Desire2Learn ePortfolio Tool NEIU Student Guide Introduction The Desire2Learn (D2L) ePortfolio (eP) tool allows you to store, organize, reflect on, and share items that represent your learning. You can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, course work—just about anything that demonstrates your improvement or mastery in a certain area. You decide what items you want to include in your ePortfolio, how you want to organize them, and with whom you want to share them. When you share items (with your peers, professors, mentors, potential employers), you can give them permission to view items, edit items, see or add comments, and see or add assessments—all depending on what type of feedback you want. This Quick-Guide covers all of the functions of the D2L eP tool, for both students and instructors. Use the links in the Table of Contents below to jump directly to specific topics. Table of Contents Topic Getting to the ePortfolio Tool Dashboard Create Artifacts Create Reflections Add Tags Create Collections Create Presentations Allow Comments & Rubric Assessments Share Items View Feedback Revise ePortfolio Items View and Comment on Others’ Shared Items Submit ePortfolio Items to a Course Dropbox Import and Export ePortfolio Items Export Presentations
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Getting to the ePortfolio Tool Dashboard 1. Click the ePortfolio link on the navigation bar or in the My Settings widget on the home page. Create Artifacts The ePortfolio is a repository for digital artifacts that represent your learning. You can upload or create artifacts on any number of topics and at any stage of completion. An artifact may be a document, graphic, audio file, video file, presentation, or other form of digital media. Access the Artifacts Area 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool.
Upload Files Upload files from your computer, personal storage device, or Desire2Learn locker area that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in an area of interest. Tip: You might want to compress large media files before uploading them, to save space in your ePortfolio. Full-resolution files are not usually necessary for presentation on the web. Note: You have 25MB of space for all of your ePortfolio content in D2L. 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. Result: My Items screen displays. 2. Click the Add drop-down menu then select File Upload. 3. Select File from Computer or File from Locker, as appropriate. Result: The Add a File dialog box displays. 4. Browse for the file you want to add then click the Add button. Result: The Add Artifact screen displays. 5. Confirm that the selected file displays, and click the Next button. 6. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Name, Description, and Tags fields (see Add Tags below). 7. Click the Save button. Result: The Edit Artifact screen displays. Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the item and associate the item with a presentation, collection, or learning objective (see later sections of this guide). 8. Click the Save and Close button. 2
Import Course Content You can include your course work in your portfolio, and compare among assignments and courses. 1. Click My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Select Course Results from the drop-down menu. Result: The Add Artifact dialog box displays. 4. Search for or select the name/course code for the desired course. Result: The Import Course Results screen displays. 5. Select the check box(es) for the course results you want to include in your ePortfolio. 6. Click the Next button. 7. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Name, Description, and Tags fields (see Add Tags below). Tip: Click the Apply Tags to All Artifacts button to add a set of tags to all items on the page. 8. Click the Save button. Result: The My Items screen displays. 9. Option: To edit the added item, a. Select Edit from the drop-down menu next to the name of the item. Result: The Edit Artifact screen displays. b. Make changes in Name, Description, Tag, etc. field(s). Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the item and associate the item with a presentation, collection, or learning objective (see later sections of this guide). c. Click the Save and Close button.
Create an HTML File ePortfolio provides the option to create HTML artifacts using a simple HTML editor. HTML files may contain formatted text, images, videos, audio files, and links to content in Desire2Learn. 1. Click My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Select Web Document from the drop-down menu. Result: The Add Artifact – Create a File dialog box displays. 4. Key a name for the file in the File Name field. 5. Click in the Content text-entry field. Result: The text-editor window activates. Option: Click the More button to display more formatting and link options. 6. Key, paste, and/or link the content for the item in the Content text-entry field. 7. Click Next. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Name, Description, and Tags fields (see Add Tags below). 8. Click the Save button. Result: The Edit Artifact screen displays. Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the item and associate the item with a presentation, collection, or learning objective (see later sections of this guide). 9. Click the Save and Close button.
Link to a Web Address If you want to include an existing web site as an artifact in your portfolio, you can reference the address (URL) for the site rather than uploading files. 1. Click My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the Add button. 3
3. Select Link from the drop-down menu Result: The Add Artifact – Create a Link screen displays. 4. Key a name for the link in the Name field. 5. Key or paste the web address for the link in the URL field. Option: Key or paste content into the Description field. 6. Click the Save button. Result: The Edit Artifact screen displays. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Name, Description, and Tags fields (see Add Tags below). Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the item and associate the item with a presentation, collection, or learning objective (see later sections of this guide). 7. Click the Save and Close button.
Fill Out a Form Forms are templates created by your institution or course leaders that you fill out. Forms collect information using a set of question fields. 1. Click My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Select Form Response from the drop-down menu. Result: Select a Form Template screen displays. 4. Search for or select the desired form to include in your ePortfolio. Result: The Add Form Response screen displays. 5. Respond to the various fields in the form. Option: Key/select information for the Description and Tags fields (see Add Tags below). 6. Click the Save button. Result: The My Items screen displays. 7. Option: To edit the added item, 1) Select Edit from the drop-down menu next to the name of the item. Result: The Edit Artifact screen displays. 2) Make changes in Name, Description, Tag, etc. field(s). Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the item and associate the item with a presentation, collection, or learning objective (see later sections of this guide). 3) Click the Save and Close button.
Record Audio You can record audio directly within ePortfolio. Note: You need a microphone and sound card for your computer for this option to function correctly. 1. Click My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Select Audio Recording from the drop-down menu Result: The Add Artifact – Record Audio screen displays. 4. Does the Adobe Flash Player Settings dialog box display? If yes, go to Step 4. If no, go to Step 5. 5. Select the Allow and Remember options to let access the camera and/or microphone on your computer, then select Close in the dialog box. 6. Click the round red Record button and speak into the microphone. Press the same button to Pause the recording. Option: Click the green Play button to preview the recording, or the Clear link to start over. 4
7. Click the Next button. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Name, Description, and Tags fields (see Add Tags below). 8. Click the Save button. Result: The Edit Artifact screen displays. Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the item and associate the item with a presentation, collection, or learning objective (see later sections of this guide). 9. Click the Save and Close button.
Create Reflections Use reflections to discuss items in your portfolio, record your thoughts on topics that interest you, set goals, and think critically about your learning. Reflections may be independent portfolio items, or they can be associated with learning objectives, collections, or presentations. Associating reflections with other items helps other users to see the relationship between the items and makes it easier to revisit your goals and assumptions later. Important: Reflections are visible to other users only if you share them or you add them to a collection or presentation. Associating them with another item does not automatically share them. When you share a reflection that is associated with an item, users may view the associated item when viewing the reflection. If you include a reflection in a collection or presentation, it inherits the permissions of that collection or presentation. Add a Reflection 1. Click My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Select Reflections from the drop-down menu. Result: The New Reflection screen displays. 4. Key the title of the Reflection into the Title field. 5. Click in the Reflection text-entry field. Result: The text-editor window activates. Option: Click the More button to display more formatting and link options. 6. Key, paste, and/or link the content for the reflection in the Reflection text-entry field. Option: Key/select information for the Tags field (see Add Tags). Option: Set the Comments preferences for the item. 7. Click the Save and Close button.
Associate Reflections with Learning Objectives, Collections or Presentations 1. Create and save a reflection or edit an existing reflection (see process above). 2. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 3. For the desired Reflection, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the Reflection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 4. Select Associate Learning Objective, Add to Presentation, or Add to Collection, as desired. Result: The Add to ___________ dialog box displays. 5. Select the element to which the Reflection should be associated, and follow any remaining steps for the Add to ___________ dialog box. 6. Click the Finish button.
Add Tags Tags are keywords or descriptive labels that you add to items to help categorize them (e.g., course codes, subjects, topics, purpose, status, and the like). You can search both your own portfolio and others’ shared items by tags. Note: The Tags field is included in the creation process for most ePortfolio items. If you wish to add or remove tags after creating an item, follow the processes below. Add a Tag 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the item. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Edit. Result: The Edit screen displays for the item. 4. Locate the Tags field. 5. Key a tag word and click the Add Tags button. Options: Enter multiple tags at once by separating words using spaces. Use quotation marks to create multi-word tag phrases (e.g., “winter project”). Use the @ symbol to create a private tag only you can see (e.g., @draft). Result: The tag word or phrase is added below the Tags field. 6. Repeat Step 5 for any additional tag words or phrases. 7. Click the Save button.
Remove a Tag 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the item. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Edit. Result: The Edit screen displays for the item. 4. Locate the Tags field. 5. Click the red X next to any tag words or phrases you wish to remove from the item. 6. Click the Save button.
Create Collections Collections are groups of artifacts, reflections and presentations. They are like folders, except an item can belong to multiple collections at the same time. For example, you may add a short story you wrote to a collection called “Fiction” as well as to a collection called “Creative Writing 101.” Although the story is included in both collections, there is only be one copy of the story (artifact) in your ePortfolio. Create a Collection 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the New Collection button. Result: The New Collection window displays. 3. Key a name for the Collection in the Name field. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Description and Tags fields (see Add Tags). 4. Click the Save button. Result: The Comments/Assessments and Items in Collection fields are activated. Option: Set the Comments/Assessments preferences for the Collection. 5. Key a search term into the Items in Collection search box and click the Search icon (magnifying glass). Option: Key a single blank space (spacebar key) into the search box to display all available items. 6. Select the check box(es) next to the item(s) you want to include in the collection. 7. Click the Save and Close button.
Add an Item to a Collection Use the process below to add existing items to a collection. Note: During the creation or editing process, each item (artifact, reflection, form, and so on) has an Edit screen. In Associated Items section, click the Add button on the Edit screen and then select A Collection to associate an item with one or more collections. 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the item. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Add to Collection. Result: The Add to Collection dialog box displays. 4. Select the check box(es) next to the collection(s) where you want to include the item. 5. Click the Add button. Automatically Populate a Collection via Tag List 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired collection, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Edit. Result: The Edit Collection window displays. 4. Click the Add to Collection button in the Items in Collection fields. Result: The Add Items to Collection dialog box displays. 5. Click the Tag List link. Result: The Add Items by Tag dialog box displays. 6. Key a name into the Tag List Name field. 7. Add tags that will automatically be associated with this collection (see Add Tags). 8. Click the Save button. 7
Create Presentations Presentations let you compile portfolio items in a web project that showcase your achievements. Your presentations can have multiple pages and use different themes and layouts. Presentations provide a polished, professional medium to demonstrate your learning and accomplishments. Create a New Presentation 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the New Presentation button. Result: The New Presentation window displays. 3. Key a name for the presentation in the Name field. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Description and Tags fields (see Add Tags). Option: Set the Comments/Assessments and Learning Objectives preferences for the presentation. 4. Click the Content/Layout tab. Result: The Edit Presentation screen displays. Note: The default setting for a presentation is one page with a narrow left column and a wider right column. 5. Use the Add Component button and/or the New Page icon to place artifacts into the presentation. Option: Use the Edit Presentation Navigation and/or Edit Page Layout links to change from the default settings. Option: Click the Banner tab and customize the Banner Title and Banner Description fields. Option: Click the Theme tab and click the Select button next to the color/design theme desired. 6. Click the Save button (if needed), and then the Close button.
Preview a Presentation 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired presentation, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select View. Result: The presentation displays in a new window. Note: You can also preview a presentation by clicking the View Presentation link above the editing tabs when creating or editing a presentation.
Allow Comments and Rubric Assessments Enabling comments on an artifact, collection, reflection, or presentation allows users who are viewing the item to leave feedback. Use this feature to collaborate with peers so they may congratulate you on your work, provide constructive criticism, or point out additional resources. Enabling assessments for an artifact, collection, reflection, or presentation allows users with the appropriate permissions to evaluate the item using a rubric. You must select which rubric (from the list of rubrics provided by your organization) you want users to evaluate your work against. Set General Comment and Assessment Preferences 1. Click the Settings link in the ePortfolio tool (gear icon in the top right of the page). Result: The Settings window displays. 2. Select the check box(es) for Allow Comments and/or Allow Assessments in the Item Defaults section, as desired. 3. Click the Save button.
Enable Comments and/or Rubric Assessments for Individual Items 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Edit. Result: The Edit ________ window displays. 4. Select the check box(es) for Allow Other to Add/View Comments and/or Allow Other to Add/View Assessments in the Comments/Assessments section, as desired. 5. Did you check the Allow Other to Add/View Assessments check box? If yes, go to Step 6. If no, go to Step 7. 6. Click the Add Rubrics button and follow the prompts to assign a rubric for presentation viewers to use. 7. Click the Save button.
Share Items ePortfolio items are shared with other users through permissions. Separate permissions options exist for each artifact, collection, reflection, and presentation in your portfolio—you can choose what content you share with others. You can give permission to see an item to individual users, groups of users based on course or department enrollment, or the general public through a URL (presentations only). 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Share. Result: The Sharing Settings dialog box displays. 4. Do you want to share the item with people outside NEIU? If yes, check the box for Anyone with the URL in the Public Access area. Copy and share the web address with people whom you want to gain access to the item. If no, continue to Step 5. 5. Do you want to limit the time frame when the item is visible to others? If yes, click the Show Display Options link in the Presentation Visibility area and select the desired options. If no, go to Step 6. 6. Do you want to share the item with specific people or groups of people at NEIU? If yes, click the Add Users and Groups button in the Presentation Sharing List area, and follow the prompts to select people or groups, and assign permissions to them for seeing or interacting with the item. If no, go to Step 7. 7. Did you select specific people or groups to share the item with? If yes, check the checkbox next to the person’s name and click on Send Invite button. If no, click the Close button.
Create Sharing Groups Sharing Groups save permissions you want a person or group to have, so you can reuse them. You can modify only Sharing Groups that you created, not ones your course or organization shares with you. 1. Click the Sharing Groups tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Select the New Sharing Group button. Result: The New Sharing Group Settings dialog box displays. 3. Key a name for the Sharing Group in the Name field. Option: Modify/Key the information for the Description field. 4. Click the Add Users button in the Sharing Group Members area, and follow the prompts to select people or groups. Use the tabs to select people from various groups (and assign permissions to them) such as fellow students in a course. 5. Repeat Step 4 to add more people or groups of people to the Sharing Group. 6. Click the Save and Close button.
Set Preferences for a Default Sharing Group 1. Click the Settings link in the ePortfolio tool (gear icon in the top right of the page). Result: The Settings window displays. 2. Select the Default Sharing Group from the dropdown menu in the Sharing Settings area. Option: Check or un-check the box(es) in the Item Type Filter list, as desired. Option: Create Tags to associate with the default Sharing Group. 10
3. Click the Save button.
Remove Sharing from an Item 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Share. Result: The Sharing Settings dialog box displays. 4. Click the red X next to any people or groups you wish to remove from the item’s sharing permissions.
Remove Permissions in a Sharing Group 1. Click the Sharing Groups tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Click the name of the desired Sharing Group. Result: The Sharing Group Settings dialog box displays. 3. Check the box(es) for the people or groups whose permissions you would like to change. 4. Click the Edit icon . 5. Check and un-check the box(es) for the desired permissions. 6. Click the Save and Close button.
View Feedback If you allow others to comment on or assess items in your portfolio, their feedback becomes a part of the item. You can see it below the item's details (below) or through the feeds and widgets on your ePortfolio dashboard.
Revise ePortfolio Items The ePortfolio tool is designed to help you showcase your learning. Consider the artifacts and presentations in your ePortfolio as ongoing projects. You can continuously revise them as you develop new skills and understanding, to make your ePortfolio a true reflection of your skills and achievements. 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Edit. Result: The Edit ________ window displays. 4. Make the revisions you want, such as updating the Name, Description, Comments/Assessments fields or updating the file(s) associated with the item via the Change File button. Note: Not all ePortfolio items/artifacts have the same fields and buttons. 5. Click the Save button.
View and Comment on Others’ Shared Items View Others’ Shared Items 1. Click the Explore tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click on the title of the item. Result: The item displays. or 1. Click the Explore tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired item, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select View. Comment on Others’ Shared Items 1. View the shared item from the Explore tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Is the shared item a Presentation? If yes, go to Step 3. If no, go to Step 4. 3. Click the Review link in the top right corner of the Presentation. Result: The Review screen displays. 4. Click the Add Comment button. Result: The Add Comment dialog box displays. 5. Click in the Editor text-entry field, or click on the Edit pencil icon. Result: The text-editor field activates. Option: use the Advanced tab to display more formatting and link options. 6. Key or paste the content for the comment in the text-entry field. 7. Click the Add button.
View Invites 1. Click the ePortfolio tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. Look at the Unread Invites area of the tab, underneath your profile information. Option: If no Invites are unread, select the View All Invites button. Submit ePortfolio Items to a Course Dropbox 1. Go into the course where you want to submit the item. 2. Go to Assessments-->Dropbox and click on the name of the desired dropbox. Result: The Submit Files screen displays. 3. Click the Add a File button. Result: The Add a File dialog box displays. 4. Select ePortfolio from the left tool menu. 5. Click the radio button next to the ePortfolio item you want to add. 6. Click the Select Item button. Option: Click in the Comments text-entry field. Result: The text-editor field activates. Option: Click the button to display more formatting and link options. 7. Key or paste the content for the comment in the text-entry field. 8. Click the Submit button. 13
Important: When you submit an ePortfolio item to a course dropbox, a copy of the item is made in the dropbox. Future changes to the ePortfolio item are not reflected in the dropbox copy.
Import and Export ePortfolio Items The Import/Export tool enables you to import and export ePortfolio items for use in other portfolios.
When you export an item, you also export the item's description, tags, and settings. With the exception of Presentations (see Export Presentations), exported items can only be imported into another Desire2Learn ePortfolio.
Access the Import/Export Page 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. On the More Actions button, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Go to Import/Export Page. Result: The Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen displays.
Export All Items from Your ePortfolio 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
From the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen, click the Export button. Result: The Export screen displays. Click the All Items link. Result: The Select Items to Export screen displays. Option: Check or un-check the box for “include associated items.” If checked, reflections and learning objectives include their associated items, presentations include the items they display, collections include the items they contain, items include associated reflections and learning objectives, and pushed items include associated rubrics. Option: To remove unwanted items from the export, click the Remove icon (red X) for those items. Click the Export button. Result: The Export in Progress screen displays. Click the Done button. After a few minutes, the export package (a .zip file) will display on the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen. You may need to navigate away from and back to the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen to see the updated list. Click on the name of the export package and save it to your computer.
Export Specific Items from Your ePortfolio 1. 2. 3. 4.
From the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen, click the Export button. Result: The Export screen displays. Click the Selected Items link. Result: The Select Items to Export screen displays. Option: Check or un-check the box for “include associated items.” If checked, reflections and learning objectives include their associated items, presentations include the items they display, 14
collections include the items they contain, items include associated reflections and learning objectives, and pushed items include associated rubrics. 5. Click the Add Items button. Result: The Add Items to Export dialog box displays. 6. Select the check box(es) next to the item(s) you wish to export. 7. Click the Add Button. Result: The selected items are added to the Select Items to Export screen. Option: To remove unwanted items from the export, click the Remove icon (red X) for those items. 8. Click the Export button. Result: The Export in Progress screen displays. 9. Click the Done button. 10. After a few minutes, the export package (a .zip file) will display on the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen. You may need to navigate away from and back to the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen to see the updated list. 11. Click the name of the export package and save it to your computer.
Import ePortfolio Items Important: You can import only Desire2Learn ePortfolio packages into your portfolio. If you have other items you want to add to your portfolio, use the Artifacts tool to add them individually. 1. From the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen, click the Import button. 2. Result: The Select File to Import screen displays. 3. Use the Browse button to identify the .zip Desire2Learn export file you wish to import. Note: You can import only Desire2Learn format export files. To import individual files, use the My Items tab to add them. 4. Click the Next button. Result: Desire2Learn imports and reads the .zip package file. The Import Preview screen displays. Option: To remove unwanted items from the import, click the Remove icon (red X) for those items. Option: Add Tags for the items being imported in the Tag Items on Import field. Key a tag word and click the Add Tags button. Enter multiple tags at once by separating words using spaces. Use quotation marks to create multi-word tag phrases (e.g., “winter project”). Use the @ symbol to create a private tag only you can see (e.g., @draft). Result: The tag word or phrase is added below the Tag Items on Import field. 5. Repeat Step 4 for any additional tag words or phrases. 6. Click the Import button. Result: The Import in Progress screen displays. 7. Click the Done button. 8. After a few minutes, the import-process notice will display on the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen. You may need to navigate away from and back to the Import/Export ePortfolio Content screen to see the updated list.
Export Presentations Exporting your presentations enables you to keep HTML-format copies of your presentations external to the Desire2Learn system. Once you export your presentations, you can host them externally on your own web site or save them on your computer to view offline. Note: You cannot import presentations back into your ePortfolio. 1. Click the My Items tab in the ePortfolio tool. 2. For the desired Presentation, click the Actions drop-down menu (small triangle) next to the title of the collection. Result: The Actions drop-down menu displays. 3. Select Export. Result: The Export Item dialog box displays. 4. Select the radio button for Export HTML Version. Option: Check or un-check the box for All System Links (preserves links to D2L content). 5. Click the Next button. Result: Desire2Learn creates the .zip package file. The Download File screen displays. 6. Click the name of the .zip package file and save it to your computer. It contains the HTML version of your presentation.
Changes to Presentation Properties During HTML Export
Forms Permissions
Presentation layout
Presentation theme Profile details
Action bar Artifacts
Assessments Comments
Reflections Text Areas
The action bar at the top of a presentation is not included. Embedded artifacts and links to artifacts are included. Alt tags on embedded image artifacts are retained. Size settings on embedded image and media artifacts are retained. Artifacts retain their type icon when displayed as a link inline. Artifact titles and descriptions from the Edit Display Options page are retained. Assessments made on items within the presentation are included. Assessments made on the presentation are not included. All comments for artifacts and reflections are included. Comments made on the presentation are not included. Forms linked via a QuickLink are not included. No permissions are retained. Anyone can view content within an HTML presentation. Page links, navigation settings, page settings, page names, and text areas are maintained. All theme style settings are retained, including custom replaced images. Profile information is exported as displayed in the presentation, including customized profile titles. Only the fields set to display are exported; hidden profile information does not export with the presentation. All quicklinks to artifacts within the export package and external URLs are retained. Quicklinks to system resources will require users to log into the system and have the appropriate permissions. Embedded reflections and links to reflections are included. Reflections associated with the presentation are not included. All text formatting, equations, and custom characters are included.