29 years - Single - Tunisian. Office: + 33 4 99 61 31 09. Address: SupAgro 2,
place Pierre Viala. Fax: + 33 4 67 54 58 05. Bâtiment 26 - UMR LAMETA –.
29 years - Single - Tunisian Address: SupAgro 2, place Pierre Viala Bâtiment 26 - UMR LAMETA – 34060 - Montpellier- FRANCE Driving license B
Office: + 33 4 99 61 31 09 Fax: + 33 4 67 54 58 05 Mail:
[email protected]
Mohamed Ali BCHIR, PhD
PhD: Voluntary versus involuntary adhesion in the provision of collective goods. An experimental investigation. (March, 2009) Funding: Association of Agriculture and Environmental Engineering Research (AEER) - SIRMA project - water Savings in IRrigation systems in MAghreb. Mentors: Marc WILLINGER (Universirty Montpellier I) – M.S. BACHTA (Tunisian National Institute of Agriculture) Master: « Agriculture – Economic - Development - » - International Center for Higher Education in Agriculture Science - Montpellier (2004) National Engineering Diploma : Agriculture Economics - Tunisian National Institute of Agriculture (2003)
Bchir, Mohamed Ali, Nicolas Daures, et Marc Willinger. 2008. "Tolérance de la fraude et évasion fiscale : une analyse expérimentale du modèle de Greenberg." Economie et prévision, Vol.182:1. Bchir, Mohamed Ali et Mohamed Salah Bachta. 2007. "Gestion de la demande d’eau d’irrigation et changement institutionnel : L’expérience Tunisienne." MAP Technical Reports Series Vol. 168, pp 87791.
Work in progress
Bchir, Mohamed Ali, 2009 “Voluntary adhesion versus involuntary adhesion in self-governing irrigation systems. A field experiment”. Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. University of Indiana. Bchir, Mohamed Ali, Marc Willinger, forthcoming, “Experiments in the provision of club goods”. UMR LAMETA. Documents de recherches. Université de Montpellier. Bchir Mohamed Ali. 2009 « L’économie expérimentale au service du développement. Cas d’une action collective au sein d’un périmètre irrigué.» Cahiers de l’agriculture. CIRAD. Montpellier.
Selected Conferences
Bchir, Mohamed Ali, June 2009, “Voluntary adhesion versus involuntary adhesion in self-governing irrigation systems. A field experiment”. Workshop on the workshop 4. University of Indiana. USA. Bchir, Mohamed Ali and Willinger, Marc, 2008, "The provision of club goods in the lab", International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Alicante. Spain. Workshop secretary: Building and revealing collective preference. 2008. "Which governance for which environment ? Institutions, social preferences and knowledge for governing environmental issues." Cargèse : Corse. France. Bchir, Mohamed Ali et Mohamed Salah Bachta. 2008. "Analyse des associations d'irrigants en tant que bien club." World Water Congress. Montpellier. France. Bchir, Mohamed Ali et Mohamed Salah Bachta. 2006. "Les dilemmes sociaux dans une action collective." Gestion de l'eau au Maghreb. SIRMA: Marrackech. Morroco.
Research interest Skills
Experimental economics, behavioral economics, environmental resources,
Game theory, Econometric Analysis (panel data analysis), Field investigation, Surveys Software: Stata, SAS, Microsoft Office Suite. Programming : Z-tree Assistant Professor (2009-2010) : University of Perpignan Public economics, Statistics, Introduction to economics Assistant Professor (2008-2009): University of Montpellier – Microeconomics; Statistics Assistant Professor (2005 – 2006) SupAgro Montpellier – Linear programming ROUAIX Agathe (2008) « Experimental investigation of the free riding behavior in club goods.» Master degree – Supagro Montpellier. (With Marc Willinger) RHOUMA Oussama (2006) « Creation of a collective management of an irrigation system Kairouan – Tunisia » - Master degree – INAT. (With Med Salah Bachta)
University of Luxembourg Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (CREFI / LSF) Campus Kirchberg 4, rue Albert Borschette (room K2B2 2.13) L-1240 Luxembourg +352466644-6285 (Telephone); -6835 (Fax)
[email protected] Bernard RUFFIEUX University of Grenoble
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Génie Industriel Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble 38031 Grenoble cedex 1 France +33476825436 (Telephone) ; +33476825455 (Fax)
[email protected]
Proficiency in Arabic (mother tongue), French and English (PhD written in English). Hobby: Cinema. Directed a documentary on a field experiment with Tunisian farmers.