University; she teaches at Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany and is ...
Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare, second edition, 2012, edited with
Dr Ellen Kuhlmann Ellen Kuhlmann holds a PhD in Sociology and a Master in Public Health from the University of Bielefeld, Germany and received her ‘Habilitation’ from the University of Bremen with a thesis Modernising Health Care (Policy Press, 2006), where she was an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Social Policy Research. Trained as a nurse with specialisation in intensive care and anaesthesiology, she also has extensive clinical experience. Having finished her ‘Habilitation’ in 2007, she hold international positions as Senior Lecturer of Social Policy and Sociology, University of Bath, UK and Guest Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Her international fellowships include, e.g. McMaster University Canada, Kaoshiung Medical University Taiwan and Karolinska Institute Sweden. In Germany she was an Interim Chair of Social Policy and Structure at Goethe-University Frankfurt and Guest Professor of Health Policy at the University of Siegen. Currently, she cochairs (with Annette Henninger) a project on gendered innovations in hospitals (GI-K, at Marburg University; she teaches at Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany and is Visiting Professor of Social Policy, University Campus Suffolk, UK ( Professors and Senior Fellows/Dr Ellen Kuhlmann.aspx). Major research areas are healthcare policy, organisation and management of care; the health professions and health human resources policies; and gender and public health with a strong interest in international comparative research. Ellen is currently Vice-President of the European Sociological Association (ESA) and President of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 52 ‘Professions’. She is member of the Management Committee of the EU-funded FP7 COST action 'Medicine and Management', where is leads Working Group 2 on ‘Control/ clinical management’. She has served as advisor to European science policy committees, European and WHO projects and a number of national/regional governmental and academic bodies in Germany, including the Wissenschaftsrat, and is a referee for European Commission and national research funding programmes, including the NIHR Service and Delivery Programme in the UK, the Wellcome Trust and research councils in Belgium and Austria. She also sits on the Editorial Boards of Social Policy & Administration, the International Journal of Healthcare Management and the German Journal Physiotherapie. She has taught in Germany and England at BA, MA and PhD programmes and organised international PhD Workshops. Ellen received external funding and participated in several research projects, including the FP7 COST action on ‘Medicine and Management’, a National Institute of Health Care Research (NIHR) SDO project in England on the ‘Shape and reality of middle and junior hospital managers’ working lives‘ and research projects in Germany funding by the German Research Foundations (DFG), Böckler Foundation and National and Federal Governments. Next to research projects, she is currently leading an editorial team preparing an international handbook on healthcare policy contracted by Palgrave. Most recent publications include The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare, second edition, 2012, edited with Ellen Annandale, an article ‘Bringing a European perspective to the health human resources debate: A scoping study’, Health Policy 2013 (with R.. Batenburg, P. Groenewegen and C. Larsen, and in Germany ‘Langzeitpflege im europäischen Vergleich: Herausforderungen und Strategien der Sicherung der Pflegepersonalressourcen’ (with C. Larsen), Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 2013 1
Education 1/2007 4/1996-12/1998
4/1994-4/1996 10/1989-10/1993 1986-1988 1980-1983
University of Bremen – Habilitation Sociology. Thesis title ‘Modernising health care. Reinventing professions, the state and the public’ DFG (German Research Foundation) Graduate School ‘Geschlechterverhältnisse im sozialen Wandel’, Universities Dortmund/Bielefeld/Essen PhD Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology (with excellence). Thesis ‘Geschlecht, Professionalisierung und Professionen‘ [Gender, professionalization and professions. A study of dentistry] MA Public Health, University of Bielefeld. Thesis title ‚Subjektive Gesundheitskonzepte, Beruf und Geschlecht‘ [Lay concepts of health] MA Sociology, University of Göttingen. Thesis ‘Sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz’ [Sexual harassment at the workplace], 1st grade 2-years qualification ‘specialised nurse for anaesthesiology and intensive care’, University Hospital Göttingen 3-years qualification ‘Krankenschwester’ (registered nurse), University Hospital Göttingen
Publications (most recent, selected) Monographs and edited collections Kuhlmann, E. (2006) Modernising health care. Reinventing professions, the state and the public. Bristol: Policy Press Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) (2012) The Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare, second edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) (2012) 'Transforming health services and policy: new international experiences', Current Sociology, Special Issue, 60 (4), 400-578 Kuhlmann, E. and Burau, V. (eds.) (2009) 'Managerial regimes meet the "healthcare state": contingencies and dynamics in the governance of healthcare', Journal of Health Organization and Management, Special Issue, 23 (3), 281-371 Kuhlmann, E. and Saks, M. (eds.) (2008) Rethinking professional governance: international directions in healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press Bourgeault. I.L., Kuhlmann, E., Neiterman, E. and Wrede, S. (2008) How to effectively implement optimal skill-mix and why, Health Evidence Network − WHO Europe, Policy Brief Series, Kuhlmann, E. and Bourgeault, I.L. (eds.) (2008) 'Reinventing gender and professions: new governance, equality and diversity', Equal Opportunities International, Special Issue, 27 (1), 5-121 Journal articles (peer-reviewed)) Kuhlmann, E., Batenburg, R., Groenewegen, P.P. and Larsen, C. (2013) ‘Bringing a European perspective to the health human resources debate: A scoping study’, Health Policy, 110, 6-13 Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) 'Mainstreaming gender into healthcare: a scoping exercise into policy transfer in England and Germany’, Current Sociology, 60 (4), 551-568 2
Kuhlmann, E., Burau, V., Larsen, C., Lewandowski, R., Lionis, C. and Repullo, J. (2011) ‘Medicine and management in European healthcare systems: how do they matter in the control of clinical practice?’, International Journal of Clinical Practice, 65 (7), 722-724 Kuhlmann, E., Allsop, J. and Saks, M. (2009) 'Professional governance and public control: a comparison of medicine in the United Kingdom and Germany', Current Sociology, 57 (4), 511-528 Kuhlmann, E. and Burau, V. (2008) 'The ‘healthcare state’ in transition: national and international contexts of changing professional governance', European Societies, 10 (4), 617631 Kuhlmann, E. and Allsop, J. (2008) 'Professional self-regulation in a changing architecture of governance: comparing health policy in the UK and Germany, Policy & Politics, 36 (2), 173189 Kuhlmann, E. (2008) 'Drivers and enablers of change in healthcare: how professions matter, Management & Marketing in Healthcare, 1 (3), 243-251 Kuhlmann, E. and Bourgeault, I.L. (2008) 'Gender, professions and public policy: new directions', Equal Opportunities International, 27 (1), 5-18 Kuhlmann, E. (2006) 'Traces of doubt and sources of trust. Health professions in an uncertain society', Current Sociology, 54 (4), 607-620 Book chapters Kuhlmann, E., Bourgeault, I., Larsen, C. and Schofield, T. (2012) ‘Gendering health human resource management and policy’, in: Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds) The Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare, second edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 72-91 Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) ‘Gender and health research’, in: Saks, M. and Allsop, J. (eds) Researching health: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, second edition. London: Sage, 351-365 Kuhlmann, E. (2008) 'Governing beyond markets and managerialism: professions as mediators', in Kuhlmann, E. and Saks, M. (eds.) Rethinking professional governance: International directions in healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press, 45-60 Kuhlmann, E. and Saks, M. (2008) 'Health policy and workforce dynamics: the future', in Kuhlmann, E. and Saks, M. (eds.) Rethinking professional governance: International directions in healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press, 235-244 Publications in German Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2013: online) ‘Langzeitpflege im europäischen Vergleich: Herausforderungen und Strategien der Sicherung der Pflegepersonalressourcen’ [Comparing long-term care in Europe: challenges of nursing staff management], Bundesgesundheitsblatt, doi 10.1007/s00103-013-1745-y Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2013: forthcoming) ‘Care, Governance und Professionsentwicklung’ [Governance of care and professional development], Soziale Welt, Sonderheft 20, ‘Care im Spiegel soziologischer Diskussion’, edited by Aulenbacher, B., Theobald, H. and Riegraf, B Kuhlmann, E. (2012) ‘Sensibilität für geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede in der Medizin’ [Gender-sensitive medicine], Die Ärztin, 59 (2), 14 Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2012) Gesundheitsreformen und Beschäftigungssituation: Erklärungspotenziale gendersensibler quantitativer Daten [Health reform and labour markets: chances and limitations of gender sensitive quantitative data] in Aulenbacher, B. and Riegraf, B. (eds.) Erkenntnis und Methode, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 217-234 3
Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2010) ‘Diversity Management und Arbeitskräftemanagement: Innovationspotenziale für Qualität und Effizienz im Gesundheitssystem’ [Diversity and workforce management: innovations for quality and efficiency of healthcare system], in Badura, B., Schröder, H., Klose, J. and Macco, K. (eds.) Fehlzeitenreport. Berlin: Springer, 100-109 Larsen, C. and Kuhlmann, E. (2009) 'Gesundheitspolitik und Arbeitskräftemanagement: internationale Debatten und Beschäftigungstrends im deutschen Gesundheitssektor' [Health policy and workforce management: international debates and employment trends in Germany's healthcare sector], Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 55 (4), 369-387 Keynotes and invited papers (recent, selected) Medicine and management in European hospitals, panelist, European Health Management Association (EHMA Conference), COST action IO903 satelite session, Milan, Italy, 26-28 June 2013 The coordination of management and medical professionalism in European hospitals, Keynote at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the AEMH (Association of European Senior Hospital Physicians) “Role, Practice and Future of Senior Hospital Physicians”, Paris, 23-24 May 2013 Regulation of the health professions in the EU: the case of Germany, Keynote at the Conference of WHO Collaborating Center for Health Workforce Policy and Planning, Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Nova University Lisbon, Portugal, 19 April 2013 (sponsored by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) Designing a new professionalism: medical management in European hospitals, Public Lecture, Medical Management Centre, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 9 April 2013 Re-designing management and professional self-governance in healthcare: a European comparison, International DAAD Workshop ‘Changes in the Public Administration and the Welfare State', University of Potsdam, Germany, 13-15 December 2012 New forms of control and professionalism in health systems: How do they matter to clinical practice? COST action Summit ‘Medicine and Management’, Brussels, 6 December 2012 Riders in the storm: professional dynamics and public health policy, Keynote to the ‘Third Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in Health’, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Portugal, 23-24 November 201 Organisationsroutinen und Arbeitskräftemanagement im Gesundheitssystem [Organisations and health human resource management], Fachtagung der Heinrich Böll Stiftung “It´s a Woman´s World? – Gendertrends in den Gesundheitsberufen”, Berlin, 27.11.2012 How to ensure scientists’ involvement in the governance of the European area?, Panelist, European Expert Workshop of the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE), Institute of Catalan Studies, Barcelona, Spain, 3-4 May 2012 Gender and health policy: Thinking ahead, Keynote, International Conference “Sex and gender in biomedical science and clinical medicine: implications on health care”, Berlin, Germany, 4-5 November 2011 Academic nursing: benefits for healthcare and health services in Germany from an international perspective, Expertenanhörung des Wissenschaftsrats, Magdeburg, 5.10.2011 Skill-mix matters: what next towards sustainable hospital management?, Keynote, AEMH (European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians) Conference ‘Skill Mix in Hospitals’, Montreux, Switzerland, 26 May 2011 Professionalism, managerialism and leadership in healthcare: rethinking the connections, Keynote and Workshop, International Care Conference ‘Does Europe Care? European 4
Conference on Long-term Care and Diversity’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-29 April 2011 Gendered innovations in medicine: comments, Expert Meeting Workshop of the Stanford University and EU Project ‘Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, and Engineering’, Frauenhofer Institute Berlin, Germany, 17-18 March 2011 Governing beyond markets and managerialism: professions as mediators, Invitational International Symposium of Utrecht School of Governance, The Netherlands, 19-20 November 2010 Health professions and the politics of mediation: implications for comparing psychotherapy in Europe, Keynote, International Workshop “Psychotherapy in Europe”, INSERM Paris, France, 16-17 September 2010 Re-visioning sex and gender in 21st century healthcare systems, Keynote, International Workshop “Sex and Gender”, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 11-12 June 2010 Verantwortung, Kompetenz und Koordination in der Gesundheitsversorgung [Responsibility, competence and coordination in healthcare], Symposium, Hauptstadtkongress Medizin und Gesundheit, Forum Physiotherapie, Berlin, 6.5.2010 Sex, gender and health: challenge and chance for healthcare and policy, Public Lecture, Kaohsiung Medical University, Institute of Gender Studies, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4 May 2010 Mainstreaming gender into healthcare and policy: learning from international experience, Keynote, Conference “Gender and Health“, Changgeng Medical University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 30 April 2010 Professionals and managerialism: new alliances for a better healthcare, Invitational Workshop "Professionals and managerialism: continuity and change", Royal Holloway London, UK, 2 April 2009 Comparative health policy: new directions, Guest Lecture, Faculty of Sociology, University of Leuven, Belgium, 4 March 2009 Policy matters: (un)making inequalities in the health professional workforce, Inaugural Workshop of the EU Leonardo Partnership Project “Diversity and equality management in healthcare”, Norwich Business School, UK, 26-27 February 2009 Health and social development: outline of research topics, European Commission and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Workshop for Cooperation on Social Sciences and Humanities, Renmin University Beijing, China, 12-13 January 2009 Gender in healthcare: approaches, pitfalls and perspectives, views from Germany, International Symposium "Gender in Medicine", Charite University, Berlin, Germany, 11-12 October 2007 'Embodied trust' meets 'scientific evidence': exploring the dynamics in health care systems, Public Lecture, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 21 February 2007