child emotion regulation, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 365-377.
Conduct .... Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent. Psychiatry ...
Curriculum Vitae
ELLEN E. PINDERHUGHES Eliot Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development Tufts University 105 College Avenue Medford, MA 02155 615-627-4560 615-627-3503 fax
[email protected]
CURRENT APPOINTMENT 2016- present Professor, Eliot Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development, Tufts University Medford, MA 2003- 2016
Associate Professor, Eliot Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development, Tufts University Medford, MA
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Clinical, Developmental Psychology EDUCATION Yale University Graduate School, New Haven, Connecticut. Ph.D., Psychology, Developmental and Clinical Specializations University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado. B.A. in Psychology, High Distinction Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut. Child Development, Psychology PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Academic 2017 (January – June) Interim Chief Diversity Officer, Medford/Somerville Campus 2006-2009
Chair, Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Visiting Associate Professor, Eliot Pearson Department of Child Development,
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Tufts University Medford, MA 2000-2003
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Practice 1989-1991
Clinical Consultant, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Diagnostic Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.
Licensed Psychologist, Private Practice, Cleveland, Ohio.
Therapist, Beech Brook, Cleveland, Ohio.
Psychology Intern, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio.
Program Consultant, Federation for Community Planning, Cleveland, Ohio.
Student Therapist, Yale Psychological Services, Dept. of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven Connecticut; Beech Brook, Cleveland, Ohio; The Children's Center, New Haven, Connecticut.
Director, Castle Square Child Development Center, Boston, Massachusetts.
Master Teacher, Urban League Child Care Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Licensed as Psychologist-
State of Ohio-#3950. (1989-2000) State of Tennessee-#P0000001828 (1994-present)
HONORS & AFFILIATIONS Affiliations Member, Study Group on Culture and Ethnicity, funded by Family Research Consortium, NIMH, the William T. Grant Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, NSF, and NICHD Fellowships and Awards
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Outstanding Scholar in Adoption, The St. John’s University-Montclair State University Ninth Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference, Myth and Reality in Adoption: Transforming Practice through Lessons Learned, June, 2016
Outstanding Faculty Contribution to Graduate Education, Graduate Student Council, Tufts University
Faculty Multicultural Service Award, School of Arts and Sciences EEOC, Tufts University
Courage and Curiosity Award: Ambassador of Understand through Research and Evaluation. Center for Family Connections, Cambridge, MA.
Faculty Scholar, William T. Grant Foundation
Predoctoral Fellow, Bush Center for Child Development and Social Policy, Yale University.
United States Public Health Traineeship, National Institute of Mental Health.
Day Care Advocacy Award, Boston Area Committee on Day Care and Massachusetts Association of Day Care Administrators.
Refereed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Published and In Press Bendezú, J. J., Pinderhughes, E. E., Hurley, S. M., McMahon, R. J., & Racz, S. J. (2016). Longitudinal Relations among Parental Monitoring Strategies, Knowledge, and Adolescent Delinquency in a Racially Diverse At-Risk Sample. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 1-14. King, K. M., Luk, J. W., Witkiewitz, K., Racz, S., McMahon, R. J., Wu, J. & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member) * (2016). Externalizing Behavior Across Childhood as Reported by Parents and Teachers: A Partial Measurement Invariance Model. Assessment, 1073191116660381. Pasalich, D. S., Witkiewitz, K., McMahon, R. J., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member) * (2016). Indirect effects of the fast track intervention on conduct disorder symptoms and callous-unemotional traits: distinct pathways involving discipline and warmth. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 44(3), 587-597. 3
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Perrin, E. C., Pinderhughes, E. E., Mattern, K., Hurley, S. M., & Newman, R. A. (2016). Experiences of Children with Gay Fathers. Clinical pediatrics, 0009922816632346. Zheng, Y., Pasalich, D. S., Oberth, C., McMahon, R. J., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016). Capturing parenting as a multidimensional and dynamic construct with a person-oriented approach. Prevention Science, 1-11. Zheng, Y., Albert, D., McMahon, R. J., Dodge, K., Dick, D., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member) * (2016). Glucocorticoid Receptor (NR3C1) Gene Polymorphism Moderate Intervention Effects on the Developmental Trajectory of African-American Adolescent Alcohol Abuse. Prevention Science, 1-11. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member) * (2015). Impact of early intervention on psychopathology, crime, and well-being at age 25. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172, 1, 59-70. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (2014). Trajectories of risk for early sexual activity and early substance use in the Fast Track prevention program. Prevention Science, 15 (Suppl 1), S33-S46. Bebiroglu, N., Geldhof, J., Pinderhughes, E. E., Phelps, E., & Lerner, R. L. (2013). From family to society: the role of perceived parenting behaviors in promoting youth civic engagement. Parenting: Science and Practice 13.3 (Jul 2013): 153-168. CPPRG (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member), (2013). School outcomes of aggressive-disruptive children: prediction from kindergarten risk factors and impact of the Fast Track Prevention program. Aggressive Behavior, 39, 114-130. Racz, S.J, King, K. M., Wu, J., Witkiewitz, K., McMahon, R. J., and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member), (2013). The predictive utility of a brief kindergarten screening measure of child behavior problems. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81.4 (Aug 2013): 588-599. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member) . (2013). Assessing findings from the Fast Track study. Journal of Experimental Criminology 9.1, 119-126. Dodge, K. A.; Godwin, J.; and The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2013). Social-information-processing patterns mediate the impact of preventive intervention on adolescent antisocial behavior. Psychological Science 24.4 , 456-465. Makin-Byrd, K., Bierman, K. L., Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2013). Individual and family predictors of the perpetration of 4
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dating violence and victimization in late adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42.4 , 536-550. Powers, C. J., Bierman, K. L., and The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group(E.E. Pinderhughes, Member), (2013). The multifaceted impact of peer relations on aggressive–disruptive behavior in early elementary school. Developmental Psychology 49.6 , 1174-1186. Bebiroglu, N. & Pinderhughes, E. E., (2012). Mothers Raising Daughters: New Complexities in Cultural Socialization for Children Adopted from China. Adoption Quarterly. 15, 116139. Vashchenko, M., Rossi, M., & Pinderhughes, E. E., (2012). "Just Beyond my Front Door": Public Discourse Experiences of Children Adopted from China. American Journal of Community Psychology. 49, 1-2, 246-247. Wu, J., King, K. M., Witkiewitz, K., Racz, S. J., McMahon, R.J., and CPPRG (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member (2012). Item analysis and differential item functioning of a brief conduct problem screen. Psychological Assessment, 24, 2, 444-454 Kam, C., Greenberg, M. T., Bierman, K., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2011). Maternal depressive symptoms and child social preference during the early school years: Mediation by maternal warmth and child emotion regulation, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 365-377 Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2011). The effects of the Fast Track preventive intervention on the development of conduct disorder across childhood. Child Development, 82(1),331-345. Thomas, D.E., Bierman, K.L., Power, C.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2011). The influence of classroom aggression and classroom climate on the early development of aggressive-disruptive behavior problems in school. Child Development, 82(3), 751-757. Miller, S., Malone, P.S., Dodge, K.A., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2010). Developmental trajectories of boys’ and girls’ delinquency: Sex differences and links to later adolescent outcomes. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 1021-1032. McMahon, R.J., Witkiewitz, K., Kotler, J.S., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). Research Group.* (2010). Predictive validity of callous-unemotional traits measured in early adolescence with respect to multiple antisocial outcomes. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, 752-763. Nqweni, Z. C., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Hurley, S. (2010). Delinquent adolescents’ regrettable 5
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behaviours and parental engagement:A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 20(2), 249–258. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2010). The difficulty of maintaining positive intervention effects: A look at disruptive behavior, deviant peer relations, and social skills during the middle school years. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 593-624. McGowan, H., Nix, R.L., Murphy, S.A., Bierman, K.L., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2010). Investigating the impact of selection bias in dose-response analyses of preventive interventions. Prevention Science, 11, 239-251. Wu, J., Witkiewitz, K., McMahon, R.J., Dodge, K.A., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2010). A parallel process growth mixture model of conduct problems and substance use with risky sexual behavior. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 111, 207-214. Lanza, S.T., Rhoades, B.L., Nix, R.L., Greenberg, M.T., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2010). Modeling the Interplay of Multilevel Risk Factors for Future Academic and Behavior Problems: A Person-Centered Approach. Development and Psychopathology, 22, 313-335. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2010). Fast Track Intervention Effects on Youth Arrests and Delinquency. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6, 156-168. Jones, D.E., Godwin, J., Dodge, K.A., Bierman, K.L., Coie, J.D., Greenberg, M.T., Lochman, J.E., McMahon, R.J., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2010). The impact of the Fast Track prevention trial on health services utilization by youth at risk for conduct problems. Pediatrics, 125, E130-E136. Nix, R.L., Bierman, K.L., McMahon, R.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2009). How attendance and quality of participation affect treatment response to parent management training. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77(3), 429-438. Jones, D.E., Foster, E.M., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2009). Service use patterns for adolescents with ADHD and comorbid conduct disorder. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 36, 436-449. Thomas, D.E., Bierman, K.L., Thompson, C., Powers, C.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2008). Double jeopardy: Child and school characteristics that predict aggressive-disruptive behavior in first grade. School Psychology Review, 37(4), 516-532. 6
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Slough, N.M., McMahon, R.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2008). Preventing serious conduct problems in school-age youth: The Fast Track program. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 15, 3-17. Schofield, H-L.T., Bierman, K.L., Heinrichs, B., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2008). Predicting early sexual activity with behavior problems exhibited at school entry and in preadolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 1175-1188. Stearns, E., Dodge, K.A., Nicholson, M., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2008). Peer contextual influences on the growth of aggressive behavior problems in early elementary school. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 54, 208-231. Dodge, K.A., Greenberg, M.T., Malone, P. S., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2008). Testing an idealized dynamic cascade model of the development of serious violence in adolescence. Child Development, 79, 1907-1927 Jones, D., Foster, E.M., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2008). Service use patterns for adolescents with ADHD and comorbid conduct disorder. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 36 (4) 436-449. Foster, E.M., Jones, D.E., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, member) (2006). Can a costly intervention be cost-effective?: An analysis of violence prevention. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63, 1284-1291. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, member) . (2007). Fast Track randomized controlled trial to prevent externalizing psychiatric disorders: Findings from grades 3 to 9. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(10):1250-1262. Foster, E.M., Jones, D., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, member). (2007). The economic analysis of prevention: An illustration involving the Fast Track Project. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 10 (4), 165-75. Muschkin, C.G., Malone, P.S., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2007). Multiple teacher ratings: An evaluation of measurement strategies. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13, 71-86. Erath, S.A., Bierman, K.L., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, member). (2006). Aggressive marital conflict, maternal harsh punishment, and child aggressive-disruptive behavior: Evidence for direct and indirect relations. Journal of Family Psychology, 20(2), 217-226. 7
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Ingoldsby, E.M., Kohl, G.O., McMahon, R.J., Langua, L., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, member). (2006). Conduct problems, depressive symptomatology and their co-occurring presentation in childhood as predictors of adjustment in early adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 34, 603-621. Bierman, K.L., Nix, R.L., Maples, J.J., Murphy, S.A., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, member). (2006). Examining clinical judgment in an adaptive intervention design: The Fast Track Program. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(3), 468-481. Thomas, Duane E., Bierman, Karen L., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, member). (2006). The impact of classroom aggression on the development of aggressive behavior problems in children. Development and Psychopathology, 18, 471-487. Milan, S.., Pinderhughes, E. E., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2006). Family instability and child maladjustment trajectories during elementary school. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 34(1), 43-56. Ingoldsby, E.M., Kohl, G.O., McMahon, R.J., Langua, L., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, member). (2006). Conduct problems, depressive symptomatology and their co-occurring presentation in childhood as predictors of adjustment in early adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 34, 603-621. Nix, R. L. Pinderhughes, E.E., Bierman, K. L, Maples, J. J. & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (2005). Decoupling the Relation Between Risk Factors for Conduct Problems and the Receipt of Intervention Services: Participation Across Multiple Components of a Prevention Program American Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 307-325. Foster, E.M., Jones, D., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (2005). The High Costs of Bad Behavior: Public Expenditures on Conduct Disorder. American Journal of Public Health,95 (10), 1767-1772. Lavallee, K.L., Bierman, K.L., Nix, R.L, & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2005). The impact of first-grade “Friendship Group” experiences on child social outcomes in the Fast Track program. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Vol 33(3), 307-324. McCarty, C.A., McMahon, R.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2005). Domains of risk in the developmental continuity of firesetting. Behavior Therapy. Vol 36(2), 185-195. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2004). The effects of the Fast Track program on serious problem outcomes at the end of elementary 8
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school. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 33, 650-661. Hill, L.G., Lochman, J.E., Coie, J.D., Greenberg, M.T., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2004). Effectiveness of early screening for externalizing problems: Issues of screening accuracy and utility. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 809-820. Foster, E.M., Fang, G.Y., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)* . (2004). Alternative Methods for Handling Attrition: An Illustration Using Data From the Fast Track Evaluation. Evaluation Review, 28, 434-464. McCarty, C.A., McMahon, R.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (2004). Mediators of the relation between maternal depressive symptoms and child internalizing and disruptive behavior disorders. Journal of Family Psychology, 17 (4); 545-556 Rabiner, D.L., Malone, P.S., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member) . (2004). The impact of tutoring on early reading achievement for children with and without attention problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32, 273-284. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member) , Rhule, D., Vitaro, F., & Vachon, J. (2004). La prévention des problèmes de comportement chez les enfants: Le modèle de Fast Track. Revue de Psychoéducation, 33, 177-203. In English: The prevention of behavioral problems in children : The Fast Track model. Review of Psychoeducation. Flanagan, K.S., Bierman, K.L., Kam, C., and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)* . (2003). Identifying at-risk children at school entry: The usefulness of multibehavioral problem profiles. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 32, 396-407. Miller-Johnson, S., Coie, J.D., Bierman, K., Maumary-Gremaud, A., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member).* (2002). Peer rejection and aggression and early starter models of conduct disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30, 217-230. Kaplow, J.B., Curran, P.J., Dodge, K.A., and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member . (2002). Child, parent, and peer predictors of early-onset substance use: A multisite longitudinal study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30, 199-216. Jones, D., Dodge, K.A., Foster, E.M., Nix, R., and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002). Early identification of children at risk for costly mental health service use. Prevention Science, 3, 247-256. 9
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Farmer, A.D., Bierman, K.L., and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002). Predictors and consequences of aggressive-withdrawn problem profiles in early grade school. Journal of Clinical and Adolescent Psychology, 31, 299-311. Dodge, K.A., Laird, R., Lochman, J.E., Zelli, A. and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002). Multidimensional latent-construct analysis of children's social information processing patterns: Correlations with aggressive behavior problems. Psychological Assessment, 14, 60-73. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002). Using the Fast Track randomized prevention trial to test the early-starter model of the development of serious conduct problems. Development and Psychopathology, 14, 925943. Pinderhughes, E. E., Nix. R. F., Foster, E. M., Jones, D., & The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2001). Parenting in context: Impact of neighborhood poverty, residential stability, public services, social networks, and danger on parental behaviors. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63 (4) 941-953. Murphy, S.A., Van Der Lann, M.J., Robins, J.M., and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2001). Marginal mean models for dynamic regimes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96, 1410-1423. Pinderhughes, E.E., Dodge, K.A., Bates, J.E., Pettit, G.S., & Zelli. A. (2000). Discipline responses: Influences of parents' socioeconomic status, ethnicity, beliefs about parenting, stress, and cognitive-emotional processes. Journal of Family Psychology, 14 (3) 380-400. Stormshak, E.A., Bierman, K.L., McMahon, R.J., Lengua, L.J., & The Conduct Problems Preventions Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (2000). Parenting practices and child disruptive behavior problems. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 29 (1) 1729. Milan, S.E., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2000). Factors influencing maltreated children’s early adjustment in foster care. Development and Psychopathology, 12 (1) 63-81. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2000). Merging universal and indicated prevention programs: The Fast Track model. Addictive Behaviors, 25 (6) 913-927. Zelli, A., Dodge, K. A., Lochman, J.E., Laird, R.D., & The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (1999). The distinction between beliefs legitimizing aggression and deviant processing of social cues: Testing measurement validity and the hypothesis that biased processing mediates the effects of beliefs on aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77 (1) 150-166. 10
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Nix, R.L., Pinderhughes, E.E., Dodge, K.A., Bates, J.A., Pettit, G.S., & McFadyen-Ketchum, S.A. (1999).The relation between parents’ hostile attribution tendencies and children’s externalizing behavior problems: The mediating role of parents’ harsh discipline practices. Child Development, 70 (4), 896-909. Orrell-Valente, J. K., Pinderhughes, E.E., Valente, E., Laird, R.D., & The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (1999). If it's offered, will they come? Influences on parents’ participation in a community-based conduct problems prevention program. American Journal of Community Psychology, 27 (6), 753-783. Sherrill, C.L., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (1999). Conceptions of family and adoption among older adoptees. Adoption Quarterly, 2 (4) 21-48. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (1999). Initial impact of the Fast Track prevention trial for conduct problems I. The high-risk sample. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67 (5) 631-647. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* (1999). Initial impact of the Fast Track prevention trial for conduct problems II. Classroom effects. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67 (5) 648-657. Greenberg, M. T., Lengua, L. J., Coie, J., Pinderhughes, E.E., & The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)* . (1999) Predicting developmental outcomes at school entry: Using a multiple-risk model: Four American communities. Developmental Psychology, 35, (2) 403-417. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1998). Short term placement outcomes for children adopted after age five. Children and Youth Services Review, 20, 223-249. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1991). The delivery of child welfare services to African American clients. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 61(4), 599-605.
Journal Special Issues Pinderhughes, E. E., & Rosnati, R. (Eds.) (2015). Adoptees’ Ethnic Identity Within Family and Social Contexts. Special Issue of New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Le, H. N. (Eds.) (2008). Excavating Culture. Special Issue of Applied Developmental Science, 12 (4). Peer Reviewed Published Articles in Journal Special Issues Pinderhughes, E. E., Rosnati, R. (2015). Introduction to Special Issue: Adoptees’ Ethnic Identity Within Family and Social Contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2015(150), 1-3. 11
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Rosnati, R., Pinderhughes, E. E., Baden, A., Grotevant, H., Lee, R., Mohanty, J. (2015). New Trends and Directions in Ethnic Identity Among Internationally Transracially Adopted Persons: Summary of Special Issue. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2015(150), 91-95. Pinderhughes, E.E., Zhang, X., Agerbak, S. (2015). “American” or “Multiethnic”? Family Ethnic Identity Among Transracial Adoptive Families, Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Children's Self-Perception. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2015(150), 5-18. Ceballo, R., Chao, R. Hill, N.E., Le, H.N., Murry, V. M. & Pinderhughes, E. E.** (2008) Excavating culture: Summary of results. In Special Issue, (E. E. Pinderhughes & H.N. Le, Eds.) Applied Developmental Science, 12 (4),220-226 . **All authors are in alphabetical order. Le, H.N., Ceballo, R., Chao, R. Hill, N.E., Murry, V. M. & Pinderhughes, E. E.** (2008) Excavating In Special Issue, (E. E. Pinderhughes &H.N. Le, Eds.) Applied Developmental Science, 12 (4), 163-175. ** Following Le, all authors are in alphabetical order. Pinderhughes, E. E., Hurley, S., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, (2008) Disentangling ethnicity and context among youth growing up in high-risk communities. In Special Issue, (E. E. Pinderhughes & H.N. Le, Eds.) Applied Developmental Science, 12 (4), 211-219. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Le, H. N. (2008). Introduction to Special Issue, Applied Developmental Science, 12(4), 161-162. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002) The implementation of the Fast Track Program: An example of a large-scale prevention science efficacy trial. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol 30 (1), 1-17. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002) Evaluation of the first three years of the Fast Track prevention trial with children at high risk for adolescent conduct problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 30 (1), 19-35. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2002). Predictor variables associated with positive Fast Track outcomes at the end of third grade. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol 30 (1), 37-52. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1996). Toward understanding relationship formation and family readjustment following adoption of older children: The interplay between theory generation and empirical research. Children and Youth Services Review, Special Issue: Advances in Adoption Theory and Research, 18 (1/ 2), 115-138. 12
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Books National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, Committee on Child Maltreatment Research, Policy, and Practice for the Next Decade: Phase II (E.E. Pinderhughes, Committee Member) (2013). New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research. Washington: National Academy Press. Book Chapters Pinderhughes, E. E., Matthews, J.A.K., & Zhang, X. (2016). Ethnic identity formation and transracial and intercountry adoptions. In Fong, R. & McRoy, R. (Eds.) Transracial and intercountry adoption practices and policies: A resource for educators and clinicians, (154-192), NY: Columbia University Press. Pinderhughes, E.E. (2015). Reflection: Listen to All Voices. In D. Daro, A. Donnelly, L. A. Huang, & B. J. Powell (Eds.), Advances in Child Abuse Prevention Knowledge: The Perspective of New Leadership (5th ed., pp. 109-111). Springer. Pinderhughes, E. E., Matthews, J.A.K., & Zhang, X. (2015). Adoptive families and their 21st century challenges. In Browning, S. & Pasley, K. (Eds.) Contemporary families: Translating research into practice, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. Pinderhughes, E., Matthews, J., Deoudes, G., & Pertman, A. (2015). Voices from the field: Children with special needs, openness, and perspectives on the role of the Hague Convention. In Ballard, R. L., Goodno, N. H., Cochran, Jr., R. F, & Milbrandt, J. A. (Eds.). (2014). The intercountry adoption debate: Dialogues across disciplines. (pp. 680-706.) Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pinderhughes, E. E., Craddock, K. T., & Fermin, L. L. (2011). Adolescent parents and the juvenile justice system: Toward developmentally and socioculturally based provision of services. In F. Sherman & F. Jacobs (Eds.) Health and Well-Being in Juvenile Justice. (174-196) NY: Wiley & Sons Publishers. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Pinderhughes, R. B. (2010). Before you pack: Developmental considerations in planning a heritage trip. In (Jacobs, D., Ponte, I. C., & Wang, L.K., Eds.) From Home to Homeland. (30-35) St Paul, MN: Yeong and Yeong Press. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2006). The Fast Track Project: Towards the prevention of severe conduct problems in school-age youth. In Strengthening families: different evidence-based approaches to support child mental health, N. Heinrichs, K. Hahlweg, & M. Döpfner (Eds.), 439-477, Psychotherapie Verlag. Pinderhughes, E.E., Jones Harden, B., & Schweder, A. E. (2007). Children in foster care, in D. Phillips, L. Aber, L. Allen, S. Jones (Eds.) Child Development and Social Policy: Knowledge for Action. (201-216) American Psychological Association, Wash. D.C. 13
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Pinderhughes, E. E., & Jones Harden, B. (2005) Parenting in diverse family arrangements, in K. Dodge, V. McLoyd, & N. Hill (Eds.), Emerging issues in african american family life: Context, adaptation and policy, 285-310, NY: Guildford Press. Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member)*. (2004). The Fast Track experiment: Translating the developmental model into a prevention design. In J.B. Kupersmidt & K.A. Dodge (Eds.), Children's peer relations: From development to intervention (pp. 181-208). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Bierman, K.L., Bruschi, C., Domitrovich, C., Fang, G.F., Miller-Johnson, S., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E. E. Pinderhughes, Member) . (2004). Early disruptive behaviors associated with emerging antisocial behaviors among girls. In M. Putallaz & K.L. Bierman (Eds.), Aggression, antisocial behavior, and violence among girls (pp. 137-161). New York: Guilford Press. Brodzinsky, D. M. & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2002) Parenting and child development in adoptive families. In M. Bornstein (Ed). Handbook of Parenting, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1, 279-312, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1996). Alternative paths to family status and implications for mental health service, delivery, and policy: Adoptive and foster families. In C.A. Heflinger & C. T. Nixon (Eds.), Families and the mental health system for children and adolescents: Policy, services, and research (pp. 191-216). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Encyclopedia Entries Pinderhughes, E. E., Scott, J. C., & Carvalho, A. (in press). Cultural Sensitivity. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Pinderhughes, E. E., Scott, J. C., & Carvalho, A. (in press). Cultural Factors: Conduct Disorder. In A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Bebiroglu, N. (2007) Adoption. In R. S. New & Cochran, M. (Eds) Early Childhood Education: An International Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2003) Family Circumstance…: Adoption. In J. Guthrie, C. Smrker (Eds), Encyclopedia of Adoption, Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference Group. Authored report, from nongovernmental organization Pinderhughes, E., Matthews, J., Deoudes, G., & Pertman, A. (2013). A Changing World: Shaping Best Practices Through Understanding of the New Realities of Intercountry 14
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Adoption. New York: Donaldson Adoption Institute. McLellan, N., & Pinderhughes E.E., (1988). Solving the puzzle of child care: Family day care quality enhancement project. Child Day Care Planning Project. Cleveland, Ohio: Federation for Community Planning. Conference Proceedings Pinderhughes, E.E. (1985). Black families and older child adoptions: characteristics, success rates and use of supports. In proceedings of the conference on the black family: We are neither motherless, nor fatherless, nor childless - we are family. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland State University. Manuals Pinderhughes, E.E. & Milan, S.E. (1998). Coding Manual for Classification of Family Readjustment Patterns. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University, Adoption and Foster Care Adjustment Project.
*Members of the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group include (alphabetical order): Karen L. Bierman, John P. Coie, Kenneth A. Dodge, Mark T. Greenberg, John F. Lochman, Robert J. McMahon, and Ellen E. Pinderhughes. INVITED PRESENTATIONS Pinderhughes, E. E., (2015, March). Member of an invited panel on : Ongoing and Emerging Issues in the Development and Well-Being of African American Children and Youth: Lessons from the Field . Society for Research in Child Development Black Caucus Preconference. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Pinderhughes, E.E., (2013, July). The Complexities of Ethnic-Racial Socialization among Transracial Adoptive Families. Invited Keynote Presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Adoption (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2012, March). Invited Panelist, Discussion of implications of Megan Gunnar presentation, Post-institutionalized Children become Teenagers: Early Deprivation and the Developing Teen Brain at New Worlds of Adoption: Navigating the Teen Years. Rudd Annual Conference on Adoption, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA.
Pinderhughes, E. E. (2010, April). Ethnic-Racial Socialization in International Transracial Adoptive Families: The Many Facets and Complexities. Invited Presentation at University of Massachusetts Rudd Conference on Adoption: New Worlds of Adoption, Amherst MA. 15
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Pinderhughes, E. E., (September, 2008) Culture, Context and Parenting among Diverse Families. Invited Colloquium. Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, Boston, MA Pinderhughes, E. E. (2006, April). Adoption: A Kaleidoscope of Family Settings and Processes. Invited presentation at Society for Research in Adolescence Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Pinderhughes, E.E. (2004, June) Cross-cultural adoption: From bridging the gap to creating a multicultural family. Invited presentation at American Family Therapy Academy Annual Meeting, June 24, 2004, San Francisco, CA. Pinderhughes, E. E., Winn, D. M. , & Nicholson, M. J. (2003, June), Getting them and keeping them: Engagement with Difficult to Reach Participants and the Systems Serving Them. Invited presentation at Intervention as Science, Fifth Annual Summer Institute, Family Research Consortium III, June 26-28, 2003, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2001, September). Family socialization during early childhood: Culture and Context. Invited lecture for Vice President Gore’s class, Family Centered Community Building, Fisk University, Nashville TN, and Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2001, July). Engagement with families and systems in longitudinal prevention. Invited presentation at NIMH conference: Research Approaches to Early Treatment and Prevention of Mental Disorders for Minority Children and Adolescents. Bethesda, MD. Pinderhughes, E.E. (2001, Oct) Fast Track: A research based intervention with youth at risk for conduct problems. Invited presentation at the Tennessee Professional Association Annual Conference, Nashville TN. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2000, March) Child and Family Readjustment Among Transracial Placements Involving Older Children. Invited presentation at Multicultural Families in Adoption, University of Massachusetts at Boston, MA. Pinderhughes, E.E., (2000, Sept) Family Integration in Special Needs Adoption. Invited presentation at Tennessee Adoption Conference 2000, Nashville, TN Pinderhughes, E. E. (2000, Nov) Cross cultural Issues in violence programs. Invited presentation at Youth Violence Prevention Tools for Today and Tomorrow, Nashville, TN Pinderhughes, E.E. (2000, Dec) Development of Children in Families Headed by Homosexual Parents. Invited presentation at NAIS People of Color Conference, Nashville, TN Pinderhughes, E.E. (2000, Dec) Adoption and Development: Issues Facing Adoptees and Adoptive Parents. Invited presentation at NAIS People of Color Conference, Nashville, 16
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TN Pinderhughes, E.E. (1999, August) Child and Family Readjustment To Older Child Adoption. Invited paper presented at International Conference on Adoption Research, Minneapolis, MN. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1999, August) Challenges Associated with Conducting Longitudinal Research on Special Needs Adoptions. Invited workshop at International Conference on Adoption Research, Minneapolis, MN. Pinderhughes, E. E. (1996, June). Fostering in the midst of hellos and goodbyes: Child and family readjustment following entry and removal of foster children. In J. W. Hagen (Chair), Children in Out-of Home Care. Invited Symposium: Head Start’s Third Annual Research Conference , Washington, DC. Pinderhughes, E. E. (1995, November). Open Adoptions, Older Child Adoptions, Transracial Adoptions: Opportunity and Challenge. Invited University Address, Visiting Minority Scholar Program, Indiana State University , Terre Haute, Indiana. Pinderhughes, E. E. (1994, October). Family adjustment following adoption of older children. Invited Paper presented at Conference on Adoption Research: Connecting Research and Public Policy, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Pinderhughes, E. E. (1992, September). Salient issues in Black adoptions in the 1990s. Invited address at Black Adoptions: The Personal Touch Conference by HARAMBEE: Services to Black Families (adoption agency), Cleveland, Ohio. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1985). Current research on adoption. Invited presentation at Northeastern Ohio Adoption Resource Exchange, Akron, Ohio. Pinderhughes E.E., & Rosenberg, K.F. (1983). Family bonding: A program for families adopting older children. Invited presentation at Ohio Welfare Conference, Akron, Ohio.
REFEREED PRESENTATIONS Scott, J.C., Pinderhughes, E.E., and Johnson, S.K. (2016, October). Preparing Black boys for bias: Understanding family messages and boys’ coping strategies related to racially hostile situations. Poster presented at Society for Research in Child Development Special Topics Meeting: Babies, Boys and Men of Color, Tampa, FL Pinderhughes, E.E. (2016, October). Member of a roundtable panel: Mentoring males of color across the lifespan: Building from personal and professional assets and vulnerabilities. Organized by Mona Abo-Zena. Society for Research in Child Development Special Topics Meeting: Babies, Boys and Men of Color, Tampa, FL. 17
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(Panelists: Kimberly Willingham, Christina Brown, Jay Alex Watford, Derek M Griffin) Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016, January). Organizer and Moderator. Racial and adoption microaggressions in the lives of adopted persons and adoptive parents Presented at Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Institute of Technology.
DeBenedetto, A., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016, May). The Role of Developmental Comprehension in Understanding Microaggressions in Transracially-Adopted Children. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption and Foster Care: Thriving on the Frontline. The Rudd-REFCA 2016 Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Matthews, J. A.K., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2016, Jan). Youth and teen ethnic identity among inracial international placements. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Institute of Technology. Matthews, J.A.K. & Pinderhughes, E. (2016, January). International adoptive parents and microaggressions. In symposium: Racial and adoption microaggression in the lives of adopted persons and adoptive parents. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research, Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Institute of Technology. Matthews, J. A., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016, May). Ethnic Racial Socialization among Inracial International Adoptive Placements. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption and Foster Care: Thriving on the Frontline. The Rudd-REFCA 2016 Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Matthews, J. A.K., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2016, June). Self-esteem and ethnic identity among in-racially international adoptees. Presented at Ninth Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference, Myth and reality in Adoption: Transforming Practice through lessons learned. Montclair, NJ: Montclair State University. Pinderhughes, E. E., Baden, A. L., Xhang, X., Mazza, J., Harrington, E., Kitchen, A., White, E. E., L. Spinella. (2016, January). I thought it. I did it. Internalized and committed microaggressions and relations with family ethnic identity and acknowledgment of racial differences. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology Pinderhughes, E. E., Baden, A. L., Xhang, X., Mazza, J., Harrington, E., Kitchen, A., White, E. E., (2016, June). I thought it. I did it. Internalized and committed microaggressions and relations with family ethnic identity and acknowledgment of racial differences. Presented at Ninth Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference, Myth and reality in Adoption: Transforming Practice through lessons learned. Montclair, NJ: Montclair State University. 18
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Zhang, E., Zhang, X., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016, May). Contextual Diversity and Microaggressions in the Lives of Transracially-Adopted Children from China. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption and Foster Care: Thriving on the Frontline. The Rudd-REFCA 2016 Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Zhang, X., Cinney, A., DeBenedetto, A., Nealon-Shapiro, C., Shin, H. R., Zhang, E., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016, May). Out of the Mouths of Babes: Developmental Differences in Young Children's Microaggressions and Relations with Parent-Child Discussions. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption and Foster Care: Thriving on the Frontline. The Rudd-REFCA 2016 Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Zhang, X., Cochran, C., Debenedetto, A., Kennedy, T., Mueller, N., Nealon-Shapiro, C. Rivera, A., Shin, H.R., Zhang, E., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2016, January). Do parents and children view microaggressions through the same lens? Experiences and discussions of microaggressions in transracial adoptive parent-child dyads. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Institute of Technology. Zhang, X., Nealon-Shapiro, C., Cochran, Cl., Debenedetto, A., Kennedy, T., Mueller, N., Rivera, A., Shin, H.R., Pinderhughes, E. E., (2016, June). Do parents and children view microaggressions through the same lens? Experiences and disucssion s of microaggressions in transraicl adoptive parent-child dyads. Presented at Ninth Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference, Myth and reality in Adoption: Transforming Practice through lessons learned. Montclair, NJ: Montclair State University. Matthews, J. A. K., Pinderhughes. E. E., & Miller, L. (2015, April). Family context and searching among internationally adopted adolescents. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption: Launching into Adulthood. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Baden, A., Pinderhughes, E. E., Spinella, L, & Kitchen, A. (2015, April). Transitioning from adolescence to young adulthood: Experiences with racial and adoption microaggressions. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption: Launching into Adulthood. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Zhang, X. & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2014, April). Culture keeping or cultural tourism? Cultural socialization in transracial adoptive families. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption: Helping families overcome early adversity, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Kotake, C., Matthews, J. Mullins, E., Katz, M. Miller, L., Tirella, L., Pinderhughes, E.E., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2014, April). Early adjustment of international adoptive families 19
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compared to non-adoptive families. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption: Helping families overcome early adversity, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. NOTE: this poster presentation received the Outstanding Poster Award for the conference. Harrington, E. S., Kimball, J., Kitchen, A., Mazza, J. Shaw, Z., Stephens, J., Waddell, J. White, E., Zhang, X. Baden, A., Pinderhughes, E. E. (2014, April). A qualitative study of racial and adoption microaggressions experienced by adoptive families with children from China. Presented at the Rudd Annual Conference, New Worlds of Adoption: Helping families overcome early adversity, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Baden, A. L. & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2014, May). Identifying and addressing racial and adoption microaggressions. Presentation workshop at the 8th Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference - Sleeping giants in adoption: Power, privilege, politics and class. St. John’s University, Queens, NY. Harrington, E. S., Kimball, J., Kitchen, A., Mazza, J. Shaw, Z., Stephens, J., Waddell, J. White, E., Zhang, X. Baden, A., Pinderhughes, E. E. (2014, May). A qualitative study of racial and adoption microaggressions experienced by adoptive families with children from China. Presented at the 8th Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference - Sleeping giants in adoption: Power, privilege, politics and class. St. John’s University, Queens, NY. Bendezú, J.J., Pinderhughes,E. E. Hurley, S., & McMahon, R.J. (2014, March). Re-examining longitudinal relations among parental monitoring constructs and delinquency with a racially diverse at-risk sample. In M. Cui (Chair), Longitudinal studies examining parenting, attachment, and family context during adolescence: Links to later problem behavior and adjustment. Paper session presented at the meeting of the Society for Adolescent Research, Austin, TX. E.E. Pinderhughes (Chair), (2014, May). Long-term prevention of conduct disorder: Adult outcomes of the Fast Track project. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC. McMahon, R.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2014, May). Fast Track: Developmental model, research design and intervention. In E.E. Pinderhughes (Chair), Long-term prevention of conduct disorder: Adult outcomes of the Fast Track project. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Dodge, K.A., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2014, May). Fast Track effects on young adult externalizing psychopathology. In E.E. Pinderhughes (Chair), Long-term prevention of conduct disorder: Adult outcomes of the Fast Track project. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
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Lochman, J.E., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2014 May). Fast Track effects on young adult criminal outcomes. In E.E. Pinderhughes (Chair), Long-term prevention of conduct disorder: Adult outcomes of the Fast Track project. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Racz, S.J., McMahon, R.J., King, K.M., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2014, May). Examining longitudinal bidirectional associations between parental monitoring and child conduct problems using autoregressive latent trajectory (ALT) models. In C.P. Bradshaw (Chair), Applying innovative longitudinal methods to examine the role of parents in promoting adjustment in youth. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Pasalich, D.S., Witkiewitz, K., Schuberth, D.A., Miller, N.V., McMahon, R.J., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2014, July). Sequential effects of a multimodal prevention program on social information processing, conduct problems, callous-unemotional traits, and later antisocial outcomes. (2014, July). Paper presented at the meeting of the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France. Pasalich, D. S., Witkiewitz, K., McMahon, R. J., Pinderhughes, E. E., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2014, May). Does parenting mediate Fast Track intervention effects on conduct disorder and callous-unemotional traits? In R. Waller (Chair), Environmental influences on the development of callousness across childhood and adolescence: Implications for models of antisocial behavior development. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Life History Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA. Schuberth, D.A., Pasalich, D., McMahon, R.J., Dodge, K.A., Lochman, J.E., & the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2014, March). Applying the social information processing model to childhood callous-unemotional traits. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), New Orleans, LA. Baden, A.L., & Pinderhughes, E. E., (2013, July). Racial and Adoption Microaggressions: Recognizing Them and Dealing with Them. Presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Adoption (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain. Pinderhughes, E.E., Matthews, J.A.K., Pertman, A., & Deoudes, G. (2013, April). Contact with Birth Families in Intercountry Adoption: It’s more Commonplace than You Think. Presented at Rudd Annual Adoption Conference, “New Worlds of Adoption: Contact Between Adoptive and Birth Families: What Works?” Amherst, MA. Matthews, J.A.K., Pinderhughes, E.E., Pertman, A., & Deoudes, G. (2013, April). Intercountry Adoption of Children with Special Needs: Sufficiency of Identification and Pre- and 21
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Post-Placement Services. Presented at Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA. Pinderhughes, E.E., Matthews, J.A.K., Pertman, A. & Deoudes, G. (2013, July). Voices from the Field: Professional and Parent Perspectives on Intercountry Adoption Practices and Impact of The Hague. Presented at Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain. Pertman, A., Matthews, J. A., K., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Deoudes, G. (2013, February). A Survey of Experiences from the Field: Preliminary Findings and Recommendations for Best Practice. Presented at Herbert and Elinoor Nootbarr Institute on Law, Religion and Ethics Conference: Intercountry Adoption: Orphan Rescue or Trafficking? Pepperdine, CA. Pertman, A., Pinderhughes, E. E., Matthews, J.A.K., & Deoudes, G. (2013, May). A Survey of Experiences from the Field: Preliminary Findings and Recommendations for Best Practice. Presented at Joint Council on International Children’s Services 37th Annual Child Welfare Symposium, New York, NY. Agerbak, S., Bromberg, L., Philips, M., Young, A., Cernasov, P., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2013, April). What Parents are doing when they Discuss Birth Parents and the Adoption Story with their Children? Presented at Rudd Annual Adoption Conference, “New Worlds of Adoption: Contact Between Adoptive and Birth Families: What Works?” Amherst, MA. Pinderhughes, E.E. (2013, July). Discussant. Symposium organized by J. Palacios, Social Competence, social integration and social functioning of adopted persons. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain. Perrin, E. C., Pinderhughes, E.E. Rosenberger, J. G., & Mattern, K. (2013, May). Experiences of Fatherhood among Gay Men. Presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Pinderhughes, E. E., Agerbak, S., Zhang, X., Philips, M., Bromberg, L. Young, A., Shaw, Z., Waddell, J., Chen, W., & Cernasov, P. (2012, October). Who really is the lucky one? The use and parents’ management of the rescue narrative in adoption from China. Presentation at The 7th Biennial Adoption Conference - Best Interests of the Child? Race, Religion, & Rescue in Adoption, St. Johns University, New York, NY. Agerbak, S, Chung, S-Y., Young, A., Zhang, X., Wadell, J., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2012, March). Parents’ ethnic identification, attitudes, beliefs and behavior about cultural differences in international transracial adoption. Rudd Annual Conference on Adoption, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA. Pinderhughes, E. E., Bendezu, J., Hurley, S., West, A., & McMahon, R. J., (2012, March). How Relevant are General Measures of Parental Involvement in Predicting Behavior-Specific Parental Engagement? Presentation at Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting. Vancouver, B.C. 22
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Pinderhughes, E.E., (2011, June). Diversity of Family Settings and Promoting Equity. In C. Schechter, C. McWayne (Chairs). Valuing Diversity, Promoting Equity: Critical Conversations for the Field of Early Care and Education. Panel presentation at NAEYC Professional Development Institute, Providence, RI. Turer, C., Si, W., Waddell, J., & Pinderhughes, E. E., (2011, April) Internationally Adopted Siblings: Emergent Themes regarding Siblinghood. Poster presented at the Annual Rudd Adoption Conference. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, MA. Pinderhughes, E.E., Bendezu, J. Waddell, J., Turer, C., & Si, W. (2011, April). In who’s image? Fathers, daughters and cultural socialization among families raising Chinese-born adoptees. Presentation in (C. Freeark, Org.) Make Room for Daddy: Adoptive Fathers and Parenting, symposium at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Toronto, CA. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2010, April). Ethnic-Racial Socialization in International Transracial Adoptive Families: The Many Facets and Complexities. Presentation at University of Massachusetts Rudd Conference on Adoption: New Worlds of Adoption, Amherst MA. Perrin, E., Phelps, E., Pinderhughes, E. E. , & Glennon, B. (2010, May). The lives of gay fathers and their children. Presentation at the Pediatric Academic Society, Vancouver, Canada. Pinderhughes, E. E., Bendezu, J. Waddell, J., Bebirolglu, N., Ponte, I. C., Shapiro, N., Theodore, M., Abo-Zena, M., Vashchenko, M. (2010, July). Cultural Socialization among Families Raising Girls Adopted from China: New Complexities and Relations with Children’s Outcomes. Presentation at Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, Netherlands. Nqweni, Z. C., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Hurley, S. (2010, July). Cross-cultural comparison of parental engagement in the lives of delinquent youth of African descent. Presentation at Biennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Lusaka, Zambia. Pinderhughes, E. E., (2010, Sept.). The Complexities of Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Intercountry Adoption. Presentation in J. Palacios (Chair). Psychosocial Research about Intercountry Adoption Children and Families. Intercountry Adoption Summit, Stratford, Ontario. Pinderhughes, E.E., Ponte, I., Shapiro, N., Theodore, M., Abo-Zena, M., Vashchenko, M. & Rossi, M. (2009, April). Children adopted from china: Supporting/promoting racial and ethnic identity formation. Presentation in (C. Freeark, Org.) Adoptive Families: Processes That Promote Well-Being and Family Connections. Symposium at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Co. 23
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Vaschenko, M., Rossi, M., Shapiro, N., Theodore, M., Abo-Zena, M., Ponte, I., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2009, April). "Sometimes I Really Don't Want to Answer": Public Discourse Experiences of Children Adopted From China. Presentation in (T. Tan, Org.) Adopted Chinese Children: Qualitative Studies on Gender, Public Discourse, and Parental Concerns. Symposium at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Co. Phelps, E. Perrin, E. C., Pinderhughes, E. E., Zimmerman, S. M., Chau, C., Lai, A. H., Henson, B. S. (2009), Lives of Gay Fathers. In E. E. Pinderhughes, E. Phelps (chairs). Gay Fathers and their Children. Symposium at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Co. Pinderhughes E. E., Golden, K. & Waddell, J. (2009, March) Discussing adoption and ethnicity in international, trans-racial families: What parents have to tell us Adoption Community of New England, Westboro, MA. Theodore, M. Shapiro, N., Ponte, I. P., Abo-Zena, M., & Pinderhughesz, E. E., (2009, March) Children Adopted from China: Socialization Practices and Understandings of Ethnicity, Adoption Community of New England, Westboro, MA. Pinderhughes, E. E., Popeck, C., Shapiro, N. (April, 2008). Facing the Inevitable: Public Curiosity and the Experiences of International, Transracial Adoptive Families, Adoption Community of New England, Westboro, MA. Pinderhughes, E.E. (2007, November) Families Raising Girls Adopted from China: Navigating Family and Community Experiences. Presented at Evan B. Donaldson Institute Adoption Conference, Baltimore, MD. Yibing Li, Y. Popeck, C., Ponte I.C., Bebiroglu, N., Abo-Zena, M.,Vashchenko, M. & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2008, July) “Where is She from?” The Supermarket Experiences of Families with Children Adopted from China. Presentation in symposium (Pinderhughes, E. E., organizer) International Adoption of Chinese Children: Child and Family Experiences, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Wuerzberg, Germany. Pinderhughes, E. E., Popeck C. , Shapiro, N. and the Tufts Adoption and Development Project Members (2008, April). Public Discourse Experiences of Families with Children Adopted from China. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Adoption Community of New England, Westboro, MA. Ponte, I., Bebiroglu, N., Golden, K., Abo-Zena, M., Compitello, A., Shahab, M., Sloane, J., Theodore, M., Fan, S., Vashchenko, M., & Pinderhughes, E. E., (2007, March). Children adopted from China: Understandings of Ethnicity and Self. Presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Boston, MA. Pinderhughes, E.E., Bebiroglu, N,., Golden, K,. Ponte, I., Abo-Zena, M., Beneke, M., 24
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Compitello, A., Shahab., M. (2007, February). Exploring Trans-racial, International Adoption from Parent and Child Perspectives. Presented at Adoption Connections Training Institute: One World Neighborhood (ACTION) Conference, Cambridge, MA. Pinderhughes, E.E., Bebiroglu, N. Chin, S., Golden, K., & Ponte, I. C. (2006 July). ChineseAmerican Adoptions: Navigating Experiences and Perceptions. Presentation at Second International Conference on Adoption. Norwich, England. Le, M., Ceballo, R., Chao, R., Hill, N., Murry, V. M., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (2005, April) Disentangling Ethnicity from Contextual Influences in Parenting. Paper presented at Study Group on Race, Culture and Ethnicity Working Conference: Excavating Culture in Parenting and Socialization Processes among Diverse Families. Medford, MA: Tufts University. Note: After Le, all authors are in alphabetical order. Pinderhughes, E.E., Koretz, P., Snyder, H. & Wieland, N. (2005, April). Older Child Adoptions: The Role of Parental Congruence in Problem Appraisals. Paper presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Copeman, A. M., Craddock, K.T., Pinderhughes, E.E., & Sunshine, C. S., & CPPRG (2005, April). Engaging Adolescents: Parenting amidst race/locale, neighborhood and family context influences. Paper presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Pinderhughes, E. E., Winn, D.M. and CPPRG (2004, August) Contextual, Cultural, and Neighborhood Influences on Parenting Adolescents. Paper presented at American Psychological Association Annual Convention. August 1, 2004, Honolulu, HI. Walters, E. & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2003, April). Parent Involvement and Children’s Academic and Social Functioning in Early Elementary School Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2003) Contextual Influences on Parenting: Universal or Relative? Paper presented as part of the symposium, (N. Hill, Chair) African American Parenting in Context, at the Black Caucus Preconference, Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going: A History of Research on Black Children, held at the 70th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, April 23-24, 2003, Tampa, FL.. Pinderhughes, E. E., Harden, B. J., & Schweder, A. (2003) Children in Foster Care: The Long Road from Research to Policy. Paper presented at Child Development and Social Policy: Knowledge for Action, A Festschrift in Honor of Edward Zigler, March 30-31, 2003, Washington DC. Pinderhughes, E. E. & Harden, B.J. (2003) Parenting in Diverse Family Arrangements. Paper presented at Emerging Issues in African American Family Life: Context, Adaptation and Policy. Conference held at Duke University, May 15-16, 2003 Townsend, T. , Pinderhughes E. E., & the CPPRG. (2003, April), Family Correlates and 25
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Environmental Predictors of Ethnic Identity and Depression among African American Youth. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, April 23-24, 2003, Tampa, FL. Pinderhughes. E. E. & the CPPRG, (2002, June). Community and Neighborhood Moderation of the Fast Track Program. Presentation in D. Gorman-Smith (Chair), Contextual Moderators of Intervention Effects. Society for Prevention Research, Seattle, WA. Pinderhughes, E. E., Ceballo, R., Hurley, S., Walters, E., McMahon, R. (2002, April), Parenting and School Functioning Post-Middle School Transition: The Role of Gender, Ethnicity, SES and Locale. In (N. Hill, Chair; E. Pinderhughes, Organizer), Parenting, Academic Achievement, and Aspirations: Ethnicity, Acculturation, Developmental Status and Context, Society for Research in Adolescence, New Orleans, LA. Pinderhughes, E. E. & Griner, L. (2001, April). Children living with surrogate parents: Influences of family context, family functioning and child functioning. Presentation at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN. Bierman, K. L., Coie, J. D., Dodge. K.A., & Pinderhughes, E. E. on behalf of the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, (2001, January). Update on the Fast Track Experiment. Grand Rounds presentation at NIMH, Rockville, MD. Pinderhughes, E. E., Nix, R., & The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (E.E. Pinderhughes, Member). (2000, June) Parental Warmth and Discipline: Influences of Family Context and Parental Cognition. Presentation at Family Research Consortium Annual Summer Institute. Pinderhughes, E. E. (2000, March) Practice and Policy in Adoption and Social Service Agencies. Panel participant at Conference on Ethics of Genetic Testing in Adoption, University of Massachusetts at Boston, MA. Pinderhughes, E. E. (1999, July) Processes of Child and Family Readjustment Following Placement of Older Children. Presented at William T. Grant Annual Faculty Scholar Meeting, New York, NY. Milan, S.E. & Pinderhughes, E.E. (1998, April). Children’s Adjustment to Foster Care: The Role of Internal Representations. Paper presented at American Orthopsychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. McKnight, L.R., & Pinderhughes, E.E. (1998, April). Older Child Adoptions: parental Understanding, Child Risk and Parents’ Perceived Resource Need. Paper presented at American Orthopsychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1997, April). Discussion Hour panelist: Boundary ambiguity, birth parents and adoptive families: Shadow in the mesosystems. Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C. 26
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Pinderhughes, E.E. (1997, March). Power and images in cultural context: Instructional strategies and resources for training mental health professionals. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Johnson, M. C. (1997, March). Parent’s preplacement expectations about older adoptees and postplacement readjustment. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Orrell, J. K., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Valente, E. (1995, April). Parent Participation in Intervention with Children at Risk for Conduct Disorder: Service Provider Influences. In E. E. Pinderhughes (Chair) Developmental and Clinical Model for Intervention with Children at Risk for conduct Disorders. Paper presented at American Orthopsychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Pinderhughes, E. E., Leddick, C. W., Nix, R. L., & Smith, M. C. (1995, March). The Process of Family Readjustment Following Older Child Adoptions: The Role of Cognitions. In E. E. Pinderhughes (Chair), Cognitions and Adjustment among Children and Families United through Special Needs Adoption. Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, Indiana. Talen, M., Pinderhughes, E. E., & Groze, V. (1995, March). Acknowledging Differences in Adoptive Families: Helpful or Harmful for Adoptive Family Functioning? In E. E. Pinderhughes (Chair), Cognitions and Adjustment among Children and Families United through Special Needs Adoption. Symposium at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, Indiana. Pinderhughes, E. E., Nqweni, Z. C., & Leddick, C. W. (1993). Cultural and clinical predictors of clinicians’ treatment recommendations for unruly youth. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, Louisiana. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Nix, R. L. (1993, May). Research issues in adoption: Openness, search and reunion. Paper presented at the American Orthopsychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. Pinderhughes, E.E., & Stoll, E. M. (1992, March). Emotional adjustment of school aged adoptees. Presented at Annual Convention of National Association of School Psychologists, Nashville, Tennessee. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Nqweni, Z. C. (1992, May). Cultural and clinical influences on clinicians’ treatment recommendations for unruly youths. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, New York Pinderhughes, E.E., & Stoll, E. M. (1992, August). Emotional adjustment of school aged adoptees. Paper presented at American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC. 27
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Pinderhughes, E.E., Sullivan, T.S, & Field-Chez, M. (1991, April). Family adjustment following adoption of an older child. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington. Pinderhughes, E. E., & Rosenberg, K.R. (1991, March). The mental health/adoption training project: development and effectiveness. In E.E. Pinderhughes & K.R. Rosenberg (Chair), Training programs that facilitate more effective service delivery for families adopting children with special needs. American Orthopsychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1990). Ethical issues confronting professionals who work with African American clients. In E. Fein (Chair), The vain search for certainty: Policy and Practice in child welfare. Panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Miami, Florida. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1990). Postplacement adjustment in families adopting children with special needs. Presentation to Division of Family Psychology (#43) at Annual Meeting of American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Pinderhughes, E.E., & Rosenberg, K.F. (1989). A preventive model to adoption preservation with high-risk placements. In N.J. Cohen (Chair), Different strategies to develop post-adoption services. Panel at the A Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, New York, New York. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1987). Older child and special needs adoption: An ecological model of adoptive kinship. In V. Washington (Chair), Adoption policy. Symposium on adoption and policy at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland. Pinderhughes, E.E., & Rosenberg, K.F. (1987). Empowering adoptive families to successfully adopt emotionally disturbed children. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of American Orthopsychiatric Association, Washington, DC. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1986). School aged adoptees and short-term outcome of adoption. In E.E. Pinderhughes (Chair) Research on Special Needs Adoptions: Fostering Connections with Practice. Panel at Annual Meeting of American Orthopsychiatric Association, Chicago, Illinois. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1985). A perspective on the adjustment of families adopting older children. In B.K. Eheart (Chair), Adoption: Problems and prospects. Symposium at the Joint Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems and the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Theory, Washington, DC. Pinderhughes, E.E. (1985). Characteristics of school aged adoptees and short-term outcome of adoption. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 28
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Pinderhughes, E.E. (1983). Older child adoptions and families' participation in post-placement supports. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of American Psychological Association, Anaheim, California.
FUNDED RESEARCH GRANTS Gill Foundation, The Lives of Gay Fathers and their Children. Amount of award: $10,000. E. Perrin, PI. E. Pinderhughes, Co-PI. Arcus Foundation, The Lives of Gay Fathers and their Children. Amount of award: $10,000. E. Perrin, PI. E. Pinderhughes, Co-PI. Faculty Research Awards Committee, School of Arts, Sciences and Engineering, Tufts University, Children with Special Needs: Effective Preschool Parent Advocates, $7500, 2010. National Institute of Mental Health. Multi-site Prevention of Adolescent Conduct Problems. (Fast Track) Amount of Award: $ 1,448,730. Period: 9/1/03-7/31/10. Principal Investigator. National Science Foundation. Excavating Culture in Parenting Practices and Socialization Among Diverse Families: A Working Conference.” $15,000. Co-Investigator. Funding for working conference of the Study Group on Race, Culture and Ethnicity to examine of the role of culture in parenting and socialization behaviors. Grant awarded to Michigan State. Conference held at Tufts University. Period: 9/03-8/05 National Institute of Mental Health. Multi-site Prevention of Adolescent Problem Behaviors. (Fast Track) Amount of Award: $6,525,918. Period: 9/1/98-8/31/03. Kenneth A. Dodge, Principal Investigator. Ellen E. Pinderhughes, Co-Principal Investigator. As of 9/00, Principal Investigator. William T. Grant Foundation Faculty Scholars Program. Child and Family Adjustment Processes following Placement of Older Children. Amount of award: $250,000. Period: 7/1/1996 - 6/30/2001. No-cost extension through 6/30/2005. Principal Investigator. National Institute of Mental Health. Multi-site Prevention of Conduct Disorder. (Fast Track) Amount of award: $5,638,823.00. Period: 9/1/1993 - 8/31/1998. Kenneth A. Dodge, Principal Investigator. 1993 - 1998, Ellen E. Pinderhughes, Investigator. 1998, Co-Principal Investigator. Research Grant Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University Research Council. Relationship formation and family readjustment following the adoption of older children. Amount of award: $9,948. Period: 7/1/1993 6/30/1995. Principal Investigator. Research Grant Cleveland State University Cleveland State University and State of Ohio Board of Regents. Research Challenge Grant: 29
E.E. Pinderhughes 30
Assessing Post-placement adjustment in families adopting older children. Amount of Award: $13,510. Period: 7/1/1989 - 6/30/1991. Principal Investigator. Cleveland State University Center for the Multidisciplinary Study of the Urban Child. Grant to study 1) the effectiveness of adoption training for mental health and related professionals who work with children in urban settings; and 2) the process of adjustment that families who adopt older children with emotional disturbance experience. Amount of Award: $9,278. Period: 1/1/1990 - 9/30/1990. Principal Investigator. PhD STUDENTS MENTORED Tufts University Robin Ortiz , 2006 (Dissertation Committee) Karen Craddock, 2007 (Dissertation Chair) Iris Chin Ponte, 2008 (Second Advisor, Dissertation Committee) Neda Bebiroglu, 2009 (Dissertation Chair) Mona Abo-Zena, 2010 (Dissertation Chair) Jessica Dym Bartlett, 2011 (Second Advisor, Dissertation Committee) Mariah Contreras, 2015 (Dissertation Committee) Robey Champine, 2016 (Dissertation Committee) Vanderbilt University Caroline Sherrill, 1995 Robert L. Nix, 1999 Adam Sowa, 2000 Stephanie Milan, 2001 Monica J. Mitchell, 2002
(Dissertation Chair) (Dissertation Chair) (Dissertation Chair) (Dissertation Chair) (Second Advisor, Dissertation Committee)
SERVICE Professional 2015-present Member, Board of Advisers, Family Equality Council, Washington, DC 2013-present Member, Selection Committee, Doris Duke Fellowship for Promotion of Child Well-Being. Chapin Hall, University of Chicago, IL 2013- 2015
Member, NICHD Biobehavioral and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee
Institute of Medicine Committee on Child Maltreatment, Committee Member
Head Start Research Conference, Member of Program Committee
2011-present Member, Editorial Board, Adoption Quarterly 2007-present Member, Advisory Board, Durham Family Initiative, Durham, NC 30
E.E. Pinderhughes 31
Senior Research Fellow, Donaldson Adoption Institute, New York, NY
Consulting Editor, Psychological Bulletin
Member, PDRP Review Committee, NIMH
2005, 2010
Reviewer, William T. Grant Foundation Distinguished Fellows Program
Member, Governing Council, Society for Research in Child Development.
2002 – 2006
Consultant, Center for Family Connections, Cambridge, MA. Evaluation of Project Inclusion.
Academic Expert Consultation
Member, Editorial Review Board, Adoption Quarterly.
Keynote Panelist, The Children are Our Business NAIS People of Color Conference, 2000, Nashville, TN.
Member, Editorial Review Board, Developmental Psychology.
Member, Research Advisory Committee, Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, New York, NY.
Consultant, Casey Family Services, Seattle WA. Advised organization regarding its development of conceptual framework to guide service delivery: A conceptual framework of identity formation in a society of multiple cultures: Applying theory to practice.
1992-Present Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer (Adoption Quarterly, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Applied Developmental Psychology, Applied Developmental Science, Child Development, Child Maltreatment, Children and Youth Services Review, Development and Psychopathology, Developmental Psychology, Family Relations, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of Black Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Merrill Palmer Quarterly, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology) 1987-2002
Member, American Psychological Association
1987-present Member, Society for Research in Child Development Member, Committee on Child Development, Public Policy and Public Information, 1999-2003 1985-2001
Member, American Orthopsychiatric Association 31
E.E. Pinderhughes 32
Fellow 1991 - 2001 Co-Chair, Study Group on Racism (1986-1993) Secretary of Board (1993-1996) 1980
Member, Advisory Committee on Sliding Fee Scale for Title XX Day Care Services, Department of Social Services, State of Massachusetts
Member, Boston Area Committee on Day Care; Co-Chairperson, 1978-1980; Member, Advisory Board for Training, 1978-1979
Member, Massachusetts Association of Day Care Administrators, Boston Area Representative to Executive Committee, 1978
University Service Tufts University: Department: Search Committee, Assistant Professor for Child and Family Health, 2012 Executive Committee, 2011- present Director, Doctoral Program and Doctoral Program Committee Chair 2011-present Intellectual Life Committee, 2011, Chair Department Chair, 2006-2009 Director of Early Childhood Education, 2008-fall, 2009 Curriculum Committee, 2003- 2004, 2005-2006 Diversity Committee, 2003-present; Chair, 2004- 2006 Sydney Fellowship Committee, 2003-2006 Applied Developmental Science Institute Advisory Committee Member, 2003-2005 Curriculum Lab Portfolio, 2004 Strategic Planning Committee Member 2005- 2006 University:
Search Committee, Chief Diversity Officer, (Co-Chair), 2017 Equity, Access and Student Equality (EASE) Task Force (2016 – present) Institutional Review Board (IRB), Fall, 2016 External Member, Department of Education Search Committee President’s Diversity Council, Undergraduate Working Group, 2012 – 2014 Student Evaluation Committee, 2012 –2013 Policy and Programs Committee, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 2011present Dean’s Forum Committee 2005-2006 Graduate Dean Search 2006
Community Service 2012 (Jan)
Member, Interview team to hire Brookline High School Principal, Brookline, MA
Member, Board of Trustees, University School of Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee 32
E.E. Pinderhughes 33
Invited Workshops: University School of Nashville (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001), Learning for Life (1995), Nashville, Tennessee
Member, Board of Directors. The Children’s House, Nashville, Tennessee
Member, Advisory Council, Mental Health/Adoption Training Project, Northeast Ohio Adoption Services, Warren, Ohio
Member, Board of Trustees, Hanna Perkins School, Cleveland, Ohio
Invited workshops: Adoptive Parents Support Group, HARAMBEE, Visions for Children, Black Women’s Political Action Committee, Regina High School, Cleveland, Ohio
Member, Western Reserve Chapter of the Links, Inc. Chair, Services to Youth Facet Committee (1987-1989), Member, Executive Committee, (1989-1991) Cleveland, Ohio
Member, Youth Services Advisory Board, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court, OH.
Member, Board of Trustees of HARAMBEE: Services to Black Families, Vice President 1987-1988, Cleveland, Ohio
Member, Western Reserve Women’s League, Co-Chair, Program Committee, Cleveland, Ohio
Member, Board of Trustees, Afro American Cultural Center at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut; 1981-1983 Graduate Student Representative; Associate Board Member, 1984
Elected Member, Inner-City Council for Children (Citizen Branch of Massachusetts’ Office for Children); Co-Chairperson, 1978-1979, Boston, Massachusetts
May 4, 2017