curriculum vitae - The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy

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Media Contact Network – 2001-2003. American Society of ..... Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in an Era of Pneumococcal

MICHAEL W. KELLY Residence 3770 Osage St. SW Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 351-9672

Office College of Pharmacy The University of Iowa 108 Pharmacy Building Iowa City, IA 52242-1112 (319) 335-7644 [email protected]


Psychopharmacy Research Fellow College of Pharmacy The University of Iowa


Master of Science in Hospital/Clinical Pharmacy The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa


Doctor of Pharmacy The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa


Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa


Associate Dean Professional Education College of Pharmacy The University of Iowa


Clinical Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science College of Pharmacy The University of Iowa


Associate Professor (Clinical) Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science College of Pharmacy The University of Iowa


Adjunct Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Department of Pharmaceutical Care University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics


Associate Professor (Clinical) Department of Family Medicine (secondary appointment) Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine The University of Iowa


Assistant Professor (Clinical) Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy College of Pharmacy The University of Iowa


Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice College of Pharmacy The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center


Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice College of Pharmacy Southwestern Oklahoma State University


Psychiatric Research Assistant Department of Psychiatry University of Iowa


Dental Pharmacist/Teaching Assistant College of Pharmacy University of Iowa


Staff Pharmacist Moline Public Hospital Moline, Illinois


Staff Pharmacist Rock Island Franciscan Hospital

Rock Island, Illinois LICENSURE State of Illinois, 051-030500, 1975 (Inactive) State of Iowa, K-16674, 1985 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy PharmaCAS Advisory Panel – 2008-present Conduct Review Committee – 2011-present PCAT Special Advisory Group, Interim Meeting - 2013 Program Committee, Poster and Abstract Review Subcommittee, Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Practice - 2002 Awards Committee; Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Practice – 1996 American Pharmacists Association Media Contact Network – 2001-2003 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Foundation Literature Awards Selection Panel, 2009-Present Forecast Panel, Center for Health-System Pharmacy Leadership, 2012 Abstract Reviewer, 2011 Membership Development Advisory Group, 2009-2010 Committee on Nomintations, Clinical Specialists and Scientists Section, 2010, 2011 Delegate, House of Degates, 62nd Annual Session, Tampa, FL 2010 Chair, Committee on Nominations, Clinical Specialists and Scientists Section, 2009 Student Poster Mentor, Midyear Clinical Meeting, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Section Liaison, Council on Therapeutics, September 2008 Immediate Past Chair, Clinical Specialists and Scientists Section 2008-2009 Executive Section Liaison, Advisory Group on Gene Therapy 2008-2009 Delegate, House of Delegates, 60th Annual Session, Seattle, WA 2008 Chair, Clinical Specialists and Scientists Section 2007-2008 Executive Section Liaison, Advisory Group on Investigational Drugs 20072008 Chair-Elect, Clinical Specialists and Scientists Section 2006-2007 Committee on Programming, ASHP Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners, 2005-2006 Delegate, House of Delegates, 56th Annual Session, Las Vegas, NV, 2004 Section Advisory Group on Access to Education for the Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners – 2004-2005 Delegate, House of Delegates, 55th Annual Session, San Diego, CA, 2003

Iowa Pharmacy Association Golf Classic Planning Committee, 2012-2015 Advisory Committee on Medicaid and Pharmacy Benefites Programs, 20122013 Policy Committee on Public Affairs, 2010-2011 Health System Liaison Board, 2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2011-2012 Delegate, House of Delegates, Annual Meeting, Coralville, IA 2013 Delegate, House of Delegates, Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA 2012 Delegate, House of Delegates, Annual Meeting, Bettendorf, IA 2011 Delegate, House of Delegates, Annual Meeting, Cedar Rapids, IA 2009 Delegate, House of Delegates, Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA 2008 Delegate, House of Delegates, Annual Meeting, Iowa City, IA 2007 Planning Committee, Annual Geriatric Conference, 2006 Policy Committee on Public Affairs, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 Communications Committee, 1998-1999, 1999-2000 TEACHING University of Iowa Course Coordinator/Faculty  Substance Abuse 46:121 (30 contact hours/year) 2007 to present  Clinical Practice Skills II 46:107 (30 contact hours/year) 2005 to 2013  Clinical Pracitce Skills IV 46:110 (30 contact hours/year) 2003 to 2004  Pharmacotherapy 46:169 (30 contact hours/year) 1999 to 2003 Course Coordinator/Instructor  Pharmacotherapy 46:125 (4 contact hours/year) 1994 to 1997  Therapeutics II 46:111 (4 contact hours/year) 1994 to 1996 Course Instructor/Facilitator  Clinical Practice Skills II 46:107 (4 contact hours) 2014 to present  Pharmacy Practice Lab I 46:50 2008 to present (8 contact hours)  Pharmacy Practice Lab III 46:116 2008 (8 contact hours/year)  Pharmaceutical Management for Underserved Populations 46:127 (2 contact hours/year) 2007  Pharmacotherapy 46:155 (2 contact hours/year) 2003 to present  Pharmacy Practice Lab IV 46:117

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            

(4 contact hours/year) 2006 to present Pharmacotherapy 46:159 (4 contact hours/year) 2004 to present Pharmacotherapy 46:154 (2 contact hours/year) 2006 to present (4 contact hours/year) 2002 to 2005 Clinical Practice Skills 46:108 (2 contact hours/year) 2003 to present Pharmacotherapy 46:164 (2 contact hours/year) 2004 Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Clinical Practice 96:224 (6 contact hours/year) 1999 to 2004 Clinical Prlactice Skills, 46:107 (2 contact hours/year) 2004 Clinical Practice Skills, 46:106 (2 contact hours/year) 2003 Pharmacotherapy 46:152 (4 contact hours/year) 2002 Pharmacotherapy 46:153 (2 contact hours/year) 1998 to 2002 Communication Disorders and Aging, 003:530 (1 contact hour/year) 2002 Pharmacotherapy 46:126 (4 contact hours/year) 1997 to 2001 Pharmacotherapy 46:127 (4 contact hours/year) 1998 to 2001 Introduction to Human Pathology 69:133 (6 contact hours/year) 2001 Drug Induced Diseases 46:173 (2 contact hours/year) 1997 to 1998 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Care 46:049 (4 contact hours/year) 1996 Advanced Therapeutics III 46:176 (4 contact hours/year) 1994 to 1996 Advanced Therapeutics II 46:172 (2 contact hours/year) 1994 Pharmacy Honors Seminar 46:102 (2 contact hours/year) 1994

University of Oklahoma Course Instructor/Facilitator  Course faculty, Clinical Toxicology PH 7523  Course faculty, Advanced Therapeutics PH 7800  Course faculty, Clinical Pharmacokinetics PH 7832  Course faculty, Therapeutics PH 4804

1990-1994 1990-1994 1990-1994 1990-1994

 Pharmacotherapy of Psychiatric Disorders, presented monthly to medical students, and yearly to psychology interns and social work students PharmD. Clerkships Precepted University of Iowa Academic Year 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1995-1996 1994-1995

Number of Students 28 (co-preceptor) 32 (co-preceptor) 32 (co-preceptor) 48 (co-preceptor) 40 (co-preceptor) 33 (co-preceptor) 11 12 16 13 5

University of Oklahoma Academic Year 1993-1994 1992-1993 1991-1992

Number of Students 7 10 8

BSPh. Clerkships Precepted University of Iowa Academic Year 1996-1997 1994-1995

Number of Students 1 4

University of Oklahoma Academic Year 1993-1994 1992-1993 1991-1992 1990-1991

Number of Students 7 6 8 8

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Academic Year Number of Students 1989-1990 12 Post-doctoral Residents in Family Medicine Precepted

Jennifer Steffensmeier, PharmD 2003-2005 Shella Johnson, PharmD 2002-2003 Heidi Sinkovits, PharmD 2001-2002 Yvonne DeSloover Koch, PharmD 2000-2001 Stephanie Hagan, PharmD 1999-2000 Gretchen Brown, PharmD 1998-1999 Michael Ernst, PharmD 1997-1998 John Swegle, PharmD 1996-1997 Teresa Klepser, PharmD. 1995-1996 James Hoehns, PharmD. 1994-1995 Post-doctoral Resident in Psychopharmacy Precepted Jillmarie Knox Yanchick, Pharm.D. 1993-1994 PharmD. Research Advisor University of Oklahoma Class of 1994: Travis Watts, Susan Rother-Bond Class of 1992: E. Michelle Garner, Elizabeth Winans Class of 1991: Linda Bransgrove COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS

 Interprofessional Education Steering Committee, University of Iowa, 2012Present

 Credit Hour Committee, University of Iowa, 2012-2013  Task Force on Outreach/Engagement, Strategic Initiative Process, University of              

       

Iowa, 2009 Instructional Equipment Advisory Committee, University of Iowa, 2009-2010 College of Pharmacy Accreditation Committee, Chair, Curriculum SubCommittee, University of Iowa, 2008-2010 Health Promotion Advisory Group, University of Iowa, 2005-present Collegiate Diversity Group, University of Iowa, 2004-present Broadlawns Family Medicine Faculty Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, Chair, 2004 - 2005 Iowa Lutheran Family Practice Faculty Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, Chair, 2004 Retention Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, Chair, 20032004 Residency Task Force, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 2003-present CAP Division Consulting Group, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 2001-2004 Hospitalist Committee, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 2001-2004 Executive Board, Center on Aging, University of Iowa, March 2001-present Anticoagulation Case Management Service Committee, Department of Pharmaceutical Care, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 2000-2004 Joint Staff Group for the UI Pharmaceutical Enterprise, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa 1998- Present Geriatric Training Committee, Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Iowa, 1994- Present Recreational Services Committee, University of Iowa, 2001-2004 Disabilities Policy Task Force, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 2003 Broadlawns Family Practice Faculty Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 2002-2003 College of Pharmacy Accreditation Committee, Chair, Organization & Administration Committee, University of Iowa, 2002-2004 CAP Division Head Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 2002 Diabetes Disease Management, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Profiles and Forms Subgroup and Subgroup on Medication Management, 20002002 Clinical Activities Committee, Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Iowa, 2000-2002 Interdisciplinary Training Model for Geriatric Primary Care, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, 1999-Present

Patient Education Committee, Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Iowa, 1999-2002  Curriculum Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1999  CAP Academic Affairs Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1999-2001  CAP Executive Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1999  Residency Advisory Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, CoChair, 1998- 2000  Ambulatory Care Practice Council, Department of Pharmaceutical Care, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 1998-1999  Ambulatory Care Medication Use Advisory Subcommittee, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 1998- 2002  Integrated Health Professions Education Program Development Committee, University of Iowa, 1994-1998  Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist Search Committee, Department of Pharmaceutical Care, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 1998  University of Iowa CAP Retreat Workshop on Teaching, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, (Chair), 1998  Health Store Committee, Family Care Center, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 1997-1998  Educational Outcomes Taskforce, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1998  Didactic Education Task Force, College of Pharmacy, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Division, University of Iowa (Chair), 1997  Self Study Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1997  Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Division Head Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1996  Family Practice Faculty Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa (Chair), 1995-1996  Home Health Care Faculty Search Committee, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa (Chair), 1996  Family Care Center Design Team, Ambulatory Patient Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1996  Ad Hoc Committee for Primary Care Drug Information, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, 1995 1990-1994  Substance Abuse Committee, Oklahoma City VA Medical Center (Chair)  Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Oklahoma City VA Medical Center  Drug Utilization Review Subcommittee of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Oklahoma City VA Medical Center  PharmD. Committee, University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy 1992-1993

Pharmacy Department Award and Recognition Committee, Oklahoma City VA Medical Center

1990-1992  Admissions Committee, University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy

OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2013 2005-Present 2005-2014 2004, ‘05, ‘09 ‘11, ’12, ‘13 2003-2004 2004 2003 2001- 2002 2000 1999-2001

1999 1998 1996 1995 1994 1992

Reviewer, Pharmacotherapy Iowa Pharmacists Tracking System, Advisory Committee Member, Iowa Coalition of Mental Health and Aging Chair, Education and Training Subcommittee Reviewer, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Member, Non-tenured at large, Faculty Senate, University of Iowa Reviewer, American Journal of Health System Pharmacy Pain Management in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia, Info-Connect, Publication of the Iowa Geriatric Education Center Consultant in pharmacology, E-Mail Consult Service, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa Reviewer, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association Residency Director, Primary Care Residency with Emphasis in Family Medicine, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Responsible for preparing initial American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists accreditation document Reviewer, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Reviewer, Ambulatory Care Clinical Skills Program: Type II Diabetes Mellitus, American Society of Health System Pharmacists Ad Hoc Reviewer, Graduate Examining Committee, University of Iowa Graduate College Ad Hoc Reviewer, Graduate Examining Committee, University of Iowa Graduate College Reviewer, Archives of Family Medicine Reviewer, Biological Psychiatry

GRANTS Mylan Laboratories, Medication administration in the schools: A national survey, Primary Investigator Erin Maughan, National Association of School Nurses, Consultant, 2014-2015

PCORI, Advancing Dementia Care for Rural and Hispanic Populations, No contract number provided (Carnahan, Ryan), Co-Investigator, 5% effort, 2013-2016 AHRQ, “IA-ADAPT: Improving Antipsychotic Appropriateness in Dementia patients”, R18 HS19355-01 (Carnahan, Ryan), Co-Investigator, 5% effort, 2010-2013

AHRQ Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination, “A Collaborative Model for Mental Health Care for Older Iowans”, 1 R18 HS018447-01, (Kaskie), CoInvestigator, 5% effort, 2010-2012 Dept of Health & Human Services, Health Resources & Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, “University of Iowa Area Health Education Center, 1 U76 HP08262-02-00, (Hansen), State Advisory Board, 2008-2011 Dept of Health & Human Services, Health Resources & Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, “Iowa Geriatric Education Center”, 1 D31 HP08815-01 (Mulhausen), 10% effort, 2007-2010 NIH/NHLBI, “Collaborative Management of Hypertension”, 1 RO1 HL69801-01A1 (Carter), 10%/20%/10% effort, 2003-2004 Co-Investigator HRSA, “Residency Training in Primary Care”, 1 D22 HP00340-01 (Bergus), 2%/3%/3% effort, 2002-2005 Co-Investigator Dept of Health & Human Services, Health Resources & Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, “Iowa Geriatric Education Center”, 5 D31 HP70142-02 (Rosenthal), 5% effort, 1998-2006 University of Iowa, Center for Advanced Studies Spelman Rockefeller (CASSPR) Grant, "Medication Administration in the School Setting: Perceptions of Families.", $5,000. 2001 Co-Investigator University of Iowa Health Care Process Improvement Grant, “Establishment of a Collaborative Physician-Pharmacist Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Clinic”, $9,195. 2001 Co-Investigator Heritage Agency on Aging, “Medication Review and Follow-up (a region-wide pilot project)”, $5,000. 2000-2001 Co-Principal Investigator, University of Iowa Health Care Process Improvement Grant, “Documenting the Value of a Pharmacist-Managed Prescription Renewal Service”, $27,700. 2000 Co-Principal Investigator University of Iowa Integrated Health Professions Education Program, “Lone Tree Rural Interdisciplinary Student Health Training Project”, $15,200. 1999 Co-Principal Investigator. Glaxo Wellcome/Midwest Nursing Research Society. “Medication Administration in the School Setting.” $6,500. 1998-1999. Co-Principal Investigator.

Iowa Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Commission, “The use of Pharmaceutical Care Drug Therapy Management to Reduce the Number and Cost of Prescription Medications in Nursing Home Residents Receiving Multiple Medications.” $16,847 1996-1997. Principal Investigator University of Iowa Synergy Grant, “Nursing and Pharmacy Students: A Joint Clinical Experience in the Community.” $9,026 1996-1997. Co-Principal Investigator

INVITED PRESENTATIONS Applicant Conduct in the Admissions Process, Pre-Session Admissions Workshop, American Associate of Colleges of Pharmacy, Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, July 2015. Mental Health & Aging: Helping Caregivers Help Older Adults, Mental Health America of Dubuque County, Dubuque, IA, October 2014. Supreme Court Affirmative Action Ruling – Fisher vs. University of Texas: Implication and Application to Pharmacy Education, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX, July 2014. Recruiting Diverse and Underserved Applicants, American Associate of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Admissions Pre-Meeting Workshop, Chicago, IL, July 2013 Improving Antipsychotic Use: Focus on Dementia Patients, Kansas Health Care Association Spring Regulatory/Quality Forum, Manhattan, KS, March 2013 Patient Activation: The Big Picture and How It Relates to Mental Health in Older Adults, Myrtue Medical Center, Harlan, IA, March 2013 Changes in Medication Appropriatemess with Age, Crawford County Memorial Hospital, Dennison, IA, December 2012 Substance Abuse in the Pharmacy Profession, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Summer Teaching Seminar, Iowa City, IA, July 2012 Applicant Conduct in the Admission Process, Pre-Session Admissions Workshop, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Annual Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, July 2012 Medication Management of Dementia and Its Accompanying Behaviors. Iowa Dietetics in Health Care Communities Spring Conference. Ankeny, Iowa, April 2011 Alcoholism and Substance Abuse in Older Adults, Geriatric Lecture Series, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, November 2010

Substance Abuse in the Aging: Impact, Recognition, Assessment and Treatment, What’s New in Mental Health Services for Older Iowans? Iowa Coalition of Mental Health and Aging, Des Moines, Iowa, June 2010 Evidence-based Treatment of Older People with Dementia:Pharmaceutical Interventions, Iowa Governor’s Conference on Aging, Mental Health and Aging Preconference Intensive, Des Moines, Iowa, May 2008 Pharmacology for Older Adults with Depression, Together We Can! A Multidisciplinary Approach to Mental Health with Older Adults, Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa, April 2008 Recognizing and Managing Medication Overuse, Geriatric Lecture Series, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 2008 A Multidisciplinary Experience to Start the First Clinical Year for Pharmacy, Medical, Physician Assistant and Physical Therapy Students, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Interim Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, February 2008. Pain Management in Osteoarthritis, Geriatric Grand Rounds, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 2007 Pharmaceutical Interventions, Implementing Collaborative Models of Mental Health Care for Older Iowans, Des Moines, Iowa, May 2007 Medicare Part D, Refresher Course for the Family Physician, Iowa City, IA, April 2007 Update on Medicare Part D, Family Medicine Department, Iowa City, Iowa, November 2006 Urine Drug Testing in Your Patient and Favorite Athlete, Family Medicine Department, Iowa City, Iowa, October 2006 Benzodiazepines and the Aging Patient, Geriatric Grand Rounds, Iowa City, Iowa, September 2006 New Medications 2005, Iowa Nurse Practitioner Society, State-wide presentation originating in Iowa City, IA, February 2006 Accessing the System: Medicare Part D and Beyond. Living with Heart Failure Symposium, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Coralville, IA, January 2006 Perspectives on the New Medicare Drug Benefit, University of Iowa Public Policy Center Interdisciplinary Lecture, Iowa City, IA, November 2005

Evidence for the Use of Lipid-Lowering Medications in the Elderly, Iowa Physician Assistant Society Fall 2005 CME Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA, October 2005 Evidence for the Use of Lipid-Lowering Medications in the Elderly, Geriatric Grand Rounds, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 2005 How to Advise Patients About the Most Common Alternative Medicines, Family Medicine Refresher Course, Iowa City, IA, March 2005 Ethical Perspectives on the News, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Panelist, KCRG-9 Television, January 2005. Antidepressant Use In Children, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 2004. Drug Abuse and Elderly Physiology, Substance Abuse and The Elderly: A Growing Problem, Cedar Rapids, IA, September 2004 Medicare Prescription Drug Cards, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, August 2004. Medication Administration Practices in Schools and Daycare Centers for Children, University of Oklahoma, College of Pharmacy, May 2004 Allergic Reactions to Sulfonamide Antibiotics, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 2003. Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Iowa Pharmacy Association Fall Pharmacy Nights, Mt. Pleasant and Iowa City, IA, September 2003 Polypharmacy in the Elderly. Geriatric Grand Rounds, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, September 2003 Management of Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. How Are We Doing It? Why Are We Doing It That Way?, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 2003. Clinical Significance of Polypharmacy in the Elderly, Grand Rounds – Medical Staff Continuing Education, Mercy Medical Center, Clinton, IA, April 2003. Update on the GOLD Guidelines: A Management Plan for Patients with COPD, Iowa Pharmacy Association Fall Pharmacy Nights, Mt. Pleasant and Iowa City, IA, September 2002. Anticoagulation: Back to Basics, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, August 2002.

Making Your Medications Work For You. Iowa Governor’s Conference on Aging, Des Moines, IA, May 2002 Adverse Effects of Medications in the Elderly: Their Impact on Care by the Physical or Occupational Therapist, Care Initiatives, West Des Moines, IA, November 2001. Case Studies in Asthma, Continuing Education for Preceptors, College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 2001 Bad Drug Advertising: Losing Confidence in Synthroid, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, August 2001. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 2001. Medication Effects on Sexual Functioning, Midwestern Conference on Health Care in the Elderly, Iowa City, IA , January 2001. Medication Administration in the Schools, College of Pharmacy, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Division Research Conference Iowa City, IA, September 2000 The Pharmacist’s Role in Treating the Patient with Alzheimer’s Dementia, Web-based training course, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, July 2000. Appropriate Use of Medication in Iowa Nursing Home Patients, College of Pharmacy, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Division Research Conference Iowa City, IA, May 2000 Drug Utilization in the Nursing Home as it Relates to Recent HCFA Guidelines, Seventh National Research Utilization Conference, Iowa City, IA, April 2000 Appropriate Medication Use in the Elderly, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 2000. Utilizing the Beers’ Criteria to Manage Medication Use in the Elderly, 2000 Educational Expo, Iowa Pharmacy Association, Des Moines, IA, January 2000 Appropriate Medication Use in the Elderly. Geriatric Grand Rounds, Iowa Geriatric Education Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, December 1999 Update on Lipid Management, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 1999.

Management of Asthma in the Family Care Center: Can We Do Better?, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, August 1999. The “Best” Antidepressant, Family Medicine Refresher Course, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 1999 Use of Micromedex and GenRx, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, March 1999 Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in an Era of Pneumococcal Resistance, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, January 1999 UK Type II Diabetes Mellitus Trial, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 1998 Laboratory Tests; Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly; Dementia - Recognition and Treatment; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Erectile Dysfunction; University of Minnesota and University of Iowa Colleges of Pharmacy Study Trip Program, Dominican Republic, March 1998 Discussion moderator. “Partnerships with Practice”, AACP Academic Management Symposium, Savannah, GA, February 1998 Drug Interactions in the Elderly. Family Medicine Conference, Rock Island, IL, February 1998 Geriatric Health Issues - Incontinence. Iowa Pharmacy Foundation 1998 Educational Expo, Des Moines, IA, January 1998. Pain in the Elderly. Heritage Area Agency on Aging, Cedar Rapids, IA, December 1997. Career Expo. APhA Midyear Regional Meeting, Iowa City, IA, November 1997. Alzheimer’s Dementia: Recognition and Treatment. Johnson County Pharmacists Association, Iowa City, IA, September 1997. Ethical Pharmaceuticals, Family Medicine Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, August 1997 Integrated Health Profession Education Program: A Cooperative Venture of the University of Iowa Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy 98th AACP Annual Meeting Indianapolis, IN, July 1997 Drug Allergy, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, June 1997

Review of New Medications for the Treatment of Diabetes, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, September 1996 Newer Antidepressants, Family Medicine Refresher Course, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 1996 Alternative Medicine: Melatonin, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, February 1996 Geriatric Considerations in Drug Therapy, College of Pharmacy Continuing Education Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 1995 Current Considerations on the Use of Calcium Channel Blockers, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 1995 Mechanisms of Drug Interactions, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, October 1994 PAPERS PRESENTED Abram J, Vos S, Kelly M. Design and Implementation of Evidence-Based Health Screening Trainings. Poster presented at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting and Seminars, Grapevine, TX; July 26-30, 2014 Carnahan R, Gryzlak B, Weckmann M, Kelly M, Reist J, Smith M, Lenoch S, Daly J, Levy B, Seydel L, Schultz S. Decisional aides to train non-psychiatrists in evidence based use of antipsychotics in dementia. Poster presented at the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL; April 29-May 2, 2012 Carnahan R, Gryzlak B, Weckmann M, Kelly M, Reist J, Smith M, Lenoch S, Daly J, Levy B, Seydel L, Uhlenkamp L, Schultz S. Decisional aides to train non-psychiatrists in evidence based use of antipsychotics in dementia. Poster presented at the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living Quality Symposium, Houston, TX; Feb 23-24, 2012 Weckmann M, Daly J, Gryzlak B, Kelly M, Lenoch S, Levy B, Reist J, Schultz S, Seydel L, Smith M, Carnahan R. Decisional aides to train non-psychiatrists in evidence based use of antipsychotics in dementia. Poster presented at the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ; November 16-20, 2011

Hensley E, Kelly M. Pharmacy Students Helping Seniors Enroll in the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Poster presented at the University of Iowa Health Professions Civic Engagement Fair Iowa City, IA, May 2006 Kelly M, Phillips B, Steffensmeier J Five-Year Experience With A Computerized Physician Order Entry System: Perceptions and Reality. Research in Progress Paper presented at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting Las Vegas, NV, June 2004 Steffensmeier J, Ernst M, Kelly M, Hartz M. Can The Lowly Case Reports be Used to Enhance the Knowledge Obtained from Randomized Controlled Trials? A Second Look at Propranolol and Depression Platform presentation at the Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference Rochester, MN, May 2004 Johnson S, Kelly M, Park J, Hartz A. Reasons for Non-adherence to Guidelines in the Treatment of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Platform presentation at the Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference Little Rock, AR, May 2003 Farris KB, McCarthy AM, Kelly M, Clay D Medication administration policies in Iowa schools Paper presented at the 12th Annual International Social Pharmacy Workshop Sydney Australia, August 2002 Sinkovits HS, Kelly MW, Ernst ME Medication Administration in Daycares Platform presentation at the Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference Minneapolis, MN, May 2002 Zillich AJ, Carter BL, Ernst ME, Kelly MW Effect of Medication Renewal Access on Blood Pressure Control Paper presented at the American Society of Hypertension 17th Annual Scientific Meeting New York, NY, May 2002 Cook A., McCarthy AM, Clay DL, Kelly MW, Farris, K Medication administration for diabetes in the school: Parent and child perceptions. Paper presented at the Great Lakes Regional Conference on Child Health Psychology, Milwaukee, WI, May 2002 Zillich AJ, Carter BL, Ernst ME, Kelly MW Does a medication renewal service improve blood pressure control?

Paper presented at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy 2002 Spring Practice and Research Forum Savannah, GA, April 2002 Tryon J, Farris KB, Kelly MW Pilot Study Predicting Medication Management Among Community-Dwelling Seniors Who Are High Users of Medications: A Chart Review. Paper presented at the American Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA, March 2002 Koch YD, Ernst ME, Maynard M, Klepser TB, Kelly MW Consumer Perceptions about Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Rx-OTC Changes Paper presented at the 35th Annual ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting Las Vegas, NV, December 2000 Gray T, Levy BT, Kelly MW Health Behaviors Among Iowa Faculty Paper presented at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Meeting Orlando, FL, June 2000 Hagan S, Kelly M, Ernst M, Klepser T. Impact of Pharmacist Intervention in the Care of Diabetic Patients in a Rural Health Care Clinic Platform presentation at the Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference Iowa City, IA, April 2000 Brown GL, Klepser TB, Ernst ME, Kelly MW. Pharmacist review to improve the accuracy of computerized medication profiles." Platform presentation. at the Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference St. Louis, Mo. April 1999 Ernst ME, Kelly MW, Sorofman BA, Pretorius RW Familiarity of Prescription Medication Costs Among Physicians in Family Medicine Residency Programs Paper presented at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting Cincinnati, OH, November 1998 McCarthy AM, Kelly MW Nursing and Pharmacy Students: A Joint Clinical Experience in the Community Paper presented at the 98th AACP Annual Meeting Indianapolis, IN, July 1997 Garner EM, Yanchick JK, Kelly MW Use of a Nicotine Transdermal Patch to Prevent Nicotine Withdrawal in Psychiatric Inpatients Paper presented at the 28th Annual ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting

Atlanta, GA, December 1993 Bransgrove LJ, Kelly MW Adverse effects and their monitoring in out-patients chronically treated with antipsychotic medication. Paper presented at the 27th Annual ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting Orlando, FL, December 1992 LETTERS Koch YD, Ernst ME, Kelly MW. Patient perceptions about drug advertising and prescription-to-nonprescription switches. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2002;59:1568. Yanchick JK, Kelly MW. Lysol: a substance for potential abuse. Ann Pharmacother 1994;28:970-1.

PUBLICATIONS Cantrell MA, Kelly M, Vouri SM. Urology. in Sutton SS (ed), Naplex Review Guide 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill. 2014. Smith M, Schultz SK, Seydel LL, Reist J, Kelly M, Weckmann M, Gryzlak B, Carnahan R. Improving antipsychotic agent use in nursing homes: Development of an algorithm for treating problem behaviors in dementia. J Gerontol Nurs 2013:39;24-35. Wickham G, Gordon J, Kelly MW, Weistroffer PL, Valde J, Hosking J, Law LF. IPE: Major Public Health Issue as a Vehicle for Interprofessional Curriculum: A Simulated Obesity Module Involving Seven Disciplines. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2013. Available from: Carnahan R, Smith M, Reist J, Kelly M, Weckmann M, Gryzlak B, Lenoch S, Abrams M, Seydel L and Schultz S. Improving Antipsychotic Appropriateness in Dementia Patients. POGOe - Portal of Geriatric Online Education; 2012 Available from: Cantrell MA, Kelly M, Vouri SM. Urology. in Sutton SS (ed), Naplex Review Guide 1st ed. New York, McGraw-Hill. 2010. Chrischilles EA, VanGilder R, Wright K, Kelly M, Wallace RB. Inappropriate medication use as a risk factor for self-reported adverse drug effects in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc 2009;57:1000-6. Clay D, Farris K, McCarthy AM, Kelly MW, Howarth R. Family perceptions of medication administration at school: Errors, risk factors, and consequences. J Sch Nurs 2008;24:95-102.

Hartz A, Kent S, James P, Xu Y, Kelly M, Daly J. Factors that influence improvement for patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2006;74:227232. McCarthy AM, Kelly MW, Johnson S, Roman J, Zimmerman B. Changes in medications administered in schools. J Sch Nurs 2006;22:102-107. Steffensmeier JJG, Ernst ME, Kelly M, Hartz AJ. Do randomized controlled trials always trump case reports? A second look at propranolol and depression. Pharmacotherapy 2006;26:162-167. Kelly M, Ness J. Polypharmacy in older adults. Web-based active learning module available through the University of Iowa Geriatric Education Center. Swegle JM, Kelly MW. Tibolone: a unique version of hormone replacement. Ann Pharmacother 2004;38:874-881. Farris KB, McCarthy AM, Kelly MW, Clay D, Gross JN. Issues of medication administration and control in Iowa schools. J Sch Health 2003;73:331-337. Zillich AJ, Carter BL, Ernst ME, Kelly MW. Effect of a telephone medication renewal service on blood pressure control. J Am Pharm Assoc 2003:43:561-565. Kelly MW, McCarthy AM, Mordhost MJ. School nurses’ experiences with medication administration. J Sch Nurs 2003;19:281-287. Hartz AJ, Bentler SE, Brake KA, Kelly MW. The effectiveness of citalopram for idiopathic chronic fatigue. J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64:927-935. Sinkovits HS, Kelly MW, Ernst ME. Medication administration in day care centers for children. J Am Pharm Assoc 2003;43:379-382. Farris KB, Kelly MW, Tryon J. Clock drawing test and medication complexity index as indicators of medication management capacity: A pilot study. J Am Pharm Assoc 2003;43:78-82. Ernst ME, Brown GL, Klepser TB, Kelly MW. Medication discrepancies in an outpatient medical record. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2001;58:2072-2075. Hoehns JD, Fouts MM, Kelly MW, Tu KB. Sudden cardiac death with clozapine and sertraline combination. Ann Pharmacother 2001;35:862-866.

Kelly MW, Swegle JM, Clarke C, Ernst ME. Appropriateness of medication use in Iowa medicaid recipients residing in long-term care facilities and receiving 15 or more medications. Consultant Pharmacist 2000;15:1100-1107. Ernst ME, Kelly MW, Hoehns JD, Swegle JM, Buys CM, Logemann CD, Ford JK, Kautzman JK, Sorofman BA, Pretorius RW. Prescription medication costs: a study of physician familiarity. Arch Fam Med 2000;9:1002-1007. McCarthyAM, Kelly MW, Reed D, Medication Administration Practices of School Nurses. J Sch Health 2000;70:371-376. Jepson TL, Ernst ME, Kelly MW, Current perspectives in the management of seasonal affective disorder. J Am Pharm Assoc 1999;39:822-829. Kelly M, Miyashiro L, Benefitting patients through collaboration. J Iowa Pharmacy Assn 1999;54:32. Levy BT, Kelly MW: Common Cold in Dambro MR (Ed.): Griffith’s: 5 Minute Clinical Consult. Philadelphia. Lea & Febiger. 1998. Ernst ME, Kelly MW. Mibefradil, a pharmacologically distinct calcium antagonist. Pharmacotherapy 1998;18:463-485. Graber MA, Kelly MW. Drug Doses of Commonly Prescribed Medications in Graber MA, Toth PA, Herting RL (Eds). The Family Practice Handbook. St. Louis. Mosby. 1997. Klepser TB, Kelly MW: Metformin hydrochloride: an antihyperglycemic agent. Am J Health Syst Pharm 1997;54:893-903. Levy BT, Kelly MW: Common Cold in Dambro MR (Ed.): Griffith’s: 5 Minute Clinical Consult. Philadelphia. Lea & Febiger. 1997. Kelly MW, Fick DS. Safe use of pharmacologic measures in the treatment of aging athletes. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 1996;4:288-297. Fick DS, Kelly MW. Use of injectable corticosteroids for chronic musculoskeletal inflammation. Family Practice Recertification 1996;18 (10):37-55. Pai VB, Kelly MW. Bruising Associated with the use of fluoxetine. Ann Pharmacother 1996;30:786-788. Levy BT, Kelly MW: Common Cold in Dambro MR (Ed.): Griffith’s: 5 Minute Clinical Consult. Philadelphia. Lea & Febiger. 1996.

Yanchick JM, Barton TL, Kelly MW. Efficacy of fluoxetine in trichotillomania. Ann Pharmacother 1994;28:1245-46. Bransgrove LL, Kelly MW. Movement disorders in patients treated with long-acting injectable antipsychotic drugs. Am J Hosp Pharm 1994;51:895-899. Britton ML, Lobeck FG, Kelly MW. Multidisciplinary committee on the abuse of prescription medications. Am J Hosp Pharm 1994;51:85-88. Garner EM, Kelly MW, Thompson DF. Tricyclic antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. Ann Pharmacother 1993;27:1068-72. Coryell W, Kelly M, Perry P, Miller D. Haloperidol plasma levels and acute change in schizophrenia. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1990;10:397-402. Kelly MW, Perry PJ, Coryell WH, Miller DD. Reduced haloperidol plasma concentration and clinical response in acute exacerbations of schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology 1990;102:514-20. Miller DD, Kelly MW, Perry PJ, Coryell WH. The influence of cigarette smoking on haloperidol pharmacokinetics. Biol Psychiatry 1990;28:529-31. Yates WR, Wilcox J, Knudson R, Myers C, Kelly M. The effect of gender and subtype on platelet MAO in alcoholism. J Stud Alcohol 1990;51:463-67. Fudge JL, Perry PJ, Garvey MJ, Kelly MW. A comparison of the effect of fluoxetine and trazodone on the cognitive functioning of depressed outpatients. J Affective Disord 1990;18:275-80. Pfohl B, Black D, Noyes R, Kelly M, Blum N. A test of the tri-dimensional personality questionnaire: Association with diagnosis and platelet imipramine binding in obsessivecompulsive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 1990;28: 41-46. Black DW, Kelly MW, Myers CW, Noyes R. Tritiated imipramine binding in obsessivecompulsive volunteers and psychiatrically normal controls. Biol Psychiatry 1990;27:31927. Kelly MW, Myers CW. Clomipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant effective in obsessive compulsive disorder. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1990;24:739-44. Miller DD, Perry PJ, Kelly MW, Coryell WH, Arndt SV. Pharmacokinetic protocol for predicting plasma haloperidol concentrations. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1990;10:207-12. Black DW, Yates WR, Noyes R, Pfohl B, Kelly M. DSM III personality disorder in obsessive-compulsive disorder volunteers-a controlled study. J Pers 1989;3:58-62.

Perry PJ, Garvey MJ, Kelly MW, Cook BL, Dunner FJ, Winokur G. A comparative trial of fluoxetine versus trazodone in outpatients with major depressive disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 1989;50:290-94. Kelly MW, Perry PJ, Holstad SG, Garvey MJ. Serum fluoxetine and norfluoxetine concentrations and antidepressant response. Ther Drug Monit 1989;11:165-70. Perry PJ, Pfohl BM, Kelly MW. The relationship of haloperidol disposition and therapeutic response. An analysis of the literature using logistic regression analysis. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1988;8:38-43.