In Peter M. Haas, John A. Hird, and Beth McBratney, eds., Controversies in
Globalization. Washington, D. C.: C Q Press. 2009d. “Realism.” In Scott Burchill
and ...
Jack Donnelly Josef Korbel School of International Studies University of Denver 2201 South Gaylord Street Denver, Colorado 80208
[email protected]
Education University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., 1982. Georgetown University, B.S.F.S., 1973, M.A., 1975.
Teaching Experience Andrew W. Mellon Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, 1992- . Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1987-1992. (Assistant Professor, 1984-87.) Assistant Professor, College of the Holy Cross, 1981-1984. Visiting Instructor, Tulane University, 1980-1981. Instructor, Mills College, 1979-1980. Visiting Professor: National University of Singapore, 2008. University of Connecticut, 2002. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 1996. National University, Heredia, Costa Rica, 1994. University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1990.
Publications Books 2006. International Human Rights (Third Edition). Boulder: Westview Press. (Second edition 1998. Serbo-Croatian translation, 1999. Korean translation, 2004. First edition 1993.) 2003. Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice (Second Edition). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Indian edition, 2006. Chinese translation, 2007) (First edition 1989. Spanish translation, 1994. Turkish translation, 1995. Chinese translation, 1998. Arabic translation, 2002)
2 2000. Realism and International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Chinese translation, 2002. Korean translation, 2004.) 1987. International Handbook of Human Rights. Westport: Greenwood Press (co-editor with Rhoda E. Howard). 1985. The Concept of Human Rights. London: Croom Helm, New York: St. Martin's Press.
Articles and Book Chapters 2009a. “Rethinking Political Structures: From ‘Ordering Principles’ to ‘Vertical Differentiation’ – and Beyond,” International Theory 1 (March): 49-86. 2009b. “Yes a Myth: A Reply to Kirkup and Evans,” Human Rights Quarterly 31 (February): 239-255 (co-author with Daniel Whelan). 2009c. “Is Foreign Military Intervention Justified by Widespread Human Rights Abuses?” In Peter M. Haas, John A. Hird, and Beth McBratney, eds., Controversies in Globalization. Washington, D. C.: C Q Press. 2009d. “Realism.” In Scott Burchill and Andrew Linklater, eds. Theories of International Relations 4th ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2009e. “The Reality of Western Support for Human Rights: A Reply to Susan L. Kang,” Human Rights Quarterly 32 (November): 1030-1054 (co-author with Daniel Whelan). 2008a. “Human Rights: Both Universal and Relative (A Reply to Michael Goodhart),” Human Rights Quarterly 30 (February): 194-204. 2008b. “Human Rights and Social Provision,” Journal of Human Rights 7 (June): 123-138. 2008c. “The Ethics of Realism.” In Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal, eds., The Oxford Handbook of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007a. “The Relative Universality of Human Rights,” Human Rights Quarterly 29 (May): 281306. 2007b. “The West, Economic and Social Rights, and the Global Human Rights Regime: Setting the Record Straight,” Human Rights Quarterly 29 (November): 908-949 (co-author with Daniel Whelan). 2007c. “The West and Economic Rights.” In Shareen Hertel and Lanse Minkler, eds., Economic Rights: Conceptual, Measurement, and Policy Issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007d. “La soberanía de los Estados y los derechos humanos.” In Ana Covarrubias Velasco and Daniel Ortega Nieto, eds., La protección internacional de los derechos humanos: un reto en el siglo xxi. Mexcio, D.F.: El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Internacionales. 2006a. “Sovereign Inequalities and Hierarchy in Anarchy: American Power and International Society,” European Journal of International Relations 12 (June): 139-170. 2006b. “Human Rights.” In John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig, and Anne Phillips, eds., Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3 2006c. “Is There a Right to Peace?” In Julie Mertus and Jeffrey W. Helsing, eds., Human Rights and Conflict. United States Institute of Peace Press, 2006. 2005a. “Realism.” In Scott Burchill and Andrew Linklater, eds., Theories of International Relations, 3rd edition, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave. 2005b. “The Virtues of Legalization.” In Basak Cali and Saladin Meckled-Garcia, eds., Legalization and Human Rights, London: Routledge. 2004a. “International Human Rights: Unintended Consequences of the War on Terrorism.” In Thomas G. Weiss, Margaret E. Crahan, and John Goering (eds.), Wars on Terrorism and Iraq: Human Rights, Unilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy, New York: Routledge. 2004b. “Introduction.” In Debra Liang-Fenton (ed.), Implementing U.S. Human Rights Policy, Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace. (co-author with Debra Liang-Fenton). 2003a. “The Universal Declaration Model: A Liberal Defense.” In Gene M. Lyons and James Mayall (eds.), International Human Rights in the 21st Century: Protecting the Rights of Groups, Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. 2003b. “The West.” In Edward A. Kolodziej (ed.), A Force Profonde: The Power, Promise, and Politics of Human Rights, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2002a. “Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention,” Journal of Human Rights 1 (March): 93109. 2002b. “Beyond Realism and Its Critics: New Realist Research and the Possibilities for Constructive Engagement.” In Stephanie Lawson (ed.), The New Agenda for International Relations, Malden: Polity Press. 2001a. “Ethics and International Human Rights.” In Danny Warner and Jean-Marc Coicaud, Ethics and International Affairs: Extent and Limits. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. 2000a. “Conclusion: An Overview.” In David P. Forsythe, Human Rights and Comparative Foreign Policy. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. 2000b. “Human Rights, Democracy, and U.S. Foreign Policy.” In David P. Forsythe, The United States and Human Rights: Looking Inward and Outward. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 2000c. “Para Alem do Realismo e de seus Criticos: Novas Pesquisas Realistas e as Possibilidades para um Engajamento Constructivo,” Contexto Internacional 22 (Janeiro/Junho): 137-190. 2000d. “Human Rights, Security, and the Dilemmas of Intervention: Reflections after Kosovo.” In Tai-joon Kwon and Dong-Sung Kim, World Order and Peace in the New Millennium. Seoul: Korean National Commission for UNESCO. 1999a. “The Social Construction of International Human Rights.” In Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler, Human Rights in Global Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1999b. “Human Rights and Asian Values: A Defense of 'Western' Universalism.” In Joanne R. Bauer and Daniel A. Bell, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4 1999c. “Human Rights, Globalization, and the State.” In Monique Castermans-Holleman, G. J. van Hoof, and Jacqueline Smith, The Role of the Nation-State in the 21st Century: Human Rights, International Organizations and Foreign Policy. Essays in Honour of Peter Baehr. Cambridge: Kluwer Law International. 1999d. “Human Rights, Democracy, and Development,” Human Rights Quarterly, 21 (August): 608-632. 1999e. “Non-Discrimination and Sexual Orientation: Making a Place for Sexual Minorities in the Global Human Rights Regime.” In Peter Baehr, Cees Flinterman, and Mignon Senders, Innovation and Inspiration: Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. (Also available on my Web Page 1998a. “Human Rights: A New Standard of Civilization?” International Affairs 74 (January): 124 1998b. “Unfinished Business,” PS: Political Science and Politics, 31 (September): 530-536. 1998c. “Realism: Roots and Renewal,” (review essay) Review of International Studies 24:399-405. 1997a. “Human Rights.” Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations. Oxford University Press, 1997. 1997b. “Conversing with Straw Men While Ignoring Dictators: A Reply to Roger Ames,” Ethics and International Affairs 11: 207-214. 1997c. “Human Rights Issues and International Governance.” In Jin-Young Chung, Global Governance: The Role of International Institutions in a Changing World. Sungnam, Korea: The Sejong Institute. 1996a. “Rethinking Human Rights,” Current History 95 (November): 387-391. 1996b. “Human Rights and Asian Values,” Sasang (Fall): 28-45 (in Korean). 1995a. “State Sovereignty and International Intervention: The Case of Human Rights.” In Gene M. Lyons and Michael Mastanduno, Beyond Westphalia?: State Sovereignty and International Intervention. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1995b. “Realism and the Academic Study of International Relations.” In James Farr, John S. Dryzek and Stephen T. Leonard, Political Science in History: Research Programs and Political Traditions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995c. “The Past, the Present, and the Future Prospects.” In Milton J. Esman and Shibley Telhami, International Organizations and Ethnic Conflict. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1994a. “Post-Cold War Reflections on International Human Rights,” Ethics and International Affairs 8: 97-118. 1994b. “Human Rights and International Organizations: States, Sovereignty, and the International Community.” In Friedrich Kratochwil and Edward D. Mansfield, International Organization: A Reader. New York: Harper Collins 1994c. “Human Rights.” In Michael T. Klare, Peace and World Security Studies: A Curriculum Guide. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.
5 1994d. “Human Rights in a New World Order: Implications for a New Europe.” In David P. Forsythe, Human Rights in the New Europe: Problems and Progress. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1994e. “International Human Rights and Health Care Reform.” In Audrey R. Chapman (ed.), Health Care Reform: A Human Rights Approach. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 1993a. “Human Rights, Humanitarian Crisis, and Humanitarian Intervention,” International Journal 48 (Autumn): 607-640. 1993b. “Third Generation Rights.” In C. Brolmann et al., Peoples and Minorities in International Law. The Hague: Kluwer. 1992a. “Human Rights in the New World Order,” World Policy Journal 9 (Spring): 249-77. 1992b. “Twentieth Century Realism.” In David Mapel and Terry Nardin, Traditions of International Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1992c. “Conceptual Issues in Monitoring Human Rights Violations.” In Alex P. Schmid and Albert J. Jongman (eds.), Monitoring Human Rights Violations. Leiden: Center for the Study of Social Conflicts. 1992d. “The United Nations and the Global Drug Control Regime.” In Peter H. Smith, Drug Policy in the Americas. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1991a. “Security, Human Rights and East-West Relations: Theoretical Bases of the Linkage.” In Jan Zielonka and Voitech Mastny, Human Rights and Security: Europe on the Eve of a New Era. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1991b. “Defining and Conceptualizing Progress in International Relations.” In Emmanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford, Progress in Postwar International Relations. New York: Columbia University Press. (co-author with Emmanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford) 1990a. “Global Policy Studies: A Skeptical View,” Journal of Peace Research 27 (May): 221-30. 1990b. “Human Rights, Individual Rights and Collective Rights.” In Jan Berting et al., Human Rights in a Pluralist World: Individuals and Collectivities. Westport, CT: Meckler (for the Netherlands Commission for UNESCO and the Roosevelt Study Center). 1990c. “Human Rights and Western Liberalism.” In Abdulahi Ahmed An-Na'im and Francis M. Deng, Human Rights in Africa: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. 1990d. “Traditional Values and Universal Human Rights: Caste in India.” In Claude E. Welch, Jr. and Virginia A. Leary, Asian Perspectives on Human Rights. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1989. “Repression and Development: The Political Contingency of Human Rights Tradeoffs.” In David P. Forsythe, Human Rights and Development. London: Macmillan, New York: St. Martin's. 1988a. “Assessing National Human Rights Performance: A Theoretical Framework,” Human Rights Quarterly 10 (May): 214-48 (co-author with Rhoda E. Howard).
6 1988b. “Human Rights at the UN, 1955-85: The Question of Bias,” International Studies Quarterly 32 (September): 275-303. 1988c. “Human Rights: The Impact of International Action,” International Journal 43 (Spring): 241-63. 1987. “Reply to Mitchell,” American Political Science Review 81 (September): 924-27 (co-author with Rhoda E. Howard). 1986a. “The Emerging International Regime against Torture,” Netherlands International Law Review 33: 1-23. 1986b. “Human Dignity, Human Rights and Political Regimes,” American Political Science Review 80 (September): 801-17 (co-author with Rhoda E. Howard). 1986c. “International Human Rights: A Regime Analysis,” International Organization 40 (Summer): 599-642. 1985a. “The Force of Rights: Parent on 'Moral Specification,'“ Philosophical Studies 47 (January): 131-39. 1985b. “In Search of the Unicorn: The Jurisprudence of the Right to Development,” and “The Theology of the Right to Development: A Reply to Alston,” California Western International Law Journal 15 (Summer): 473-509, 519-23. 1985c. “Satisfying Basic Needs in Africa: Human Rights, Markets and the State,” Africa Today 32: 7-24. 1984a. “Cultural Relativism and Universal Human Rights,” Human Rights Quarterly 6 (November): 400-419. 1984b. “Human Rights and Development: Complementary or Competing Concerns?” World Politics 36 (January): 255-83. 1984c. “Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention, and American Foreign Policy: Law, Morality and Politics,” Journal of International Affairs 37 (Winter): 311-28. 1984d. “The 'Right to Development': How Not to Link Human Rights and Development.” In Claude E. Welch, Jr. and Ronald I. Meltzer, Human Rights and Development in Africa. Albany: State University of New York Press. 1983. “The Human Rights Priorities of the UN: A Rejoinder to Alston,” International Organization 37 (Summer): 547-50. 1982a. “How Are Rights and Duties Correlative?” Journal of Value Inquiry 16: 287-97. 1982b. “Human Rights and Foreign Policy,” World Politics 34 (July): 574-95. 1982c. “Human Rights and Human Dignity: An Analytic Critique of Non-Western Human Rights Conceptions,” American Political Science Review 76 (June): 303-16. 1982d. “Human Rights as Natural Rights,” Human Rights Quarterly 4 (August): 391-405. 1981. “Recent Trends in UN Human Rights Activity: Description and Polemic,” International Organization 35 (Autumn): 633-55. 1980. “Natural Law and Right in Aquinas' Political Thought,” Western Political Quarterly 33 (December): 520-35.
Other Publications 2008.”Relativity and the Universal Declaration.” eJournal USA 15 (November). 1999a. “Critique of the Reagan Administration” in U.S. Human Rights Policy: A 20-Year Assessment (United States Institute of Peace Special Report, June 16, 1999). 1999b. “Human Rights and Democracy” in Avi Sagi and Yedida Z. Stern (eds.), Democratic Culture, vol. 2, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. 1996a. “What Are Human Rights?” in Introduction to Human Rights, United States Information Agency. (Revised edition, 1998.) (French translation at droits/humrts.htm) 1996b. Human Rights Self-Monitoring: A Proposal for the Northern European Democracies, Bergen: Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 1996: 3) (co-author with Rhoda E. Howard). 1990. Confronting Revolution in Nicaragua: U.S. and Canadian Responses. New York: Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs. (co-author with Rhoda E. Howard).
Reprinted Articles Reprint of 2007a in Ethan Kapstein and Joel Rosenthal (eds.), Ethics and International Relations. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009 Reprint of 2004a as “Diretos Humanos Internacionais: Consequencias Nao Intencionais da Guerra contra o Terrorismo,” Contexto Internacional 2003 25 (Julho/Dezembro): 333-361. Reprint of 2002a in Mark Lattimer (ed.), Genocide and Human Rights. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. Reprint of 1999e in Patrick Hayden (ed.), The Philosophy of Human Rights: Readings in Context. St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 2001. Reprint of 1998b in Barbara Mori (ed.), Race and Ethnicity: Competing Ideas and Opinions. Madison, WI: Coursewise Publishing, 2000. Reprint of 1994a in Joel E. Rosenthal, Ethics and International Affairs: A Reader. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1995. Reprint of 1992a in Michael T. Klare and Daniel C. Thomas, World Security: Challenges for a New Century (Second edition). New York: St. Martin's, 1994. Reprint of “Introduction” to Donnelly and Howard (eds.) 1987 in Robert J. Art and Robert Jervis, International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues. New York: Harper Collins. Third Edition, 1991; Fourth Edition, 1996; Fifth Edition, 2000. Reprint of 1986b (revised) in Micheline R. Ishay (ed.), The Human Rights Reader. New York: Routledge, 1997; Second Edition, 2007. Reprint of 1986c in Emmanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford, Progress in Postwar International Relations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.
8 Reprint of 1985b in Henry J. Steiner, Philip Alston, and Ryan Goodman (eds.), International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Reprint of 1984a in Frank Newman and David Weissbrodt, International Human Rights: Law, Policy, Process. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1990. Reprint of 1984b in George W. Shepherd, Jr. and Ved P. Nanda, Human Rights and Third World Development. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985. Reprint of 1984c in Richard P. Claude and Burns Weston, Human Rights and The World Community: Issues and Action. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989, and second edition, 1992. Reprint of 1982c in Philip Alston (ed.), Human Rights Law. New York: New York University Press, 1996; and in Frederick E. Snyder and Surakiart Sathirathai, Third World Attitudes Toward International Law. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987; and (translated into Thai) in Chulalongkorn Law Journal 10 (no. 2, 1985).
Referee Journals: American Political Science Review, Australian Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Comparative Political Studies, Connecticut Review, European Journal of International Relations (Editorial Committee 2004-2009), Global Governance, Human Rights Quarterly, International Affairs (International Editorial Advisory Board, 2008- ), International Organization (Editorial Board, 1991-1996), International Relations (Editorial Board 2001-2006), International Studies Quarterly, International Theory (Editorial Board 2007- ), Journal of International Relations and Development, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Political Philosophy, Journal of Politics, Journal of Human Rights (Editorial Board, 2002- ), Millennium, Muslim World Journal of Human Rights (Editorial Board 2004), Nordic Journal of Human Rights (Advisory Editorial Board, 2010- ), Political Science Quarterly, Political Theory, Polity, PS, Review of International Studies (Editorial Board, 2001-2004), Soviet Union/Union Sovietique. Publishers: Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Duke University Press, Harper-Collins, Johns Hopkins University Press, McGill-Queens University Press, University of Nebraska Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, Penn State University Press, Prentice-Hall, Princeton University Press, Random House, Lynne Reinner Press, Rowman & Littlefield, Temple University Press, Westview Press. Funding Agencies: National Endowment for the Humanities, National Science Foundation, Social Sciences Federation of Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, U.S. Department of Education, United States Institute of Peace. Tenure and Promotion: American University, Brown University, City University of New York, Drexel University, Essex University, Franklin and Marshall University, Georgetown University, Georgia Technological Institute, University of California at Irvine, Keele University, Marquette University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University of Minnesota, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Northwestern University, University of Notre
9 Dame, University of Oregon, Santa Clara University, University of Southampton, Sussex University, Syracuse University, Trinity College, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Utah. External PhD Reviewer: Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Otago. Revised 15 February 2010