2012 GroenLinks and European Green Party Member of GroenLinks since the start in 1990 Chair of GroenLinks Utrecht 1998-2002 Permanent Working Group Europe 2002Heerlen Network/ Individual Supporters Network EGP 2002-2008 EGP Council delegation 2004- (elected delegate 2007-2011) Member of the EGP Working Group Digital Rights Member of the EGP Ad Interim Conciliation Panel MOTIVATION The European Greens will get more success if they act united. Our movement will be stronger without internal conflicts. So I am very happy with a mediation and conciliation panel that helps the organization to get rid of conflicts. I have experienced in the last ten years the diversity within the EGP, as an asset, but also as a potential source of misunderstanding and conflict. Sometimes a conflict is unnecessary and easily repaired in a few sessions with independent mediators. Sometimes it will have the risk of more serious damage to the organization as a whole. My commitment to the goals of the European Greens makes me eager to contribute to a united party. In my political life a have a strong tendency for conciliation because I am convinced that divided we will never reach our goals. In my professional career and in my political activities I have learned necessary skills as close reading and listening, interviewing and the management of conflicts.