Daftar Pustaka - Binus University

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DAFTAR PUSTAKA Allamaraju, Subrahmanyam et al. (2000). ... Application with Adobe Flex & Java, Secret of The Masters. 1st Edition. SYS-CON Media. New Jersey.

Allamaraju, Subrahmanyam et al. (2000). Proffesional Java Server Programming J2EE Edition. Wrox Press Ltd. Birmingham, United States of America. Bennett, Simon; McRobb, Steve; dan Farmer, Ray. (2006). Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML. 3rd Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York. Connolly, T. M., Begg, C. E. (2005). Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management. 4th Edition. Addison-Wesley, Essex. Dawes, Chip; Bryla, Bob; Johnson, Joseph C.; Weishan, Matthew. (2005). OCA: Oracle 10g Administration I Study Guide. SYBEX. CA. Dyke, Ric Van dan Lowenthal, Russ. (2004). Oracle Database 10g : Administration Workshop I Student Guide. Edisi 1. Jobi Varghese, Oracle. CA. Fain, Yakov; Rasputnis, Victor; Tartakovsky, Anatole. (2007) . Rich Internet Application with Adobe Flex & Java, Secret of The Masters. 1st Edition. SYSCON Media. New Jersey. Herrington, Jack dan Kim, Emily. (2008). Getting Started with Flex 3. First Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc. CA. Laurie, Ben dan Laurie, Peter. (1999). Apache The Definitive Guide. Edisi 2. O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. CA. Mathiassen, Lars; Munk-Madsen, Andreas; Nielsen, Peter Axel; Stage Jan. (2000). Object Oriented Analysis Design. Marko Publishing Aps, Denm Marchal, Benoit. (2000). XML by Example. Que. Indianapolis, United States of America.


419 O`Brien, James A. (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. Twelvefth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York. Pressman, Roger. S. (2001). Software Engineering A Practitioner’s Approach, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York. Schneider, Geri dan Winters, Jason P. (2001). Applying Use Cases, A Practical Guide. 2nd Edition. Addison Wesley, Canada. Shneiderman, Ben. (1998). Designing the User Interface: Strategic for Effective HumanComputer Interaction. 3rd Edition. Addison Wesley, Massachusetts. Simon, Solomon H. Ph. D.. (2001). XML eCommerce Solutions for Business and IT Managers. McGraw-Hill, Inc. United States of America. Whitten, Jeffery L., Bentley, Lonnie D., Dittman, Kevin C. (2004). Metode Desain & analisis Sistem. Edisi 6. McGraw Hill, Inc. New York. [http1] Anonim. RIA : http://www.adobe.com/resources/business/rich_internet_apps/#. 5 Oktober 2009. Adobe Systems Incorporated. [http2] Anonim. Flex : http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/ . 5 Oktober 2009. Adobe Systems Incorporated. [http3] Anonim. Flex : http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/overview/. 5 Oktober 2009. Adobe Systems Incorporated. [http4] Anonim. Framework Flex : http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/features/flex_ framework/. 5 Oktober 2009. Adobe Systems Incorporated. [http5] Anonim. System Requirements Flex : http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/ systemreqs/. 5 Oktober 2009. Adobe Systems Incorporated. [http6] Anonim. Apache Tomcat : http://tomcat.apache.org/. 17 Oktober 2009. The Apache Software Foundation.

420 [http7] Anonim. Apache Tomcat 6.0 Introduction : http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0doc/introduction.html. 17 Oktober 2009. The Apache Software Foundation.