The Customer Conversation Hub fully integrates advanced content sourcing and data ... in your call center can quickly id
solution brief
Customer Conversation Hub Customer Communication Informed By Insight The Message Systems Customer Conversation Hub is an intelligent customer engagement solution that connects your data sources, business processes and applications with powerful two-way messaging capabilities, so you can coordinate customer interactions across business units and multiple messaging formats. The Hub provides all the capabilities needed to initiate and sustain the kinds of real-time, conversation-style interactions that customers increasingly demand in today’s communication environment.
“The kind of customerfocused integrated messaging capability Message Systems provides represents a real advance in customer engagement technology, and will certainly help XING to connect more effectively with our highly mobile, smartphoneequipped members.” Holger Bürger Director of Site Operations XING
Support Two-Way Dialogue With Your Customers
As consumers continue to embrace smartphones and other mobile devices, messaging in all its forms is becoming the preferred medium for more and more business processes and customer interactions. What’s changing is that individuals want the option to respond, they expect to have control over the conversation whether it’s happening in email, text, IM or other message channel. So, by more closely serving customer expectations — their communications needs and preferences — businesses can foster engagement and build stronger customer relationships. Companies that can make this leap, and master the new conversational communications style, will benefit through far more engaged customers, and healthier revenue streams. The Customer Conversation Hub from Message Systems provides the full range of email and text messaging capabilities you need to support more engaging conversation-style interactions. Customer data + Intelligent Messaging = Customer Engagement
With the Customer Conversation Hub from Message Systems, you can carry on two-way interactions with your customers across email, text and other channels based on a set of characteristics that foster conversation. Individualized: One-to-one communications where relevant, preferencedriven messaging creates a tighter bond between business and customer. Real Time: In-the-moment communications where the message and response, action and reaction occur right now. Interactive: Two-way communications where active dialogue (not passive monologue) is the key to engagement; the ability to respond and extend the conversation is just as important as the initial message. Cross-Channel: The ability for customers to use multiple channels (email, text, IM, etc.) and fluidly move between them; where channel choice, brand consistency and coordinated messaging truly matter. Converged: Blended communications where message types blur (marketing, service, customer care) and channels become incidental as an interaction that begins in one division or department progresses to another.
Integrate any number of data sources across business units to support preference-driven conversations with your customers in any message format: email, text and more.
Blast Through the Limits The way people communicate with one another today is radically different from the way they communicated just a few years ago. Smartphones, tablet PCs, social media and the mobile Internet all empower individuals with new ways to connect with each other that are faster, easier and more convenient. These trends are impacting business to consumer interactions too because today’s customers:
Rely on mobile devices to interact across channels — email, text, IM and more. Control the conversation with brands more than ever. Become disengaged when conversations get interrupted. Individual-to-individual communication is changing fast, but business-to-consumer communication hasn’t quite kept pace. Where consumers increasingly expect twoway dialogue through the full range of messaging channels, most enterprises still view customer communication largely in terms of one-way mass email marketing. It’s not that marketers and line of business owners don’t understand that a big chunk of their customer interactions are now happening through smartphones and tablets — they do, of course. However, most businesses still rely on systems, software and strategies designed for interacting with customers primarily (or exclusively) via email and wired-Internet desktop PCs. The Core Capabilities for Engaging Customers in Conversation
The Customer Conversation Hub is a powerful on-premise software solution that integrates all the key sending and delivering capabilities needed for intelligent two-way messaging.
1. Messaging Engine With its powerful messaging engine, the Hub makes it possible to control cross-channel communications from a unified interface, and integrate the full range of digital messaging streams — email, SMS/MMS text and more — with existing solutions, data sources and business processes. It enables businesses to: • Reach out to and interact with customers through the message channel they prefer at any given time. • Manage two-way messaging across multiple business divisions and channels. • Orchestrate message-based conversations using real-time data to ensure rich, relevant context.
2. Message Origination The Customer Conversation Hub fully integrates advanced content sourcing and data management capabilities, making it the single, unified origination point for the full range of your customer messaging initiatives: one-off promotions, triggered transactional alerts, marketing campaigns, data-driven lifecycle programs and more. You can use the Hub to manage programs and campaigns, or one-off alerts and triggered notifications to confirm online sales or password resets or similar customer interactions.
No other messaging solution can match our combination of speed, volume, flexibility and extensibility.
• Simple web interface enables you to fine-tune all aspects of your message-based customer communications. • Dynamic templates and personalization capabilities give you full control over your message content. • Customizable scheduling lets you set up one-off messaging, recurring publications, event-triggered alerts or any combination. • Rich reporting features give you full insight into sends / bounces / opens / clicks and other metrics, and you can export data into any analytics application. • Customer data and preferences can be integrated to produce personalized content for individual messages.
3. Intelligent Visibility The Customer Conversation Hub gives you clear visibility into all your messaging streams, a very important capability for supporting and maintaining conversation-style interactions with your customers. Message-stream introspection is such a valuable feature because it enables you to quickly identify and resolve any kind of message-oriented problem that can interrupt the conversation, such as a bounced or missing email or an undelivered text message. The difference here is that with its web-based interface and fast search capabilities, the Customer Conversation Hub empowers you with precise insight into the origination, delivery and disposition of your email and text messages. You can resolve messaging problems and get the customer conversation back on track faster than ever before.
What’s in the Customer Conversation Hub: Everything you need to ensure engagement
Rules-based, real-time management of messages
Message creation and origination
Customer preference driven interactions
Safe, secure messaging
Actionable insight and results reporting
Cross-channel message delivery and transformation (email to text and back)
“ One of our big goals is to raise customer satisfaction, and I have to say, the Message Systems team has come through and really responded. I think it’s a true partnership.” Ed Weber, IT Director US Airways
Optimized Indexing and Intuitive Search
With conventional messaging infrastructure, any kind of delivery problem needed to be addressed and fixed by the IT team or systems operations people — and it was not really the core focus of their jobs. So issue-resolution was slow, unwieldy and expensive. With the Customer Conversation Hub, your IT people no longer have to get involved in messaging problems, because powerful search features mean that customer care reps in your call center can quickly identify and resolve any kind of issue. In fact, since your customer team has all the information they need to respond to any email or text issue, they can usually solve problems in real-time while a call is underway. Simply pull up messages by type, or across a date range, or search on a customer’s email address or phone number — it’s easy to access information about individual messages or specific topics, and determine if a message has been delivered, blocked, bounced or misdirected, and then easily regenerate or resend messages when needed. Safe, Secure Messaging
Create a safe, secure messaging environment for customers and partners by implementing industry best practices for reputation management and security with DKIM and SPF authentication, the emerging DMARC standard, and other techniques for safeguarding both your inbound and outbound messaging streams. The Customer Conversation Hub natively supports industry security protocols and identity standards, and integrates with other service providers to create an ecosystem that instills customer confidence, so digital communication and commerce can flourish. With the Hub, you can: • Maintain Higher Quality of Service. Set and maintain service levels that assure customers of your commitment to security, and provide competitive differentiation that enhances your brand.
About Message Systems Message Systems solutions power many of the world’s largest, most complex email, text and cross-channel messaging operations. Our solutions enable companies to integrate messaging with any number of data sources and applications in order to orchestrate real-time two-way customer interactions through any messaging stream. The result is more effective customer communication that boosts engagement, drives down costs, increases revenue and builds closer relationships. Founded in 1997, Message Systems is headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, and maintains offices around the globe. World-class brands that rely on Message Systems solutions include Facebook, PayPal, US Airways,, Angie’s List, Yesmail and many Fortune 500 leaders in banking, consumer technology and telecommunications.
• Implement More Effective Policy Enforcement. Apply policies for message security, privacy, data handling and brand guidelines through a centralized solution. • Protect messages, both incoming and outgoing. Deter potential threats from inside the organization — such as a PC taken over by a zombie virus that begins spewing spam under your brand name — that can do as much damage as outside threats. Unlock the Value of Clearer Conversations
Wherever the business-to-consumer conversation can benefit from more immediacy, greater relevance, and sharper insight, Message Systems can provide measurable value in addressing many of today’s most pressing customer communication challenges. Innovative brands like Facebook, PayPal, US Airways, and Angie’s List invest in Message Systems technology precisely because our Customer Conversation Hub helps to improve operations and deliver more engaging customer experiences. Contact us today and learn more about how your company can use Message Systems technology to boost customer satisfaction, improve messaging program results and open up new revenue streams.
Call Message Systems today toll-free at 877-887-3031 or learn more at
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