1 May 2012 ... (256) 782-5964. Email:
. Curriculum Vita- 01 May ... BS, The
University of Arkansas, 1997. Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.
Dr. Lori Tolley-Jordan Jacksonville State University Biology (256) 782-5964 Email:
[email protected] Curriculum Vita- 01 May 2012- 30 April 2013 Education PHD, The University of Alabama, 2008. Major: Biology Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Aquatic Biology Dissertation Title: Biology of Pleuroceridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda) in the Cahaba River Basin, Alabama USA MS, Texas State University, 2000. Major: Aquatic Biology Thesis Title: Distribution, abundance, and drift rates of in-stream flow indicator insects in three riffles along the Guadalupe River, Texas BS, The University of Arkansas, 1997. Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa Major: Biology Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Environmental Soil and Water Science Honors Thesis Title: Quality and quantity of seston above and below riffles and in streams which differ in silvicultural management intensities Professional Position Assistant Professor, Jacksonville State University. (January 2011 - Present). Professional Memberships Alabama Academy of Sciences. (February 2013 - Present). Association of Southeastern Biologists. (2011 - Present). Society of Freshwater Sciences. (2000 - Present). Development Activities Attended Tutorial, "search committee training," HR-JSU. (January 2013). Workshop, "Grant Proposal Planning," Institutional Grants Office. (September 2012). Workshop, "," IPAD Training”. (January 2013). Workshop, "," Sexual Harassment Prevention Training. (March 2013).
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TEACHING JSU Teaching Experience- 2012-2013
(** denotes new course prep 2012-2013)
BY 101, Introduction to Biology I, 1 course. BY 102, Introductory Biology II, 2 courses. BY 327, Directed Studies in Biology, 4 courses. BY 332, Ecology, 4 courses. **BY 370, Intro to Research in Biology, 1 course. BY 397, Biology Internship, 2 courses. BY 427, Independent Studies Biology, 3 courses. **BY 438, Freshwater Biology, 2 courses. **BY 443, Medical Entomology, 2 courses. BY 503, Special Problems in Biology, 1 course. BY 599, Thesis, 1 course. Directed Student Learning Graduate Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Macroinvertebrate community structure on Choccolocco Creek," Other (Within Jacksonville State University). (January 2011 - December 2012). Advised: Holly Allen- Successfully Defended Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Status of Shoal Creek As measured by population and community responses of fishes.," Biology. (January 2011 April 2013). Advised: Megan Cordle- Successfully Defended Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Distribution of meiofauna in the Northern Gulf of Mexico," Biology. (September 2012 - Present). Advised: Jeffrey Ghazal Master's Thesis Committee Chair, "Effects of trematode infections on the population biology of an endemic freshwater snail (Marstonia alba)," Biology. (July 2012 - Present). Advised: Shanna Fincher Master's Thesis Committee Member, Distribution of Fishes in Choccolocco Creek (January 2011 - December 2012).- Successfully Defended Advised: David White Master's Thesis Committee Member, Biology. (January 2013 - April 2013). Non-thesis Advised: Larry Thomas- Successfully completed
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Master's Thesis Committee Member, "Physiology of fishes from Choccolocco Creek," Biology. (December 2012 - Present). Advised: Lindsay White Undergraduate Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Assessing Student learning of hands on scientific workshop for middle school students," Educational Resources. (January 2013 - April 2013). Advised: Cassidy Owens: Created assessment pretests/posttests/rubric for Legacy, INC sponsored workshops Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Stages of terrestrial decomposition" Biology. (January 2012-April 2013). Advised: Mandy Pearson: GRADUATED April 2013 1. First place biology presentation at AAS Symposium, February 2013 2. First place presentation in Biology at AAS annual meeting, March 2013 3. Brooks award for research presentation at BBB Region 1 and 2 Meeting- April 2013 4. Undergraduate Research Award-Biology- April 2013 Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Stages of terrestrial decomposition" Biology. (January 2012-April 2013). Advised: Jacob Brooks (Fall/Spring 2012-2013): GRADUATED April 2013 Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Stages of terrestrial decomposition" Biology. (January 2012-April 2013). Advised: Mary McDaniel (Spring 2013), Freshman Biology Major Directed Individual/Independent Study, "Distribution of Melanoides tuberculata," Biology. (May, June, July, Sept-Dec 2012, Spring 2013). Advised: Jacob Palmer, Ashlie Clayton, Andre Bidikov, Morgan Van Steenberg, Anna Whisenhant- all students participated in data mining snails, parasites, and habitat information of about 250 localities from literature and entering them into a spreadsheet. Used to generate distribution map. RESEARCH Presentations Given Association of Southeastern Biologists Tolley-Jordan, L. (Author & Presenter), Allen, H.. co-author, Association of Southeastern Biologists, "INFLUENCE OF SUBSTRATE HETEROGENEITY ON BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE DIVERSITY IN CHOCCOLOCCO CREEK," Charleston West Virginia. (April 12, 2013).
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Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Pearson, M. (Author & Presenter), Association of Southeastern Biologists, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON DECOMPOSITION RATES OF OF DECOMPOSITION," Charleston West Virginia. (April 12, 2013). Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Brooks, J. (Author & Presenter), Association of Southeastern Biologists, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON THE DIVERSITY OF ADULT INSECTS AMONG FOUR STAGES OF DECOMPOSITION," Charleston, WV. (April 12, 2013). Alabama Academy of Sciences Tolley-Jordan, L. (Author), McDaniel, M. (Author & Presenter), Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON THE NUMBERS OF MAGGOTS DURING DECOMPOSITION," Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford University. (March 21, 2013). Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Brooks, J. (Author & Presenter), BBB: region 1 & 2meeting, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON THE DIVERSITY OF INSECTS AMONG FOUR STAGES OF DECOMPOSITION," Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford University. (March 21, 2013). Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Pearson, M. (Author & Presenter), Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON THE RATES OF DECOMPOSITION," Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford University. (March 21, 2013). --Winner of the Undergraduate Research Award in Biology Alabama Fisheries Association Meade, M. E. (Author), White, D. (Author), Tolley-Jordan, L. (Author), Cordle, M. (Author & Presenter), Alabama Fisheries Association 29th Annual meeting, "Fish Assemblages in Snow Creek, Calhoun County, Alabama," AFA, Guntersville, AL. (March 7, 2013). Society for Freshwater Sciences Tolley-Jordan, L. (Author & Presenter), Chadwick, M. (Author), Society of Freshwater Science, "Significance of snails as habitat patches for their concomitant parasites in novel environments," Louisville KY. (May 2012). see Directed Student Learning: undergraduate for supplementary documents College of Arts and Sciences-Student Symposium Tolley-Jordan, L. (Author), Brooks, J. (Author & Presenter), JSU Arts and Sciences Symposium, "Effects of barriers and carrion size on adult insect diversity during decomposition," JSU. (February 14, 2013).
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Tolley-Jordan, L. (Author), Pearson, M. (Author & Presenter), JSU Arts and Sciences Symposium, "Effects of barriers and carrion size on rates of decomposition," JSU. (February 14, 2013). --Winner of the Undergraduate Research Award in Biology Beta Beta Beta (see Directed Student Learning: Undergraduate) Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Brooks, J. (Author & Presenter), BBB: region 1 & 2meeting, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON THE DIVERSITY OF INSECTS AMONG FOUR STAGES OF DECOMPOSITION," Charleston, WV. (April 12, 2013). Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Pearson, M. (Author & Presenter), BBB: Regon 1&2 Annual Meeting, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON TEMPERATURE OF DECOMPOSITION," Charleston West Virginia. (April 12, 2013). Winner of the Brooks Award for Undergraduate Research Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Chair), Brooks, J. (Author & Presenter), Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, "THE EFFECTS OF BARRIERS AND CARRION SIZE ON THE DIVERSITY OF ADULT INSECTS AMONG FOUR STAGES OF DECOMPOSITION," Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford University. (March 21, 2013). Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research 01 January 2013. Tolley-Jordan, L. (Co-Principal), Meade, M. E. (Principal), Stoekel, J. (Co-Principal), Helms, B. (Co-Principal), " Development of a rapid, field-based stress test to monitor effects of nutrient enrichment on the health of imperiled freshwater fauna.," Sponsored by EPA, Federal, $100,000.00. PENDING 30 November 2012 Meade, M. E. (Principal), Tolley-Jordan, L. (Principal), Helms, B. (Co-Principal), "Evaluating Management Strategies for Nutrient Loading Using PHysiological Bioindicators," Sponsored by Alabama Water Resources Research Institute, Federal, $81,411.00. (Not Funded) 01 May 2012 Tolley-Jordan, L., "Faculty Research Grant," The importance of decomposing animals in terrestrial food webs. Sponsored by Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville State University, $2,000.00 30 JUNE 2012 Tolley-Jordan, L. (Principal), Meade, M. E. (Co-Principal), Murdock, C. A. (Co-Principal), Triplett, J. K. (Co-Principal ) "Active Science for Active Minds: Hands-on Science in the AL Outdoors," Sponsored by Legacy, Inc. Partners in Environmental Education, Private, $9,995.00. (July 1, 2012 June 30, 2013).- Funded
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Research in Progress “Global Distribution of Melanoides tuberculata and Tarebia granifera”. With S. Tsikalas. IN PREP- Submission IUCN May 2013. “Influence of trematode parasites on size-specific habitat use by the invasive snails Melanoides tuberculata and Tarebia granifera”. With M. A. Chadwick, Kings College, London. IN PREP- Submission to BMC Ecology May 2013 "Influences of variation in stream habitats on the distribution of macroinvertebrates" with Holly Allen (IN PREP- Submission to Alabama Academy of Sciences- May 2013) "Distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates in Choccolocco Creek: comparisons at a dedacal scale" with Holly Allen (- IN PREP- Submission to SEN Summer 2013) "Effects of climate on the invasion of thiarid snails" – Bioclimatic Modeling With M. A. Chadwick, Kings College, London (In-Progress) "Carbon partitioning among insects during successional stages of decomposition" –with Mandy Pearson and Jacob Brooks (In Progress) SERVICE Department Service Committee Member, Seminar Committee. (August 2012 - Present). College Service Committee Member, OIRA Grant advisory board. (April 2013). Committee Member, Department Chair Search Committee. (January 2013 March 2013). Committee Member, Professional Development Committee. (August 2012 – May 2013). Student Placement, Majors and Minors College Fair. (September 20, 2012). University Service Faculty Advisor, Tri Beta Biology Society. (January 2013 - Present). Faculty Co- Advisor, JSU Earth Club. (September 2011 - Present). Faculty Advisor, Gamma Delta Iota. (August 2011 - Present). Attendee, Graduation. (May 2012). JSU College of Arts and Sciences Representative, Calhoun Chamber of Commerce, Internship Liason Attendee, Convocation. (August 2012).
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Professional Service Invited Committee Member- Status of Imperiled Fauna Workshop- Auburn University, July 2012. Ad-Hoc Editor, Southeastern Naturalist. (November 2011 - Present). Paper Presentation Judge: Tri-Beta Southeastern Region Annual Meeting. Charleston WV, April 10-12 Public Service Workshop Organizer, Instructor, Munford High School Forensics Class. JSU (March 22, 2013). Tour Guide, Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, Guntersville (March 14, 2013). Tolley-Jordan, (Author & Presenter), L. Cline, G. R. (Author & Presenter), Rayburn, J. R. (Author & Presenter), EEAA Annual Conference, "Alabama’s Path to Learning: USDE funded outdoor field trip classroom," Environmental Education Association of Alabama, Little River Canyon Center. (March 9, 2013). Instructor: “Take a Hike” Program sponsored through JSU-EPIC. Little River, Alabama, August 2012 Gastropod Identification Expert, The Nature Conservancy sponsored survey of mollusks above and below Marvel Slab Dam Removal Site, Cahaba River (June 2012) Instructor, Legacy, Inc. sponsored. Mountains to the Gulf: Helping Teachers Make Connections. (June 18-25 2012)
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