CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Kevin Hindle BA(hons), MBA, PhD ...

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CURRICULUM VITAE. Professor Kevin Hindle. BA(hons), MBA, PhD, CPA. Address: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship. Swinburne University of ...
CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Kevin Hindle BA(hons), MBA, PhD, CPA Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: URL: Nationality:

Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship Swinburne University of Technology 50 Wakefield Street, Hawthorn Vic 3122, Australia (+61) 3 9214 8732 (+61) 3 9214 8381 [email protected] Australian

Kevin Hindle is Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Teaching Professor at the University of Southern Denmark and Director of the Venture Intelligence Institute. He is a teacher, researcher, management consultant and private equity investor whose variety of expertise and interests embrace many aspects of managing in conditions of uncertainty. His teaching, research, managerial and consulting work focuses on building entrepreneurial capacity. This embraces several areas: new venture evaluation; entrepreneurial business planning; market and financial modelling; change management; organisational design; corporate strategy and management training. Applying leading-edge research to practical problems, he has initiated and developed new ventures and worked for organisations large and small, public and private, Australian and international. In a long career as a management educator, Kevin Hindle hs developed and taught marketing, finance, organisational behaviour and entrepreneurship curricula for a range of degree award and executive development programs in Europe, Asia and America as well as Australasia. He has taught in the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration’s executive MBA program and held visiting professorships in entrepreneurship at Baylor University (Texas), at INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France), at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and was the inaugural visiting professor at the First Nations University of Canada (Regina, Saskatchewan). He is co-author of two textbooks on entrepreneurship. He was the foundation designer of the Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Degree at Swinburne University of Technology and wrote the initial version and many subsequent versions of ten of the twelve programs comprising that degree. His several professional awards include winning the (American) Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division and McGraw Hill Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Award in 2004. This is a highly regarded honour for entrepreneurship education in the United States and he is the first and only non-North American ever to win it. In the same year he won Australia’s highest entrepreneurship education award, the Business/Higher Education Round Table (B-Hert) Award for the Best Entrepreneurial Educator of the year. As a researcher, Kevin Hindle has authored over eighty publications including more than fifty peer-reviewed papers in a range of respected international journals and conference proceedings. From 2000 to 2007 he was Australian Project Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). His research activities are focused in six key areas: the innovation-entrepreneurship relationship: the factors and processes influencing new venture investment; entrepreneurship education (with emphasis upon the university); the methodology of entrepreneurship research; entrepreneurship policy; and the effect of community upon entrepreneurial process (with a particular focus upon Indigenous entrepreneurship). Beyond academia, Kevin Hindle e has a successful track record as an entrepreneur in his own right and currently risks his own money backing his judgment as both an angel and an independent private equity investor. He has a strong network of collaborations and personal friendships among leading entrepreneurship scholars and practitioners throughout the world and a track record of substantial fundraising for entrepreneurship research. He has consulted on entrepreneurship policy to both State and Federal governments and several international universities, government organizations and corporations. He was a ministerially appointed foundation member of Australia’s National Innovation Awareness Council and is a member of the advisory board of the International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA). The unifying theme of all his work is to develop and execute constructive, internationally relevant research whose findings can be used to enhance the education and development of ethical, successful, world-focused entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial advisers and policy-makers.