not with FSH. By ROC analysis, AMH >500 pg/mL has 83.3% sensitivity ... Cycle Day 5 Follicle Stimulating Hormone Levels Predict HCG Levels in. Controlled ...
response (14mm, number of oocytes retrieved, or number of mature oocytes. There was a weak, albeit statistically significantly positive
correlation between EFB and quantitative serum HCG levels (R¼0.38, p¼0.0008). CONCLUSIONS: Day 5 serum FSH levels, when measured during long GnRH agonist protocols and normalized for daily exogenous FSH dose, correlate significantly with body weight and with subsequent quantitative HCG levels following exogenous HCG for ovulation induction. However, day 5 FSH levels do not predict IVF outcome and cannot be used to adjust HCG dose. SUPPORT: None.
P-25 Increased Body Mass Index Negatively Impacts Blastocyst Formation Rate in Patients Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization. I. A. Comstock, B. Behr, R. B. Lathi. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. BACKGROUND: Studies have shown lower clinical pregnancy rates, higher miscarriage rates and decreased live birth rates in women with an elevated body mass index (BMI). It is unclear if this is due to factors aff5cting the endometrium or oocyte/embryo quality. The largest study in the literature reports no association between obesity and the quality of day 3 embryos. However, blastocyst formation rate was not examined. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of female BMI and metabolic dysfunction on blastocyst formation rate in patients who had at least six oocytes retrieved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective case control study of fresh IVF cycles performed in our institution between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. 120 patients were included in this study. Cases were patients who were overweight (BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2) with evidence of metabolic syndrome, or obese (BMI R 30 kg/m2). Metabolic dysfunction was defined as fasting glucose > 100, 2 hour glucose load test > 140, HDL < 50, triglycerides > 150, and hemoglobin A1c R 5.7. We chose two normal weight (BMI 18-24.9 kg/m2) controls per case whose retrievals were performed during the same week. Only patients with a reasonable chance to reach blastocyst stage were included as defined by R 6 oocytes retrieved. The main outcome of the study was usable blastocyst formation rate. This was calculated from the number of R 5 cell embryos on Day 3 observed in culture until Day 5 or Day 6. Only good quality blastocysts were included in the calculation as defined by a morphologic grade of 3BB or better. Other cycle parameters were also compared.
Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) Total dose gonadotropins Retrieved oocytes Fertilization rate (%) # of Day 3 R 5c Day 3 transfer (%) Day 5 transfer (%) Blast formation rate (%) LBR (%)