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Mar 10, 2008 - University of Udine, Via Della Scienze 206,. Phone: +39 0432 558423. Udine-33100 ..... Tel: 91-1332-28585
Curriculum Vitae Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Mathematics & Computer Science University of Udine, Via Della Scienze 206, Udine-33100, Italy

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +39 0432 558423 URL:

Work experience:  Postdoctoral Researcher (Since March 08): AVIRES Lab, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Udine, Via Della Scienze 206, Udine-33100, Italy.  CSIR Research Fellow (July 04 to February 08): Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, India.  Teaching Assistant (July 04 to Dec 07): Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee247667, India.  Lecturer (August 03 to June 04): Department of Applied Sciences, Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Teechnology Gangoh, SRE (affiliated to UP Technical University Lucknow).

Educational Qualifications: •

Doctorate in Philosophy (Ph.D.) (Thesis submitted on 10th March 2008 & successfully defended on 2nd September 2008)  Thesis Title: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from 2D Views: Simulation, Applications and Error Analysis.  Broad Area of Thesis Work: Applied Mathematics  Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Nagarajan Sukavanam & Dr. Balasubramanian Raman  Department & Institute: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Roorkee India.  Duration: 27th July 2004 to 10th March 2008.

Brief Summary of the Thesis The main focus of my Ph.D. thesis has been on the application of various mathematical and optimization approaches for solving the problem of 3D reconstruction of an object from its various 2D views. In some cases, it has been assumed that the employed cameras are calibrated and reconstruction problem has been formulated as an intersection of two different geometrical surfaces (cone). An extra constraint is imposed in above formulation for unique reconstruction of various points in 3D space which span the required 3D objects. An improved reconstruction framework is proposed by integrating the two different vision modules (stereo & SFS) with the help of strong nonlinear function approximation property of neural network. However, it is not practical to adopt a calibrated camera for every real life application in computer vision. In this context, a nonlinear optimization problem has been solved for calibrating the different cameras in real scenario. Applications of above reconstruction methods have been made in different domain such as image coding and robotics control. In image coding application, various mathematical transform (Wavelet, Fourier & Fractional Fourier transform) have been used for obtaining the frequency domain of images. Again nonlinear optimization (based on steepest-descent) has been used to control a robotic arm with the help of a stereo camera setup mounted on the end effecter. The objective of this application was to control a robotic arm following an unknown path using stereo-reconstruction. Experimental study has been conducted on real and synthetic data for each of the method proposed in my thesis. Results from our extensive study confirm the excellent performance of the proposed techniques in terms of convergence, accuracy, and robustness.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar [email protected] [email protected]

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Applied Mathematics  Department & Institute: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Roorkee India.  C.G.P.A.: 8.42 on a 10.0 point grade scale.  Duration: July 2001 to May 2003.  Courses Credited: Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Computer Applications, Numerical Analysis,

Differential Equations, Operation Research, Mathematical Methods, Complex Analysis, Mechanics, Statistics & Probability, Mathematical Modeling & Simulations, Topology, Advanced Numerical Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Theory of Elasticity, Computer Graphics, Discrete mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, Optimization techniques, Differential Geometry etc.

 Dissertation Title: Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Robot Manipulators Batchlor of Science (B.Sc.)  University: Chaudhary charan Singh University Meerut, India.  Subjects: Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry  Percentage: 69.52 %  Duration: July 1998 to May 2001.

Research Activity during Postdoctoral:  To find some new mathematical aspects of Stereo Vision. Particularly in reconstruction of algebraic curves, surfaces from their two or more perspective views.  Real time tracking and localization of moving objects using fixed and pan tilt cameras.  Application of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in Computer Vision and Image Processing.  Dangerous human behaviors detection and classification (with statistical techniques) from image sequences and video data.

Projects:  Involved in the project entitled “Reconstruction of 3D objects from Stereo space Imagery for Development of city models” funded by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India at IIT Roorkee, India.  Involved as a postdoctoral research fellow in the project entitled “Ambient Intelligence: event analysis, sensor reconfiguration and multimodal interfaces” (2006-2008) at University of Udine, Italy.  Involved as a postdoctoral research fellow in the project entitled “MUSAS Project A-380-RT-GC.” at University of Udine, Italy.

Software Exposure: • • •

Computing Platforms: Windows & Linux Programming Languages: C & C++ Software Packages: Open CV, AVS (Advanced Visualization System), VisulaizationTool Kit (VTK), Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica etc.

Research Interests: • • •

Computer Vision Mathematical Image processing Nonlinear Optimization

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar [email protected] [email protected]

Soft Computing Scientific Visualization

• •

Teaching Work: Worked as a lecturer with Mathematics Department Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology Gangoh, Saharanpur (Affiliated with UP Technical University) from Aug. 2003 to June 2004 and taught following courses to B.Tech and MCA classes: 1. B.Tech: Engineering Mathematics (1st year & 2nd Year), C++, 2. MCA: Operation research, Discrete Mathematics. Handled tutorial and lab classes of following subjects for many undergraduate and postgraduate courses during my PhD in IIT Roorkee from July 2004 to February 2008. 1. UG Courses: Engineering Math., Operation Res., Programming Languages. 2. PG Courses: Complex Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Image processing, Computer Vision, Robotics and Control, Computer Graphics.

Talks: • •

Delivered a talk on Stereo Reconstruction at Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Udine, March 2008. Presented a Case Study on ‘Video Surveillance in Traffic Monitoring’ in workshop on Pervasive Computing at University of Pardnone, Italy, during 14-15 April 2008.

Research Publications: (Int. Journal=07; Refereed Book Chapter=03; Conference Proc.=09) International Journals 1. N. Sukavanam, R. Balasubramanian and Sanjeev Kumar, 2007, Error estimation in reconstruction of quadratic curves in 3-D space, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Volume 84, Issue 1, Pages 121-132. 2. N. Sukavanam, R. Balasubramanian, M. Thakur and Sanjeev Kumar, 2008, Camera calibration based on Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network, International Journal of Information processing, Volume 2, Number 3, Pages 1-11. 3. Sanjeev Kumar, R. Balasubramanian and N. Sukavanam, 2009, Reconstruction of cubic curves from two or more perspective views using geometric intersection approaches, International Journal of Information Sciences and Systems, Volume 5, Number 1, Pages 98-111. 4. Sanjeev Kumar, R. Balasubramanian and M. Thakur, 2009, Real Coded Genetic Algorithm based Stereo Image Watermarking, International Journal of Secure Digital Information Age (IJSDIA), Volume 1, Number 1, Pages 22-33. 5. Sanjeev Kumar, Manoj Kumar, R. Balasubramanian, N. sukavanam and R. Bhargava, 2009, Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces using Texture-less Pairs of Stereo Images, Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA), Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 44-56. 6. Gaurav Bhatnagar, Sanjeev Kumar, R. Balasubramanian and N. Sukavanam, 2009, Stereo Image Coding via Digital Watermarking, Journal on Electronic Imaging, Volume 18, Number 3. 7. Sanjeev Kumar, Nagarajan Sukavanam, Raman Balasubramanian, 2009, An Optimization Approach to Solve inverse Kinematics of Redundant Manipulator, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Information Sciences and Systems.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar [email protected] [email protected]

Refereed Book Chapters 8. Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni, Claudio Piciarelli, Stereo Localization Using Dual PTZ Camera, Computer Analysis of Images and patterns , Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (LNCS), 5702, 1061-1069. 9. Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni and G.L. Foresti, Stereo Vision in Cooperative Cameras network, Smart Camera, to be published by Springer+ Science Media, Edited by Dr. Ahmed Nabil Belbachir, Austrian Research Centers GmbH - ARC, Vienna, Austria. (To be printed in Nov 2009). 10. Sanjeev Kumar and Balasubramanian Raman, An Optimally Robust Watermarking Algorithm for Stereo Image Coding, Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications to be published by Springer Verlag in the series "Studies in Computational Intelligence", Mislav Grgic, Kresimir Delac, ohammed Ghanbari (Editors). (To be printed in Sep 2009). International Conferences 11. Sanjeev Kumar, N. Sukavanam and R. Balasubramanian, 2006, Reconstruction of Quadratic Curves in 3-D from Two or more Arbitrary Perspective Views: Simulation Studies, Proceedings of the SPIEVision Geometry XIV, IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Vol. 6066, pp. 6066M1-6066M11 (180- 190), San Jose, California, USA. 12. Sanjeev Kumar, M. Thakur, R. Balasubramanian and N. Sukavanam, 2008, Stereo camera calibration using real coded genetic algorithm, In Proc. of “IEEE TENCON- 2008”, Hyderabad, INDIA, pp. 1569130311 [1-5]. 13. Sanjeev Kumar and Claudio Piciarelli, 2009, Stereo Vision using Heterogeneous Sensors for Complex Scene Monitoring, in Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-09), INSTICC, Lisbon, Portugal. 14. Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni, Claudio Piciarelli and Gian Luca Foresti, 2009, Stereo Localization based on Network's Uncalibrated Camera Pairs, Accepted for publications in IEEE International Conference on Audio and Video Signal based Surveillance (AVSS-09), Genova, Italy. 15. Sanjeev Kumar, Balasubramanian Raman, Jonathan Wu, Neuro-Calibration of a camera using particle swarm optimization, accepted in IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India during 16-18 December 2009. National Conferences 16. N. Sukavanam, R. Balasubramanian and Sanjeev Kumar, 2007, A neural network approach for the reconstruction of Cartesian space trajectory using arbitrary perspective views, In the Proc. of SIAM-India conference, March 31-April 5 2007, Jammu, India, pp. 73 . 17. N. Sukavanam, R. Balasubramanian and Sanjeev Kumar, 2007, Reconstruction and Calibration in Stereo Imaging System using an Artificial Neural Network, published in the proceeding on 2nd National conference on emerging trends in information technology, held at Pune, India during 2930 September 2007, pp. 93-97. 18. N. Sukavanam, R. Balasubramanian and Sanjeev Kumar, 2008, A ‘Look and Move’ Algorithm for Tracking the Unknown Path , IEEE conference on Advanced in Intelligence Systems (AIS-2008), Sonepat, India during 13-15 March 2008, pp. 292-29 . 19. Sanjeev Kumar et al., 2009, Reconstruction Of Quadratic Curves in 3D Space From Real Images, International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology, Aedconagar, Hooghly, W.B., India, 2009, pp. 255-263.

Curriculum Vitae Conferences & Workshop Ateended:

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar [email protected] [email protected]

Participated in the Indo-UK study group meeting on industrial problems (SGMIP-04), IIT Bombay, India during 6th Dec.-10th Dec. 2004.Participated in the International conference on recent trends in nonlinear analysis and its applications (CNAA-04 ), IIT Bombay, India during 11th Dec.-13th Dec. 2004.

Attended the workshop on nonlinear dynamics models and their behavior during 11th March -13th March 05 in Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee.

Participated in the Symposium on Current trends in Biomathematics, IIT Roorkee, India on 14th March 2005.

Attended the Indo-Italian workshop on Information Technology at Birla Science Center, Hyderabad during 30-31 August 2007.

Attended the 2nd National conference on emerging trends in Information Technology, held at Pune, India during 29-30 September 2007.

Attended a workshop on Pervasive Computing, held at University of Perdnone Italy, during 6-8 April, 2008.

Attended the conference on International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application (VISAPP2009), held at Lisbon, Portugal during 5-8 February 2009.

Extra Qualifications, Awards & Memberships: •

Qualified GATE 2004 Scorer with 94.60 percentile score.

Qualified CSIR-JRF (NET) exam two times (Dec. 2003 and June 2004).

Junior Research Fellow (CSIR fellowship) 2004- 2006, IIT Roorkee.

Senior Research Fellow (CSIR fellowship) 2006 onwards, IIT Roorkee.

SPIE travel and registration award ($300) to attend Vision Geometry XIV, IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging – 2006, SanJose, California, USA, January 2005.

Senior member of Association of Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE).

Associate Editor, International Journal on Security Digital and Information Age (IJSDIA).

Reviewer: 1. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis. 2. Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL). 3. International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM). 4. IET Computer Vision. 5. International Journal on Robotics and Automation (IJRA). 6. International Journal on Security Digital and Information Age.

Personal Details: •


Sanjeev Kumar

Father’s Name:

Pawan Singh

Mothe’s Name:

Mithlesh Singh

Curriculum Vitae •

Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:

Muzaffarnagar (UP), India



Marital Status:




Permanent Address:

VPO: Mohammad Pur Rai Singh,

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar [email protected] [email protected]

Dist: Muzaffarnagar (UP), India Pin Code: 251309 Phone: +91 9756 984499

References: •

Dr. R. Balasubramanian, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, India, Tel: 91-1332-285852 Email: [email protected]

Dr. N. Sukavanam, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, India, Tel: 91-1332-285341 Email: [email protected]

Prof. G.L. Foresti, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine, Via Della Scieze 206, Udine-33100, Italy. Tel: 39-0432-249895 Email: [email protected] Dr. Christian Micheloni, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine, Via Della Scieze 206, Udine-33100, Italy. Tel: 39-0432-249896 Email: [email protected]

I hereby declare that all statements above are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Sanjeev Kumar