D99 Distribution Unit.pdf - Echomaster Marine Ltd.

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Mar 23, 1999 ... Warning. The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the .... The KaMeWa drives are controlled manually by the steering.
INSTRUCTION MANUAL Robertson D99 Distribution Unit


NOTE! Simrad Robertson AS makes every effort to ensure that the information contained within this document is correct. However, our equipment is continuously being improved and updated, so we cannot assume liability for any errors which may occur. The information contained within this document remains the sole property of Simrad Robertson AS. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information contained within is not to be passed on to a third party, without the prior written consent of Simrad Robertson AS. Warning The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment or injury to personnel. The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate or work on the equipment. Simrad Robertson AS disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation, use or maintenance of the equipment.

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Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual This manual is intended as a reference guide for correctly installing the D99 Distribution Unit. The documentation covers units from s/n 1486 onwards containing the Opto Board s/n 001 Rev.– onwards. The external wiring shall be as by the attached diagrams only Please take time to read this manual to get a thorough understanding of the system components and their relationship to a complete AP9 MK3 autopilot system. Other documentation material that is included in this manual is a warranty card. This must be filled out by the authorized dealer that performed the installation and mailed in to activate the warranty.



Robertson D99 Distribution Unit

Document revisions Rev





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Document history Rev.–

Original issue

Rev. A

Updated version. New layout.



Instruction Manual

Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 5 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................... 5 3 CONSTRUCTION................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Feedback by separate converter box......................................................................... 6 4 SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................................ 6 5 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS........................................................................................ 9 5.1 Alternative connections.............................................................................................. 9 5.1.1 Alternative 1: .....................................................................................................9 5.1.2 Alternative 2: .....................................................................................................9 5.2 5.3

Limit switches.............................................................................................................. 9 Feedback connections and adjustments................................................................. 10 5.3.1 Adjustments.....................................................................................................12

6 DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................ 15



Robertson D99 Distribution Unit



Instruction Manual

1 INTRODUCTION The D99 Distribution Unit is used to interface the AP9 MK3 to reversible drive units or small reversible servo motors. Signals for clutch engage/disengage and potentialfree contacts for "AUTOPILOT ON" (standby) are available. A separate potentialfree contact that closes when the autopilot is in AUTO or NAV-mode has also been provided. The unit has part no. 20127817.

2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Supply voltage: 24V DC, see note. Maximum motor load: ................10A continuous limited by J101A electronics Potentialfree contacts, 2 sets:......rating: 2A closed: 1. system ON 2. AUTO or NAV ON Voltage to frequency conversion (feedback): ................a) By converter in the RF14 Feedback Unit b) By converter in a separate box

Note !

If heavy duty motor (RPU100, MRD100 or similar) is connected, the motor supply must be by separate cable.

3 CONSTRUCTION The D99 unit is a modified D90 unit with identical physical dimensions. The D99 contains the standard D90 Power Supply Board and Interconnection Board. The Solid State Board is replaced by a separate board containing optocouplers for galvanic isolation and plug-in straps for selection of feedback system. The board also contains scaling resistors for adjustments of the feedback signal. A standard J101A PCB is mounted on an aluminium bracket, placed in the bottom of the D99 box. The board will drive the reversible motor and provisions have been made for motor speed adjustment to secure maximum positioning accuracy. All electrical connections are made by plug-in terminals to enable easy service and exchange. 20220703A


Robertson D99 Distribution Unit

When a RF14 provides the system feedback, six plug-in straps on the optocoupler board must be set to the appropriate position.


Feedback by separate converter box An UX (voltage to frequency) converter, mounted in a J100 box, can be supplied as optional equipment. This must be mounted near the servo potentiometer to avoid feedback interference when there is a long cable between the D99 and the servo pot. Provision for driving rudder angle indicators has also been made for. The unit has got the following part no.: 22502686.

4 SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES The two most typical applications are: Alternative 1: Operate a small servo motor connected to a motor-control handle via a friction gear. The motor will also drive a separate servo potentiometer for feedback use. Typical example is the KaMeWa motor control handle. In this application the voltage to frequency (UX) converter box can be mounted near the D99 as the cable to the servo potentiometer is normally of short length. However, if the cable is longer than 3 metres, the UX Converter box should be mounted near the potentiometer.



Instruction Manual

The KaMeWa drives are controlled manually by the steering wheel, which is mechanically coupled to a triple potentiometer and to a motor via a friction gear. The gear will provide manual commands to the jet drives at any time, even when the servo motor is operated. One section of the triple potentiometer is for the autopilot feedback while the other two segments provide independant but synchronized steering signals to each Jet Drive. Alternative 2: Operate a mechanical rotary drive unit or a hydraulic reversible motor pump. Typical examples are MRD100, HLD2000, RPU100 or RPU200. This application is recommended on sailing yachts, where limitation of power consumption is important. A standard RF14 feedback will be needed since limit switches are normally required for safety reasons.



Robertson D99 Distribution Unit

The illustration shows a typical application of the AP9 MK3 and the D99 using the MRD100 as power unit. The steering system may also be a hydraulic system where a hydraulic reversible motor/pump is installed for automatic steering, such as Hynautic Power steering Systems w/servo cylinder and Voith Schneider propulsion tug system.



Instruction Manual

5 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 5.1 Alternative connections With reference to the two alternatives explained in section 4, refer to the following wiring diagrams.

Alternative 1: With separate UX Converter box, drawing no. 1-017091A

Alternative 2: With RF14 Feedback Unit drawing no. 1-017090A Two potential free contacts are available: 1. System "ON" The contact will close whenever the autopilot is switched on (HELMSMAN - AUTO - NAV). The contact may be used as a "hand-shake" signal to the main steering to verify that the autopilot system is on.

Note !

The operation of the autopilot is unaffected by use or no use of the contacts. Contact rating is 2 Amp. 2. Autopilot in AUTOMATIC (AUTO-mode). This contact will close whenever the autopilot is switched to AUTOMATIC or NAV mode. The contact may be used to identify AUTO-mode for peripheral equipment or for 2 speed (fast/slow) rudder operation to control hydraulic “spill” valve. Contact rating is 2 Amp. 3. Clutch operation A clutch "on" voltage is also provided. The clutch voltage will be the mains input voltage to the J101A PCB and is switched on by the "Autopilot ON" signal (Safe relay). Clutch will be engaged in Helmsman Mode and Autopilot Mode.

5.2 Limit switches If limit switches are required, the RF14 Feedback Unit must be used and connected as shown on drawing 1-017090. The plugin straps on the OPTO-board shall be set to pos. 1. 20220703A


Robertson D99 Distribution Unit


Feedback connections and adjustments Feedback arrangement can be made in the following ways: 1. Standard RF14 In case the RF14 is used, this must be mechanically linked to the rudder in a 1:1 ratio. The connections are shown as follows:



Instruction Manual

2. Separate potentiometer where the mechanical transmission transfers the "rudder" movement with the appropriate ratio (no scaling). If a separate potentiometer is used, the separate UX converter must be used. When no scaling of the feedback is required and the location of the potentiometer is on the rudder or thruster gear, use the following connections:

3. Separate potentiometer where scaling is required This option is mostly used for the KaMeWa system where the distance between the feedback potentiometer and D99 unit is short (2-3 metres). Use the following connections:



Robertson D99 Distribution Unit

Adjustments When a separate potentiometer is connected as shown on fig. 3, the rudder response must be calibrated. Use the following procedure for adjustments. 1. Bring the rudder to the midship position, by observing the position of the rudder shaft or by a separate indicator. 2. Make sure that the two trimpotentiometers RV1 and RV2 on the opto-board are turned fully clockwise. 3. Enter "Rudder Angle" in the AP9 MK3 Debug mode (Ref. Information and Debug Loops in the AP9 MK3 manual) 4. Turn the potentiometer housing or shaft to obtain zero degrees as indicated on the display. 5. Bring the rudder 25 or 30 degrees to starboard and adjust both RV1 and RV2 in small steps of equal amount until the rudder angle on the display is correct. 6. Repeat the procedure with the rudder to port and eventually readjust the RV1 and RV2 for optimum result.

Direction of Rudder Movement Bring the rudder to midship position, enter the AUTOPILOT mode and make a starboard course change.

Caution !

Rudder can go hard-over if output is initially reversed. Verify that the rudder responds with a starboard turn. If not, interchange the A and B connections to the motor.

Direction of Feedback Signal Bring the rudder to midship position. Make sure that the autopilot parameters are set to " normal" values. Select AUTOPILOT-mode and make a small course change. Verify that the rudder stops when the proper amount of rudder is achieved. Also check the direction of feedback by observing the Debug rudder angle read-out in the display. If the rudder does not stop, interchange the no.1 and no.3 wires on the XU Converter Unit (coming from the potentiometer). If a RF14XU Feedback Unit is used, make sure that the potentiometer shaft rotates in the same direction as the rudder. This will ensure that the feedback signal is correct.



Instruction Manual

Motor Speed adjustment By the J101A trimmer, RV1 (set speed), adjust the motor speed for proper "hard-over to hard-over" time. Approx. 4-5 degrees per second as a starting point, fine tune during Sea-trial.

Alternative motor connections The following drawings show the different options as alternative connections, explained by the notes on drw. no. N3017091B. As shown under Note 2, two possibilities are given for connection of a servo motor. The difference is as illustrated:

This alternative is to be used if the servomotor has a tendency of running slowly with no rudder commands. The two diodes D1 and D2 are connected in series with the servomotor to avoid voltage level across the motor due to "leakage" through transistor T1 when no rudder commands are given.



Robertson D99 Distribution Unit

5.4 D99/S9 NFU hook-up S9 Steering Lever TB A1

D99 (Interconn. PCB) TB2 4 Port












TB1 1 Modus 1 NFU

Note !

Autopilot will change to NFU Helmsman mode when S9 is activated. Auto mode must be reselected after S9 is deactivated. For above system with FU91 j-box and/or FU91 levers, to give the S9 Priority over entire system at any time connect EN (enable) terminals of all levers into FU j-box and connect EN terminal of j-box to TB1-1 Modus 1 NFU in D99 Distribution Unit.



Instruction Manual

6 DRAWINGS AP9MK3 D99 External wiring diagram RF14XU and reversible Pwr. unit .... N3-017090B AP9MK3 D99 External wiring diagram Servomotor Drive............................... N3-017091B D99 Opto Board Circuit diagram (2 pages) ......................................................... N2-012823B J101A Schematic Diagram ...................................................................................... N1-110100M
