27 Mar 2012 ... Gupta RC & Randerath K. Structural Analysis of Hepatoma 5S ... Gupta RC &
Dighe N. Persistence of DNA Adducts in Rat Liver Treated with N-.
Ramesh Gupta, Ph.D. 580 South Preston Street, Rm. 304E Louisville, Kentucky 40202 (502) 852-6980 (502) 852-3842
[email protected]
B.S. in Physics/Chem/Maths, Agra University, Modinagar, India
M.S. in Physical Chemistry, Meerut University, Modinagar, India
Ph.D., Roorkee University (named Indian Institute of Technology in early 2000), Roorkee, India
Postdoctoral training, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 1973 – 1976 Research Associate Department of Pharmacology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas 1977 – 1978 Instructor Department of Pharmacology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas 1978 – 1985 Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas 1985 – 1989 Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas 1989 – 2003 Professor (Tenured in 1990) Department of Preventive Medicine & Environmental Health
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University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 1989 – 2007 Member Graduate Faculty University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 1994 – 2003 Member University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 1998 – 2007 Member Graduate Center for Nutritional Sciences University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 2005 – 2006 Director of the Biomarkers & Genetic Susceptibility Research Core (for NIEHS P30 application for Center Environmental Systems Biology Department of Biochemistry University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 2003 – pres. Professor (Tenure) & Agnes Brown Duggan Chair in Oncological Research Pharmacology & Toxicology and James Graham Brown Cancer Center University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 2003 – pres. Head of the Biomarkers, Genetics and Chemoprevention Program, Cancer Prevention and Control, James Graham Brown Cancer Center University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky OTHER POSITIONS AND EMPLOYMENT (none) CERTIFICATION AND LICENSURE (none) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES American Association for Cancer Research (1981- present)
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American Association for the Advancement of Science American Chemical Society Environmental Mutagen Society Society of Toxicology Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Controlled Release Society HONORS AND AWARDS 1965 –1967 Merit Scholarship Recipient in B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. Ranked in the top 1-2% in HS and B.Sc. 1969
Honors in Chemistry and Math, Valedictorian (Gold Medalist) in Master's Program
Our Nucleic Acids Res. (Gupta & Randerath, 1979) paper was selected by the News Media at the conference of the Fed. Am. Soc. of Biol. Chem.
Our PNAS (Randerath et al., 1981) and Carcinogenesis (Gupta et al., 1982) papers were selected for the 1983- and 1984-Year Book of Cancer, respectively and PNAS (Gupta et al., 1988) paper selected for the 1990-Year Book of Occupational Medicine.
Featured on the Cover of the journal “Cancer Research” for pioneering the 32P-Postlabeling Assay.
Guest Professor at the Institute of Toxicology, ETH and University of Zurich, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland.
Organizer and speaker for a one-day symposium/workshop at the Institute of Toxicology, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland.
Visiting Professor at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France.
Chaired a poster session at the 1st International Meeting on Postlabeling Methods for the Detection of DNA Adducts, Lyon, France.
Guest Professor at the Institute of Toxicology, ETH and University of Zurich, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland.
Invited by the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India as a TOKTEN (Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals) Visitor to deliver lectures and conduct workshops at the Cancer Institute, Madras; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; and Industrial Toxicology Research Institute, Lucknow, UP.
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Guest Professor at the Institute of Toxicology, University of Wuerzburg Medical School, Wuerzburg, Germany.
Guest Professor at the Institute of Toxicology, University of Wuerzburg Medical School, Wuerzburg, Germany.
2002 – 2003 Recipient of Charles Wethington, Jr. Award for Outstanding Performance in research and extramural funding at the University of Kentucky. 2003 – 2016 Distinguished University Scholar at the University of Louisville. 2003 – pres. Agnes Brown Duggan Chair in Oncological Research, University of Louisville. 2004
Featured on the Cover of “Discovery” magazine, Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville.
Featured in the University of Louisville magazine “Impact”, Spring 2005.
Featured in the Courier Journal, Louisville, KY, April 2006.
Featured on TV (Jean West).
Featured on WBKI -TV (Cable Channel 7 - satt. 34), March 04, 2010
Special Recognition and Welcome by the House of Representative of the Common Wealth of Kentucky, April 12, 2012.
Recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Faculty Award in Research – Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Louisville, September 11, 2012.
Special recognition garnered by the University of Louisville President for getting a patent on polymeric uterine cervical implants, September 11, 2012
Pharmacology Curriculum Committee for Medical Students
1988 – 1989
Biohazard Committee
University of Kentucky 1990 – 2003
Graduate Center for Toxicology (GCT) Core Faculty
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1991 – 1992
Member of GCT Student Performance Committee
1992 – 2003
Member of GCT Executive Committee
Member of GCT Director Selection Committee
Member of GCT Training Grant Postdoc Selection Committee
1993 – 2003
Member of GCT Admission and Finance Committee
1996 – 1998
Environmental Health & Safety Committee
1997 – 2000
Radiation Safety Committee
Member of GCT Director Selection Committee
University of Louisville 2003 – 2009
Coordinator, Cancer Prevention & Control Weekly seminar series
2006 – 2009
Pharmacology & Toxicology Seminar Committee
2008 – 2011
Promotion and Tenure Committee
Adhoc Grant Reviewer November 1986
A member of the NCI Study Section on a Program, Grant of American Health Foundation
August 1987
The Netherlands Cancer Foundation
June 1998
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
November 1998
A member of the NCI Study Section on a Program, Grant of Ohio State University
March 1989
A member of the NCI Study Section on a Program, Grant of Roswell Park Memorial Institute
July 1989
U.S. Department of Energy
September 1990
Work safe Australia National Occupational Health & Safety
December 1991
Member of the NCI Study Section on a Program Grant of American Health Foundation
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May 1992
Member of the NCI Study Section on a Program Grant of American Health Foundation
January 1995
Wellcome Foundation, England
February 1997
Member of the NCI Study Section on a Program Grant UT at Smithville, TX
July 2000
Member of the NCI Special Study Section
November 2001
Kentucky Science & Engineering
April 2002
National Science Foundation (SBIR)
May 2004
World Cancer Research Fund, England
September 2006
NCI Program Grants
June 2009
NCI Research Challenge Grants
Adhoc Journal Reviewer Anticancer Drugs Biochimica Biophysica Acta Biochemical Pharmacology Cancer Letters Cancer Research Carcinogenesis Chemical-Biological Interactions Chemical Research in Toxicology Ecotoxicology Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis International Journal of Cancer International Journal of Oncology Journal of Chromatography Life Sciences Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Mutation Research New England Journal of Medicine Nutrition & Cancer Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, USA Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology Toxicology Sciences Cancer Prevention Research Scientific Panels
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April 1987 – 1988
Invited member of National Acad. of Science's Subcommittee on "Mutagenic/Carcinogenic Agents in Drinking Water
May 10 – 11, 1994 Invited Member of the Workshop on "The Role of Biomarkers in Field Studies of Environmentally Associated Cancers" organized by Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Atlanta Feb 8 – 10, 1995
Invited Speaker for Workshop on Significance of DNA Adducts Fort Myers, Florida
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Baylor College of Medicine, Team Taught
Structure Activity Relationship: Influencing Drug Actions, 1979 (Lecturer) Structure Activity Relationship: Drug Receptors II,1981 and 1983 (Lecturer) Toxicology Course: Toxic Responses of Liver & Kidney, 1983 (Lecturer) Principles of Pharmacology Methodology: Nucleic Acids Analysis, 1983, 1985 & 1987 (Lecturer) Molecular Pharmacology of Cancer: Chemical Carcinogenesis, 1984, 1986 & 1988
University of Kentucky (Developer/Director/Lecturer)
Concepts of Toxicology Tox 622: Interaction of Carcinogens with DNA (1 lecture) November 1989 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Toxicology Principles (2 lectures) October 1989 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Genome as Target (2 lectures) March 1990 Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Toxicology Principles (3 lectures) September/October 1990 (Lecturer) The Natural, Biological and Medical Sciences in Environmental Systems: GS 600X Section 401 (1 lecture) November 1990 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Toxicology Principles (2 lectures) September 1991 (Lecturer) Concepts of Toxicology Tox 622: Interaction of Carcinogens with DNA (2 lectures) November 1991 (Lecturer) The Natural, Biological and Medical Sciences in Environmental Systems GS 600X Section 401 (1 lecture - 3 h) November 1991 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Course Co-director, Nature of chemical-DNA interactions March 1992 (Lecturer) The Natural, Biological and Medical Sciences in Environmental Systems: ES 620 (three 3-h lectures) November 1992 (Lecturer) Contemporary Toxicology Tox 509 (2 lectures) October 1992 (Lecturer) Tox 770 Research Seminars Course Director, Fall 1992 (Director) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680:March 1993 (Co-director) Tox 770 Research Seminars Course Director, Spring 1993 (Lecturer)
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Chemical Carcinogenesis Tox 670: Fall 1993 (Developer) Contemporary Toxicology Tox 509 (2 lectures) October 1993 The Natural, Biological and Medical Sciences in Environmental Systems: ES 620 (one 3-h lecture) November 1993 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: March 1994 (Co-Director) Contemporary Toxicology Tox 509 (2 lectures) October 1994 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 1994 (Lecturer) The Natural, Biological and Medical Sciences in Environmental Systems: ES 620 (one 3-h lecture) November 1994 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: March 1995 (Co-director) Tox 770 Research Seminar: Fall 1995 (Director) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism - one 2h lecture, September 1995 (Lecturer) Tox 600: Ethics in Scientific Research (Two 1–hour lectures) November 1995 (Lecturer) Tox 770 Research Seminar: Spring 1996 (Director) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Spring 1996 (Director) Chemical Carcinogenesis Tox 670: Fall 1996 (Developer) Tox 600: Ethics in Scientific Research (One 2-hour lecture) November 1996 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 1996 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Spring 1997 (Co-director) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 1997 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Spring 1998 (Co-director) Chemical Carcinogenesis Tox 670: Fall 1998 (Developer) Journal Club: TOX 780 (one lecture) Fall 1998 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 1998 (Lecturer) Tox 600: Ethics in Scientific Research (one 1½ -h lecture) Nov 1998 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Spring 1999 (Co-director) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 1999 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 2000 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Spring 2000 (Co-director) Tox 600: Ethics in Scientific Research (one 1½ -h lecture) November 2000 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) September 2001 (Lecturer) Advanced Toxicology Tox 680: Spring 2002 (Co-director) Tox 770 Research Seminar: Fall 2002 (Director)
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PH 921 Public Health Course (2-h lecture) Carcinogenesis & Chemoprevention Fall 2002 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) Fall 2002 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) Fall 2003 (Lecturer) Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) Fall 2004 (Lecturer Occupational/Environmental Health PM 601: Carcinogenesis Mechanism (one 2hour lecture) Fall 2005 (Lecturer)
University of Louisville
Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2005 (Lecturer) Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2006 (Lecturer) Cancer Chemoprevention for MD/PhD students (one 1-hour lecture), 2006 (Lecturer) Complimentary & Alternative Medicine (one 2-hour lecture), 2006 (Lecturer) Biology 540/640 - Intermediary Metabolism, October 2006 (Lecturer) Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2007 (Lecturer) Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2008 (Lecturer) Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2009 (Lecturer) Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2010 (Lecturer) Cancer Biology (one 2-hour lecture) Spring 2012 (Lecturer)
Role as Mentor – Personnel Trained in this Laboratory:
Nutan Dighe, Research Tech, 1981-1984 Karen Earley, Senior Researcher,1981 - 1990 Lovely Krishen, Undergraduate,1984 Alex Tittle, Undergraduate, 1987-1988 Mehdi Banan, Undergraduate, 1988 Mary Chacko, Postdoc, 1985-1987 Christine Locharidge, Lab Helper Achal Garg, Postdoc, 1987-1990 Robin Cook, Research Tech, 1988-1989 Sanja Krca, Visiting Scientist from Croatia, February-May 1989 Branko Kurelec, Visiting Professor from Croatia, 1986-1991 Kevin Thomas, Lab Assistant, 1989-1995 Andrew Beach, PhD Student, 1989-1993 Hanping Wu, MS Student, 1990-1991 Michael Fenech, Visiting Scientist from Australia, August 1990 Glenda Spencer, PhD Student, 1991-1995 Kevin Stansbury, PhD Student, 1990-1994 Vijaya Laxami, Visiting Scientist from St. Louis 1990 Saara DeWalt, Undergraduate Trainee, 1991
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Jackie Jordan, PhD Student, 1991 Udaya Devanaboyana, PhD Student, 1992-1997 Mitch McLean, PhD Student, 1991-1995 Saranjit K. Chhabra, Visiting PhD student from Delhi, India, 1992 Peter Sagelsdorff, Visiting Scientist from CIBA-GEIGI, Switzerland, March-May 1993 Greg Oakley, PhD Student, 1993 - 1996 Jamal Arif , PhD, Research Associate, 1993-2002 Wendy Smith, PhD Student, 1993-1997 Gerome Burke, Undergraduate Trainee, June-August 1994 Kevin Thomas, Lab Assistant, 1989-1995 Praveen Srinivasan, High School, January - December 1999 Manicka Vadhnam, Postdoc, July 1999-2002 Daria Pereg, PhD student, January 1999-2002 Yiwei Tang, PhD student, July 1999-June 2000 Harini Aiyer, PhD student, July 2000-2007 MNV Ravi Kumar, Postdoc, August 2000-June 2002 Wendy Spencer, Postdoc, Oct 2000 – June 2002 Srivani Ravoori, Visiting PhD student from Chennai, India, Oct 2001 – Feb 2002 Sunita Kichambare, Research Assistant, Oct 2001 – June 2003 Jose Thaiparambil, Postdoc, July 2002 – June2006 M.R.S. Rao, Visiting Professor from Bangalore, India, July – Oct 2002 Srivani Ravoori, Postdoc, November 2002 - 2005 Xiaoning Lu, Postdoc, November 2002 - 2003 Anil G, Res. Assistant, March 2002–2003 Anil Koganti, Research Assistant, December 2002–2003 P. Venugopal, Research Assistant, 2003-2005 Bianka Ummat, Lab Assistant, June-August 2004 Akriti Kapur, Lab Assistant, June-August 2004 Samir Vermani, Lab Assistant, May -July2004 Melissa Pendergrass, Visiting Scholar, July–Aug 2004 S. Reddy, Lab Assistant, 2003-2005 Praveen Nandhi, Lab Assistant, 2004-2005 Jeyaprakash Jeyabalan, Research Assistant, October 2004 - Present Afsoon Moktar, PhD Student, January 2005 - Present Gilandra Russell, PhD Student, July 2005 - Present Angela Lewis, MD, Clinical Fellow, Six months in 2005 Shyam Sunder, PhD Student, August 2007 – September 2011 Farrukh Aqil, Post Doc, August 2007 - Present Hina Amunallah, Post Doc, September 2007 – September 2011 Radha Munagala, Post Doc, September 2007 – Present Pengxiao Cao, PhD Student, August 2007 – September 2011 Wendy Spencer, Scientist, May 2008 - Present P. Venugopal, Research Assistant, 2008 - June 2012 Nandita Das, PhD Student, June 2008 – July 2009
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PhD students (Students mentored)
Andrew C. Beach, Major Advisor, October 1989-August 1993 Kevin Stansbury, Major Co-advisor, July 1990-July 1994 Glenda Spencer, Major Advisor, January 1991–July 1996 Udaya Devanaboyina, Major Advisor, November 1991-April 1997 Mitch McLean, Major Co-advisor, July 1991 – January 1998 Jackie Jordan, In rotation, September-November 1991 Charmaine Perera, In rotation, February-March 1992 Greg Oakley, Major Co-advisor, May 1993-December 1996 Wendy Smith, Major Advisor, October 1993 – July 1999 Anandi Srinivasan, In Rotation, September-November 1996 Daria Pereg, Major Co-advisor, January1999 - 2001 YiWei Tang, Major Advisor, August 1999 - June 2000 Harini Aiyer, Major Advisor, July 2000 – 2007 Ruchi Nehra, In rotation, August 2001 – October 2001 Srivani Ravoori, Visiting PhD student, October 2001 – February 2002 Bala Manickam, Major Advisor, January – June 2004 Afsoon Mokhtar, Major Advisor, January 2005 – September 2010 Gilandra Russell, Major Advisor, July 2005 – May 2011 Shyam Sunder Bansal, Major Advisor, August 2007 – July 2011 Pengxiao Cao, Major Advisor, August 2007 – June 2011 Nandita Das, Co-advisor, August 2008 – July 2009
PhD students advisory committee member
Muhammad Ashraf, 1990 - 1995 (PhD) Scott Stanley,1990 - 1992 (PhD) Altaf Yusufji, 1992 - 1996 (MS) Madhav Devalaraja, 1993 - 1997 (PhD) Leung Lai (Nutrition), 1993 - 1996 (PhD) Mohammed Alanazi (Biochemistry), 1993 - 1999 (PhD) Vani Nilakantan, 1993 - 1997 (PhD) Che-Chung Yeh, 1993 - 1998 (PhD) Jin Tae Hong, 1994 - 1996 (PhD) Anandi Srinivasan, 1998 - 2001 (PhD) Nilufer Tampal, 1998 - 2002 (PhD) Robert Bevins, 1999 - 2003 (PhD) Chad Dumstorf 2002 – 2007 (PhD) Erica Rogers 2005 – 2011 (PhD) Lindsey Jay Stallons 2006 - 2011 (PhD) Carmine Leggett 2008 – 2012 (PhD) Charu Munjal 2009 – 2011 (PhD)
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Alex Belshoff 2010 – present (PhD expected)
Undergraduate/High School students
Lovely Krishen, May - July 1984 Alex Tittle, May - July 1987-1988 Mehdi Banan, May - July 1988 Kevin Thomas, Oct 1989 - present Saara DeWalt, May - Aug 1991-1992 Mark Debord, Sept - Oct 1991 Gerome Burke, June - Aug 1994 Praveen Srinivasan, Jan 1999 – Sep 2000 (High School Student) Lisa Gaines, March 2001 - Oct 2001 Khuan Yik Ho (Abbey) March 2001 – May 2002 Jennifer Zaffarano, October 2001 – May 2002 Priyanka Srinivasan, June – December 2002 (High School Student) Srikanth Reddy, Nov 2003 - 2005 Bianka Ummat, June 2004 - Aug 2004 Akriti Kapur, June 2004 – Aug 2005 (High School Student) Samir Vermani, May 2004 - July 2004 Melissa Pendergrass, Visiting Scholar, July–Aug 2004 Praveen Nandhi, June 2004 - 2005 Lisa Soper, June 2006 - August 2006 (Undergraduate) Thwisha Joshi, Oct 2008 – Aug 2009 (High School Student) Jayesh Rai, May – Aug 2009 (Undergradure) Akash Gupta May 2009 – April 2011 (Undergraduate) Samir Gadre, July – August 2010 (High School Summer Student) Samir Gadre, June - August 2011 (High School Summer Student) Jennifer Rachel Siow, June - Aug 2012 (NCI R25 supported Undergrad) High School/Undergraduate students who received various awards Thwisha Joshi
Oct 2008 – Spring 2009; Summer 2009
Mentored High-School Student for summer project titled “Evaluation of Antioxidant and Anti-proliferative Activity of Several Natural Compounds In Vitro” (Awarded 1st prize in Life Science Category and 3rd prize in Best of Fair Winners – Life Sciences category at Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair 2010. Akash Gupta- Undergraduate student
June – Aug 2009; March – Dec 2010
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Provided training for the isolation, characterization and activity determination of anthocyanins from Indian blackberry “Jamun”. The work has been presented in various regional and national meetings
Awarded- II prize in Research Louisville- 2009 Awarded prestigious “Thomas J. Bardos Science Education Awards” for Undergraduate Students by American Association of Cancer Research. Awarded- I prize in AACR 2011
Samir-Yitzhak Gadre- High School student
June – Aug 2010; June – Aug 2011
Provided straining in the area of drug delivery specifically on the preparation and in vitro release of chemopreventive agents by low mol wt. coated polymeric implants The work has been presented in various regional meetings
Awarded- II prize in Research Louisville- 2011 Awarded- III prize in Louisville metro school science competition Selected for the State level poster presentation Selected for the presentation in the Annual meeting of American Association of Cancer Research, AACR-2012, Chicago (Abst. # 2883)
Postdoctoral fellows
Mary Chacko, PhD,1985 - 1987 Achal Garg, PhD, 1987 - 1991 Jamal Arif, PhD, 1993 - 1995 Kevin Stansbury, PhD,1994 - 1995 Manicka Vadhnam, PhD, 1999 – 2002 Wendy Smith, PhD, 2000 - 2002 MNV Ravi Kumar, PhD, 2000 – 2002 Xiaoning Lu, PhD, 2002 – 2003 Jose Thaiparambil, PhD, 2002 – 2006 Srivani Ravoori, PhD, 2002 – 2006 Farrukh Aqil, 2007 – 2011 Hina Amunallah, 2007 – 2011 Radha Munagala, 2007 – 2011 Wendy Smith, 2009 –
Junior faculty mentored Dr. Achal Garg - Assistant Professor (Research title series) (1990 - 1993)
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Dr. Jamal Arif - Assistant Professor (Research title series) (1998 - 2002) Dr. Manicka Vadhanam – Assistant Professor (Term) (2004 - 2011) Dr. Kevin Stansberry - Assistant Professor (Term) (2004 - 2008) Dr. Srivani Ravoori – Instructor (Term) (2007 – 2011) Dr. Farrukh Aqil – Instructor (Term) Dr. Radha Munagala - – Instructor (Term) CLINICAL ACTIVITIES (none) GRANTS AND CONTRACTS GRANTS PAST 1. NCI CA 30606 Gupta (PI) 07/81-6/84 “Reaction of Carcinogenic Aromatic Amines with DNA”
2. NCI CA 30606 Gupta (PI) 07/84-5/91 “Reaction of Carcinogenic Aromatic Amines with DNA”
3. “Analysis of PAH- modified DNAs” 4. EPA CR 813840 Gupta (PI) “Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Dosimetry”
5. EPA CR 816185 Gupta (PI) “Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Dosimetry”
6. NIEHS PR-026859 Gupta (PI) 7/90-9/90 “32P-Postlabeling DNA Adduct Analysis on HC Blue 1 & 2 Dyes”
7. NIEHS ES-07266
Vore (PI) Gupta, Mentor “Research Training in Environmental Toxicology”
8. ACS CN-67 Gupta (PI) 32 “Detection of DNA Damage by P-Postlabeling”
9. NIEHS ES-04130 Gupta (PI) “Mechanism of Benzo[a]pyrene Carcinogenesis”
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10. NIEHS ES-04130 Gupta (PI) “Predoctoral Minority fellowship”
11. NCI CA-57423
Robertson (PI) 04/93-03/97 Gupta, Co-I “Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis: Halogenated Biphenyls”
12. UKRF 2-05740
Blouin (PI) 07/93-06/94 Gupta, Co-I “Upper Aero digestive Tract CA: Role of Cytochrome P450”
13. NCI-RFP Gupta (PI) 09/94-06/99 $523,000 “Use of DNA Adducts as Surrogate Endpoint Biomarkers in Determining the Efficacy and Potential Mechanisms for Various Chemopreventive Agents” 14. NIEHS ES-07266
Vore (PI) Gupta, Mentor “Research Training in Environmental Toxicology”
15. US Army
Robertson (PI) Gupta Co-I “Mechanisms of PCBs-Induced Breast Cancer”
(Dr. Gupta’s portion)
16. NCI Gupta (PI) 6/97-06/00 $24,000 “Examination of 32P-Adducts in Lung Tissues and WBC from Nonsmokers, Smokers and Smokers Treated with Oltipraz” 17. NCI Gupta (PI) 1997-2002 “Pre-clinical Evaluation of Intermediate Endpoints and Their Modulation by Chemopreventive Agents” 18. NIEHS
Vore (PI) Gupta, Mentor “Res. Training. in Environ.Toxicology” 19. NIDDK
St Clair (PI) Gupta, Mentor “Training Program in Oxidative Stress & Nutrition”
20. CRFA
Arif (PI) 01/01-01/02 $34,984 Gupta, Co-I “Effect of chemopreventive agents on the estrogen-induced DNA damage in the etiology of endometrial cancer” 21. NCI CA-85134
Flesher (PI) Co-I (15% Effort)
07/9 -05/03
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“Role of DMBA Derivatives in Chemical Carcinogenesis” Gupta (PI) 04/02 – 03/06 (7% Effort; 100% Collaboration) ”Role of Antioxidant in Breast Cancer Prevention” 22. NCI CA-92758
($356,000) $144,800 Total
Robertson/Hennig 4/00-3/05 $1,800,000 Total Gupta, Co-I (5% Effort; 100% Collaboration) ($650,000 sub award) Superfund Chemicals: Transport, Metabolism & Toxicity. This is a subcontract from the University of KY; Dr. Gupta is PI on this subaward. 24. NCI CA-77114
Gupta (PI) 09/98 – 06/04 (5% Effort; 100% Collaboration) “Techniques for Detecting and Identifying DNA Adducts”
$53,068 Total
Gupta (PI) 05/02 – 04/08 (15% Effort; 100% Collaboration) “Chemoprevention of Experimental Tobacco Tumorigenesis”
$1,780,000 Total
25. NCI CA-96310
26. KY Lung Cancer Res. Board Gupta (PI) 01/02 – 03/08 $116,835 Total (5% Effort; 100% Collaboration) “Etiology & Prevention of Lung Cancer: Biomarker development in clinical studies” 27. NCI CA-90892
Gupta (PI) 12/01 - 11/08 (15% Effort; 100% Collaboration)
$1,440,000 Total
“Breast Cancer Etiology” 28. UofL CEG
Gupta (PI) 07/07 - 06/08 (0% Effort; 100% Collaboration) “Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Potential of Common Spices”
$15,000 Direct
29. KY Lung Cancer Res. Board Gupta (PI) 09/07 - 03/11 $149,939 Total (7% Effort; 70% Collaboration) “Effect of estrogen on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-mediated lung cancer” 30. NCI CA-125152-02
Gupta (PI) September 2008 $15,000 Direct (20% Effort; 83% Collaboration) Administrative supplement to “Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Potential of Common spices” 31. NCI CA-125152-02
Gupta (PI) 06/08-05/09 $29,626 Direct (20% Effort; 83% Collaboration) Administrative supplement to “Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Potential of Common spices”
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32. NCI CA-118114-03S1 Gupta (PI) 08/09-07/10 $99,268 Direct (20% Effort; 73% Collaboration) Administrative supplement to “Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Strategies” CURRENT 33. NCI CA-118114
Gupta (PI) 04/07 - 03/13 (20% Effort; 73% Collaboration) “Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Strategies”
$1,416.820 Total
34. NCI CA-125152
$1,406,000 Total
Gupta (PI) 07/07 - 05/13 (20% Effort; 83% Collaboration) “Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Potential of Common Spices” 35. KY Lung Cancer Res. Board Gupta (PI) 12/10 - 11/12 (5% effort; 100% Collaboration)
$150,000 Total
36. U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council Gupta (PI) “Prevention of Breast Cancer by Blueberry”
$91,431 Direct
07/11 - 11/12
37. UofL CEG
Gupta (PI) 02/12 - 01/13 $15,000 Direct (0% Effort; 100% Collaboration) “Prevention & Treatment Strategies for Lung Cancer Recurrence & Metastasis” 38. R43- CA-162417 Gupta, PI; Spencer Contact PI 07/12-12/13 $300,000 “Sustained, Target Delivery for Treatment of Cervical Pathologies” (Sub award $89,000) This is a sub award from SBIR Phase I grant. The focus of this project is to test the feasibility of a cervical polymeric implant embedded with withaferin A, potential toxicity and tissue distribution of test compound using a goat model. 39. U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council Gupta (PI) 08/13 - 07/14 “Therapeutic Activity of Blueberry Against Lung Cancer”
$74,270 Direct
Gupta (PI)
2. EPA Contract Gupta (PI) “Analysis of PAH- modified DNAs”
3. EPA Contract Gupta (PI) “Analysis of PAH- modified DNAs”
4. EPA Contract
Gupta (PI)
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“Analysis of PAH- modified DNAs” 5. EPA Contract “Analysis of PAH”
Gupta (PI)
6. NIEHS Contract Gupta (PI) 1/89-9/89 “32P-Postlabeling DNA Adduct Analysis on HC Blue 1 & 2 Dyes”
7. Great Lakes Contract Gupta (PI) 1/92-12/93 “Analysis of Fish Liver Samples for AAF-DNA Adducts by 32P-assay”
PATENTS University of Louisville Research Foundation filed the following pending patent applications to protect the valuable technology described in ULRF Research Disclosure, ref. #08046, entitled, Methods and Compositions for the Controlled Delivery of Phytochemical Agents (“ULRF Technology”):
United States Patent Application S/N 12/401,175; filed March 10, 2009. Issued on March 27, 2012. Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Application, PCT/US2009/63336; filed March 10, 2009; European Patent Application, serial no. 09719335.3; filed October 4, 2010; and Australian Patent Application, serial no. 2009223653; filed October 4, 2010. Canadian Patent Application # 2,755,014; filed September 8, 2011. Amendment to the original United State Patent Application filed: March 2012
EDITORIAL WORK Editorial Board/Editor 1992 – pres. International Journal of Oncology 1999
“Background DNA Damage”, Special Issue of Mutation Research, eds. RC Gupta & WK Lutz, 8 March 1999.
1997 – 2001 Mutation Research 2001 – 2007 Chemical-Biological Interactions 2008 – pres. Cancer Letters (Editor Capacity) 2009 – pres Ovarian Research 2009 – pres. Oncology Letters
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ABSTRACTS AND PRESENTATIONS Abstracts (213) 1. Randerath K, Chia LSY, Gupta RC, Randerath E, Hawkins ER, Brum CK & & Chang SH. Sequence Analysis of Nucleic Acids by Postlabeling. The Primary Structure of Baker's Yeast tRNALeu. Fed. Proc. 34: 607, 1975. 2.
Sivarajan M, Gupta RC, Chia LSY & Randerath E. Sequence Analysis of Nonradioactive RNA and DNA Fragments by Postlabeling, Thin-Layer Chromatography and in situ Exo- or Endonuclease Digestion. Fed. Proc. 34: 608, 1975.
Gupta RC, Randerath E & Randerath K. A Double-Labeling Procedure for Sequence Analysis of Picomole Amounts of Nonradioactive RNA Fragments. Fed. Proc. 35: 1386, 1976.
Gupta RC, Randerath E & Randerath K. A New Sequencing Procedure for Nonradioactive RNA Fragments. Fed. Proc. 36: 888, 1977.
Schroeder, H.W., Liarakos, C.D., Gupta, R.C., Randerath, K. and O'Malley, B.W.: The Isolation and Sequence of the Ribosome Binding Sites of Ovalbumin mRNA. Fed. Proc. 37: 2138, 1978.
Gupta RC, Roe BA & Randerath K. Sequence Analysis of Human Placenta GlycinetRNAs. Abstract tRNA Meeting, p5, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, 1978.
Randerath K & Gupta RC. Rapid Print-Readout Technique for RNA Sequencing. Fed. Proc. 38: 1420, 1979.
Gupta RC & Randerath K. Structural Analysis of Hepatoma 5S Ribosomal RNA. Fed. Proc. 38: 1420, 1979.
Randerath E, Gupta RC, Rhines RJ & Randerath K. Nucleotide Sequence of Morris Hepatoma tRNALeu and tRNASer IGA MmAA . Fed.Proc. 39: 2199, 1980.
10. Gupta RC & Randerath K. 32P-Fingerprinting Method for Detection of Bulky Hydrophobic Carcinogen-DNA Adducts, Abstr. p27, The Second International Conference on Carcinogenic and Mutagenic N-Substituted Aryl Compounds, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, 1982. 11. Reddy MV, Gupta RC & Randerath K. 32P-Base Analysis of Carcinogen-Adducted DNA. Abstr. 2519, 13th International Cancer Congress, Seattle, Wash., 1982. 12. Gupta RC & Randerath K. 32P-Analysis of Arylamine Adducts in Reiterated DNA Fragments. Abstr. 1520, 13th International Cancer Congress, Seattle, Wash., 1982.
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13. Gupta RC & Dighe N. Persistence of DNA Adducts in Rat Liver Treated with NHydroxy Derivatives of 2-Acetylaminofluorene, 4-Acetylaminobiphenyl, and 2Acetylamino phenanthrene. Poster presented at the Gordon Conference on "Scientific Basis and Applications of Genetic Toxicology Bioassays", New Hampshire, 1983. 14. Gupta RC & Dighe N. Preferential Binding of Aromatic Amines to Rat Repetitive DNA Sequences In Vivo. J. Cellular Biochem. Abst. 112, 13th Annual UCLA SymposiaUCLA Symposia-Genes and Cancer, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 1984. 15. Yamazoe Y, Miller DW, Gupta RC, Zenser TV, Weis CC and Kadlubar, F.F.: DNA Adducts Formed by Prostaglandin H Synthasae-Mediated Activation of Carcinogenic Arylamines. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 25: 356, 1984. 16. Gupta RC, Randerath K, Smith HC & Dighe NR. Nonrandom Distribution of DNA Adducts in Rat Chromatin and Nuclear Matrix Fractions Following a Tumorigenic Dose of 2-Acetylaminofluorene. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 25: 332, 1984. 17. Gupta RC, Kadlubar FF & Dighe NR. Analysis of Aromatic Amine-DNA Adducts by 32P-Assay, Abstract presented at the Symposium on DNA Adducts: Dosimeters to Monitor Human Exposure to Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens held at Research Triangle Park, N.C., Sept. 24-26, 1984. 18. Reddy JK, Gupta RC, Singh B & Goel SK. 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Peroxisome Proliferator-DNA Adduct Formation in Rat Liver In Vivo and Hepatocytes In Vitro, Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 26: 1985. 19. Gupta RC, Earley K, Fullerton NF & Beland FA. Formation and Removal of DNA Adducts in Rats Administered Multiple Doses of 2-Acetylaminophenanthrene, Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 26: 1985. 20. Gupta RC. Enhanced Sensitivity of 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Aromatic CarcinogenDNA Adducts. 4th International Conference on Envionmental Mutagens, Abstract page 9, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985. 21. Nesnow S, Gold A, Mohapatra N, Bryant BJ, Rudo K, MacNair P, Ellis S & Gupta R. Genotoxic Activities of Aceanthrylene and Acephenanthrylene Cyclopentafused PAH of Anthracene and Phenanthrene, Abst., 10th International Symposium on Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Columbus, Ohio, 1985. 22. Gupta RC, Earley K & Becker FF. Analysis of DNA Adducts in Hepatic Nodules and Nontarget Tissues During 2-Acetylaminofluorene Cancer Carcinogenesis. Abst. 14th International Cancer Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 1986.
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23. Gupta, R.C., Earley, K., Fullerton, N.F. and Beland, F.A. Formation and Removal of DNA Adducts in Target and Nontarget Tissues of Female Rats Administered Multiple Doses of 2-Acetylamniophenanthrene. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 27: 420,1986. 24. Chacko M & Gupta R.C. Identification of Aromatic Carcinogen-DNA adducts by pHDependent Partitioning and 32P-Adduct Assay. Proc Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 27: 421, 1986. 25. Rao MS, Gupta RC, Rajan A & Reddy JK. Effect of 2-Acetylaminofluorene (AAF) on Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) Expression in Preneoplastic and Neoplastic Lesions Induced by Ciprofibrate, a Peroxisome Proliferator. Fed. Proc., 46: 1987. 26. Gupta RC, Earley K & Sharma S. Use of Human Lymphocytes to Measure DNA Binding Capacity of Chemical Carcinogens. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 28: 493, 1987. 27. Gairola, G., and Gupta, R.C. Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Pulmonary Tissue of Rats Following Long Exposure. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 28: 385, 1987. 28. Chacko, M., and Gupta, R.C. Evaluation of DNA Damage in the Oral Mucosa of Cigarette Smokers and Nonsmokers by 32P-Adduct Assay. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 28: 400, 1987. 29. Kurelec, B., Chacko, M., and Gupta, R.C. Postlabeling Analysis of Carcinogen-DNA Adducts in Mussel Mytilus Galloprovinincialis. Fourth International Symposium on Responses of Marine Organisms to Pollutants, Abstract, 1987. 30. Nesnow, S., Ross, J., Mohapatra, N., Bryant, B.J., Sangaiah, R., Gold, A. and Gupta, R.C. Genotoxicity and Identification of the Major DNA adducts of Aceanthrylene. Abstract 11th Annual PAH Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD 1987. 31. Garg, A., and Gupta, R.C. Tissues-Specific DNA Modifications in Untreated, Aged Rats as Detected by 32P-Adduct Assay. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 29: 413, 1988. 32. Earley, K., and Gupta R.C. Tissue- and Age-Specific Variations in the Level of a Hydrophobic Base in Rat RNA. Measurement by a 32P-Labeling Assay. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 29: 423, 1988. 33. Gupta, R.C., Earley, K., Sopori, M.L. and Gairola, C.G.:Fresh Cigarette Smoke Enhances Age-Related DNA Adducts in the Rat Lungs and Induces New Adducts in Nasal Epithelium. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 29: 412, 1988.
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34. Chacko, M., Earley, K. and Gupta, R.C.: 32P-Adduct Assay New Developments and Strategies. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 29: 395, 1988. 35. Sikka, H.C., Kandaswami, C., Butkowski, J.P., Dubey, S.K., Kumar, S., Earley, K. and Gupta, R.C.: Hepatic DNA Adduct Formation in Rats Treated With Benzo[f]quinoline. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 29: 391, 1988. 36. Sharma, S., Nesnow, S., Maizel, A. and Gupta, R.C.:Regulation of DNA Repair in Human B and T Lymphocytes. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 29: 336, 1988. 37. Gupta R.C., Nesnow, S. and Sharma, S.:DNA Damage and Repair in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes. Fourth International Congress of Cell Biology, Abstract, 1988. 38. Kurelec, B., Chacko, M., Krca, S., Garg, A. and Gupta, R.C.: DNA Adducts in Marine Mussel and Fresh Water Fishes Living in Polluted and Unpolluted Environments. 196th American Chemical Society National Meeting, 28: 289, 1988. 39. Garg, A. Kurelec, B., Krca, S. and Gupta, R.C. Species-Specific DNA Modifications Detected in Untreated Lower to Higher Animal Phyla. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 30: 593, 1989. 40. Gupta, R.C. Newly Detected DNA Damage at Physiological Temperature. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 30: 594, 1989. 41. Earley, K., Tittle, A., Garg, A. Kim, H.-S. and Gupta, R. C. Distribution of a hypermodified RNA base ms2i6A (2-Methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine) in the Normal and Neoplastic Tissues of Rats and Humans. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 30: 540, 1989. 42. Ross, J., Nelson, G., Kligerman, A., Erexson, G., Gupta, R.C., Earley, K. and Nesnow, S. Accumulation of Benzo[a]pyrene Adducts in Rat Lung and Lymphocyte DNA Following a Single I.P. Administration. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 30: 586, 1989. 43. Gupta, R.C. Ultrasensitive Detection of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-DNA Adducts by 32P-Adduct Assay. 12th Internat. Symposium on PAHs, Sep 19-21, 1989. 44. Nesnow, S., Kligerman, A.D., Erexson, G.L., Earley, K. and Gupta, R.C. 12th Internat. Symposium on PAHs, Sept. 19-21, 1989. 45. Gupta, R.C., Garg, A. and Gairola, C. G.: Differential formation and persistence of DNA adducts in the hepatic mitochondria and nuclei of 2-acetylaminofluorene-treated rats. 15th International Cancer Congress, abstract A2.050.05 (page 145) 1990.
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46. Gupta, R.C., Earley, K. and Gairola, C. G.: DNA adducts in the respiratory and nonrespiratory tissues of cigarette smoke-exposed rats Soc. of Toxicol. abstract 269 1990. 47. Gairola, C.G., Earley, K. and Gupta, R.C: DNA adducts in the respiratory tissues of cigarette smoke-exposed rats and guinea pigs. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 31: 573 1990. 48. Garg, A., Ross, J. Nelson, G., Earley, K. Nesnow, S. and Gupta, R.C. Formation and repair of benzo[a]pyrene-DNA adducts in young and aging rats and identification of adducts Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 31: 575 1990. 49. Earley, K., Agarwal, S.C., Nesnow, S. and Gupta, R.C.: 32P-Postlabeling analysis of diaziquone-DNA adducts Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 31: 574 1990. 50. Abu-Shakra, A., Johnson, L., Earley, K., Gupta, R.C., Jameson, W., Kari, F. and Langenbach, R.: Separation of the mutagenic components from the carcinogen HC Blue 1 Environ. Mutagen. Soc. Abst. 1990. 51.
Nesnow S, Agarwal S, Lambert G, Earley K & Gupta, RC. Relevance of Animals to Evaluate Human Cancer Risks, page 35, Austin, TX, Dec. 5-7, 1990.
52. Beach, A.C., Garg, A. and Gupta, R.C. DNA adducts induced by cyclopenta-fused polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Toxicologist 11: 648, 1990. 53. Monteith, D.K., Earley, K. and Gupta, R.C. Carcinogen-DNA adducts in cultures of rat and human hepatocytes. Soc. Tox. 11: 452, 1991. 54. Garg, A., Beach, A.C. and Gupta, R.C. DNA-reactive metabolites (DRM) detected in the serum of benzo[a]pyrene(BP)-treated rodents by 32P-postlabeling. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 731, 1991. 55. Beach, A.C. and Gupta, R.C. Analysis of cyclopenta-fused and "pseudo-cyclopenta" polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts by 32P-postlabeling. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 584, 1991. 56. Gupta, R.C., Garg, A., Krca, S., Britvic, S. and Kurlec, B. 32P- Postlabeling analysis of liver DNA adducts in carp exposed to experimental oilslicks. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 540, 1991. 57. Beach, A.C., Spencer, G.G., Shedlofsky, S. and Gupta, R.C. Noninvasive biomonitoring: Use of avian erythrocytes for detection of DNA adducts. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 547, 1991.
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58. Ross, J., Nelson, G., Holden, K., Erexson, G., Earley, K., Beach, A., Kligerman, A., Gupta, R.C. and Nesnow, S. Persistence of benzo[b]fluoranthene-induced DNA adducts and sister chromatid exchanges in the rat. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 561, 1991. 59. Rao, M.S., Garg, A., Reddy, J.R. and Gupta, R.C. Analysis of acetylaminofluoreneDNA adducts formation in hepatocellular carcinomas induced by ciprofibrate. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 28, 1991. 60. Gupta, R.C. and Garg, A. Ubiquitous modified nucleotides detected in plant DNAs by the 32P-postlabeling method. FASEB J. 5.: 2549, 1991. 61. Gupta, R.C. Experimental variables in the analysis of DNA adducts in human tissues by 32P-postlabeling assay. In, Biomonitoring and Susceptibility Markers in Human Cancer: Applications in Molecular Epidemiology and Risk Assessment, Abstract 30, Kona, Hawaii, October 1991. 62. Gairola, C.G., Wu, H., Gupta, R.C. and Diana, J.N. Mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke-induced DNA adducts in C57Bl and DBA mice. In, Biomonitoring and Susceptibility Markers in Human Cancer: Applications in Molecular Epidemiology and Risk Assessment, Abstract P41, Kona, Hawaii, October 1991. 63. Beach, A.C., Spencer, G.G., Shedlofsky, S. and Gupta, R.C. Detection of benzo[a]pyrene and 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene induced DNA adducts in cardiac tissues of chickens by 32P-postlabeling. Toxicologist 12: 954, 1992. 64. Goldman, H.D., Lakshmi, V., Gupta, R.C., Zenser, T. and Davis, B. Benzidine-DNA adducts in dog and rat liver using improved HPLC analysis. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 33: 1992. 65. Spencer, G.G. and Gupta, R.C. A C18 TLC-mediated enhancement of 32Ppostlabeling for detecting DNA adducts of varying degrees of lipophilicity. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 33: 1992. 66. Beach, A.C. and Gupta, R.C. Noninvasive detection of PAH-DNA adducts in the red blood cells of Avian by 32P-postlabeling. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 33: 1992. 67. Garg, A., Suto, A., Osborne, M.P., Gupta, R.C. and Telang, N.T. DNA adducts and perturbed cellular functions in transformation-sensitive mammary epithelial cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 33: 1992. 68. Kurelec, B. and Gupta, R.C. Biomonitoring of aquatic systems. International Meeting on 32P-Postlabeling Methods, Lyon, France, June 1992
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69. Cangoreggi, S., Gupta, R.C. and Lutz, W. An improved 32P-postlabeling assay for detection and quantitation of styrene oxide-DNA adducts. International Meeting on 32P-Postlabeling Methods, Lyon, France, June 1992 70. Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling of bulky aromatic adducts. International Meeting on 32PPostlabeling Methods, Lyon, France, June 1992. 71. Gupta RC. Detection and characterization of DNA adducts by 32P-Postlabeling. American Chemical Society, Wash., DC, August 1992. 72. McLean MR, Gupta RC Robertson L. 4-Chlorophenyl forms adducts with DNA in vitro, SETAC, 1992. 73. Gupta RC, Spencer GS, Wood D, Beach AC. Human biomonitoring and the 32Ppostlabeling assay. 6th Internatl. Conference of Environ. Mutagens, page 179, 1993. 74. Gupta RC. Recent advances with the 32P-postlabeling assay. DNA Adduct and Cytogenitic Technology: Applications to Mutagenesis and Aneuploidy, March 1993. 75. Gupta RC, Garg A, Kole PL, Sikka HC & Kumar, S. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 34: Abst. 965, 1993. 76. Stansbury KH, Flesher JW & Gupta RC. Formation of alkyl-substituted benzo[a]pyrene-DNA adducts in vivo. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 34: Abst. 923, 1993. 77. Spencer GG, Beach AC & Gupta RC. High-resolution anion-exchange/partition TLC for 32P-DNA adduct mixtures. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 34: Abst. 908, 1993. 78. Beach AC, Agrawal AC, Lambert GR, Nesnow S & Gupta RC. Cyclopenta[cd]-3,4epoxide DNA adducts in vitro: similarity to Cyclopenta[cd]-3,4-epoxide DNA adducts induced in the rat. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 34: Abst. 947, 1993. 79. Devanaboyina U, Beach AC, Schouft A, Castegnaro M, Bartsch H & Gupta RC. DNA adduct-forming potential of thiaarenes. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 34: Abst. 946, 1993. 80. Vock EH, Cantoreggi S, Gupta RC & Lutz WK. 32P-Postlabeling assay for the detection of DNA adducts from methylenediphenyl-diisocyanate (MD) in vitro and in vivo, 1993. 81. Subramaniam S, Gupta RC & Gairola CG. Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase induction and DNA adduct formation in reproductive tissues of mice following cigarette smoke exposure. Toxicologist 14: 1677, 1994.
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82. Spencer GG, Wood D & Gupta RC. DNA Adducts in Tumorous and Normal Bladder Biopsies. Toxicologist 14: 1417, 1994. 83. Spencer GG, Wood D & Gupta RC. DNA Adducts in Human Normal and Tumor Prostate Biopsies. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 35: Abst. 574, 1994. 84. Garg A & Gupta RC. In Vivo Incorporation of Natural Plant Components in the Tissue DNA of Mice Administered Broccoli-Supplemented Diet. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 35: Abst. 3723, 1994. 85. Devanaboyina U & Gupta RC. Sensitive Detection of the Oxidatively Damaged DNA Base, 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (Oh8dG) by 32P-Postlabeling assay, Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 35: Abst. 647, 1994. 86. Sikka HC, Devanaboyina U, Maslanka R, Kumar S & Gupta RC. Formation and Persistence of DNA Adducts in Rainbow Trout Treated with 2-Acetylaminofluorene. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 35: Abst. 791, 1994. 87. Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Induction of DNA Adducts in Rat Lungs Following Exposure to Sidestream Cigarette Smoke. 16th Internatl Cancer Congress, November 1994. 88. Gupta RC & Devanaboyina U. Tissue Distribution and Base Selectivity of the Novel DNA Adducts in Rats Resulting from various Cruciferous Vegetable-Supplemented Diets. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36: Abst. 3551, 1995. 89. Arif, JM, Shappell, N., Singh, SK, Sikka, H. Gupta RC & Kumar, S. Identification of DNA adducts of 3-hydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol (BP triol) by 32Ppostlabeling. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36: Abst. 822, 1995. 90. Oakley G, McLean M, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Detection of polychlorinated biphenyl-DNA adducts by 32P-postlabeling. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36: Abst. 821, 1995. 91. Arif JM & Gupta RC. Detection of DNA-Reactive Metabolites in the Serum and Their Tissue Distribution in Mice following Exposure to Artificial Mixtures of Carcinogens. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36: Abst. 898, 1995. 92. Smith WA, Devenaboyina U, and Gupta RC. Use of a microsomal activation system as a potential screening method for cancer chemopreventive agents. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36: Abst. 3555, 1995. 93. Gupta RC & Arif JM. Role of DNA adducts in defining bioactivation mechanism(s) of genotoxic compounds. 1st World Congress on Advances in Oncology. Abst. 192 Oct 22-26, Athens, Greece, 1995.94. Gupta, RC & Arif JM. Bioactivation of the potent
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mammary carcinogen, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene as determined via DNA adduction, Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 896, 1996. 94. Arif JM, Gairola CG, Glauert HP, Kelloff GJ, Lubet, RL & Gupta RC. Differential effects of dietary N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on cigarette smoke-related DNA adducts in rat tissues. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 1875, 1996. 95. Smith WA, Arif JM & Gupta RC. Effects of chemopreventive agents on bioactivation of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DBP) as measured via DNA adduction. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 1874, 1996. 96. Devanaboyina U & Gupta RC. Effects of broccoli-supplemented diet on the formation of tissue DNA adducts in rats treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 1809, 1996. 97. Devanaboyina U & Gupta RC. Basal levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (Oh8dG) in tissue DNA of rats as determined by 32P-postlabeling assay. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 895, 1996. 98. Oakley GG, Devanaboyina U, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Oxidative DNA damage induced by activation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 996, 1996. 99.
Spencer-Beach, GG, Devanaboyina U, Wood DP & Gupta RC. Detection of Oxidatively damaged DNA base, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (Oh8dG) in human prostate biopsies. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 915, 1996.
100. Lin J-M, Devanaboyina U, Krzeminski J., Amin S & Gupta RC. 8-Hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine 3'-monophosphate (Oh8dGp): Total synthesis and application in postlabeling analyses. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 700, 1996.
101. Oakley GG, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Oxygen free radical-mediated DNA damage in polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-treated male Sprague-Dawley rats. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38: 877, 1997. 102. Otteneder M, Schuller D, Sagelsdorff P, Gupta RC & Lutz WK. Analysis of 8oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in DNA by 32P-postlabeling and electrochemical detection. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38: 2240, 1997. 103. Smith WA, Freeman JW & Gupta RC. Modulation of dibenz[a,l]pyrene DNA adduction by chemopreventive agents in the human breast epithelial cell line MCF-7. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38: 2422, 1997.
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104. Arif JM, Gairola CG, Glauert HP, Kelloff GJ, Lubet RL & Gupta RC. Inhibition of cigarette smoke-induced DNA adducts in rat lung and trachea by oltipraz. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38: 2426, 1997. 105. Devanaboyina US, Gairola CG, Kelloff GJ, Lubet RL & Gupta RC. Effects of indole-3carbinol (I3C) and phenethylisothiocyanate PEITC) on 7,12dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced DNA adducts in rat mammary glands and liver. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38: 2427, 1997. 106. Arif JM, Smith WA & Gupta RC. Tissue distribution of DNA adducts of the mammary carcinogen dibenz[a,l]pyrene (DBP) in rats. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38: 3000, 1997. 107. Gairola, CG, Arif JM & Gupta RC. Differential tissue distribution of DNA adducts in rats exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke. 7th International Conference on Environ. Mutagens, Toulouse, France 7-12, Abst. PXIII.81, September 1997. 108. Gupta RC & Arif JM. A TLC-enrichment mediated 32P-postlabeling assay for the sensitive detection of 8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in human tissues. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 39: 1960, 1998. 109. Arif JM, Desai N & Gupta RC. Detection of oxidative DNA lesions in cells harvested from human breast milk: A possible role in human biomonitoring. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 39: 1958, 1998. 110. Smith WA, Arif JM & Gupta RC. The effect of dietary oltipraz and genisteine on DNA adducts induced by the potent mammary carcinogen dibenzo[a,l]pyrene in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 39: 2644, 1998. 111. Arif JM, Dresler C, Clapper ML, Gairola CG, Lubet RA & Gupta. Lack of correlation between the human smoker lung DNA adducts and PAH- and aromatic amine-derived DNA adducts. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 40: 1638, 1999. 112. Arif JM, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Artifactual production of 8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) during tissue DNA processing and its inhibition. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 40: 4251, 1999. 113. Twaroski TP, Arif JM, Gupta RC & Robertson LW. Antioxidant enzyme levels and oxidative damage in rats exposed to selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 40: 4269, 1999. 114. Robertson, L.W., Espandiari, P., Lehmer, D., Pereg, D., Srinivasan, A., Tampal, N., Twaroski, G., Ludwig, G., Arif, J.M. & Gupta, R.C. Metabolism and activation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In: 6th Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Regional Section (SECTOX), organochlorine Pollution in Central and
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Eastern Europe- Hazard and Risk for Humans and the Environment, Balatonfoldvar, Hungary, Sept. 19-23, 1999. 115. Arif JM, Lehmler HJ, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Interaction of synthetic benzoquinones and hydroquinones of lower chlorinated biphenyls with DNA and nucleotides. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 41:610, 2000. 116. Vadhanam MV, Horn J, Arif JM, Flesher JW & Gupta RC. Detection of aralkyl DNA adducts resulting from7-hydfroxymethyl sulfate ester of 7,12dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) in vitro. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 41:611, 2000. 117. Arif JM, Vadhanam MV, deGroot AJL, van Zeeland AA, Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Effect of cigarette smoke on 8-oxodeoxyguanosine formation in rat lungs measured by 32P-postlabeling-TLC and HPLC-ECD. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 41:1481, 2000. 118. Srinivasan P, Vadhanam MV, Arif JM & Gupta RC. Evaluation of antioxidant potential of natural and synthetic agents in vitro. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 41:4219, 2000. 119. Ludewig G, Espandiari P, Festag M, Lehmler HJ, Pereg D, Srinivasan A, Tampal, N., Twaroski, T., Arif, J.M., Gupta, R. and Robertson, L.W. Mechanism of cancer induction by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In: DOD Breast Cancer Research Program, Second Era of Hope Meeting, Atlanta, GE, June 8-12, (2000). 120. Arif, J.M., Lehmler, H.-J., Robertson, L.W. and Gupta, R.C. Covalent interaction of synthetic benzoquinones and hydroquinones of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) with DNA and nucleotides: Effect of pH. In PCB Workshop: Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs, Embassy Suites, Lexington, KY, April 9-12, 2000. 121. Robertson LW, Espandiari P, Lehmler H.-J, Pereg D, Srinivasan A, Tampal N, Twaroski T, Ludewig G, Arif JM & Gupta RC. Metabolism and activation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Presented at the 6th Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Regional Section (SECOTOX), Organochlorine Pollution in Central and Eastern Europe - Hazard and Risk for Humans and the Environment, in Balatonföldvár, Hungary, September 19-23, 1999. (Invited Talk). Published in Cent Eur J Public Health 8, 14-5, 2000. 122. Gairola CG, Arif JM & Gupta RC. Absence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon- and aromatic amine-DNA adducts in smoke-exposed rodent and smoker tissues. Abst. 04/11, @and Symposium on Current Advances in Molecular Biochemistry: Applications in Health, Environment and Agriculture, 2000. 123. Gupta RC, Ravi Kumar MNV, Vadhanam MV & Arif JA. Detection of oxidatively damaged polar DNA adducts by 32P-postlabeling. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 42: 2521, 2001.
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124. Srinivasan P, Vadhanam MV, Arif JA Gupta RC. Inhibition of oxidative DNA damage in vitro by natural and synthetic compounds. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 42: 4645, 2001. 125. Vadhanam MV, Ravi Kumar MNV, Arif JA & Gupta RC. Novel polar DNA adducts detected in rat tissues: Evidence for free radical mediation. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Late-breaking abstract #LB-49, 2001. 126. Arif JM, Vadhanam MV, Desai NS & Gupta RC. Novel, endogenous polar DNA adducts detected in human milk cells and breast tissues. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Late-breaking abstract #LB-50, 2001. 127. Gupta RC & Vadhanam MV. Novel DNA adducts detected from Cu2+-mediated activation of estradiol metabolites. Toxicology 164: Abstract P4A19, 2001. 128. Gupta RC, Spencer WA & Arif JM. Role of PAH-DNA adducts as biomarker of genotoxicity, cancer chemoprevention and biomonitoring. In, 18th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Abst. 76, 2001. 129. Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Metabolism and activation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society in Katowice, Poland, September 9-13, 2001. To be published in the Annals of the Polish Chemical Society. 130. Pereg D, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. DNA Adduct formation by polychlorinated biphenyls. Cross-species comparison of microsomal bioactivation systems. Soc. Tox. Abstract # 1706, 2002. 131. Ravi Kumar MNV, Vadhanam MV, Horn J, Flesher JW & Gupta RC. Evidence for aralkyl DNA adducts in rats treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and its metabolites. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 43: 1707, 2002. 132. Spencer WA & Gupta RC. Oxidative DNA adducts detected from microsomal/Cu2+mediated activation of the estrogens, 17β-estradiol, equilin and equilenin. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 43: 4280, 2002. 133. Vadhanam MV, Krzeminski J, Amin S & Gupta RC. Cu2+-mediated oxidative DNA adducts from aromatic hydrocarbon catechols and diones. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 43: 4289, 2002. 134. Aiyer HS, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Efficacy of cancer chemopreventive agents in protecting against oxidative DNA damage from Cu2+-mediated activation of 4-hydroxyestradiol. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 43: 5682, 2002.
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135. Gupta RC, Ravoori S & Vadhanam MV. Adducteomics – Novel subgroups of DNA adducts detected in human tissues. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 44: 5319, 2003. 136. Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Nagarajan B & Gupta RC. Modulation of novel subgroups of DNA adducts during human cervical cancer development. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 44: 487, 2003. 137. Vadhanam MV, Arif JM & Gupta, RC. DNA adduct profiles in human mammoplasty and breast tumor tissues. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 44: 6331, 2003. 138. Aiyer HS, Caprio G, Stoyanova R, Clapper ML & Gupta RC. Modulation of mouse endogenous DNA adducts and gene expression by dietary intervention. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 44: 2453, 2003. 139. Thaiparambil JT, Gupta RC and Gairola CG. Modulation of novel subgroups of DNA adducts in A/J mice following exposure to cigarette smoke. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 44: 419, 2003. 140. Gupta RC, Kichambare S, Arif, J, Srinivasan C, Dresler C & Clapper M. Novel DNA adducts profiles detected in human lung tissues. In, 19th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, September 2003. 141. Thaiparambil, JT, Vadhanam MV, Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Efficacy of chemopreventive agents to inhibit cigarette smoke condensate (CSC)-mediated oxidative DNA adducts. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 45: 5496, 2004. 142. Gupta RC, Kichambare S & Kadlubar FF. Differential modulation of polar DNA adducts in human pancreas by cigarette smoking. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 45: 2516, 2004. 143. Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Endogenous DNA adducts and their biomarker potential in identifying cancer susceptibility. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res, 45:774, 2004. 144. Ravoori, S, Ayotte, P, Pereg, D, Robertson, LW & Gupta, RC. Effect of PCB exposure on endogenous DNA adducts. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 45: 2508, 2004. 145. Aiyer HS, Caprio G, Stoyanova R, Clapper ML & Gupta RC. Dietary berries and ellagic acid diminish polar DNA adducts in ACI rats treated with 17ß-estradiol. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 45: 5499, 2004. 146. Meireles SI, Verma B, Stoyanova R, Gupta RC, Gairola CG & Clapper ML. Modulation of gene expression in murine lung tissues by tobacco smoke exposure. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.,Abst. 45: 1527, 2004.
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147. Mally A, Pepe G, Ravoori S, Fiore M, Gupta R, Dekant W & Mosesso P. DNA damage and cytogenetic effects of ochratoxin A in rats in vivo., Abstract submitted Society of Toxicology, 2004. 148. Mally A, Pepe G, Ravoori S, Fiore M, Gupta R, Dekant W & Mosesso P. DNA damage and cytogenetic effects of ochratoxin A in rats in vivo., Abstract, Society of Toxicology, 2005. 149. Meireles SI, Hirata R, Stoyanova R, Neves EJ, Reis LFL, Gairola G, Gupta RC, Clapper ML. Modulation of gene expression in murine lung tissue by cigarette smoke exposure, AACR Special Conference titled “Molecular Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer: Opportunities for Translation to the Clinic”, February 2005. 150. Gupta RC, Stoner G & Gairola CG. Inhibition of cigarette smoke-mediated lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice by dietary berries. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 46: Abst #3895, 2005. 151. Vadhanam M, Ravoori S, Sahoo S, Srinivasan C, Gupta, R. An improvised model for estrogen mediated mammary tumors in ACI rats. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 47: 1773. 2006. 152. Aiyer H, Srinivasan C. & Gupta R. Dietary berries and ellagic acid diminish estrogenmediated mammary cancer in the ACI rat model. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 47: 2267. 2006. 153. Ravoori S, Feng Y, Neale J, Jeyabalan J, Srinivasan C, Hein D. & Gupta R. Dose dependent reduction of 3,2’-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl (DMABP)-derived DNA adducts in colon and liver 0of rats administered celecoxib. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 47: 3169. 2006. 154. Jeyabalan J, Kadlubar F & Gupta R. Lipophilic DNA adducts detected in the pancreas of cigarette smokers are unrelated to typical polyaromatic carcinogens. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 47: 5202, 2006. 155. Gupta R, Meireles S, Stoner G, Clapper M & Gairola C. Cytochrome P450 1B1 as a potential molecular target for cigarette smoke-mediated mouse lung cancer and its prevention AACR Special Conference titled “Cancer Susceptibility”, Maui, Hawaii, March 2006. 156. Ravoori S, Ayotte P, Srinivasan C, Pereg D, Robertson LW, Russell GK, Jeyabalan J & Gupta RC. PCB Exposure-Associated Accumulation of DNA and Blood Cells of Inuits the 4th PCB Conference: Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs, Zakopane, Poland, Page 54, September 6-10, 2006.
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157. Moktar A, Ravoori S, Vadhanam M, Gairola CG, Gupta RC. Cigarette Smokeinduced DNA Damage Detected by Comet Assay in HPV-Transformed Cervical Cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 48: 3478, 2007. 158. Vadhanam M, Hurst H and Gupta RC. Detection of Tissue Estrogen and its Metabolites by Solvent-Solvent Extraction and GC-MS. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 48: 5202, 2007. 159. Aiyer H and Gupta RC. Estrogen-induced mammary cancer in ACI Rats: Role of Cytochrome P450s. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 48: 1648, 2007. 160. Jeyabalan J, Soper LM, Aiyer H and Gupta RC. Potent Chemopreventive/Antioxidant Activity Detected in Common Spices of the Apiaceae Family in Vitro. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 48: 1648, 2007. 161. Ravoori S, Ayotte P, Srinivasan C, Pereg D, Robertson LW, Russell GK, Jeyabalan J and Gupta RC. Protective Effects of Selinium in a Group of Inuit Exposed to Varying Levels of PCBs. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res., 48: 1700, 2007. 162. Gupta RC, Vadhanam M, Meireles S, clapper M and Gairola G. Modulation of Estrogen Metabolism by Berry Phytochemicals and its Potential Role in Cigarette Smoke-mediated lung carcinogenesis. 3rd International conference on Polyphenols and Health, November 2007. 163. Shatalova E, Meireles S, Mosier S, Gairola, C.G, Gupta, R. and Clapper M.L., Induction of the transcription of estrogen-metabolizing genes in squamous epithelial cells of the mouse tongue by exposure to tobacco smoke or exogenous 17-estradiol. AACR Special Conference on "Advances and Challenges in Aerodigestive Epithelial Cancer: Genetics, Diagnosis and Therapy" in Charleston, SC, Feb. 6-9, 2007.” 164. Gupta, R., Vadhanam, M., Meireles, S., Clapper, M. and GAIROLA, C.G., Modulation of estrogen metabolism by berry phytochemicals and its potential role in cigarette smoke-mediated lung carcinogenesis . Kyoto Conf 2007. 165. Munagala R, Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Nagarajan B & Gupta RC. Modulation of Cervix DNA Adducts (“Adductomics”) in Cancer Patents through Radiation Therapy. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 49: 4714, 2008. 166. Vadhanam MV, Ravoori S, Aqil F & Gupta RC. Ellagic acid administered by a novel, sustained drug-delivery system inhibits estrogen-induced mammary carcinogenicity. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.49: 3835, 2008.
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167. Bansal SS, Jeyaprakash, J, Vadhanam, MV and Gupta, RC. Effect of Sustained, Low-Dose Curcumin on Benzo[a]Pyrene-Induced Tissue DNA Adducts in Rat Model. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 49: 3816, 2008. 168. Jeyabalan J., Vadhanam M.V. and Gupta R.C. Effect of sustained, low-dose benzo[a]pyrene treatment on tissues DNA adduct accumulation. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 49: 5585, 2008. 169. Moktar A., Singh R, Lillard J, Vadhanam M.V. and Gupta RC. Detection of 8-oxodG in Cigarette Smoke Condensate-treated Human Ectocervical Cells by Image-Based Flow Cytometry. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 49: 3141, 2008. 170. Moktar A, Parker LP, Gordinier ME, Metzinger DS, and Gupta RC. DNA strand breaks in human vaginal cells as determined by comet assay. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.49: 583, 2008. 171. Meireles S, Vadhanam MV, Hurst HE, Esteves GH, Hirata R, Mosier SL, Neves EJ, Reis LF, Gairola CG, Gupta RC & Clapper ML. Detection of estrogen within the mouse lung: Effect of cigarette smoke on estrogen metabolism. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.49: 4916 (Minisymposium), 2008. 172. Bansal SS, Jeyabalan J, Vadhanam MV, Gupta RC. A novel drug delivery concept in cancer chemoprevention. In proceedings of KYNANOMAT 2008, Louisville, March 1618, page 68, 2008. 173. Cao P, Cai J & Gupta RC. Inhibition of Benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA Adducts by Green Tea Catechins and Hydrolysable Tannins and Structure Activity Relationship. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50: 12, 2009. 174. Gupta RC, Bansal S, Aqil F Cao P, Jeyabalan J, Russell, G Ravoori S & Vadhanam MV. A novel concept in delivering chemopreventive compounds. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50: 944, 2009. 175. Russell G, Vadhanam MV, Kausar H & Gupta RC. Systemic, sustained delivery of chemopreventive agent is effective against dibenzo[a,l]pyrene-induced DNA adducts. FASEB, Abst. #5915, 2009. 176. Munagala R, Kausar H & Gupta RC. Inhibition of human cervical cancer cell growth by withaferin A and its potential mechanism. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50: 3903, 2009. 177. Kausar H, Munagala R & Gupta RC. Growth inhibition of Human lung cancer cells by Cucurbitacin B: Potential mechanisms. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50: 3896, 2009.
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178. Ravoori S, Aqil F & Gupta RC. Prevention of breast cancers in rat model by berries and potential mechanisms. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50: 931, 2009. 179. Aqil, F, Jeyabalan J, Ravoori S, Vadhanam M, Shultz D and Gupta RC. Spices of the apiaceae family are protective against estrogen-mediated effects in the rat mammary tumor model. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50: 943, 2009. 180. Bansal SS, Jeyabalan J, Aqil F, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Bioavailability and in vivo efficacy of curcumin by a controlled-release implantable drug-delivery system. In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release, July 18-22, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark: CRS; 2009. Abstract 639, 2009. 181. Groves, F and Gupta, RC. Lead Time Between Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer in Kentucky. #203 in 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, June 2009. 182. Das, N, Groves F. Gupta RC. Racial disparities in recurrence-free cervical cancer survival in Kentucky. Abst. #.... in 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, June 2009. 183. Moktar A, Vadhanam MV, Singh R, Gairola CG, Lillard JW & Gupta, RC. Cigarette smoke condensate-induced oxidative DNA damage and its removal in cervical cancer cell lines. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 4367, 2010. 184. Bansal SS, Kausar H, Aqil F, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Polymeric Implants Enhance Bioavailability of Curcumin by Providing a Continuous (“24/7”) Delivery System. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.51: 1880, 2010. 185. Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Gupta A, Sharma RJ, Sidana J, Singh IP & Gupta RC. Chemopreventive potential of ‘jamun’ (Indian blackberry) against estrogenmediated mammary carcinogenesis. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 5688, 2010. 186. Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Munagala R, Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Chemoprevention of rat mammary carcinogenesis by Apiaceae spices: potential mechanisms. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 1879, 2010. 187. Russell GK, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Identification of chemopreventive agents against dibenzo[a,l]pyrene-induced DNA adducts and potential mechanisms. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 5667, 2010. 188. Kausar H, Jeyabalan J, Aqil F, Chabba D, Sidana J, Singh IP & & Gupta RC. Synergistic anti-cancer activities of berry anthocyanidins on human lung cancer cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 1884, 2010.
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189. Kausar H, Hamid T & Gupta RC. Celastrol inhibits Hsp90 and triggers ER stressinduced cell death in non- small cell lung cancer cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 3793, 2010. 190. Jeyabalan J, Cao P, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Novel polymeric implants for low-dose, continuous exposure to carcinogens. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 3457, 2010. 191. Cao P, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Green tea polyphenols implants are more effective than oral dosing in inhibiting benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA adducts. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 3914, 2010. 192. Munagala R, Vadhanam MV, Chagpar A, Fleming M, Fink B, Gridley M, Vasconez H & Gupta RC. Elevated oxidative DNA adducts detected in human breast tumors than normal tissues from mammoplasty. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 1701, 2010. 193. Munagala R, Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Vadhanam MV & Gupta, RC. Increased AntiTumor Activity by Novel Systemic Delivery and Molecular Targets of Tanshinone IIA. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 5690, 2010. 194. Ravoori S, Kausar H, Aqil F & Gupta RC. Distinct molecular targets of blueberry and black raspberry in breast cancer prevention. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 1887, 2010. 195. Ravoori S, Higashi R & Gupta RC. Down-regulation of MUC1 by the herbal formulation, triphala in colon cancer cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 5696, 2010. 196. Vadhanam MV, Aqil F, Bansal SS, Cao P, Jeyabalan J, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. Controlled-release systemic delivery of chemopreventive agents – an update. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 5673, 2010. 197. Sibele Meireles S, Esteves G, Hirata, Jr. R, Peri S, Devarajan K, Slifker M, Mosier S, Peng J, Vadhanam M, Hurst H, Neves EJ, Reis L, Gairola CG, Gupta RC & Clapper M. Early changes in gene expression induced by tobacco smoke: evidence for the importance of estrogen within lung tissue. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 51: 2459, 2010. 198. Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Kausar H, Bansal S, Russell G, Singh I, Vadhanam M & Gupta RC. Sustained-release, multi-layer polymeric implants for heat-labile compounds. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 52: 4631, 2011.
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199. Aqil F, Munagla R, Jeyabalan J, Vadhanam M & Gupta RC. Enhanced bioactivity of punicalagins by polymeric implants against benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA adducts in vivo. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 52: 3711, 2011. 200. Bansal S, Kausar H, Vadhanam M, Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Rai S, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 1863, 2011. 201. Cao P, Kausar H & Gupta RC. Potent chemotherapeutic activity of green tea polyphenols, blueberry anthocyanidin mixture and cisplatin: Synergistic effects. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 4627, 2011. 202. Jeyabalan J, Aqil F, Ravori S, Vadhanam M & Gupta RC. Steady DNA adduct accumulation by dibenzo[a,l]pyrene implants. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 5557, 2011. 203. Kausar H & Gupta RC. Berry anthocyanidins inhibit key events of lung cancer metastasis: Effects on miRNA and protein targets. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 3693, 2011. 204. Vadhanam M, Aqil F, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. Bioavailability of ellagic acid/ellagitannins from black raspberry and pomegranate. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 4603, 2011. 205. Munagala R, Vadhanam M, Kausar H, Bansal S, Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. MicroRNA ‘signature’ during estrogen-mediated mammary carcinogenesis. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 3456, 2011. 206. Ravoori S, Higashi R, Gupta RC & Vadhanam M. Molecular targets of total methanolic and ethyl acetate fraction of triphala in colon cancer. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 3709, 2011. 207. Gupta RC, Jeyabalan J, Kausar H, Aqil F, Vadhanam M & Ravoori S. Chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic potential of blueberry and black raspberry against lung cancer using mouse models. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 52: 4597, 2011. 208. Gupta RC, Kausar H, Jeyabalan J & Aqil F. Blueberry diet and blueberry bioactives inhibit lung cancer and enhance the activity of paclitaxel. Phytochemical Soc. of North America, 50TH Anniversary Meeting, Kona, December 2011. 209. Munagala R, Aqil F, Gupta RC, Higashi RM & Vadhanam MV. Pomegranate components modulate distinct pathways in prostate cancer cells. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 53: 2586, 2012.
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210. Kakar SS, Gupta RC & Fong MY. Combination strategies for management of ovarian cancer using doxorubicin and withaferin A. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 53: 2765, 2012. 211. Gadre S-Y, Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Kausar H, Sharma R, Singh IP & Gupta RC. Enhance d anti-tumor activity and bioavailability of chemopreventives by coated polymeric implants. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 53: 2883, 2012. 212. Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Munagala R, Ravoori S, Vadhanam, MV & Gupta RC. Prevention of breast cancer by spices involvement of miRNAs and other molecular targets. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 53: 5443, 2012. 213. Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Munagala R, Ravoori S, Sharma R, Sidana J, Singh IP & Gupta RC. Proc. Am. Cancer Res. 53: 5447, 2012. 214. Gupta RC, Jeyabana J, Aqil, F, Sidana J, Singh IP, Munagala R & Kausar H. ‘Color’ Therapy – Berry anthocyanidins as potential drug for cancer treatment. 3rd International Conference, New developments in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicines, NIPER, S.A.S. Nagar, INDIA. 215. Munagala R, Aqil F, Taylor DD & Gupta R. Tumor-derived circulatory exosomal miRNAs as biomarkers of recurrent lung tumors. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Submitted, November 2012. 216. Jeyabalan J, Aqil F, Munagala R & Gupta RC. Chemopreventive and therapeutic activity of high anthocyanin-content blueberry against estrogen-mediated breast cancer. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Submitted, November 2012. 217. Vadhanam MV, Gupta RC & McNally LR. Targeting IGF-1R for Inhibition of Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis by Pomegranate Fraction. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Submitted, 2012. 218. Aqil F, Munagala R, Kausar, H, Jeyabalan J. & Gupta RC. Enhanced activity of chemotherapeutic drugs by blueberry anthocyanidins and withaferin A against human lung cancer cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Submitted, 2012. 219. Gupta RC, Aqil F, Kausar H, Jeyabalan J, Vadhanam MV & Munagala R. Therapeutic Potential of Blueberry Anthos (‘Color’ Therapy). Berry Health Benefits Symposium, June 18-20, 2013, Charlotte, NC. Invited National and International seminar/conference speaker 1. Natl. Ctr. for Toxicology Res., Jefferson, Arkansas, Dec 1982 2. M.D. Anderson Hospital & Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas, Feb 1984 3. The U.T. System Cancer Center, Smithville, Texas, July 1984
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4. Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, Oct 1984 5. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Oct 1984 6. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, September 1985 7. The U.T. Medical School, Houston, December 1985 8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Feb 1986 9. *"DNA Adduct Measurements", Bio-Res. Inst., Cambridge, Massachusetts, Feb 1986 10. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, April 1986 11. *"Measurement and Characterization of DNA Adducts", Department of Energy, Washington, DC 12. *International Symposium on the "Applications of Short-Term Genetic Bioassays", Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 1986 13. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Greensborough, April 1987 14. *U.S.-India Symposium: " Mammalian Cell Genetic Toxicology", Calcutta, India, Nov 1987 15. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, January 1988 16. US Environ. Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, June 1988 17. *Fifth Internatl. Conf. on Environ. Mutagens, Washington, DC, July 1989 18. *12th International Conference on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 1989 19. *Ohio Valley Society of Toxicology, Louisville, Kentucky, September 1989 20. Graduate Ctr. Toxicol., Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1989 21. Biochemistry Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, March 1990 22. CIBA-Geigi Toxicology Division, Basel, Switzerland, August 1990 23. Institute of Toxicology, ETH and University of Zurich, Zurich, August 1990 24. Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, October 1990 25. Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, March 1991 26. University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, October 1991 27. *International Meeting on "Biomonitoring and Susceptibility Markers in Human Cancer" in Kona, Hawaii, October 1991 28. *International Meeting on Postlabeling Methods for the Detection of DNA Adducts, Lyon, France, June 1992 29. *Detection, Characterization and Structure of DNA Adducts, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, August 1992 30. *Sixth International Conference on Environmental Mutagens Melbourne, Australia, February 1993 31. *New DNA and Cytogenetic Technology: Applications to Mutagenesis and Aneuploidy, Barosa Valley, Australia, March 1993 32. Cancer Institute, Madras, India, June 1993 33. Jawaharlal Nehru University, Life Science Division, Delhi, India, June 1993 34. Department of Defense, Delhi, India, July 1993 35. Industrial Toxicology Research Institute, Lucknow, India, July 1993 36. 32P-Postlabeling Workshop in Lyon, France (Offer declined due to prior commitment)Oct 1994 37. Workshop on Significance of DNA Adducts, organized by International Society of Regulatory Toxicology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, February 1995
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38. 1st World Congress on Advances in Oncology, Athens, Greece: Oral presentation and Session Chair (travel plan cancelled) Oct 1995 39. Workshop on "Naturally Occurring Mutagens/Carcinogens and their Relevance in Risk Evaluation", Victoria, BC, Canada March 1996 40. Bayer Pharma Research Center, Wuppertal, Germany, June 1996 41. Institute of Toxicology, Wuerzburg, Germany, June 1996 42. Institute of Toxicology, Wuerzburg, Germany, July 1996 43. Nestle Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1996 44. Institute for Pharm & Toxicology, University of Munich, Munich, Germany, July 1996 45. Workshop on 32P-Postlabeling Interlaboratory Trial, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, May 1997 46. Was Invited to deliver a Keynote lecture at the International Symposium on Integrated Ecotoxicology From Molecules/Organisms to Ecosystem, Milano, Italy (June 30-July 2, 1997). (Invitation declined due to grant deadlines) 47. Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, February 1998 48. Institute of Toxicology, Wuerzburg, Germany, July 1998 49. Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, April 1999 50. Northeastern University, Boston, June 1999 51. National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, Arkansas, July 2000 52. Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, July 2000 53. CSIRO Health Sc. & Nutrition, Adelaide, Australia, July 2001 54. 18th International PAC Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 2001 55. 21st Indian Assoc. Cancer Research, Bangalore, India, February 2002 56. University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India, February 2002 57. National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India, February 2002 58. 2nd Internatl. Conference on PCBs, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2002 59. Annual Conference for Comparative Animal Physiology and Symposium on Environmental Health Hazards, February 2003 60. International Symposium of Human Papilloma Virus & Cervical Cancer, India, February 2005 4th Int’l Conference on PCBs, Poland, September 2006 61. Integral University, Lucknow, India, November 2006 62. Jawahar Lal Center for Advanced Research, Bangalore, India, November 2006 63. University of Iowa, September 2006 64. 12th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 10th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Crete, Greece, October 2007 65. 2008 Linda H. Chen Symposium on Nutrition and Oxidative Stress, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, May 19, 2008 (Plenary Speaker) 66. Plenary presentation: International Symposium on Tobacco Harm Reduction: What does it mean?, Louisville, KY, March 2007. 67. Invited presentation: 2nd International Symposium for Translational Research, Lonavala, India, December 2007. 68. Invited seminar: University of Iowa, September 2007 69. 2nd International Conference on New developments in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicines, NIPER, Chandigarh, India, November 2008 (Plenary Speaker, and Chair of an afternoon session). 70. EUROTOX, Dresdon, Germany, September 2009
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71. Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (61st IPC), Ahmedabad, India, December 11-13, 2009. 72. International Symposium on Cancer Chemoprevention and Translational Research, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi, India, December 20-22, 2009. 73. 15th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 10th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Loutraki, Greece, October 2010 74. 2nd International Conference on New developments in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicines, NIPER, Chandigarh, India, November 19-23, 2010 (Plenary Speaker and Session Chair) 75. 16th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 10th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Greece, October 2011 76. Keynote speaker, Nanomedicine Conference, Sullivan University, Louisville, September 2011 77. Seminar speaker at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, June 2012. 78. 3rd International Conference on New developments in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicines, NIPER, Chandigarh, India, November 21-23, 2012 (Plenary Speaker and Session Chair). 79. Berry Health Benefits Symposium, June 18-20, 2013, Charlotte, NC. Work presented at the National and International meetings (Presentations other than the invited talks) 1. FASEB, Atlantic City, NJ, 1975 2. FASEB, San Francisco,1976 3. FASEB,1977 4. Cold Spring Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor, 1978 5. FASEB, New Orleans, 1979 6. 13th International Seattle, Wash,1982 7. Applications of Genetic Toxicology Bioassays, New Hampshire, 1983 8. 13th Annual UCLA Symposia Genes and Cancer, Steamboat Springs, CO, 1984 9. AACR, Toronto, Canada, 1984 10. AACR, Houston, TX ,1985 11. 4th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens, Stockholm, Sweden, 1988 12. AACR, New Orleans, 1988 13. AACR, San Francisco, 1989 14. 15th International Cancer Congress, Hamburg, Germany,1990 15. AACR, Houston, TX, 1990 16. Society of Toxicology, Dallas, TX, 1990 17. AACR, Washington, DC, 1991 18. AACR, San Diego, CA, 1992 19. AACR, Orlando, FL, 1993 20. Society of Toxicology, Dallas, TX, 1994 21. AACR, San Francisco, 1994 22. 16th International Cancer Congress, New Delhi, India, 1994 23. AACR, Toronto,1995
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24. AACR, Washington, DC, 1996 25. Internatl. Conference on Cancer Chemoprevention, Lausanne, Switzerland,1996 26. AACR, San Diego, 1997 27. AACR, New Orleans, 1998 28. AACR, Philadelphia, 1999 29. AACR , San Francisco, 2000 30. AACR, New Orleans, 2001 31. International Congress of Toxicology, Brisbane, Australia, 2001 32. 18th International PAC Conference, Cincinnati, 2001 33. 21st Indian Association Cancer Research, Bangalore, India, 2002 34. AACR, San Francisco, California, 2002 35. 2nd International Conference on PCBs, Brno, The Czech Republic, 2002 36. Symposium on Environmental Health, Tirupati, India, 2003 37. International Symposium on PAHs, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003 38. AACR, Toronto, Canada, 2003 39. AACR, Orlando, Florida. 2004 40. International Symposium of Human Papillomavirus & Cervical Cancer, India, Feb 2005 41. AACR, Anaheim, California April 2005 42. AACR, Washington, DC, April 2006 43. 4th International Conference on PCBs, Poland, Sep 2006 44. AACR, Los Angeles, California, April 2007 45. AACR Translational Cancer Medicine, Singapore, November 2007 46. AACR, San Diego, April 2008 47. AACR, Denver, April 2009 48. FASEB, …… 2009 49. Controlled Release Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009 50. AACR, Washington, DC, 2010 51. AACR, Orlando, FL, April 2011 52. AACR, Chicago, March-April 2012 53. AACR, Washington, DC, April 2013
PUBLICATIONS Book chapters/monographs 1.
Randerath K, Gupta RC & Randerath E. Tritium Borohydride, A Versatile Reagent for the Analysis of tRNA - Methods and Applications. In, Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition. (P.R. Schimmel, D. Soll, and J.N. Abelson, eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, 1979.
Randerath K, Gupta RC & Randerath E. Tritium Derivative Methods for Base Composition and Sequence Analysis of RNA. In, Methods in Enzymology, Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis, Part H (L. Grossman and K. Moldave, eds.), 65: 638-680,1980.
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Randerath K, Randerath E, Agarwal HP, Gupta RC, Schudak, ME & Reddy MV. Postlabeling Methods for Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Analysis. Env. Health Perspect. 62: 57-65, 1985.
Gupta RC, Sharma S, Earley K, Mohapatra N, Nesnow S & Chacko, M.: 32PAdduct Assay to Analyze Carcinogen-Exposed Animal and Human DNA. In, Application of Short-Term Bioassays in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Mixtures (Sandhu, S.S. et al., eds.) Plenum Press pp 127-142, 1987.
Gupta RC & Randerath K. Analysis of DNA Adducts by 32P-Labeling and ThinLayer Chromatography. In, DNA Repair, Vol. 3 (Friedberg, E.C. and Hanawalt, P.C., eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp 401-420, 1988.
Nesnow S, Ross J, Mohapatra R, Gupta RC, Sangaiah R & Gold, A. Genotoxicity and identification of the major DNA adducts of aceanthrylene. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI, 1989.
Kurelec B, Chacko M & Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Carcinogen-DNA Adducts in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, in Carcinogenic, Mutagenic and Teratogenic Marine Pollutants (Portfolio, The Woodlands, TX) Vol. 5 pp 128139, 1990.
Kurelec B, Garg A, Krca S & Gupta RC. DNA adducts in marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis living in polluted and unpolluted environments, in Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination (McCarthy, J. F. and Shugart, L. R., eds.) Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 217-227, 1990.
Gupta RC & Gairola CG. 32P-Postlabeling DNA Adduct Assay: Cigarette SmokeInduced DNA Adducts in the Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Rat Tissues. in, Genetic Toxicology of Complex Mixtures: Short-Term Bioassays in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Mixtures, VI (Waters, M., Nesnow, S., Lewtas, J., Moore, M. M. and Daniel, B., eds.) pp 303-312, Plenum Press, New York, NY, 1990.
Nesnow S, Agarwal S, Lambert G, Earley K & Gupta RC. Interspecies Sensitivity to chemical carcinogens. In, Relevance of Animals to the Evaluation of Human Cancer Risks, published by Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp 381-397, 1992.
Cantoreggi C, Gupta RC & Lutz WK. An Improved 32P-postlabeling Assay for Detection and Quantitation of Styrene-7,8-Oxide-DNA Adducts, IARC Publication No. 124: 201-206, 1993.
Kurelec B & Gupta RC. Biomonitoring of Aquatic Systems. IARC Publication No. 124: 365-372, 1993.
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Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling of Bulky Aromatic Adducts. IARC Publication No. 124: 11-24, 1993.
Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling for Detection of DNA Adducts. In, Technologies for Detection of DNA Damage and Mutations (Pfeifer,GP, ed.) Plenum Press, pp 45-60, New York, 1996.
Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Metabolism of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Generate Electrophiles and Reactive Oxygen Species that Damage DNA In, Molecular Drug Metabolism and Toxicology (Aruoma OI, ed.), 2000.
Arif JM, Lehmler, H-J, Robertson, LW & Gupta RC. Covalent interaction of synthetic benzoquinones and hydroquinones of polychlorinated biphenyls with DNA, pages 403-404, In: (Larry W. Robertson and Larry G. Hansen, Eds.) PCBs: Recent Advances in Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, ISBN 0-8131-2226-0, 2001.
Aiyer, HS, Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Schultz D. and Gupta RC. Effect of dietary berries and ellagic acid on cell proliferation, estrogen-metabolizing enzymes and tumor indices in an estrogen-induced rat mammary tumor model. In, Procedings of International Conference of New developments in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicines, pp50 - 55, November 1620, 2008.
Aiyer H, Ravoori S & Gupta, R. (2011) Chemopreventive Effects of Berries and Berry Components in Animal Models: Prevention of Estrogen-Mediated Mammary Tumors in ACI Rats by Berries. Berries and Cancer Prevention (Seeram, N. P., and Stoner, G. D., Eds.), pp 163-187, Springer New York.
Peer-reviewed articles (more than 150) (The most significant publications are: Gupta et. al., 1982 (# 32); Gupta, 1985 (# 39); Gupta et al., 1988 (# 42); Smith et al., 2000 (# 103)); Arif et al. 2006 (# 116); Ravoori et al. 2006 (# 117); Meireles et al. (# 129); and Bansal et al. (# 135). These articles are indicated with an asterisk. 1.
Gupta RC & Srivastava SP. Mechanism of Oxidation of Aromatic Amines by Peroxydisulphate. Part 1. Study of the Oxidation Products of O-Phenylenediamine and Aniline. Indian J. Chem. 9: 1303-1304, 1971.
Gupta RC & Srivastava SP. Mechanism of Oxidation of Aromatic Amines by Peroxydisulphate. Part 2. Identification of Aromatic Amines on the Basis of Absorption Maxima of Colored Products. Z. analyt. Chem. 257: 275-277, 1971.
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Gupta RC & Srivastava SP. Mechanism of Oxidation of Aromatic Amines by Peroxydisulphate. Part 3. Oxidation of Aniline. Indian J. Chem. 10: 706-709, 1972.
Srivastava R, Gupta, R.C & Srivastava SP. TLC Separations of U, V, Mo; Ti, Zr; Co, Ni; Cu, Fe. Z. analyt. Chem. 262: 364-365, 1972.
Srivastava SP, Gupta RC & Gupta A. Peroxydisulphate Oxidation. Part 7. Identification of Aromatic Amines and Phenols by Thin-Layer Chromatography. Z. analyt. Chem. 262: 31-32, 1972.
Gupta RC, Sharma LD, & Srivastava SP. Mechanism of Oxidation of Aromatic Amines by Peroxydisulphate. Part 5. Oxidation of O-Toluidine. Z. phys. Chem. 255: 317-324, 1974.
Srivastava R, Gupta RC, & Srivastava SP. Mechanism of Oxidation of Aromatic Amines by Peroxysulphate. Part 6. Identification of Oxidation Products of Aniline and Substituted Anilines. Indian J. Chem. 12: 656-657, 1974.
Sharma LD, Gupta RC, & Srivastava SP. Kinetics and Mechanism of Silver(I)Catalyzed Oxidation of Phenols by Peroxydisulphate. Role of Substituents. Indian J. Chem. 13: 978-980, 1975.
Srivastava SP, Gupta RC & Shukla AK. Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Aromatic Amines by Peroxydisulphate. Part 5. Role of Substituents on Reactivity. Indian J. Chem. 15: 605-607, 1977.
Randerath K, Gupta RC, Randerath E & Chia LSY. Sequence Analysis of Polyribonucleotides by Continuous Directional Degradation. A Study of the Course of the Reaction at Nucleotide Concentrations between 10-7 and 10-5 Molar. FEBS Letts. 36: 301-304, 1973.
Randerath K, Chia LSY, Randerath E & Gupta RC. Tritium Sequence Analysis of Polynucleotides Following Periodate-Phosphomonoesterase Degradation. Analysis of Nucleotide Methylene Dialdehydes Derived from Tetra-, Penta-, and Hexanucleotides. FEBS Letts. 40: 183-186, 1974.
Randerath K, Randerath E, Gupta RC & Chia LSY. Tritium Sequence Analysis of Polyribonucleotides Following Periodate-Phosphomonoesterase Degradation. Characterization of Oligonucleotide-3' Dialdehyde. FEBS Letts. 40: 187-191, 1974.
Randerath K, Randerath E, Chia LSY, Gupta RC, & Sivarajan M. Sequence Analysis of Nonradioactive RNA Fragments by Periodate-Phosphatase Digestion and Chemical Tritium Labeling. Characterization of Large Oligonucleotides Containing Modified Nucleosides. Nucleic Acids Res. 1: 1121-1141, 1974.
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Sivarajan M, Gupta RC, Chia LSY, Randerath E, & Randerath K. Tritium Sequence Analysis of Oligonucleotides. A Combination of Postlabeling and Thin-Layer Chromatographic Techniques for the Analysis of Partial Snake Venom Phosphodiesterase Digests. Nucleic Acids Res. 1: 1329-1341, 1974.
Randerath K, Chia LSY, Gupta RC, Randerath E, Hawkins ER, Brum, CK & Chang SH. Structural Analysis of Nonradioactive RNA by Postlabeling. The Primary Sequence of Baker's yeast tRNA Leu CUA. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 66: 157163, 1975.
Roe BA, Anandaraj MPJS, Chia LSY, Randerath E, Gupta RC & Randerath K. Sequence Studies on tRNAPhe from Human Placenta: Comparison with Known Sequences from Other Normal Tissues. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 66: 1097-1105,1975.
Gupta RC, Randerath K & Randerath E. Sequence Analysis of Small Amounts of Nonradioactive Oligoribonucleotides Containing Ribose-Methylated Nucleosides by a Combination of 3H-and 32P-Labeling Techniques. Anal. Biochem. 76: 269-280, 1976.
Gupta RC, Randerath E & Randerath K. A Double-Labeling Procedure for Sequence Analysis of Picomole Amounts of Nonradioactive RNA Fragments. Nucleic Acids Res. 3: 2895-2914, 1976.
Gupta RC, Randerath E & Randerath K. An Improved Separation Procedure for Nucleoside Monophosphates on Polyethylenediimine(PEI)-Cellulose Thin Layers. Nucleic Acids Res. 3: 2915-2922, 1976.
Gupta RC & Randerath, K. Use of Specific Endonuclease Cleavage in RNA Sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res. 3: 1957-1978, 1977.
Gupta RC & Randerath K. Use of Specific Endonuclease Cleavage in RNA Sequencing. An Enzymic Method for Distinguishing Between Cytidine and Uridine Residues. Nucleic Acids Res. 4: 3441-3454, 1977.
Randerath E, Gupta RC, Chia LSY, Chang SH & Randerath K. Yeast tRNALeu Purification, Properties and Determination of the nucleotide UAG Sequence by Radioactive Derivative Methods. Eur. J. Biochem. 93: 79-94, 1979.
Gupta RC & Randerath K. Rapid Print-Readout Technique for Sequencing of RNA's Containing Modified Nucleotides. Nucleic Acids Res. 6: 3443-3458, 1979.
Gupta RC, Roe BA & Randerath K. The Nucleotide Sequence of Human tRNAGly (Anticodon GCC). Nucleic Acids Res. 7: 959-970, 1979.
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Schroeder HW, Liarakos CD, Gupta RC, Randerath K & O'Malley BW. The Ribosome Binding Sites of Ovalbumin Messenger RNA. Biochemistry 18: 57985808, 1979.
Gupta RC, Roe BA & Randerath, K.: The Nucleotide Sequence of Human tRNAGly (Anticodon CCC). Comparison of Known Glycine tRNA's. Biochemistry 19: 16991705, 1980.
Randerath E, Gupta RC, Morris HP & Randerath K. Isolation and Sequence Analysis of 2 Major Leucine tRNAs (Anticodon MmAA) from a Rat Tumor, Morris Hepatoma 5123D. Biochemistry 19: 3476-3483, 1980.
Reddy MV, Gupta RC & Randerath K. 117: 271-279, 1981.
Randerath E, Gopalakrishnan AS, Gupta, RC, Agrawal HP & Randerath K. Lack of a Specific Ribose Methylation at G17 in tRNASer of Morris Hepatoma 5123D. Cancer Res. 41: 2863-2867, 1981.IGA
Agrawal HP, Gupta RC, Randerath K & Randerath E. The Sequence of Mitochondrial Arginine tRNA (Anticodon UCG) from a Transplantable Rat Tumor, Morris Hepatoma 5123D. FEBS Letts. 130: 287-290, 1981.
Randerath K, Reddy MV & Gupta RC. 32P-Labeling Test for DNA Damage. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78: 6126-6129, 1981.
Gupta RC, Reddy MV & Randerath K. 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Nonradioactive Aromatic Carcinogen DNA Adducts. Carcinogenesis 3: 1081-1092, 1982.
Gupta RC. Nucleotide Sequence of a Reiterated Rat DNA Fragment. FEBS Letters 164: 175-180, 1983.
Reddy MV, Gupta RC, Randerath E. & Randerath K. 32P-Labeling Test for Covalent DNA Binding of Chemicals In Vivo. Applications to a Variety of Aromatic Carcinogens and Methylating Agents. Carcinogenesis 5: 231-243, 1984.
Gupta RC & Dighe NR. Formation and Removal of DNA Adducts in Rat Liver Treated with N-Hydroxy Derivatives of 2-Acetylaminofluorene, 4Acetylaminobiphenyl, and 2-Acetylaminophenanthrene. Carcinogenesis 5: 343-349, 1984.
Gupta RC. Nonrandom Binding of the Carcinogen N-Hydroxy-2acetylaminofluorene to Repetitive Sequences of Rat Liver DNA In Vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81: 6943-6947, 1984.
Analysis of DNA. Anal. Biochem.
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Gupta RC, Goel SK, Earley K, Singh B & Reddy JK. 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Peroxysome Proliferator-DNA Adduct Formation in Rat Liver In Vivo. Carcinogenesis 6: 933-936, 1985.
Gupta RC, Dighe NR, Randerath K & Smith HC. Distribution of Initial and Persistent 2-Acetylaminofluorene-Induced Adducts within DNA Loops. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82: 6605-6608, 1985.
Gupta RC. Enhanced Sensitivity of 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Aromatic Carcinogen-DNA Adducts. Cancer Res. 45: 5656-5662, 1985.
Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling Assay to Measure Carcinogen-DNA Adducts. Prog. Exp.Tumor Res. 31: 21-32, 1987.
Gupta RC, Earley K, Locker J & Lombardi B. 32P-Postlabeling Analysis of liver DNA Adducts in Rats Chronically Fed a Choline-Devoid Diet. Carcinogenesis 8: 187-189, 1987.
Gupta RC, Earley K & Sharma S. Use of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes to Measure DNA Binding Capacity of Chemical Carcinogens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 85: 3513-3517, 1988.
Kureleck B, Chacko M & Gupta RC. Postlabeling Analysis of Carcinogen-DNA Adducts in Mussel, Mytilus Galloprovincialis. Marine Environ. Res. 24: 317-320, 1988.
Gupta RC & Earley K. 32P-Adduct Assay: Recoveries of Structurally Diverse DNA Adducts in the Various Enhancement Procedures. Carcinogenesis 9: 1687-1693, 1988.
Gupta RC, Earley K & Becker FF. Analysis of DNA Adducts in Putative Premalignant Hepatic Nodules and Nontarger Tissues of Rats During 2Acetylaminofluorene Carcinogenesis. Cancer Res. 48: 5270-5274, 1988.
Gupta RC. 32P-Adduct Assay: Short- and Long-Term Persistence of AAF-DNA Adducts and Other Applications of the Assay. Cell Biol. Toxicol. 4: 467-474, 1988.
Sikka HC, Kandaswami C, Rutkowski P, Dubey S, Kumar S, Earley K & Gupta RC. DNA Adduct Formation in Rats Treated with benzo[f]quinoline. Cancer Lett. 43: 133138, 1988.
Chacko M & Gupta RC. Evaluation of DNA Damage in the Oral Mucosa of Tobacco Users and Nonusers. Carcinogenesis, 9: 2309-2314, 1988.
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Nesnow S, Ross J, Mohapatra N, Gold A, Sangaiah & Gupta RC. DNA Adduct Formation, Metabolism, and Morphological Transforming Activity of Aceanthrylene in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells. Mutation Res. 222: 223-235, 1989.
Gupta RC, Sopori ML & Gairola CG. Formation of Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Rat Lung and Nasal Mucosa. Cancer Res. 49: 1916-1920, 1989.
Kligerman A, Nesnow S & Gupta RC. DNA Adducts and Sister- Chromatid Exchange Induced in the Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Rats and Mouse treated with Benzo[a]pyrene. Carcinogenesis 10: 1041-1045, 1989.
Kureleck B, Garg A, Krca S, Chacko M & Gupta RC. Natural environment surpasses polluted environment in inducing DNA damage in fish. Carcinogenesis 10: 1337-1339, 1989.
Gupta RC, Earley K, Fullerton NF & Beland FA. Formation and Removal of DNA Adducts in Target and Nontarget Tissues of Rats Administered Multiple Doses of 2Acetylaminophenanthrene. Carcinogenesis 10: 2025-2033, 1989.
Kurelec B, Garg A, Krca S & Gupta, R. C. DNA adducts as Biomarkers in the Genotoxic Risk Assessment in Aquatic Environment. Marine Environ. Res. 28: 317321, 1989.
Steward AR, Zaleski, Gupta RC & Sikka H. Comparative Metabolism of Benzo[a]pyrene and (-)Benz0[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol by Hepatocytes Isolated from Two Species of Bottom-Dwelling Fish. Marine Environ. Res. 28: 137-140, 1989.
Ross J, Nelson G, Kligerman A, Erexson G, Bryant M, Earley K, Gupta RC & Nesnow S. Formation and Persistence of Novel Benzo[a]pyrene Adducts in Rat Lung, Liver, and Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte DNA. Cancer Res. 50: 5088-5094, 1990
Sikka HS, Rutkowski JP, Kandaswami C, Kumar S, Earley K & Gupta RC. Formation and Persistence of DNA Adducts in the Liver of Brown Bullheads exposed to Benzo[a]pyrene. Cancer Lett. 49: 81-87, 1990.
Abu-Shakra A, Johnson L, Earley K, Jameson C W, Kari F, Gupta RC & Langenbach R. Isolation of Mutagenic and DNA-Inducing Components from a Commercial Preparation of HC Blue 1 using Salmonella (TA 98) Bioassay-Directed HPLC Fractionation. Mutation Res. 260: 377-385, 1991.
Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Tissues of Rats. Env. Mol. Mutagenesis, 17: 253-257, 1991.
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Kurelec B, Krca S, Garg A & Gupta RC. The potential of Carp to Bioactivate Benzo[a]pyrene to Metabolites that Bind to DNA. Cancer Lett. 57: 255-260, 1991.
Steward AR, Zaleski J, Gupta RC & Sikka HC. Comparative metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodio by hepatocytes isolated from two species of bottomdwelling fish. Marine Environ. Res. 28: 137-140, 1991.
Gupta RC, Garg A, Earley K, Agarwal SC, Lambert GR & Nesnow S. DNA Adducts of the Antitumor Agent Diaziquone, Cancer Res. 51: 5198-5204, 1991.
Ross J, Nelson G, Kligerman A, Erexson G, Bryant M, Earley K, Gupta R C & Nesnow, S. DNA adducts in Rat Lung, Liver, and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Produced by I.P Administration of Benzo[a]pyrene Metabolites and Derivatives. Carcinogenesis 12: 1953-1955, 1991.
Sikka HC, Steward AR, Kandaswami C, Rutkowski, Z, Kumar S, Earley K & Gupta RC. Comparative Biochem. Biophys. 100C: 25-28, 1991.
Monteith DK & Gupta RC. Carcinogen-DNA Adducts in Cultures of Rat and Human Hepatocytes. Cancer Lett. 62: 87-93, 1992.
Beach A & Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling Assay and Human Biomonitoring Commentary, Carcinogenesis 13: 1053-1074, 1992.
Kurelec B, Garg A, Krca S, Britvic S, Lucic D & Gupta RC. DNA Adducts in Carp Exposed to Artificial Diesel 2-Oil Slicks. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 228: 51-56, 1992.
Garg A, Krca S, Kureleck B & Gupta RC. Endogenous DNA Modifications in Aquatic Organisms and their Probable Significance. Comparative Biochem. Biophys. 102B: 825-832, 1992.
Ross JA, Nelson GB, Holden KL, Kligerman AD, Erexson GL, Bryant MF, Earley K, Beach AC, Gupta RC & Nesnow S. DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister-Chromatid exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo[b]fluoranthene Administration, Carcinogenesis 13: 1731-1734, 1992.
Nesnow S, Ross J, Nelson G, Holden K, Erexson G, Kligerman A & Gupta RC. Quantitative and Temporal Relationships between DNA adduct Formation in Target and Surrogate Tissues: Implications for Biomonitoring, Environ. Health Perspect. 101: 37-42, 1993.
Gairola CG, Wu H, Gupta RC & Diana JN. Mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke-induced DNA adducts in C57Bl and DBA mice. Environ. Health Perspect. 99: 253-255, 1993.
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Spencer GS, Beach AC & Gupta RC. Enhanced Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation of 32P-Postlabeled DNA Adducts. J. Chromatogr. 612: 295-301, 1993.
Garg A, Beach A & Gupta RC. Use of 32P-Postlabeling Assay for Detecting DNAReactive Metabolites (DRM) in Rodent Serum Following Carcinogen Exposure: Implication for Biomonitoring, Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis 13: 151-166, 1993.
Beach, A., Lambert, G., Agarwal, S. C., Nesnow, S. and Gupta, R.C. Reaction of Cyclopenta[cd]pyrene-3,4-epoxide with DNA and Deoxynucleotides. Carcinogenesis 14: 767-771, 1993.
Garg, A., Suto, A., Osborne, M.P., Gupta, R.C. and Telang, N.T. 7,12Dimethylbenzanthracene-DNA Adducts in a Newly Established Mammary Epithelium Cell Line and Perturbation of Cellular Functions, Internatl. J. Oncology 3: 185-189, 1993.
Beach A.C. and Gupta, R.C. DNA Adducts Induced In Vivo by the Ubiquitous Environmental Contaminant Cyclopenta[cd]pyrene. Carcinogenesis 15: 1065-1072, 1994.
Stansbury K, Flesher JW and Gupta RC. Mechanism of Aralkyl-DNA Adduct Formation From Benzo[a]pyrene In Vivo. Chem. Res. Tox. 7: 254-259, 1994.
Vock EH, Cantoreggi S, Gupta RC and Lutz WK. 32P-Postlabeling analysis of DNA adducts formed in vitro and in rat skin by methylenediphenyl-4,4'-diisocyanate (MDI). Toxicology Lett. 76: 17-26, 1995.
Lakshmi VM, Zenser TV, Goldman HD, Spencer GG, Gupta RC, Hsu FF and Davis BB. Benzidine Metabolism and DNA Adduct Formation in Dog and Rat Liver. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 8: 711-720, 1995.
Spencer GG, Wood DP & Gupta RC. Detection of DNA Adducts in Normal and Tumorous Human Prostate Biopsies by 32P-Postlabeling. Internatl. J. Oncology 7: 245-248, 1995.
Oakley, GG, Robertson LR & Gupta RC. PCB Genotoxicity: Activation and DNA binding. Organohalogen Compounds 25: 409-412, 1995.
Gupta RC & Spencer GG. Natural Sources of Adducts and Background Levels. Regulatory Toxicol. 23: 14-21, 1996.
Spencer GG, Beach AC & Gupta RC. High Resolution Anion-Exchange and Partition Thin-Layer Chromatography for Complex Mixtures of 32P-Postlabeled DNA adducts. J. Chromatogr. 677: 265-273, 1996.
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McLean MR, Robertson LR & Gupta RC. Detection of PCB Adducts with 32PPostlabeling. Chem. Res. Tox, 9: 165-171, 1996.
Oakley, GG, Robertson LR & Gupta RC. Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl-DNA adducts by 32P-Postlabeling. Carcinogenesis 17: 109-114, 1996.
Arif JA & Gupta RC. Role of DNA adducts in defining bioactivation mechanism(s) of genotoxic compounds. Internatl. J. Oncolog. 8: 681-685, 1996.
Devanaboyina US & Gupta RC. Sensitive detection of 8-hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine in DNA by 32P-Postlabeling Assay and Basal Values in Rat Tissues. Carcinogenesis 17: 917-924, 1996.
Smith WA & Gupta RC. Use of a Microsome-Mediated Test System to Assess Efficacy and Mechanisms of Cancer Chemopreventive Agents, Carcinogenesis 17: 1285-1290, 1996.
Arif JM & Gupta RC. Detection of DNA-reactive metabolites in serum and their tissue distribution in mice exposed to multiple doses of carcinogen mixtures: role in human biomonitoring. Carcinogenesis 17: 2213-2219, 1996.
Oakley GG, Devanaboyina US, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Oxidative DNA damage induced by activation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): Implications for PCB-induced oxidative stress in breast cancer. Chem. Res. Tox. 9: 1285-1292, 1996.
Arif JM & Gupta RC. Microsome-mediated bioactivation of dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and identification of DNA adducts by 32P-postlabeling. Carcinogenesis. 18: 1999-2007, 1997.
Arif JM, Smith WA & Gupta RC. Tissue distribution of DNA adducts in rats treated by intramammilary injection with dibenz[a,l]pyrene, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene, Mutation Res. 378: 31-39, 1997.
Arif, JM, Gairola CG, Glauert, HP, Kelloff, GJ, Lubet RA & Gupta RC. Effects of dietary supplementation of N-acetylcysteine on cigarette smoke-related DNA adducts in rat tissues. Internatl. J. Oncology 11: 1227-1233, 1997.
Schuler D, Otteneder M, Sagelsdorff P, Gupta RC & Lutz WK. Comparative analysis of 8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine in DNA by 32P- and 33P-postlabeling and electrochemical detection, Carcinogenesis, 18: 2367-2371, 1997.
Smith WA, Arif JM & Gupta RC. Effect of cancer chemopreventive agents on microsome-mediated DNA adduction of the breast carcinogen dibenzo[a,l]pyrene, Mutation Res. 422: 307-314, 1998.
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Arif, JM, Gairola CG, Glauert HP, Kelloff, GJ, Lubet RA & Gupta RC. Inhibition of cigarette smoke-related lipophilic DNA adducts in rat tissues by dietary oltipraz. Carcinogenesis 19: 1515-1517, 1998.
Gupta RC, Arif JM & Gairola CG. Enhancement of pre-existing DNA adducts in rodents exposed to cigarette smoke, Mutat. Res. 424: 195-205, 1999.
Gupta RC & Lutz WK. Background DNA damage from endogenous and unavoidable exogenous exposure to genotoxic carcinogens, Mutat. Res. 424: 1-8, 1999.
Smith WA & Gupta RC. Determining efficacy of cancer chemopreventive agents using a cell-free system concomitant with DNA adduction, Mutat. Res. 425: 143-152, 1999.
100. Arif JM, Shappell N, Sikka HC, Kumar S & Gupta RC. 32P-Postlabeling analysis of lipophilic DNA adducts resulting from interaction with (+/-)-3-hydroxy-trans-7,8dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene, Chem.-Biol. Interact., 118: 87-97, 1999. 101. Arif JM, Smith WA & Gupta RC. DNA adduct formation and persistence in rat tissues following exposure to the mammary carcinogen dibenzo[a,l]pyrene Carcinogenesis, 20: 1147-1150, 1999. 102. Arif JM, Gairola CG, Glauert HP, Kelloff GJ, Lubet RA & Gupta RC. Inhibition of cigarette smoke-related lipophilic DNA adducts in rat tissues by indole-3-carbinol. Mutation Res. 452: 11-18, 2000 *103. Smith WA, Arif JM & Gupta RC. 1,2-Dithiol-3-thione and its structural analogue oltipraz are potent inhibitors of dibenz[a,l]pyrene-DNA adduction in female SpragueDawley rats, Internatl. J. Cancer 91: 132-136, 2001. 104.
Smith WA, Freeman JW & Gupta RC. Effects of chemopreventive agents on DNA adduction induced by the potent mammary carcinogen dibenz[a,l]pyrene in the human breast cells MCF-7. Mutation Res. 480-481: 97-108, 2001.
Fang AH, Smith WA, Vouros P & Gupta RC. Identification and characterization of a novel benzo[a]pyrene–derived DNA adduct. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 281: 383-389, 2001.
Gupta RC & Arif JM. A TLC enrichment-mediated 32P-postlabeling assay for the sensitive detection of 8-oxodeoxyguanosine in tissue DNA. Chem. Res. Tox. 14: 951957, 2001.
107. Arif JM, Vadhanam MV, de Groot AJL, van Zeeland AA & Gupta RC. Effect of cigarette smoke exposure on the modulation of 8-oxo2’-deoxyguanosine in rat lungs
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as analyzed by 32P-postlabeling and HPLC-ECD. Internatl. J. Oncology 19: 763-766, 2001. 108. Pereg D, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. DNA adduction by polychlorinated biphenyls: adducts derived from hepatic microsomal activation and from synthetic metabolites, Chem.-Biol. Interact.139, 129-144, 2002. 109. Srinivasan P, Vadhanam M, Arif JM & Gupta RC. A rapid screening assay for antioxidant potential of natural and synthetic agents in vitro, Internatl. J. Oncology 20: 983-986, 2002. 110. Arif JM, Lehmler H-J, Robertson LW & Gupta RC. Interaction of benzoquinone- and hydroquinone-derivatives of lower chlorinated biphenyls with DNA and nucleotides in vitro. Chem.-Biol Interact. 142: 307-316, 2003. 111. Vadhanam MV, Horn J, Flesher JW & Gupta RC. Detection of benzylic adducts in DNA and nucleotides from 7-sulfooxymethyl-12-methylbenz[a]anthracene and related compounds by 32P-postlabeling using new TLC systems. Chem-Biol. Interactions 146: 81-87, 2003. 112. Arif JM & Gupta RC. Artifactual formation of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine: role of fluorescent light and inhibitors. Oncol Rep. 10:2071-2074, 2003. 113. Gennaro LA, Vadhanam MV, Gupta RC & Vouoros P. Selective digestion and novel cleanup techniques for detection of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-DNA adducts by CE/MS. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18: 1541-1547, 2004. 114. Ravikumar, MNV, Vadhanam, MV, Horn, J, Flesher, JW & Gupta RC. Formation of benzylic DNA adducts resulting from 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in vivo. Chem. Res. Tox., 18: 686-691, 2005. 115. Mally A, Pepe G, Ravoori S, Fiore M, Gupta RC, Dekant W and Mosesso P. Ochratoxin A causes DNA damage and Cytogenetic effects, but no DNA adducts in rats, Chemical Research Toxicology, 18: 1253-1261, 2005. *116. Arif, JM, Dresler, C, Clapper, M, Gairola CG, Srinivasan, C, Lubet, RA & Gupta RC. Lung DNA adducts detected in human smokers are unrelated to typical polyaromatic carcinogens ChemRes Tox 19:, 295-299, 2006. *117. Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Davey, DD, Srinivasan C, Nagarajan B & Gupta RC. Modulation of novel DNA adducts during human uterine cervix cancer progression Int. J Oncol 29: 1437-1443, 2006. 118. Kushman ME, Kabler SL, Fleming MH, Ravoori S, Gupta RC, Doehmer J, Morrow CS, and Townsend AJ. Expression of human glutathione S-transferase P1 confers
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resistance to benzo[a]pyrene or benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol mutagenesis, macromolecular alkylation, and formation of stable N2-Gua-BPDE adducts in stablytransfected V79MZ cells co-expressing hCYP1A1. Carcinogenesis, 28: 207-214. 2007. 119. Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Gupta RC. Mammary tumor induction in ACI rats exposed to low levels of 17beta-estradiol. Int’l J. Oncol. 31:113-20, 2007. 120. Thaiparambil JT, Vadhanam MV, Srinivasan C, Gailola GC & Gupta RC. Timedependent formation of 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine in the lungs of mice exposed to cigarette smoke. Chem Res Toxicol. 20:1737-40, 2007. 121. Ravoori S, Ayotte P, Srinivasan C, Pereg D, Roberston LW, Russell GK, Jeyabalan J & Gupta RC. DNA damage associated with PCBs in the whole blood cells of Inuit. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 25: 273-277, 2008. 122. Ravoori SR, Feng Y, Neale JR, Jeyabalan J, Srinivasan C, Hein DW & Gupta RC. Dose-dependent reduction of 3,2-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl-derived DNA adducts in colon and liver of rats administrered celecoxib. Mutat Res. 638:103-9, 2008. 123. Aiyer HS, Vadhanam MV, Stoyanova R, Caprio GD, Clapper ML & Gupta RC. Dietary berries and ellagic acid prevent oxidative DNA damage and modulate expression of DNA repair genes. Int J Mol Sci , 9: 327-341, 2008. 124. Aiyer HS, Srinivasan C and Gupta RC. Dietary berries and ellagic acid diminish estrogen-mediated mammary tumorigenesis in the ACI rat model. Nutrition & Cancer, 60: 227-234, 2008. 125. Aiyer HS, Kichambre S and Gupta RC. Prevention of oxidative DNA damage by bioactive berry components. Nutrition & Cancer, 60 supp 1:36-42, 2008. 126. Munagala R, Dona MG, Rai S, Jenson AB, Nagarajan B, Ghim SJ & Gupta RC. Significance of multiple HPV infection in cervical cancer patients and its impact on treatment response. Int. J. Oncol. 34: 263 -271, 2009. 127. Spencer WA, Lehmler H-J, RobertsonLW & Gupta RC. Oxidative DNA adducts following Cu2+-mediated activation of dihydroxy PCBs: Role of reactive oxygen species. Free Radical Biol Med 46: 1346-52, 2009. 128. Moktar A, Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Cigarette smoke-induced DNA damage and repair detected by the comet assay in HPV-transformed cervical cells. Int. J. Oncol. 35: 1297-1304, 2009. *129. Meireles S, Esteves G, Hirata, Jr. R, Peri S, Devarajan K, Slifker M, Mosier S, Peng J, Vadhanam M, Hurst H, Neves EJ, Reis L, Gairola CG, Gupta RC &
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Clapper M. Early changes in gene expression induced by tobacco smoke: Evidence for the importance of estrogen within lung tissue. Cancer Prevention Research, 3 (6): 707-717, 2010. (A Perspective was featured in the same issue based on this publication: Siegfried JM. Early Changes in pulmonary gene expression following tobacco exposure shed light on the role of estrogen metabolism in lung carcinogenesis. Cancer Prevention Research, June 2010) 130. Cao P, Cai J & Gupta RC. Effect of green tea catechins and hydrolyzable tannins on benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA adducts and structure activity relationship. Chem. Res. Tox. 23: 771-777, 2010. 131. Munagala R, Rai S, Ganesharajah S, Nagarajan B & Gupta RC. Clinicopathological, but not socio-demographic factors affect the prognosis in cervical carcinoma. Oncology Reports, 24: 511-520, 2010. 132. Aiyer H & Gupta RC. Berries and ellagic acid prevent estrogen-induced mammary tumorigenesis by modulating enzymes of estrogen metabolism. Cancer Prevention Research, 3: 727-737, 2010. 133. Spencer WA, Jeyabalan, J Kichambre S & Gupta RC. Oxidatively generated DNA damage following Cu(II)-catalysis of dopamine and related catecholamine neurotransmitters and neurotoxins: Role of reactive oxygen species, Free Rad. Biol. Med. 50: 139-147, 2011. 134. Bansal SS, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Development and in vitro-in vivo evaluation of polymeric implants for continuous systemic delivery of curcumin. Pharm Research, 28:1121-30, 2011. PMID: 21311958 *135. Bansal SS, Goel M, Aqil F, Vadhanam M & Gupta RC. Advanced drug-delivery systems of curcumin for cancer chemoprevention. Cancer Prev Res. 4: 1158-1171, 2011. PMID: 21546540 136. Munagala R, Aqil F & Gupta RC. Promising molecular targeted therapies in breast cancer. Indian J. Pharmacol. 43: 236-245, 2011. (Featured on the Cover of the Journal) 137. Cao P, Vadhanam MV, Spencer WS, Cai J & Gupta RC. Sustained systemic delivery of green tea polyphenols by polymeric implants significantly diminishes benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA adducts. Chem ResTox, 24: 877-896, 2011. PMID: 21574630
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138. Bansal SS, Kausar H, Aqil F, Jeyprakash J, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Curcumin implants for continuous systemic delivery: safety and biocompatibility. Drug Deliv. and Transl. Res. 1: 332-341, 2011. 139. Moktar A, Singh R, Vadhanam MV, Ravoori S, Lillard J, Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Cigarette smoke condensate-induced oxidative DNA damage and its removal in human cervical cancer cells. Int. J. Oncol., 39: 941-947, 2011. 140. Vadhanam MV, Ravoori S, Aqil F & Gupta RC. Chemoprevention of mammary carcinogenesis by sustained systemic delivery of ellagic acid. Eur J. Cancer Prev. 20:484-491, 2011. PMID: 21859835 141. Munagala R, Kausar H & Gupta RC. Withaferin A induces p53-dependent apoptosis by repression of HPV oncogenes and up-regulation of tumor suppressor proteins in human cervical cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 32:1697-1705. 2011. PMID: 21859835 142. Jeyabalan J, Vadhanam MV, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. Sustained overexpression of CYP1A1 and 1B1 and steady accumulation of DNA adducts by low-dose, continuous exposure to benzo[a]pyrene by polymeric implants. Chem. Res. Tox. 24: 1937-1943, 2011. 143. Bansal SS, Kausar H, Vadhanam MV, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. Controlled systemic delivery by polymeric implants enhances tissue and plasma curcumin levels compared with oral administration, Eur.J. Pharm. Biopharm. 80: 571-577, 2012. 144. Aqil F, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Enhanced activity of punicalagin delivered via polymeric implants against benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA adducts. Mutation Research. 743: 59-66, 2012. 145. Spencer W, Vadhanam MV, Jeyabalan J & Gupta RC. Oxidative DNA damage following microsome/Cu(II)-mediated activation of the estrogens, 17β-estradiol, equilenin, and equilin: role of reactive oxygen species. Chem. Res. Tox., 25: 305314, 2012. 146. Aqil F, Gupta A, Munagala R, Jeyabalan, J, Kausar H, Sharma, R, Singh IP & Gupta RC. Antioxidant and antiproliferative potential of anthocyanin/ellagitanninenriched extracts from Syzygium cumini L. (‘jamun’, the Indian Blackberry). Nutrition & Cancer. 64: 428-438, 2012. 147. Chauthe S, Sharma R, Aqil F, Gupta R & Singh IP. Quantitative NMR: An applicable method for quantitative analysis of medicinal plant extracts and herbal products. Phytochemical Analysis, 23: 689-696, 2012.
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148. Gupta R, Bansal S, Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Cao P, Kausar H, Russell GK, Munagala R, Ravoori S & Vadhanam MV. Controlled-release systemic delivery - a new concept in cancer chemoprevention. Carcinogenesis. 33:1608–1615, 2012. 149. Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Aqil F & Gupta RC. Inhibition of estrogen-mediated mammary tumorigenesis by blueberry and black raspberry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60: 5547-5555, 2012. 150. Kausar H, Jeyabalan J, Aqil F, Chabba D, Sidana J, Singh, IP & Gupta RC. Berry anthocyanidins synergistically suppresses growth and metastatic potential of human non-small-cell lung cancer cells. Cancer Letters. 325: 54-62, 2012. 151. Fong M, Jin S, Rane MJ, Singh RK, Gupta RC & Kakar SS. Withaferin A synergizes the therapeutic effect of doxorubicin through ROS-mediated autophagy in ovarian cancer. PLoS One, e42265. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042265. 152. Aqil F, Jeyabalan J, Kausar H, Bansal H, Vadahanam MV & Gupta RC. Multi-layer polymeric implants for controlled release of chemopreventives. Cancer Letters, 326: 33-40, 2012. 153. Aqil F, Munagala R, Kausar H, Jeyabalan J, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Antiproliferative and antioxidant activity of punicalagins and its protection against oxidative DNA adducts. Food Research Internatl. 49: 345-353, 2012. 154. Vadhanam MV, Thaiparamvil J, Gairola CG & Gupta RC. Oxidative DNA adducts detected in vitro from redox activity of cigarette smoke constituents, Chem. Res. Tox., 25: 2499-2504, 2012. 155. Moktar A, Ravoori S, Vadhanam MV, Pan J, Rai SN, Jenson AB, Parker LP & Gupta RC. The interplay of cigarette smoking and HPV infection in human vaginal cells: an ex vivo study. Experimental & Molecular Pathology, In press, 2012. 156. Kausar H, Munagala R, Bansal S, Aqil F Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. Cucurbitacin B potently suppresses non-small-cell lung cancer growth: identification of intracellular thiols as critical targets. Cancer Letters, In Press, 2013.
Under communication 1. Munagala R, Aqil F, Vadhanam MV & Gupta RC. MicroRNA ‘signature’ during estrogenmediated mammary carcinogenesis and its reversal by ellagic acid intervention.
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2. Cao P, Vadhanam MV, Aqil F, Ravoori S & Gupta RC. Polymeric implants for systemic delivery of green tea polyphenols.