224347. UNCONTROLLED COPY. Words and Music by Judson W. Van
DeVenter and Winfield S. Weeden. Verse 1: D G/D D A. All to Je - sus I
Music | Leadworship Songs. Used with permission. CCLI Licence No. 224347.
Words and Music by Lincoln Brewster and Paul Baloche. Verse 1: Asus. G. D B
2008 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI Song No. 5372120. Used with ... You are
everything, everything we need, Yeah. Verse 2: There's not a minute to waste.
2005 Hillsong Publishing. Used with permission ... My soul now to stand. Verse 2:
G. You stood ... I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned. C G. D. Em.
Verse i. Q G/B Am Q7/G. As the deer psnteth tor the water i? G C F/G. So my soul
longeth after Thee. Q G/B Am C/G. Von alone are my heart's desire. lI G C G/B.
BREATHE ON ME. @1998 Lucy FisherlHillsongs Australia from the album Shout
to the Lord 2000. GGIBCD. G GIB C D. Breathe on me, Breath of God.
I know that You are God. In the secret of Your presence. I know there I am
restored. Dm G F G. When You ooh I won't refuse. Each new day again. I'II
Words and Music by Marty Sampson, Dylan Thomas and Joel Davies. Verse 1.
C G. Failing on my knees in worship. Am F C. Giving all I am to seek Your face.
GIB Am F. Lord all I am is Yours ... Song #4705190. @2005 Hillsong Publishing.
Surrender - Youth Alive. Em A D Em A. Here i am On my knees. D l worship. Em
A D Em A. In this place I give my all. D. To You. Em A D Em A i cry out With my ...