1994 Doctoral Fellowship for study at Harvard University based on academic
performance. 1994 US EPA ..... using PoleStar for the quantitative analyses.
Research Assistant Professor and Lecturer Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 Email:
[email protected] Tel: 617-877-9657 July 2011
Engineering Sciences Harvard University Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Agricultural Engineering Cornell University
2007 2002 1995 1994 1994 1993 1992
Quentin Martin Best Practice Paper Award for the paper "Climate Driven Water Resources Model of the Sacramento Basin, California" September/October 2009 awarded by ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management to David Yates, David Purkey, Annette Huber-Lee, Hector Galbraith, Jordan West, Susan Herrod-Julius, Chuck Young, Brian Joyce, and Mohammad Rayej. Nominated for the Third CGIAR Senior Leadership Program held at IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2-6, 2007. Fellowship to the Salzburg Seminar on Water and Politics. Harvard University Derek Bok Center Award for Distinction in Teaching Doctoral Fellowship for study at Harvard University based on academic performance US EPA Standards and Applied Science Division Employee of the Quarter Award for Implementation of the Platte River Ecological Risk Assessment US EPA Office of Science and Technology Team of the Quarter Award for the Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Clean Water Initiative US EPA Office of Science and Technology Team of the Quarter Award for the release of the National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish
2006-present 2004-2006 2004–2006 2002–2006
Board Member, Stockholm Environment Institute, U.S. Project Advisory Committee member, American Water Works Association Research Foundation Trustee of the Board, Natural Heritage Institute Steering Committee Member, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Challenge Program on Water and Food
Member of Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES Reviewer Water Resources Research (occasional) Journal of Environmental Management OTHER PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Geophysical Union American Water Resources Association
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
International Water Resources Association
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT 2011-present 2010-2011 2010-present 2001-present 2009 2008-2009 2006-2008 2001-2006 1995-2001 1994-1999 1992-1994 1990-1992 1987-1990
Research Assistant Professor and Lecturer, Department of Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA Visiting Scholar, Department of Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA Consultant on Water and Energy in a Warming World, Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA Co-director, The Water Economics Project, Cambridge, MA Instructor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, DC Science Leader, Challenge Program on Water and Food, Sri Lanka Theme Leader, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC Water Program Director, Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston, MA Technical Lead, Harvard Water Project, Cambridge, MA Research Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Environmental Engineer, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC Peace Corps Volunteer, Thailand Water Resources Engineer, Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., Boston, MA
2010 2009
2009 2009
2001-2006 1995
Lecturer for Tufts CEE 294: Integrated Water Resources Management: Integrated Methods course Lecturer for Tufts CEE 214: Environmental and Water Resources Systems Engineering course Lecturer for Tufts CEE 294: Integrated Water Resources Management: Integrated Methods course Course on Integrated Scenario Planning for Smallholder Timber Plantations in Hanoi, Vietnam for national ministries, non-government organizations, the private sector and researchers. Hosted by the Center for International Forestry Research Lecturer for the WSSS Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) for seven senior water advisors from the Hai River Basin in China Course on Integrated Scenario Planning for Smallholder Timber Plantations in Bogor, Indonesia for national ministries, non-government organizations, the private sector and researchers. Hosted by the Center for International Forestry Research Course on integrated water planning and water economics in Ramallah, West Bank for Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) and academics. Hosted by the PWA. Course entitled, Water Crisis, Myth or Reality at Johns Hopkins University, Spring Semester. Cotaught with Dr. Winston Yu of the World Bank at the School of Advanced Studies in International Studies Course on integrated water planning and water economics in Amman, Jordan for the Ministries of Water and Agriculture, Jordan Valley Water Authority and academics. Hosted by the Czech government. Courses on Integrated Water Planning and WEAP Development Training, typically 1 to 2 weeks in length across the globe. Undergraduate course on Introduction to Environmental Engineering as Teaching Fellow with Prof. Peter Rogers at Harvard University. Won the Harvard University Derek Bok Center Award for Distinction in Teaching for teaching this course.
Annette T. Huber-Lee 2011
2009 2009
2009 2008
2006 2005 2005
Curriculum Vitae
Fisher, F. and A. Huber-Lee. "Sustainability, Efficient Water Management, and Conflict Resolution in Water." The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Volume XII, Number 1, Winter/Spring. Kemp-Benedict, E., A. Huber-Lee and A. Dermanwan. ―A multi-scale scenario methodology: Application to smallholder tree plantations in Indonesia and Vietnam.‖ Submitted to Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Yates, D., D. Purkey, A. Huber-Lee, H. Galbraith, J. West, S. Herrod-Julius, C. Young, B. Joyce, and M. Rayej "Climate Driven Water Resources Model of the Sacramento Basin, California" Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135(5):303‐ 313. Huber-Lee, A. ―Research for Impact.‖ Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management May 2009. Cook, S.E., M.J. Fisher, L.R. Harrington, A. Huber-Lee and A. Vidal. ―Agricultural water productivity and poverty: A conceptual pathway to link global, basin and local understanding.‖ Irrigation & Drainage 58:S60-S72. Fisher, F.M. and A. Huber-Lee, ―WAS-Guided Cooperation in Water: The Grand Coalition and Subcoalitions.‖ Environment and Development Economics, April 2009. Fisher, F.M. and A. Huber-Lee, ―WAS-Guided Cooperation in Water Management: Coalitions and Gains‖ Franklin M. Fisher, in the peer-reviewed book, Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment, edited by Ariel Dinar, José Albiac and Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano. Routledge, January 2008. Yates D., H. Galbraith, D. Purkey, A. Huber-Lee, J. Sieber, J. West, S. Herrod-Julius and B. Joyce. ―Climate warming, water storage, and Chinook salmon in California’s Sacramento Valley.‖ Climatic Change. Volume 91, Numbers 3-4 / December, 2008. Pages 335-350. Purkey, D., A. Huber-Lee, D. Yates, M. Hanemann and S. Herrod-Julius. Integrating a Climate Change Assessment Tool into Stakeholder-Driven Water Management Decision-Making Processes in California. Water Resources Management. Vol. 21. No. 1. Fisher, F. and A. Huber-Lee. Economics, Water Management, and Conflict Resolution for the Middle East and Beyond. Environment, April 2006. Yates, D., Sieber, J., D. Purkey, and A. Huber-Lee. WEAP a demand, priority, and preference driven water planning model: Part 1, Model characteristics. Water International, December 2005. Yates, D., D. Purkey, H. Galbraith, A. Huber-Lee, and J. Sieber, 2005b. WEAP a demand, priority, and preference driven water planning model: Part 2, Aiding freshwater ecosystem service evaluation. Water International, 30(4), 501-512. Fisher, F., S. Arlosoroff, Z. Eckstein, M. Haddadin, S. Hamati, A. Huber-Lee, A. Jarrar, A. Jayyousi, U. Shamir, and H. Wesseling. Optimal Water Management and Conflict Resolution: The Middle East Water Project. Water Resources Research, November, 2002. Rogers, P., R. Bhatia and A. Huber. Water as a Social and Economic Good: How to put the Principle into Practice. Technical Advisory Committee Background Paper No. 2, Global Water Partnership, Stockholm, Sweden.
Fisher, F. and A. Huber-Lee, with S. Arlosoroff, Z. Eckstein, M. Haddadin, S. Hamati, A. Jarrar, A. Jayyousi, U. Shamir, and H. Wesseling. Liquid Assets: An Economic Approach for Water Management and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East and Beyond. Peer-reviewed by Resources for the Future Press under the series for Water Resource Policy, August 2005. Huber-Lee, A., D. Yates, D. Purkey, W. Yu, C. Young, and B. Runkle. How Can We Sustain Agriculture and Ecosystems? The Sacramento Basin. Chapter in the book, Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins. Edited by J. Aerts and P. Droogers. CABI Publishing, UK. 4
Annette T. Huber-Lee 2004
Curriculum Vitae
Andah, W., N. van de Giesen, A. Huber-Lee, and C. Biney. Can We Maintain Food Production Without Losing Hydropower? The Volta Basin. Chapter in the book, Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins. Edited by J. Aerts and P. Droogers. CABI Publishing, UK.
2003 2003 2003 2002
2001 1999
Humphreys, E., R. Bayot, M. van Brakel, F. Gichuki, M. Svendsen, P. Wester, A. Huber-Lee, S. Cook, B. Douthwaite, C.T. Hoanh, N. Johnson, S. Nguyen-Khoa, A. Vidal, I. MacIntyre, R. MacIntyre, R. Fighting Poverty Through Sustainable Water Use: Volumes I, II, III IV. Colombo : CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, 2008 – ISBN 9789299005330. Humphreys, E., Peden, D., Twomlow, S., Rockström, J., Oweis, T., Huber-Lee, A. and Harrington, L. 2008. Improving rainwater productivity: Topic 1 synthesis paper. CGiAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, 19 pp. Nguyen-Khoa, S., Huber-Lee, A., van Koppen, B., Peden, D., Andreini, A. and Smits, S. 2008. Multipurpose Water Systems: Topic 2 synthesis paper. CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo. White, D., Wester, F., Huber-Lee, A., Hoanh, C. T. and Gichuki, F. 2008. Water Benefits Sharing for Poverty Alleviation and Conflict Management: Topic 3 Synthesis Paper. CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, 15 pp. Svendson, M., Douthwaite, B., Cook, S., Huber-Lee, A., Ringler, C. and Bryan, E. 2008. Global Drivers and Processes of Change: Topic 4 Synthesis Paper. CGiAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, 11 pp. Andreini, M., Andah, W., Balazs, C., Boelee, E., Cecchi, P., Huber-Lee, A., Liebe, J., Rodrigues, L., Senzanje, A., Steenhuis, T., and van de Giesen, N. Small Multi-purpose Reservoir Ensemble Planning: Innovative Methods, Challenge Program Africa Project Meeting, Entebbe, Uganda, Nov. 2005 Huber-Lee, A., D. Purkey, J. Sieber, C. Swartz and C. Young. Sustainable Water Supply Planning for Three US Cities: Contrasts in Climates and Stakeholder Issues. Paper presented at the Stockholm Water Symposium, August 2004. Huber-Lee, A. and P. Stoks. The Rhine: Lessons for the US. Paper presented at the American Water Works Association Symposium on Source Water Protection, January 21-23, 2003. Albuquerque, New Mexico, US. Huber-Lee, A. Water Policy: A Multi-scale Approach and Ethical Priorities. Paper presented at the Baseline Conference of the Challenge Program on Water and Food. Nairobi, Kenya. November, 2003. Huber-Lee, A. Water, Food and Environment: Water Challenges for Quality of Life. Keynote Speech at the Opening of the Academic Year at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, September, 2003. Huber-Lee, A. and E. Kemp-Benedict. Agriculture: Re-adaptation to the Environment. In Issues of Water Management in Agriculture: Compilation of Essays, compiled by S.S. Jinendredasa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. Huber, A. Strategies for Sustainable Water Management in an Arid Region. Paper presented at the World Water Forum Special Session on Socio-political Implications of Water Modeling on March 18, 2000, The Netherlands. Galbraith, H. and A. Huber-Lee. The Effects Of Irrigation On Wetland Ecosystems In Developing Countries – A Literature Review. Available at: http://www.cgiar.org/iwmi/Assessment/Proposals/Wetlands/ Huber, A. A Hydrologic-Economic Model of Salinity in a Coastal Aquifer: Strategies for Sustainable Water Management in an Arid Region. Ph.D. Thesis. Harvard University.
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
Time Period and Countries/Regions Involved/Budget
2011 - 2013
The Multi-year Water Allocation System Model for the Palestinian Water Authority. Member of Steering Committee and Consultant. Direct and support activities of a 3-year $750,000 grant from the Czech Development Agency to the Palestinian Water Authority to develop a model of the water economy for the West Bank
2010 - 2012
Energy and Water in a Warming World. Consultant. Lead the water modeling component of this major initiative by the Union of Concerned Scientists to understand how water and energy link in the United States as a whole, complemented by more detailed modeling of the linkages in the Southeast and Southwest US. The goal is to influence water and energy related policies at national and state levels.
2006 – 2009
Challenge Program on Water and Food. Science Leader. Direct and oversee the quality of research for the program, with a focus on obtaining impact that improves the livelihoods of the poor in developing countries based in 6 major river basins that cover Africa, Asia and Latin America. This role involved building teams across cultures, disciplines, age and gender differences to do more effective research to achieve development impacts in the CPWF river basins and beyond.
Africa, Asia and Latin America Total of $150 million over 10 years 2005 – present
Middle East
Total of $250,000 to date
Water Economics Project. Co-Principle Investigator with Prof. Franklin Fisher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this is a joint project of Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Dutch, and Americans that has been facilitated by the government of the Netherlands since 1996. It has revolutionized the way one thinks about such conflicts and about optimal water management. WEP has shown that analyzing water values rather than water quantities transforms what appear to be zero-sum games into win-win situations in which cooperation benefits all parties. Gave a symposium on WEP in October 2007 to the Jordanian government, hosted by the Crown Prince and the Higher Council for Science and Technology, that concluded with a statement that Jordan will adopt this approach as one of their tools for their domestic and international water management and policy. A similar Symposium was held in December 2008 for the Palestinians in Ramallah, with commitment to use this approach among their tool set from the Palestinian Water Authority.
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
Time Period and Countries/Regions Involved/Budget
2005-2007 Sub-Saharan Africa
Green Water Credits. Co-Principle Investigator. Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Program Manager. The objective of the grant is to reduce extreme poverty and hunger through means ensuring environmental sustainability. The specific objectives and immediate purpose of the 18 months proof-of-concept is to demonstrate the viability and feasibility of the offer-and-demand aspects of the GWC concept as a sustainable environmental service mechanism. This refers specifically to the dual character of GWC: (i) to improve local resilience to external shocks by asset building (green water, stable soils, reducing the hunger gap, diversified rural incomes); (ii) the delivery of blue water resources used downstream, protection of land and infrastructure from flood damage - as pertinent environmental criteria.
Total of $100,000
2004-2007 New England, US
Total budget of $150,000
2004–2007 Ghana, Zimbabwe and Brazil
Total budget of $1.5 million
Integrating Water Supply Management And Ecological Flow Water Requirements. Funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency. CoPrinciple Investigator. This project addresses a question central to environmental sustainability – how to balance the use of water to meet both human and environmental needs. Across the country recent droughts have highlighted the limits of our ability to meet water supply needs in an environmentally sustainable manner. This project is developing a decision support system (DSS) that will integrate scientific models of ecological flow needs, water demand management and water supply planning into a decisionoriented optimization framework that promotes preventative approaches. The DSS will allow water resource managers to simultaneously maximize use of water storage capacity, strategically use drought management measures to optimize their effectiveness, and meet key ecological flow needs based on realtime environmental conditions. Planning and Evaluating Ensembles of Small Multi-purpose Reservoirs. Funded by the International Water Management Institute. Co-Principal Investigator. In collaboration with local and regional stakeholders, we will develop tools for small reservoir analysis and design, improve methods for institutional, financial, and economic analysis, and build confidence in a science based approach to planning reservoir systems. Building upon this foundation decision makers and the farming community can collaborate to ensure the long-term sustainability of local water supplies and adequate downstream flows. Well-sited, multi-purpose reservoirs making water available to smallholders are vital. With them smallholders can realize the ultimate goal of increasing the production of food, reducing poverty, and improving rural livelihoods.
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
Time Period and Countries/Regions Involved/Budget
2004-2005 China
Sustainable Urbanization Strategy Task Force. Funded by the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED). Scenario and Case Study Manager. In partnership with the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) development of a national strategy for sustainable urbanization addressing migration, resource use, integrated regional growth and governance mechanisms. National level policy recommendations to the Prime Minister and State Council.
Total budget of $1 million 2004–2007 Ghana Total budget of $100,000
Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Program. Funded by ETC International. Coordinator for Ghana. This project provides technical assistance to support developing countries establish plans for adaptation to climate change, with an emphasis on reducing the vulnerability of the poor.
2004–2007 Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, China and Vietnam
Mekong Scenarios Project. Funded by the Swedish International Development Agency. Scenarios Manager. This project will support the development of both country-level and regional long-term scenarios for the Mekong region, using PoleStar for the quantitative analyses. The project is highly collaborative, working with partners in each of the countries, and from the private, government, non-government and civil society sectors.
Total budget of $100,000 2004–2005 Portland, OR and Boston, MA, USA Total budget of $100,000
Regional Solutions to Developing Water Supplies. Funded by the American Water Works Association Research Foundation. Principal Investigator. To identify success criteria and a decision process to assist utilities develop and implement regional strategies for meeting future water demands and developing new or supplemental water supplies. To provide information on successful drinking water utility regional approaches, and identify barriers to success and how they can be resolved.
2002–2003 Netherlands, Ghana, Uzbekistan, Iran and United States
ADAPT Water, Climate, Food and Environment under Climate Change. An Assessment of Global and Regional Impacts and the formulation of Adaptation Strategies for River Basins, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Environmental Adaptations Manager. The main goal of the project is to assess impacts of climate change and climate variability on global food production & security, environment and livelihoods, link these impacts to similar effects on a basin level and finally develop and promote adaptation strategies for food and environment to alleviate the negative impacts, on a basin scale. Seven basins are selected such that they range from wet to dry and from poor to rich. The set of river basins function as reference for other non-studied basins. Results contribute to the knowledge bases of both the Dialogue on Water and Climate and the Dialogue on Water, Food and Environment. SEI water planning software, WEAP, is used in five of the seven basins to illustrate various adaptation strategies to climate change and variability.
Total budget of $100,000
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
Time Period and Countries/Regions Involved/Budget
2002–2005 United States
Decision Support System for Sustainable Water Supply Planning, American Water Works Association Research Foundation. Principal Investigator and Project Manager. Development of a decision support system (DSS) tool that will aid utility strategic planners to effectively evaluate options for managing and developing reliable, adequate, and sustainable supplies of water for their customers for the next 50 to 100 years. Supervision of three pilot applications of the DSS in Austin, TX, Portland, OR and Philadelphia, PA.
Total budget of $600,000
2001–2004 China
Total budget of $50,000
2001–2004 United States Total budget of $250,000
2001–2002 United States Total budget of $50,000
2001–2004 South Africa, Ghana, and Sri Lanka Total budget of $25,000
The Beijing – Hebei Eco-Region Programme: Providing Basis for Cooperation. Funded by China State Development Planning Commission and Sida. Scenarios Manager. The goal of this Project is to achieve good upstream-downstream cooperation on water-related environmental problems in the Beijing-Hebei Eco-Region. The central approach on which the Project rests—scenarios—entails methods through which a common vision of a sustainable society is formulated. In addition the Project builds on a participatory approach, where the contribution of a variety of stakeholders in the Program area is crucial, and a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches highlight the importance of participation both form decision-makers and other stakeholders. Evaluating The Effects Of Climate Change And Other Stressors On Aquatic Ecosystem Services In The San Francisco Bay Basin And Watershed, Environmental Protection Agency. Project Manager and co-PI. The two primary objectives of the proposed study are: 1) To evaluate the likely effects (costs and benefits) of climate change, together with all other important existing and interacting stressors, on the services provided by aquatic ecological systems in an entire watershed, and, 2) To develop and investigative, methodological framework that can be applied to similar basins elsewhere. Global Lessons for Watershed Management in the United States, Water Environment Research Foundation. Senior Scientist. The work includes an assessment of watershed management approaches from around the world, and how these approaches may be adapted to USA conditions. Several case studies will be developed as possible pilot projects to test the application of approaches in the USA. Finally, the most promising models of watershed management will be presented at a workshop for practitioners, researchers and stakeholders of water management, and a guidance document developed to further the understanding and implementation of innovative watershed approaches. WEAP Development Training. International Water Management Institute. Project Manager. Responsible for research, training and assistance with enhancement and application of the WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning System) decision support system. Working to develop a better understanding of the relationship between irrigated agriculture and ecosystem services. 9
Annette T. Huber-Lee
Curriculum Vitae
Time Period and Countries/Regions Involved/Budget
1995–2001 Jordan, Israel and Palestine
Harvard Middle East Water Project. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Technical Lead. Initiated and subsequently coordinated joint modeling and programming with six teams from the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Jordan, Israel, the Netherlands and the U.S. during a period where the political climate was not supportive of any joint efforts among the parties. Lead development of decision support models of the water economies of Israel, the PNA and Jordan, which compute the value of water in dispute, and can be used to demonstrate the benefits of cooperation in water resources management. These models also allow the user to develop water management policies and plans (including water pricing) and to do project evaluation (cost-benefit analyses) from the standpoint of both domestic and regional use.
Total budget of $1.5 million
1999–2000 Palestine
Sustainable Water Use in the Gaza Strip, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Research Associate. Developed steady-state and transient hydrologic-economic models of the coastal aquifer in the Gaza Strip to research sustainable water use in a region of high population growth and low income.