Cytokine Dysregulation in Diabetic Foot Infection Relates to Severe Vitamin D Deficiency
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Shalbha Tiwari, MSc, DD Pratyush, MSc and SK Singh, DM
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Endocrinology and Metabolism (ST,DP,SS), Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi India
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Introduction: Immune-regulatory role of vitamin D is well established. Diabetic Foot infections reflect the immunecompromised state of the patients and therefore it is speculative that vitamin D deficiency will be more common and severe in diabetic foot influencing their immune status. The aim of the study was to evaluate the vitamin D status and its effect on inflammatory cytokines in diabetic patients with foot infections.Method: Serum 25 (OH) vitamin D concentrations was measured by RIA (Diasorin) in 112 diabetic foot cases and 107 diabetic controls. Serum level of IL6 from 100 cases & 73 controls, IL1 from 91 cases & 107 controls and TNF-α from 87 cases & 61 controls were also measured by ELISA (Diaclone). Data was presented as mean (±SE) unless otherwise indicated and was analyzed by SPSS using independent "T" test and non- parametric test wherever applicable.Results: Vitamin D deficiency (