Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) is one of the finest power generation
plants in the country, which commenced its ... Total Coal (Washed + Imported ).
Sea water ... technology and stringently following the environmental safety
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1 DAHANU THERMAL POWER STATION Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) is one of the finest power generation plants in the country, which commenced its commercial operations in January 1996. Recognized with innumerable awards, this power plant is known for its distinctive features that set it apart from others in terms of technological innovation, superior performance and continuous sustain ability for a longer period.
major milestones and achievements The land development commenced in the year 1990 The main plan contract got finalized in the year 1991 Unit #1 was synchronized on 6th January 1995 and Unit No. 2 was synchronized on 29th March 1995. The power station commercially commenced its operation in 1996.
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plant features Plant Capicity
2X250 MW
Land for Plant
351.58 Hectares
Land for ash disposal area
370.00 Hectares
Total Coal (Washed + Imported )
2.1 Million tons
Sea water ( Condenser cooling)
84,000 (M3/Hr)
Sweet Water
300 (M3/Hr)
steam turbine Make
BHEL, Kraft Work Union Design
Rated Load
250 MW
Max Load Under valve Wide
262 MW
Open Construction
Three Cylinder Reheat Condensing Turbine
boiler Manufacturer
BHEL (C.E. Design)
Natural circulation, Balance draft, Double pass, Single drum, Single reheat, Direct pulverized coal fired water impoundedbottom.(Gas firing & gasregulating system, provision for future)
Boiler design Pr & Temp
182.5 Kg/cm2 & 5400 C
Boiler Designation
Type of firing
Tilting tangential
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technical specifications
The thermal plant at Dhanau uses a mix of washed coal and imported coal as fuel and the general blending ration is 80:20. The indigenous fuel is received from SECL (Korba), which is located about 1400 Kms from the plant site. Imported coal is received from various countries like Indonesia, South Africa etc. The CW Systems are equipped with concrete volute pumps to facilitate the smooth functioning of Cooling Water System. Complete automatic control & monitoring of the three cylinders reheat condensing turbine, boiler and auxiliaries by Digital Distributed Control, Monitoring and Information System. (DDC-MIS) The Dahanu Thermal Power Station is known for possessing the tallest chimney (275.3 mtrs) in the country for proper emissions dispersion. It has an Advance Air Pollution Monitoring System and an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety and Information Security in position.
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An Electrostatic Precipitator of 99.9% efficiency is used to collect fly ash thereby assisting in prevention of air pollution. Highest standards are maintained through the four ambient air quality-monitoring stations to measure SPM, RSPM, SO2 and No2. The highly advanced Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system provides complete centralized control over transmission and distribution. The organization has adopted an advanced air pollution monitoring system to ensure minimization of the plant's environmental impact.
plant performance Here's an insight into the year-on-year performance of the plant: Parameters
FY 04-05
FY 05-06
FY 06-07
FY 07-08
FY 08-09
energy conservation The organization's social responsibility towards the environment is evident in the adaptation of clean technology and stringently following the environmental safety guards. Use of blended coal with imported low ash coal. FGD installation. Use of beneficiated coal. Ammonia injection for reduction of Particulate matter. Dry fly ash collection system with classification system installation. STP recycling.
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Paper recycling. Ash utilization as cement replacement/land filling. Ash bricks manufacturing. Mass Tree plantation and Horticulture initiative. Reliance Infrastructure DTPS has achieved remarkable results since it has consistently maintained its average heat rate of 2300 Kcal/Kwh for the last five years. This is a major milestone considering the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has set a norm of 2500 Kcal/Kwh for a unit of this size. Reliance Infrastructure has proactively contributed by adopting a range of effective energy conservation measures such as: Installation of Variable Frequency Drive in Condensate Extraction Pumps, Coal Mill Seal Air Fans, PA Fan. Corrocoating of CW Pumps & ACW Pumps. Giving preference to Wind turbo-ventilator. Investing in Vapour Absorption Air Conditioning. Use of Energy Efficient Lighting systems. The organization has also extensively invested in a green belt development plan to ensure the least impact on the environment from the functioning of the thermal plant.
environment safe guards To prevent Air Pollution ESP of 99.9% efficiency for collection of fly ash from flue gases. Online monitoring of emission levels of SOx, NOx, and TPM in Flue gas. Four Ambient air quality monitering Stations to measure SPM, RSPM, SOx, NOx, Along with one meteorological station for weather monitering. Mobile Van to moniter Ambient Air quality in remote areas.
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Ash Disposal Four ash ponds for disposal of ash slurry. Pond management designed to minimize pollutants in discharge effluent. Dry Fly Ash collection System for maximizing ash utilization.
Health and Safety Management Health & Safety Policy in place. Emergency plan and Disaster Management system is in place. Occupational Health Management and checkups. Advanced fire protection system and equipments A First Coal fired TPS to achieve Four Star in British Safety Council ranking.
Green Belt Development At DTPS, environmental greening is used as a tool to mitigate the impact of the thermal plant on the environment. To mitigate air pollution levels, the company has under-taken camouflage of unseemly land use and enhanced the overall aesthetics of the area. A green belt has been developed around the project area. The development plan was devised after detailed studies and the high volume of tree plantations over the years is a credible effort. The varieties of trees planted include: Species, which function effectively as gas absorbers. Species that grow rapidly under local soil and weather conditions such as Karanj, Bhendi, Pangara, Shirish, etc. Species which are available in the nearby forest & hilly region such as Jamun, Mango, etc. Exotic species that have been established on trial such as chikku (Sapota), Peltophorum, Subabul, etc. The company has also planted over one crore-mangrove saplings and these have helped greatly in firming up the coastline and maintaining its fragile eco system. Today the mangroves have risen to a height of over 20 feet.
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Awards received The thermal plant at Dahanu has consistently delivered excellent performance in primarily all the aspects including operations, environment, safety and CSR.
Operational Performance Awards: IEEMA Power Awards 2009 - 1st Prize in the category of “Excellence in Thermal Power Generation” IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Performance Trophy 2008 (Score 857 / 1000) MEDA (Maharashtra Energy Development Agency) award for Excellence in Energy Conservation & Management in Thermal Power Station sector for the year 2007. QCI D.L.Shah Award on Economics of Quality commendation award under large scale manufacturing unit for six sigma Project CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2008, CII - National Award for Excellence in Energy Management -2008. “International Star Award for Leadership in Quality in Diamond Category” in recognition of Commitment to Quality, Leadership, Technology and Innovations (21st April 2008). National Award for Meritorious Performance (SILVER SHIELD) for outstanding Performance during 2006-07 by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. MEDA (Maharashtra Energy Development Agency) award for Excellence in Energy Conservation & Management in Thermal Power Station sector for the year 2006. Infra-line Energy Excellence Award 2007 for Generation Sector. CII - National Award for Innovative project for Energy Efficiency 2007 CII - National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2007 “Beat the Best” award by Reliance Energy for overall performance during 2006-07. Viswakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) - 2006 (Two Employees), by Ministry of Labour & Employment, GOI.
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Prime Minister's Shram Shree Award 2005 (Two Employees) “International Diamond Globe for Quality Award” (International Star for Leadership in Quality Award) for Outstanding business achievements and for perseverance and leadership in excellence and quality in accordance with the QC100 Criteria. (Moscow, the 24th June 2007) “Gold Shield” in National Awards for Meritorious Performance 2004-05, in recognition of outstanding performance by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. “Silver Shield” in National Awards for Meritorious Performance 2005-06, in recognition of outstanding performance by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. “CII National Water Management Award 2006” for Most useful presentation. “CII National Water Management Award 2006” for Excellence Water Efficient Unit International Quality Crown Award in the Gold category by BID (Business Initiative Directions, Spain) “CII National Award for Excellence in Energy Management” for 2006 by Confederation of Indian Society (CII) Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar - 2005 (Four Employees) by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) Award for Excellence in Energy Conservation & Management in Thermal Power Station sector for the year 2005. Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar - 2004 (Eight Employees) by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India. “CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management” for 2005 by Confederation of Indian Society . “CII National Award for Excellence in Energy Management” for 2005 by Confederation of Indian Society. Reliance Energy was presented the prestigious “QIMPRO Benchmark 2004” award by the QIMPRO Foundation in the “Service Category”. Dahanu TPS was named as one of the world's top 12 power plants of 2004 by Platts Power Magazine
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Environmental Awards: IEEMA Power Awards 2009 - 1st Prize in the category of “Best Environment & Efficient Power Plant Thermal” Golden Peacock Innovation Award 2008 received at London on 18th September 2008. Greentech Environment Excellence Award 2007, in Gold Category. Golden Peacock Award-2008 for Environment Management. Srishti Good Green Governance Award 2007. Greentech Environment Excellence Award 2007, in Gold Category. Golden Peacock Award-2007 for Environment Management. Srishti G-Cube Awards 2006 for Good Green Governance, by Srishti Publications (P). Ltd. “FICCI Award" Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry for Environmental Conservation and Pollution Control - 2005-06. “Greentech Environmental Excellence Award (Silver Category)” for 2006. “Greentech Environmental Excellence Award (Silver Category)” for 2004-05. 2001 “Indo-German Environmental Management Award” by Greentech Foundation. 2000 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) Award. 2000 “Millennium Business Award for Environmental Achievement” by United Nations (UN) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) at BUDAPEST. 1999 “Environment Performance Award” by Council of Power Utilities (CPU) as a part of Thermal Centenary Celebration-1999 1998 Dr.R.J.Rathi Environmental Award. 1998 The G-51 Millennium Award in the field of Mother Earth protection. 1997 International Greenland Society National Award.
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Safety Awards: “Greentech Safety Award 2008” National Safety council of India (NSCI) “Shreshta Suraksha Puraskar” 2007. National Safety award For the year 2006 Safety Innovation award 2008 from the Institution of Engineers, New Delhi Chapter. Safety Innovation Award 2007 from “The Institution of Engineers (India) Delhi State Centre” NSC - Maharashtra Chapter - Safety Awards-2006 for “Lowest Accident Frequency Rate” NSC - Maharashtra Chapter - Safety Awards-2006 for “Longest Accident Free Period” “Greentech Safety Award 2007” Winner of Gold Award in Thermal Power Sector for Outstanding achievement in Safety Management by Greentech Foundation New Delhi. NSC -Maharashtra Chapter- Safety Awards-2005 for “Lowest Accident Frequency Rate During the year 2005” NSC - Maharashtra Chapter - Safety Awards-2004 For longest accident free period For lowest accident frequency rate
Safety Management System 2004 National Safety Council-Maharashtra Chapter. 2004 “National Safety Award-2003” Govt. Of India. 2001 “Safety Award-2001” by “National Safety Council of India” for good performance in OSH for 1998 to 2000. 1999 “National Safety Council - Maharashtra Chapter” for longest accident free period during 1999.
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2008, for “Beyond the fence” CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2008, for “Innovative project” Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility 2007 CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2007, for “Beyond the fence”
2 THE BSES KERALA POWER LIMITED The BSES Kerala Power Limited (BKPL) is a 165 MW aggregated cycle power plant situated in Kochi which initiated its commercial operation on 23rd November 2001.Known for its highly focused energy conservation techniques, the powerstation uses Naptha as its source of fuel. BKPL is certified for an Integrated Management System comprising of the following systems:ISO 14001: 2004
Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
ISO 9001:2000
Quality Management System
major milestones and achievements The combined cycle power station commenced its commercial operation on 23rd November 2001.
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technical specifications
The setup at BKPL reveals a technical conglomerate of both international & domestic pioneers. The Power Station consists of three GE make LM 6000 PC series, state-of- the-art Areo derivative Gas Turbines Generators (GTGs), apt for dual-fuel operation. The GTGs and auxiliaries have been packaged, supplied and set up by Stewart & Stevenson based in Houston, USA. Three dual pressure-45 tons per hour Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) were supplied and set up by Thermax Babcok & Wilcox Limited. 39MW Steam Turbine Generators (STG) and auxiliaries have been supplied, set up and commissioned by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL).
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plant performance Given below is a year-on-year analysis of the plant's performance. Parameters
FY 04-05
FY 05-06
FY 06-07
FY 07-08
FY 08-09
Low PLF is on account of low demand
energy conservation & efficiency improvement The Power Station has formulated an Energy Cell which keeps a stringent check on energy conservation activities and initiatives. This cell comprises of skilled energy managers and auditors, who continuously drive the agenda of energy conservation with a set of defined policies. Further more there are regular internal and external energy audits of various systems to ensure the optimal efficiency standards. The various energy conservation measures that have been implemented: De staging of CEP & LPBFP Installation of efficient impeller in CW Pump Efficient FRP Cooling Tower Fans Energy Efficient Lighting system Corroborating of MCW Pump with an efficient impeller and replacement of CT Fan with efficient hollow FRP Fan blades.
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3 GOA POWER STATION Located about five kilometres from the Dabolim Airport, at Zuarinagar, Goa, the PowerStation commenced its commercial operations on 14th August 1999. A total production of 48 MW of electricity, the plant is equipped with state of the art Gas Turbine (32 MW) and Steam Turbine (16 MW), both with Mark V control system and Heat Recovery Steam Generators. In its decade of successful operation, the Goa Power Station has evolved from a generating company to a complete distribution and utility enterprise. During its initial phase, the majorpart of the electricity generated from the Plant was supplied to theGovernment of Goa grid. With its dedicated network of underground distribution system, the Power Station had extended reach to private industries based in Goa, including Mormugao Port Trust. It has also set up reliable underground cable distribution network system and sub stations in Verna, Kundaim and MadkaimIndustrial Estate to supply quality and steady electricityto industries. The consumer base includes major Indian and multinational companies of repute, such as, Finolex, D-Link, Abbot Laboratories, Colorcon, Universal Cables, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Lupin Pharma, Pentair, Syngenta (Novartis), etc. With its operational efficiency it has been acknowledged asthe preferred electricity supplier and technological solution provider in Goa. An insightinto the power allocation of the Goa Power Station, reveals about 33% of the generated power is distributed toGovernment Goa grid in Sancoale sub-station, while there maining 67% is supplied directly through dedicated underground cable distribution network to approximately 90 industrial customers. The Power Station has been certified for IntegratedManagement System consisting of the following systems: ISO 9001:2000
Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004
Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
ISO 27001: 2005
Information Security Management System
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major milestones and achievements The commercial operation commenced on 14th 1999.
technical specifications The plant consists of one Frame 6B gas turbine (GT) generating an output of 32 MW with matching heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and a steam turbine generator (STG) of 37 MW capacity giving a total output of 48 MW in combined cycle mode.
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plant performance Given below is a year-on-year analysis of the plant's performance. Parameters
FY 04-05
FY 05-06
FY 06-07
FY 07-08
FY 08-09
energy conservation & efficiency improvement The Goa Power Station has an Energy Management Cell consisting of highly qualified energy managers and auditors. Conservation of energy is their continuous agenda and they follow a defined energy policy. The regular internal and externalenergy audits are made to ensure the efficiency standards are adhered to. The various energy conservation measures that have been implemented: Installation of Energy Efficient CT Fan Blades Efficient Lighting Systems Multi-stage pressure reduction drag valve Contemporary initiatives like installation of Vacuum Pump instead of Steam Ejector, VFD for HPBFP, Efficient CW Pumps, etc.
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4 SAMALKOT POWER PLANT With an output capacity of 220 MW, this is a joint project formed by the consortium of Ansaldo Energia, Italy and BSES Ltd., (EPC Business Group), India. The core machinery comprising of Gas Turbine Generator, Heat Recovery Steam Generator andSteam Turbine Generator along with their respective auxiliaries has been designed and supplied by Ansaldo. The construction of the project was initiated in October 1999 and the commercial operation commenced in December 2002.The Plant uses its primary fuel as natural gas, which is sourced from Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL). It is also capable of using Naphtha as an alternative fuel. Raw water needed for the Plant is pumped to the in-plant open water reservoir fromthe Samalkot Irrigation canal. The power generated from the Gas Turbine and the Steam Turbine generators are stepped upto 220 KV and fed to a220 KV outdoor substation. This power is transported by APTRANSCO through overhead transmission lines. Located strategically near the railway station, here's a proximity snapshot of the site: Location Vetlapalem Village, Samalkot, Andhra Pradesh, India Roads & Highway 200 ft wide ADB Road connecting Kakinada and Rajahmundry. Railway Station Samalkot, 3 km Airport Visakhapattanam, 155 km Sea Port Kakinada, 20 km
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The Samalkot Power Plant is certified for Integrated Management System across the following systems:-
ISO 9001:2000
Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004
Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
SA 8000: 2001
Social Accountability Management System
ISO 27001: 2005
Information Security Management System
major milestones and achievements The power plant started its commercial operation on 24th December 2002.
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technical features 1. Power Block There is a single assembly comprising of one Gas Turbine Generating (GTG) Unit connected to its Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) and one Steam Turbine Generating (STG) Unit. The indigenous Gas Turbine Generating unit is capable of delivering power in continuous operation and consists of combustor, starting system equipment, filtered air intake system, fuel systems, turbine & compressor wash system, AC generator & exciter, enclosure fire protection system, exhaust emission control arrangement, bypass stack and other associated auxiliary system equipments, piping, necessary instrumentation and control. Manufacturer Siemens AG Model V 94.2 Fuel, Natural Gas, Naphtha, HSD Output 142000 KW with Natural gas at 290° C ambient Natural gas flow 8.5 KG/Sec at 19.5 KG/Cm2 The HRSG is a dual pressure unit and generates high pressure and low pressure steam for the steam turbine generator from the GT exhaust gas.
2. STG Unit Manufacturer:
Condensation, Extraction
No. of Cylinders:
2 (HP & LP)
Exhaust Horizontal
plant performance Given below is a year-on-year analysis of the plant's performance. Parameters
FY 04-05
FY 05-06
FY 06-07
FY 07-08
FY 08-09
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energy conservation & efficiency improvement At SPS there are state-of-art maintenance techniques and strategies to conserve energy. The Energy Management cell of SPS consists of qualified energy managers and auditors who ensure adherence to constantly evolving energy efficiency standards. The various energy conservation measures that have been put into practice are: Installation of VFD in HPBFP, LPBFP De-staging of CEP Modification In DD Hydraulic Oil System Wind Turbo Ventilators Energy Efficient Lighting system Corrocoating of CW Pumps
awards The Samalkot Power Plant has been accredited with the GREENTECH award in year 2003-2004.The Wind Farm Project heralds the next generation of power generation in India. With the early move into the field of non-conventional and environment friendly energy resource, the organization commissioned its 7.59 MW (33 X 230 KW) Wind Farm Project at Jogimatti, Taluka Hiriyur, District Chitradurga in Karnataka state in Sept.1999. And June 2003, the company further commissioned a 1.8 MW (3 X 600 KW) Wind Farm Project. A total output capacity of 8.37 MW, the Farm now generates commercial power using all its 36 windmills.
landmarks and achievements The 7.59 MW Wind Farm was commissioned in September 1999. Another 1.8 MW commissioned in June 2003.
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technical features The Farm uses a total of 36 windmills to generate total power of 8.37 MW. Here's an insight into the technical specifications: Generator: 230 KW, 33 nos Enercon make type E -30 Synchronous, 48 pole low RPM, direct driven, Gear less generators. Rotor speed is 16 - 48 RPM Tip speed is 25 - 75 m/ sec 600KW: 3 nos Enercon make type E -40 Synchronous, 48 pole low RPM, direct driven, Gear less generators. Rotor speed is 18- 38 RPM Tip speed is 38 80/41-78 m/ sec
system configuration Power generated at 440 Volts, 3 Phase from each generator stepped up to 33 KV level and transmitted through overhead transmission line to power evacuation station located about 9 KM away from Wind Farm. n the evacuation station, power is further stepped up to 66 KV level and pumped to KPTCL power grid with suitable metering arrangement.
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plant performance The table below displays a year-on-year analysis of the plant's performance.
Availability %
5 WIND FARM PROJECT The Wind Farm Project heralds the next generation of power generation in India. With the early move into the field of non-conventional and environment friendly energy resource, the organization commissioned its 7.59 MW (33 X 230 KW) Wind Farm Project at Jogimatti, Taluka Hiriyur, District Chitradurga in Karnataka state in Sept.1999. In June 2003, the company further commissioned a 1.8 MW (3 X 600 KW) Wind Farm Project. A total output capacity of 8.37 MW, the Farm now generates commercial power using all its 36 windmills.
landmarks and achievements The 7.59 MW Wind Farm was commissioned in September 1999. Another 1.8 MW commissioned in June 2003.
technical features The Farm uses a total of 36 windmills to generate total power of 8.37 MW. Here's an insight into the technical specifications Generator :
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230 KW: 33 nos Enercon make type E -30 Synchronous, 48 pole low RPM, direct driven, Gear less generators. Rotor speed is 16 - 48 RPM Tip speed is 25 - 75 m/ sec 600KW: 3 nos
Enercon make type E -40 Synchronous, 48 pole low RPM, direct driven, Gear less generators. Rotor speed is 18- 38 RPM Tip speed is 38 80/41-78 m/ sec
system configuration Power generated at 440 Volts, 3 Phase from each generator stepped up to 33 KV level and transmitted through overhead transmission line to power evacuation station located about 9 KM away from Wind Farm. In the evacuation station, power is further up to 66 KV level and pumped to KPTCL power grid with suitable metering arrangement.