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Foundation (DFG), with PI Detmar Meurers, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae Nina Vyatkina November 2013 University of Kansas Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures 1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 2080 Lawrence, KS 66045-7594
Phone: (785)864-9178 email:
[email protected]
ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor of German/Applied Linguistics, University of Kansas August 2013 - present Assistant Professor of German/Applied Linguistics and German Language Proficiency Sequence Coordinator, University of Kansas 2007 – 2013 Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, the Pennsylvania State University 2001 - 2007 Lecturer, Tomsk Teachers' Training University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University, Russia 1990 - 2001 EDUCATION Ph.D., German, Applied Linguistics Option, the Pennsylvania State University Dissertation: Development of second language pragmatic competence: The data-driven teaching of German modal particles. M.A.+B.A. equivalent in German Linguistics, with Honors, Moscow State University, Russia PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Learner Corpus Research: From corpus design to data interpretation, Summer School, Center for English Corpus Linguistics, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
NATIONAL AWARD Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education. (Co-recipient with Julie Belz.) Awarded by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Modern Language Journal 2009 FUNDED RESEARCH External: The dynamics of second language writing development: Measuring complexity and variability. PI. Language Learning Small Grants Research Program. Amount: $10,000 for FY 2012. Comparing meaning in context: Components of a shallow semantic analysis. Co-I. German Research Foundation (DFG), with PI Detmar Meurers, University of Tübingen, Germany. Subaward amount: $24,223 for FY 2010 – 2013. Linguistic annotation of a longitudinal learner corpus of German. PI. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Faculty Research Visit Grants. Amount: EUR 3,680 for FY 2010. Object and color naming in Ukranian, Russian, and English as a first and second language. Co-I. Temple University research fund, with PI Aneta Pavlenko. Subaward amount: $2,500 for FY 2009. Continuous improvement of second language pragmatic competence: Data-driven teaching based on a learner corpus. PI. Juran Dissertation Fellowship, Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality, University of Minnesota. Amount: $10,000 for FY 2007. Internal: Digital resources for second language acquisition research: An annotated longitudinal corpus of learner German. PI. The Revise & Resubmit Incentive Fund, Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas. Amount: $4,000 for FY 2013.
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Digital resources for second language acquisition research: An annotated longitudinal corpus of learner German. PI. Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, Digital Humanities Seed Grant, University of Kansas. Amount: $15,000 for FY 2012. Longitudinal development of language learners: a corpus-based approach. PI. General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Amount: $4,710 for FY 2011. Effects of teacher corrective feedback on writing accuracy in elementary German. PI. General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Amount: $5,888 for FY 2010. Collection and analysis of a longitudinal corpus of learner German. PI. New Faculty General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Amount: $8,000 for FY 2009. KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) New Faculty Start-Up Grant. Amount: $7,000 for FY 2008. Internal research travel grants: KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Faculty Travel Grants ($1,000, 2007; $500, 2008; $900, 2008; $450, 2009; $1,200, 2009; $700, 2010; $700, 2011; $1,200, 2011; $700, 2013; $700, 2013) KU Faculty International Travel Fund ($800, 2011) PUBLICATIONS Refereed journal articles: Vyatkina, N. (2013). Discovery learning and teaching with electronic corpora in an advanced German grammar course. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 46(1), 44-61. Vyatkina, N. (2013). Specific syntactic complexity: Developmental profiling of individuals based on an annotated learner corpus. Modern Language Journal, 97(s1), 11-30. Vyatkina, N. (2012). The development of second language writing complexity in groups and individuals: A longitudinal learner corpus study. Modern Language Journal, 96(4), 572-594. Cunningham, D. J., & Vyatkina, N. (2012). Telecollaboration for professional purposes: Towards developing a formal register in the German classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 68(4), 422-450. Vyatkina, N. (2011). Writing instruction and policies for written corrective feedback in the basic language sequence. L2 Journal, 3, 63-92. Vyatkina, N. (2010). The effectiveness of written corrective feedback in teaching beginning German. Foreign Language Annals, 43(4), 671-689. Belz, J. A., & Vyatkina, N. (2008). The pedagogical mediation of a developmental learner corpus for classroom-based language instruction. Language Learning and Technology, 12(3), 33-52. Belz, J. A., & Vyatkina, N. (2005). Learner corpus analysis and the development of L2 pragmatic competence in networked intercultural language study: The case of German modal particles. Canadian Modern Language Review, 62(1), 17-48. Refereed book chapters: Vyatkina, N. (2012). Applying the methodology of learner corpus analysis to telecollaborative discourse. In M. Dooly & R. O’Dowd (Eds.), Researching online foreign language interaction and exchange: Theories, methods and challenges (pp. 267-303). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. Vyatkina, N., & Belz, J. A. (2006). A learner corpus-driven intervention for the development of L2 pragmatic competence. In K. Bardovi-Harlig, J. C. Félix-Brasdefer, & A. Omar (Eds.), Pragmatics and Language Learning (Vol. 11) (pp. 315-357). Honolulu: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai’i. Instructional handbook: Vyatkina, N., & Johnson, K. E. (2007). Teaching German modal particles: A corpus-based approach. University Park, PA: CALPER Publications. Refereed encyclopedia entry: Vyatkina, N. (2012). Pragmatics in learner corpora. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. CV Vyatkina, Nina - 2
Conference proceedings: Vyatkina, N. (2013). Analyzing part-of-speech variability in a longitudinal learner corpus and a pedagogic corpus. In S. Granger, G. Gilquin, & F. Meunier (Eds.), Twenty years of learner corpus research: Looking back, moving ahead. Corpora and Language in Use - Proceedings 1 (pp. 479491). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain. Book reviews: Vyatkina, N. (in press). Review of Jarvis, S., & Crossley, S. A. (2012). (Eds.). Approaching language transfer through text classification: Explorations in the detection-based approach. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. Modern Language Journal. Cunningham, D. J., & Vyatkina, N. (2013). Review of Ruiz de Zarobe, L., & Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. (2012). (Eds.). Speech acts and politeness across languages and cultures. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. Modern Language Journal, 97(3), 816-817. Translations of encyclopedia entries from German into English: Vyatkina, N. (2008). 10 entries in M. Landfester (Ed.). Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the ancient world (Classical Tradition, Vol. II and III). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. Vyatkina, N. (2006-2007). 2 entries in H. Cancik & H. Schneider (Eds.). Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the ancient world (Antiquity, Vol. 9 and 10). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. REFEREED PRESENTATIONS National / International: Cunningham, D. J., & Vyatkina, N. (2014, March). Learning to ask: The development of requesting behavior in telecollaborative exchange. To be presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, OR. Vyatkina, N. (2013, November). Student teachers’ learning about corpora and with corpora: The case of a German corpus literacy course. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Orlando, FL. Vyatkina, N. (2013, May). Integrating text-based and corpus-based teaching in an advanced grammatical analysis course. Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO), Honolulu, HI. Vyatkina, N. (2013, March). New developments in the study of L2 complexity. Colloquium organizer. AAAL, Dallas, TX. Vyatkina, N., & Reznicek, M. (2013, March). L2 complexity as syntactic modification in a developmental L2 German corpus. AAAL, Dallas, TX. Vyatkina, N. (2012, June). Digital resources for L2 research and teaching: An annotated longitudinal corpus of learner German. CALICO, Notre Dame, IN. Vyatkina, N. (2011, September). Analyzing part-of-speech variability in a longitudinal learner corpus and a pedagogic corpus. Learner Corpus Research (LCR) conference, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Vyatkina, N. (2011, May). Corpus-based discovery learning in an advanced L2 grammar course. CALICO, Victoria, BC, Canada. Vyatkina, N. (2011, March). The variability and developmental dynamics of second language writing complexity. AAAL, Chicago, IL. Vyatkina, N. (2010, June). Longitudinal development of language learners: A corpus-based approach. CALICO, Amherst, MA. Vyatkina, N., & Cunningham, D. J. (2009, March). Bringing together error correction and learner corpus analysis: A new look at written corrective feedback in teaching beginning German. CALICO, Tempe, AZ. Belz, J., & Vyatkina, N. (2008, October). The pedagogical mediation of a developmental learner corpus for classroom-based language instruction. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Honolulu, HI.
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Vyatkina, N. (2008, April). Collocations of indexicals as markers of social semiotic in computermediated communication between learners and native speakers of German. AAAL, Washington, DC. Vyatkina, N. (2008, March). Teaching L2 pragmatic competence with materials based on a CMC corpus. CALICO, San Francisco, CA. Vyatkina, N. (2007, April). German modal particles as ‘lexical emoticons’ in intercultural CMC: the development of L2 pragmatic competence and contrastive learner corpus analysis. AAAL, Costa Mesa, CA. Vyatkina, N. (2007, March). Lexical ambiguity and corpus annotation: The temporal ‘mal’ and the temporary ‘mal’ in German. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC 13), the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. Vyatkina, N. (2007, March). What company does the modal particle ‘ja’ keep? Collocational patterns and the development of pragmatic competence in L2 German. International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning (PLL 17), Honolulu, HI. Vyatkina, N. (2006, December). Corpus applications for awareness-raising activities in telecollaborative foreign language teaching: The case of German modal particles. Interfaces of Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (IICALL), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Brua, C., & Vyatkina, N. (2006, June). Is it just between you and me? Schemata and agency in threeparty medical communication. AAAL, Montreal, QC, Canada. Vyatkina, N. (2005, April). German modal particles: Tracking development of metapragmatic awareness and pragmatic performance in telecollaboration. PLL 16, Bloomington, IN. Vyatkina, N. (2004, December). Intercultural communication at the intersection of context, genre and agency: The grammatical choice of mood and modality in an Internet Relay Chat. Modern Language Association (MLA), Philadelphia, PA. Driagina, V., & Vyatkina, N. (2004, December). Elicited narrative as a mediated task. American Association of Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European Languages (AATSEEL), Philadelphia, PA. Vyatkina, N., & Driagina, V. (2004, October). Off-task, but on-activity. SLRF, State College, PA. Vyatkina, N. (2003, December). The development of pragmatic competence in telecollaboration: The case of German modal particles. MLA, San Diego, CA. INVITED TALKS AND WORKSHOPS National/International: Vyatkina, N. (2011, November). «Ich habe eigentlich ja denn keine Idee»: Interpersonal and cohesive markers in computer-mediated exchanges between learners and native speakers of German. Department of German lecture series, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Vyatkina, N. (2011, November). Discovery learning and teaching with electronic corpora as a rich pedagogical resource in graduate student teacher education. Annual German section meeting of the American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators (AAUSC), the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Vyatkina, N. (2011, October). Corpora and Second Language Acquisition. Workshop organizer, with David J. Oakey. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Vyatkina, N. (2010, May). Longitudinal learner development in instructed settings. Colloquium for Corpus Linguistics, Department of German Language and Linguistics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Vyatkina, N. (2010, April). What changes over time? A quest for indicators of second language development in longitudinal learner corpus research. Colloquium for Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen, Germany. Vyatkina, N. (2007, September). Development of second language pragmatic competence: The datadriven teaching of German modal particles based on a learner corpus. Summer School ‘Learner Corpus Research: From Corpus Design to Data Interpretation’, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. CV Vyatkina, Nina - 4
Local: Vyatkina, N. (2013, March). Syntactic modification as linguistic complexity: a longitudinal L2 German corpus study. Child Language Proseminar, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2011, December). Longitudinal language learning: How the digital humanities can expand your research. Hall Center Faculty Seminar in Digital Humanities, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2011, August). An electronic tutor for improved language learning. Center for Teaching Excellence Summit, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2011, May). Annotated native speaker corpora as a rich pedagogical resource for discovery learning and teaching. Language and Technology Brownbag Series, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2011, January). Teaching in the United States. Breakout session leader. New Graduate Teaching Assistant Conference, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2010, March). DigiSLA: Digital resources for Second Language Acquisition research. Digital Humanities Summit, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2008, November). Developmental learner corpora at the intersection of SLA research and L2 pedagogy. Linguistics Colloquy Series, University of Kansas. Vyatkina, N. (2008, March). Computer-mediated intercultural exchanges: Applications for teaching and research. Language and Technology Brownbag Series, University of Kansas. TEACHING AND ADVISING, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Courses taught: Undergraduate: GERM 217: Intermediate German II Honors GERM 348: Intermediate German Composition GERM 401: Advanced German I GERM 462: The German Business Environment GERM 618: Usage-Based Grammar of Contemporary German Graduate: GERM 700: Practicum for Graduate Teaching Assistants GERM 712: Structure of Modern Standard German GERM 718: Usage-Based Grammar of Contemporary German GERM 800: Teaching German as a Second Language GERM 801: Practicum for Graduate Teaching Assistants GERM 855: Introduction to German Applied Linguistics GERM 953: Individual Research: Studies in Second Language Acquisition GERM 953: Individual Research: Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Written Corrective Feedback GERM 953: Individual Research: Language Learning Study Methods GERM 999: Individual Research: Doctoral Dissertation Research SLAV 824: Methods of Teaching Slavic Languages Courses supervised (as Coordinator of the German Language Proficiency Sequence): GERM 102: Elementary German BI GERM 104: Elementary German AI GERM 105: Elementary German I Honors GERM 106: Elementary German BII GERM 108: Elementary German AII GERM 109: Elementary German II Honors GERM 110: Elementary German BIII GERM 201 (212): Intermediate German I GERM 213: Intermediate German I Honors GERM 202 (216): Intermediate German II GERM 217: Intermediate German II Honors GERM 203 (218): Introduction to Business German CV Vyatkina, Nina - 5
Ph.D. dissertation committee chair: Michael Dehaven (current, co-chair with W. J. Comer). The role of structured input in the application of processing instruction to the teaching of German two-way prepositions. Emily Hackmann (current). The expression of temporal events in narration by L2 learners of German. D. Joseph Cunningham (current). The development of pragmatic competence through telecollaboration: An analysis of requesting behavior. Sonja Sun (completed 2013). Written corrective feedback: Effects of focused and unfocused grammar correction on the case acquisition in L2 German. Ph.D. dissertation committee member: Jason H. Christensen (completed 2011), Evelyn Wisbey (completed 2010), Viktoria Bagi (completed 2009), Jorg Meindl (completed 2008). M.A. examination committees: Birgit Mengel (2009). Teaching innovation grants, internal: Digital Humanities Course Development stipend. Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, University of Kansas. Amount: $1,000. 2013 Introducing Technology into Teaching Beginning German. Center for Teaching Excellence New Designs in Teaching Grant, University of Kansas. Amount: $1,500. 2008 Professional development grants: external: Goethe-Institut Chicago grants for travel, training, and tester certification: Goethe-Zertifikat, Chicago, IL 2012 Zertifikat Deutsch fuer den Beruf, Houston, TX 2010 Zertifikat Deutsch, St. Louis, MO 2008 Zertifikat Deutsch fuer den Beruf, Charlotte, NC 2008 internal: Teaching-Related Education and Travel (TREAT) fund grant, KU Center for Teaching Excellence. Amount: $1,300. 2013 Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Travel Grants, University of Kansas: CIBER Annual Business Language Conference, Kansas City, MO 2009 CIBER Annual Business Language Conference, St. Petersburg, FL 2008 SERVICE National / International: Editorial Board Service: International Journal of Learner Corpus Research Fall 2013 - present Ad Hoc Reviews for Journals: Language Learning Spring 2013; Fall 2013 Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 2013 Language Learning and Technology 2011; 2012; 2013 International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 2011; 2012; 2013 Canadian Modern Language Review 2011 Reviews for Agencies: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). External evaluator of the research project Telecollaborative Webcasting: Strengthening acquisition of humanities content knowledge through foreign language education. PI: Victoria Hasko, University of Georgia. 2011 Reviews for Publishers / Edited Books: Cambridge University Press 2013 Presses universitaires de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) 2013 Pearson Prentice Hall 2010 McGraw-Hill World Languages 2009 CV Vyatkina, Nina - 6
American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators 2006 Reviews for Conferences: American Association of Applied Linguistics Technology strand coordinator for AAAL 2014 Graduate Student Award committee for AAAL 2011; 2012 Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2013 Digital Humanities Forum, University of Kansas 2013 Learner Corpus Research, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 2011 Regional: Authorized proctor for Goethe-Institut certification programs 2008 – present Authorized proctor for onDaF certification programs 2013 – present State: Member, Kansas Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (KATG) work group for establishing K-16 foreign language proficiency indicators 2009 Judge, Kansas High School student congress 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2013 Participant, Wheat State Whirlwind Tour sponsored by the KU Office of Vice Provost for Scholarly Support 2008 University: Member, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Action Committee 2013 – present Member, Second Language Studies Subcommittee 2013 – present Ambassador, Center for Teaching Excellence 2007 - 2011 Faculty Research Liaison 2009 – 2011 Department: Acting Associate Chair Spring 2013 Member, Graduate Studies Committee 2009 – 2010; 2012- present Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee 2007 - present Advisor, German Language Placement 2007 - present Member, Center for German Business Language 2007 – present Member, Committee on Graduate Students 2007 - 2011 Awards Committee Chair 2008 – 2009 Member 2007 – 2008 Member, Faculty Performance Evaluation Committee 2007, 2011, 2013 Member, Academic Misconduct Hearing Panel 2008, 2011 Member, Faculty Search Committee 2012; 2013 MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics) AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) AAUSC (American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators) ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) LANGUAGES Russian: Native; German: Near native; English: Near native
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