Damon & Pythias - Drama Script for People or ... - Smashwords

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Damon & Pythias - Drama Script for People or Puppets by Owen Shelley. Published by Shelley and Son at Smashwords. Copyright 2012 Owen Shelley.
Damon & Pythias - Drama Script for People or Puppets by Owen Shelley Published by Shelley and Son at Smashwords Copyright 2012 Owen Shelley Discover other titles by Shelley and Son at Smashwords.com or visit our website: https://sites.google.com/site/shelleyandson/Home This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

DAMON & PYTHIAS SCENE 1: INTERIOR. Damon and Pythias onstage

SFX: Knocking. DAMON: See who that is would you Pythias? (Pythias crosses stage. Soldier enters) SOLDIER: Which of you gentlemen is named Pythias? PYTHIAS: I am! SOLDIER: I have an order for your arrest for treason against the King of Greece. PYTHIAS: Treason! Whatever do you mean? I'm innocent of this charge. SOLDIER: That is not for me to judge. Would you please come with me? DAMON: Don't be afraid, Pythias. I'm sure there's some mistake. I will speak to the King on your behalf. PYTHIAS: You aren't likely to move him I’m afraid. You know how hard he can be once he has made up his mind. DAMON: Never fear. I'll do my best. SOLDIER: Enough of this chatter. Come along! (Pythias and Soldier exit) DAMON: Poor Pythias. Things don't look too good. I must see what I can do. (Exits) CURTAIN

SCENE 2: PALACE. King on stage

KING: Servant! SERVANT: Yes, Your Majesty. KING: You may send Damon in to see me now. SERVANT: Yes, Your Majesty. (Exits) (Damon enters) KING: Now Damon. I understand you wish to see me concerning your friend Pythias. DAMON: That is correct, Your Majesty. KING: You realize that I have already ordered him to be executed for treason against the Crown. DAMON: Is there nothing I can do to persuade you to change your mind? KING: Nothing. I am convinced that Pythias is guilty. DAMON: Then may I plead that you delay his execution for a month so that he can travel to his home to take leave from his aging parents? KING: Ha! What kind of a fool do you take me for? If I let him go he is unlikely to come back. DAMON: If you will let Pythias go, I will stay in prison in his place until he returns. If he does not come back, I will die in his place. KING: Very well. Pythias may take a month. In thirty days time you will die if he fails to return. (They exit) CURTAIN

SCENE 3: PALACE. Soldier & Damon enter

SOLDIER: The King has sent for you. It seems your friend has let you down. DAMON: I am still confident that he will return. SOLDIER: Aha! But will he return on time. Now then, stand up straight. Here comes the King. KING: (Entering) Well Damon. It would seem that your friend Pythias has failed you. This is the thirtieth day since he left and there has been no sign of him returning. What do you say to that? DAMON: Only that I am willing to die in his place if I must. KING: Noble to the end I see. Well I wouldn't want to disappoint you. Soldier, you may prepare for Damon's execution. SOLDIER: Yes, Your Majesty. (He exits) SERVANT: (Entering) Excuse me, Sire, but I had to interrupt. Pythias is here. KING: Pythias! Here! I certainly didn't expect that. You may show him in. (Servant exits) KING: Well Damon. It would appear that I was wrong. PYTHIAS: (Entering) Damon I Forgive me my friend. Our ship was blown off course and wrecked. I have been terrified that I might come too late. KING: Pythias, why have you come back to die when you could have been free. PYTHIAS: I told you I would return. Would you have me desert my friend and be the cause of his death? KING: Pythias, such friendship is worth more than all the world. Go! I grant you both your freedom! CURTAIN