13.05 Marine protected areas, %* .................................0.1 ............84. 14th pillar: Cultural resources ..
2.1: Country/Economy Profiles
Cyprus Key indicators Population (millions), 2011 ....................................................................................................................... 1.1 Surface area (1,000 square kilometers), 2011 ......................................................................................... 9.3 Gross domestic product (current US$ billions), 2011 ............................................................................. 24.7 Gross domestic product (current PPP, $) per capita, 2011 ............................................................. 27,520.8 Real GDP growth (percent), 2011 ............................................................................................................ 0.5 Environmental Performance Index 2012, rank (out of 132 economies), 2011 ........................................... 44
Travel & Tourism indicators
T&T industry GDP growth forecast
T&T industry, 2012 estimates Absolute value Percent of total (2013–2022) T&T industry GDP (US$ millions).......................................................1,408.0 ................ 5.6 .................... 4.2 T&T industry employment (1,000 jobs) ..................................................25.2 ................ 6.4 .................... 1.8 T&T economy, 2012 estimates T&T economy GDP (US$ millions) .......................................................4,410 .............. 17.5 .................... 4.0 T&T economy employment (1,000 jobs) ...................................................74 .............. 18.8 .................... 1.6
1,500 1995
The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index
International tourism receipts (US$ millions)
International tourist arrivals (thousands)
International tourist arrivals (thousands), 2011 ..................................2,392.2 International tourism receipts (US$, millions), 2011 ...........................2,543.0
International tourist arrivals (thousands) International tourism receipts (US$ millions)
Rank Score (out of 140) (1–7)
2013 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index ............. 29 .....4.8 2011 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index ..............................24 ......4.9 2009 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index ..............................21 ......4.9 T&T regulatory framework .........................................................22 ......5.4 Policy rules and regulations ..........................................................88 ......4.3 Environmental sustainability ..........................................................38 ......5.0 Safety and security .......................................................................27 ......5.6 Health and hygiene.......................................................................45 ......5.7 Prioritization of Travel & Tourism .....................................................2 ......6.1 Business environment and infrastructure .................................21 ......4.9 Air transport infrastructure ............................................................36 ......4.3 Ground transport infrastructure.....................................................19 ......5.3 Tourism infrastructure .....................................................................5 ......6.7 ICT infrastructure ..........................................................................40 ......4.0 Price competitiveness in the T&T industry ..................................102 ......4.2 T&T human, cultural, and natural resources .............................46 ......4.3 Human resources .........................................................................24 ......5.4 Education and training............................................................................31 ........5.3 Availability of qualified labor ....................................................................20 ........5.4
Affinity for Travel & Tourism ..........................................................10 ......5.5 Natural resources .........................................................................96 ......3.1 Cultural resources.........................................................................48 ......3.1 1
For further details and explanation, please refer to the section “How to Read the Country/Economy Profiles” on page 83.
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2.1: Country/Economy Profiles
Cyprus The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index in detail INDICATOR
1st pillar: Policy rules and regulations ................ 4.3............ 88
8th pillar: Tourism infrastructure ......................... 6.7.............. 5
1.01 Prevalence of foreign ownership .......................... 4.7 ............67
8.01 Hotel rooms/100 pop.* ........................................ 3.7 ..............2
1.02 Property rights ..................................................... 5.2 ............32
8.02 Presence of major car rental co. (1–7)* ................... 6 ............32
1.03 Business impact of rules on FDI .......................... 5.0 ............40
8.03 ATMs accepting Visa cards/million pop.* ...... 1,206.4 ..............6
1.04 Visa requirements, no. of countries* .................. 71.0 ............58 1.05 Openness bilateral ASAs (0–38)* ......................... 5.1 ..........127
9th pillar: ICT infrastructure ................................ 4.0............ 40
1.06 Transparency of government policymaking .......... 4.9 ............31
9.01 ICT use for B-to-B transactions ........................... 5.0 ............62
1.07 No. of days to start a business*.............................. 8 ............33
9.02 ICT use for B-to-C transactions ........................... 4.8 ............48
1.08 Cost to start a business, % GNI/capita* ............ 12.4 ............81
9.03 Individuals using the Internet, %* ....................... 57.7 ............44
1.09 GATS commitment restrictiveness (0–100)* ......... 0.0 ..........117
9.04 Fixed telephone lines/100 pop.* ........................ 36.3 ............33 9.05 Broadband Internet subscribers/100 pop.* ........ 18.9 ............37
2nd pillar: Environmental sustainability .............. 5.0............ 38
9.06 Mobile telephone subscriptions/100 pop.* ......... 97.7 ............87
2.01 Stringency of environmental regulation................. 4.2 ............58
9.07 Mobile broadband subscriptions/100 pop.* ....... 30.8 ............41
2.02 Enforcement of environmental regulation ............. 4.0 ............52 2.03 Sustainability of T&T industry development .......... 4.7 ............59
10th pillar: Price competitiveness in T&T ind. ..... 4.2.......... 102
2.04 Carbon dioxide emission, million tons/capita* ...... 7.9 ..........106
10.01 Ticket taxes and airport charges (0–100)*.......... 80.2 ............66
2.05 Particulate matter concentration, µg/m³* ........... 27.5 ............58
10.02 Purchasing power parity* ..................................... 1.0 ..........111
2.06 Threatened species, %* ....................................... 3.2 ............37
10.04 Fuel price, US$ cents/liter* .............................. 147.0 ..........104
2.07 Environm. treaty ratification (0–25)* ....................... 22 ............20
10.03 Extent and effect of taxation ................................ 4.6 ............16 10.05 Hotel price index, US$* ................................... 160.4 ............88
3rd pillar: Safety and security ............................. 5.6............27 3.01 Business costs of crime and violence .................. 5.6 ............28
11th pillar: Human resources .............................. 5.4............24
3.02 Reliability of police services.................................. 5.1 ............36
Education and training ......................................... 5.3 ............31
3.03 Road traffic accidents/100,000 pop.* ................ 10.4 ............28
11.01 Primary education enrollment, net %* ................ 98.7 ............19
3.04 Business costs of terrorism ................................. 6.0 ............43
11.02 Secondary education enrollment, gross %* ....... 98.8 ............37 11.03 Quality of the educational system ........................ 4.8 ............22
4th pillar: Health and hygiene ............................. 5.7............ 45
11.04 Local availability specialized research & training ... 4.4 ............54
4.01 Physician density/1,000 pop.* ............................. 2.6 ............45
11.05 Extent of staff training .......................................... 3.8 ............84
4.02 Access to improved sanitation, % pop.* .......... 100.0 ..............1
Availability of qualified labor ................................. 5.4 ............20
4.03 Access to improved drinking water, % pop.* ... 100.0 ..............1
11.06 Hiring and firing practices .................................... 3.8 ............80
4.04 Hospital beds/10,000 pop.*............................... 38.0 ............45
11.07 Ease of hiring foreign labor .................................. 4.5 ............40 11.08 HIV prevalence, % adult pop.* ............................. n/a ..............1
5th pillar: Prioritization of Travel & Tourism ........ 6.1.............. 2
11.09 Business impact of HIV/AIDS............................... 5.8 ............40
5.01 Government prioritization of the T&T industry ...... 6.3 ............15
11.10 Life expectancy, years* ...................................... 79.6 ............26
5.02 T&T gov’t expenditure, % gov’t budget* .............. 9.2 ............13 5.03 Effectiveness of marketing to attract tourists ....... 5.1 ............39
12th pillar: Affinity for Travel & Tourism ............. 5.5............10
5.04 Comprehensiveness of T&T data (0–120)* ....... 107.0 ..............6
12.01 Tourism openness, % of GDP* .......................... 15.2 ............12
5.05 Timeliness of T&T data (0–18)* .......................... 17.5 ..............7
12.02 Attitude of population toward foreign visitors ....... 6.4 ............48 12.03 Extension of business trips recommended .......... 5.9 ............26
6th pillar: Air transport infrastructure.................. 4.3............ 36
12.04 Degree of customer orientation............................ 4.5 ............77
6.01 Quality of air transport infrastructure .................... 5.4 ............43 6.02 Airline seat kms/week, dom., millions* ................. 0.1 ............98
13th pillar: Natural resources .............................. 3.1............ 96
6.03 Airline seat kms/week, int’l, millions* ................ 185.9 ............61
13.01 No. of World Heritage natural sites* ........................ 0 ............79
6.04 Departures/1,000 pop.* ..................................... 19.6 ............22
13.02 Quality of the natural environment........................ 4.4 ............66
6.05 Airport density/million pop.* ................................. 2.7 ............18
13.03 Total known species* .......................................... 310 ..........127
6.06 No. of operating airlines*.................................... 44.0 ............38
13.04 Terrestrial biome protection (0–17%)*................. 17.0 ..............1
6.07 International air transport network ....................... 5.0 ............55
13.05 Marine protected areas, %* ................................. 0.1 ............84
7th pillar: Ground transport infrastructure .......... 5.3............19
14th pillar: Cultural resources ............................. 3.1............ 48
7.01 Quality of roads ................................................... 5.6 ............22
14.01 No. of World Heritage cultural sites* ....................... 5 ............52
7.02 Quality of railroad infrastructure ........................... n/a ...........n/a
14.02 Sports stadiums, seats/million pop.* ......... 117,953.8 ............16
7.03 Quality of port infrastructure................................. 5.0 ............41
14.03 No. of int’l fairs and exhibitions* ......................... 28.0 ............58
7.04 Quality of ground transport network .................... 4.6 ............60
14.04 Creative industries exports, % of world total*....... 0.0 ............89
7.05 Road density/million pop.* ............................... 134.0 ............25
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