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(13, 3, 18, 9, 8) and (det B39(13))1/2 = 250 · 333 by (1), is 90.3% of Ehlich's upper bound for n = 39 and exceed the r
D-Optimal Designs and Group Divisible Designs Hiroki Tamura Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University Aramaki aza Aoba 09, Aoba-ku Sendai-city Miyagi-pref. 980-8579, Japan, E-mail: [email protected] Received May 13, 2005; revised November 10, 2005

Published online 15 February 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/jcd.20103

Abstract: We obtain new conditions on the existence of a square matrix whose Gram matrix has a block structure with certain properties, including D-optimal designs of order n ≡ 3 (mod 4), and investigate relations to group divisible designs. We also find a matrix with large determinant for n = 39. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Combin Designs 14: 451–462, 2006 Keywords: D-optimal design; divisible design; divisible difference set; Bruck-Ryser theorem



Let Xn be the set of all n × n matrices with entries ±1. A D-optimal design of order n is an element of Xn having maximal determinant md(n). Hadamard’s inequality gives the upper bound md(n) ≤ nn/2 . Equality holds only if n = 1, 2 or n is divisible by 4, and it is conjectured that the condition is also sufficient. For other values of n, better upper bounds are given by Ehlich [4,5]. If n ≡ 1 (mod 4), md(n) ≤ (2n − 1)1/2 (n − 1)(n−1)/2 . Equality holds only if 2n − 1 is a square, and if and only if there exists X ∈ Xn with XXT = (n − 1)In + Jn , where Jn is the matrix whose all entries are 1. If n ≡ 2 (mod 4), md(n) ≤ (2n − 2)(n − 1)(n−2)/2 . Equality holds only if n − 1 is the sum of two squares, and if and only if there exists X ∈ Xn with XXT = I2 ⊗ [(n − 2)In/2 + 2Jn/2 ]. If n ≡ 3 (mod 4), which is the most difficult case, md(n) ≤ (det Bn (l))1/2 where l = 6 if 15 ≤ n ≤ 59 and l = 7 if n ≥ 63, Bn (l) is the n × n matrix with block structure whose diagonal blocks are of the form (n − 3)Im + 3Jm , m = [n/ l] or m = [n/ l] + 1 and all other © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.




entries are −1. It was shown by Cohn [3] that equality holds only if n ≥ 63, n is divisible by 7, and 4n/7 − 3 is a square. In Section 2, we give necessary conditions for the existence of a square matrix X of order n = kl satisfying XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn which generalizes the theorem of Bose and Connor, and as a special case, we give more restrictions on the parameter n such that a matrix X ∈ Xn with XXT = Bn (7) exists, and hence show that n ≥ 511. We also find a matrix X ∈ X39 with large determinant satisfying XXT = B39 (13), from a nonabelian divisible difference set. As a divisible difference set is a special case of symmetric (and hence square) group divisible design (GDD), it is a natural question to ask whether a matrix X ∈ Xn with XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn always comes from a square GDD. In Section 3, we give a sufficient condition for this to hold, including a generalization of the result of Ionin and Shrikhande [8]. In Section 4, we give some additional conditions under which the corresponding group divisible designs is symmetric. Theorem 13 gives such a condition which depends only on parameters k, l, a, b, c.



Let p be an odd prime and s = pi s , t = pj t  with p  s t  . Then the Hilbert symbol (s, t)p [6, Chap. 5.6] is defined by  (s, t)p =

−1 p

ij   j   i s t , p p

where ( px ) = 1 if x is a quadratic residue modulo p and −1 otherwise, is the Legendre symbol. The Hilbert symbol has the following properties. Let a, a1 , a2 , b, x be nonzero integers. Then (a, b)p = (b, a)p (a1 a2 , b)p = (a1 , b)p (a2 , b)p (ax2 , b)p = (a, b)p (a, −a)p = (a, 1)p = 1 (a, b)p = 1, (if a, b are prime to p)   a (a, p)p = , (if a is prime to p) p (a1 , b)p = (a2 , b)p . (ifa1 ≡ a2 ≡ 0

There is another useful property [1, Lemma III], (a, b)p = (a + b, −ab)p .

(mod p))



The equation ax2 + by2 = z2 has a nontrivial integral solution if and only if at least one of a and b is positive and (a, b)p = +1 for all odd prime p. In particular, (a, b)p = +1 if a + b is a perfect square. Two symmetric matrices A, B are called rationally equivalent (∼) if there is a nonsingular rational matrix S such that A = S T BS. By Witt’s theorem, diag(a1 , . . . , an , b1 , . . . , bm ) ∼ diag(a1 , . . . , an , c1 , . . . , cm ) holds if and only if diag(b1 , . . . , bm ) ∼ diag(c1 , . . . , cm ). Theorem 1 [Hasse-Minkowski]. Two nonsingular rational diagonal matrices A = diag(a1 , . . . , am ), B = diag(b1 , . . . , bm ) are rationally equivalent if and only if det A = x2 det B for some rational  x, #{i|ai > 0} = #{i|bi > 0} and cp (A) = cp (B) for all odd prime p, where cp (A) = 1≤i 0, (2) a + bk + cn is a square, k−1 l−1 k−1 (3) (a, (−1) 2 k)p = (a + bk, (−1) 2 l)p , or equivalently (a, (−1) 2 b)p = (a + bk, (−1)

l+1 2

abc)p for all odd primes p.

Proof. For (1) and (2), a, a + bk, a + bk + cn are all eigenvalues of XXT with multiplicity (k − 1)l, l − 1, 1 and det XXT = (det X)2 = a(k−1)l (a + bk)l−1 (a + bk + cn)


must be a square. For (3), the proof of the former equation is almost the same as that of a theorem of Bose and Connor [1, Theorem 9(c)]. We give the remaining proof. Since (a, bk)p = (a + bk, −abk)p and (a + bk, cn)p = 1, (a, (−1)

k−1 2

k)p (a + bk, (−1)

l−1 2


= (a, (−1)

k−1 2

k)p (a + bk, (−1)

= (a, (−1)

k−1 2

k · bk)p (a + bk, (−1)

= (a, (−1)

k−1 2

b)p (a + bk, (−1)

l−1 2

l+1 2

l)p (a, bk)p (a + bk, −abk)p (a + bk, cn)p l−1 2

l · (−abk) · cn)p

abc)p . 



Remark 1. When k = 1, this theorem is nothing more than the Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem. If we put a = n − 3, b = 4, c = −1 then we have: Cororally 3. Let n = kl ≡ 3 XXT = Bn (l) implies

(mod 4). The existence of a square rational matrix X with

(1) 4k − 3 is a square, k−1 (2) (n − 3)x2 + (−1) 2 y2 = (n + 4k − 3)z2 has a nontrivial integral solution. Proof. (1) is immediate from Theorem 2(1). k−1 l+1 (2) By Theorem 2(2), (n − 3, (−1) 2 )p = (n + 4k − 3, (−1) 2 · (−1)(n − 3))p . This implies


k+1 2

(n − 3), (−1)

k−1 2

(n + 4k − 3))p = 1.


This means that there is a nontrivial integral solution to (−1)

k−1 2

((n + 4k − 3)z2 − (n − 3)x2 ) = y2 . 

For the D-optimal case l = 7, the values of n ≥ 63 satisfying the above conditions are 511, 1687, 5299, 7399, . . .. We will show in Example 1 and Remark 4 in Section 4, that if any of these D-optimal designs exists, it always comes from a group divisible design. Although a case l = 7 may not be D-optimal, it still gives a large determinant, if it exists and l is close to 7. Unfortunately, we have the following. Cororally 4. Let n = kl ≡ 3 (mod 4). For l = 5 or 9, there does not exist a square rational matrix X with XXT = Bn (l). Proof. We show that the Equation (2) does not hold for p = 3. As 5(5k − 3) − (9k − 3) = 4(4k − 3), 9(9k − 3) − 5(13k − 3) = 4(4k − 3) and 4(9k − 3) − 15 = 9(4k − 3) are all squares by Cororally 3 (1), we have (5(5k − 3), −(9k − 3))p = (9k − 3, −5(13k − 3))p = (9k − 3, −15)p = 1. So (5k − 3, −(9k − 3))3 = (5(5k − 3), −(9k − 3))3 (5, −1)3 (5, 9k − 3)3 = (5, 9k − 3)3 , (9k − 3, −(13k − 3))3 = (9k − 3, −5(13k − 3))3 (9k − 3, 5)3 = (5, 9k − 3)3 , (5, 9k − 3)3 = (−15, 9k − 3)3 (−3, 9k − 3)3



= (−3, 9k − 3)3 = (−3, 3k − 1)3 = (3, −1)3 = −1.  Possible values of small n = kl (k, l > 1) for the existence of a matrix X satisfying XXT = Bn (l) are (k, l) = (3, 13), (21, 3), (7, 13), (7, 17), (3, 49), (7, 21), . . . , (73, 7), . . . The smallest case (k, l) = (3, 13) is realized by a divisible difference set with parameter (13, 3, 18, 9, 8) and (det B39 (13))1/2 = 250 · 333 by (1), is 90.3% of Ehlich’s upper bound for n = 39 and exceed the record given in [10]. It is obtained as “partial complement” of a nonabelian (13, 3, 9, 0, 2)-RDS. (Recently, Rokicki discovered a circulant matrix with better record [11].) Definition 1. Let G be a group of order ml, N a subgroup of G of order m. A set D of k elements in G is called a divisible difference set (DDS) with parameters l, m, k, λ1 , λ2 , or briefly an (l, m, k, λ1 , λ2 )-DDS, if the differences di dj−1 (di , dj ∈ D, di = dj ) contain each element of N\{1} exactly λ1 times and each element of G\N exactly λ2 times. A divisible difference set is called a relative difference set (RDS) if λ1 = 0. Let G = a, b : a3 = b13 = 1, ba = ab3 be a nonabelian group of order 39. Then a (13, 3, 9, 0, 2)-RDS is given by D = {b, ab9 , a2 b3 , b5 , ab6 , a2 b2 , b4 , b10 , b12 }. Note that D satisfies DD−1 = D−1 D. The “support” R of D (the image of the map ai bj → bj ) is also a difference set giving the complement of a projective plane of order 3. Taking the complement of D on its support, a R \ D becomes a (13, 3, 18, 9, 8)-DDS. It is not known whether a matrix X ∈ X39 with XXT = B39 (13) always comes from a divisible difference set. If XT X = B39 (13) also holds, then X comes from a symmetric group divisible design, as we shall see in Section 4, Theorem 12.



In this section, we consider group divisible designs instead of divisible difference sets more generally. Definition 2. A group divisible design GDD(v, k, m, n, λ1 , λ2 ) is a triple (P, S, A) where

 P is a set of points, where |P| = v = mn,  S is a class of non-empty subsets of P (called groups), of size m, which partitions P, and |S| = n,

 A is a class of subsets of P (called blocks), of size k ≥ 2,  each pair of distinct points x, y where x and y are from the same group is contained in precisely λ1 blocks,



 each pair of distinct points x, y where x and y are not from the same group is contained in precisely λ2 blocks. A group divisible design is called square if v = |A|, and called symmetric if its dual (exchange of blocks and points) is also a GDD with the same parameter. Proposition 5. Let (P, S, A) be a GDD(v, k, m, n, λ1 , λ2 ). Then each point x ∈ P is contained in precisely r blocks, and b = |A|, r satisfy bk = rv, r(k − 1) = λ1 (m − 1) + λ2 (v − m). The existence of a GDD(v, k, m, n, λ1 , λ2 ) is equivalent to the existence of a v × |A| incidence matrix B satisfying J1,v B = kJ1,|A| and BBT = In ⊗ ((r − λ1 )Im + (λ1 − λ2 )Jm ) + λ2 Jv . Remark 2. Let D be a divisible difference set over a group G, then we can give a corresponding group divisible design as follows:

 points and blocks are both labeled by G,  a point x is in a block y if and only if xy−1 ∈ D. A GDD(39, 9, 3, 13, 0, 2) is given directly in [7] by using the projective plane of order 3, and it is shown to be represented as a nonabelian divisible difference set [9, Cororally 4.11]. n−2t+b+c n−2t+c If a square GDD(n, n−t , 4 ) with n = kl, t 2 = a + bk + cn exists, 2 , k, l, 4 we obtain a square matrix X satisfying XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn by replacing 0 with −1 in its incidence matrix. Conversely, does a matrix X ∈ Xn with XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn always come from a group divisible design? This holds for l = 1, n, and we do not know any counterexamples for other values of l. But we can show that it holds under certain conditions. Lemma 6. Let n = kl = a + b + c, t 2 = a + bk + cn, and let X be a matrix in Xn with equal row sum t satisfying XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn . Then A = 21 (Jn − X) is an n−2t+b+c n−2t+c incidence matrix of a square GDD(n, n−t , 4 ). 2 , k, l, 4 Proof. Let en be the all 1 vector of length n and u := XT en . Then nt 2 = n1 (uT en )2 ≤ uT u = eTn XXT en = n(a + bk + cn). Since equality holds, u = ten and Jn A = n−t 2 Jn , 1 1 T T T AA = 4 (nJn − XJn − Jn X + XX ) = 4 {Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + (n − 2t + c)Jn }.  Theorem 7. Let n = kl = a + b + c and c = 0. Assume there exists a nonsingular matrix X ∈ Xn satisfying XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn and X has a block structure such that 

 X11 · · · X1l  . ..   X= .   .. Xl1 · · · Xll



where each Xij is a k × k matrix with equal column sum xij . Then there exists a square n−2t+b+c n−2t+c GDD(n, n−t , 4 ) with a + bk + cn = t 2 . 2 , k, l, 4 Remark 3. When k = 1, a k × k matrix always has equal column sum, so the above theorem means that a nonsingular matrix X ∈ Xn satisfying XXT = (n − c)In + cJn , c = 0 corresponds to some symmetric BIB design. This is equivalent to the result of Ionin and Shrikhande [8]. To prove the above theorem, we use the following lemmas. Lemma 8. Let X, Y be nonsingular matrices satisfying XXT = Y and let v be a column vector of X. Then vT Y −1 v = 1. Proof.

Since XT Y −1 X = I, the result follows.

Lemma 9.

If n = kl and a(a + bk)(a + bk + cn) = 0, then

{Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn }


 = Il ⊗

 c 1 b Ik − Jk − Jn . a a(a + bk) (a + bk)(a + bk + cn)

Lemma 10. Let n = kl = a + b + c and let X be a nonsingular matrix in Xn satisfying XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn . If 

 v1  .   v=  ..  vl is a column vector of X where each vi has size k and sum vˆ i , then 2 l l

b 2 ac b+c = vˆ i + vˆ i . a + bk (a + bk)(a + bk + cn) i=1


Proof. From Lemma 8 and Lemma 9, 1 = vT {Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn }−1 v

2 l l

1 T b c 2 = v v− vˆ i − vˆ i , a a(a + bk) (a + bk)(a + bk + cn) i=1


l l

c b n vˆ 2i − vˆ i = − a a(a + bk) (a + bk)(a + bk + cn) i=1

2 .


 Lemma 11. If a nonsingular matrix X with equal column sum satisfies XXT = aI + bJ, then XT X = aI + bJ.



Proof. We have I = XT (aI + bJ)−1 X = XT ( a1 I + cJ)X for some c. Since X has equal column sum, I = a1 XT X + dJ for some d. As XXT = aI + bJ and XT X = aI − adJ should have the same determinant, b = −ad.  Proof of Theorem 7. Let v be a column vector of X as in Lemma 10. From (Il ⊗ Jk )XXT (Il ⊗ Jk ) = (Il ⊗ Jk ){Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn }(Il ⊗ Jk ), we obtain an equation Xˆ Xˆ T = (a + bk)Il + ckJl ,


where Xˆ = (xij ), i, j = 1, . . . , l. Since 

 vˆ 1  .   vˆ :=   ..  vˆ l ˆ is a column vector of X, 1 = vˆ T {(a + bk)Il + ckJl }−1 vˆ   1 ck = vˆ T Il − Jl vˆ a + bk (a + bk)(a + bk + cn) 2 l l

1 2 ck = vˆ i − vˆ i . a + bk (a + bk)(a + bk + cn) i=1



From Lemma 10 and (4), l 2

c c= vˆ i . a + bk + cn i=1

Since c = 0,


2 vˆ i

= a + bk + cn.



This implies that the column sum of Xˆ (and that of X) is constant up to sign. Thus Xˆ (and X) can be normalized into a matrix with equal column sum by a suitable change of signs of columns. If X is normalized to have equal column sum t, then (3), (5), and Lemma 11 imply In = XT {Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn }−1 X



2 l

1 T b c T = X X− Xˆ Xˆ ⊗ Jk − vˆ i Jn a a(a + bk) (a + bk)(a + bk + cn) i=1

1 b c ((a + bk)Il + ckJl ) ⊗ Jk − Jn = XT X − a a(a + bk) a + bk =

1 T b c X X − Il ⊗ J k − J n , a a a

and hence XT X = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn . Since XT has equal row sum t, A = 21 (Jn − XT ) is an incidence matrix of a square GDD by Lemma 6. 



Under several conditions described in this section, we show that the group divisible design obtained from a matrix X ∈ Xn is symmetric. Theorem 12. Let n = kl = a + b + c and c(bk + cn) = 0. If a matrix X ∈ Xn satisfies XXT = XT X = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn then 21 (Jn − X) is an incidence matrix of a symmetric GDD. Proof. tion

We calculate XXT (XXT − aIn )(XXT − (a + bk)In ) in two ways. From the equaXXT (XXT − aIn )(XXT − (a + bk)In ) = {Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn }{bIl ⊗ Jk + cJn }{Il ⊗ (−bkIk + bJk ) + cJn } = c(bk + cn)(a + bk + cn)Jn .

On the other hand,

XXT (XXT − aIn )(XXT − (a + bk)In ) = X(XT X − aIn )(XT X − (a + bk)In )XT = c(bk + cn)XJn XT = c(bk + cn)(Xen )(Xen )T . Since c(bk + cn) = 0, Xen = ten with t 2 = a + bk + cn, so we can apply Lemma 6 to n−2t+b+c n−2t+c conclude that 21 (Jn − X) is an incidence matrix of a GDD(n, n−t , 4 ). 2 , k, l, 4 1 Obviously this argument holds if we exchange X and XT , so 2 (Jn − XT ) is also an incidence matrix of a GDD with the same parameter. 



The idea of the following theorem comes from Theorem 6.1 of [2] which gives a condition for a square GDD to be symmetric. Theorem 13. Let n = kl = a + b + c be odd and t 2 = a + bk + cn such that (a, b) = 4, (ac, t 2 ) is square-free and b = 0, where (, ) is the symbol for the greatest common divisor. If a nonsingular matrix X ∈ Xn satisfies XXT = Il ⊗ (aIk + bJk ) + cJn , then there exists n−2t+b+c n−2t+c a symmetric GDD(n, n−t , 4 ). 2 , k, l, 4 Proof. Let v(1) , . . . , v(n) be the column vectors of X. From Lemma 10, ac(eTn v(i) )2 is divisible by t 2 . Since (ac, t 2 ) is square-free, eTn v(i) is divisible by t. From the evaluation of eTn XXT en , we get ni=1 (eTn v(i) )2 = nt 2 . Since eTn v(i) is odd and divisible by t, |eTn v(i) | = t, thus we can assume that X has equal column sum t. Let vˆ(i) be defined as in the proof of TheT T orem 7, then vˆ(i) vˆ(i) = a + (b + c)k by Lemma 10 and (4). If i = j, v(i) (XXT )−1 v(j) = 0 so from Lemma 10, T T ˆ + ac, (a + bk)v(i) v(j) = bvˆ(i) v(j)

and with a parameter sij , we can write T ˆ = a + (b + c)k − s (a + bk), vˆ(i) v(j) ij T

v(i) v(j) = b + c − sij b. Since T ˆ ≤ (vˆ(i) T vˆ(i) ) 21 (v(j) ˆ ) 21 ˆ T v(j) vˆ(i) v(j)


= a + (b + c)k, sij is nonnegative because a + bk > 0. Note that all the entries of vˆ(i) are odd, u(i) := 1 ˆ(i) 2 (v − el ) is an integral vector whose sum does not depend on i and T ˆ = (2u(i) + e )T (2u(j) + e ) vˆ(i) v(j) l l T


= 4u(i) u(j) + 2u(i) el + 2eTl u(j) + eTl el ≡l

(mod 4).

T T T ˆ modulo 4 do not depend on We also have v(i) v(j) ≡ n (mod 4). Thus v(i) v(j) , vˆ(i) v(j) T T i, j. Since vˆ(i) vˆ(i) = a + (b + c)k and v(i) v(i) = a + b + c ≡ b + c (mod 4),

sij (a + bk) ≡ sij b ≡ 0

sij a ≡ sij b ≡ 0

(mod 4),

(mod 4).



 So sij is an integer because (a, b) = 4. From (6), sii = 0 if and only if vˆ(i) = v(iˆ ) , and if sii = 0, sij = si j for all j. So if we let v(tˆ1 ) , . . . , v(tˆl ) be all the distinct vectors and ˆ = v(tˆ i ) }, then by a suitable permutation of columns of X, let ki = #{j ∈ {1, . . . , n} | v(j) T X X has a block structure with block sizes (k1 , . . . , kl ), k1 + · · · + kl = n, such that the diagonal blocks are aIki + (b + c)Jki and the off-diagonal blocks are (b + c − sti tj )Jki ,kj . Since rank(XT X − aIn ) ≤ l , XT X has an eigenvalue a with multiplicity not less than n − l and equal to that of XXT . The eigenvalues of XXT are a, a + bk, a + bk + cn with multiplicities n − l, l − 1, 1, respectively, and they are all distinct since b = 0 and cn is odd. So we obtain l ≤ l . Let

Y = (el , v(tˆ1 ) , · · · , v(tˆl ) ). Then 

 l t···t t    T  , Y Y = .   .. a + (b + c)k − (a + bk)sti tj  t 

where sti ti = 0 for convenience. Let uT = (− llt , 1, . . . , 1) then 0 ≤ uT Y T Yu 


l 2 t 2 2 =− + (a + (b + c)k)l − (a + bk) sti tj l i,j=1


  2 1 = (a + bk) l (1 − ) − sti tj . l i,j=1

Since a + bk > 0, 

l 1 1 1

1− ≥ 2 sti tj = 2  l l i,j=1 l


sti tj ≥ 1 −

i,j=1, i=j

1 , l

l ≥ l . Thus l = l and sti tj = 1 for all i = j. From n



(v(ti ) v(j) )2 = v(ti ) XXT v(ti )

j=1 T


= av(ti ) v(ti ) + bv(tˆ i ) v(tˆ i ) + c(eTn v(ti ) )2



= a(a + 2b + 2c) + b(b + 2c)k + c2 n, and




(v(ti ) v(j) )2 = (a + b + c)2 +

(b + c − sti j b)2


(a + b + c)2 + (b + c)2 (n − 1) − 2b(b + c)


(a + b + c) + (b + c) (n − 1) − 2b(b + c)(n − ki ) + b (n − ki )


a(a + 2b + 2c) + b(b + 2c)ki + c2 n,


sti j + b2

j=ti 2


we obtain b(b + 2c)(ki − k) = 0 for all i. Since b = 0 and b + 2c ≡ 2 for all i. Thus XT X = XXT and we can apply Theorem 12.

sti j 2

j=ti 2

(mod 4), ki = k 

Example 1. Putting k = 73, l = 7, a = 508, b = 4, c = −1, Theorem 13 implies that a matrix X ∈ X511 with XXT = B511 (7) always comes from a symmetric group divisible design. Remark 4. In fact, a matrix X ∈ X7k with XXT = B7k (7) (n = 7k ≥ 63) always comes from a symmetric group divisible design. If such X exists, X is D-optimal and so is XT . Thus XT X is equal to B7k (7) by a suitable permutation or sign changes of columns of X [5], and we can apply Theorem 12.

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