dad's club carrollwood elementary - Carrollwood Elementary PTA

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Player Information: (Please include email addresses for tournament updates). Player 1. Email ... Full page ad in the sch
Registration Form Sponsors, Teams and Individual Golfers Name:_____________________________________ Company: __________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ __________________________________________ $340 per foursome x_________________foursome(s)


100% of all the golf tournament proceeds will go to benefit Carrollwood Elementary School and to help provide new improvements in school technology to brighten the great young minds of our students.

(Please include email addresses for tournament updates)


Player 1 ___________________________________________

Mission Statement: The Dads’ Club is a service

Email _____________________________________________

organization open to all fathers or guardians

Player 2 ___________________________________________

of current and former Carrollwood Elementary

Email _____________________________________________

School students. The Dads’ Club was established

$90 per individual player x________________golfer(s) Player Information:

Player 3 ___________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________ Player 4 ___________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________



to provide every dad and their children an opportunity to develop their relationship through active involvement in school activities. Through participation in the club, Dads are able to both enhance their bonds with their

Requested sponsor level: ______________________________

children and help build a stronger school and

Total amount enclosed $_______________________________

community. GO OWLS!

SUNDAY, MAY 15TH, 2016

Make checks payable to: Carrollwood Elementary School PTA Melanie Bottini, Principal Regina Gordon, Assistant Principal Lee Yost, Dad’s Club Co-Chair Rob Allison, Dad’s Club Co-Chair

T h a n k yo u t o P D Q f o r p ro v i d i n g f o o d f o r o u r g o l f e r s .

CARROLLWOOD COUNTRY CLUB 13903 Clubhouse Dr., Tampa, FL 33618 813.961.1381

CARROLLWOOD COUNTRY CLUB 1972 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday, May 15th, 2016 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Pre-registration party for all golfers at Golfer’s Grail 10019 North Dale Mabry. Guests welcome $5.00

Sunday, May 16th, 2015 11:30 a.m.

12:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Registration Begins PDQ Lunch Warm up on Driving Range Putting Green Announcements Tournament Rules Shotgun Start Dinner & Awards Banquet Sponsor Recognition Raffle Prizes

ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Admission to Registration Party at Golfer’s Grail 18 holes of golf, greens fees & golf cart Practice balls and driving range Dinner and awards reception Fun-filled day to support Carrollwood Elementary School TOURNAMENT FORMAT & EXTRAS Traditional Scramble Format Putting Challenge Longest Drive Contest Closest to the Pin Contest

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES GOLDEN OWL - $1,000 • 1 foursome • Golf shirts for all players • Company name on tournament banner • Special recognition at tournament awards dinner • Full page ad in the school yearbook • Recognition on school marquee for the week following the tournament • One hole sponsorship SILVER OWL - $750 • 1 foursome • Golf shirts for all players • Company name on tournament banner • Special recognition at tournament awards dinner • One hole sponsorship BRONZE OWL - $500 • 1 foursome • Company name on tournament banner • Special recognition at tournament awards dinner “HOOTIE OWL” SPONSOR - $500 • Have your company’s logo prominently displayed on our 27’ tall inflatable owl

PUTTING CONTEST SPONSOR - $200 • Company sign at putting contest area • Company representatives may set up at the putting contest • Company presents award at dinner LONGEST DRIVE SPONSOR - $200 • Company sign at longest drive tee box • Opportunity to have representatives from your company advertise at the tee box • Company presents award at dinner CLOSEST-TO-PIN SPONSOR - $200 • Company sign on closest-to-pin tee box • Opportunity to have representatives from your company advertise at the tee box • Company presents award at dinner DRIVING RANGE SPONSOR - $200 • Company sign at practice range • Company representatives may set up on range HOLE SPONSOR - $150 • Company sign at your hole • Company representatives may set up at hole GOLFERS • Foursome - $340 • Individual golfer - $90 Maximum 180 golfers (27 teams)