upon request to individuals with disabilities ... On the Job Training (OJT) ...
Internet Job Searching. - Preparing for Job. Interviews. - Cover Letters & Thank
You. Letters. • Find and apply for jobs. • Explore career options. • Write resumes
and ...
Job Seeker Services South Boston Workforce Center
Our Vision To promote maximum employment opportunities that will support local and regional economic development. 2506 Houghton Avenue South Boston, VA 24592 Center (434) 572-8064 Mike King (434) 572-4467 Andy Bryant (434) 572-8052 Center Hours
Our Mission To develop and promote a well trained, well educated, highly skilled workforce that fulfills the needs of the local employers and fosters economic development and stability in Halifax County and Area VIII.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities
The South Boston Workforce Center provides a comprehensive
South Boston Workforce Center Partners
One-Stop Resource Room equipped with computer work stations with Internet access, fax services, phone, copy machines and printers.
offer free services to
Discover the possibilities!
Job Seekers!
Assistance with obtaining GED and career readiness certificates Education and assistance for Youth, Adults and Dislocated Workers Assistance with barriers to employment through medical and physical restoration Workshops tailored to job seeker needs:
Employment Services
The Virginia Workforce Connection (VWC) is your Virtual One-Stop for job seeking!
Find and apply for jobs
Explore career options
Write resumes and cover letters
Priority service for Veterans
Referrals to jobs, economic and labor market information, job listings, unemployment insurance, and veteran services
- Resume Writing
Counseling, training and job placement assistance for clients with disabilities
- Internet Job Searching
- Preparing for Job Interviews - Cover Letters & Thank You Letters
Employment and training services for individuals age 55 and over
Broaden your skills through On the Job Training (OJT)