Curriculum Vitae

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1995 M.A. University of California, Davis, Spanish Language and Literature. 1992 B.A. University of .... Hispanic Review (forthcoming); Barletta, Vincent. Death in ...
Michelle M. Hamilton 1

Michelle M. Hamilton University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

June 2015

EDUCATION 2001 Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Hispanic Languages and Literature 1995 M.A. University of California, Davis, Spanish Language and Literature 1992 B.A. University of Texas, Austin, Spanish Language and Literature, Magna cum laude, with highest honors and special honors in Spanish, Phi Beta Kappa.

EMPLOYMENT 2015- UMN Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Univ. of Minnesota 2016 (spring)- Director of Medieval Studies, UMN 2009- 2015 UMN Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Affiliated Faculty: Medieval Studies, Early Modern History, Jewish and Religious Studies 2007-2009 UCIrvine Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese. Core faculty Jewish and Religious Studies. 2001-2007 UCIrvine Assistant Professor of Spanish 1998-2001 UCBerkeley Instructor of Spanish

GRANTS AND AWARDS 2015 Semester Leave UMN (Fall) 2014 Summer European Studies Consortium-Global Studies UMN 2011-2012 Imagine Course Release UMN 2011 Imagine Fund Fellowship UMN 2010 Maurice Amado Fellowship Summer 2010 Office of International Programs Travel & Research UMN 2008 N.E.H. Seminar “The Medieval Mediterranean and the Emergence of the West” Barcelona, Summer 2007 UC Humanities Research Institute Residential Fellow, Historical Problematics of Gender/Sexuality and the Global 2006 International Center for Writing & Translation UCI 2006 Faculty Career Development Grant UCI 2005 Humanities Center Research Grant UCI 2002-2006 U.C. Irvine Faculty Travel and Research Grant 2003 N. E. H. Seminar “The Libro de buen amor in Cultural Context” U. Va. Summer 2002 Gaspar de Portolá Catalonian Studies Grant UCI

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2002 Instructional Resource Center Project Grant UCI 2000-2001 Chancellor’s Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCB 2000 Mellon Research/Travel Grant Summer, UCB 1999-2000 Departmental Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCB 1995-1999 Regents Intern Fellowship, UCB 1999 Middle Eastern Studies Dissertation Research Grant 1998 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant in Morocco, summer 1992-1993 Fulbright Research Fellowship to Israel


Beyond Faith: Belief, Morality and Memory in a Fifteenth-Century Judeo-Iberian Literary Manuscript . Leiden: Brill, 2014.

Representing Others in Medieval Iberian Literature. 2007. Palgrave Macmillan for the New Middle Ages Series. Ed. Bonnie Wheeler.

Edited Collections •

In and Of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies. Coedited with Nuria Silleras Fernández. Hispanic Issues Book Series. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt U P, 2015. Contributors: Simone Pinet, Gerard Weigers, Manuela Marín, Josiah Blackmore, Eleazar Gutwirth, Barbara Fuchs, Luis Avilés, David Wacks, Vicente Lledo-Guillén, Nico Parmley, Ryan Giles, Andrew Devereux, Brian Catlos.

Wine, Women and Song: Hebrew and Arabic Literature in Medieval Iberia, coedited with David Wacks and Sarah Portnoy. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2004. Contributors: Samuel Armistead, David Wacks, Sarah Portnoy, Douglas Young, Sergio Waisman, Cristian Guardiola, Mary B. Quinn.

Articles •

“Spanish Philology and the Arab Past: A Case Study” Digital Philology 4.1 (2015): 1-25.

"’Adio kerido.’ In Memorium: Samuel G. Armistead (1927-2013).” La Corónica 42.1 (2013): 5-23.

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“Sephardic Past in the Digital Future.” Digital Philology. 3.1 Special edition dedicated to textual scholarship and studies of the material culture of the book in medieval Iberia. (2014): 101-120. gy/v003/3.1.hamilton.pdf

“'Por mí se levanta la fuerça intelectual': Music in the Visión deleitable" Studi Hispanici 37 (2012): 9-26.

"Retelling the Future: Don Juan Manuel’s “Exenplo XI” and the Power of Fiction" Hispanic Issues On Line 8 (2011). Special volume "Hispanic Literatures and the Question of a Liberal Education" ation.html

“Debating Love: A Fifteenth-century Aljamiado Joc-Partit “ eHumanista 14 (2010) 127-145.

“The Musical Book: Judeo-Andalusi Hermeneutics in the Libro de buen amor.” La Corónica 37.2 (2009): 33-59.

“Hispanism and Sephardic Studies” Journal for Medieval Iberian Studies 1. 2 (2009): 179-194

“’No ha de ser en vano:’ Form and Meaning in the Sephardic Poetry of New Spain.” Ha-Lapid Winter (2007).

“Rereading the Widow: The Pseudo-Ovidian De Vetula, the Endrina Episode of the Libro de buen amor and Their Possible Judeo-Iberian Models,” Speculum 82.1 (2007): 97-119.

“The Libro de buen amor: Work of Mudejarismo or Augustinian Autobiography?” eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies. 6 (2006) 19-33. ISSN 1540 5877

"’Words Sweeter than Honey’: The Go-Between in Al-Saraqusti’s ‘Maqama 9’” Journal of Arabic Literature. A Special Issue in Memory of Álvaro Galmés de Fuentes. 34:1/2 (2003) 206-219.

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“Joseph ben Samuel Sarfati’s ‘Tratado de Melibea y Calisto:’ A Sephardic Jew’s Reading of the Celestina in Light of the Medieval Judeo-Spanish Go-between Tradition.” Sefarad. 62.2 (2002) 1-19.

“La poesía de Leonor de Carvajal y la tradición de los criptojudíos en Nueva España.” Sefarad 60:1 (2000), 75-93.

• “Moorish Women and Sexual Conquest: The Role of the Mora in the Rhetoric of Reconquest.” Romance Review 9: 1999. 55-67. • Co-author with María Morrás. “Un nuevo testimonio de la Danza de la muerte: Hacia la versión primitiva.” (“A New Witness of the Dance of Death: Approximations Toward the Original Version”) Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de la AHLM. 1999. 1341-1352. •

“Celestina and the Daughters of Lilith,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 75:2 (1998), 153-172.

“Change and Tradition in a Sephardic romance” Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung (1996), 104-108.

Contributions to Books

“Medieval Iberian Cultures in Contact: Iberian Cultural Production as Translation and Adaptation.” The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies Ed. Javier Muñoz Basols (forthcoming).

“From Conversion to Consolation: Iberian Christian, Jewish and Muslim takes on the Trinity” in Fetschrieft for Samuel Armistead tentatively entitled Disobedient Practices. Eds. Anne Roberts and Belen Bistue. 2015. 37-60. ISBN: 978-158871- .

“Text and Context: A Judeo-Spanish Version of the ‘Danza de la muerte’” Converso Voices. Eds. Amy Aaronson-Freedman and Gregory Kaplan. Leiden: Brill. February 2012. ISBN 9789004214408.

“Lost Children and the Kindness of Strangers: West Sahara, Spain and the Traditional Tale” In Spain's Multicultural Legacies. Studies in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead. Edited by Adrienne L. Martin and Cristina Martinez-Carazo. Juan de la Cuesta, 2008. 119-144. ISBN 978-1-58871-144-1

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“Ibn Daniyal y Juan Ruiz: ¿Seguidores de Ovidio?” Eds. J. Ignacio Díez and A. L. Martín. Venus venerada: Tradiciones eróticas de laliteratura española, 2006. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN 84-7491-791-3

“Cultural Assimilation and Gender in Minhat Yehuda, Sone ha-nashim (The Gift of Yehudah, Enemy of Women),” In Wine, Women and Song: Hebrew and Arabic Literature in Medieval Iberia. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2004.

• “El libro musical de Juan Ruiz en el contexto de la tradición textual judeoespañola.” El Libro de ben amor: Texto y contextos. Al cuidado de Guillermo Serés, Daniel Rico y Omar Sanz. Valladolid: Fundación Caixa Catalunya, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2008. 55-63.

Encyclopedia entry •

“Spanish Language and Literature” Encyclopedia of Science and Religion. Ed. Runehov, Anne; Oviedo, Lluis (Eds.) Springer 2013

Reviews •

Abencerraje. Barbara Fuchs. “The Abencerraje” and “Ozmín and Daraja”: Two Sixteenth-Century Novellas from Spain. Edited and translated by Barbara Fuchs, Larissa Brewer-García and Aaron J. Ilka. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2014. American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain (AARHMS) Szpiech, Ryan. Conversion and Narrative: Reading and Religious Authority in Medieval Polemic. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2013. Hispanic Review 82.2 (2014): 251-4. Barletta, Vincent. Death in Babylon: Alexander the Great and Iberian Empire in the Muslim Orient. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2010. Pp. xvi, 253. ISBN: 9780226037363 Speculum 88.3 (2013) E. Michael Gerli. Celestina and the Ends of Desire. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4426-4255-3 Revista Hispánica Moderna 66.1 (2013): 99-101. Elinson, Alexander E. Looking Back at al-Andalus: The Poetics of Loss and Nostalgia in Medieval Arabic and Hebrew Literature. Reviewed by Michelle Hamilton. La Corónica Spring 39.2 (2011) p. 205. Barbara Fuchs. Exotic Nation: Maurophilia and the Construction of Early Modern Spain. Philadelphia, U Pennsylvania P, 2011. Hispanic Review. 79.2 Spring 2011. Mirian Bodian. Dying in the Law of Moses: Crypto-Jewish Martyrdom in the Iberian World. Indiana University Press, 2007. Forthcoming Renaissance and

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• • •

• •

Reformation. Vol. 32, no 4, 2009 . Renaissance and Reformation ISSN: 0034429X (print) 2010 Peter Cole. The Dream of the Poem. Yale U P, 2007. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86:3 May 2010. Jonathan Decter. Iberian Jewish Literature Indiana U P, 2007. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 10.3 (2009). Bruce R. Burningham. Radical Theatricality: Jongleuresque Peformance on the Early Spanish Stage. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2007. Gestos 46 (2008). Jaume Roig. Spill. Edició, traducció i comentaris de Antònia Carré. Prologue Lola Badia. Barcelona: Quaderns Crema, 2006. ISBN 978-84-7727-009-6 Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 85 (2008): 227-228. Girón-Negrón, Luis M. and Laura Minervini, Eds. Las Coplas de Yosef: Entre la Biblia y el Midrash en la poesía judeoespañola. Biblioteca Románica Hispánica IV. Textos 29. Madrid: Gredos, 2006. ISBN 84-249-2846-6 La Corónica 35.1 (2006) 11-14. Robert Archer. The Problem of Woman in Late-Medieval Hispanic Literature. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2005. ISBN 1 85566 113 6 Hispania (2006) Douglas C. Young. Rogues and Genres: Generic Transformation in the Spanish Picaresque and Arabic Maqāma. Newark: Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2004. 126 pp. ISBN 1-58871-0440-0 Bulletin of Spanish Studies 84.1 (2007): 122-124. Under the Influence: Questioning the Comparative in Medieval Castile. Eds. Cynthia Robinson and Leyla Rouhi. The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World. Leiden: Brill, 2005. 332 pps. ISBN: 90 04 13999 0

• Tras los pasos de La Celestina. Eds. Patrizia Botta, Fernando Cantalapiedra, Kurt Reichenberger, Joseph T. Snow. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2001. 366 pp. ISBN: 3-935004-32-X. Gestos 39 (abril, 2005). • Assis, Yom Tov. The Golden Age of Aragonese Jewry: Community and Society in the Crown of Aragon, 1213-1327. Portland, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1997. 380 pp. ISBN 1-874774-04-8. La Córonica 33.1 (Fall, 2004), 256-60. • Tova Rosen. Unveiling Eve. Reading Gender in Medieval Hebrew Literature. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2003. 264 pp. ISBN: 0-8122-3710-2 Medieval Feminist Forum 36 Fall 2003. • Judah Alharizi. The Book of Tahkemoni. Jewish Tales from Medieval Spain. Ed. and trans. David Simha Segal. Portland, Oregon: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2001. Sefarad (2003) 63.2. • Encuentros and desencuentros: Spanish Jewish Cultural Interaction Throughout History. Carlos Carrete Parrondo, Marcelo Dascal, Francisco Márquez Villanueva, Angel Sáenz Badillos, eds. Israel: Tel Aviv U, 2000. La Corónica. (2002) 31.1. 178-182.

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5/2015 “50 Years of Hispanism beyond Iberia” 50th International Annual Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI 1/2015 MLA”Ruins, Writing, and Memory in Medieavl Iberia.” Objects of Memory in Medieval Iberia Panel of the Division on Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Vancouver, BC. 5/2014 "Language and Translation in the Visión Deletable." 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI 11/5/2014* "Translation, Civilization, and the Limits of the Mediterranean". Talking Terms Seminar. Consortium for the Study of the Premodern World. UMN 11/2013 Respondent. “The Aerial Battle in the Toledot Yeshu and Sodomy in the Late Middle Ages.” Ruth Karras. UMN Center for Jewish Studies. 10/2013 Food and Death: Foodways and Communities in the Danza general de la muerte” First International Symposium of Mens et Mensa: Society for the Study of Food in the Middle Ages “Foods and Communities in the Later Middle Ages (1000-1500 CE)” October 24, 2013 Institut d’Estudis Catalans Barcelona 10/2013 “Translation, Civilization and the Limits of the Mediterranean” UC Mediterranean Studies MPR UC Berkeley Mediterranean Translations Conference October 16, 2013 5/2013 “Medieval Iberian Studies at the Limits of the Mediterranean” UC Santa Cruz May 3, 2013 UCMCR The Mediterranean and Maritime Perspectives 5/2013* “Teaching Judeo-Iberian Relations and Cultural Production” TEAMS (Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) Teaching Medieval Jews Roundtable 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Session 119. Kalamazoo, MI. 4/2013* “Translation, Conversion and Language in 15th-Century Jewish and New Christian Letters.” Cultural Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Studies. University of Colorado Center for Humanities and Arts Translation Initiative. 1/2013 "Monstrous Technology: Flying in Medieval Iberian Literature," New Currents in Medieval Hispanic Studies MLA 2013

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10/2012* “La noche del exilio: Ecos de la poesía andalusi en la poesía Saharawi.” UT Austin Estrangement, Foreignness, Migration—Poetics for the 21st Century. 10/2012* “The Language of Belief: A 15th-Century Iberian account of the origins of language and culture.” University of Oregon. 11/2011* “Archiving the Sephardim.” Sephardic Studies Symposium. CUNY Graduate School. 5/2012 "Jewish Humanism in Iberian Courts" 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies panel: COURT CULTURE IN MEDIEVAL IBERIA I: Writing for Courts 4/2011* University of Chicago. Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop ”Michelle Hamilton on Dying in the Mediterranean.” 3/2011 “Narrating End Times: The Andalusi Legacy in the Early Modern Mediterranean." Renaissance Society of America. University of Toronto. 1/2011 “Dying in the Mediterranean: The Vernacular Dance of Death in Arabic, Hebrew, and Romance,” Michelle M. Hamilton, Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities 471. Preand Early Modern Literature in a Mediterranean Context. MLA Los Angeles. 2/2011 “Narrating Historical Grief: Muslim and Jewish Accounts of 1492,” 228. Narrating Heterodoxy. MLA Los Angeles. 2/2010* “The Fall of Muslim Granada and the Expulsion of the Jews” Plenary 16th Annual University of New Mexico Conference on Ibero-American Culture & Society. Moros, Moriscos, Marranos y Mestizos: Alterity, Hybridity, & Identity in Diaspora. 5/2010 “Identity and Death in a Hebrew aljamiado Version of the Danza de la muerte.” 13th Annual Mediterranean Studies Congress Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca, Spain 5/2010* La Corónica Annual Book Award Roundtable on David Wack’s Framing Iberia. Kalamazoo, MI. Session 230. The 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies. 02/2010* “Jewish Literature in 15th-century Spain” Center for Jewish Studies 20092010 Colloquium Series. Led by Michelle Hamilton.

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12/2009* “Plagues, Expulsions and Death in Medieval Iberia” Center for Medieval Studies. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. 12/2009 Sharing the Past: Memory and Commemoration in Aljamiado texts” MLA, Philadelphia, PA, Organized by the Division of Medieval Spanish Literature and Culture. Panel 444. The Matter and Practice of Memory in Medieval Iberian Literature. 3/2009 “The Politics of Marriage: Efer ve-Dina and the Jews of 15th-century Iberia” Renaissance Society of America. Panel: Desiring Difference: Gender and Ethnicity in Iberian Literature. Los Angeles, CA. 2/2009* “(Crypto) Jewish Community and Identity, and the Trials of the Inquisition in New Spain: Leonor de Carvajal.” Humanities Instructional Building 135 UCI Faculty Lecture Series in Jewish Studies inaugural talk. 1/2009. “Rodrigo, the Last Visigothic King, and the Politics of Guilt” Alternative Teleologies: The Mediterranean and the Modern World(s) Conference. UCSC Mediterranean Conference 12/2008 Participant on roundtable/Special Session on the Past as Political Coin. MLA Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. December 27, 2008. 11/2008* “Performing Faith: A Hebrew Aljamiado Version of La Danza general de la muerte.” University of Iowa. International Programs. 10/2008* "’The Fall of 'Spain’: The Problem of Muslims in medieval Iberia" Riggsby Lecture in Medieval Iberian History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 9/2008* “Confessional Politics in the Iberian Dance of Death” Institute for Signifying Scriptures. Claremont College. 5/2008 "Narratives of Seduction" International Congress of Medieval Studies. Sunday May 12, 2008. Kalamazoo, MI. 4/2008 “The Fall of Spain: 711 after 3/11” Medieval Academy Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia. 3/2008 “Sephardic Culture and Hispanic Studies” Diaspora and Return: Sephardic Jews Beyond Spain Sephardic Culture and History Conference at UCI 2/2008 “Castilian Conflict and Epic Arabs.” Heroes and Anti-Heroes El Cid conference. University of New Mexico. 11/2007* “Lost Children and the Kindness of Strangers: West Sahara, Spain and the Idea of the Periphery.” Spain’s Multicultural Legacies: A Symposium

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Commemorating Samuel G. Armistead’s Twenty-Fifth Year at the University of California, Davis. 10/2007 “The Playful Reader: Judeo-Andalusi Hermeneutics in the Libro de buen amor” Al-Andalus:Cultural Diffusion and Hybridity in Iberia(1000-1600) Conference. University of Wiscosnin, Madison. 5/2007 “’De Todos Instrumentos, Yo, Libro, so Pariente’: Juan Ruiz’s Musical Book and the Judeo-Iberian Manuscript Tradition.” The 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. 4/2007* “The Spectral Arab: Rodrigo and the Fall of Spain” Translating FaithSeminar convened by Elizabeth Allen,Department of English, University of California, Irvine. Group for the Study of Early Cultures. 3/2007 “The Semiviros: Halfmen between al-Andalus and Latin Christendom.” Medieval Association of the Pacific. University of California, Los Angeles. 1/2007* “Representing Others and Medieval Iberia” University of Michigan. Department of Romance Languages. 10/2006 “El libro musical de Juan Ruiz en el contexto de la tradición textual judeoespañola.” Historia, arte y cultura en el siglo XIV: Jornadas en torno al Libro de buen amor. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 9/2006 ‘“El nuestro padre Abram”: Shared Cultural Spaces in Fifteenth-Century Spanish Poetry’ First Colloquium on the Cultures of Christian and Islamic Iberia. University of Exeter. Exeter England. 8/2006 “The Poetry of Leonor de Carvajal and the Crypto-Jewish Tradition of New Spain.” 16th Annual Conference Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies. El Paso, TX. 5/2006 "Augustine, al-Andalus and the Archpriest of Hita" La Autobiografía en España Universidad de California Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, California. 4/2006* “Locating Celestina: Where She Comes From, Where She’s Been and Why We Love Her” University of New Mexico. Dusty Lust: Celestina in New Mexico. 5/2005 “La Celestina and the Judeo-Spanish Go-between Tradition.” Conference: The Conversos and Moriscos Within and Without Spain. Plasencia, Spain. 5/2005 “Eloquence or Communication: The ‘Arabiyya Movement of al-Andalus.” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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4/2005* “Ibn Daniyal y Juan Ruiz: ¿Seguidores de Ovidio?” Coloquio internacional: Venus Venerada: La literature erotica en España. New Del Amo Program. Davis, CA. 21-22 . 2/2005* “Final Acts: Women of Violence in Medieval Iberian Fiction.” “Women of Violence in the Medieval World” UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Annual Symposium. 9/2004* “Gender, Acculturation and the Go-Between in Medieval Iberia.” Gettysburg College. Pennsylvania. 12/2003 "The Judeo-Spanish Dance of Death: A Paraliturgical Text?" Medieval Literature and Ritual Performance session arranged by the Comparative Studies in Medieval Literature Division. MLA San Diego 6/2003 “Empowered Women: Medieval Iberian Go-betweens and their Victims.” Western Association of Women Historians. University of California, Berkeley. 5/2003 “The Dance of Death in the Judeo-Spanish Tradition” Conference in Honor of Américo Castro. University of California, Berkeley. 2/2003* “Women’s Worlds and Male Anxiety in the Medieval Spanish Go-between Tradition.” "Women's Works and Networks in the Middle Ages" UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Annual Symposium. 12/2002 “The Language of Death.” Sephardic Literature panel. MLA 2002. New York, 10/2002. “Judeo-Spanish and Iberian Culture in Translation: A Fifteenth-Century Aljamiado Manuscript.” Translation In/Of Historical Texts and Contexts Panel. “Translation and the Reproduction of Culture.” Western Humanities Alliance 21st Annual Conference. UC Irvine. 5/2002* "Language and Memory in the Sephardic Literary Heritage." Judaic Studies. University of California, San Diego. 4/2002. “A 15th-century Aljamiado Manuscript and its Readers.” The Culture of the Book Conference. University of California, Berkeley. 4/2002* “A 15th-century Aljamiado Manuscript and its Readers (Materiality and Faith)” Presentation delivered to Sigma Delta Pi students and faculty, University of California, Irvine. 2/2002. “Joseph ben Samuel Tsarfati’s "Tratado de Melibea y Calisto": A Sephardic Jew’s Reading of the Celestina in light of the Medieval Judeo-Spanish Gobetween Tradition.” 11th Annual University of New Mexico Conference on IberoAmerican Culture and Society: Texts and Pretexts. 12/2001. “Negotiating Cultural and Sexual Boundaries: The Medieval Go-between as the Outsiders’ Insider.” MLA 2001, New Orleans.

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4/2001. “Poetry and Desire: Sexual and Cultural Temptation in the Hebrew Maqama Tradition.” Wine, Women and Song: Hebrew and Arabic Poetry in Medieval Iberia. Berkeley, CA. presenter and organizer. 3/2001. “The Episode of Doña Endrina and the Pseudo-Ovidian Material and the JudeoSpanish Tradition.” Carolina Conference of Romance Literatures. Chapel Hill, NC. 12/2000. “Cultural Assimilation and Gender in Minhat Yehuda, Sone ha-nashim (The Gift of Yehuda, Enemy of Women) MLA 2000, Washington DC. 4/2000. “‘Last Forever, Oh Evening’: The Moroccan Wedding and the Sephardic Legacy” California Folklore Society 2000. Berkeley. 12/1999 “Virgins and Bawds: Celestina as Divine Punishment” MLA 1999, Rereading Celestina session. Program Arranged by the Division on Spanish Medieval Language and Literature. Chicago. 12/ 1999. “Tabiba or curandera: Celestina as marginalized healer” Southeastern Medieval Association Twenty Fifth Annual Meeting, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 9/1999 “Un nuevo testimonio de la Danza de la muerte” Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval VIII Congreso Internacional, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander. 3/1999. “The Dança de la muerte and Medieval Arab Shadow Theater: Judgement and Redemption” Twenty Sixth Annual Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, Sewanee, Tennessee. 3/1999. “La mora and the Rhetoric of Reconquest” Boston College Romance Language Conference. 2/1999 “The Virgin and the Bawd” Material Culture and Cultural Materialisms in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Fifth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, Tempe, Arizona. 12/1998 “The poetry of Leonor de Carvajal” MLA, Special Session on Crypto-Jewish Literature, San Francisco. 4/1997 “The figure of the Procuress in Medieval Arabic, Hebrew, and Ibero-Romance Literatures” Third Annual Berkeley Conference on Arabic Literature, University of California, Berkeley.


Panel Organizer: IMANA session: Medieval Iberia in the Mediterranean (cosponsored with the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies ASPHS). Session 352. 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies,

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Kalamazoo, Friday May 10, 2013 •

Conference, sole Organizer: The “Sephardic Jews Beyond Spain” conference. UC Irvine. March 7, 2008. Keynote speaker: Samuel G. Armistead. Cosponsored by Humanities Institute, the Office of the Vice Chancellor’s office of Research, Teller Chair in Jewish Studies.

Organized 3 events for Religious Studies at UCI. Fall 2007. Talk by Dwight Reynolds, “Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Musical Culture of Medieval Iberia” Nov. 2, 2007; Talk by Brian Catlos, “Western Islam, Latin Christendom and the Crusades: 'Civilizational Conflict' or Collateral Damage?”and screening of film, “Cities of Light.”

Organized Series of talks for Center for Middle East/Africa Studies. April 2-8, 2007. “A Thousand and One Tragedies;” “‘Las voces que rozan el alma’” and workshops (visit to Arabic class, community center appearance at Koos in Long Beach) with Saharan poet-activists, Zahra Hasnaoui and Bahia M. Awah.

Organizer: “Wine, Women and Song” Conference on topics in medieval Iberian literature. April 27-29, 2001. UC Berkeley. Speakers included Raymond Scheindlin (JTS) and Ross Brann (Cornell), as well as the leading Arabists, Hebraists and Hispanists in the UC system.

TEACHING AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Graduate courses: •

SPAN 5106 Medieval Iberian Literatures and Cultures: Literature of the Southern and Northern Contact Zone

SPAN 5106 Medieval Iberian Literatures and Cultures Fall 2013 Medieval Mestizos, Machines, and Magic in Iberian Literatures and Cultures. Lo mestizo, la tecnología y la magia en la literature y cultura medieval. SPAN 5106.

EMS 8500/SPAN 5106 Topics in Early Modern Studies. Fall 2011 Critical Currents and Canonical Texts. (Obras canónicas y corrientes literarias)

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SPPT 8930 Dissertation Workshop: Professionalization (sec 001) Spring 11/ SPPT 5930 Selected Topics in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultural Discourse Spring 2011 (“Professionalization: How to become a Spanish/Portuguese Professor and work in the American Academy”)

SPAN 5106 The Literature of the Reconquest and Feudal Spain (sec 001) Fall 09 Trauma and Conquest in the “Spanish” Middle Ages Spanish

SPAN 5970 Directed Readings Fall 2014 Spanish Paleography and Manuscript Epics Paleografía española y las épicas en manuscrito

SPAN 5970 Directed Readings Spring 2013 Codicology and paleography: Aljamiado mss in the Iberian Tradition. Codicología y paleografía: la tradición ibérica)

SPAN 5970 Directed Readings Spring 10 (Paleography, Codiciology and Diplomatics.) Undergraduate courses:

SPAN 1904 Topics: Freshman Seminar Fall 2014. Arab Spain: Then and Now Fall 2014.

JWST 3603/RELS 3719/SPAN 3603 Jews and Muslims in Medieval Iberia Fall 2014

SPAN 3972W Graduation Seminar Spring 2014 Senior Thesis/Graduate Seminar.

CLA 1200/HIST 1102/3102/3900/MEST 1002/3002 Medieval Tales and their Modern Echoes Spring 2014 (co-taught with Ruth Karras, History)

SPAN 3510 Issues in Hispanic Cultures Spring 2013 Medieval Technology

SPAN 3510 Issues in Hispanic Cultures Fall 2012 "The Arts of Intimacy: Las culturas de la España medieval."

SPAN 3910 Topics in Spanish Peninsular Literature: Medieval Technologies Spring 11 (Las tecnologías medievales)

Michelle M. Hamilton 15 •

MEST 1200/ MEST/CLA 1200 HIST 3960 Topics Spring 2012 (Medieval Narratives in the Modern World) Co-taught with Ruth Karras, History UMN

SPAN 3510 Issues in Hispanic Cultures Fall 10 Telling Tales in the Iberian Tradition (Contando cuentos en la tradición ibérica: in Hispanic Cultures)

SPAN 3910 Topics in Spanish Peninsular Literature: Spanish Orientalism El arabismo español/ Spanish Orientalism

SPAN 3104W Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literatures (sec 005) Spring 10 Introduction to Literary Analysis

Collaborative Efforts and Activities •

Span 3603 Jews and Muslims in Medieval Iberia (Fall 2014), cross-listed with Jewish Studies and Religious Studies. Fulfills requirements for both programs.

Co-taught MEST 1200/3200; HIST 1100/3100?? Medieval Tales and their Modern Echoes with Ruth Mazo Karras (spring 2012; spring 2014). Course outside of my dept.

“Medieval Narratives in the Modern World” (Co-taught with Ruth Karras, History UMN) MEST/CLA 1200 HIST 3960. Interdisciplinary course.

University of California, Irvine Graduate courses: • • • •

• •

Span 290. Directed Readings on Hebrew Poetry and Maqamat of Medieval Iberia. Span. 212. “La ‘perdida’ de España” (The Loss of Spain). Span. 239A. Teorías de la traducción en el mundo ibérico. The Translation of Knowledge. Span. 212. The Power of Love: Erotic Literature in Arab, Provençal and Castilian Courts. Span. 212. La Otra Edad Media: el caso de Iberia. Span. 212. “Literature of the Religious Minorities of Medieval Iberia.”

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Span. 210. “Literatura medieval: obras ‘canónicas’ y corrientes críticas (Medieval Literature: Canonical Works and Critical Movements).”

Undergraduate courses:

Spanish 101A. “Iberian Literature: Origins to the Present” European Studies Hum 101A; Global Studies 103B (Spanish 150). “Europe and the Nation (711-1789).” Religious Studies 5A. “Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, Islam.”

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Uni Stu. 3: “Spanish Culture in California.” Span 44. “Telling Tales in Spanish Literature.” ; Spanish 150. Immigration and Trauma in the Iberian World.

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Span. 110A. Medieval Iberia. Comp. Lit. 103/Span. 150. “Women, Beauty, and Sex in Medieval Iberian Letters.” Span. 100A. “Medieval & Early Modern Spanish Literature.”

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Span. 116. “La literatura medieval de la Península Ibérica (Medieval Literature of the Iberian Peninsula.”) Univ. Stud. Medieval Iberia: Al-Andalus. Univ. Stu. 3. “Al-Andalus: The Example of Medieval Islamic Spain.”

Span. 110. “Medieval Iberia: España de las tres culturas (Tricultural Spain)”

Humanities Core. “Nation and Empire.”

Collaborative Efforts and Activities •

European Studies Hum 101A; Global Studies 103B (Spanish 150). “Europe and the Nation (711-1789).” Mentored graduate student, Nico Parmley as coteacher. Involved him in syllabus development, selection of readings, lectures, activities, etc. (Winter 2009)

European Studies Hum 101A; Global Studies 103B. course outside of my dept. requirement for European Studies majors/minors.

Religious Studies 5A. “Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, Islam.”. course outside of my dept. requirement for Religious Studies majors/minors.

Graduate Advising

Michelle M. Hamilton 17

Doctoral Dissertations Directed: 3 Doctoral Dissertation Committees: 9 Doctoral Exams: 13 Doctoral Committees Served on: 7 Master’s Exams: 12 Visiting Scholars Hosted (UMN) • • • • • • • • • • • •

Marion Vaugnaoux U Freiborg 4/2015 John Dagenais UCLA 3/2015 Samer Ali U Michigan 11/2014 Bahia Awah (University Autónoma de Madrid) 4/2014 Aminetu Haidar Saharan Human Rights Activist 4/2/2014 Limam Boicha Saharan Poet. 4/2014 Barbara Fuchs (UCLA) 9/2013 Stacey Beckwith (Carleton College) 2/9/12

Dwight Reynolds (UC Santa Barbara) 9/2012 Ross Brann (Cornell) 11/2011 Simone Pinet (Cornell) 4/2011 Denise Filios (U Iowa) 9/2011