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Research area INCO A4 DEV ICFP 599A4AM01, period 2003-2004. ...... “ Fundamentos de Ecología (Foundations of Ecology)” (August-December, 2001 & 2002).
Curriculum Vitae Last Name: Ruiz Moreno. First Name: Diego. Middle Name: Hernán. Place and Date of Birth: Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina; May 1 st 1974. Country of Citizenship: Argentina. Marital Status: Single. Real Address: Virrey Cevallos 798, 12 – 2, Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires (1077), Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail Address: [email protected]

Contents 1-Education 1.1-Degrees and Employment 1.2-Grants 1.3-Scholarships, Distinctions and Prizes 1.4-Certified Specialization Courses 1.5-Courses without evaluation and others 1.6-Meetings, Seminars and Workshops. 2-Research 2.1-Research, Workgroups and Projects 2.2-Talks 2.3-Publications 2.4-Conferences 2.5-Scientific Exchange 2.6-Participation in Discussion Panels 2.7-Consulting Services 2.8-Peer Review Activities 2.9- Professional Associations membership 3- Teaching and Services 3.1-Instructor 3.2-Teaching Assistant 3.3-Services 4-Other 4.1-Languages 4.2-Other Studies 4.3-Other Jobs 5-Computer Skills

1. EDUCATION 1.1- Degrees and Employment Degree: PhD in the field of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan (2009). Thesis: “The role of primary and secondary transmission on the dynamics of cholera in endemic areas”. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mercedes Pascual Degree: Master of Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2006), University of Michigan. Degree: System’s Engineer (Ingeniero de Sistemas) (2002), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA). Thesis: “Natural Resource Management Tools: a Cellular Automata approach for Spatially Explicit Metapopulation Models” (Herramientas para el Manejo de Recursos Naturales: Modelos Metapoblacionales Espacialmente Explícitos en la Óptica de los Autómatas Celulares). Advisor: Dr. G. A. Canziani Degree: University Analyst Programmer (Analista Programador Universitario) (1999). Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA). Current Employment: Teaching Coordinator for Statistics at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración (Institute of Social Sciences and Administration), Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (National University Arturo Jauretche). Previous Employment: Independent modeling consultant (2011-2012) Cornell University, Main contact: Prof. Dr. C. Drew Harvell. Researcher: Postdoctoral Associate (2009-2011) Cornell University, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. C. Drew Harvell, Prof. Dr. Laura Harrignton, Prof. Dr. Kelly Zamudio. Researcher: Research Associate I (2003-2004) The University of Michigan, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mercedes Pascual. Argentinian Research Category: 5 – Ministerio de Educación Ciencia y Tecnología (2005)

1.2 – Grants 2009-2011: Research Grant “Forecasting Disease and Economic Consequences of Climate Change” - Harvell, C. (EEB); Harrington, L. (ENTOM); Zamudio, K. (EEB); Ellner, S. (EEB); DeGaetano, A. (EAS); Gomes, C. (CIS, AEM); McComas, K. (COMM); RuizMoreno, D. (EEB)- Academic Venture Fund Cornell Center for Sustainable Future, Cornell University (US$ 200000), period 2009-2011. 2005-2009: PhD Grant “The role of primary and secondary transmission on the dynamics of cholera in endemic areas” Ruiz-Moreno, D. under the supervision of Pascual, M. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan (US$ 100000), period 2005-2009. 2004-2005: Research Grant funded by the Centennial Fellowship of the James McDonnell Foundation “Food Webs Dynamics”, period 2004-2005. 2003-2004: Research Grant funded by the European Union for the REGWET project “Regional aspects of the sustainable management of wetland resources”, Region LAM, Research area INCO A4 DEV ICFP 599A4AM01, period 2003-2004. 1999-2001: Research Grant funded by the European Union in the INCO-DC Project “The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur”, proposal ERB3514PL972697, contract ERB IC18-CT98-0262, period 1999-2001.

1.3 - Scholarships, Distinctions and Prizes CCSF (Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future) 2009 Poster Competition Awards – First Prize – “Forecasting Disease and Economic Consequences of Climate Change” – RuizMoreno, D.; Harvell, D.; Harrington, L. and Zamudio, K. Full support to attend the “Environmental Monitoring of Coral Disease and Bleaching in the Hawaiian Islands Workshop” held on August 24–26, 2009, NOAA Pacific Islands Regional Office, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Burroughs Welcome Travel Scholarship to attend the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases meeting held on December 2 to 5, 2007, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Full Scholarship (Travel, Housing and stipend) to attend the “Workshop on Theoretical Ecology: Natural Resource Management and Conservation Biology”, at the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics from April 22 to May 3 2002, Trieste, Italy. Funded by the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics. Distinction: Speaker at University’s Commencement Ceremony (2002). Half Scholarship (Housing and stipend) for attending the “Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology”, at the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics from February 28 to March 24 2000, Trieste, Italy. Funded by the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics. SAEA Travel Scholarship (Economic Aid for Advanced Students – Sistema de Ayuda a Estudiantes Avanzados) to attend the “Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology”, at the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics from February 28 to March 24 2000, Trieste, Italy. Funded by Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA. Scholarship for attending the courses: “Informatics Sciences School 1996 – Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas 1996 (ECI96)” at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Facultad Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. – 1996.

1.4- Certified Specialization Courses “Dynamic Energy Budget Theory, First international Tele-course” Dr. S. Kooijman, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Duration: Workload exceeds 150 hours. Grade: 7 (seven of ten). February – April 2001. “Finite Element Method (Método de Elementos Finitos)” Dr. J. F. Meyer, Instituto de Matemática Aplicada, Estadística y Computacion, Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Dr. M. Venere, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina Dr. G. Canziani, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina Duration: 90 Hours. Grade: 10 (ten of ten). Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, December 1999.

1.5- Courses without evaluation and others “Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases: Module 4: MCMC I for infectious diseases Studies”. University of Washington, Seattle, USA, June 2010. “Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases: Module 7: MCMC II for infectious diseases Studies”. University of Washington, Seattle, USA, June 2010. “Analysis of long-term data sets” Disease Ecology Workshop. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, May, 2005.

“II Curso de Sensoramiento Remoto para Profissionais de Biologia da Conservaçao” (Second Course of Remote Sensing for Conservation Biology Professionals) Duration: 49 Hours over 6 days Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas, September 21 till 26 2002, Nazaré Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil. “Workshop on Theoretical Ecology: Natural Resource Management and Conservation Biology” Duration: 90 Hour over 2 weeks. Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics, from April 22 till May 3 2002, Trieste, Italy. “Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology, including an Introduction to Ecological Economics” Duration: 180 Hours over one month. Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics, from February 28 till March 24 2000, Trieste, Italy. “Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas 1996 – Complejidad Real” (Real Complexity). Duration: 30 Hours. Dr. J. F. Cuker Farkas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1996. “Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas 1996 – Ingeniería de Protocolos” (Protocols’ Engineering) Duration: 30 Hours. Dr. A. Cavalli Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1996. Conference “Una Introducción a las Aplicaciones Cliente/Servidor” (An Introduction to Client/Server Applications) M. Cilia, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina, 1996 “Diseño de Circuitos Integrados de Aplicaciones Específicas” (ASIC Design) Dr. J. P. Deschamps. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina, 1994 Conference “Modelamiento Conceptual Orientado a Objetos” (Object Oriented Conceptual Modeling). Dr. A. Pirotte. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina, 1994

1.6- Meetings, Seminars and Workshops. “Entomology Society of America 59th Annual Meeting”. Reno, Nevada, USA, November 2011. “9th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases: Annual Conference”. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, June 2011. “IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología”. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 8 to 13, 2010 “95rd ESA Annual Meeting” Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, August 1 to 6, 2010. “8th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases: Annual Conference”. Cornell University. Ithaca, New York, USA, June 2010. “Emerging Infectious Diseases in Response to Climate Change” New York Academy of Science. New York, New York, USA, February 2010. “American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 58 th Annual Meeting”, Washington, DC, USA, November 19, 2009.

“Environmental Monitoring of Coral Disease and Bleaching in the Hawaiian Islands Workshop ”, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 24 to 26, 2009. “94rd ESA Annual Meeting” Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, August 1 to 7, 2009. “93rd ESA Annual Meeting” Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, August 3 to 8, 2008. “The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases – PI” Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. December 2 to 5, 2007. “ESA/SER (Ecological Society of America / Society for Ecological Restoration International) Joint Meeting”. San Jose, California, USA, August 5 to 10, 2007. “3rd Annual Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference” Conference. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, May 2005. “From Structure to Dynamics in Complex Ecological Networks” Santa Fe Institute Workshop. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, February 2004. “29th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment - Information for Sustainability and Development”. NASA-Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales CONAE (National Agency of Spatial Activities), Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 2002. “Second International Workshop: The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur: Final Results”. Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001. “Congresso Latino Americano de Biomatemática – X ALAB – V ELAEM”. Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 2001. “1º Seminario ASTER, Datos Satelitales de Última Generación”. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (Argentine Geological and Minery Service) and Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Argentina, 2001. “IX Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control”. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2001. “Primera Reunión Binacional de Ecología, XX Reunión Argentina de Ecología y X Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Ecología”. Universidad Nacional del Comahue, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 2001. “IV Congreso Mar y Sierras”. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina, 2000. “XXIX Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa”. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina, 2000. “International Workshop: The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur”. Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000. “Método de Diferencias Finitas (Workshop)”. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA, Argentina, 1999.

2-RESEARCH 2.1- Research, Workgroups and Projects Research Workgroup Grupo de Ecología Matemática (Mathematical Ecology Group) 1999-2010. Grupo de Ecología Computacional (Computational Ecology Group) 2012 Research Activities 2009-2011  Global Coral Disease modeling: As a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University, I conducted statistical analysis of a three yearlong global dataset on coral disease. Data from coral colonies of 16 families with records of about a dozen of diseases and health conditions were regressed against different environmental variables at different scales in order to evaluate their role as drivers of disease prevalence.  Mosquito dynamics in Thailand: As a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University, I conducted statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of blood meals in four villages in Thailand. These analysis identified cold and hot spots of mosquito activities. The second part of this research program consisted on the development of spatially explicit models for mosquito dynamics and disease transmission incorporating both demographic and environmental stochasticity. Future developments include the extension of these modeling strategies to assess epidemiological risk for chikungunya introduction in USA.  Amphibian disease dynamics in Central America: As a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University, I developed stage structured population models to assess the dynamics of Chytridiomycosis on amphibians in Central America. These models consider community diversity, and environmental factors as a second layer of complexity for disease dynamics.  Population Dynamics of D. oleifera in Southern Nicaragua: I continued my collaboration with PhD Javier Ruiz (Universidades de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua, URACCAN) incorporating M. Veronica Simoy (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, UNCPBA) to the group. Together with Lic. Simoy we developed a matrix population model that takes into account the effects of adult density on the dynamics of the population. Preliminary results were presented at the IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología. 2008-2009  Cholera Dynamics (University of Michigan): I finished my PhD work with Prof. Dr. Pascual assessing the role of spatial heterogeneity on the dynamics of cholera in Matlab (Bangladesh). The last iteration of the model considered a stochastic framework at the level of Bari (households) including seasonality and climate influences on transmission. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach was used to determine the parameter values. Furthermore, socio-economic variables were incorporated in more elaborated versions of the model.  Spatial Analysis of D. oleifera in Southeastern Nicaragua: The collaboration with PhD Javier Ruiz (Universidades de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua (URACCAN) continues, the short term objectives are to better describe the spatial distribution of adults and seedlings from several sampling seasons with local spatial statistics. We are incorporating data on other species (with different life history strategies) and we expect to report on their different spatial distributions. Additionally, stage based population models are going to be formulated to estimate population growth, building hence the first steps towards a spatial and temporal dynamical model for these populations.  Forecasting Disease and Economic Consequences of Climate Change (Cornell University): This project will be focusing on developing risk maps, linking local and remote sensing climate data, evaluating mitigation strategies and economic impact of climate change on disease ecology on three sentinel systems: corals, mosquito borne diseases, and amphibians. Initial results for the coral system were presented in scientific meetings and models are being developed to better understand the links and impacts of climate variability on disease prevalence and invasion.

2007-2008  Cholera Dynamics: I worked with Prof. Dr. Pascual to assess the spatial pattern of reported cholera cases (1983-2004, Matlab, Bangladesh). In this period two models were developed. First, a fully stochastic model that considers the individual cases (both individual infections and the locations of the infections are stochastically modeled). In this case, the goal was to evaluate the importance of space and time on the dynamics of cholera, including the role of seasonality. Secondly, a stochastic model at the level of Bari (households). This model will assess not only the dynamics of the epidemic front, but also the dynamics of cholera in the endemics areas. In both models a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach is used to determine the parameter values. Furthermore, socio-economic variables and spatial structure will be incorporated in more elaborated versions of the models.  Spatial Analysis of D. oleifera in Southeastern Nicaragua: Collaboration with PhD candidate Javier Ruiz (EEB- University of Michigan). The spatial distribution of Adults and seedlings from several sampling seasons was analyzed. This work is providing evidence of the influence of ecological factors on the dispersion and survivorship of D. oleifera. Partial results were presented at the ESA 2008 meeting, and published in Revista de Biología Tropical / International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ISSN0034-7744). 2006-2007  I worked with Prof. Dr. Mercedes Pascual to assess the spatial pattern of reported cases of cholera (V. cholerae) in Matlab, Bangladesh. During this period the spatial pattern of cholera cases was evaluated using spatial point pattern analysis techniques (i.e. a static point of view) to assess the presence of clustering of cases and its relationship with water sources.  Doctorate Courses including Time Series Analysis, System Molecular Biology Modeling 2004-2006  As part of my Ph. D. ongoing research, during this period the research was focus on assessing the spatial pattern of mortality due to cholera (V. cholerae) and its relationship with rainfall in the southern region of India. This part of the research was done by using point pattern analysis and geostatistical techniques. This work allowed us to evaluate the role of rainfall on the onset of epidemics peaks (confirming the expectation from a theoretical model developed by Pascual and Dobson) and also to classify regions in the historical area of Madras as endemic or epidemic based on their dynamics.  Doctorate Courses including Evolution, Spatial Data Analysis, Linear Regression Models. 2003  Research Associate I at the University of Michigan, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mercedes Pascual. My research addressed the relationship between structure and dynamics in food webs, in particular the characteristics that enhance stability. We applied a genetic algorithm originally developed by the Center for the Study of Complex Systems to ‘evolve’ food web structure (both the presence of a link between species and its interaction strength) and searched for the structures with highest resilience and also lowest reactivity. I implemented an algorithm for Cluster Analysis to examine the existence of compartments, as well as other numerical ways to follow changes in interaction strength (a factor considered to have a central role in the stabilization of communities).  Junior Researcher of the researcher team of the REGWET project “Regional aspects of the sustainable management of wetland resources”, region LAM, Research area INCO A4 DEV ICFP 599A4AM01, funded by the European Union. This project is a spin-off of the INCO-DC Project “The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur”, with the objectives of increasing the dissemination of the tools and methodologies resulting from the original project in Paraguayan wetlands, to create an institutional network with researchers focused in sustainable management, to initiate a regional dialog linking the sustainable management and the cultural tourism. The universities involved are the Univ. Cadiz (Spain), Univ. Siena (Italy), UNCPBA (Argentina), Univ. del Salvador (Argentina), and Univ. de Asunción (Paraguay). This project is under the general coordination of the Consorzio per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (Italy) and the direction of Professor Dr. Claudio Rossi.

2002  Research Associate at the University of Siena, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Claudio Rossi. The research was focused on the estimation of surface temperature based on Landsat images for the Ibera Wetlands. 1999-2001  Junior Researcher of the research team of the INCO-DC Project “The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur”, proposal ERB3514PL972697, contract ERB1C18-CT98-0262, funded by the European Union. This project gathered several universities from South America (Univ. Del Salvador, UNCPBA, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, UF Rio Grande do Sul, Univ. de Luján) and universities from Europe (Univ. Siena, Univ. Cádiz, Univ. Aveiro, Univ. York, Univ. Roma III), under the general coordination of the Consorzio per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (Italy) and the direction of Professor Dr. Claudio Rossi. The coordination of the group of mathematical modelers (UNCPBA, Univ. Estadual de Campinas, UFRio Grande do Sul, Univ. Siena) was responsibility of Professor Dr. Graciela A. Canziani

2.2- Seminars, Talks & Posters “Temperature effects on the population dynamics of Aedes albopictus: implications for disease risk”- Ruiz Moreno, D.; Harrington, L. Presented at: “Entomology Society of America 59th Annual Meeting”. Reno, Nevada, USA, November 2011. Poster: “Forecasting Disease and Economic Consequences of Climate Change” – 2011 final results– Ruiz-Moreno, D.; Harvell, D.; Harrington, L. and Zamudio, K. Presented at: ACSF (Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future) 2011 Poster Competition Awards. “Global patterns of coral disease and potential climate drivers” Harvell, C. D.; RuizMoreno, D.; Willis, B.; Paige, C.; Weil, E.; Croquer, A.; Angel, B.; Jordan, G.; DahlgrenJordan, E.; Raymundo, L. Presented at: “2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting” - 13-18 February 2011 - San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.

Poster: “Forecasting Disease and Economic Consequences of Climate Change” – 2010 update– Ruiz-Moreno, D.; Harvell, D.; Harrington, L. and Zamudio, K. Presented at: CCSF (Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future) 2010 Poster Competition Awards. Poster: “8th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. Annual Conference and Workshop” Ruiz-Moreno D. Presented at: CCSF (Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future) 2010 Poster Competition Awards. “Análisis de la denso-dependencia en la regeneración de una población de Dipteryx oleifera mediante un modelo matemático estructurado” Verónica Simoy, D. Ruiz-Moreno, Javier Ruiz. Presented at: IV Reunión Binacional de Ecología (Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2010) “Global Patterns of Coral Disease and Relationships with Climate and Local Ecological Factors”. D. Ruiz-Moreno, C. Drew Harvell, Bette Willis, Cathie Page, Ernesto Weil, Aldo Croquer, Bernardo Angel, Guillermo Jordan, Eric Jordan, and Laurie Raymundo. Presented at: “95rd ESA Annual Meeting” Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (August 1 to 6, 2010). “Global Coral Disease Prevalence: Climate and Local Factors ” - D. Ruiz-Moreno, C. Drew Harvell, Bette Willis, Cathie Page, Ernesto Weil, Aldo Croquer, Bernardo Angel, Guillermo Jordan, Eric Jordan, and Laurie Raymundo. Presented at: 8th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. Annual Conference and Workshop. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA (June 2010).

Seminar: “Cholera Dynamics in Endemic Areas” – D. Ruiz-Moreno. Presented at: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cornell University Seminar (February 2010). Poster: “Forecasting Disease and Economic Consequences of Climate Change” – D. RuizMoreno, D. Harvell, L. Harrington, and K. Zamudio (October 24, 2009). Presented at: CCSF (Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future) 2009 Poster Competition Awards – First Prize “Forecasting Infectious Disease with Climate Variability” D. Ruiz-Moreno. Presented at: “Towards Sustainability Foundation” Ithaca, New York, USA (October 2, 2009). “Disease Dynamics under Climate Change” D. Ruiz-Moreno. Presented at: “EEID Retreat” Ithaca, New York, USA (October 2, 2009). “Climate and Disease” D. Ruiz-Moreno. Presented at: “Environmental Monitoring of Coral Disease and Bleaching in the Hawaiian Islands Workshop” Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (August 24–26, 2009). “A stochastic and spatially explicit model for cholera dynamics” D. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Pascual, A. A. King, M. Emch, Md. Yunus Presented at: “94rd ESA Annual Meeting” Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (August 1 to 7, 2009). Poster: “Seedling recruitment distribution of Dipteryx oleifera correlates with bat roosting palms and seed sources” J. Ruiz, D.H. Boucher, and D. Ruiz Moreno. Presented at: “93rd ESA Annual Meeting” Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (August 3 to 8, 2008). Poster: “The spatio-temporal dynamics of endemic cholera in a heterogeneous landscape” D. Ruiz Moreno, M. Pascual, A. King, M. Emch and Md. Yunus. Presented at: “The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases – PI” Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (December 2 to 5, 2007). “Spatio-temporal Dynamics of cholera” D. Ruiz-Moreno Presented at: Complex System Advanced Academic Workshop. A graduate students forum at the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (November, 2007). “Complex Systems in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology” D. Ruiz-Moreno and Sarah Cobey (joint presentation). Presented at: Complex System Advanced Academic Workshop. A graduate students forum at the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (September, 2007). “Spatial clustering in the spatio-temporal dynamics of endemic cholera.” D. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Pascual, M. Emch and Md. Yunus. Presented at: “ESA/SER (Ecological Society of America / Society for Ecological Restoration International) Joint Meeting”. San Jose, California, USA (August, 2007). Poster: “Cholera seasonality and routes of transmission” D. Ruiz Moreno, M. Pascual, A. Dobson, M. Bouma, and B. Cash. Presented at: Cholera Project Annual Meeting. USA (December, 2005). Seminar: “Spatial analysis of cholera pattern in Madras and Matlab” D. Ruiz Moreno. Presented at: 2005 EEB Evaluation Series. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, USA (November, 2005). Poster: “Cholera Seasonality, rainfall, and fade-outs: a geostatistical approach” D. Ruiz Moreno, M. Pascual, A. Dobson, M. Bouma. Presented at: “3rd Annual Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference” Workshop and Conference. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA (May, 2005).

“Sensores Remotos para la Conservación de humedales del Mercosur” G. A. Canziani, D. Ruiz Moreno, M. Vargas Russo, F. Dukatz, R. Ferrati. Presented at: Seminario de la Constelación Matutina – Tercer Aniversario del Lanzamiento del SAC-C y El EO-1, Argentina (December, 2003). “Temporal evolution in wetland features”. D. Ruiz Moreno, F. Dukatz, M. Vargas Russo, R. Ferrati, G. A. Canziani. Presented at: Seminario de la Constelación Matutina - Tercer Aniversario del Lanzamiento del SAC-C y El EO-1, Argentina (December, 2003). “Necesidad de un manejo original para las lagunas de la región pampeana de Argentina.” R. Ferrati, F. Grosman, D. Ruiz Moreno, F. Milano, P. Sanzano, G. A. Canziani. Presented at: ELAEM, Colombia (2003). “Humedales del Iberá: resultados del proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea.” G.A. Canziani, R. Ferrari, D. Ruiz Moreno. Presented at: Special session convoked by “Comisión de Seguimiento de Obras de la Represa Yacyretá (Commission of Work Assessment of Yacyretá Dam)", Honorable House of Representatives of the Nation, Argentina. (October 2003). “Humedales del Iberá: interrogantes, hipótesis y certezas.” G. A. Canziani, R. Ferrari, D. Ruiz Moreno. Presented at: Second Meeting of the Iberá-Yacyretá Forum, organized by Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina and International Rivers Network. Argentina (March, 2003). “Including Habitat Quality and Density-dependent Migration in Spatially Explicit Metapopulation Models” D. Ruiz Moreno, G. A. Canziani, P. Federico. Presented at: International Conference on Mathematics and Biology – 2002 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2002). “Un Autómata Celular para el estudio de los efectos de la heterogeneidad espacial en la dinámica poblacional” D. Ruiz Moreno, P. Federico, G. A. Canziani. Presented at: Congresso Latino Americano de Biomatemática – X ALAB – V ELAEM, Brazil (2001). “Cartography, Satellite Images and Metapopulation Models” D. Ruiz Moreno. Presented at: “Second International Workshop: The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur: Final Results”, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina (2001). Poster: “Un camino para relacionar procesos a nivel local con dinámica a nivel paisaje: Autómatas Celulares” D. Ruiz Moreno, P. Federico, G. A. Canziani. Presented at: Primera Reunión Binacional de Ecología, XX Reunión Argentina de Ecología y X Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Ecología. Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina (2001). “Análisis de modelos metapoblacionales desde la perspectiva de autómatas celulares” D. Ruiz Moreno, P. Federico, G. A. Canziani. Presented at: “IV Congreso Mar y Sierras”, UNCPBA, Argentina (2000). “Introducing space into population dynamics: Cellular Automata and GIS” D. Ruiz Moreno. Presented at: “International Workshop: The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur”, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina (2000). “Metapopulation Dynamics under Density dependence Disturbances: A Cellular Automata Approach” D. Ruiz Moreno, P. Federico, G. A. Canziani. Presented at: “Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology”, Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (2000).

2.3- Publications PhD Thesis (PhD. On the field of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) D. Ruiz Moreno, “The role of primary and secondary transmission on the dynamics of cholera in endemic areas” (2009). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mercedes Pascual. Degree Thesis (System’s Engineer) D. Ruiz Moreno, “Herramientas para el Manejo de Recursos Naturales: Modelos Metapoblacionales Espacialmente Explícitos en la Optica de los Autómatas Celulares” UNCPBA, Dpto. de Computación y Sistemas (2002). Director: Dr. G. A. Canziani Publications – Book Chapters D. Ruiz Moreno, M. Pascual, R. Riolo (2005) “Exploring Network space with genetic algorithms: modularity, resilience and reactivity,” in “Ecological Network: Linking Structure to Dynamics”, Eds. M. Pascual and J. A, Dunne. Oxford University Press. G. A. Canziani, R. Ferrati, P. Federico, D. Ruiz Moreno, F. Castets, A. Canonica, M. Gandini, L. Moreno (2003) “Sistemas de Información geográfica y Sensores Remotos” in “Los Esteros del Iberá. Informe del Proyecto ‘El Manejo Sustentable de Humedales en el Mercosur’”. Eds. Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. R. Ferrati, G. A. Canziani, D. Ruiz Moreno, A. Aubone, M. C. Romero (2003) “Caracterización Hidrometeorológica e Hidrológica del Sistema Iberá” in “Los Esteros del Iberá. Informe del Proyecto ‘El Manejo Sustentable de Humedales en el Mercosur’”. Eds. Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. D. Ruiz Moreno, G. A. Canziani, P. Federico (2003) “Modelos Metapoblacionales y Calidad de Habitat” in “Los Esteros del Iberá. Informe del Proyecto ‘El Manejo Sustentable de Humedales en el Mercosur’”. Eds. Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. Publications – Articles J. R. Rohr, A. P. Dobson, P. T. J. Johnson, A. M. Kilpatrick, S. H. Paull, T. R. Raffel, D. RuizMoreno, M. B. Thomas (2011) “Frontiers in climate change-disease research”, Trends in Ecology and Evolution (In Press). D. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Pascual , M. Emch and M. Yunus (2010) “Spatial clustering in the spatio-temporal dynamics of endemic cholera”, BMC Infectious Diseases 2010, 10:51, doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-51. J. Ruiz, D. H. Boucher, D. Ruiz-Moreno and C. Ingram-Flóres (2009) “Recruitment dynamics of the tropical rainforest tree Dipteryx oleifera (Fabaceae) in eastern Nicaragua”, Revista de Biología Tropical / International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ISSN-0034-7744). volumen 57-March, 1, 2009. D. Ruiz Moreno and G. A. Canziani (2008) “Effects of habitat quality on the dynamics of spatially explicit metapopulation models”, Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Tomo XIV (Córdoba, Argentina), 143-158, 2008. D. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Pascual, M. J. Bouma, A. Dobson, and B. Cash (2007) “Cholera seasonality in Madras (1901-1940): Dual role for rainfall in endemic and epidemic regions.” EcoHealth 4, 52-62. DOI: G. A. Canziani, R. M. Ferrati, C. Rossi, D. Ruiz-Moreno (2006) “The influence of climate and dam construction on the Iberá wetlands, Argentina.” Regional Environmental Change 6(4),1–11. DOI: R. M. Ferrati, G. A. Canziani, D. Ruiz-Moreno (2005) “Esteros del Iberá: Hydrometeorological and Hydrological Characterization.” Ecological Modeling 186(1):3-15.

D. Ruiz-Moreno, P. Federico, G. A. Canziani (2002). “Population Dynamics Models Based on Cellular Automata that include Habitat Quality Indices defined through Remote Sensing”. “Buenos Aires 2002 – Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE). Information for Sustainability and Development” CDR. R. M. Ferrati, D. Ruiz-Moreno, A. Aubone, G. A. Canziani (2002). “Satellite Images as a Tool for Hydrodynamic Modeling”. “Buenos Aires 2002 – Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE). Information for Sustainability and Development” CDR. D. Ruiz-Moreno, P. Federico, G. A. Canziani (2001). “AC: Simulación Espacial de la Dinámica de una Población sujeta a Perturbaciones”. Anales de la IX RPIC (Reunión de Procesamiento de la Información y Control), Vol. I:240-245. R. M. Ferrati, D. Ruiz-Moreno, G. A. Canziani (2000) “Modelos de Balance Hídrico para analizar el cambio de régimen en un humedal sujeto a perturbaciones antrópicas y climáticas”. Proceedings de la Conferencia Internacional Electrónica sobre Economía del Agua. Also at Manuscripts under revision Ruiz-Moreno, Diego; Harvell, C. Drew; Willis, Bette L.; Page, Cathie; Weil, Ernesto; Croquer, Aldo; Vargas Angel, Bernardo; Jordan-Garza, Adán Guillermo; Jordan, Eric; Raymundo, Laurie. “Seawater temperature drives global disease coral prevalence” (In Revision: DAO, 2011) Ruiz-Moreno, Diego and Harrington, Laura. “Effects of Temperature on the Risk of Chikungunya outbreaks” (PLoS ONE, 2011) Laura C. Harrington, Andrew Fleisher, Kerri M. Mullen, Diego Ruiz-Moreno, Francoise Vermeylen, Chrystal V. Wa, Rebecca L. Poulson, John D. Edman, John M. Clark, James Jones, Sangvorn Kitthawee and Thomas W. Scott. “Heterogeneity of blood feeding patterns of the dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is influenced by human host age and body size: Results of a large scale, multiyear study in Thailand” (PLoS Biology, 2011) Manuscripts in preparation D. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Pascual, A. King “A metapopulation stochastic model for endemic cholera.” J. Ruiz, D. Ruiz-Moreno “Spatial demography and mechanisms of species distribution in D. oleifera in southeastern Nicaragua.” D. Ruiz-Moreno, M. V. Simoy, J. Ruiz “Population dynamics of D. oleifera in southeastern Nicaragua.”

2.4- Conferences “Ecología Matemática: Modelos y Datos – Parte 1: Dinámica de Poblaciones” (Mathematical Ecology: Models and Data – 1 st Part: Population Dynamics) D. Ruiz Moreno. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, November 2011. “Ecología Matemática: Modelos y Datos – Parte 2: Ecología de enfermedades infecciosas” (Mathematical Ecology: Models and Data – 2 nd Part: Infectious Disease Ecology) D. Ruiz Moreno. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, November 2011. “Ecología Matemática: Modelos y Datos – Parte 3: Biodiversidad, redes tróficas y dinámica de comunidades” (Mathematical Ecology: Models and Data – 3 rd Part: Biodiversity, Food Webs and Community Dynamics) D. Ruiz Moreno. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, November 2011. “Cholera Dynamics and other infectious diseases”. D. Ruiz-Moreno. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. December, 2009.

“Need of an original approach to the management of wetlands and lagoons of the Pampas Region in Argentina”. Canziani, G.; R, Ferrati, F. Grosman, P. Sanzano, F. Milano, D. RuizMoreno. Taller sobre Manejo de Humedales en Mercosur. Universidad Nacional de Pilar, Paraguay. December, 2003. “Nuovi sviluppi nella modelistica ecologica attraverso dati satellitari”, D. Ruiz Moreno. University of Siena, Italy (June, 2002) “Metapopulation Dynamics in Heterogeneous Environment: a Cellular Automata Approach”, D. Ruiz Moreno, G. A. Canziani, P. Federico. Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (April 2002).

2.5- Scientific Exchange I was invited to stay during one year (August 2003 to August 2004) as Research Associate I at the University of Michigan (USA), under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mercedes Pascual. My research addressed the relationship between structure and dynamics in food webs, in particular the characteristics that enhance stability. I was invited to stay during 6 weeks (from 05-2002 to 07-2002) in the Sciences Chemical Technologies and Bio-systems Department of the University of Siena (Italy), in order to develop research activities on mathematical modeling applied to ecosystems study through satellite images. The Department funded the visit.

2.6- Participation in Discussion Panels Participant of the “2º Reunión del Foro Iberá-Yacyretá”. Invited by Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. March 2003. Participant of the “Taller de Inicio de Actividades del Proyecto GEF/PNUD ARG/02/G35 ‘Manejo y Conservación de la Biodiversidad en Humedales de los Esteros del Iberá’” coordinated by Asociación Civil Fundación ECOS. November 2002. Participant of the “Taller sobre Impacto Ambiental en la Represa Yacyretá” organized by Subsecretaría de Ordenamiento y Política Ambiental, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente. October 2000. Invited presentation of partial results of the INCO-DC Project “The Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources in Mercosur” at the “Panel de Expertos de relacionado con la interrelación del Embalse Yacyretá y sistema Iberá”, August 2000.

2.7- Consulting Services Satellite Image Expert in “Estudio de Valoración Económica y Ambiental de los Esteros del Iberá”. I analyzed temperature anomalies over the Ibera wetlands. Contract by Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. From April to June, 2003.

2.8- Peer Review Activities For PLoS ONE (June, 2011) For the Undergraduate Biology Honors Program at Cornell University (May, 2011) For Science of Total Environment (June, 2010) For Conservation Biology (April, 2010) For Computer and Graphics (July, 2008). For MBE (April, 2008). For Journal of Theoretical Biology (January, 2008). For a special number of Ecological Modeling focused on the “IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Biología Matemática” (Fourth Latin-American congress on Biomathematics) (March, 2006).

2.9- Professional Associations membership Entomology Society of America Ecological Society of America. American Association for the Advancement of Science. New York Academy of Sciences. Michigan Alumni.

3- TEACHING and ACADEMIC SERVICES 3.1- Instructor/Professor “Estadística Descriptiva (Descriptive Statistics)”. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche, 2012. Professor. “8th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases: Workshop”. Cornell University. Ithaca, New York, USA, June 2010. Instructor.

3.2- Teaching Assistant Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) in the undergraduate course EEB-315: “Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases” Winter 2008 – Ecology and Evolutionary Biology – University of Michigan. Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) in the graduate course EEB-481: “Population and Community Ecology” Fall 2006 – Ecology and Evolutionary Biology – University of Michigan. Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) in the graduate course EEB-481: “Ecology and Population Dynamics” Fall 2004, and Fall 2005 – Ecology and Evolutionary Biology – University of Michigan. “Cálculo Numérico (Numerical Analysis)” (August-December, 2002) Department of Mathematics - UNCPBA. “Ciencias de la Tierra I (Earth Sciences I)” (August-December, 2001 & 2002) Department of Physics - UNCPBA. “Fundamentos de Ecología (Foundations of Ecology)” (August-December, 2001 & 2002) Department of Physics - UNCPBA. “Comunicación de Datos I (Data Communication I)” (August-December, 2002) Department of Systems - UNCPBA. “Comunicación de Datos II (Data Communication II)” (April-September, 2003) Department of Systems - UNCPBA.

3.3- Services General Secretary of the Student Center of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA (1997). President of the Student Center of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNCPBA (1998). Substitute Member of the Academic Council representing Students (1999, 2001). Student member of the Committee analyzing the competition for positions of Professor and Teaching Assistant in the Management Branch of the Systems Engineering Career. (2001).

4- OTHER 4.1- Languages English TOEFL = 247. Very Good Conversation. French Good Understanding. Very Good Reading. Moderate Conversation. Moderate Writing. Portuguese Good Understanding. Good Reading. Italian Good Understanding. Good Reading. Good Conversation.

4.2- Other Studies “Profesorado Elemental de Piano” (Conservatorio Iberoamericano, 1990). “Profesorado Elemental de Solfeo y Teoría” (Conservatorio Iberoamericano, 1988).

4.3- Other Jobs Development of Tools for Digital Support of Analytical Marketing Products using GIS (MAPINFO) technologies in Telefónica de Argentina, Map&Soft, 1999. Development of Consulting Products integrating GIS and Object Oriented Software (MAPINFO, IDRISI, RAD), Map&Soft, 1999. GIS Instructor for training employees of Páginas Doradas, Map&Soft, 1999. Modeling and Simulation of Data Acquisition Processes for Páginas Doradas, Map&Soft, 1999. Private Network Administration under Microsoft Windows NT Small Business, NT Server, NT Workstation, Windows 98, Map&Soft, 1999. Query Servers Administration using Java, HTML, SQL Server, Oracle Spatial Ware, Map&Soft, 1999. Development of Statistical Analysis Tool under GIS (MAPINFO), Map&Soft, 1999.

5- COMPUTER SKILLS Software Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix. Office Software: Microsoft Office, Open Office, Star Office, Libre Office. Graphics Software: Corel Draw, Adobe PhotoShop, Corel Photopaint, Macromedia Fireworks, GIMP. Developing Software Packages: Microsoft Developer Studio Version 6.00 (C++, J++, VB), Java Software Development Kit Version 1.4, Delphi Version 5.00. WEB/Multimedia: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Microsoft Front Page. Geographic Information Systems: ERDAS, ARCVIEW, IDRISI, MAPINFO, GRASS, ENVI. Specific Applications: R, Matlab, Matcad, Octave, Mathematica, Maxima, Berkeley Madonna, Coordinate Transform. Programming Languages Languages: C, C++, Visual C++, Smalltalk, JAVA, Pascal, Delphi, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script, Python. Specific Languages: Avenue (ARCVIEW), Matlab, Matcad, Octave, Mathematica, Maxima, EML (ERDAS), R. Databases: Clipper, Access, MySQL, HSQL, SQL92, PostgreSQL.

April 2012 Diego Ruiz Moreno