Mar 4, 2018 - County Adult Detention Center on an unsecured bond. ... Detention Center on a secured bond. C0180004145 ..
OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA 803 Sycolin Road SE - Leesburg, Virginia 20175
Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Daily Incident Report Incident reports are posted each regular business day, Monday through Friday, except holidays. These reports are not all-inclusive for cases reported, but only those noted for media interest. To review prior Daily Incident Reports please visit
Date: May 15, 2018
Eastern Loudoun Station (Sectors 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290)
Date &Time 5/14/18 1300 hrs.
Location 21000 Block Dulles Town Cir. Sterling
Incident Larceny: LCSO responded to this location in reference to a male subject stealing items from the store. Deputies attempted to make contact with the subject but he started to flee and did not comply with lawful commands. Deputies stopped the suspect and identified him as John A. Woodall, 21, of Sterling. Woodall was arrested and charged with Obstruction of Justice, Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest and Petit Larceny. He is being held at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center on a secured bond. C0180008947
5/14/18 1923 hrs.
Countryside Blvd/ Pidgeon Hill Dr. Sterling
0 Block Blackbird Ct. Sterling
Hit & Run: LCSO responded to this location in reference to a rear-end crash. The driver of the at-fault vehicle fled the scene. Deputies located the suspect in the 100 Block of Westwick Court and identified the driver as Juan VasquezSarat, 33, of Sterling. Vasquez-Sarat was arrested and charged with Driving under the Influence (2nd in 5 years), Hit & Run, Driving without a License (2nd or subq) and Refusal of a Breath Test (2nd Offense). He is being held at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center on a secured bond. C0180008977 Destruction of Property: The victim reported that this was the second time that their vehicle was spray painted with random lines in two days. C0180008984
University Station (Sectors 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 900)
Date &Time Location 5/6/18-5/7/18
Sims Terr/ Hailstone Aly. Ashburn
Dulles South Station (Sectors 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460, 470, 800)
Incident Larceny: The complainant reported that a cabinet and granite tops were stolen from the garage at the construction site. C0180008979
Date &Time No significant incidents to report.
Western Loudoun Station (Sectors 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 700)
Date &Time
Incident Location No significant incidents to report.