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in Climatology from the University of Nairobi and has a long teaching experience at the. University level ... Advanced Climatology (MSc/M.A Students). 2. Applied ...
CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. ISAIAH ANG’RO NYANDEGA (PH.D, M.A., B.A., UON) Dr. Isaiah Angíro Nyandega, a lecturer at the University of Nairobi, holds Ph.D degree in Climatology from the University of Nairobi and has a long teaching experience at the University level as well as in training of personnel from other organisations spanning over 20 years. He has participated in training staff from the UNEP/Sudan National Drought and Disaster Unit (1994), South Sudan Government Education Upgrade World Bank/Government of South Sudan project in Maridi (2011), Museum of Kenya, Kemri/JICA doctors in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Public health, and Staff from the department of geography & environmental studies at the University of Nairobi in Remote Sensing and GIS. The research activities have been focused on drought (occurrence, frequency, persistence and impacts) especially in the boundary areas between the crop zones and the arid lands of Kenya. a) PERSONAL DETAILS a) Name:

Nyandega, Isaiah Ang'iro

b) Nationality:


c) Occupation:

Lecturer in Geography, Department of Geography & Environmental studies, University of Nairobi.

d) Contact Office Address: Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya. e) Mobile Telephone: +254-738278588/722278588 f) E-mail: [email protected] /[email protected]



Degree Certificates: 1. PhD in Climatology – 2009 (University of Nairobi) 2. Master of Arts in Geography - 1990 (University of Nairobi) 3. Bachelor of Arts (Geography Major) - 1987 (University of Nairobi)


Other Certificates: i. UNCRD Certificate in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) 1994 (Windhoek, Namibia). ii. UN/Sida Certificate in Remote Sensing and GIS Education for Educators, Stockholm University, 1997 (Stockholm, Sweden). iii. Certificate in Pedagogy, University of Nairobi, 2005 iv. Certificate in GIS Applications in Environmental Monitoring in the Taita Hills. Regional Centre for Mapping Resources for


Development/Department of Geography Helsinki University, 2006 v. Certificate of in Water Resource Capacity Building and Surface Water Modelling. Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa ( US Army Corps of Engineers/NAVFAC) /Minstry of Water Kenya/University of Nairobi, 2008


DUTIES AS AN ACADEMIC STAFF, DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI a) Teaching Responsibilities: 1. Advanced Climatology (MSc/M.A Students) 2. Applied Climatology (BSc/BA 4th Year Srudents) 3. Quantitative Techniques for Field Work (All Years of Study at undergraduate Level). 4. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (In Geography, Veterinary Medicine and Zoology Departments). 5. Advanced Quantitative Techniques, GIS and Computer Applications in Geography (Postgraduate students: Geography, Agronomy, and Marine Biology). 6. GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Management and Planning (MSc/MA Post graduate Course) 7. Remote Sensing and GIS in Wildlife management (undergraduate course for Wildlife students in veterinary medicine). 8. GIS and Remote sensing in Environmental Agronomy (Post-graduate course in agronomy) b) Research Supervision: Thesis and Dissertation at PhD, Master and undergraduate, levels c) Training: GIS, Remote Sensing and Computer Applications for both academic and non-academic staff (Technologists and Cartographers) in the Department d) Other Duties:  In charge of the Remote Sensing and GIS Training laboratory

4. POST GRADUATE SUPERVISIONS i) Current PhD Supervisions 1) Chikomo, T., 2010-: Local Knowledge in Developing Environmental Indicators for Management of Wetlands in Kenya. A PhD Thesis project (Preliminary Draft submitted). Co-Spuervisor: Dr. Francis Mwaura 2) Inkani, A.I., 2012-: Household’s Vulnerability and Adaptation to Water Scarcity in Rural Areas of Katsina State, Nigeria. A PhD Thesis project (Data collection Stage). Co-Supervisor: Professor George Krohda 3) Wambugu, G.M., 2013-: Land Use Implications on Water Quality and Environmental Health on the Upper Catchment of Ruiru and Ndarugu Rivers, Kiambu County. A PhD Thesis Project (Proposal Writing)


ii) M.A., M.Ed and M.Sc Thesis and Project Supervisions 1) Gichuhi, M.W., 2002: The Assessment of the Impact of Anthropologic Activities on the Migratory Corridors of Nairobi National Park: A Geographical Information Systems Approach. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 2) Ouna, T., 2003: The Influence of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Hydrological Response: A case study of the Nyando Basin. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 3) Kaburu, H.M., 2004: Evaluation of the Environmantal Impacts of the Changing Land Use Systems from Pastoralism to Crop Production: A case study of Katilu Division, Turkana. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 4) Murugu, R.W., 2004: Review of the Impacts of Tea Development on the Forest Cover in Parts of Eastern Aberdares Region. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 5) Shivachi, J.U., 2005: Effects of Land Use Change on the Soil Physical Properties and Stream Flow for Bathi Catchment in Lari Division, Kiambu District. An M.Sc in Climatolgy Thesis 6) Ikawa, J.V., 2006: The Dispersion, Attitudes and Control of Domestic Biodiversity in Urban Nairobi: A GIS Project 7) Ojwang, I., 2009: Spatial Analysis of Informal Settlement Sprawl and its Environmental Impact: A case study of Kibera. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 8) Walubwa, J., 2010: Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme: An Analysis of Kibera Integrated Water, Sanitation and Waste Management Project. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 9) Kalungi, P., 2010: The Use of Geographical Information Systems in Early Warning in Food Production and Food Crisis: A case study of Fod Production Crisis in the North Rift of Kenya. An M.Ed in Project Management thesis. 10) Mwangi, J.P.I., 2011: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in Kenya: Case study of Photovoltaic Technology in Lake Bogoria Catchment. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 11) Okoth, K. G., 2011: Potential Response of Tea Production to Climate Change in Kericho County. An M.A. in Climatology project 12) Wabwire, E.O., 2011: Rainfall Variability and Its Impact on Tea Production in Nandi and Vihiga Counties. An M.A. in Climatology project 13) Kamau, J.W., 2011: An Evaluation of the Integration Status for Climate Change Adaptation within the Environmental Impact Assessment Studies in Kenya. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project 14) Wanyonyi, T.N., 2012: Factors Affecting the Quality of Education in Day Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case study of Schools in Bungoma North District, Bungoma County. An M.Ed in Test and Measurement Thesis






Opondoh, J.A. M., 2012: Factors that Influence Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Performance in Public Secondary Schools: A case study of Nairobi East Districts. An M.Ed in Test and Measurement Thesis Sang’ori, R. O. A., 2012: Adoption of Hydroform-Interlocking Technology and Its Impacts on Environment in Nakuru County. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project Ayuyo, I.O., 2012: Geospatial Analysis of Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Mau Forest Complex of Kenya. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project Igunza, A.A., 2012: The Impact of Green Buildings in Climate Change Mitigation: An Investigative Study of some Selected Buildings in Westlands, Nairobi County. An M.A. in Environmental Planning and Management Project

5. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Academic Research: i) December 2009: A Ph.D. Research Project entitled "Drought Frequencies, Persistence, and Impact in the Upper Tana Catchment: An Integrated Analysis". The Ph.D. study programme sponsored by German Education Exchange Services (DAAD) ii) September 2007: Effects of Massification on Higher Education in Africa: The Case of University of Nairobi, Kenya by P.O. Digolo, G.O. Magoha, J.O. Origa, P.A. Odundo, and I.A. Nyandega iii) 1989-1990: An M.A. Thesis Research Project entitled "Assessment and Characterization of Drought Occurrence in the Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya: A Case Study of West Kenya". iii) 1987: A B.A. Dissertation Project entitled "The Use of Water Balance Approach in Choosing the Growing Seasons for Maize and Sorghum in South Nyanza District". 6. RESEARCH CONSULTANCIES GIS and Climate consultant in REDPLAN Consultants project on “Integrated Rehabilitation of Degraded Sites on Lake Naivasha Water Catchment Area; LADA NAIVASHA” October 2011 Data design and Analysis in Climate change impact on Malaria and cholera occurrences in West Kenya; Kisumu and Kericho case studies. Africa Academy of Sciences project, 2003GIS consultant in REDPLAN Consultants project on “Assessment of Degraded Lands (LADA) and Development of Recommendation on Reclamation in the Tana and Ewaso Nyiro North River Basins”, May 2011 Training Consultant in Juba University/University of Nairobi Education Upgrade World Bank/Government of South Sudan project in Maridi, January-March,2011 Principal Consultant in Kenya Red Cross Society Malindi Branch and Swedish Red Cross South East Twinning Cooperation Evaluation;2004


Resource Person in Quantitative Techniques in Research: OSREA Workshop on Research methods (Quantitative data analysis), Lenana Mount Hotel, Nairobi, November-December, 2004. GIS database Design and socio-economic data analysis, AIACC project on malaria and cholera in East Africa, 2003 GIS Database administrator and GIS analyst: Nairobi Security project (NASP). IFRA (K) project, 2003 Database administrator and GIS analyst: Nairobi Urban Integrated Project (NuRIP). Faculty of Arts/IFRA project, 2001Data administrator and Data analyst: FITCA (K) Livestock Census Survey in Teso and Busia District of Kenya, 2001 Data Analyst. FITCA (K) Socio-Economic Survey in the Tsetse Infested Livestock Areas of Kenya; b) 2001 Data Analyst. A Survey of The Impact of The Kenya-Finland Livestock Development Programme Initiative; 2001 Data Analyst: Ministry of Health - Division of Family Health Research Project on Youth and Health in Machakos District. The terms of reference involved data editing; data coding; data entry; database management; data analysis; data interpretation; and preliminary report writing, 1996 Resource Person in Statistical Computer Packages: IDRC/Kenyatta University Workshop on Computer Applications in Educational Research, Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi, October 1995. Resource Person in GIS and Computer Applications in Drought and Disaster Management: UNEP/Sudan (NDDU) Training Programme, 1994 Computer Consultant: CompuTech, Nairobi, and Nairobi Laboratory For Remote Sensing (NALARES), Nairobi, 1994-95

7. a) b) c)



DISSERTATION, THESES AND ACADEMIC PAPERS Topo-Climatology (Book Review) - African Urban Quarterly Vol. 6 of 1992. Urban Climatology in Africa - WMO, 1992., WMO/TD-No. 509. The Use of Water Balance Approach In choosing the Growing Seasons for Maize and Sorghum in South Nyanza District (Unpublished B.A. Dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Nairobi). Assessment and Characterization of Drought Occurrence in the Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya: A Case Study of West Kenya (Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Nairobi). Drought Frequencies, Persistence, and Impact in the Upper Tana Catchment: An Integrated Analysis. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, 2009




P.O. BOX 30197, TEL 334244 EXT 28016, NAIROBI, KENYA.

The Information is true and correct to the Best of my Knowledge as at the time of this document preparation. Any error or omission that may occur in this document is my responsibility. Yours,

Dr. Isaiah Ang’iro Nyandega,