stitutional Court”), published in “Le Società” n. 1/2005, IPSOA, Milan;. - Article: “
Ammissibile la domanda riconvenzionale nel procedimento sommario di.
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Born on March 3, 1973, in Gardone V.T. – Brescia (IT)
EDUCATION - 1996, J.D. in Law at University of Pavia, Italy (110/110); - 1996, English for law master at University of St. Andrews (Scotland - UK) - 2000, Master in European Community Law organised by Consiglio Nazionale Forense (Italian Bar Association) in Rome, LUISS University. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE - Admitted at the Brescia Bar Association since 26/07/1999; - Associate at Tullio Castelli Law Firm, Brescia, Italy, from 01/09/1999 to 31/01/2006; - Founding partner of Senini Law Firm since 01/02/2006;
PUBLICATIONS - Cooperation in doctrine and jurisprudence research in: ROMANO – PARROTTA – LIZZA: “Il diritto ad un giusto processo tra Corte internazionale e Corti nazionali. L’equa riparazione dopo la legge Pinto” (“The right to a fair trial between International Court and National Courts”) – ed. Giuffrè COSA & COME, 2002; - Article: “Profili impositivi del trust: note alla sentenza della Commissione Tributaria Regionale di Venezia n° 104/19/02” (“Trust tax imposition: note to the decision of the Tax Law Regional Commission of Venice n. 104/19/02”), published in “Trusts e attività fiduciarie” n. 3/2003, IPSOA, Milan; - Author of “Il nuovo processo societario, bancario e finanziario” (“The new procedure law on company, banking and financial litigation”), ed. Giappichelli, Torino 2004; - Article: “Il processo ordinario di cognizione in materia societaria al vaglio della Consulta” (“The company ordinary civil procedure under examination by the Costitutional Court”), published in “Le Società” n. 1/2005, IPSOA, Milan; - Article: “Ammissibile la domanda riconvenzionale nel procedimento sommario di cognizione” (“Admissibility of the counterclaim in the summary cognizance procedure”), published in “Le Società”, n. 5/2005, IPSOA, Milan. - Commentary to articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13 of the Republic of San Marino law 17 March 2005 n. 37 on trust, in “Fiducia e trust” n. 11/2005, enclosed to “Il Fisco”, n. 28 of 11 July 2005 - Article: “Impignorabilità dei beni del trust fund da parte dei creditori del disponente. Nota a Trib. di Brescia 12/10/2004 n. 4185” (“Unseizure of goods of trust fund by the creditors of the settlor. Note to Trib. of Brescia, 12/10/2004, n. 4185”), in “Trusts e attività fiduciarie” n. 2/2005, IPSOA, Milan; - Article: “La proposizione dell’istanza di fissazione dell’udienza nel processo con pluralità di parti. Profili di inammissibilità e di inefficacia” (“Hearing scheduling in the multi-party trial. Aspects of inadmissibility and inefficacy”), published in “Le Società” n. 8/2005, IPSOA, Milan; - Article: “Le notificazioni a mezzo fax e posta elettronica nel processo societario” (“Service by fax and e-mail in the company law trial procedure”), published in “Le Società” n. 1/2006, IPSOA, Milan; - Article: “Inammissibile il controllo ex art. 2409 c.c. nelle società a responsabilità limitata” (“Inadmissibility of the complaint as per art. 2409 of the code of civil procedure in private limited companies”), published in Le Società, IPSOA, n. 4/2006; - Article: “La nuova legislazione di San Marino sui trust” (“The new trust law of the
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n. 3/2006; - Article: “Validità delle clausole compromissorie contenute negli statuti di società di capitali e regime transitorio” (“Validity of arbitration clauses in private limited share companies”), published in Le Società, IPSOA, n. 6/2006; - Article: “Corte Costituzionale: nessun eccesso di delega per il giudizio abbreviato” (“Constitutional Court: no misuse of proxy in the abbreviate trial”), published in Le Società, IPSOA, n. 7/2007; - Article: “Le opportunità di ingresso nel mercato indiano e la disciplina degli investimenti stranieri in India” (“Business opportunities in the Indian market and how to invest in India”), published in Commercio Internazionale, IPSOA n. 1516/2007; - Article: “Bocciata la ficta confessio nel rito societario: è eccesso di delega”(Nonadmissibility of Ficta Confessio in the company law trial procedure: it goes beyond the lines), in Le Società, IPSOA, n. 4/2008; - Article: “I sistemi di certificazione della sicurezza e della qualità dei prodotti in India” (Products’ Quality and Security Check Certification in India), in Commercio Internazionale, IPSOA, n. 8/2008; - Author of the Book: “Il rito societario. Casi, problemi e soluzioni” (The company law procedure: case law, problems and solutions) - IPSOA, 2008; - Contribution in Alpa, Conte, Perfetti, Graf von Westphalen (edited by): “The proposed Common European Sales Law—the lawyers’ view” on “Requiring and withholding performance, termination and price reduction—The CESL compared to the Vienna sales Convention”, Munich, 2012; - Author of WorldCom on Vietnam, edited by IPSOA on-line, updated every 6 months. Author of various articles published on-line on “Quotidiano Giuridico” of IPSOA Wolters Kluwer. LECTURES 2002, July 10 - Head of the Congress: “La giurisprudenza delle Corti d’Appello italiane sulla Legge Pinto” (“Jurisprudence of Italian Courts of Appeal about Pinto Law”), Brescia; - 2002, Speaker at the Congress: “Il trust lussemburghese: novità e prassi applicativa societaria” (“Luxembourg Trust: news and practice in companies”), with presentation on: “L’istituto del trust nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano” (“Trust in Italian legislation”), Brescia; - 2004, November 12 - Speaker at the Congress “Trustees and their trusts”; Milan; - 2005, November 30 - Speaker at the Congress: “Trust for companies”, Brescia; - 2005, December 2 - Speaker at the Congress “Riforma del diritto societario: regolamentazione e controllo nelle società di capitali. Il nuovo processo” (“Company law reform: regulation and auditing in share companies. The new trial”), Pavia, Ghislieri College; - 2006, February 25- March 3 - Speaker at the congress “International civil litigation and the USA” organised by UIA (Union Internationale des avocats) in cooperation with the section of litigation of the American Bar association, , on “Competence with respect to the nature of the case and the type of relief”, Breckenridge, Colorado, U.S.A.; - 2006, September 14, Speaker at the congress: “The Indian market: problems related to intellectual property protection. Legal and tax aspects of foreign investments in India”, Vicenza, Italy; - 2006, October 30- November 3, Speaker at the 50th UIA Congress, “Dealing with and managing mass litigation in all jurisdictions”, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. - 2007, February 14 – Speaker at the 2nd Winter Seminar UIA – Representations and
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- 2007, June 22nd, Speaker at the XXVII GIFASP-Assografici National Congress, “Investment opportunities for the internationalization of companies in India”, Acaya (Lecce); - 2007, November 2: Speaker at the 51st UIA Congress on “The tracing and freezing of assets in aid of litigation” – Hotel Méridien Montparnasse- Paris, France; - 2008, February 24, Speaker at the 3rd UIA Winter Seminar on “Claims Management, Torts and Litigation of Claims. Current developments and the International Context” – Vail, Colorado – U.S.A.; - 2008, March 14: Speaker at the congress: “Doing business abroad. Alternative ways of internationalization: cooperation agreements, partnership agreements with foreign companies, foreign direct investments”, Chamber of Commerce of Brescia, Italy; - 2008, May 28, Speaker at the workshop “Initiatives in support to internationalization in the emerging Countries: Brazil, China, India, Russia, Turkey and South Africa”, Congress Center, Rimini, Italy; - 2008, June 21, Speaker at the workshop: “Customs procedures in India”, International Institute of Research, Milan, Italy; - 2008, September 12, Speaker at the workshop; “Choosing the right market: China and India”, Chamber of Commerce of Brescia, Italy; - 2008, October 30, Speaker at the 52nd UIA Congress on “Red-flags, pitfalls and concerns in financing a corporate group: the subsidiaries and the banker’s view”, Bucharest, Romania; - 2008, October 30, Speaker at the 52nd UIA Congress on “Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in Italy”, Bucharest, Romania; - 2008, November 14 and 26, Speaker at the workshop: “India: challenges and opportunities for SMEs in the mechanical sector”, Italian Trade Commission, Florence and Turin, Italy; - 2008, November 21, Speaker at the congress: “The recognition of trusts by the Italian jurisprudence”, Foundation for Law and Economic Studies, Brescia, Italy; - 2009, January 30, “Doing business abroad. Alternative ways of internationalization: cooperation agreements, partnership agreements with foreign companies, foreign direct investments”, Chamber of Commerce of Brescia, Italy; - 2009, March 3, Speaker at the Congress “Rescue of Companies: M&A, Insolvency and Litigation Aspects in the International Context”, St. Christoph, Austria; - 2009, September 11 – Seminar for clients: “New Italian regulations on “Made In”. Problems related to labelling and intellectual property rights as opposed to European Regulations” – hosted by Studio Legale Senini Law Firm; - 2009, October 17 – Speaker at the 6th Global Justice Forum: “The Pirate Bay Case. Infringement of copyright” - Columbia University Law School, New York, NY (U.S.A.); - 2010, Lecturer for CESTEC (NGO Organization owned by the Lombardy Region aimed at promoting internationalization of SMEs) on internationalization, customs law, intellectual property, international payments and international disputes’ resolution. 2010, November 2, Speaker at the 54th UIA Congress – Litigation Commission – “The Mediaset v. Google Case: liability of ISPs for Breach of Copyright” – Istanbul, Turkey. - 2011, February 19 – Speaker at the Seminar jointly organized by the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) and the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) on “Cyberspace Usage – Challenges and Dispute Resolutions” on the topic: “Internet Service Providers’ Liability for Breach of Copyright” – Kochi, India; - 2011, February 28, Speaker at the UIA 6th Winter Seminar on “Shareholders’ agreements. Transactional and Litigation Risks” on the panel: “Terms that lead to lawsuit” – St. Moritz, Switzerland; - 2011, May 6, Speaker at the UIA Seminar “ Investments in Africa”, on the topic: “Most frequent difficulties that foreign investors face when investing in Africa”,
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Luanda, Angola; - 2012, 27-28 September— Speaker at the joint World Bank—UIA—Kurdish Bar Association seminar: “Client– attorney relationship and professional relationship between lawyers”, Erbil—Autonomous Region of Kurdistan, Iraq.
Lecturer in various in-house training courses for managers on European Union Customs Law and International Contract Law.
LANGUAGES: Italian, English, German, French. Learning Chinese (basic level).
MISCELLANEOUS: - UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats) Member since 2005—President of the European Union Law Commission; - Member of the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Italy since 2006; - Expert member for Italy of the Company Law Committee and Private International Law of the CCBE (Conseil des Barreaux Europeennes), Brussels, Belgium.