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Cyber Bullying WebQuest Lesson Plan Time: 4 1-hour classes (will require computer lab time) Context: This lesson must take place near the end of the unit on Social Networking. Students will already have created their blog space/social network page and be familiar with their operation. Students will also have been introduced to various media production tools. After this lesson, projects will be available for circulation to other classes, display in the library, or posting on the class website. Objectives: 1) To demonstrate a developing understanding of the issue of cyber bullying, and how it is relevant to students' lives. 2) To work as a team to produce a final project that represents a cooperative effort. To help one another solve problems and answer questions. 3) To convey information about cyber bullying using various media Evaluation: 1) Students will reflect on their developing understanding of the issue in a blog entry. They will respond to peers' journals in the comments section. Writing will be evaluated according to the narrative writing rubric. 2) Final project will be assessed according to the criteria on the rubric (see resources). Criteria correspond to the objectives above. 3) Individuals will complete the group evaluation sheet, reflecting on the experience of working as a part of a team. Team work section of rubric will reflect teacher observations as well as student comments. Homework Assignments: 1) Language Arts: Have students write a blog entry that starts with the sentence “Cyber bullying affected me when ...” Students who have not been subject to or witnessed cyber bullying in any form may write about how they think it would affect them. Students must write about how they would feel, what they would think of the person bullying them, and/or any other things that come to mind. Teacher will read and comment on each student's completed entry. 2) Language Arts: After projects are finished, have students complete the group evaluation sheet (see resources), describing their experience within the group and their opinion of the assignment and subject matter. Competencies: • To cooperate with others. To interact with an open mind in various contexts. To contribute to team efforts. To use teamwork effectively. (QEP, p. 35) • To use information and communication technologies. To master the [ICT]. The use [ICT] to carry out a task. To evaluate his/her use of [ICT]. (QEP, p. 29) • To use creativity. To become familiar with all the elements of a situation. To imagine ways of proceeding. To begin the procedure. To adopt a flexible mode of operation. (QEP, p. 23) • To represent her/his literacy in different media. To follow a process to respond to media texts. To construct her/his own view of the world through the media. To follow a production process in order to communicate for specific purposes to a specified audience. To self-evaluate her/his development as a viewer and producer of media texts. To apply appropriate strategies for constructing meaning. (QEP, p. 91)
Procedure: Preparation: Teacher must familiarize him/herself with the concept of cyber bullying (bullying using information/communications technology as a medium). Visit websites as detailed on assignment sheet to learn more. A complete understanding of the problem is not required – simply enough information to begin an idea map. Cyber bullying shares many features with other forms of bullying (so don't worry if you're not an expert while teaching this lesson; you can learn with the class). Make copies of the assignment sheet, rubric, and group evaluation sheet. Part 1 (in classroom, 1 hour): Begin with a quick explanation of creating an idea map related to bullying. On the SmartBoard (or the regular white board, if necessary), write a circle with “Bullying” in the middle, and ask the class to give one or two “big ideas” suggestions (e.g. “Feelings” “Where it happens” “Who does it”), and write these. Link them to the main idea, and get a few suggestions for ideas related to the sub-topics. Do not create a complete idea map with the class yet: this is to get them started. Next, divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 students, and have each group create an idea map about bullying (allow about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on attention to task). Once groups have finished their idea maps, complete the class idea map incorporating ideas contributed by each group. If using the SmartBoard, save the idea map as an image to post to classroom social network site (blog, facebook, etc). Introduce the task: complete a WebQuest to gather information about cyber bullying, and produce a project based on what they have learned. Briefly explain what the task entails (research, writing and editing answers to questions, deciding on presentation format, and producing and presenting information). Hand out WebQuest assignment sheets – 1 per group (see resources section), and go through the assignment sheet, explaining it to the class, answering questions. Directions are included on WebQuest sheet, including questions to answer, what resources to consult, and how to find the relevant information. Each member of a group has an assigned question that they are to answer – have groups decide who will answer which question. Final projects can take the form of video, oral presentations, information brochures for victims of cyber bullying, etc. Hand out copies of the grading rubric (see resources), and go through the evaluation with students, describing each phase. Explain that groups may propose different formats for their final project, as long as they fit into the scope of the rubric. To conclude part 1, ask the class if they have any questions about the assignment. Give groups the remainder of the time to discuss the assignment. As they discuss, circulate the class and answer questions. Alternative formats for presentations are acceptable as long as they meet the criteria presented in the rubric. Groups may ask the teacher if a certain type of presentation is okay – check the rubric with the group and ask them if they believe they can complete the assignment in their chosen format. If they believe they can, then the format is acceptable (clearly incompatible formats, such as those that are not able to be presented in the classroom, may cause harm or injury, or are possibly dangerous, are not acceptable). Part 2 (in computer lab, two 1 hour sessions): Students will work individually to answer questions on the question sheet (using word processing software). Each student must also edit one other answer. Groups may choose to perform their research as a group, in pairs, or individually. As students visit the websites listed in the assignment, the teacher should circulate the lab, answering questions or providing guidance about where to find particular information. Be sure to use guiding questions, such as “What section of the website do you think that information would be found?” or “Have you found what you are looking
for?” to keep students on-task. However, students should be encouraged to research outside the scope of websites listed – for example, they may wish to view videos about the topic, or read current news articles. The teacher should be careful to watch and ensure that student remain on-task, and are not side-tracked by material unrelated to the topic (for example, “viral” videos). Once groups have answered their questions, they are to work on their group presentations. Conclusion (in classroom, one hour): Ask if any groups would like to volunteer to present their project. The teacher should sit in the audience with the other students during presentations, with a copy of the grading rubric. Take notes, and evaluate the presentation according to the criteria. After each presentation, the teacher should encourage students in the audience to ask questions about the content, or about the project format. The teacher may wish to ask questions as well. After presentation are complete, the teacher should open the previously created idea map on the SmartBoard. Ask students to contribute any new ideas that are missing that they have learned about while doing the WebQuest. Create links where they are missing. End the lesson by asking students if they have any final comments about the issue, the WebQuest, or the process of creating their project. Resources: For additional teacher information, consult: Mishna, F., Cook, C., Gadalla, T., Daciuk, J., & Solomon, S. (2010). Cyber Bullying Behaviours Among Middle and High School Students. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(3). 362374. Mishna, F., Saini, M., & Solomon, S. (2009). Ongoing and Online: Children and youth's perceptions of cyber bullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 31, 1222-1228. Shariff, Shaheen. (2008). Cyber-bullying: Issues and solutions for the school, the classroom and the home. New York: Routledge. Question sheet, rubric, and group evaluation sheet attached to lesson plan. Photocopy as needed.
Cyber Bullying WebQuest
What is cyber bullying? Has it ever happened to you? Why is it important? What can you do to stop it? These are all questions that you will answer in the cyber bullying WebQuest, using the internet to find information about cyber bullying, and answering the questions on this sheet. Once you have answered all the questions, you will put together a project to teach others about cyber bullying. Each group member will answer at least one of the questions below, by visiting the web pages and learning about cyber bullying. Using word-processing software, answer your question using information you've found on the internet, and be sure to reference where you got your information! Once the questions are answered, have another group member read and edit each answer. Each person in the group must edit at least one other answer. Write your name next to any question you have answered, and write “Ed:” and your name next to any question you have edited. Finally, as a group, discuss the group question, and come up with an answer. Everyone in the group must agree with the answer. Choose one team member to type, and answer the group question as a team. You may choose to edit this answer, but it is not required. Websites: Visit these websites, and explore the links in order to find the information you need to answer the following questions. Be sure to record the information and the website you found it on. A good way to do this is to copy the URL from the web page and paste it next to your notes. Once you have answered all the questions, use what you have learned to create a presentation of the information. You can choose to present in any of the following formats: audio/visual presentation (e.g. television show or commercial, movie trailer, public service announcement, animated short film), slide-show, public speaking (speech), dramatic production, information booklet, fictional story, brochure, or song. Speak to your teacher if you have an idea for another format. Choose a target audience that corresponds to the chosen format of presentation. For example, if you chose to write a fictional story, what age range would it appeal to? Presentations will take place within the classroom. If your group wishes to choose an alternative format for presentation, it must be able to be presented in the class. Groups who have chosen to create a non-performance project must present their work by introducing what it is and who is the intended audience. While working on your project, refer to the rubric to be sure that you are on the right track. Content should come from the questions you have answered, but feel free to include more information if you feel it is relevant. Good luck!
Cyber Bullying WebQuest Question Sheet As a group, determine which question each member will answer. Write answers to the questions using word processing software. Be sure to include your name where you found the information presented in each answer. Each group member must also edit an answer written by another member of the group. Write your name and “Ed.” next to the question you have answered. Finally, as a group, decide on an answer to the group question. 1) What is cyber bullying? Why is it a problem? Define the term, and explain why it is an important issue to address inside schools and outside school walls. 2) How widespread is the problem of cyber bullying? Who is affected? In what way? Describe the impact of cyber bullying, and provide statistics based on research done in Canada. 3) What are some solutions to the problem of cyber bullying? What action can students take? Parents? Teachers? Schools? 4) In what ways is cyber bullying the same as other forms of bullying? In what ways is it different? Are there similarities or differences? 5) GROUP QUESTION: If there was one thing that we learned while doing this WebQuest that we could share with a victim of bullying, it would be...
Cyber Bullying WebQuest Rubric Category
Responses to assigned questions
Clear and in depth examination of all issues associated with the questions. No grammatical or typographical errors.
Addresses all issues associated with the given questions. Missing some detail, or has a few writing mistakes.
Superficial examination of some of the questions. Many grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Examines only one part of the assigned questions. Missing major details. No evidence of editing.
Does not address the given questions. Missing basic information pertinent to assignment. No editing performed.
Used information gathered from a variety of reliable sources. Goes beyond provided resources to find relevant information.
Used relevant information from multiple websites included in the WebQuest. Does not go beyond provided websites.
Presented some information from provided websites. Information used from other websites is of questionable reliability.
Lacking some information. Information included is from unreliable sources (e.g. wikipedia).
Lacks sufficient information to provide an accurate picture of the issue.
Team Work
Presentation incorporates ideas from each team member. Individuals cooperate to solve problems, share ideas, and come to consensus.
Presentation includes ideas from most team members. Cooperation between team mates, but no consensus reached.
Presentation does not include input from every team member. Some team members work together to solve problems.
One team member dominates final project. Team members do not cooperate to solve problems.
Conflict between team members that is not resolved. Final project is not a reflection of a group effort.
Presentation incorporates all elements of the task (as outlined on assignment sheet). Presentation flows smoothly, with clear links between ideas, and appeals to target audience.
Presentation includes most elements of the task. Format of presentation appeals to intended audience. Some disconnect between ideas, or technical difficulty.
Presentation includes most elements of the task. Ideas lack connection. Does not address intended audience. Technical problems.
Presentation is missing some elements of the task, or is incomplete. No apparent intended audience.
Presentation is incomplete. No apparent intended audience.
Use of Media
Presentation takes full advantage of features of the selected media format. Message is delivered with emotional impact.
Presentation uses most features of the selected media format. Message is delivered clearly.
Presentation uses some of the features of the selected format. Message is not clear.
Presentation Presentation uses only one does not use a feature of the defined format. selected format. Message is missing.
Group Evaluation Sheet Name: _____________________________ Please answer the questions in the space provided. 1) While working on the project, do you feel that everyone made an equal contribution to the final project? Was there anyone who did less work than others? More?
2) Were you happy with the decisions the group made?
3) Do you feel your voice was heard, and that you made a significant contribution to the final project?
4) According to the rubric, how do you think your final project will score? Why?
5) Did you enjoy the subject matter of the WebQuest? What would you have changed about the assignment? Why?
6) What did you learn that you did not know before?