DAMASCo: A Framework for the Automatic ... - Semantic Scholar

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(Apps, Code, Databases, OS) ... file for SOA, SoaML6. In addition, in order to discover services, in DAMASCo, operation profiles of a signature refer to OWL-S concepts with their arguments ..... These examples include an on-line computer material store, ..... urable Composition and Adaptive Provisioning of Web Services.
DAMASCo: A Framework for the Automatic Composition of Component-Based and Service-Oriented Architectures ⋆ Javier Cubo and Ernesto Pimentel Dept. Computer Science, University of M´ alaga, M´ alaga, Spain {cubo,ernesto}@lcc.uma.es

Abstract. Although the reuse of software entities has matured in recent years, it has not become standard practice yet, since reusing componentbased or service-oriented architectures requires the selection, composition, adaptation and evolution of prefabricated software parts. Recent research approaches have tackled independently the discovery, composition, adaptation or monitoring processes. We present the DAMASCo architecture, a framework for composing pre-existing services and components. Using model transformation, context-awareness, semantic matchmaking, behavioural compatibility, dependency analysis, and fault tolerance, DAMASCo focuses on discovering, adapting and monitoring the composition of context-aware services and components in mobile and pervasive systems. DAMASCo is made up of a set of tools that implement the different processes, which have been evaluated on several examples. Keywords: Service-Oriented Architectures, Component-Based Framework, Composition, Adaptation, Ontology-Based Discovery, Monitoring



The increased usage of mobile and portable devices has given rise over the last few years to a new market of mobile and pervasive applications. These applications may be executed on either mobile computers, or wireless hand-held devices, or embedded systems, or even on sensors or RFID tags. Their main goal is to provide connectivity and services at all time, adapting and monitoring when required and improving the user experience. These systems are different to traditional distributed computing systems, as they are sensitive to their context (location, identity, time and activity) [20], by being needed to adapt their behaviour at run-time according to environment changing conditions, as well as those of user preferences or privileges. To reduce efforts and costs, context-aware systems may be developed using existing Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components or (Web) services. In contrast to the traditional approach in which software systems are implemented from scratch, COTS and services can be developed by different vendors using different languages and platforms. Component-Based Software ⋆

Work partially supported by projects TIN2008-05932 ReSCUE funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and FEDER, P07-TIC-3131 funded by Andalusian Government, and FP7-256980 NESSoS funded by European Union.


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel

Engineering (CBSE) [41] and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) [21] promote software reuse by selecting and assembling pre-existing software entities (COTS and services, respectively)1 . Thus, these software development paradigms allow building fully working systems as efficient as possible from an architectural point of view to improve the software reusability. Although the reuse of software has matured, it has not become standard practice yet, since reusing components or services requires the selection, composition, adaptation and evolution of prefabricated software parts, then it is a non-intuitive process. Recent research approaches have tackled independently the discovery, composition, adaptation or monitoring, as it will be discussed in Section 5. This paper presents the DAMASCo (Discovery, Adaptation and Monitoring of ContextAware Services and Components) architecture and its dynamics. DAMASCo is a framework for automatically composing pre-existing services and components. Using model transformation, context-awareness, semantic matchmaking, behavioural compatibility, dependency analysis, and fault tolerance, the framework focuses on discovering, adapting and monitoring the composition of contextaware services and components in mobile and pervasive systems. DAMASCo is made up of a set of tools that implement the different steps in the composition process, evaluated on several examples. The contributions of DAMASCo are the following: (i) an interface model based on extended transition systems by considering context information and semantic representation, and conditions to control executions according to changes, (ii) a model transformation process that extracts transition systems from component-based or service-oriented architectures (interfaces) implemented in different existing languages and platforms, and vice versa, (iii) a service discovery process performing semantic matchmaking based on ontologies to compare contexts and operations, protocol compatibility, and service ranking, (iv) a verification model based on symbolic model checking to verify our interface model, (v) a service composition and adaptation process to automatically obtain an adaptation contract and an adaptor solving mismatch at different interoperability levels, and (vi) a service monitoring process to establish priorities between data dependencies in concurrent executions, and to offer services as faults or changes occur. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 introduces motivations and foundations of our proposal. Section 3 presents the DAMASCo architecture and details the dynamics of the framework tool support. In Section 4 some experimental results are shown. Section 5 compares DAMASCo to related works. Finally, in Section 6 some conclusions are drawn and plans for future work are outlined.


Motivations and Foundations

In this section, we motivate our approach and explain its foundations. 2.1 Problem Statement In current mobile and pervasive systems, services are everywhere. As aforementioned, component-based and service-oriented systems are developed from the selection, composition and adaptation of pre-existing software entities. 1

In the sequel, we use the terms component and service indistinctly.

DAMASCo: A Framework for the Composition of CBAs and SOAs


Service discovery can be defined as the ability to find out the most suitable services for a client’s request. In industrial platforms, the current service technology, XML-based SOA via SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, only supports queries based on keywords and category. This may bring about low-precision results, as it is neither able to discover semantic capabilities of services nor be adapted to a changing environment without human intervention. However, different context and semantic information is used in real-world services to improve their features. Therefore, it is essential to consider context information in the discovery of services deployed as part of mobile and pervasive applications. But current programming technology offers only very weak support for developing contextaware applications. Furthermore, one of the main challenges in CBSE and SOA is to provide semantic representation instead of only a syntactic one. W3C recommends the use of OWL-S2 to capture the semantic description of services by means of ontologies, a formal representation of a set of concepts within a domain by capturing the relationships between those concepts. Then, service discovery based on semantic matching is required in mobile and pervasive systems. Services are checked to verify that are free of inconsistencies due to the contextual nature of the system. Once services are checked, they can be composed. However, while composing pre-existing components or services in mobile and pervasive systems, different issues related to faults or changes arise dynamically, and they have to be detected and handled. These issues can be classified into four main categories [24]: (i) mismatch problems, (ii) requirement and configuration changes, (iii) network and remote system failures, and (iv) internal service errors. The first refers to the problems that may appear at different interoperability levels (i.e., signature, behavioural or protocol, quality of service, and semantic or conceptual levels), and the Software Adaptation paradigm tackles these problems in a non-intrusive way [7]. The second is prompted by continuous changes over time (new requirements or services created at run-time), and Software Evolution (or Software Maintenance) focuses, among other issues, on solving them in an intrusive way [34]. The third and fourth are related to networks (network connection break-off or remote host unavailable) and services (suspension of services during the execution or system run-time error) failures, respectively. Both are addressed by Fault Tolerance (or Error Recovery) mechanisms [42]. Unfortunately, in most cases it is impossible to modify services in order to adapt them. Thus, due to the black-box nature of the components or services, they must be equipped with external interfaces giving information about their functionality. Interfaces do not always fit one another and some features of services may change at run-time. Therefore, services require a certain degree of adaptation and monitoring in order to avoid mismatch and faults during the composition. Mismatch situations may be caused, for instance, when message names do not correspond, the changes of contexts are not controlled, the semantic description of exchanged information is not considered, the order of messages is not respected, or a message matches with several other messages. 2

http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S. Accessed on 30 March 2011.


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel

Current industrial platforms only provide some means to describe components or services at their signature level (e.g., CORBA’s IDL3 ). However, mismatch may occur at the four interoperability levels, and most of the time at the behavioural one, due to an incompatibility in the order of the exchanged messages between components or services, which can lead to deadlock situations. Therefore, it would be desirable to address adaptation at all four levels together. Finally, the ability to automatically monitor the service composition is an essential step to substantially decrease time and costs in the development, integration, and maintenance of complex systems. Service monitoring is able to detect violations of expected behaviours or to collect information about service executions at run-time, and to trigger an appropriate handling of such a failure. Run-time monitoring of functional and non-functional behaviour is becoming an important and researched topic in the field of service-based systems, by expressing and verifying properties by means of rules, specification languages, temporal logic or event calculus. However, only a few works have tackled monitoring of the handling of service concurrent interactions through data dependency analysis by considering context changes. In addition, there exist error recovery techniques for run-time monitoring of handling faults. The choice of fault tolerance mechanisms to be exploited for the development of dependable systems depends on the fault assumptions and on the system’s characteristics and requirements. 2.2

Foundations of the Architectural Model

DAMASCo focuses on discovery, adaptation and monitoring related to contextaware mobile and pervasive systems, where devices and applications dynamically find and use components and services from their environment. These systems constitute enterprise applications increasingly developed using COTS or services. On one hand, COTS component middleware can be checked out from a component repository, and assembled into a target software system. Component middleware encapsulates sets of services in order to provide reusable building blocks that can be used to develop enterprise applications more rapidly and robustly than those built entirely from scratch. There are many examples of COTS component middleware, such as the CORBA or COM/DCOM4 . On the other hand, a service-oriented architecture is a set of components which can be invoked and whose interface descriptions can be published and discovered. The goal of SOA is to achieve loose coupling among interacting services. In computing, an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) [14] provides foundational services for more complex architectures via an event-driven and standards-based messaging engine. Although ESB is commonly believed to not be necessarily web-services based, most ESB providers now build ESBs to incorporate SOA principles and increase their sales, e.g., Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) [1] or Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) [38]. WF belongs to the .NET Framework 3.5, which is widely used in many companies and increasingly prevalent in the software engineering community [46]. 3 4

http://www.omg.org/spec/CORBA/. Accessed on 30 March 2011. http://www.microsoft.com/com. Accessed on 30 March 2011.

DAMASCo: A Framework for the Composition of CBAs and SOAs


Consumers Layer

(BPEL processes , WF workflows, UML activities, State machines )

Services Layer – atomic and composite Service Provider

(Business services, WSDL, UML)

Application Layer (Service repository , Legacy systems, adapters , UML)

Technology Layer (Apps , Code, Databases , OS)


Governance Layer

Business Process Layer – composition

QoS Layer (Management, Monitoring and Security)

(Business goals , User requirements )

Integration Layer (Enterprise Service Bus)

Service Consumer

Considering that services are a kind of software component, and even they may be generated from components [43], we assume our framework deals with components as services. Therefore, we focus on SOA to detail the set of principles of governing concepts used during phases of systems development and integration, and provided by this approach. It is obvious that SOA foundations are necessary and beneficial to the industry. However, SOA needs to be more agile and easy to model service applications. Modelling techniques, designing architectures, and implementing tools to support adaptation and evolution of the dynamic architectural aspects in these systems represent new challenges in this research field, by overcoming the limitations of existing Architectural Description Languages (ADLs) [31] with respect to capture the business aspects of service-oriented systems [22]. So far, it is difficult for business experts to model and verify their business processes. To address this, we use a model-based service-oriented architecture approach that makes the design, development, and deployment of processes more agile. Figure 1 shows the SOA layered architecture using model-based techniques (based on IBM’s SOA Solution Stack, S3 [3]).


Fig. 1. A SOA layered architecture using model-based techniques

We use a model-based methodology because it is the unification of initiatives that aim to improve software development by employing high-level, domain specific, models in the implementation, integration, maintenance, and testing of software systems. This technique refers to architecture and application development driven by models that capture designs at various levels of abstraction, being our model transformation process independent of the implementation. Model transformation provides a systematic and uniform view of incremental software development, making it easier to express and reason about adaptation and evolution. Since models tend to be represented using a graphical notation, the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)5 involves using visual-modeling languages. We adopt an expressive and user-friendly graphical notation based on transition systems, which reduces the complexity of modelling services and components, and may be represented by using the metamodel and UML profile for SOA, SoaML6 . In addition, in order to discover services, in DAMASCo, operation profiles of a signature refer to OWL-S concepts with their arguments and associated semantics. Once services have been discovered, in case there exists mismatch, an adaptor to solve problems is automatically generated using 5 6

http://www.omg.org/mda/. Accessed on 30 March 2011. http://www.omg.org/spec/SoaML/. Accessed on 30 March 2011.


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel

software adaptation. An adaptor is a third-party service in charge of coordinating services involved in the system according to a set of interactions defined in an adaptation contract. Finally, DAMASCo uses an ad-hoc composition language and error recovery mechanisms to handle service concurrent interactions and design a model to satisfy properties for composite service failure recovery. Therefore, our framework follows the existing need of proposing a model and architecture to get common efforts in the development of CBAs and SOAs [37].


DAMASCo Framework

This section presents the DAMASCo architecture and the framework’s dynamics. 3.1 DAMASCo Architecture We focus on avoiding the first type of faults presented in Section 2.1 related to the four interoperability levels. Based on CBSE, SOA and software adaptation, we combine efforts to tackle these levels together. We model services with interfaces constituted by context and semantic information, signatures, and protocol descriptions. We advocate the extension of traditional signature level interfaces with context information (signature and service levels), protocol descriptions with conditions (behavioural level), and semantic representation instead of only a syntactic one (semantic level). We also address the third and fourth type of errors related to dynamic faults by applying fault tolerance. Our whole process consists of a set of processes constituting the DAMASCo architecture, as shown in Figure 2 (detailed in Section 3.2). We focus on systems composed of a service repository, users (clients requesting services)7 , and a shared domain ontology. Legends B

A uses B



B generated from A

Ontology Discovery (SDP)

Services represented in SoaML Service Interfaces (WF/BPEL)

Model Transformation Transformation Patterns

client request

Context Information



Composition and Adaptation (SAP)


Adaptation Model Architecture

ClientRequest3 ClientRequest2 ClientRequest1

Adaptor Services

Adaptor3 Adaptor2 Adaptor1




Adaptor Generation

Model Transformation

Dependency analysis Fault Tolerance


No Adaptation required

Adaptation Contract

Ranking Services Interface Model (CA-STS)

Service Repository


Validation Patterns

Protocol Compatibility

Monitoring (SMP) Users or Clients


Semantic Matchmaking



Service Repository

Interface Model (CA-STS)


Transformation Patterns

Adaptor Interface (WF/BPEL)

Service 2 Service1 Service1 Service1 Service1

Fig. 2. DAMASCo Architecture 7

We distinguish clients and services, although both refer to components or services.

DAMASCo: A Framework for the Composition of CBAs and SOAs


3.2 Detailing the DAMASCo Framework The different elements of DAMASCo architecture have been implemented in Python as a set of tools which constitute a framework integrated in the toolbox ITACA [12]. ITACA8 (Integrated Toolbox for the Automatic Composition and Adaptation of Web Services) is a toolbox under implementation at the Software Engineering Group of the University of M´ alaga (GISUM) for the automatic composition and adaptation of services accessed through their interfaces. We use throughout this section an on-line booking system as running example, consisting of clients and a service repository. Clients can perform different requests: book a restaurant, a taxi, a flight, and so on. This case study corresponds to a context-aware pervasive system in which certain context information related to the client (location, privileges, device or language) can change at runtime. Depending on such variations, the system must adapt to work correctly in any situation. Since our approach focuses on solving this kind of mismatch and/or fault situations, it is very appropriate to use our framework in order to work correctly this system. Let us consider a client performs a taxi request. Figure 3 depicts how after (a) services have been registered, the framework’s elements interact when (b) the client performs the request from either a mobile device (PDA or smartphone) or a laptop, being executed the full process. The purpose of this section is to detail this process at an architectural point of view. Client

DAMASCo Kernel



Model Transformation


Composition and Adaptation


(a) registers services

(b) client request (c) transforms interfaces (d) uses interfaces

(e) discovers services (f) verifies interfaces

(g) no adaptation

[ no mismatch ] [mismatch]

(h) generates adaptor

(i) transforms the adaptor (j) uses client and service interface model (k) adapts the interaction handles (l) concurrent interactions and (m) faults (n) uses client and services

Fig. 3. Dynamics of the DAMASCo framework

Service Interfaces. Each interface in DAMASCo is made up of a context profile, a signature, and a protocol specified as a transition system. At the user level, client and service interfaces can be specified by using (see Figure 4): – Context information in XML files for context profiles. We assume context information is inferred by means of the client’s requests (HTTP header of SOAP messages), in such a way that as a change occurs the new value of the context attribute is automatically sent to the corresponding service. – IDL and WSDL descriptions are respectively used in component-based frameworks (e.g., J2EE/.NET) and in service-oriented platforms (e.g., BPEL/WF) for signatures. In WSDL, e.g., services are defined as a collection of ports. 8

Accessible at http://itaca.gisum.uma.es


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel

– Business processes defined in industrial platforms, such as BPEL processes or WF workflows, for protocols. We consider clients and services implemented as business processes which provide the WSDL and protocol descriptions. WF workflow activities abstraction

CA-STS protocol elements abstraction s0


Internal actions such as assignments or write to console

or Terminate

Service Interface

Abstract Service

SOAP HTTP -header

Context Profile

Interface Model



or or





Op?[I1,…,In] Op!O s0 s1 s2

Receive(Id,Op[,O,I1,…,I n)


Send(Id,Op[,O1 ,…,O n,I)

Op![O1 ,…,On] or Op![O 1,…,On ] Op?I s0 s1 s2 s0 s1


Context Profile WSDL description


BPEL process WF workfow

Signature CA-STS

Abstract Protocol


Fig. 4. Interface model obtention from service platforms

Sequence (A1,A2) IfElse((C 1 ,Send(Id1,Op 1[,Oi,I1 ])), …,(Cn ,An ), Send(Idn+1 ,Op n+1 [,Ok,In+1]))

A1 .A2


Op n+1![Ok]

While(C,A) Listen(EventDriven( Receive(Id1,Op 1[,O 1,Ii]),A1 ), …,EventDriven( Receive(Idn ,Op n [,On ,Ij]),An))

[C 1]Op 1![Oi] … [C n] An



Op 1 ?I 1

s2 ]


Op n+1?In+1

s2 ]

[C] A …





Op 1?[Ii] …



Op 1!O1

s2 ]

Op n?[Ij]



Opn !On

s2 ]

Fig. 5. Patterns of our model transformation process WF - CA-STS

Model Transformation. First, (c) interface specifications are abstracted. Context-Aware Symbolic Transition Systems (CA-STSs) [18] are extracted from (d) the BPEL services or WF workflows (e.g., Figure 5 depicts patterns from WF to CA-STS and vice versa, where ! and ? represent emission and reception, respectively), which implement the client and the services, by means of our model transformation process [16]. Different automata-based or Petri net-based models could be used to describe behavioural interfaces. We have defined CA-STS, which are based on transition systems (specifically based on STG [27]), because this kind of models are simple, graphical, and provide a good level of abstraction to tackle discovery, verification, composition and adaptation issues, in addition to capture the context information and their changes at run-time [13,23]. Furthermore, any formalism to describe dynamic behaviour may be expressed in terms of a transition system [23]. Thus, our approach becomes general enough to be applied in other fields or applications. Semantic-Based Service Discovery. Then, (e) a service discovery process (SDP) [15] finds out services satisfying the client’s request, i.e., with compatible capabilities to the client requirements based on (i) similar context information, semantic matching of signature, and (ii) protocol compatibility, and (iii) a service ranking is performed. Using context information, the topics related to the building of systems which are sensitive to their context is covered. In addition, the advantage of using protocol compatibility is that the services selected not only match at signature, service and semantic levels, but also at behavioural level (solving variable correspondences or incompatible orders). Specifically, our process will identify mismatch situations by using ontologies9 and synchronous 9

Ontology generated for our example using Prot´eg´e 4.0.2 can be found in http://www.lcc.uma.es/~ cubo/contextive/owls/ontologies/ebooking.owl.xml.

DAMASCo: A Framework for the Composition of CBAs and SOAs


product [2] to determine if adaptation is required or not. It generates correspondence sets among service interfaces involved in the interaction, used in the composition and adaptation process as an adaptation contract. Verification of Interfaces. Next, before performing composition, (f ) model checking techniques are used for validating a set of properties, such as determinism, state liveness, inter-communication liveness (request/response), and nonblocking states [19], for the CA-STS client and services selected in the discovery process. In particular, we use Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDD) [11] because of the use of context information and conditions over transitions, since a standard model checker validating on states only considers (sequences of) states through temporal formulae, but not sets of states satisfying boolean formulae. Composition and Adaptation. If adaptation is required, then (h) a service composition and adaptation process (SAP) [16] is executed (otherwise (g) no adaptation). Thus, an adaptation contract solving mismatch problems is automatically obtained. Being given the CA-STSs corresponding to client and services, as well as the adaptation contract, a monolithic CA-STS adaptor specification can be generated [33], whose resulting composition preserves the properties previously validated in the verification process. Next, (i) the corresponding BPEL or WF adaptor service is obtained from the CA-STS adaptor specification using our model transformation process. This process prunes parts of the CASTS specification corresponding to additional behaviours (interleavings) that cannot be implemented into executable languages (BPEL or WF) and keeps only executable paths. Finally, the whole system is deployed, allowing (j) the BPEL/WF client and services to interact via (k) the BPEL/WF adaptor. This process is illustrated in Figure 6, which shows how a part of the composition corresponding to Client-Taxi request and Taxi service interfaces is synchronised through the adaptor by connecting parameters by means of placeholders. Specifically, the adaptation process synchronises the adaptor with the service interfaces through the same name of messages but using reversed directions. It can also be observed how the synchronisation solves behaviour mismatch such as 1-N correspondence (user! and password! with login?), variable correspondence ([priv==“VIP”]priceTaxiVIP! or [priv==“Guest”]priceTaxiGuest! with priceTaxi?) and incompatible order (sequence reqTaxi!, user! and login! with respect to login? and getTaxi?). Furthermore, our process can control dynamic ˜ corresponding context changes. We assume the dynamic context attribute priv to the client privileges is “Guest” when the taxi request is issued. Then, that attribute changes to “VIP” at run-time before the request is received. Our process captures and handles that dynamic context change, and simulates the dynamic update of the environment according to the context changes at run-time [18]. The process carries on the execution by the branch corresponding to “VIP”. Run-Time Monitoring. Then, a service monitoring process (SMP) [18,17] focuses on (l) handling the concurrent execution of (n) the client with the composition of several services on the same user device, using an own composition language and mechanisms based on data semantic matching. Our approach aims at assisting the user in establishing priorities between dependencies detected,


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel (a)

lct1 =reqTaxi!address :string, lõc :Tloc,prĩv:Tpriv

Client-Taxi Request Protocol (CT)


ct 0 lct1 =reqTaxi! address :string, lõc:Tloc, ct1 prĩv:Tpriv lct 2=user! usr:string ct2 lct3 =password ! pwd:string ct3


lct 2=user!usr:string CT:USER? USR

lct3=password!pwd:string CT:PASSWORD? PWD

lct4 =priceTaxi ?price:float ct4

lct4=priceTaxi? price:float CT:PRICETAXI! PRI












1:reqTaxi(address:string, loc:Tloc,priv:Tpriv)

value of prĩv is “Guest”





2:user(usr:string) value change of prĩv to “VIP” 3:password(pwd:string)













E’ Ø




6:priceTaxiGuest (Guestprice:float)

7:priceTaxi(PRI) 8:bookTaxi()


5:priceTaxiVip (VIPprice:float)


Taxi Protocol (T) lt1 =login?usr:string, pwd:string

T:GETTAXI! ADR,LOC,PRV lt2=getTaxi?address :string, loc:Tloc,priv :Tpriv T:[PRV==”VIP”] PRICETAXIVIP?PRI

t0 lt1=login? usr:string, pwd:string t 1

lt3 =[priv ==”VIP”] priceTaxiVIP ! VIPprice:float

lt2 =getTaxi? address :string, loc:Tloc,priv :Tpriv

t2 lt4=[priv==”Guest”] priceTaxiGuest ! Guestprice:float

lt3=[priv ==”VIP”] priceTaxiVIP!VIPprice:float t3 T:[PRV==”GUEST”] PRICETAXIGUEST?PRI lt4 =[priv ==”Guest” ] priceTaxiGuest !Guestprice:float

Fig. 6. (a) Synchronised composition and (b) sequence diagram between Client-Taxi request and the Taxi service interface by means of the corresponding Adaptor

avoiding the occurrence of deadlock situations. In addition, (m) in case a problem occurs during composition, such as a connection loss, our fault-tolerance monitoring process will search on-the-fly for new service interfaces that respond to a specific client’s request (see [17] for further details),


Evaluation and Discussion

In order to evaluate the benefits of our framework, DAMASCo has been validated on several examples. These examples include an on-line computer material store, a travel agency, an on-line booking system (our running example), and a road information system. These scenarios have been implemented in the WF platform by us and executed on an Intel Pentium(R)D CPU 3GHz, 3GB RAM computer, with Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2. This represents an initial stage, checking our whole framework, but the main goal of our approach is to support industrial systems by directly validating pre-existing applications in the real-world. We have evaluated the experimental results in two separate parts: discovery and adaptation processes, and monitoring process. Service discovery (SDP) and adaptation (SAP) processes. We have validated the full discovery process and the adaptation contract generation in

DAMASCo: A Framework for the Composition of CBAs and SOAs


two case studies: an on-line booking system, and a road information system. For each case study, we have executed a client’s request, and we have also studied three different versions for each, which are organised according to increasing size and complexity with respect to the number of interfaces involved, as well as the overall size of protocols as a total number of states and transitions. Table 1 shows the experimental results (CPU load and execution time) corresponding to different versions of both case studies. Scenario Size Parameter (Version) Interfaces States Transitions CPU(%) Time(s) obs-v04 4 22 26 11,1 0,110 obs-v005 25 128 160 16,2 0,688 obs-v07 67 352 440 34,1 1,719 ris-v05 5 27 33 13,8 0,249 ris-v06 44 264 302 20,7 0,954 ris-v07 103 650 780 47,6 2,437 Table 1. Experimental results of the discovery and adaptation processes

Figure 7 shows the scalability of our discovery and adaptation processes for different versions of both case studies with respect to the number of transitions. We could also study the scalability w.r.t. the number of interfaces or states, with similar results. One can observe when we increase the number of transitions the growth is linear, so complexity of service composition does not affect severely. 3 2,5

Time (s)

2 1,5 OBS 1 RIS 0,5 0 0







Fig. 7. Scalability of the discovery and adaptation processes for both case studies

We have also evaluated the accuracy of our discovery process with precision, recall and F1 measures [29] for different requests on the scenarios presented in Table 1. Precision is a measure of exactness, whereas recall is a measure of completeness, and F1 is the harmonic mean of precision and recall that combines both, and the values range for these three measures is between 0 and 1. For all requests that we performed, the results of precision and recall were equal 1, which shows our discovery process has 100% precision and recall, and the score F1 is always 1. These results prove the importance of the context-awareness, semantic matching and protocol compatibility mechanisms used in our process in order to discover services and generate a whole adaptation contract. In addition, we have validated the CA-STS interfaces corresponding to both case studies against a set of properties, by using our OBDD representation. The verification of those properties required less than 2 seconds for all the CA-STSs of each case study.


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel

Service monitoring process (SMP). We have evaluated the composition language that allows the execution and management of concurrent interactions at the same time, by managing data dependencies to avoid inconsistent or deadlock situations. In order to evaluate this process, we have conducted a small experimental study with the assistance of twelve volunteers. This study helped us to determine how our approach behaves in terms of evaluating the benefits to find out data dependencies in concurrent executions and to handle those dependencies in terms of effort required, efficiency and accuracy of the dependencies detected. Users performed tests either in a manual or in an interactive (using the tool) way. In order to perform the tests, we provided them with a graphical representation of the interfaces and a specific domain ontology to be used in the concurrent interaction, for a specific scenario of each problem. Each user solved different problems using different specifications (manual or interactive) to prevent previous user knowledge of a particular case study. Table 2 shows the scenarios of each case study used for our study. The scenarios are organised according to increasing size and complexity with respect to the number of interfaces (Client and Serv.) involved and the ontology, as well as the overall size of client protocols (Client Prot.) as a total number of states (Sta.) and transitions (Tran.). Tests considered all the client protocols interacting concurrently. The table also includes the comparison of experimental results using both manual and interactive specification of data dependencies and their corresponding execution priorities. We consider as parameters the time required to solve the problem (in seconds), the number of label dependencies detected (Depend.), and the number of errors in the specified data dependency set. Size Parameter Interfaces Client Prot. Time(s) Depend. Errors Client Serv. Sta. Tran. M I M I M I pc-v02 2 2 10 8 61,80 19,14 1 3 2 0 obs-v04 2 3 16 15 51,60 3,17 1 1 0 0 ris-v05 3 3 16 18 113,62 16,51 5 4 3 0 tra-v02 3 5 36 36 271,84 62,38 12 12 4 0 Table 2. Experimental results for the Manual (M) and Interactive (I) specifications Example

There is a remarkable difference in the amount of time required to solve the different scenarios between manual and interactive specification. We measure as errors the number of wrong, unnecessary or non-detected label dependencies. Our tool always detects all the data dependencies and it uses semantic matching to determine those dependencies, so this is a clear advantage, which increases with the complexity of the problem, compared to the manual specification. Thus, the time elapsed for detecting dependencies by using our tool experiences a linear growth with the size of the scenario. Therefore, scalability, efficiency and accuracy of our tool are satisfactory, and for instance, in the worst case (tra-v02) the time required is roughly 1 minute, which is a reasonable amount of time. In Figures 8 can be observed graphically the experimental results of efficiency and accuracy of the handling data-based composition for several examples. In

DAMASCo: A Framework for the Composition of CBAs and SOAs


order to measure the efficiency and accuracy, we consider the required time and number of errors (for both manual and interactive specifications), respectively. 300




150 Manual 100


Time (s)


3 Manual



Interactive 1

50 0

0 pc-v02










Fig. 8. Efficiency and accuracy of the monitoring process for several examples


Related Work

This section compares DAMASCo to related works to show the need of our framework, which ovecomes certain gaps in discovery, adaptation and monitoring. Discovery. Service discovery is one of the major challenges in services computing, thus many attempts are currently being studied. Several works address service discovery focused on context-awareness and/or semantic-based composition [8,9,29]. Other approaches tackle protocol compatibility [25,26,30,44]. In [40], service discovery bases on structural and behavioural service models, as well as contextual information, but nothing about semantic description. Therefore, there do not exist methods to automatically and directly detect all the mismatch situations related to the four interoperability levels as is addressed in DAMASCo. Adaptation based on Model Transformation. Deriving adaptors is a complicated task. Many approaches tackle model-based adaptation at signature and behavioural levels, although only some of them are related with existing programming languages and platforms, using CORBA [5], COM/DCOM [28], BPEL [10], and SCA components [36]. In [32], the authors present an approach that supports behaviour analysis of component composition according to a software architecture. In comparison to the aforementioned works, DAMASCo focuses on modelling the behavioural composition, not only preventing mismatch problems, but also taking into account context changes and semantic matching in order to control states of inconsistence and to relate automatically message names even when their signatures do not match. In addition, our model transformation becomes general enough to be applied in different languages or platforms in addition to BPEL or WF. Monitoring. Recent approaches have been dedicated to the run-time service interaction to compose and adapt their execution. There exists monitoring approaches [4,39], which define rules, specification languages, temporal logic or event calculus for expressing and verifying functional and non-functional properties. However, to the best of our knowledge, only recent approaches [6,35,45] have tackled monitoring by handling run-time concurrent interactions of service protocols through data dependency analysis. Compared to these works, DAMASCo does not only detect data dependencies, addressing both direction and


J. Cubo and E. Pimentel

order (priorities), but also allows context-aware protocol concurrent executions at run-time by using a composition language and semantic matching techniques.


Concluding Remarks

We have illustrated the need to support the modelling, discovery and variability of the adaptation process according to the dynamic aspects of componentbased and service-oriented architectures in context-aware mobile and pervasive systems. Recent research approaches have tackled independently the discovery, composition, adaptation or monitoring processes. DAMASCo framework has been presented as a novel solution which combines efforts to address all those issues through model transformations of real-world applications. This paper presents the DAMASCo architecture. We have validated our framework on several examples, and we have shown it is scalable, efficient and accurate. We are currently extending our framework to open systems by tackling dynamic reconfiguration of services (second type of faults presented in Section 2.1), by handling the addition and elimination of both services and requirements. As regards future work, we plan to address other non-functional requirements at the service level, such as temporal requirements or security, in addition to context information, as well as more semantic capabilities of the service interfaces considering the full power of the Web Semantic technologies, which includes automated Web Service discovery, execution, composition and interoperation.

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